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根据孢粉化石恢复的古气候, 济阳坳陷古近系沙河街组沉积时期为亚热带气候, 沙河街组四段上亚段、三段下亚段和沙河街组一段沉积时期, 气候处于由干旱向潮湿转换时期, 藻类勃发, 水体仍具一定盐度, 是最有利于页岩发育的气候。济阳坳陷沙四上和沙三下页岩中有机质丰度高, 有机质类型以腐泥型为主, 孢粉化石相对贫乏, 孢粉相对密度与有机碳有呈负相关的趋势。区域上, 目前钻探页岩厚度较大的井都分布在孢粉相对密度低的地区, 且紧邻高值区, 据此可确定页岩发育有利区域应该在孢粉相对密度较高的两侧、前方至深湖区。  相似文献   

系统岩心观察和高密度薄片鉴定等分析测试资料研究结果显示,济阳坳陷沙三下-沙四上泥页岩成分组成及构造类型主要受沉积作用控制,岩石结构特征主要受成岩作用控制。根据泥页岩中方解石成因及重结晶程度,结合岩石成分及构造特征,将济阳坳陷沙三下-沙四上泥页岩划分为沉积主控型、沉积-成岩双控型及成岩主控型三大成因相。沉积主控型分布最为广泛,岩相类型多样,构造特征反映成因环境;沉积-成岩双控型主要见于纹层状岩相,由泥质纹层与显晶粒状方解石纹层互层构成;成岩主控型以柱状、柱纤状方解石垂直层面呈脉状、透镜状产出为特征。成岩主控型和沉积-成岩双控型泥页岩与页岩油气关系密切,是重要的有利成因相类型。  相似文献   

斜直带油气藏特征与勘探方法:以济阳坳陷为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以济阳地坳陷为例,概要论述了 断陷的结构特征,把斜坡眼为宽缓型,窄陡型,双元型三种类型,研究了不同类型斜坡带油气藏类型,油气控制因素及分布规律,指出在宽缓斜坡带主要以形成第三系构造-岩性油藏,下第三系岩性油气藏,地层超不整合油藏,构造-地层油气藏及前第三系的地层蚀不整合油藏为特征;  相似文献   

济阳坳陷古近系黑色页岩中纹层状方解石脉的成因探讨   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
在济阳坳陷3000m以下的古近系中,可见含纹层状方解石脉的黑色页岩,往往与钙质纹层页岩、油页岩、钙质页岩相伴生或薄互层出现。镜下研究表明,这些纹层状方解石脉干净、明亮,晶粒垂直纹层生长,具有明显的近距离经溶解再重结晶的特征,而且与有机质的含量密切相关,页岩中并无石膏的发育和残留。在岩石地球化学上,较相邻的其他页岩,Mg/Ca、Mn/Ca值明显降低,而Sr/Ca值则明显升高,同时碳酸盐的δ18O明显降低,δ13C小幅上升或波动。这些证据表明黑色页岩中的纹层状方解石脉是钙质纹层页岩或富碳酸盐油页岩在晚成岩期随有机质的热演化经溶解和再沉淀作用的产物,并随孔隙水的排出伴有碳酸盐的流失。  相似文献   

钻探显示渤海湾盆地济阳坳陷古近系沙河街地层具有良好的页岩油资源潜力,成熟页岩厚度超过1 000 m,其有机质热演化特征备受关注。通过对研究区5口页岩油钻井岩石热解地化参数详细统计和对烃源岩原始有机碳、可转换碳、页岩含油量以及生烃潜力等页岩有机质特征的分析,探讨了页岩镜质体反射率动力学应用范畴。沙河街组(沙三段下亚段和沙四段上亚段)页岩最大热解温度(Tmax)为423~450 ℃,有机质成熟度(Ro)为0.45%~0.94%,平均为0.73%,Ⅱ型烃源岩原始有机碳(TOCo)含量为0.92%~5.67%,平均为4.23%,可转换碳(Cc)比例为51%~63%,平均为59%,页岩含油量(S1)为(10~75)×104 t/km2,平均为39.67×104 t/km2,生烃潜力(S2)为(20~465)×104 t/km2,平均为293×104 t/km2,热解产量指数(PI)为0.03~0.47。综合研究认为,济阳坳陷沙河街组优质烃源岩主要集中在东营凹陷和沾化凹陷,有机质成熟度对页岩油的生成和聚集至关重要,当Ro为0.70%~0.74%时,油气开始大量生成,并且开始排烃。  相似文献   

苑坤 《地质与勘探》2017,53(1):179-186
本文研究桂中坳陷西北部中泥盆统页岩氧化还原条件和古沉积环境。利用该区典型页岩气调查井(桂页1井)岩心,通过X射线荧光光谱分析(XRF)和电感耦合等离子体质谱分析(ICPMS),对中泥盆统岩心(320.35m~938.5m)以1.5m采样间隔进行了微量元素测试。结果显示,纳标组地层V/(V+Ni)、V/Cr和Ni/Co平均值分别大于0.67、4.65和7.71,且富集竹节石、菊石等生物组合,指示其沉积时期海平面相对上升,处于有利于有机质保存的深水陆棚环境;罗富组和塘丁组V/(V+Ni)、V/Cr和Ni/Co分别为0.38~0.65、0.73~4.10和3.70~6.72,指示沉积阶段海平面相对下降,水体变浅,沉积环境为弱氧化的浅水陆棚环境;同时,有机碳含量(TOC)的变化与Ba元素的富集程度相关性较高,表明缺氧环境有利于机质的富集和保存;此外,通过微量元素指标判别,认为桂中坳陷西北部中泥盆统沉积时期,自下而上经历了海平面的相对上升到相对下降的沉积旋回,纳标组时期相对海平面上升至最高,沉积了厚度稳定且有机质含量高的富有机质页岩,可作为本区有利的勘探目标层段。  相似文献   

该文以济阳坳陷为例论述了陆相盆地沉积学研究及油气勘探的历程,探讨了沉积学研究与油气勘探的密切关系。礁灰岩的发现及粒悄碳酸盐岩分布规律的预测、河流相分布模式的识别、湖相侧向加积理论的深化、深湖浊积岩系列的建立以及箕状凹陷陡坡砂砾岩体的精细研究,都极大地扩大了油气勘探的领域,奠定了寻找大、中型油气田的理论基础,丰富了复式油气区勘探理论。  相似文献   

断裂体系中的调节带:以济阳坳陷为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
调节构造研究是当前构造描述的一个新方向。笔者引入“调节构造”的概念和原理探讨了济阳陷断裂体系中的调节构造,并鉴别出6种具体样式:①调节(半)背斜,即断面相向断层对叠复域的构造样式为背斜;②调节地垒,指断面背向的断层对叠复域为一相对上升的断块;③走向斜坡,为位于断面同向的断层对叠复区较为简单的构造斜坡带,斜坡倾向与断层走向一致;④成对对向接近型交叉断阶,是为断层间彼此不重叠,其间应力传递以交叉状断层  相似文献   

王迪  吴智平  杨林龙  王喜冬 《地质科学》2023,58(4):1226-1241



利用岩石薄片和扫描电镜分析等测试技术, 可以将济阳坳陷罗家地区古近系沙河街组页岩段储集空间分为孔隙和裂缝两大类。孔隙又可以分为黏土矿物晶间孔、碳酸盐矿物晶间孔、黄铁矿晶间微孔、碎屑颗粒溶孔和砂质粒间微孔5个亚类;裂缝分为成岩裂缝和构造裂缝两大类, 成岩裂缝又可以分为层间裂缝和粒缘裂缝两类。裂缝与基质孔隙之间, 存在一个微米尺度的重合带, 反映了储集空间发育继承性的特点, 油气聚集在以层间裂缝为中心, 粒缘裂缝等次级裂缝和较大的碳酸盐晶间孔为骨架, 以各类晶间孔隙、黏土微孔和溶蚀孔隙为基质的储集空间网络中。储集空间发育与岩性关系密切, 纹层状泥质灰岩物性较好, 相应的页岩物性具有基质渗透率极低和裂缝导流能力较强的特点。  相似文献   

<正>页岩油气是目前国内外的当采能源,受到了广泛的关注。我国页岩油气勘探开发起步较晚,但发展迅速。济阳坳陷古近系沙河街组页岩油气资源丰富,目前是国内单井产量最高,总产量最大的页岩油气勘探开发基地。但还有一些基础地质问题尚不清楚,给勘探开发带来了一定的困难。近期的研究发现,济阳坳陷古近系沙河街组页岩油储层发育良好的藻纹层(钙质纹层或亮晶纹层)和藻生物层,是页岩油气良好的储集层。  相似文献   

The well-developed continental shale sequences in the Western Sichuan Depression are characterised by extremely low porosity and permeability, complex lithologies and strong lateral facies changes. The overall lack of proper characterisation of the shale properties has restricted gas exploration and development in the region. In this study, shales from the fifth member of the Xujiahe Formation of the Upper Triassic (T3x5) are comprehensively characterised in terms of their organic geochemistry, mineral composition, microscopic pore structure and gas content. In addition, the influence of various geological factors on the adsorbed gas content is investigated. We proposed a new model for predicting the adsorption gas content of continental shale. The T3x5 shale sequence is found to be rich in organic matter but with variable mineral compositions, pore types and reservoir physical properties. The porosity and permeability of shales are better than those of siltstones and fine sandstones interbedded with the shale under an overall densification background. Mesopores (2–50 nm) are common in the shale sequence, followed by micropores and then macropores. The gas-adsorption capacity of organic-rich shales increases with increasing TOC and clay-mineral contents, maturity and pressure, but decreases with increasing quartz content, carbonate minerals and temperature. The gas-adsorption capacity can thus be expressed as a function of organic matter, clay-mineral content, temperature and pressure. The calculated results are in good agreement with the experiment results and indicate that adsorption gas in the studied shales accounts for 78.9% of the total gas content.  相似文献   

This study discussed the division of matrix- and fracture-type shale oils in the Jiyang Depression, and proposed the concept of fracture development coefficient. The fracture development coefficient is defined as the ratio of fault throw to the distance between a shale oil well and the nearest fault. Based on CO2 content, state of water, oil production and logging response of shale oil formations, the classification of shale oils was established, i.e., a fracture-type shale oil well has a fracture development coefficient greater than 0.2, while a matrix-type one has a fracture development coefficient less than 0.2. Furthermore, the key control factors of matrix- and fracture-type shale oil enrichment were analyzed using typical anatomical and statistical methods. For matrix-type shale oil enrichment, these factors are lithofacies, total organic carbon (TOC), shale porosity and abnormal pressure; for fracture-type shale oil enrichment, they are lithofacies, extent of fracture development, and abnormal pressure. This study also first described the differences between matrix- and fracture-type shale oils. The results provide reference for the exploration of terrestrial faulted basins in eastern China.  相似文献   

济阳坳陷古生界潜山在经历了残丘山勘探阶段、多样性潜山勘探阶段之后,位于正向构造单元之间的中低位序复杂隐蔽潜山成为勘探主要方向.桩海地区东部紧邻郯庐断裂带,郯庐断裂带的多期构造运动对其产生深刻影响,古生界潜山构造样式非常复杂,并且由于埋藏深,前期地震资料精度低,构造特征认识不清,制约了勘探进展.该研究针对济阳坳陷桩海地区...  相似文献   

The Chang 7 Member of the Yan-Chang Formation (Yan-Chang #7 Member), which is located in the central south of the Ordos Basin (China), is assessed for its potential as a shale gas resource. The characteristics and spatial variability of mineral components in this continental shale formation play a crucial role in evaluating and characterising the shale reservoirs. We collected 64 shale core samples from 30 representative sampling sites located in the central south of the Ordos Basin using X-ray diffraction and field emission scanning electron microscopy to study the mineral compositions, vertical/planar variations of minerals, and the major controlling factors that result in such variations. Based on the relative fractions of the dominant minerals, the shale rocks can be classified into four categories: quartz-rich (type #1), illite/chlorite-rich (type #2), illite–smectite mixed-layer-rich (type #3) and feldspar-rich (type #4). In general, type #1 is mainly located in the northwest of the study area, type #4 is mainly located in the south of the study area, and types #2 and #3 are sandwiched between types #1 and #4. In the centre of the basin, the illite content increases with burial depth and the conversion from smectite to illite, which is experimentally confirmed in this study, enhances the surface porosity of shale. The major factors influencing the properties and spatial variability of the mineral components include sedimentary environment, provenance and diagenesis. Compared with marine shales in China (e.g. Longmaxi marine shales), the Yan-Chang #7 Member continental shale has a higher clay content, but lower calcite, dolomite and pyrite contents. The brittleness indexes of type #1 shale in Wuqi and its surrounding areas are marginally higher than that of Longmaxi marine shales, which makes the type #1 shale in the Wuqi and its surrounding areas slightly easier to fracture than the Longmaxi marine shales.  相似文献   

中国陆相页岩油地质特征与勘探实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆相页岩油作为我国油气增储上产的重要接替领域日益受到广泛关注.本文系统阐述了我国陆相页岩油地质特征、理论与技术研究进展,并对陆相页岩油的发展前景进行了展望:①中国陆相页岩与北美海相页岩相比,具有非均质性强、累计厚度大、分布面积小、热演化程度相对较低、有机质类型多样的特点;②中国陆相湖盆主要有断陷和坳陷两类盆地,页岩沉积...  相似文献   

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