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Photogrammetry is a low-cost, nondestructive approach for producing 3-D models of meteorites for the purpose of determining sample bulk density. Coupled with the use of a nondestructive magnetic susceptibility/electrical conductivity field probe, we present measurements for the interrogation of several physical properties, on a set of Antarctic meteorites. Photogrammetry is an effective technique over a range of sample sizes, with meteorite bulk density results that are closely comparable with literature values, determined using Archimedean glass bead or laser scanning techniques. The technique is completely noncontaminating and suitable for the analysis of rare or fragile samples, although there are limitations for analyzing reflective samples. It is also flexible, and, with variations in equipment setup, may be appropriate for samples of a wide range of sizes. X-ray computed tomography analyses of the same meteorite samples yielded slightly different bulk density results, predominantly for samples below 10 g, although the reason for this is unclear. Such analyses are expensive and potentially damaging to certain features of the sample (e.g., organic compounds), but may be useful in expanding the measurements to accommodate an understanding of internal voids within the sample, lending itself to measurement of grain density. Measurements of bulk density are valuable for comparisons with estimates of the bulk densities of asteroids that are suggested as meteorite parent bodies.  相似文献   

Nova V5116 Sgr 2005 No. 2, discovered on 2005 July 4, was observed with XMM‐Newton in March 2007, 20 months after the optical outburst. The X‐ray spectrum showed that the nova had evolved to a pure supersoft X‐ray source, indicative of residual H‐burning on top of the white dwarf. The X‐ray light‐curve shows abrupt decreases and increases of the flux by a factor 8 with a periodicity of 2.97 h, consistent with the possible orbital period of the system. The EPIC spectra are well fit with an ONe white dwarf atmosphere model, with the same temperature both in the low and the high flux periods. This rules out an intrinsic variation of the X‐ray source as the origin of the flux changes, and points to a possible partial eclipse as the origin of the variable light curve. The RGS high resolution spectra support this scenario showing a number of emission features in the low flux state, which either disappear or change into absorption features in the high flux state. A new XMM‐Newton observation in March 2009 shows the SSS had turned off and V51 16 Sgr had evolved into a weaker and harder X‐ray source (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Zircon in five samples of variably comminuted, melted, and hydrothermally altered orthogneiss from the Maniitsoq structure of southern West Greenland yield a weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb age of 3000.9 ± 1.9 Ma (ion probe data, n = 37). The age data constitute a rare example of pervasive and nearly complete isotopic resetting of zircon during a regional hydrothermal event. Many zircon grains are homogeneous or display weak flame‐like patterns in backscattered electron images. Other grains show complex internal textures, where homogeneous, high‐U fronts commonly cut across relict igneous‐type oscillatory zonation. Inclusions of quartz, plagioclase, mica, and other Al ± Na ± Ca ± Fe‐bearing silicates are very common. In two samples, selective replacement of zircon with baddeleyite occurs along concentric zones with relict igneous zonation, and as specks a few microns large within recrystallized, high‐U areas. We interpret the 3000.9 ± 1.9 Ma date as the minimum age of the recently proposed impact structure at Maniitsoq. The great geographical extent and intensity of the hydrothermal event suggest massive invasion of water into the currently exposed crust, implying that the age of the hydrothermal alteration would closely approximate the age of the proposed impact at Maniitsoq. At the western margin of the Taserssuaq tonalite complex, which postdates the Maniitsoq event, a 207Pb/206Pb mean age of 2994.6 ± 3.4 Ma obtained from zircon has mostly retained igneous‐type oscillatory zonation. A subsequent thermal event at approximately 2975 Ma is recorded in several samples by zircon with baddeleyite replacement textures.  相似文献   

Abstract— A quantitative analysis is presented for the irradiation contributions of the short‐lived nuclides, specifically 26Al, by the X‐wind scenario in the early solar system. The analysis is based on the comprehensive numerical simulations of the scenario that involves thermal processing of protoCAIs during the decades long X‐wind cycle. It would be difficult to explain the canonical value of 26Al/27Al in Ca‐Al‐rich inclusions on the basis of its inferred irradiation yields. Hence, the bulk inventory of 26Al in the early solar system was not produced by the X‐wind scenario. We suggest the predominant occurrence of gradual flares compared to impulsive flares in the early solar system as in the case of the modern solar flares. One tenth of the bulk 26Al was only produced by irradiation in case the entire solar inventory of 10Be was produced by local irradiation. The bulk 26Al inventory along with 60Fe was probably synthesized by a massive star. We present a qualitative model of the astrophysical settings for the formation of the solar system on the basis of a survey of the presently active star forming regions. We hypothesize that the formation of the solar system could have occurred almost contemporaneously with the formation of the massive star within a single stellar cluster. As the massive star eventually exploded as supernova Ib/c subsequent to Wolf‐Rayet stages, the short‐lived nuclides were probably injected into the solar proto‐planetary disc. The dynamically evolving stellar cluster eventually dispersed within the initial ?10 million years prior to the major planetary formation episodes.  相似文献   

Swift -detected GRB 080307 showed an unusual smooth rise in its X-ray light curve around 100 s after the burst, at the start of which the emission briefly softened. This 'hump' has a longer duration than is normal for a flare at early times and does not demonstrate a typical flare profile. Using a two-component power-law-to-exponential model, the rising emission can be modelled as the onset of the afterglow, something which is very rarely seen in Swift -X-ray light curves. We cannot, however, rule out that the hump is a particularly slow early-time flare, or that it is caused by upscattered reverse shock electrons.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a detailed study of the radio galaxy J1324–3138, located at a projected distance of 2 arcmin from the centre of the Abell cluster of galaxies A3556, belonging to the core of the Shapley Concentration, at an average redshift of z  = 0.05. We have observed J1324–3138 over a wide range of frequencies: at 327 MHz (VLA), 843 MHz (MOST), and at 1376, 2382, 4790 and 8640 MHz (ATCA).   Our analysis suggests that J1324–3138 is a remnant of a tailed radio galaxy, in which the nuclear engine has switched off and the radio source is now at a late stage of its evolution, confined by the intracluster gas. The radio galaxy is not in pressure equilibrium with the external medium, as is often found for extended radio sources in clusters of galaxies. We favour the hypothesis that the lack of observed polarized radio emission in the source is a result of Faraday rotation by a foreground screen, i.e. the source is seen through a dense cluster gas, characterized by a random magnetic field.   An implication of the head–tail nature of the source is that J1324–3138 is moving away from the core of A3556 and that, possibly, a major merging event between the core of A3556 and the subgroup hosting J1324–3138 has already taken place.  相似文献   

1E 1207.4–5209 is an X‐ray source located at the centre of the supernova remnant (SNR) PKS 1209–52 (G296.5+10.0) and is thought to be an isolated neutron star (INS) associated with the SNR. Its optical spectrum shows several absorption lines and the X‐ray spectrum exhibits three variable absorption features at what appears to be harmonically related wavelengths, the latter being interpreted as due to cyclotron resonance. However, there are several serious problems, uncertainties and difficulties in the above association (SNR/INS) and in the interpretation of the spectra. In view of these, we suggest an alternative explanation of the observed spectra in terms of blueshifts. This implies that the optical and X‐ray absorption spectra are due to the central object of the SNR in association with two separate absorption clouds ejected at successively increasing speeds. The clouds have their origins in jets resulting from the merger of two very massive compact stars. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Asteroid families are believed to originate by catastrophic disruptions of large asteroids. They are nowadays identified as clusters in the proper orbital elements space. The proper elements are analytically defined as constants of motion of a suitably simplified dynamical system. Indeed, they are generally nearly constant on a 107-108-year time scale. Over longer time intervals, however, they may significantly change, reflecting the accumulation of the tiny nonperiodic evolutions provided by chaos and nonconservative forces. The most important effects leading to a change of the proper orbital elements are (i) the chaotic diffusion in narrow mean motion resonances, (ii) the Yarkovsky nongravitational force, and (iii) the gravitational impulses received at close approaches with large asteroids. A natural question then arises: How are the size and shape of an asteroid family modified due to evolution of the proper orbital elements of its members over the family age? In this paper, we concentrate on the dynamical dispersion of the proper eccentricity and inclination, which occurs due to (i), but with the help of (ii) and (iii). We choose the Flora family as a model case because it is unusually dispersed in eccentricity and inclination and, being located in the inner main belt, is intersected by a large number of effective mean motion resonances with Mars and Jupiter. Our results suggest that the Flora family dynamically disperses on a few 108-year time scale and that its age may be significantly less than 109 years. We discuss the possibility that the parent bodies of the Flora family and of the ordinary L chondrite meteorites are the same object. In a broader sense, this work suggests that the common belief that the present asteroid families are simple images of their primordial dynamical structure should be revised.  相似文献   

Nearly 15 years after the proposal of the superanoxia concept (Isozaki, Y., 1994. Superanoxia across the Permo–Triassic boundary: record in accreted deep-sea pelagic chert in Japan. In: Embry, A.F., Beauchamp, B., Glass, D.J. (Eds.), Pangea: Global Environments and Resources. Memoir, Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, 17, pp. 805–812.), it is an appropriate timing to re-evaluate its geological context with the updated dataset. Kakuwa (Kakuwa, Y., 2008. Evaluation of palaeo-oxygenation of the ocean bottom across the Permian–Triassic boundary. Global and Planetary Change 63, 40–56.) lately discussed that the deep-sea anoxia across the Permian–Triassic boundary (P–TB) may have been much shorter than previously proposed, on the basis of ichnofabrics and geochemical data; however, his interpretations of the data do not appear straightforward nor persuading, and thus his claim is likely misled. Here we raise comments to his explanation on the following four issues: 1) invalid application of ichnofabric indices for shallow sea sediments to deep-sea cherts, 2) misinterpretation of Ce anomaly as a redox indicator, 3) improper application of various redox sensitive trace elements, and 4) questionable interpretations of δ34S data of pyrites.  相似文献   

We present further considerations regarding the strong 14C variation in AD 774/5. For its cause, either a solar super‐flare or a short gamma‐ray burst were suggested. We show that all kinds of stellar or neutron star flares would be too weak for the observed energy input at Earth in AD 774/5. Even though Maehara et al. (2012) present two super‐flares with ∼1035 erg of presumably solar‐type stars, we would like to caution: These two stars are poorly studied and may well be close binaries, and/or having a M‐type dwarf companion, and/or may be much younger and/or much more magnetic than the Sun – in any such case, they might not be true solar analog stars. From the frequency of large stellar flares averaged over all stellar activity phases (maybe obtained only during grand activity maxima), one can derive (a limit of) the probability for a large solar flare at a random time of normal activity: We find the probability for one flare within 3000 years to be possibly as low as 0.3 to 0.008 considering the full 1σ error range. Given the energy estimate in Miyake et al. (2012) for the AD 774/5 event, it would need to be ∼2000 stronger than the Carrington event as solar super‐flare. If the AD 774/5 event as solar flare would be beamed (to an angle of only ∼24°), 100 times lower energy would be needed. A new AD 774/5 energy estimate by Usoskin et al. (2013) with a different carbon cycle model, yielding 4 ot 6 time lower 14C production, predicts 4–6 times less energy. If both reductions are applied, the AD 774/5 event would need to be only ∼4 times stronger than the Carrington event in 1859 (if both had similar spectra). However, neither 14C nor 10Be peaks were found around AD 1859. Hence, the AD 774/5 event (as solar flare) either was not beamed that strongly, and/or it would have been much more than 4‐6 times stronger than Carrington, and/or the lower energy estimate (Usoskin et al. 2013) is not correct, and/or such solar flares cannot form (enough) 14C and 10Be. The 1956 solar energetic particle event was followed by a small decrease in directly observed cosmic rays. We conclude that large solar super‐flares remain very unlikely as the cause for the 14C increase in AD 774/5. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present evidence for non-Gaussian velocity fields within the cores of luminous elliptical galaxies. This evidence is based on high signal-to-noise ratio, medium-resolution spectroscopy of the cores of early-type members of the Virgo and Coma Clusters obtained with the Wisconsin-Indiana-Yale-NOAO 3.5 m telescope. The Virgo data were acquired using an integral-field unit (DensePak), which allows the velocity field to be sampled over a variety of spatial scales. The Coma data were obtained through single 2&arcsec; diameter fibers. The cross-correlation profiles of luminous elliptical galaxies show considerable structure, often having several features with amplitudes as high as 10% that of the cross-correlation peak itself. This structure is most obvious within a radius of 1&farcs;5 (at Virgo), or 相似文献   

In this paper we study the field of Kepler open cluster NGC 6866 using the data obtained from Kepler mission collected for a period of 4 years. We search for the red clump (RC) stars amongst the red giant (RG) stars showing solar-like oscillations using median gravity-mode period spacings (ΔP). We find a RG star KIC 8263801 having median gravity-mode period spacing 173.7 ± 6.4 s. We claim based on the median gravity-mode period spacing that KIC 8263801 is a secondary red clump (SRC) star which is massive enough to have ignited Helium burning in a non degenerate core. In the literature, no classification for KIC 8263801 has been provided. This is the first time that a star located in the field of NGC 6866 is classified in this manner.  相似文献   

The influence of subclustering in rich clusters of galaxies is examined using results from numericaln-body experiments. It is found that, under some conditions, the standard virial theorem is satisfied. No physical missing mass is needed because its role is replaced by the gravitational energy of the subclustering. We find that, in the Coma cluster, this effect masquerades as a missing mass about 7 times that of the physical mass, so that the apparent extant virial discrepancy (M VT/M8) in this cluster is explained.  相似文献   

The case of spectacular ring-like double radio relics in the merging, rich galaxy cluster A3376 is of great interest to study non-thermal phenomena at cluster outskirts. We present the first low frequency (330 and 150 MHz) images of the double relics using the GMRT. With our GMRT 330 MHz map and the VLA 1400 MHz map (Bagchi et al. 2006), we have constructed and analyzed the distribution of spectral indices over the radio relics. We find flat spectral indices at the outer edges of both the relics and a gradual steepening of spectral indices toward the inner regions. This supports the model of outgoing merger shock waves. The eastern relic has a complex morphology and spectral index distribution toward the inner region. This will be discussed in the context of the effect of large-scale accretion flows on the outgoing merger shocks as reported in the recent simulations.  相似文献   

A spectral variability study of the two Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxies NGC 4051 and IRAS13224–3809 is presented. Both sources show a high degree of flux and spectral variability. The nuclear emission, lightly absorbed by warm material, has been decomposed into a direct power law emission and an ionized disc reflection plus constant emission from distant material. The ionized disc reflection component does not follow the variations of the primary component. Its flux is linearly correlated with the one of the power law component only at low fluxes, while it is almost constant at medium high‐flux. This behavior is expected when the light bending effect is important. If so, most of the primary emission comes from only a few gravitational radii from the black hole. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

This paper responds to points made by Low (Solar Phys. 2010. doi:) with regard to the Parker problem as formulated in Craig and Sneyd (Solar Phys. 232, 41, 2005). We first point out that, since Low focuses mainly on interpreting approximate linearized solutions to the Parker problem, his approach cannot address key issues relating to the finite amplitude stability and dynamic accessibility of potential equilibria. Further difficulties are shown to surround Low’s assertion that non-linear equilibria derived by magneto-frictional relaxation of the Parker problem should be discounted. We conclude that both linear and non-linear approaches to the Parker problem appear remarkably consistent: they demonstrate the development of smooth 3D equilibria as opposed to the routine collapse to singular current sheets.  相似文献   

Glass‐bearing inclusions hosted by different mineral phases in SNC meteorites provide important information on the conditions that prevailed during formation of early phases and/or on the composition of the primary trapped liquids/melts of these rocks. Although extensive previous work has been reported on such inclusions, several questions are still unresolved. We performed a chemical and petrographic study of the constituents (glasses and mineral assemblage) of glassy and multiphase inclusions in Shergotty and Chassigny. We focused on obtaining accurate trace element contents of glasses and co‐existing minerals and discussing their highly variable REE contents. Our results reveal an unusual geochemistry of trace element contents that appear to be independent of their major element compositions. Chemical equilibrium between phases inside inclusions as well as between glasses and host minerals could not be established. The LREE contents of glasses in glass inclusions can vary by up to two orders of magnitude. The depletion in trace element abundances shown by glasses seem to be inconsistent with these phases being residual melts. The light lithophile element contents of glasses are highly variable with enrichment in incompatible elements (e.g., Be, Sr, Ba, and LREE) indicating some processes involving percolation of fluids. All of these features are incompatible with glass‐bearing inclusions in the host minerals acting as closed systems preserving unmodified primary liquids/melts. Glass‐bearing inclusions in Shergotty and Chassigny appear to have been altered (as was the rock itself) by different postformational processes (e.g., shock, metamorphism, metasomatic [?] fluids) that affected these meteorites with different degree of intensity. Our results indicate that these inclusions could not preserve a reliable sample of the primary trapped melt.  相似文献   

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