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任艳群  刘苏峡 《地理研究》2018,37(5):870-882
积雪和海冰的时空变化对区域以及全球的气候、水文具有重要影响。基于雪冰数据和NCEP再分析气温数据,利用MK检验、滞后分析等方法,分析了积雪、海冰的时空变化特征及其与温度的相关特征。结果表明:1979-2013年,北半球积雪区、北极圈的年均温度呈显著上升的趋势,而积雪面积和海冰面积呈显著下降的趋势。在大部分地区,积雪覆盖频率随着温度的上升呈显著减少的趋势,但在中国长江中下游、青藏高原等局部地区,积雪覆盖频率随着温度的上升呈显著增加趋势。在大部分的近陆地海域,海冰覆盖频率随着温度的上升呈显著下降趋势。超前时间1~2个月的温度与海冰面积的负相关性最高。超前1~4个月的温度与积雪面积的负相关性最高。温度对海冰的影响时间比对积雪的影响时间长1~2个月。温度变化对海冰和积雪的影响存在一致性,但积雪和海冰对温度的响应时间存在差异,具有空间变异性。  相似文献   

Based on temperature reconstruction and proxy data from 14 sites in the Northern Hemisphere, this paper focused on comparing the cycles of temperature variations between the Arctic and other areas, including Atlantic, Europe, China, Asia, Pacific, Indian Ocean, and America during the transition from the last Interstade to the Last Glacial Maximum, from the Last Glacial Maximum to megathermal period in Holocene and the transition of the Little Ice Age (LIA) by the methods of Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) and Maximum Entropy Spectrum (MES). The results showed that environmental changes in the Arctic are most similar to that in the North American and better similar to Asia, Atlantic and Pacific, the least similar to Indian Ocean and Europe. The 1500-year oscillation of temperature existed both in Arctic and Europe.  相似文献   

Based on temperature reconstruction and proxy data from 14 sites in the Northern Hemisphere, this paper focused on comparing the cycles of temperature variations between the Arctic and other areas, including Atlantic, Europe, China, Asia, Pacific, Indian Ocean, and America during the transition from the last Interstade to the Last Glacial Maximum, from the Last Glacial Maximum to megathermal period in Holocene and the transition of the Little Ice Age (LIA) by the methods of Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) and Maximum Entropy Spec-trum (MES). The results showed that environmental changes in the Arctic are most similar to that in the North American and better similar to Asia, Atlantic and Pacific, the least similar to Indian Ocean and Europe. The 1500-year oscillation of temperature existed both in Arctic and Europe.  相似文献   

Soil freeze-thaw process is closely related to surface energy budget,hydrological activity,and terrestrial ecosystems.In this study,two numerical experiments(including and excluding soil freeze-thaw process)were designed to examine the effect of soil freeze-thaw process on surface hydrologic and thermal fluxes in frozen ground region in the Northern Hemisphere based on the state-of-the-art Community Earth System Model version 1.0.5.Results show that in response to soil freeze-thaw process,the area averaged soil temperature in the shallow layer(0.0175?0.0451 m)decreases by 0.35℃in the TP(Tibetan Plateau),0.69℃in CES(Central and Eastern Siberia),and 0.6℃in NA(North America)during summer,and increases by 1.93℃in the TP,2.28℃in CES and 1.61℃in NA during winter,respectively.Meanwhile,in response to soil freeze-thaw process,the area averaged soil liquid water content increases in summer and decrease in winter.For surface heat flux components,the ground heat flux is most significantly affected by the freeze-thaw process in both summer and winter,followed by sensible heat flux and latent heat flux in summer.In the TP area,the ground heat flux increases by 2.82 W/m2(28.5%)in summer and decreases by 3.63 W/m2(40%)in winter.Meanwhile,in CES,the ground heat flux increases by 1.89 W/m2(11.3%)in summer and decreases by 1.41 W/m2(18.6%)in winter.The heat fluxes in the Tibetan Plateau are more susceptible to the freeze-thaw process compared with the high-latitude frozen soil regions.Soil freeze-thaw process can induce significant warming in the Tibetan Plateau in winter.Also,this process induces significant cooling in high-latitude regions in summer.The frozen ground can prevent soil liquid water from infiltrating to deep soil layers at the beginning of thawing;however,as the frozen ground thaws continuously,the infiltration of the liquid water increases and the deep soil can store water like a sponge,accompanied by decreasing surface runoff.The influence of the soil freeze-thaw process on surface hydrologic and thermal fluxes varies seasonally and spatially.  相似文献   

中国降雪气候学特征   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
刘玉莲  任国玉  于宏敏 《地理科学》2012,(10):1176-1185
利用逐日地面降雪观测资料,分析中国25oN以北范围内降雪量、降雪日数、雪带分布和各强度降雪的气候学特征,得到以下结论:①雪季长度与年降雪日数在东部呈纬向分布,大兴安岭北部最长(>210 d),长江以南最短(常年无雪或偶尔降雪);在西部青海省南部和西藏自治区北部最长(>300 d),滇、川、藏交界处及新疆自治区北部较长,南疆较短(<60 d)。年降雪量东南部最少,东北和西北北部较多(>30 mm),青海和西藏降雪量最多(>60 mm)。平均降雪强度江淮一带最大。②根据雪季降雪频次划分中国的雪带,东北大部、内蒙自治区东部、新疆北部、青藏高原大部、秦岭等地区为常年多雪带;长江以南的滇南、四川盆地、江浙沿海等地区为永久无雪带;其余地区为常年降雪带和偶尔降雪带。③不同区域各级降雪日数占总降雪日数的比例都是暴雪日数最少,大雪日数其次,小雪日数最多;但中雪降雪量占总降雪量的比例在东北北部、华北、西北、新疆、东南、青藏高原东部等区域仅高于小雪降雪量,而在黄-淮地区仅次于暴雪降雪量。④降雪年内分配在东北北部、西北、新疆、青藏高原东部等地区都呈双峰型,最多雪时节在早冬和晚冬、早春,隆冬时节并不是降雪最多时间,黄-淮和东南地区呈单峰型,东南地区峰值更陡。⑤总降雪日数和除暴雪外的各等级降雪日数与地理位置关系较明显,在中国东部主要随着纬度升高增加,在中国西部随海拔高度增加而增加;随着纬度升高,东部和西部的总降雪强度都减小,西部的小雪强度也减小。  相似文献   

山体效应对北半球林线分布的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
赵芳  张百平  庞宇  姚永慧  韩芳  张朔  齐文文 《地理学报》2012,67(11):1556-1564
通过搜集整理了北半球516 个林线数据, 结合WorldClim 气象数据计算了林线数据点上的大陆度, 并依据SRTM高程数据提取了林线处的山体基面高度(作为山体效应的代用因子), 然后以纬度、大陆度和山体基面高度为解释变量, 建立三元回归模型。结果表明:线性回归模型的判定系数R2为0.904, 二次回归模型的R2高达0.912。相比先前不考虑基面高度的林线分布模型(R2 = 0.79), 纳入了山体基面高度的林线分布模型能够更加有效的拟合半球尺度的林线分布; 结果还表明, 山体基面高度对北半球林线高度分布的贡献率达到了48.94% (p =0.000), 而纬度和大陆度分别为45.02% (p = 0.000) 和6.04% (p = 0.000)。这揭示了山体效应对半球尺度林线分布具有重要的影响。基面高度在北美洲地区对林线高度的贡献率最大(50.49%, p=0.000), 在欧亚大陆东部地区为48.73% (p = 0.000), 在欧亚大陆西部地区为43.6% (p=0.000)。这一结果说明山体效应对林线分布高度的影响虽有区域差异, 但都有较高的贡献率。  相似文献   

季节性雪被覆盖对植物群落的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
吴彦 《山地学报》2005,23(5):550-556
对雪被覆盖下光照、温度、水分状况、雪化学与养分特点,不同雪被厚度梯度下植物群落的物种组成和分布特点,雪生植物的生长发育和物候特征等方面的研究工作进行了综述,从植物生态学的角度,阐述了雪被生态学研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

Alpine timberline, as the "ecologica tion of scientists in many fields, especially in transition zone," has long attracted the atten- recent years. Many unitary and dibasic fitting models have been developed to explore the relationship between timberline elevation and latitude or temperature. However, these models are usually on regional scale and could not be applied to other regions; on the other hand, hemispherical-scale and continental-scale models are usually based on about 100 timberline data and are necessarily low in precision. The present article collects 516 data sites of timberline, and takes latitude, continentality and mass elevation effect (MEE) as independent variables and timberline elevation as dependent variable to develop a ternary linear regression meteorological data released by WorldClim and model. Continentality is calculated using the mountain base elevation (as a proxy of mass elevation effect) is extracted on the basis of SRTM 90-meter resolution elevation data. The results show that the coefficient of determination (R2) of the linear model is as high as 0.904, and that the contribution rate of latitude, continentality and MEE to timberline elevation is 45.02% (p=0.000), 6.04% (p=0.000) and 48.94% (p=0.000), respectively. This means that MEE is simply the primary factor contributing to the elevation distribution of timberline on the continental and hemispherical scales. The contribution rate of MEE to timberline altitude dif- fers in different regions, e.g., 50.49% (p=0.000) in North America, 48.73% (p=0.000) in the eastern Eurasia, and 43.6% (p=0.000) in the western Eurasia, but it is usually very high.  相似文献   

珠穆朗玛峰北坡东绒布冰川成冰作用的新认识   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
冰川成冰作用的研究对于选择冰芯钻取点具有重要的科学意义。前人对珠穆朗玛峰北坡冰川成冰作用的研究,由于缺少高海拔区域的实测资料而具有一定的局限性。文章通过1998年东绒布冰川垭口处(6 500 m a. s. l.)11 m冰芯和海拔6 450 m处20 m冰芯剖面的成冰作用过程研究,认识到由于水、热条件的逐年波动,冰川成冰作用也处于变化之中。珠穆朗玛峰北坡东绒布冰川高海拔区域,在一定的水、热条件下(如气温较低和降水量较大等),再冻结-重结晶作用依然占主导地位,该成冰作用至少在垭口部位是有分布的。而一般在气温较高或降水量较少等条件下,冰川的成冰作用则以冷渗浸-重结晶作用为主。  相似文献   

邓玉娇  田永杰  王捷纯 《地理科学》2016,36(10):1581-1587
利用国产静止气象卫星FY2E数据建立白天海雾监测算法,利用VIS通道反射率实现海面与云雾区分离,利用IR1通道估算云高实现中高云与低层云雾的分离,利用VIS、IR1、IR4波段构建雾判识指数初步实现海雾与低云的分离,利用平滑稳定度指数进一步实现海雾与低云的分离,最终得到的海雾监测小时产品。根据2014年1~5月份广东沿海13个海雾监站点的实测数据,对本算法所得海雾产品进行精度检验,计算得到检测率POD为92.7%,检率FAR为29.4%,总体精度为64.7%。个例分析可知,静止卫星资料因其具备较高的时间分辨率,可较好实现对海雾过程的连续、动态监测。  相似文献   

基于MODIS数据的雪深反演--以天山北坡经济带为例   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
应用中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)数据进行雪深遥感反演理论和方法的研究.利用全波 段地物光谱仪对不同深度的积雪进行反射光谱值野外量测且同步测定雪深,通过分析雪深和 反射光谱值的关系确定反演雪深的MODIS最佳观测通道,应用新疆地区冬季MODIS 1B数据, 以天山北坡经济带为实验区,结合该区域同期气象台地面雪深观测记录数据建立雪深遥感反 演数学公式.雪深反演结果与实测值对比表明,应用MODIS数据进行大区域雪深反演时 ,其结果具有分辨率高、监测范围广的特点,可以清楚反映积雪覆盖范围和雪深空间分布特征,对地表径流量计算、农业开发等具有应用价值.  相似文献   

基于静止气象卫星观测的降水时间降尺度研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高分辨率降水时空分布估计对于陆面数值模拟和同化,天气、气候与环境及其相关领域研究具有重要意 义。长时间序列降水分布常使用时间和空间插值技术进行估计。本文提出了一种基于每小时静止卫星云图云分类 信息的累积降水估计时间加权插值方法,它通过利用高时空分辨率静止卫星云图所反映的云的变化,与卫星降水 估计和地面观测降水相结合,以获得时空分布比较合理的地面降水分布。将该方法应用于FY2C 云图和国家卫星 气象中心FY2C 的6 小时降水估计业务产品,得到FY2C 卫星发射(2005 年)以来具有10KM空间分辨率以及1 小 时分辨率的降水数据集,并利用中国区域自动雨量观测资料对该降水估计数据集进行检验和评估,以表明该方法 的合理性。  相似文献   

基于Landsat 8与GEOEYE-1遥感数据,使用多尺度遥感方法,以新疆呼图壁县为例,利用SEBS模型计算天山北坡县域蒸散量,服务小流域和县域为管理单元的最严格水资源管理。针对军塘湖河流域耕地、呼图壁河流域耕地和北部荒漠-绿洲过渡带,应用2 m分辨率GEOEYE-1影像计算得NDVI和基于NDVI-TR法模拟的地表温度。将获得的地表温度和NDVI作为SEBS模型的重要参数计算地表蒸散量,采用自制小型蒸渗仪观测数据对估算结果进行评估。结果表明:在使用中分辨率影像Landsat 8估算地表蒸散量过程中加入GEOEYE-1反演的个别参数,大部分估算结果更加接近自制微型蒸渗仪测定值,估算绝对误差最大值出现在裸地,为28.5%,远低于使用Landsat 8影像的54.8%,说明高分影像的参与有助于提高模型估算效率。  相似文献   

In the Buffalo Head Hills area a weights of evidence statistical approach was used to determine the spatial relationship of NNE-, NE-, NW-, and ENE-trending lineaments to known kimberlite locations. This method outlined different degrees of spatial correlation between and lineaments, with higher correlations defined for the NNE, NE, and ENE lineament data sets. A weights of evidence model then was constructed using the structural lineament maps, the Buffalo High and Buffalo Utikuma terrane boundary, Bouguer gravity data, and magnetic characteristics of the Buffalo High and Buffalo Utikuma terranes. The model reveals maximum favorability for kimberlite exploration along the Buffalo High and Utikuma terrane boundary in correspondence with NNE-trending lineaments and their intersections with NE and ENE lineaments. The relationship of the kimberlite occurrences along the Buffalo High-Buffalo Utikuma terrane boundary and structural lineaments seems to favor an hypothesis of kimberlite emplacement through a major zone of weakness in the basement, here characterized by the boundary between the Buffalo High and Buffalo Utikumaterranes.  相似文献   

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