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Conventional agricultural land-use theory overlooks labor location and its effects on land use. This paper argues that in labor-intensive commercial agriculture where labor concentrates in large labor centers (villages), the distance from the labor center is more important than the distance from market in determining land use and land rent and is important at both the microscale and larger scales. Both qualitative observations and quantitative field level land-use research in Jilin, China, support this approach. A new model is developed to incorporate labor location into the conventional land-use model. It regards agriculture as an industry using localized gross inputs.  相似文献   

山区合适耕地经营规模确定的实证研究——以重庆市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
范乔希  邵景安  应寿英 《地理研究》2018,37(9):1724-1735
在地形起伏、地块破碎、分布半径较远等约束下,山区多大的经营规模是合适的?这是目前必须弄清的科学问题之一。使用480份有效调查问卷,以投入农业的劳动力为测算单位,以劳均纯收入为评价指标,分作物类型和地块分布半径,构建计量经济模型,测算不同条件下合适的耕地经营,结果表明:① 在现有社会经济条件下,样本村农业土地适度规模经营面积为24~32亩,适度规模下的劳均纯收入远高于当前农村人均纯收入,且与城镇居民的差距明显缩小。② 作物类型对适度规模影响不大,但对农民纯收入产生较大作用。经济作物和粮食作物的适度规模分别为24.33亩、24.63亩,差异不显著,但种植经济作物和粮食作物在适度规模下的劳均纯收入相差3638元,巨大的差距将促使经济作物种植面积不断扩大。③ 距离对适度规模影响较大,但对劳均纯收入影响不大。0.5 km内、0.5~1 km的适度规模分别为28.62亩、31.83亩,单位劳动力的适度规模相差3亩,这表明距离是目前从事农业生产时劳动力投入时须考虑的重要因素。但是,对应的劳均纯收入相差较小,又说明伴随耕作距离的增加,更多的投入主要依靠机械来完成,从而带动适度规模的扩大。1 km外的建模未通过检验,也进一步说明未实现规模经营、没有进行机械化耕作、离家远的土地收支严重不平衡,撂荒严重,规模化经营、机械化耕作是解决距离问题的有效途径。本文得出的土地适度规模是可行的,也验证了推进土地适度规模经营的可行性和必要性。  相似文献   

在建设社会主义新农村的新形势下,农业劳动力的就业和剩余劳动力的转移问题已成为中国当前面临的一个重大社会问题。运用农地资源劳动力承载力测算的理论方法,对宁夏1995-2004年间以及2004年宁夏各市县的农地资源劳动力承载力进行时空分析比较。结果表明:10年来,宁夏农地资源劳动力承载力一直处于轻度超载状态,其中北部引黄灌区各市县属承载力富余区;而南部山区各市县则属重超载区,存在着较大数量的农业剩余劳动力。因此,宁夏要建设和谐的人地关系,必须在继续加强生态环境保护、提高农地资源综合生产能力的同时,大力推进超载区农业剩余劳动力的产业转移和空间转移。  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, land use and land cover change has become a global concern. In the Lop Buri province of Thailand, rapid land cover change, specifically conversion of forests to agriculture, has occurred. The purpose of the study is to identify the predictors of land cover change in Lop Buri province for land that has been converted to upland crops or has undergone deforestation between 1989 and 2006. Four logistic regression models were constructed using spatially explicit biophysical and geo‐social data, to account for changes to upland crops and forest loss from1989–98 and 1998–2006. Across the four models, slope, distance to forest edge, distance to towns, distance to roads, population size, and population density in various stand‐alone and interactive forms were found to be the most consistent predictors of land cover change.  相似文献   

发展中的现代农业园区用地思路与对策探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
发展农业园区是提高农地经济收益的有效途径,也是保护耕地的一项重要手段.我国的农业园区处于起步阶段,园区性质、用地方向、用地结构、经营范围等都有待规范.针对这一现象,从我国园区发展的现状和存在的问题出发,提出了解决农业园区用地的基本思路,构建了园区用地的体系,同时在确定土地经营的性质,规定其发展模式、方向和土地经营的收益分配原则方面进行了探讨,并从法律法规的完善、园区规划的审批、规划执行、经营过程中的监管以及耕地保护的激励措施等方面提出了相应的对策措施.  相似文献   

研究目的:探讨农村地区劳动力流失引起的劳动力短缺对农地利用变化的影响。研究方法:访谈法和文献资料法。研究结果:由于农业比较利益低于其它行业,当前农村中有能力的人以及中青年人大量离开农村,进入城镇,从事非农行业;在家务农的基本上都是年老的、文化水平低的农民,这导致农村土地粗放经营甚至撂荒,利用率极低。研究结论:应加快土地流转,使土地向种田能手或农业个体户(组织)集中;加大对农业的投入,改善农业生产环境,提高综合生产能力;提高农业经营的比较效益,吸引更多有能力、有水平的人加入到农业中来,发展现代化、专业化、规模化农业。  相似文献   

Expanding beyond narrow approaches of understanding postapartheid space, this research analyzes the social relations contributing to land use patterns and livelihood decisions as manifestations of the coproduction of space. Drawing on a detailed livelihood and land‐change analysis case study of Polokwane, South Africa, it is argued that combinations of social processes across scales contribute to the production of peri‐urban South Africa and offer an uncommon mixed‐methods approach by combining qualitative ethnographic interviews, quantitative survey data, and land‐cover change detection. The peri‐urban interface is coproduced as individuals participate in multiple livelihood activities (wage labor, businesses, social programs) and changing land use patterns (residential, urban, mixed use) through negotiations at multiple scales—from macrolevel economic policy to local labor regimes.  相似文献   

中国土地利用变化及其影响的空间建模分析   总被引:53,自引:10,他引:53  
通过 GIS建模 ,本文分析了我国土地利用的变化与其影响因子之间的相互作用关系 ,并着重对耕地的变化及其空间分布进行了模拟。研究发现 ,土地利用的变化主要是自然与经济因素综合作用的结果 ,并且区分不同的规模尺度与不同的区域类型 ,将对提高土地利用空间变化模型的精度有着重要的影响。  相似文献   

During rapid urbanization and industrialization process, non-farm employment of rural laborers has emerged as a prevalent phenomenon in rural areas of China and become an important driving factor for changes in agricultural land use. This article attempts to theoretically analyze the impacts of non-farm employment of rural laborers on agricultural land use based on economic frameworks. As rational agents, farmers aim to maximize their income and follow equilibrium principles when they decide how to allocate their labor forces (or working time) in two departments (farm and non-farm) and how to use their agricultural land with different quality and location. The income earned by non-farm employment is higher, and there exists a comparative advantage between labors, as a result the quantity and quality of labor input in agricultural land use decreases. With the limitation of labor input during agricultural land use decision-making of farm households, on the one hand, land with higher quality is still utilized by farmers. On the other hand, poor quality land will be less well managed and is more likely to be abandoned. Non-farm employment of rural laborers and the rising of opportunity costs will result in abandonment of poor quality land, and great importance should be attached to this by policy makers.  相似文献   

孔祥夫  杨家文 《地理科学》2018,38(12):2074-2083
从土地利用视角分析轨道站点客流的影响因素,基于直接估计模型,选择不同类型用地楼板面积、公交线路数量、站点中心性、站点可达性4个变量建立非线性回归函数,分析不同类型用地客流生成率与站点可达性之间的衰减规律。结果表明: 相比于线性衰减规律,客流生成率随站点可达性的降低更符合指数衰减规律,用地距离地铁站0~0.5 km时客流生成率下降最快。单位面积各类用地客流生成率由大到小依次为:交通用地>办公用地>商业用地≈城中村>工业用地>居住用地>其他用地。客流生成率受站点可达性影响强度由大到小依次为:商业用地>办公用地>交通用地>其他用地>居住用地>城中村>工业用地。  相似文献   

阎建忠  卓仁贵  谢德体  张镱锂 《地理学报》2010,65(11):1401-1410
采用分层随机抽样、参与式农村评估、地块调查等方法,研究了重庆市涪陵区珍溪镇3 个典型村样本农户的土地利用和土地投入的差异。共调查了227 户,2250 个地块。结果发现:① 除了6.17%的非农户土地撂荒、退耕或出租外,纯农户、一兼户、二兼户的土地利用类型均以集约为主。纯农户因年龄结构老龄化,劳动力供应不足,相对粗放的耕地面积为48.95%。一兼户相对集约利用的面积比例为71.08%。二兼户相对集约利用的面积比例为67.20%。② 土地投入有明显差异。纯农户每公顷农业劳动力投入少,劳动力老龄化;由于缺乏资金,农业机械及省工性投入少,多选择农家肥及磷肥、碳铵等价格较低的传统肥料。一兼户劳动力投入的数量与质量都最高,有长期投资农业的意愿与动力,农业机械投资量最大,保持了较高的农家肥施用量,且各种化肥配合施用,用量适中;二兼户每公顷农业劳动力投入大,以老人与妇女为主;由于收入高,农业机械及省工性投入比纯农户多,首选价格高、省劳力的化肥。非农户无土地投入。`  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Tropical montane forests are known for their ecological importance. Most montane forests in Ecuador have been converted to agriculture, and those that remain are concentrated on the eastern cordillera. Understanding of land‐use‐land‐cover change in this ecological zone is inadequate. Using remote sensing (Landsat tm, spot ) and fieldwork, we document land‐use‐land‐cover change in two watersheds on Ecuador's eastern cordillera (Cañar Province). During the 1990s the region experienced a 0.58 percent annual rate of deforestation, but two areas within it show active signs of re/afforestation. Although conversion of forest to pasture for cattle grazing continues, human migration to the United States is likely to affect the trajectory of future land‐use‐land‐cover change.  相似文献   

Land uses and their legacies are a major driver of human impacts on the environment. Decision makers have recognized that the legacies of land-use activities continue to influence ecosystems, particularly aquatic ones, for decades or centuries. The main objectives of this paper are to develop land use legacy maps to (1) assess historical and future (predicted) shifts in dominant land use classes (urban, agriculture, forest) in the Ohio River Basin (ORB), and (2) determine the past and future location of catchments in the ORB exceeding critical land use thresholds (10% and 38% urban and agricultural use of catchment respectively) for water quality and other aquatic resources. Our land use legacy simulations show that approximately 80% of the ORB has remained as agriculture (∼37%), forest (∼34%), urban (∼7%) and other classes (∼2%) from 1930 to 1990. Within the remainder of landscape, agriculture to forest (∼16%) and agriculture to urban (∼1.5%) transitions were the most common land use changes between 1930 and 1990. Our forecast model shows that approximately 94% of the ORB will remain as forest (∼47.46%), agriculture (∼35.77%), urban (∼8.84%) and other classes (∼2.07%) between 2000 and 2050. 1.44% and 1.37% of the ORB is predicted to transition from forest to urban and agriculture to urban between 2000 and 2050, respectively. Our results also demonstrate that 13% and 74% of the catchments in the ORB already exceeded critical urban and agricultural land use thresholds in 1930, respectively. We predict that 37% of catchments in the ORB will have exceeded critical urban land use thresholds by 2050, whereas the proportion of catchments to exceed critical agricultural use will decrease to 45%.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to establish several important factors representing land use intensification in cultivated land (denoted by CII), using a multi-dimensional approach to achieve realistic and practical cultivated land use policies in China. For this reason, the theoretical framework was first built to explain the changes of land use intensification in the cultivated land, and then the variables and index were further developed for the purpose of characterizing the dynamic trends and driving forces of the land use intensification in the cultivated land at the provincial level. The study results indicate that the extent of CII significantly increased during the period of 1996 to 2008, due to the extensive use of fertilizers, machinery and pesticide, increased labor and capital input, and intensified land use. Moreover, the principal component regression results show that the productivity of cultivated land, economic benefits of cultivated land, labor productivity, and land use conversion are the main factors affecting the village development. The first three factors play a positive role, while the last one has a negative effect on the land use intensification in the cultivated land. According to these results, the main policies for sustainable intensification in cultivated land are proposed. First, the sustainable pathways for intensification should be adopted to reduce the unsustainable uses of chemical fertilizer, agricultural chemicals, etc. Second, the conditions for agricultural production should be further improved to increase the cultivated land productivity. Third, it is very necessary and helpful for improving labor productivity and land use efficiency from the viewpoint of accelerated the cultivated land circulation. The last step is to positively affect the production activities of peasants by means of reforming the subsidy standards.  相似文献   

针对粮食生产力影响因素分层结构的特点,构建粮食单产影响因素的多层线性模型,以江苏省为实证案例,定量研究耕地利用集约度及宏观政策因素对粮食单产变化影响及其内在作用机制。研究结果表明:(1)粮食单产的影响因素是多层次的,耕地利用集约度解释了平均粮食单产差异的57.04%,农业政策因素解释了平均粮食单产差异的42.96%;(2)2001~2008年江苏省的粮食单位面积产出总体呈逐年增加的趋势,其中,劳动集约度和资本集约度分别解释了县级平均粮食单产差异的19.50%和5.68%。(3)所选政策变量中,支农支出、科技支出和农业贷款三个变量对市级平均粮食单产具有显著作用。(4)所选政策变量解释了市级粮食单产均值差异的63.21%,市级层次还有36.79%的"背景效应"未得到解释。  相似文献   

We use a GIS‐based agent‐based model (ABM), named dynamic ecological exurban development (DEED), with spatial data in hypothetical scenarios to evaluate the individual and interacting effects of lot‐size zoning and municipal land‐acquisition strategies on possible forest‐cover outcomes in Scio Township, a municipality in Southeastern Michigan. Agent types, characteristics, behavioural methods, and landscape perceptions (i.e. landscape aesthetics) are empirically informed using survey data, spatial analyses, and a USDA methodology for mapping landscape aesthetic quality. Results from our scenario experiments computationally verified literature that show large lot‐size zoning policies lead to greater sprawl, and large lot‐size zoning policies can lead to increased forest cover, although we found this effect to be small relative to municipal land acquisition. The return on land acquisition for forest conservation was strongly affected by the location strategy used to select parcels for conservation. Furthermore, the location strategy for forest conservation land acquisition was more effective at increasing aggregate forest levels than the independent zoning policies, the quantity of area acquired for forest conservation, and any combination of the two. The results using an integrated GIS and ABM framework for evaluating land‐use development policies on forest cover provide additional insight into how these types of policies may act out over time and what aspects of the policies were more influential towards the goal of maximising forest cover.  相似文献   

朱会义 《地理学报》2013,68(8):1029-1037
土地利用变化的动力因子和动力机制是土地科学研究的核心问题。这一问题近30年来得到前所未有的关注,相关研究成果不断涌现,但是这些成果主要关注自然因子和社会经济因子等外在因素,却没有充分重视土地利用变化中蕴含的内在目标和由此派生的内在动力,客观上导致土地利用变化动力机制研究一直难以深入。本文以新疆地区为案例区,以土地、资本和劳动等生产要素生产效率变化为切入点,利用趋势拟合方法,分析了区域土地利用变化过程中要素产出效率的变动规律。结果显示,无论是近10年还是近30年区域棉花生产中,以及近30年区域粮食生产中,只有劳动生产率呈长期增长趋势。这一结果意味着人们对劳动生产率的追求可能是土地利用变化的内在动力。据此,进一步讨论了人们追求劳动生产率增长的原因及其与追求利润最大化等目标的关系,提出了"土地利用变化是人们在变化环境下不断追求劳动生产率增长的结果"这样一个观点。  相似文献   

通过对样本区域农村居民点布局及土地利用特点的研究 ,从丘陵山地区的自然环境条件和社会经济发展水平的实际出发 ,提出两种土地整理模式 :一是农林综合开发整理模式 ,即居民点闲置土地的复垦利用与抛荒地利用结合 ,与山地区退耕还林等生态建设工程结合 ,进行退宅还林 ;二是新村建设整理模式 ,即由政府对新村统一规划 ,供给道路等基础设施 ,引导农民集中建房的“政府引导型”农村居民点整理模式 ,并对重庆市渝北区新春村的新村建设的运作和效益进行了实证分析。  相似文献   

利用内蒙古自治区太仆寺旗的农户调查资料,在农户和地块两个微观尺度上分析了耕地利用集约度及其影响因素。研究结果表明,农户的耕地利用集约度在家庭户主年龄、非农务工劳动力比例、经营的耕地总面积、地块破碎化程度及耕地综合利用能力间存在明显差异:(1)户主年龄较大、非农就业劳动力比例较小的农户,耕地利用的劳动投入一般高于其他农户,而资本投入较低。年轻的农户,参与非农就业的劳动力比例相对较高,耕地利用的资本投入较大;(2)农户经营的地块越破碎,劳动投入越高,而资本投入越低;(3)在土地质量较好的地块上劳动集约度和资本集约度都较高。说明劳动力已成为当地农业生产的一个重要约束因素,同时劳动力的机械替代、规模化经营及资本集约度的提高均存在一定的潜力。文章最后认为建立农业劳动力非农就业与耕地利用相互协调的机制,是解决生态脆弱区生态安全与农业生产之间矛盾的重要途径。  相似文献   

Understanding the manifestations and underlying drivers of agricultural land use change in China is of great importance for both domestic and global food security.However,little is known about the holistic pattern of agricultural land use change across China,espe-cially from the perspective of intensity since the evidence has been gathered mainly through case studies at local levels.This study conducts a systemic review of agricultural land use change and its underlying drivers in China by aggregating 169 relevant case studies from 123 publications.The cases related to intensification and disintensification,which are the two types of agricultural land use change,are generally equal,accounting for 50% of the total number of cases.Intensification and disintensification can be further divided into the same three categories:expansion/contraction of agricultural land,changes in agricultural land use activities and changes in land management intensity.Demographic,economic,technological,and institutional drivers,together with location factors,are frequently noted as significant underlying drivers,while sociocultural drivers and farm(er) characteristics are less frequently recognized.Finally,three major land use change trajectories are summarized mainly con-ceming rising labor costs and the concomitant increase in off-farm employment,the ecologi-cal improvement policy,and advances in agricultural technology.  相似文献   

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