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While research into the formation of memorial landscapes in the American South has focused on those resulting from racial conflicts, a new landscape memorializing labor conflict and class consciousness is also emerging in the region's textile-producing Piedmont. This memorialization poses significant challenges to dominant regional discourses of economic development and class mutuality in a region in which labor organizing and radical politics remain anathema. This paper examines this emerging landscape for what it can tell us about class relations in the region and the process by which memorial landscapes are formed.  相似文献   

Locational Factors in the New Textile Industry: Focus on the U.S. South   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4-5):193-203

After a brief examination of the geographic shift in the U.S. textile industry from New England to the South in the early twentieth century, this article focuses on the location of contemporary textile mills, which continue to be heavily concentrated in the U.S. South. The industry is analyzed cartographically by types of mills and number of mill workers. The new dynamics of the industry are expressed through modern corporate management strategies that recognize increased integration between manufacturing and markets, especially apparel and home furnishings retailing. Electronic technology, substituted for traditional low-cost labor, has led to the growing importance of localization economies in accounting for the spatial concentration of the industry in the core state of North Carolina and its extensions along the Piedmont into Alabama to the south and Virginia to the north. Economies of scope, flexible production, and quality output characterize the contemporary U.S. textile industry, which operates under increased global competition.  相似文献   

中国劳动力资源配置区域差异分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
区域经济发展和经济结构调整的关键在于劳动力资源的合理配置。中国各省市区劳动力资源的产业和行业分布具有显著的地域差异,在空间分布上东、中、西部具有差异,西部地区的西南和西北地区也存在差别,这种规律反映了我国经济发展和产业结构高级化的区域差异。根据劳动力行业配置的区位熵排序结果,将各省市区分成4种类型:大都市型、沿海高工业化水平型、中等工业化水平型、中下等工业化水平型。这些类型具有自东向西有规律性的分布,与我国的经济发展格局和工业化水平的东西差异相应。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4-5):229-240

This article examines various strategies for teaching controversial topics. As a case study, I present examples from my experience teaching about the cultural/political geographic concept of iconography in southern classrooms using as an example recent debates over whether governments in the region should sanction the flying of the Confederate battle flag. First, I discuss the recent literature on the teaching of controversial issues. Second, I examine the concept of iconography and the debates over flying the flag. Third, I present different strategies that can be used to approach this controversial icon in a classroom setting. I conclude by arguing that there is no perfect solution to the teaching of controversial topics that will succeed for every topic, irrespective of time and place.  相似文献   

The use of multifunctionalism to conceptualise contemporary rural landscapes has focused attention on the increased extent and impact of non-farmers in traditionally agriculture-based rural communities. Typologies of rural landholders have been developed as part of that research effort. However, those typologies are not grounded in established theory, including collective identity theory that could provide an important foundation for the study of occupational identity. Indeed, most quantitative studies may be flawed in drawing on only one of the seven elements contributing to collective identity. This paper examines the efficacy of relying on self-declared occupational identity through the analysis of rural landholder survey data in an Australian region. Tests for expected relationships between self-declared identity of farmer/non-farmer and social and farming variables expected to be correlated with occupation, such as property size, profitability, hours worked on- and off-property, enterprise type and membership of farming-related local organisations found that the expected relationships existed. It seems that self-declared occupational identity is a valid and cost-effective way to explore occupational identity amongst rural landholders. Collective identity, however, is complex and it is unlikely that important research questions can be adequately explored without a more holistic approach to the study of farmer identity in multifunctional landscapes. The paper concludes with a discussion of the potential benefits of moving beyond self-declared occupation to include other elements in the collective identity construct.  相似文献   

The naming of streets after Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) is an importantarena for African Americans as they rewrite the landscape of southern identity and commemoration. While less ornate and ostentatious than museums and monuments, MLK streets are powerful and highly contested cultural geographies because of their potential to connect disparate communities and incorporate a vision of the past into the spatial practices of everyday life. They reveal the importance of location, particularly intra-urban location, to public memorialization. Naming streets for King is a significant part of the nonmetropolitan South as well as larger cities and dependent upon the relative size of a city's African-American population. When estimating the intra-urban character of MLK streets within several southern states, findings suggest that they are located in census areas that are generally poorer and with more African Americans than citywide averages. Analysis reveals a geographic unevenness in the frequency of businesses having an address identified with King. When compared with the stereotypical American thoroughfare of “Main” Street, the address composition of MLK streets appears to be more residential in nature, although there is significant state by state variation.  相似文献   

The naming of streets after Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) is an importantarena for African Americans as they rewrite the landscape of southern identity and commemoration. While less ornate and ostentatious than museums and monuments, MLK streets are powerful and highly contested cultural geographies because of their potential to connect disparate communities and incorporate a vision of the past into the spatial practices of everyday life. They reveal the importance of location, particularly intra‐urban location, to public memorialization. Naming streets for King is a significant part of the nonmetropolitan South as well as larger cities and dependent upon the relative size of a city's African‐American population. When estimating the intra‐urban character of MLK streets within several southern states, findings suggest that they are located in census areas that are generally poorer and with more African Americans than citywide averages. Analysis reveals a geographic unevenness in the frequency of businesses having an address identified with King. When compared with the stereotypical American thoroughfare of “Main” Street, the address composition of MLK streets appears to be more residential in nature, although there is significant state by state variation.  相似文献   

采用实地调查、统计年鉴资料和区域差异分析等方法,对区域GDP总量、财政收入和居民生活水平,以及三次产业结构作比较分析。结果显示,广东区域发展失衡、经济水平悬殊、产业结构不协调、环境压力加大;在此基础上,通过产业和劳动力的空间双转移形式,带来工业产值增长的经济效应,扩大人口就业的社会效应,减轻环境压力的生态效应,达到经济要素结合的空间效应,但仍存在以行政力量和政区为主导与框架、市场调控乏力,转移空间狭小、劳动者素质偏低等问题。就此提出建立合理的产业地域分工体系、提升和协调四大经济区水平与区域关系,扩大双转移范围,发挥华侨、港澳作用,加强劳力培训等改进与完善双转移的对策和措施。  相似文献   

借助主成分分析和熵值法,从纺织服装专利授权量、纺织业技术创新经济绩效、获得国家及部级科技进步奖项数量、纺织服装企业品牌总价值、拥有纺织服装高等科研院所数量等14个指标出发,构建了各省区(市)纺织服装业技术创新能力评价指标体系,对中国大陆31个省区(市)的纺织服装业技术创新能力做了具体测评,发现中国各省纺织服装业创新能力呈东高西低的阶梯状分布,沿海省份创新能力最强,越向西部地区,创新能力越弱。提出了改变这一趋势、提升西部省区(市)纺织服装业技术创新能力的政策建议。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4-5):213-227

This article suggests how teachers can approach the Internet conceptually and use it practically as they teach about the American South. Because of its information, communication, and cultural dimensions, the Internet represents a “place” where students and teachers can appraise the South from multiple, alternative perspectives. The article offers lesson strategies and resources for both on-computer and off-computer classroom settings. By finding the southern part of cyberspace, the authors illustrate that regions can and do have a place in a medium often represented as spaceless and devoid of geographic boundaries.  相似文献   

19世纪末20世纪初,美国成为世界第一大经济体,亟须开辟海外新市场。为了争夺当时被认为是潜在的“最大的世界市场”,美国侵占西班牙在南海东岸的殖民地菲律宾,将其作为进入中国市场的据点,这是美国对南海地缘的最初认知。在以后的30多年时间里,美国都没有染指南海,直到日本侵略东南亚。日本把东南亚纳入“大东亚共荣圈”,利用南海地缘优势攻击美军,使南海首次呈现重要的地缘战略价值。南海地缘的新变化促使美国重新认知南海。此后,随着“边缘地带论”的兴起,美国越发重视南海的地缘战略价值,并谋求为自己的国家利益服务。进入20世纪50年代,亚太形成了截然对立的以中国为首的社会主义阵营和以美国为首的资本主义阵营。遏制共产主义在亚太扩张成为美国推行霸权战略的总方针。这直接影响美国对南海的地缘战略认知,利用南海的地缘战略价值围堵遏制中国就成为美国对华政策的必然选项。  相似文献   

Between 1975 and 1979, approximately two million people were killed in the Cambodian genocide. To date, considerable research has examined the legacies of this period of Cambodia's history, as well as the geographies of memorialization associated with genocidal violence. In this paper we both critique and expand current understandings. We do so, first, through a destabilization of the periodization of Cambodia's violent past and, second, through a re‐theorization of violence itself. Specifically, we resituate the Cambodian genocide as part of a more systemic effort of post‐conflict reconstruction. We argue that from the perspective of the Khmer Rouge, those policies and practices imposed post‐1975 were forwarded in the context of state‐building following five years of civil war (1970–1975). Consequently, a view of genocide as post‐conflict reconstruction calls into question standard understandings of the genocide and especially the post‐1979 memorialization of genocide. To accomplish our goals, we introduce a dialectical understanding of both potential and realized violence, and potential and realized memorialized landscapes.  相似文献   

彭飞  李淑琴 《热带地理》2022,42(7):1061-1072
结合研究期内热点地缘事件,利用GDELT数据库中新闻事件数、平均语调值及戈登斯坦分值分析南海周边主要国家地缘关系时序演化,并根据合作和冲突事件探讨地缘关系网络结构特征。结果表明:1)1997—2020年,美国提出“重返亚太”和“南海仲裁案”的结束成为整个时期内的两大标志性事件,分别以2009和2016年为时间节点,将南海周边主要国家地缘关系划分为特征差异显著的3个阶段。2)在第一阶段(1997—2008年),各国保持稳定关注,和平发展成为主旋律,地缘关系相对缓和平稳;到第二阶段(2009—2015年),稳定与不安因素此消彼长,地缘关系动荡,消极态势初显;进入第三阶段(2016—2020年),各国间仍保持高位关注,但争端对抗充斥不断,地缘关系亟需维护缓和。3)中国在前个两阶段主要扮演合作与冲突事件接受国角色,从第三阶段起发起的合作事件明显增多,节点加权出入度显著增大;而中国、美国、越南和菲律宾在网络结构中相对活跃,尤其在冲突平均网络中经历了“中―美―越”到“中―菲―美―越”再到“中―菲―美”小团体组合过程;印度尼西亚和马来西亚在区域中与他国联系有所下降;文莱以接受合作或冲突事件为主,与他国地缘关系稳定。  相似文献   

耿文才 《地理研究》2015,34(2):259-269
如何破除产业区际转移粘性,实现区域经济协调发展已成为近年来国内研究的热点问题。基于新经济地理学视角,综合运用区位熵、产业集聚变动指数和面板数据的门限回归方法,对2000-2010年中国纺织业转移的时空特征及区际转移产生粘性的原因进行了研究。结果表明,尽管东部纺织业已出现明显的转移趋势,但就其跨区向中西部转移而言仍具有很强的粘性,其原因在于:1纺织业对本地市场具有较强的依赖性,因而在市场接近效应的作用下东部纺织业向中西部地区的转移存在一定的市场阻力;2纺织业集聚的外部规模效应仍在增强,特别是东部部分省份的纺织业未来仍有较强的集聚动力;3东部由于其特定区位优势和经济发展非均衡的特点为该地区纺织业在其内部省份间的调整提供了回旋余地。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of how to combine, on one hand, the everyday links that are established and maintained between home and work, and on the other, the demand-driven social regulation of labor markets. It is argued that by taking an approach acknowledging the complexity of networks and the “constellations of relations” involved in forming local labor markets, we can better understand the meshing of divisions of labor at home and at work, in concert with the demands of local employers. In this respect, the roles of households, ethnic communities, and employers are taken to be critical and interdependent in forming local labor markets and, ultimately, constructing places. Census and archival data are used from Lawrence, Massachusetts to examine these issues through the situation of woolen mill workers of the 1920s and 1930s.  相似文献   

2009年后缅甸国内冲突的地缘政治学视角解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
缅甸建国后的数十年里,中央政府与各地少数民族武装之间的冲突一直处于打打停停的战乱状态。然而2009年后缅甸国内冲突开始走向国际化,其未来形势变得异常复杂多变。2015年缅甸国内冲突的规模和持续性更进一步印证了这点。文章从地缘政治学视角,结合实地调研所做的访谈和问卷,得出一个基本观点:缅甸国内地缘冲突已经不再是单纯的国内民族问题,而是全球地缘政治经济格局变化下的大国博弈的焦点之一;全球地缘格局变化导致大国地缘战略在缅甸汇聚,从而导致缅甸在全球地缘区位的变化。缅甸不过是大国全球博弈的一个新战场,再加上缅北和缅甸东部的地理特征和缅甸少数民族武装的地缘关系成就了当前和未来的冲突,乃至缅甸的国内局势走向。  相似文献   

Human-wildlife conflict (HWC) is a global conservation issue of increasing concern, and understanding the factors driving conflict is crucial for preventing or mitigating it. In many parts of China, large human populations and increasing development has led to an escalation in HWC with both carnivore and prey species. In this paper we assess herder attitudes toward blue sheep (Pseudaois nayaur, Hodgson, 1833), white lipped deer (Carvus albirostris, Przewalski, 1883), red deer (Cervus elaphus, Linnaeus, 1758), and marmot (Marmota himalayana Hodgson, 1841) through interview-based surveys conducted in 46 households across 8 villages in Qilianshan National Nature Reserve, Gansu, China. We also examine the perceived impact of three ecological-restoration policies (anti-grazing, sustainable grazing, and grass-planting policies) on livelihoods, and how this affects attitudes toward wildlife. Herders reported neutral attitudes toward wildlife species in general, but reported negative attitudes towards blue sheep. Mixed-effects modeling revealed that herder attitudes toward the target species varied significantly across villages, but other socioeconomic variables had limited explanatory power for attitudes. Furthermore, we found that while policy implementation was negatively perceived by herders, anti-grazing policy implementation and total policy implementation were positively correlated with positive attitudes toward wildlife, highlighting a potential gap between perceived threats and actual threats. Finally, we show that the leading cause of reported livestock death is preventable disease, alleviation of which may help improve attitudes toward wildlife.  相似文献   

通过实地调研、问卷调查、深入访谈等方式,并结合GIS及统计分析法,从宏观和微观上对2015-02-09果敢冲突涌进中国的果敢难民的空间分布特征及原因进行了分析。结果表明:冲突下果敢难民主要受地理距离、政策、社会关系、经济和自然条件等因素影响,难民集中分布在果敢与中国边境交界的中国一侧。从宏观地域格局上看,难民分布的总体特征是沿边境线呈条带状的空间分布,且呈现出向中国境内纵深递减的趋势;从微观上看,主要呈现出集聚型、分散型、集聚-分散型分布的特征。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国非农产业和迁移劳动力向东部沿海地区同向集中的态势持续强化。利用1982-2010年全国4次人口普查和3次人口抽样调查提供的劳动力就业和省际迁移数据,对省际劳动力迁移机制的实证分析验证了新经济地理学模型中前向联系的存在性,即市场进入性引导下的劳动力迁移是中国产业集聚累积循环过程的基本动力。研究结果表明,随着市场一体化和地区专业化水平的提高,市场进入性对劳动力迁移的影响度逐渐提升。不仅是迁入地工业品的可获得性,其周边地区工业品的供给规模对迁移决策的影响也日益提高,由此导致了中国工业和迁移劳动力在东部沿海地区的连片集中。因此,推进市场一体化和生产专业化,提高市场进入性,是促进产业地理集中和区域协调发展的基本战略措施。  相似文献   

Traditionally, industrial diversification has been stressed as a tool for achieving economic growth and development. The literature on the spatial division of labor also incorporates the importance of occupational structure while recognizing the continued role of industrial structure. This paper examines the changing association between industrial and occupational diversification and the associations of industrial and occupational diversification with indicators of the business environment. The results indicate a weakening association between the industrial and occupational employment structures over time. Industrial diversification continues to be important for economic development but occupational diversification operates somewhat differently. For example, a trend toward occupational diversification is associated with employment growth but with lower levels of income. This suggests that occupational diversity may not necessarily ensure job quality, and hence, the lower levels of income.  相似文献   

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