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The microstructures and compositions of olivine and refractory components in six amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) in the Allan Hills A77307 CO3.0 chondrite have been characterized in detail using the focused ion beam sample preparation technique with transmission electron microscopy. In the AOAs, refractory components (perovskite, melilite, spinel, anorthite, and Al‐Ti‐bearing diopside) provide evidence of a high degree of textural and compositional heterogeneity, suggesting that these phases have formed by disequilibrium gas–solid condensation at high temperatures under highly dynamic conditions. We infer different possible reactions of early‐condensed solid minerals (perovskite and spinel) with a nebular gas, forming diopside with wide ranges of Al and Ti contents and/or anorthite. The progressive, incomplete consumption of spinel in these reactions may have resulted in the Cr enrichment in the remaining, unreacted spinel in the AOAs. In contrast to the refractory components, olivines in the AOAs have equilibrated textures with 120° triple junctions, indicating that the AOAs were subjected to high‐temperature annealing after agglomeration of olivine and refractory components. Because the AOAs consist of fine‐grained olivine grains with numerous pores, the annealing is constrained by experimental data to have occurred for a short duration of the order of a few hours to tens of hours depending on the annealing temperature. In comparison, the effects of annealing on the refractory components are minimal, probably due to pinning of grain boundaries in the multiphase assemblages that inhibited grain growth.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have used the Manchester ISOLAB 54 ion microprobe to make in situ measurements of the 17O/16O and 18O/16O ratios of olivine grains in the Julesburg (L3.6) and Allende (CV3) chondrites. We have discovered a population of olivines in Julesburg characterised by (1) the most 16O-rich compositions yet reported for olivine from an ordinary chondrite; (2) cores of low-Fa olivine, which frequently shows blue cathodoluminesce; (3) thick coats of more Fa-rich (Fa ~20) olivine, which is also 16O-enriched. In an O isotopic plot, the Julesburg 16O-rich grains form a roughly linear array that is offset from the Allende mixing line. The presence of very low Fa olivine and, sometimes, well-defined Fa-rich coats indicates that these grains experienced significantly less thermal metamorphism than most of the olivine in the meteorite. Some 16O-rich Julesburg grains are associated with minor feldspar or pyroxene and are probably chondrule fragments. They are isotopically indistinguishable from forsterite in Allende; however, Allende forsterite grains do not have the thick Fa20 coats typical of those in Julesburg. These 16O-rich forsterite grains appear to be related to the “blue olivine” of Steele (1986). Both cores and coats of 16O-rich grains in Julesburg are isotopically distinct from olivine in Semarkona group A and group B chondrules.  相似文献   

Abstract— Amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) in the LL3.0 Semarkona chondrite have been studied by secondary ion mass spectrometry. The AOAs mainly consist of aggregates of olivine grains with interstitial Al‐Ti‐rich diopside and anorthite. Oxygen‐isotopic compositions of all phases are consistently enriched in 16O, with δ17,18O = ~?50‰. The initial 26Al/27Al ratios are calculated to be 5.6 ± 0.9 (2σ) × 10?5. These values are equivalent to those of AOAs and fine‐grained calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (FGIs) from pristine carbonaceous chondrites. This suggests that AOAs in ordinary chondrites formed in the same 16O‐rich calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusion (CAI)‐forming region of the solar nebula as AOAs and FGIs in carbonaceous chondrites, and subsequently moved to the accretion region of the ordinary chondrite parent body in the solar nebula.  相似文献   

We report microscopic, cathodoluminescence, chemical, and O isotopic measurements of FeO‐poor isolated olivine grains (IOG) in the carbonaceous chondrites Allende (CV3), Northwest Africa 5958 (C2‐ung), Northwest Africa 11086 (CM2‐an), and Allan Hills 77307 (CO3.0). The general petrographic, chemical, and isotopic similarity with bona fide type I chondrules confirms that the IOG derived from them. The concentric CL zoning, reflecting a decrease in refractory elements toward the margins, and frequent rimming by enstatite are taken as evidence of interaction of the IOG with the gas as stand‐alone objects. This indicates that they were splashed out of chondrules when these were still partially molten. CaO‐rich refractory forsterites, which are restricted to ?17O <?4‰ likely escaped equilibration at lower temperatures because of their large size and possibly quicker quenching. The IOG thus bear witness to frequent collisions in the chondrule‐forming regions.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have carried out shock-recovery experiments on the Allende CV3 carbonaceous chondrite using a single-stage propellant gun and succeeded in reproducing oriented, flattened chondrules like those observed in some natural CV3 chondrites. The Allende samples were shocked at equilibrium pressures of 11 and 21 GPa, which are close to the highest values in shock stages S2 and S3, respectively (Stöffler et al., 1991). Chondrules are flattened nearly perpendicular to the compaction axis with mean aspect ratios of 1.34 and 1.62 at pressures of 11 and 21 GPa, respectively; thus, the degree of chondrule flattening is proportional to the shock intensity. The chondrule flattening and foliation are mainly due to collapse of pores in the matrix under shock pressure. High matrix abundance of CV3 chondrites could result in much apparent chondrule flattening relative to ordinary chondrites. Optical and electron microscope observations show that textural and mineralogical characteristics of chondrules and matrix in the shock-loaded samples are very similar to those observed in naturally shocked CV3 chondrites. Our results provide strong support for the interpretation that the chondrule flattening and foliation in CV3 chondrites were caused by shock-induced pressure due to hypervelocity impacts on the meteorite parent bodies.  相似文献   

Two hibonite‐spinel inclusions (CAIs 03 and 08) in the ALHA77307 CO3.0 chondrite have been characterized in detail using the focused ion beam sample preparation technique combined with transmission electron microscopy. These hibonite‐spinel inclusions are irregularly shaped and porous objects and consist of randomly oriented hibonite laths enclosed by aggregates of spinel with fine‐grained perovskite inclusions finally surrounded by a partial rim of diopside. Melilite is an extremely rare phase in this type of CAI and occurs only in one inclusion (CAI 03) as interstitial grains between hibonite laths and on the exterior of the inclusion. The overall petrologic and mineralogical observations suggest that the hibonite‐spinel inclusions represent high‐temperature condensates from a cooling nebular gas. The textural relationships indicate that hibonite is the first phase to condense, followed by perovskite, spinel, and diopside. Texturally, melilite condensation appears to have occurred after spinel, suggesting that the condensation conditions were far from equilibrium. The crystallographic orientation relationships between hibonite and spinel provide evidence of epitaxial nucleation and growth of spinel on hibonite surfaces, which may have lowered the activation energy for spinel nucleation compared with that of melilite and consequently inhibited melilite condensation. Hibonite contains abundant stacking defects along the (001) plane consisting of different ratios of the spinel and Ca‐containing blocks within the ideal hexagonal hibonite structure. This modification of the stacking sequence is likely the result of accommodation of excess Al in the gas into hibonite due to incomplete condensation of corundum from a cooling gas under disequilibrium conditions. We therefore conclude that these two hibonite‐spinel inclusions in ALHA77307 formed by high‐temperature condensation under disequilibrium conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract— Fayalitic olivine (Fa32) is the major component of the matrices and dark inclusions of CV3 and other unequilibrated chondrites. It occurs most commonly as rims, veins and halos in and around chondrule silicates in the Allende-type (CV3OXA) chondrites and, to a much lesser extent, in the reduced (CV3R) and Bali-type (CV3OXB) chondrites. The olivines have distinctive platy, tabular and lath- or irregular-shaped crystals, with the ratio of the two types varying widely. In CV3OXB chondrites, matrix fayalitic olivines range up to Fag99.9; whereas, in the other CV3 chondrites, the range is much smaller. The platy and tabular anisotropic forms of the fayalitic olivines strongly suggest growth from a vapor, and the nature of the occurrences suggests that CV3 matrices are unequilibrated mixtures of nebular materials. We argue that the parent body hydration/dehydration model has numerous inconsistencies that make this hypothesis highly unlikely. These include: (1) There is no direct evidence linking fayalitic olivine to precursor phyllosilicates. (2) Dehydration of phyllosilicates cannot explain the wide range of morphologies of the fayalitic olivines. (3) Fayalitic olivine clearly predates the formation of the hydrous phases in CV3 chondrites and is one of the phases that breaks down to form phyllosilicates (Keller et al., 1994). (4) The unequilibrated nature of the matrix, including fine-scale zoning in 10 μm sized fayalitic olivine crystals, would not survive the parent body metamorphism required in the dehydration model. (5) A dark inclusion in the Ningqiang chondrite contains fayalitic olivine rimmed by glassy and microcrystalline material (Zolensky et al., 1997), which probably formed by radiation damage. This indicates that the fayalitic olivine was exposed to solar radiation in a nebular setting. (6) Some Allende chondrules contain unaltered primary, anhydrous glassy mesostasis in contact with the host matrix (e.g., Ikeda and Kimura, 1995). Chondrule mesostases would not have survived parent body hydration without becoming hydrated and would probably not survive the metamorphic heating required in the dehydration scenario. (7) Single platy and barrel-shaped crystals of fayalitic olivine are present in accretionary rims in calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) (MacPherson and Davis, 1997), which developed in the nebula. (8) Matrix lumps completely encased in chondrules in ordinary chondrites contain mainly fayalitic olivine (Scott et al., 1984), which indicates a nebular origin. (9) Oxygen isotopic compositions of Allende matrix and dark inclusions strongly indicate little or no hydration for Allende and its components (Clayton, 1997). We favor a nebular vaporization/recondensation model in which vaporization of chondritic dust produced a fayalite-rich vapor, followed by formation of the fayalitic olivine by direct recondensation from the vapor, epitactic growth on surfaces of existing forsterite and enstatite in chondrules, and replacement of existing forsterite and enstatite by gas-solid exchange.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have studied an Allende dark inclusion by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, electron microprobe analysis and transmission electron microscopy. The inclusion consists of chondrules, isolated olivines and matrix, which, as in the Allende host, is mainly composed of 5–20 μm long lath-shaped fayalitic grains with a narrow compositional range (Fa42 ± 2) and nepheline. Olivine phenocrysts in chondrules and isolated olivine grains show various degrees of replacement by 5–10 μm wide fayalitic rims (Fa39 ± 2) and 100–1000 μm wide translucent zones, which consist of 5–20 μm long lath-shaped fayalitic grains (Fa41 ± 1) intergrown with nepheline. These fayalitic olivines, like those in the matrix of the dark inclusion, contain 10–20 nm sized inclusions of chromite, hercynite, and Fe-Ni sulfides. The fayalitic rims around remnant olivines are texturally and compositionally identical to those in Allende host, suggesting that they have similar origins. Chondrules are surrounded by opaque rims consisting of tiny lath-shaped fayalitic olivines (<1–3 μm long) intergrown with nepheline. As in the Allende host, fayalitic olivine veins may crosscut altered chondrules, fine-grained chondrule rims and extend into the matrix, indicating that alteration occurred after accretion. We infer that fayalitic olivine rims and lath-shaped fayalites in Allende and its dark inclusions formed from phyllosilicate intermediate phases. This explanation accounts for (1) the similarity of the replacement textures observed in the dark inclusion and Allende host to aqueous alteration textures in CM chondrites; (2) the anomalously high abundances of Al and Cr and the presence of tiny inclusions of spinels and sulfides in fayalitic olivines in Allende and Allende dark inclusions; (3) abundant voids and defects in lath-shaped fayalites in the Allende dark inclusion, which may be analogous to those in partly dehydrated phyllosilicates in metamorphosed CM/CI chondrites. We conclude that the matrix and chondrule rims in Allende were largely converted to phyllosilicates and then completely dehydrated. The Allende dark inclusions experienced diverse degrees of aqueous/hydrothermal alteration prior to complete dehydration. The absence of low-Ca pyroxene in the dark inclusion and its significant replacement by fayalitic olivine in Allende is consistent with the lower resistance of low-Ca pyroxene to aqueous alteration relative to forsteritic olivine. Hydro-thermal processing of Allende probably also accounts for the low abundance of planetary noble gases and interstellar grains, and the formation of nepheline, sodalite, salite-hedenbergite pyroxenes, wollastonite, kirschsteinite and andradite in chondrules and Ca,Al-rich inclusions.  相似文献   

We performed in situ oxygen three‐isotope measurements of chondrule olivine, pyroxenes, and plagioclase from the newly described CVRed chondrite NWA 8613. Additionally, oxygen isotope ratios of plagioclase in chondrules from the Kaba CV3OxB chondrite were determined to enable comparisons of isotope ratios and degree of alteration of chondrules in both CV lithologies. NWA 8613 was affected by only mild thermal metamorphism. The majority of oxygen isotope ratios of olivine and pyroxenes plot along a slope‐1 line in the oxygen three‐isotope diagram, except for a type II and a remolten barred olivine chondrule. When isotopic relict olivine is excluded, olivine, and low‐ and high‐Ca pyroxenes are indistinguishable regarding Δ17O values. Conversely, plagioclase in chondrules from NWA 8613 and Kaba plot along mass‐dependent fractionation lines. Oxygen isotopic disequilibrium between phenocrysts and plagioclase was caused probably by exchange of plagioclase with 16O‐poor fluids on the CV parent body. Based on an existing oxygen isotope mass balance model, possible dust enrichment and ice enhancement factors were estimated. Type I chondrules from NWA 8613 possibly formed at moderately high dust enrichment factors (50× to 150× CI dust relative to solar abundances); estimates for water ice in the chondrule precursors range from 0.2× to 0.6× the nominal amount of ice in dust of CI composition. Findings agree with results from an earlier study on oxygen isotopes in chondrules of the Kaba CV chondrite, providing further evidence for a relatively dry and only moderately high dust‐enriched disk in the CV chondrule‐forming region.  相似文献   

Abstract— Ilafegh 013 is a slightly weathered, type-3 ordinary chondrite that is unusual in that it is highly shocked. Olivine grains in chondrules were studied in detail by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to characterize the dislocations, fractures and recrystallization textures. Only c dislocations, in the (010) glide plane, seem to be activated by the shock wave. Fractures are more numerous in the TEM than at the scale of the optical microscope. They can be divided into two groups: (a) Open fractures with injections of molten metal, sulphide, and in some cases, phases containing Ca, Al, Na and K. (b) Very straight and narrow cracks parallel to {130} planes without injected material and consisting of imperfectly relaxed subgrain boundaries composed of two families of dislocations (Burgers vectors a and c ). Both types of dislocations are roughly in screw orientation (i.e., the subgrain boundaries have a pronounced twist character). It is suggested that they formed during the shock in order to relax stresses around shear fractures (fractures with displacements of their walls parallel to the fracture plane). Recrystallization occurs in areas where the dislocation density is high. Since diaplectic glass was not detected, it is suggested that recrystallization resulted from the large elastic energy of the lattice defects stored in the deformed crystals.  相似文献   

Phosphorus zoning is observed in olivines in high‐FeO (type IIA) chondrules in H chondrites over the entire range of petrologic grades: H3.1–H6. Features in P concentrations such as oscillatory and sector zoning, and high P cores are present in olivines that are otherwise unzoned in the divalent cations. Aluminum concentrations are low and not significantly associated with P zoning in chondrule olivines. In highly unequilibrated H chondrites, phosphorus zoning is generally positively correlated with Cr. Atomic Cr:P in olivine is roughly 1:1 (3:1 for one zone in one olivine in RC 075), consistent with Cr3+ charge‐balancing P5+ substituting for Si4+. Normal igneous zonation involving the dominant chrome species Cr2+ was observed only in the LL3.0 chondrite Semarkona. In more equilibrated chondrites (H3.5–H3.8), Cr spatially correlated with P is occasionally observed but it is diffuse relative to the P zones. In H4–H6 chondrites, P‐correlated Cr is absent. One signature of higher metamorphic grades (≥H3.8) is the presence of near matrix olivines that are devoid of P oscillatory zoning. The restriction to relatively high metamorphic grade and to grains near the chondrule–matrix interface suggests that this is a response to metasomatic processes. We also observed P‐enriched halos near the chondrule–matrix interface in H3.3–H3.8 chondrites, likely reflecting the loss of P and Ca from mesostasis and precipitation of Ca phosphate near the chondrule surface. These halos are absent in equilibrated chondrites due to coarsening of the phosphate and in unequilibrated chondrites due to low degrees of metasomatism. Olivines in type IA chondrules show none of the P‐zoning ubiquitous in type IIA chondrules or terrestrial igneous olivines, likely reflecting sequestration of P in reduced form within metallic alloys and sulfides during melting of type IA chondrules.  相似文献   

Feldspar in ordinary chondrites (OCs) is often associated with thermal metamorphism, as a secondary mineral that forms from the crystallization of matrix and chondrule mesostasis. However, studies of feldspar in equilibrated OCs show that there is a range of plagioclase compositions within chondrules, some of which may be primary products of chondrule crystallization. It is important to recognize primary feldspar within chondrules because it can be used to help understand the secondary effects of thermal metamorphism and aqueous alteration. The presence of primary feldspar also provides important petrologic constraints on chondrule formation time scales. We undertook a careful study of Semarkona (LL3.00) and observed feldspar in 18% of chondrules. The feldspar is plagioclase covering a wide range of compositions (An2–An99) with little K‐feldspar component (<Or3). We show that plagioclase is a primary igneous phase, based on grain morphology and compositions consistent with growth from a melt having the bulk compositions of the host chondrules. Based on experimental studies, the presence of plagioclase suggests chondrules cooled slowly at temperatures close to the solidus. We also observed several secondary features consistent with the aqueous alteration. These features include zoning of Na and Ca in plagioclase, heterogeneity in plagioclase compositions in altered chondrules, development of porosity from the dissolution of chondrule glass, and alteration of glass to phyllosilicates. Alteration of major Al‐bearing phases, like plagioclase and glass, has important implications for interpretations of ages derived from Al‐Mg dating of chondrules, if they have been affected by secondary processes.  相似文献   

We carried out Fe isotopic analyses on 21 O‐rich presolar grains from the Acfer 094 ungrouped carbonaceous chondrite. Presolar grains were identified on the basis of oxygen isotopic ratios, and elemental compositions were measured by Auger spectroscopy. The Fe isotopic measurements were carried out by analyzing the Fe isotopes as negative secondary oxides with the NanoSIMS to take advantage of the higher spatial resolution of the Cs+ primary ion beam. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach for measuring both 54Fe/56Fe and 57Fe/56Fe. The ion yield for FeO is significantly lower than for Fe+, but this is not a serious limitation for presolar silicate grains with Fe as a major element. Most of the grains analyzed are ferromagnesian silicates, but we also measured four oxide grains. Iron contents are high in all of the grains, ranging from 10 to 40 atom%. Three of the grains belong to oxygen isotope Group 4. All of them have 54Fe/56Fe and 57Fe/56Fe ratios that are solar within errors, consistent with an origin in the outer zones of a Type II supernova, as indicated by their oxygen isotopic compositions. The remaining grains belong to oxygen isotope Group 1, with origins in low‐mass AGB stars. The majority of these also have solar 54Fe/56Fe and 57Fe/56Fe ratios. However, four grains are depleted in 57Fe; one is also slightly depleted in 54Fe. Current AGB models predict excesses in 57Fe with 54Fe/56Fe ratios that largely reflect the metallicity of the parent star. While the solar 57Fe/56Fe ratios are consistent with formation of the grains in early third dredge‐up episodes, these models cannot account for the grains with 57Fe depletions. Comparison with galactic evolution models suggests formation of these grains from stars with significantly subsolar metallicity; however, these models also predict large depletions in 54Fe, which are not observed in the grains. Thus, the isotopic compositions of these grains remain unexplained.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have measured the 13C/12C and 14C/12C ratios in CO2 released by acid etching of the carbonate-bearing SNC meteorites Allan Hills 84001 and Nakhla. Most of the C released is strongly enriched in 13C. In 10 out of 12 samples, 15‰ <δ13C < 55‰. Terrestrial values of carbonateδ13C from weathering products are generally between ?10 and +10‰. Two leachate samples especially rich in 13C, ALH 84001,27 and Nakhla 25, have elemental Si/Mg ratios much lower than those of the bulk meteorites and 14C activities that are much lower than the values expected for terrestrial carbonates. The former observation indicates that these leachates consist primarily of carbonates and, less likely, phosphates. The latter observation implies that heavy C was introduced not by terrestrial weathering but by extraterrestrial processes. For ALH 84001,121 (sample 27) and Nakhla (BM 1913,26) δ13C = +41‰ and +35‰, respectively. The measured 18O/16O ratios in the leaches are similar: δ18O ~ 15 ± 5‰, contrasting with 4.2‰ in the bulk silicates. We infer that the C in the carbonates retains an extraterrestrial isotopic signature, but probably not O, due to its ease of isotopic exchange (Cole and Ohmoto, 1986).  相似文献   

Abstract— We have studied carbonate and associated oxides and glasses in a demountable section of Allan Hills 84001 (ALH 84001) using optical, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to elucidate their origins and the shock history of the rock. Massive, fracture‐zone, and fracture‐filling carbonates in typical locations were characterized by TEM, X‐ray microanalysis, and electron diffraction in a comprehensive study that preserved textural and spatial relationships. Orthopyroxene is highly deformed, fractured, partially comminuted, and essentially unrecovered. Lamellae of diaplectic glass and other features indicate shock pressures >30 GPa. Bridging acicular crystals and foamy glass at contacts of orthopyroxene fragments indicate localized melting and vaporization of orthopyroxene. Carbonate crystals are >5 mm in size, untwinned, and very largely exhibit the R3c calcite structure. Evidence of plastic deformation is generally found mildly only in fracture‐zone and fracture‐filling carbonates, even adjacent to highly deformed orthopyroxene, and appears to have been caused by low‐stress effects including differential shrinkage. High dislocation densities like those observed in moderately shocked calcite are absent. Carbonate contains impactderived glasses of plagioclase, silica, and orthopyroxene composition indicating brief localized impact heating. Stringers and lenses of orthopyroxene glass in fracture‐filling carbonate imply flow of carbonates and crystallization during an impact. Periclase (MgO) occurs in magnesite as 30–50 nm crystals adjacent to voids and negative crystals and as ?1 μm patches of 3 nm crystals showing weak preferred orientation consistent with (111)MgO//(0001)carb, as observed in the thermal decomposition of CaCO3 to CaO. Magnetite crystals that are epitaxially oriented at voids, negative crystals, and microfractures clearly formed in situ. Fully embedded, faceted magnetites are topotactically oriented, in general with (111)mag//(0001)carb, so that their oxygen layers are aligned. In optically opaque rims, magnetites are more irregularly shaped and, except for the smallest crystals, poorly aligned. All magnetite and periclase crystals probably formed by exsolution from slightly non‐stoichiometric, CO2‐poor carbonate following impact‐induced thermal decomposition. Any magnetites that existed in the rock before shock heating could not have preserved evidence for biogenic activity.  相似文献   

Abstract— We present a detailed petrographic and electron microprobe study of metal grains and related opaque minerals in the chondrule interiors and rims of the Bishunpur (LL3.1) ordinary chondrite. There are distinct differences between metal grains that are completely encased in chondrule interiors and those that have some portion of their surface exposed outside of the chondrule boundary, even though the two types of metal grains can be separated by only a few microns. Metal grains in chondrule interiors exhibit minor alteration in the form of oxidized P‐, Cr‐, and Si‐bearing minerals. Metal grains at chondrule boundaries and in chondrule rims are extensively altered into troilite and fayalite. The results of this study suggest that many metal grains in Bishunpur reacted with a type‐I chondrule melt and incorporated significant amounts of P, Cr, and Si. As the system cooled, some metal oxidation occurred in the chondrule interior, producing metal‐associated phosphate, chromite, and silica. Metal that migrated to chondrule boundaries experienced extensive corrosion as a result of exposure to the external atmosphere present during chondrule formation. It appears that chondrule‐derived metal and its corrosion products were incorporated into the fine‐grained rims that surround many type‐I chondrules, contributing to their Fe‐rich compositions. We propose that these fine‐grained rims formed by a combination of corrosion of metal expelled from the chondrule interior and accretion of fine‐grained mineral fragments and microchondrules.  相似文献   

Abstract— To constrain the metamorphic history of the H‐chondrite parent body, we dated phosphates and chondrules from four H6 chondritic meteorites using U‐Pb systematics. Reconnaissance analyses revealed that only Estacado had a sufficiently high 206Pb/204Pb ratio suitable for our purposes. The Pb‐Pb isochron date for Estacado phosphates is measured to be 4492 ± 15 Ma. The internal residue‐second leachate isochron for Estacado chondrules yielded the chondrule date of 4546 ± 18 Ma. An alternative age estimate for Estacado chondrules of 4527.6 ± 6.3 Ma is obtained from an isochron including two chondrules, two magnetically separated fractions, and four bulk chondrite analyses. This isochron date might represent the age of termination of Pb diffusion from the chondrules to the matrix. From these dates and previously established closure temperatures for Pb diffusion in phosphates and chondrules, we estimate an average cooling rate for Estacado between 5.5 ± 3.2 Myr/°C and 8.3 ± 5.0 Myr/°C. Using previously published results for Ste. Marguerite (H4) and Richardton (H5), our data reveal that the cooling rates of H chondrites decrease markedly with increasing metamorphic grade, in agreement with the predictions of the “onion‐shell” asteroid model. Several issues, however, need to be addressed before confirming this model for the H‐chondrite parent body: the discrepancies between peak metamorphic temperatures established by various mineral thermometers need to be resolved, diffusion and other mechanisms of element migration in polycrystalline solids must be better understood, and dating techniques should be further improved.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have measured the δ57Fe of olivines in nine Chainpur chondrules. All are within error of normal (typically 2σ ≤ 1–2%0). Most of the chondules could not have lost more than ~20% of their FeO by Rayleigh evaporation and none can have lost more than ~61%. Yet, the range of Fo contents in these chondrules is Fo78–99.9. The isotopic compositions of the chondrules clearly demonstrate that, for instance, type I chondrules cannot form from type II chondrules by evaporation of FeO under Rayleigh conditions. The isotopic compositions also place constraints on the minimum cooling rates these chondrules could have experienced. These cooling rates must also be equal to or slower than those required to produce the chondrule textures. Assuming flash heating and evaporation rates like those measured in vacuum, the minimum cooling rates necessary to prevent detectable Fe isotopic fractionation via Rayleigh evaporation approach those needed to produce barred and porphyritic textures. The presence of hydrogen in the nebula, non‐linear cooling and other effects will all tend to increase the cooling rates required to prevent δ57Fe > 1–2%0, perhaps by as much as 1–2 orders of magnitude. The two most likely ways that the cooling rates required to prevent δ57Fe >1–2%0 can be kept below those needed to produce barred and porphyritic textures are (1) the pH2 in the nebula was low enough to keep evaporation rates close to those in vacuum, or (2) back reaction of chondrules with Fe in the gas suppressed isotopic fractionation.  相似文献   

Abstract— Carbonaceous chondrites of the Ornans‐type (CO3) form a well‐documented metamorphic series. To investigate the conditions under which metamorphism took place, whole rock oxygen and carbon isotope analysis has been carried out on 10 CO3 chondrites (ALH A77307 [3.0], Colony [3.0], Kainsaz* [3.1], Felix* [3.2], Ornans* [3.3], ALH 82101 [3.3], Lancé* [3.4], ALH A77003 [3.5], Warrenton* [3.6], and Isna [3.7] [*denotes a fall]). Whole rock oxygen isotope analysis was carried out by laser‐assisted fluorination, whole rock carbon isotope analysis by continuous flow mass spectrometry. The results of this study indicate that the oxygen and carbon isotopes in CO3 finds have been significantly disturbed by terrestrial weathering processes. Conclusions based on the isotopic composition of such weathered finds may be significantly flawed. In particular, the Antarctic meteorite ALH A77307 (3.0), suggested as being close in composition to CO‐CM chondrite precursor material, has experienced significant terrestrial contamination. Oxygen isotope data for CO3 falls indicates that there is a subtle increase in Δ17O values with increasing metamorphic grade for sub‐types 3.1 to 3.4. This increase does not persist to higher sub‐types, i.e., Warrenton (3.6). These relationships are explicable in terms of the progressive formation of phyllosilicates, coupled with loss of primary phases such as melilite, and suggest that an aqueous fluid phase was present during metamorphism. Carbon abundance and δ13C values of CO3 falls decrease with increasing metamorphic grade. These trends reflect progressive changes in the nature of the organic macromolecular component during metamorphic heating and lend additional support to the evidence that CO3 chondrites are part of a metamorphic series. The most likely setting for metamorphism was on the CO3 parent body. The “Ornans paradox,” whereby Ornans (3.3) should belong to a higher sub‐type based on chemical compared to petrographic evidence, may result from local‐scale redox differences on the CO3 parent body. A wide variety of classification schemes have been proposed for CO3 chondrites. In view of its simplicity and applicability, the scheme of Scott and Jones (1990) is regarded as the most useful in assigning sub‐types to new CO3 samples.  相似文献   

Abstract– We report on mineralogy, petrography, and whole‐rock 26Al‐26Mg systematics of eight amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) from the oxidized CV chondrite Allende. The AOAs consist of forsteritic olivine, opaque nodules, and variable amounts of Ca,Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs) of different types, and show evidence for alteration to varying degrees. Melilite and anorthite are replaced by nepheline, sodalite, and grossular; spinel is enriched in FeO; opaque nodules are replaced by Fe,Ni‐sulfides, ferroan olivine and Ca,Fe‐rich pyroxenes; forsteritic olivine is enriched in FeO and often overgrown by ferroan olivine. The AOAs are surrounded by fine‐grained, matrix‐like rims composed mainly of ferroan olivine and by a discontinuous layer of Ca,Fe‐rich silicates. These observations indicate that AOAs experienced in situ elemental open‐system iron‐alkali‐halogen metasomatic alteration during which Fe, Na, Cl, and Si were introduced, whereas Ca was removed from AOAs and used to form the Ca,Fe‐rich silicate rims around AOAs. The whole‐rock 26Al‐26Mg systematics of the Allende AOAs plot above the isochron of the whole‐rock Allende CAIs with a slope of (5.23 ± 0.13) × 10?5 reported by Jacobsen et al. (2008) . In contrast, whole‐rock 26Al‐26Mg isotope systematics of CAIs and AOAs from the reduced CV chondrite Efremovka define a single isochron with a slope of (5.25± 0.01) × 10?5 ( Larsen et al. 2011 ). We infer that the excesses in 26Mg* present in Allende AOAs are due to their late‐stage open‐system metasomatic alteration. Thus, the 26Al‐26Mg isotope systematics of Allende CAIs and AOAs are disturbed by parent body alteration processes, and may not be suitable for high‐precision chronology of the early solar system events and processes.  相似文献   

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