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Abstract By mineral and bulk compositions, the Lewis Cliff (LEW) 88516 meteorite is quite similar to the ALHA77005 martian meteorite. These two meteorites are not paired because their mineral compositions are distinct, they were found 500 km apart in ice fields with different sources for meteorites, and their terrestrial residence ages are different. Minerals in LEW88516 include: olivine, pyroxenes (low- and high-Ca), and maskelynite (after plagioclase); and the minor minerals chromite, whitlockite, ilmenite, and pyrrhotite. Mineral grains in LEW88516 range up to a few mm. Texturally, the meteorite is complex, with regions of olivine and chromite poikilitically enclosed in pyroxene, regions of interstitial basaltic texture, and glass-rich (shock) veinlets. Olivine compositions range from Fo64 to Fo70, (avg. Fo67), more ferroan and with more variation than in ALHA77005 (Fo69 to Fo73). Pyroxene compositions fall between En77Wo4 and En65Wo15 and in clusters near En63Wo9 and En53Wo33, on average more magnesian and with more variation than in ALHA77005. Shock features in LEW88516 range from weak deformation through complete melting. Bulk chemical analyses by modal recombination of electron microprobe analyses, instrumental neutron activation, and radiochemical neutron activation confirm that LEW88516 is more closely related to ALHA77005 than to other known martian meteorites. Key element abundance ratios are typical of martian meteorites, as is its non-chondritic rare earth pattern. Differences between the chemical compositions of LEW88516 and ALHA77005 are consistent with slight differences in the proportions of their constituent minerals and not from fundamental petrogenetic differences. Noble gas abundances in LEW88516, like those in ALHA77005, show modest excesses of 40Ar and 129Xe from trapped (shock-implanted) gas. As with other ALHA77005 and the shergottite martian meteorites (except EETA79001), noble gas isotope abundances in LEW88516 are consistent with exposure to cosmic rays for 2.5–3 Ma. The absence of substantial effects of shielding from cosmic rays suggest LEW88516 spent this time as an object no larger than a few cm in diameter.  相似文献   

We present Raman patterns of enstatite in different classes of enstatite-rich chondrites and achondrites of various shock levels as previously reported from petrographic observations and X-ray diffraction analyses. Thin sections or mineral separates of four enstatite chondrites (LaPaz Icefield [LAP] 02225, MacAlpine Hills [MAC] 02837, Pecora Escarpment [PCA] 91020, and Itqiy), three aubrites (Larkman Nunatak [LAR] 04316, Khor Temiki, and Allan Hills [ALH] 84008), and a ureilite (Sayh al Uhaymir [SaU] 559) were examined by laser Raman spectroscopy. We find that the frequencies of fundamental Raman peaks of enstatites from the chondrites and aubrites deviate by ≤2 cm−1 from the values for unshocked enstatite. This small difference implies a negligible effect of shock metamorphism on peak positions. Significant differences (<6 cm−1) for peak positions are found for the pyroxenes of SaU 559 and may be attributed to minor substitution of Fe and Ca for Mg. Linear regressions of peak widths of enstatite chondrites against their established shock stages show a strong positive correlation for each mode (r2 > 0.94). From this linear relationship, the 343 and 1014 cm−1 peaks of the aubrites coincide with S4 determined from petrography. For Itqiy, we find S4–5, while the shock levels of SaU 559 exceed the petrologic scheme (S1–6), suggesting that the ureilite might have sustained multiple shock events or have been deformed in a high-pressure environment. Alternatively, for Itqiy (peak 343 cm−1) and SaU 559 (all peaks) enstatites, minor substitutions of Fe and Ca for Mg may have further broadened their peak widths.  相似文献   

Launch of martian meteorites in oblique impacts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A high-velocity oblique impact into the martian surface accelerates solid target material to escape velocity. A fraction of that material eventually falls as meteorites on Earth. For a long time they were called the SNC meteorites (Shergotty, Nakhla, and Chassigny). We study production of potential martian meteorites numerically within the frame of 3D hydrodynamic modeling. The ratio of the volume of escaping solid ejecta to projectile volume depends on the impact angle, impact velocity and the volatile content in the projectile and in the target. The size distribution of ejected fragments appears to be of crucial importance for the atmosphere-ejecta interaction in the case of a relatively small impact (with final crater size <3 km): 10-cm-sized particles are decelerated efficiently, while 30-50% of larger fragments could escape Mars. The results of numerical modeling are compared with shock metamorphic features in martian meteorites, their burial depth, and preatmospheric mass. Although it is impossible to accelerate ejected fragments to escape velocity without substantial compression (above 10 GPa), the maximum temperature increase in dunite (Chassigny) or ortopyroxenite (ALH84001) may be lower than 200 degree. This result is consistent with the observed chaotic magnetization of ALH84001. The probability of microbes' survival may be rather high even for the extreme conditions during the ejection process.  相似文献   

Abstract— Mössbauer spectra of martian meteorites are currently of great interest due to the Mössbauer spectrometers on the Athena mission MER rovers as well as the European Space Agency Mars Express mission, with its Beagle 2 payload. Also, considerable current effort is being made to understand the oxygen fugacity of martian magmas because of the effect of fO2 on mineral chemistry and crystallization processes. For these 2 reasons, the present study was conceived to acquire room temperature Mössbauer spectra of mineral separates and whole rock samples of 10 SNC meteorites. The results suggest that mineral identification using remote application of this technique will be most useful when the phases present have distinctive parameters arising from Fe in very different coordination polyhedra; for example, pyroxene coexisting with olivine can be discriminated easily, but opx versus cpx cannot. The MER goal of using Mössbauer spectroscopy to quantify the relative amounts of individual mineral species present will be difficult to satisfy if silicates are present because the lack of constraints on wt% FeO contents of individual silicate phases present will make modal calculations impossible. The remote Mössbauer spectroscopy will be most advantageous if the rocks analyzed are predominantly oxides with known stoichiometries, though these phases are not present in the SNCs. As for the detection of martian oxygen fugacity, no evidence exists in the SNC samples studied of a relationship between Fe3+ content and fO2 as calculated by independent methods. Possibly, all of the Fe3+ observed in olivine is the result of dehydrogenation rather than oxidation, and this process may also be the source of all the Fe3+ observed in pyroxene. The observed Fe3+ in pyroxene also likely records an equilibrium between pyroxene and melt at such low fO2 that little or no Fe3+ would be expected.  相似文献   

Abstract— In martian meteorite Allan Hills (ALH) 84001, this scanning electron microscope study was focused on the ferromagnesian minerals, which are extensively covered with nanometer‐size bodies mainly 30–100 nm in diameter. These bodies range from spheres to ovoids to caterpillar shapes and resemble, both in size and shape, nannobacteria that attack weathered rocks on Earth and that can be cultured. Dense colonies alternate with clean, smooth cleavage surfaces, possibly formed later. Statistical study shows that the distribution of presumed nannobacteria is very clustered. In addition to the small bodies, there are a few occurrences of ellipsoidal 200–400 nm objects, that are within the lower size range of “normal” earthly bacteria. We conclude that the nanobodies so abundant in ALH 84001 are indeed nannobacteria, confirming the initial assertion of McKay et al. (1996). However, whether these bodies originated on Mars or are Antarctic contamination remains a valid question.  相似文献   

Zagami, a well characterized SNC meteorite, represents a reference sample to verify the feasibility of the non-destructive infrared micro-spectroscopy technique to extract spectral signatures from individual mineral phases in a meteorite sample. For the first time individual infrared spectra of the major mineral phases, in the 6000-600 cm−1 (1.67-16.7 μm) spectral interval, whose identification is confirmed by energy dispersive X-ray analysis and backscattered imaging, are measured. The signatures of the main mineral phases we identified in the Zagami chip are: (1) maskelynite characterized by broad and smooth SiO vibrational bands in the 1000 cm−1 spectral region; (2) crystalline pyroxenes showing well defined fine structures; and (3) an oxide mineral phase with an almost featureless and flat spectrum. In the part of the spectrum centered around 2 μm, by analyzing the different positions of the Fe2+ bands, we were able to discern the high-Ca from the low-Ca pyroxene phases. This result demonstrates that by means of the infrared micro-spectroscopy technique it is possible to retrieve directly the composition of pyroxenes in the En-Fs-Wo system, without relying on the use of deconvolution techniques. In addition IR signatures due to water and aliphatic hydrocarbons were observed to be more abundant in the pyroxenes than in maskelynite. This could be an indication that the organic and water signatures are due to indigenous compounds in Zagami rather than laboratory contamination, however, further investigations are necessary before this conclusion can be confirmed.  相似文献   

Abstract— Zagami and Nakhla are achondrites and belong to the Shergotty-Nakhla-Chassigny (SNC) meteorite group. It is generally accepted that Mars is their parent body. Mineralogical and chemical analyses have revealed that the major mineral phases of these two meteorites are pyroxene, olivine, maskelynite, and plagioclase. In this work, near-infrared biconical reflectance measurements were performed on sawed surfaces of chips from Zagami and Nakhla. Spectra obtained with an analytical spot diameter on the order of the mineral grain size reflect the heterogeneous distribution of different mineral phases. The characteristic absorption bands of the pyroxenes are numerically evaluated in terms of the modified Gaussian model. Spectra with overlapping absorption features are resolved into the basic absorption bands. From these results, it can be estimated what kind of clinopyroxenes belong to the investigated mineral assemblages. As a result, the major clinopyroxene phase in Nakhla is Ca-rich augite, whereas in Zagami both Ca-rich and Ca-poor pyroxenes are present. By means of such a procedure, laboratory spectra of minerals become more informative and may help in discussing Martian remote sensing data in the near-infrared region.  相似文献   

Abstract— The objective of this study was to identify and map possible source regions for all 5 known martian meteorite lithologies (basalt, lherzolite, clinopyroxenite, orthopyroxenite, and dunite) using data from the Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (MGS TES). We deconvolved the TES data set using laboratory spectra of 6 martian meteorites (Los Angeles, Zagami, ALH A77005, Nakhla, ALH 84001, and Chassigny) as end members, along with atmospheric and surface spectra previously derived from TES data. Global maps (16 pixels/degree) of the distribution of each meteorite end member show that meteorite‐like compositions are not present at or above TES detectability limits over most of the planet's dust‐free regions. However, we have confidently identified local‐scale (100s‐1000s km2) concentrations of olivine‐ and orthopyroxene‐bearing materials similar to ALH A77005, Chassigny, and ALH 84001 in Nili Fossae, in and near Ganges Chasma, in the Argyre and Hellas basin rims, and in Eos Chasma. Nakhla‐like materials are identified near the detection limit throughout the eastern Valles Marineris region and portions of Syrtis Major. Basaltic shergottites were not detected in any spatially coherent areas at the scale of this study. Martian meteorite‐like lithologies represent only a minor portion of the dust‐free surface and, thus, are not representative of the bulk composition of the ancient crust. Meteorite‐like spectral signatures identified above TES detectability limits in more spatially restricted areas (<tens of km) are targets of ongoing analysis.  相似文献   

Abstract— Antarctic CM meteorites Allan Hills (ALH) 81002 and Lewis Cliff (LEW) 90500 contain abundant fine‐grained rims (FGRs) that surround a variety of coarse‐grained objects. FGRs from both meteorites have similar compositions and petrographic features, independent of their enclosed objects. The FGRs are chemically homogeneous at the 10 μm scale for major and minor elements and at the 25 μm scale for trace elements. They display accretionary features and contain large amounts of volatiles, presumably water. They are depleted in Ca, Mn, and S but enriched in P. All FGRs show a slightly fractionated rare earth element (REE) pattern, with enrichments of Gd and Yb and depletion of Er. Gd is twice as abundant as Er. Our results indicate that those FGRs are not genetically related to their enclosed cores. They were sampled from a reservoir of homogeneously mixed dust, prior to accretion to their parent body. The rim materials subsequently experienced aqueous alteration under identical conditions. Based on their mineral, textural, and especially chemical similarities, we conclude that ALH 81002 and LEW 90500 likely have a similar or identical source.  相似文献   

Abstract— We studied crystallization trends of pyroxene and spinel in four Antarctic meteorites known to be derived from mare regions of the Moon: Y-793169 and A-881757 (YA meteorites) are unbrecciated igneous basalts, EET 87521 is a fragmental breccia, and Y-793274 is a regolith breccia. All have relatively low bulkrock TiO2 content, and the YA meteorites are uncommonly ancient. Our electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) data indicate that the YA meteorites and the dominant mare components of Y-793274 and EET 87521 conform to a general trend for Ti-poor (low-Ti and very low-Ti) mare basalts. Their pyroxenes show a strong correlation between Fe/(Fe + Mg) (Fe#) and Ti/(Ti + Cr) (Ti#), both ratios typically increasing from core to rim. These trends presumably reflect local crystallization differentiation of interstitial melt. Previous studies (M. J. Drake and coworkers) have suggested that the detailed configurations of such Fe# vs. Ti# trends may reflect the bulk TiO2 contents of the parent magmas (basalts). As a more systematic approach to this problem, we plot bulk-rock TiO2 as a function of the Fe# = 0.50 intercept of each rock's pyroxene Fe# vs. Ti# trend. We call this intercept the Fe#-normalized Ti#. Based on our data for EET 87521, the YA meteorites, and Apollo 12 basalts 12031 and 12064, plus literature data for several other Ti-poor mare basalts, we find a strong correlation between Fe#-normalized Ti# and the bulk TiO2 content of the parent basalt. This correlation confirms that fragmental breccia EET 87521 is nearly pure very low-Ti (VLT) basalt and that the YA meteorites, for which bulk-rock TiO2 results scatter due to unusually coarse grain size (A-881757) or scarcity of available sample (Y-793169), are pieces of an uncommonly Ti-poor, but not quite VLT, variety of low-Ti mare basalt. Extrapolating from this correlation, the dominant mare component of regolith breccia Y-793274 is probably of VLT affinity. Besides the normal mare pyroxene trend of strong correlation between Fe# and Ti#, Y-793274 includes two additional pyroxene compositional trends, both showing a wide range of Ti# despite relatively constant (and low, by mare standards) Fe#. The most magnesian of these trends consists of a single clast with a mode of orthopyroxene + MgO-rich ilmenite. These two trends are of uncertain origin. Possibly one or both represents the highland component of this regolith breccia, although, unlike most highland pyroxenes, these appear relatively unaltered by impact brecciation and metamorphism. Compositions of spinels in the coarse-grained A-881757 show an extraordinary distribution: chromite and ulvöspinel components vary among grains but are nearly constant within grains. Despite its old age and unusually coarse grain sizes, mineralogical evidence (i.e., heterogeneity within both pyroxene and spinel; typical pyroxene exsolution scale very coarse by mare standards but exceeded by the pyroxenes of EET 87521 and Y-793274) indicates that A-881757 was cooled only slightly more slowly than typical mare basalts and may have formed near the center of an uncommonly thick lava flow. Both of the VLT basaltic lunar meteorite breccias, EET 87521 and Y-793274, are composed dominantly of pyroxenes with exsolution coarser than normal for mare basalts. Possibly VLT basalt flows tend to be systematically thicker, and thus more slowly cooled, than more Ti-rich flows.  相似文献   

Abstract— The major element, trace element, and isotopic compositional ranges of the martian basaltic meteorite source regions have been modeled assuming that planetary differentiation resulted from crystallization of a magma ocean. The models are based on low to high pressure phase relationships estimated from experimental runs and estimates of the composition of silicate Mars from the literature. These models attempt to constrain the mechanisms by which the martian meteorites obtained their superchondritic CaO/Al2O3 ratios and their source regions obtained their parent/daughter (87Rb/86Sr, 147Sm/144Nd, and 176Lu/177Hf) ratios calculated from the initial Sr, Nd, and Hf isotopic compositions of the meteorites. High pressure experiments suggest that majoritic garnet is the liquidus phase for Mars relevant compositions at or above 12 GPa. Early crystallization of this phase from a martian magma ocean yields a liquid characterized by an elevated CaO/Al2O3 ratio and a high Mg#. Olivine‐pyroxene‐garnet‐dominated cumulates that crystallize subsequently will also be characterized by superchondritic CaO/Al2O3 ratios. Melting of these cumulates yields liquids with major element compositions that are similar to calculated parental melts of the martian meteorites. Furthermore, crystallization models demonstrate that some of these cumulates have parent/daughter ratios that are similar to those calculated for the most incompatible‐element‐depleted source region (i.e., that of the meteorite Queen Alexandra [QUE] 94201). The incompatible‐element abundances of the most depleted (QUE 94201‐like) source region have also been calculated and provide an estimate of the composition of depleted martian mantle. The incompatible‐element pattern of depleted martian mantle calculated here is very similar to the pattern estimated for depleted Earth's mantle. Melting the depleted martian mantle composition reproduces the abundances of many incompatible elements in the parental melt of QUE 94201 (e.g., Ba, Th, K, P, Hf, Zr, and heavy rare earth elements) fairly well but does not reproduce the abundances of Rb, U, Ta and light rare earth elements. The source regions for meteorites such as Shergotty are successfully modeled as mixtures of depleted martian mantle and a late stage liquid trapped in the magma ocean cumulate pile. Melting of this hybrid source yields liquids with major element abundances and incompatible‐element patterns that are very similar to the Shergotty bulk rock.  相似文献   

Abstract— We measured rare earth element (REE) abundances in selected silicate phases in the angrites Angra dos Reis (AdoR) and Lewis Cliff (LEW) 86010 in order to further clarify the thermal history of AdoR. We also carried out a preliminary experimental study designed to examine apparent REE partitioning between silicates (fassaite, olivine, kirschsteinite, and melt) in synthetic analogs of angrites under disequilibrium conditions at liquidus temperatures. Silicates in AdoR are homogeneous with respect to major, minor, and trace elements, which is consistent with the interpretation that AdoR underwent extensive subsolidus equilibration. REE distributions in olivine and kirschsteinite in AdoR are similar to those in LEW 86010 and are consistent with the formation of kirschsteinite by exsolution from olivine during cooling and/or annealing. There is no evidence for a disequilibrium trace element signature that could have been inherited from rapid cooling at liquidus temperatures. This is supported by our petrographic observations of the occurrence of kirschsteinite within olivine aggregates in AdoR. Olivine/kirschsteinite pairs in AdoR record closure temperatures around 600–650 °C.  相似文献   

Abstract— We present an approach to assess the nature of materials involved in the accretion of Mars by the planet's nitrogen (δ15N) and oxygen (Δ17O) isotopic compositions as derived from data on martian meteorites. δ15N for Mars has been derived from nitrogen and xenon systematics, while Δ17O has been taken from the literature data. These signatures indicate that Mars has most probably accreted from enstatite and ordinary chondritic materials in a ratio of 74:26 and may not have a significant contribution from the carbonaceous (CI, CM, or CV) chondrites. This is consistent with the chromium isotopic (?53Cr) signatures of martian meteorites and the bulk planet Fe/Si ratio for Mars as suggested by the moment of inertia factor (I/MR2) obtained from the Mars Pathfinder data. Further, a simple homogeneous accretion from the above two types of materials is found to be consistent with the planet's moment of inertia factor and the bulk composition of the mantle. But, it requires a core with 6.7 wt% Si, which is consistent with the new results from the high pressure and temperature melting experiments and chemical data on the opaque minerals in enstatite chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— The LEW 88774 ureilite is extraordinarily rich in Ca, Al, and Cr, and mineralogically quite different from other ureilites in that it consists mainly of exsolved pyroxene, olivine, Cr-rich spinel, and C. The presence of coarse exsolved pyroxene in LEW 88774 is unique because pyroxene in most other ureilites is not exsolved. The pyroxene has bulk Wo contents of 15–20 mol% and has coarse exsolution lamellae of augite and low-Ca pyroxene, 50 μm in width. The compositions of the exsolved augite (Ca33.7Mg52.8Fe13.5) and host low-Ca pyroxene (Ca4.4Mg75Fe20.6) show that these exsolution lamellae were equilibrated at 1280 °C. A computer simulation of the cooling rate, obtained by solving the diffusion equation for reproducing the diffusion profile of CaO across the lamellae, suggests that the pyroxene was cooled at 0.01 °C/year until the temperature reached 1160 °C. This cooling rate corresponds to a depth of at least 1 km in the parent body, assuming it was covered by a rock-like material. Therefore, LEW 88774 was held at this high temperature for 1.2 × 104years. The proposed cooling history is consistent with that of other ureilites with coarsegrained unexsolved pigeonites. Lewis Cliff 88774 includes abundant Cr-rich spinel in comparison with other ureilites. The range of FeO content of spinels in LEW 88774 is from 1.3 wt% to 21 wt% [Fe/(Fe + Mg) = 0.04–0.6]. The Cr-rich and Fe-poor spinel in LEW 88774 has less Fe (FeO, 1.3 wt%) than spinels in other achondrites. We classify this spinel as an Fe, Al-bearing picrochromite. Most ureilites are depleted in Ca and Al, but this meteorite has high-Ca and Al concentrations. In this respect, as well as mineral assemblage and the presence of coarse exsolution lamellae in pyroxene, LEW 88774 is a unique ureilite. Most differentiated meteorites are poor in volatile elements such as Zn, but the LEW 88774 spinels contain abundant Zn (up to 0.6 wt%). We note that such a high Zn concentration in spinel has been observed in the carbonaceous chondrites and recrystallized chondrites. This unusual ureilite has more primitive characteristics than most other ureilites.  相似文献   

Abstract— The unusual composition of the nakhlites, a group of pyroxenitic martian meteorites with young ages, presents an opportunity to learn about nonbasaltic magmatic activity on another planet. However, the limited number of these meteorites makes unraveling their history difficult. A promising terrestrial analog for the formation of the nakhlites is Theo's Flow in Ontario, Canada. This atypical, 120 m-thick flow differentiated in place, forming distinct layered lithologies of peridotite, pyroxenite, and gabbro. Theo's pyroxenite and the nakhlites share strikingly similar petrographies, with concentrated euhedral to subhedral augite grains set in a plagioclase-rich matrix. These two suites of rocks also share specific petrologic features, mineral and whole-rock compositional features, and size and spatial distributions of cumulus grains. The numerous similarities suggest that the nakhlites formed by a similar mechanism in a surface lava flow or shallow intrusion. Their formation could have involved settling of crystals in a phenocryst-laden flow or in situ nucleation and growth of pyroxenes in an ultramafic lava flow. The latter case is more likely and requires steady-state nucleation and growth of clusters of pyroxene grains (and olivine in the nakhlites), circulating in a strongly convecting melt pool, followed by settling and continued growth in a thickening cumulate pile. Trapped pockets of intercumulus liquid in the pile gradually evolved, finally growing Fe-enriched rims on cumulus grains. With sufficient evolution, the melt reached plagioclase supersaturation, causing rapid growth of plagioclase sprays and late-stage mesostasis growth.  相似文献   

We studied a thin section of Lewis Cliff (LEW) 87223, an unusual EL3-related, enstatite chondrite (EC) that has primary and secondary features not observed in other ECs. We studied its metal-rich nodules, possible shock features, and chondrules, eight of which are Al-rich chondrules (ARCs). LEW 87223 has petrologic and compositional features similar to EL3s. Enstatite is the dominant mineral; chondrule boundaries are well defined; Si content of metal (0.5–0.6 wt%) is consistent with typical EL3; it has Cr-bearing troilite, oldhamite, and alabandite; and its O-isotopic composition is similar to other ECs. However, metal abundance in LEW 87223 (~13 vol%) is slightly higher than in other EL3s and its metal nodules are texturally and mineralogically different from other ECs. Both high and low Ni metals are present, and its alabandite has higher Fe (27.8 wt% Fe) than in other EL3s. Silicates appear darkened in plane polarized light, largely due to reduction of Fe from silicate. A remarkable feature of LEW 87223 is the high abundance of ARCs, which contain Ca-rich plagioclase and varying amounts of Na-rich plagioclase along chondrule edges and as veins. This suggests Na metasomatism and the possibility of hydrothermal fluids, potentially related to an impact event. LEW 87223 expands the range of known EC material. It shows that ECs are more diverse and record a wider range of parent body processes than previously known. LEW 87223 is an anomalous EL3, potentially the first member of a new EC group should similar samples be discovered.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic remote sensing in the infrared and (sub)millimeter range is a powerful technique that is well suited for detecting minor species in planetary atmospheres (Planet Space Sci. 43(1995) 1485). Yet, only a handful of molecules in the Mars atmosphere (CO2, CO and H2O along with their isotopic species, O3, and more recently H2O2 and CH4) have been detected so far by this method. New high performance spectroscopic instruments will become available in the future in the infrared and (sub)millimeter range, for observations from the ground (infrared spectrometers on 8 m class telescopes, large millimeter and submillimeter interferometers) and from space, in particular the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) aboard Mars Express (MEx), and the Heterodyne Instrument for the Far-Infrared (HIFI) aboard the Herschel Space Observatory (HSO). In this paper we will present results of a study that determines detectability of minor species in the atmosphere of Mars, taking into account the expected performance of the above spectroscopic instruments. In the near future, a new determination of the D/H value is expected with the PFS, especially during times of maximum H2O abundance in the martian atmosphere. PFS is also expected to place constraints on the abundance of several minor species (H2O2,CH4,CH2O, SO2, H2S, OCS, HCl) above any local outgassing sources, the hot spots. It will be possible to obtain complementary information on some minor species (O3,H2O2, CH4) from ground-based infrared spectrometers on large telescopes. In the more distant future, HIFI will be ideally suited for measuring the isotopic ratios with unprecedented accuracy. Moreover, it should be able to observe O2, which has not yet been detected spectroscopically in the IR/submm range, as well as H2O2. HIFI should also provide upper limits for several species that have not yet been detected (HCl, NH3, PH3) in the atmosphere of Mars. Some species (SO, SO2,H2S, OCS, CH2O) that may be observable from the ground could be searched for with present single-dish antennae and arrays, and in the future with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) submillimeter interferometer.  相似文献   

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