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ABSTRACT. Declining populations, aging inhabitants and infrastructure, limited economic opportunities, and under‐ or unappreciated natural environments characterize a number of rural communities in the western United States. Faced with the challenges of providing for their residents, some of these communities have chosen to permit undesirable land‐use activities, including the disposal of hazardous or nuclear waste. Central to the development of such sites is how a place is perceived and portrayed. Our purpose in this article is to examine how a dominant perception and portrayal of one such place—Tooele County, Utah—was created and used to facilitate the development of hazardous‐waste‐disposal sites. We use the geographical concept of “place” to illustrate how meanings and values are attached to a region in order to justify its becoming what it is and how such views persist.  相似文献   

党艺  余建辉  张文忠 《地理研究》2020,39(8):1769-1781
近年来,随着城市扩张,垃圾处理设施的布局逐步和城市居住空间相交叠,影响居民生活品质。目前人们对于北京市垃圾处理设施“围城”问题的认知多来自新闻媒体的宣传报道,存在一定的认知误差。以北京市六环内及周边街道为研究范围,分析垃圾处理及转运设施对房价的影响程度,以及垃圾处理设施对周边住宅价格影响的空间范围,在此基础上分析北京市最大的垃圾处理中心——阿苏卫对周边房价的影响范围。结果表明:① 北京市大型垃圾处理设施对周边房价影响的空间作用范围平均为6 km左右,这一距离远超市政建设要求的大型垃圾处理设施与居住区距离500 m的邻避标准。以此空间距离为基准测算,北京有800多个社区、约70万户居民处于大型垃圾处理设施的影响范围内。② 案例研究显示,阿苏卫垃圾处理中心对周边房价的影响范围接近14 km,远大于垃圾处理设施的平均空间作用距离。由于阿苏卫周边分布着回龙观、天通苑等大型居住区,受该设施影响的居民多达几十万人。  相似文献   

Current inventories of hazardous waste sites seldom include older, unreported sites, thereby creating a serious shortcoming in attempts to assess risks posed by one type of technological hazard. Based upon a review of urban morphogenesis, hazardous material use in industry, and past waste management practices, this paper presents a model of historical hazards accumulations. Reviews of past industrial waste disposal practices in three Illinois urban settings illustrate the model's effectiveness.  相似文献   

吕承超  邵长花 《地理科学》2021,41(5):768-776
基于2003-2017年中国30个省份的数据,探究城市生活垃圾处理能力的时空格局,并构建动态面板数据模型实证检验中国城市生活垃圾处理能力的影响因素.研究结果表明,考察期内城市生活垃圾处理能力存在空间发展不平衡问题;进一步利用Dagum基尼系数测算城市生活垃圾处理能力的空间差距并将其进行分解,其中,东部地区的地区内差距最...  相似文献   

The advantages of centralized environmental policy-making are widely assumed, but a corrective may be overdue. Central government environmental policy limits local policy options in at least three ways: (1) through federal pre-emption imposing solutions on local government; (2) through federal mandating of policy for implementation by subnational government; or (3) through federal disincentives to local adoption of innovative solutions. These constraints are illustrated by policy controlling the disposal of high-level radioactive waste, hazardous waste, and solid waste, respectively. The constraining effect of central environmental policy is felt regardless of whether the formal structure of environmental rule-making and implementation is centralized or decentralized. The analysis suggests the need for greater flexibility and coordination in the geographic structuring of environmental policy-making.  相似文献   


The transport phase is an often neglected element in the risk assessment of non-nuclear hazardous waste life cycles. Data on special and hazardous waste movements are difficult to acquire, but information collected by the London Waste Regulation Authority during the 1980s gives details of waste consignments from cradle to grave, including U.K. grid references for waste producer and disposal sites. A GIS was used to model the routing of aqueous waste cargoes and assess the potential impacts of such movements. Deficiencies in the consignment records required many assumptions to be made and various scenarios were explored. Roads predicted to see passage of these wastes, together with the estimated levels of tanker traffic, were integrated with the distribution of population, groundwater vulnerability and accident probabilities to evaluate the transportation risks for different localities. Comparisons and evaluations of the implications of different routing scenarios across the study region were made.  相似文献   

Singapore is alleged to be a key node in global flows of e‐waste prohibited under the Basel Convention. We combine a close reading of the Convention and related documents with findings from nonparticipant observation of and interviews with Singapore‐based traders of discarded electronics. The case offers both important conceptual and empirical findings for future studies of territory in market‐making activity. Conceptually, our research suggests that it may be analytically useful in such studies to conceptualize territory without presupposing that it is generated as a result of separate domains or logics such as ‘the political’ or ‘the economic’. Empirically, we find that the regulatory framework of the Convention, combined with the action of traders based in Singapore, generates a territorialization of the city‐state such that it operates as a crack in the regulatory edifice of the Convention, even as Singapore lawfully fulfils its obligations to it. Moreover, allegations premised on the role of Singapore as a facilitator of global e‐waste dumping misrepresent its crucial role as a conduit of electronic equipment for the significant reuse markets elsewhere in Southeast Asia and beyond. The case indicates that the allegations against Singapore hinge on the city‐state being territorialized as a ‘developing country’.  相似文献   

近年来,随着中国大城市的快速发展,城市内部的大型垃圾处理设施与居住空间相交叠,影响居民生活品质.论文以北京市最大的垃圾处理中心——阿苏卫为研究对象,基于2019年8-10月获取的问卷数据,构建表征居民污染感知与污染源的空间距离、居民属性和居民主观认知3类因素关系的多层线性模型,以探索大城市邻避设施周边居民污染感知的影响...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Place imagery in printed news is a vital but overlooked feature of the public debate regarding the disposal of the nation's nuclear waste in the proposed Yucca Mountain repository northwest of Las Vegas, Nevada. A content analysis of newspaper coverage reveals that participants use Great Basin imagery in the rhetorical strategies involved in making arguments for and against the site. This article identifies specific elements in the news‐production process that privilege certain conceptualizations of the Great Basin over others, and it highlights alternative visions that have appeared in editorials, travel pieces, and commentaries. Taken together, the data and analysis suggest that journalistic sensitivity to value‐laden imagery can result in more balanced and critical news accounts of public debate.  相似文献   

Illegal disposal of waste is a significant management issue for contemporary governments because of the hazards posed to both human and ecosystem health. Understanding the complex distribution pattern of illegal waste and the range of economic, environmental and social factors influencing this distribution is valuable for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of waste management efforts. This article examines the applicability of mapping illegal waste disposal in the Sunshine Coast (Queensland, Australia) through the identification and integration of predictive spatial data in a geographic information system. A statistical model of illegal waste disposal was developed using a binary logistic regression analysis to identify explanatory variables suitable for predicting the distribution of illegal waste. Five statistically significant explanatory variables were identified through this analysis: population density, primary land use, distance to the nearest road, waste facility and roadside amenity. The generated statistical model had a predictive success of 86.1% with all indicators suggesting good model fit (χ2 = 474.3, P = 0 with df = 22) across the study area. Standardised spatial data on each explanatory variable were combined using a weighted linear combination analysis and the results were classified into five categories from very low to very high illegal waste disposal potentials using the equal interval method. The resultant mapping identified 6.9% of the study area as having very high illegal waste disposal potential, and subsequent validation indicated that 32.9% of known illegal waste disposal sites were located within these areas.  相似文献   

This paper examines historical and spatial trends in hazardous materials transportation spills from 1971 to 1991. While the number of spills Inc.reased steadily during the 1970s, peaking in 1978–1979, there has been a decline in frequency sInc.e then largely due to modifications in reporting. Monetary damages have the opposite temporal pattern, with major Inc.reases recorded from 1982 onward. Death and injury statistics are more variable. Spatially, accidents are more prevalent in the Rust Belt extending from the Northeast corridor westward to the Great Lakes states, as well as in the Southeast. The greatest potential risk to the public is found in smaller, more densely populated industrial states such as New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland. The spatial distribution, however, has not changed. Potential risk sources (e.g., chemical industry, number of hazardous waste facilities, number of railroad miles) are the best predictors of hazmat Inc.ident frequency. Mitigation efforts (statewide regulatory and/or management policies) also help explain the variability in hazmat Inc.idents.  相似文献   

水资源的缺乏使越来越多的城市和城区开始使用中水作为额外的经济合理的供水水源,并为此制定相应政策。然而,不适宜的中水利用政策往往对用水户使用再生水产生不利影响。本研究目的在于评价中水设施建设适宜性并分析不同行业的中水利用适宜情况,为制定或修订中水利用政策提供参考。本研究以北京市为研究区,在中水生产成本影响因素分析基础上,得到了中水设施建设限制因素和中水设施建设适宜条件,并对北京市机关、高校、饭店的用水户进行了适宜性评价。本研究结果表明,运行水量对中水生产成本有决定性影响。有效原水量对应的给水量、有效中水需求量、建筑面积适合作为中水设施建设影响因素,它们的下限可作为中水设施建设适宜条件。本研究通过分析北京市部分机关、高校、饭店用水户的用水情况,得到这些行业的中水设施建设适宜条件,并用于适宜性评价。评价结果表明,大部分机关用水户和大部分一、二星级饭店不适宜建设中水设施,而大部分高校和大部分三星级以上饭店适宜建设中水设施。  相似文献   

The object of this paper is to develop a suitable statistical procedure to evaluate clean-up standards athazardous waste sites.Under the assumptions that contaminant masses at a site follow a gammadistribution and that the data from the pre-remediation baseline sample as well as from the interim orfinal sample taken after a certain period of operation are both distributed as gamma with the same shapeparameter but different scale parameters,we derive a uniformly most powerful unbiased test of thehypothesis that a specified percentage of contaminant mass has been reduced.A large-sampleapproximation of the exact test procedure and a comparison with the likelihood ratio test are provided.  相似文献   

The Sundarban Biosphere Reserve in West Bengal, India, is part of the largest mangrove forest ecosystem in the world. The reserve is a world heritage site and the last refuge for the endangered Bengal tiger at a crucial time when global climate change threatens their existence. The mangrove ecosystem and wildlife conservation have become the priority for the state government of West Bengal. However, in becoming so, the state government imposes restrictions on catching fish in the core and buffer areas of the biosphere reserve, which intensify fishermen's everyday resource‐access struggles in the mangrove forest. This paper examines the conflict between local fishermen and conservation needs, broadening the understanding of human‐environment relationships in the Sundarbans region of India.  相似文献   


This paper examines historical and spatial trends in hazardous materials transportation spills from 1971 to 1991. While the number of spills Inc.reased steadily during the 1970s, peaking in 1978–1979, there has been a decline in frequency sInc.e then largely due to modifications in reporting. Monetary damages have the opposite temporal pattern, with major Inc.reases recorded from 1982 onward. Death and injury statistics are more variable. Spatially, accidents are more prevalent in the Rust Belt extending from the Northeast corridor westward to the Great Lakes states, as well as in the Southeast. The greatest potential risk to the public is found in smaller, more densely populated industrial states such as New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland. The spatial distribution, however, has not changed. Potential risk sources (e.g., chemical industry, number of hazardous waste facilities, number of railroad miles) are the best predictors of hazmat Inc.ident frequency. Mitigation efforts (statewide regulatory and/or management policies) also help explain the variability in hazmat Inc.idents.  相似文献   

The concerns of political ecology since its beginnings as a field have been predominantly set in rural areas with limited focus on urban industrial risks. Further, debates on the global South (often from Anglo‐American perspectives) have not fully appreciated the divergent and differentiated perceptions of urban risks and, therefore, everyday forms of resistance within civil society. Instead, work has mainly focused on civil society power relations against the state and industry that are driven by coherent populist political agendas. Against this setting, this paper's contribution aims to better contextualize ‘other’ third world localities in political ecology through a case study of urban industrial risks in the upper/middle income (as opposed to rural, low/lower middle income) country, South Africa. In doing so, the paper sheds light on the derelict aspect of civil society contestation, especially along class and ethnic lines, over urban landfill infrastructure as a livelihood resource or a health hazard. The paper draws upon frameworks of self‐reflexivity and reflexive localism as complementary to the mainstream political ecology to illuminate differentiated civil society reflexiveness and therefore, aims to advance the discussion of other political ecologies. The case study of the largest formal landfill site in Africa, the Bisasar landfill situated in Durban, highlights differences underlying power relations and constraints within civil society (in leadership, social networking, resources and mistrust) that have implications for mainstream political ecology notions of civil society coherence.  相似文献   

章锦河  李曼  陈静  周晶  王楠楠 《地理学报》2012,67(11):1537-1546
旅游废弃物的资源消耗性与环境吸纳性, 是其产生环境与生态影响的根本原因。文章以黄山风景区为例, 利用1979-2010 年的固态、液态、气态3 类6 种旅游废弃物的排放量指标的时间序列数据, 进行旅游废弃物的环境库兹涅茨曲线拟合检验及其效应分析。结果表明:(1) 固态与液态旅游废弃物的排放量与旅游发展之间具有环境库兹涅茨倒U型曲线关系, 而气态废弃物则不具有。(2) 固体废弃物排放量的倒U型曲线的转折点为4596.01 t, 液态的污水与粪便的转折点分别为731491.46 t, 15866.43 t, 转折点时间在2015 年。(3) 科技应用对改善景区空气质量的作用较大, 万元旅游收入的能耗每下降1%, SO2、NO2、PM10 值分别下降3.38%、4.25%、0.78%;环保规制对景区水体的质量控制作用明显, 污水达标排放率每提高1%, 地表水的COD值下降3.41%。(4) 旅游废弃物的排放不一定必然造成风景区环境质量的下降, 调整产业结构、加大科技应用与强化环保规制, 是控制旅游废弃物环境污染与生态影响的关键手段。  相似文献   

垃圾焚烧能够实现物质的空间转化、数量转化与能量转化,是日本垃圾处理的主要趋势。但焚烧过程也会产生二恶英、灰渣等废弃物,引起民众的不安。如何在垃圾焚烧场所区位选择中兼顾政府与民众利益是一项涉及到政府公共选择的重要事务。在具体区位选择中,日本政府制定选址原则及标准,加强规划研究,推进民主决策,探索出一条垃圾焚烧场所区位选择的成功道路,其经验值得我国借鉴。  相似文献   

生活垃圾收运处置规划是城市环卫规划与管理的重要内容,本文在剖析传统生活垃圾收运处置规划模式的基础上,从政策机制、规划设计、技术管理、实际操作4个维度探讨了上海中心城区生活垃圾收运处置规划的多维度分析方法,并以普陀区为例进行了实证研究。研究结果表明,多维度分析方法有助于将循环经济思想融入生活垃圾收运处置各个环节,促进其流程和步骤的有效衔接,在上海中心城区具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Since the period of bank deregulation in the 1980s, deferred deposit loan operations, better known as payday lenders, have become commonplace in the landscapes of many American cities. At the same time, traditional banking facilities have become less common, especially in the inner city. Growing disparities in the type of and accessibility to credit in the inner city has generated calls for greater regulation to curb practices by payday lenders that critics claim disproportionately affect poor and minority consumers. Payday lenders argue that they serve communities neglected by traditional banks. This article analyzes the site‐location strategies of banks and payday lenders in metropolitan Louisiana, and in Cook County, Illinois, and finds that disenfranchised neighborhoods are simultaneously targeted by payday lenders and neglected by traditional banks. The implications these findings have for public policy and for ongoing discourses on the urban condition, race, and class are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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