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Abstract– An anomalous Ca‐Al‐Fe‐rich spherical inclusion (CAFI) was found in the Vigarano CV3 chondrite. The CAFI has an igneous texture and contains large amounts of almost pure and coarse‐grained hercynite grains (approximately 56 vol%) as well as refractory phases such as grossite and perovskite. However, melilite and Mg‐spinel, which are common in ordinary Ca‐Al‐rich inclusions, are very rare (<1 vol%). Another unique characteristic of the CAFI is the presence in its core of dmitryivanovite (CaAl2O4), which was formed by shock metamorphism of a low‐pressure form of CaAl2O4 that was originally crystallized from a molten droplet. The fine‐grained hercynite and unidentified aluminous phase in the rim of the CAFI may have been produced from grossite during aqueous alteration in the Vigarano parent body.  相似文献   

We have conducted scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) studies of a variety of occurrences of matrix in the reduced CV3 chondrite breccia Vigarano. Matrix, which occurs as clastic interchondrule material and finer‐grained rims, is dominated by morphologically variable olivines that host submicron, hercynitic spinel, and carbonaceous inclusions. Clastic matrix and fine‐grained rims show significant differences in their olivine morphologies, abundance, and composition of olivine inclusions, and characteristics of the carbonaceous matter. We suggest that these differences are the result of different degrees of alteration of clastic matrix and rims and are not due to variability in their precursor materials. Textural and compositional characteristics of olivine in the matrix are consistent with formation by growth, possibly from an amorphous precursor material during asteroidal metamorphism, in the presence of limited quantities of aqueous fluids. Spinel inclusions in olivine may be nebular condensates that acted as seeds for nucleation of olivine or may have formed during metamorphism and were subsequently overgrown by olivine. Carbonaceous material occurs as nanometer‐sized inclusions within olivine in both fine‐grained rims and clastic matrix, but is most abundant as 100–200 nm grains, interstitial to matrix olivines. Most carbonaceous material is amorphous, but poorly graphitized carbon (PGC) also occurs as a minor component in both olivine inclusions and interstitial C. The widespread occurrence of fine‐grained amorphous carbon grains in the interstitial regions between olivine grains may preserve the distribution and grain size of nebular organic material. No clear textural relationships exist between carbonaceous grains and the other mineralogical components of Vigarano matrix that could help constrain the origin of the organic grains (i.e., evidence for Fischer‐Tropsch‐type reactions). Finally, there are considerable differences between matrix olivines in Vigarano in comparison with those in oxidized CV3 chondrites. In particular, the mineralogy and morphology of the matrix olivines and the nature, composition, and distribution of inclusions in the olivine grains are distinct. Based on these differences, we conclude that matrix in the oxidized CV3 chondrites could not have formed by thermal processing of Vigarano‐like material.  相似文献   

Abstract The matrix of Vigarano, a meteorite which belongs to the reduced subgroup of the CV3 chondrites, contains small amounts (<10%) of ferrihydrite and smectite. These hydrous minerals occur together as fine fibrous intergrowths between anhydrous silicate and oxide grains. Coarser crystals of ferrihydrite fill fractures that cut matrix minerals, and smectite also lines narrow channels within olivine grains. These channels may have formed by preferential alteration of olivines along (100)-parallel defects. Formation of ferrihydrite and smectite in the matrix of Vigarano was the result of mild aqueous alteration in a low-temperature (<150 °C), oxidising parent body environment. Partial equilibration of matrix olivines indicates that alteration was followed by thermal metamorphism with a peak temperature of 400–500 °C. Mineralogically similar alteration products, which also were formed by parent body processes, have previously been described from the matrices of four CV meteorites: Bali, Grosnaja, Kaba and Mokoia, all of which belong to the oxidised subgroup. This discovery of the products of oxidative aqueous alteration in Vigarano has important consequences for understanding the chemical and thermal history of the CV class of meteorites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Two unusual dark clasts found in the Vigarano CV3 chondrite were examined using an optical microscope and a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Both clasts lack chondrules, Ca-Al-rich inclusions, and coarse-grained mineral fragments; they, instead, contain abundant inclusions that consist of fine grains (<1 μm) of homogeneous Fe-rich olivine, thus resembling the fine-grained variety of dark inclusions in CV3 chondrites. The external shapes of inclusions in the clasts bear a close resemblance to those of chondrules and chondrule fragments; some of the inclusions are surrounded by dark rims similar to chondrule rims. Our SEM observations reveal the following unusual characteristics: 1) the inclusions are not mere random aggregates of olivine grains but have peculiar internal textures, that is, assemblages of round or oval shaped outlines, which are suggestive of pseudomorphs after porphyritic olivine chondrules; 2) one of thick inclusion rims contains a network of vein-like strings of elongated olivine grains; 3) an Fe-Ni metal aggregate in one of the clasts has an Fe-, Ni-, S-rich halo suggesting a reaction between its precursor and the surrounding matrix; and 4) olivine in the clasts commonly shows a swirly, fibrous texture similar to that of phyllosilicate. These characteristics suggest that the dark clasts in Vigarano are not primary aggregates of dust in the solar nebula but were affected by aqueous alteration and subsequent dehydration by heating after accretion to the meteorite parent body. The fine olivine grains in these clasts were presumably produced by thermal transformation of phyllosilicate, as is the case with those in the two thermally metamorphosed Antarctic CM chondrites, Belgica-7904 and Yamato-86720. From textural and mineralogical similarities, some of the dark inclusions and clasts previously reported from CV3 chondrites and other types of meteorites may have origins common with these clasts in Vigarano.  相似文献   

Abstract— It was suggested that multilayered accretionary rims composed of ferrous olivine, andradite, wollastonite, salite‐hedenbergitic pyroxenes, nepheline, and Ni‐rich sulfides around Allende calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs) are aggregates of gas‐solid condensates which reflect significant fluctuations in physico‐chemical conditions in the slowly cooling solar nebula and grain/gas separation processes. In order to test this model, we studied the mineralogy of accretionary rims around one type A CAI (E104) and one type B CAI (E48) from the reduced CV3 chondrite Efremovka, which is less altered than Allende. In contrast to the Allende accretionary rims, those in Efremovka consist of coarse‐grained (20–40 μm), anhedral forsterite (Fa1–8), Fe, Ni‐metal nodules, amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) and fine‐grained CAIs composed of Al‐diopside, anorthite, and spinel, ± forsterite. Although the fine‐grained CAIs, AOAs and host CAIs are virtually unaltered, a hibonite‐spinel‐perovskite CAI in the E48 accretionary rim experienced extensive alteration, which resulted in the formation of Fe‐rich, Zn‐bearing spinel, and a Ca, Al, Si‐hydrous mineral. Forsterites in the accretionary rims typically show an aggregational nature and consist of small olivine grains with numerous pores and tiny inclusions of Al‐rich minerals. No evidence for the replacement of forsterite by enstatite was found; no chondrule fragments were identified in the accretionary rims. We infer that accretionary rims in Efremovka are more primitive than those in Allende and formed by aggregation of high‐temperature condensates around host CAIs in the CAI‐forming regions. The rimmed CAIs were removed from these regions prior to condensation of enstatite and alkalies. The absence of andradite, wollastonite, and hedenbergite from the Efremovka rims may indicate that these rims sampled different nebular regions than the Allende rims. Alternatively, the Ca, Fe‐rich silicates rimming Allende CAIs may have resulted from late‐stage metasomatic alteration, under oxidizing conditions, of original Efremovka‐like accretionary rims. The observed differences in O‐isotope composition between forsterite and Ca, Fe‐rich minerals in the Allende accretionary rims (Hiyagon, 1998) suggest that the oxidizing fluid had an 16O‐poor oxygen isotopic composition.  相似文献   

Abstract– We report on mineralogy, petrography, and whole‐rock 26Al‐26Mg systematics of eight amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) from the oxidized CV chondrite Allende. The AOAs consist of forsteritic olivine, opaque nodules, and variable amounts of Ca,Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs) of different types, and show evidence for alteration to varying degrees. Melilite and anorthite are replaced by nepheline, sodalite, and grossular; spinel is enriched in FeO; opaque nodules are replaced by Fe,Ni‐sulfides, ferroan olivine and Ca,Fe‐rich pyroxenes; forsteritic olivine is enriched in FeO and often overgrown by ferroan olivine. The AOAs are surrounded by fine‐grained, matrix‐like rims composed mainly of ferroan olivine and by a discontinuous layer of Ca,Fe‐rich silicates. These observations indicate that AOAs experienced in situ elemental open‐system iron‐alkali‐halogen metasomatic alteration during which Fe, Na, Cl, and Si were introduced, whereas Ca was removed from AOAs and used to form the Ca,Fe‐rich silicate rims around AOAs. The whole‐rock 26Al‐26Mg systematics of the Allende AOAs plot above the isochron of the whole‐rock Allende CAIs with a slope of (5.23 ± 0.13) × 10?5 reported by Jacobsen et al. (2008) . In contrast, whole‐rock 26Al‐26Mg isotope systematics of CAIs and AOAs from the reduced CV chondrite Efremovka define a single isochron with a slope of (5.25± 0.01) × 10?5 ( Larsen et al. 2011 ). We infer that the excesses in 26Mg* present in Allende AOAs are due to their late‐stage open‐system metasomatic alteration. Thus, the 26Al‐26Mg isotope systematics of Allende CAIs and AOAs are disturbed by parent body alteration processes, and may not be suitable for high‐precision chronology of the early solar system events and processes.  相似文献   

Abstract— Oxygen isotopes have been measured by ion microprobe in individual minerals (spinel, Al‐Ti‐diopside, melilite, and anorthite) within four relatively unaltered, fine‐grained, spinel‐rich Ca‐Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs) from the reduced CV chondrite Efremovka. Spinel is uniformly 16O‐rich (Δ17O ≤ ?20‰) in all four CAIs; Al‐Ti‐diopside is similarly 16O‐rich in all but one CAI, where it has smaller 16O excesses (‐15‰ ≤ Δ17O ≤ ?10‰). Anorthite and melilite vary widely in composition from 16O‐rich to 16O‐poor (‐22‰ ≤ Δ17O ≤ ?5‰). Two of the CAIs are known to have group II volatility‐fractionated rare‐earth‐element patterns, which is typical of this variety of CAI and which suggests formation by condensation. The association of such trace element patterns with 16O‐enrichment in these CAIs suggests that they formed by gas‐solid condensation from an 16O‐rich gas. They subsequently experienced thermal processing in an 16O‐poor reservoir, resulting in partial oxygen isotope exchange. Within each inclusion, oxygen isotope variations from mineral to mineral are consistent with solid‐state oxygen self‐diffusion at the grain‐to‐grain scale, but such a model is not consistent with isotopic variations at a larger scale in two of the CAIs. The spatial association of 16O depletions with both elevated Fe contents in spinel and the presence of nepheline suggests that late‐stage iron‐alkali metasomatism played some role in modifying the isotopic patterns in some CAIs. One of the CAIs is a compound object consisting of a coarse‐grained, melilite‐rich (type A) lithology joined to a fine‐grained, spinel‐rich one. Melilite and anorthite in the fine‐grained portion are mainly 16O‐rich, whereas melilite in the type A portion ranges from 16O‐rich to 16O‐poor, suggesting that oxygen isotope exchange predated the joining together of the two parts and that both 16O‐rich and 16O‐poor gaseous reservoirs existed simultaneously in the early solar nebula.  相似文献   

We observed metamorphosed clasts in the CV3 chondrite breccias Graves Nunataks 06101, Vigarano, Roberts Massif 04143, and Yamato‐86009. These clasts are coarse‐grained polymineralic rocks composed of Ca‐bearing ferroan olivine (Fa24–40, up to 0.6 wt% CaO), diopside (Fs7–12Wo44–50), plagioclase (An52–75), Cr‐spinel (Cr/[Cr + Al] = 0.4, Fe/[Fe + Mg] = 0.7), sulfide and rare grains of Fe‐Ni metal, phosphate, and Ca‐poor pyroxene (Fs24Wo4). Most clasts have triple junctions between silicate grains. The rare earth element (REE) abundances are high in diopside (REE ~3.80–13.83 × CI) and plagioclase (Eu ~12.31–14.67 × CI) but are low in olivine (REE ~0.01–1.44 × CI) and spinel (REE ~0.25–0.49 × CI). These REE abundances are different from those of metamorphosed chondrites, primitive achondrites, and achondrites, suggesting that the clasts are not fragments of these meteorites. Similar mineralogical characteristics of the clasts with those in the Mokoia and Yamato‐86009 breccias (Jogo et al. 2012 ) suggest that the clasts observed in this study would also form inside the CV3 chondrite parent body. Thermal modeling suggests that in order to reach the metamorphosed temperatures of the clasts of >800 °C, the clast parent body should have accreted by ~2.5–2.6 Ma after CAIs formation. The consistency of the accretion age of the clast parent body and the CV3 chondrule formation age suggests that the clasts and CV3 chondrites could be originated from the same parent body with a peak temperature of 800–1100 °C. If the body has a peak temperature of >1100 °C, the accretion age of the body becomes older than the CV3 chondrule formation age and multiple CV3 parent bodies are likely.  相似文献   

Clast 100 in regolith breccia 15295 could be a key to resolving the relationship(s) between mare basalts and lunar picritic glasses. The clast is basaltic, with texture, mineralogy, mineral compositions, and calculated bulk composition suggesting that it crystallized in a thick lava flow or shallow intrusive body from a very‐low‐titanium (VLT) basaltic magma. The estimated bulk composition of clast 15295,100 is primitive (i.e., magnesian) compared to those of known VLT basalts, and is very close to those of VLT picritic green glasses, especially the Apollo 14 A green glass. From these similarities, we infer that clast 15295,100 is a crystalline product of a picritic magma similar to the Apollo 14 A glass. Clementine and M3 remotely sensed data of the lunar surface were used to find areas that have chemical compositions consistent with those of clast 15295,100, not only near the Apollo 15 site, but in a broad region surrounding the site. Two regions are consistent with clast's 15295,100 compositional data. The larger region is in southern Mare Imbrium, and a smaller region is in the eastern half of Sinus Aestuum. These locations should be considered as candidates for future missions focusing on sample science.  相似文献   

Abstract— A dark inclusion in the Vigarano CV3 carbonaceous chondrite consists almost exclusively of small (<5 μm in diameter) grains of Fe-rich olivine and is devoid of chondrules, Ca-Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) and their pseudomorphs. In backscattered electron images, this dark inclusion shows an unusual texture comprising a network of arcuate bands. Two or more bands occur roughly parallel, forming a set of succesive parallel bands, some crosscutting one another. The bands contain slightly higher amounts of relatively small (<1 μm) olivine grains and so are more densely packed than other areas. The olivine grains in the bands are slightly more Fe-rich than those in other areas. The bands commonly show gradation on the concave side due to a decrease in the abundance of the small Fe-rich olivine grains. Texturally, the arcuate bands closely resemble “dish structures” that are commonly observed in siltstones and sandstones on Earth. Dish structures are characterized by thin, dark-colored, subhorizontal to concave-upward laminations that are rich in relatively fine-grained material. On Earth, dish structures form during compaction and dewatering of unconsolidated fine-grained sediments; they are one of the characteristic sedimentary structures formed through fluidization of fine grains. The dark inclusion in Vigarano, therefore, provides the first evidence that sedimentary processes due to water migration may have taken place within planetesimals and further suggests that fluidization may have played a significant role in the formation of the carbonaceous chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Galim is a polymict breccia consisting of a heavily shocked (shock stage S6) LL6 chondrite, Galim (a), and an impact-melted EH chondrite, Galim (b). Relict chondrules in Galim (b) served as nucleation sites for euhedral enstatite grains crystallizing from the impact melt. Many of the reduced phases typical of EH chondrites (e.g., Si-bearing metallic Fe-Ni; Ti-bearing troilite) are absent. Galim (b) was probably shock-melted while in contact with a more oxidized source, namely, Galim (a); during this event, Si was oxidized from the metal and Ti was oxidized from troilite. Galim (a) contains shock veins and recrystallized, unzoned olivine. The absence of evidence for reduction in Galim (a) may indicate that the amount of LL material greatly exceeded that of EH material; shock metamorphism may have taken place on the LL parent body. Shock-induced redox reactions such as those inferred for the Galim breccia appear to be restricted mainly to asteroids because the low-end tail of their relative-velocity distribution permits mixing of intact disparate materials (including accretion of projectiles of different oxidation states), whereas the peak of the distribution leads to high equilibration shock pressures (allowing impact-induced exchange between previously accreted, disequilibrated materials). Galim probably formed by a two-stage process: (1) accretion to the LL parent body of an intact EH projectile at low relative velocities, and (2) shock metamorphism of the assemblage by the subsequent impact of another projectile at significantly higher relative velocities.  相似文献   

Abstract— I‐Xe analyses were carried out for chondrules and refractory inclusions from the two CV3 carbonaceous chondrites Mokoia and Vigarano (representing the oxidized and reduced subgroups, respectively). Although some degree of disturbance to the I‐Xe system is evident in all of the samples, evidence is preserved of aqueous alteration of CAIs in Mokoia 1 Myr later than the I‐Xe age of the Shallowater standard and of the alteration of a chondrule (V3) from Vigarano ~0.7 Myr later than Shallowater. Other chondrules in Mokoia and Vigarano experienced disturbance of the I‐Xe system millions of years later and, in the case of one Vigarano chondrule (VS1), complete resetting of the I‐Xe system after decay of essentially all 129I, corresponding to an age more than 80 Myr after Shallowater. Our interpretation is that accretion and processing to form the Mokoia and Vigarano parent bodies must have continued for at least 4 Myr and 80 Myr, respectively. The late age of a chondrule that shows no evidence for any aqueous alteration or significant thermal processing after its formation leads us to postulate the existence of an energetic chondrule‐forming mechanism at a time when nebular processes are not expected to be important.  相似文献   

Abstract— The low modal abundances of relict chondrules (1.8 vol%) and of coarse (i.e., ≥200 μm‐size) isolated mafic silicate grains (1.8 vol%) in Spade relative to mean H6 chondrites (11.4 and 9.8 vol%, respectively) show Spade to be a rock that has experienced a significant degree of melting. Various petrographic features (e.g., chromite‐plagioclase assemblages, chromite veinlets, silicate darkening) indicate that melting was caused by shock. Plagioclase was melted during the shock event and flowed so that it partially to completely surrounded nearby mafic silicate grains. During crystallization, plagioclase developed igneous zoning. Low‐Ca pyroxene that crystallized from the melt (or equilibrated with the melt at high temperatures) acquired relatively high amounts of CaO. Metallic Fe‐Ni cooled rapidly below the Fe‐Ni solvus and transformed into martensite. Subsequent reheating of the rock caused transformation of martensite into abundant duplex plessite. Ambiguities exist in the shock stage assignment of Spade. The extensive silicate darkening, the occurrence of chromite‐plagioclase assemblages, and the impact‐melted characteristics of Spade are consistent with shock stage S6. Low shock (stage S2) is indicated by the undulose extinction and lack of planar fractures in olivine. This suggests that Spade reached a maximum prior shock level equivalent to stage S6 and then experienced post‐shock annealing (probably to stage S1). These events were followed by a less intense impact that produced the undulose extinction in the olivine, characteristic of shock stage S2. Annealing could have occurred if Spade were emplaced near impact melts beneath the crater floor or deposited in close proximity to hot debris within an ejecta blanket. Spade firmly establishes the case for post‐shock annealing. This may have been a common process on OC asteroids.  相似文献   

Abstract– Metamorphosed clasts in the CV carbonaceous chondrite breccias Mokoia and Yamato‐86009 (Y‐86009) are coarse‐grained, granular, polymineralic rocks composed of Ca‐bearing (up to 0.6 wt% CaO) ferroan olivine (Fa34–39), ferroan Al‐diopside (Fs9–13Wo47–50, approximately 2–7 wt% Al2O3), plagioclase (An37–84Ab63–17), Cr‐spinel (Cr/(Cr + Al) = 0.19–0.45, Fe/(Fe + Mg) = 0.60–0.79), nepheline, pyrrhotite, pentlandite, Ca‐phosphate, and rare grains of Ni‐rich taenite; low‐Ca pyroxene is absent. Most clasts have triple junctions between silicate grains, indicative of prolonged thermal annealing. Based on the olivine‐spinel and pyroxene thermometry, the estimated metamorphic temperature recorded by the clasts is approximately 1100 K. Few clasts experienced thermal metamorphism to a lower degree and preserved chondrule‐like textures. The Mokoia and Y‐86009 clasts are mineralogically unique and different from metamorphosed chondrites of known groups (H, L, LL, R, EH, EL, CO, CK) and primitive achondrites (acapulcoites, brachinites, lodranites). On a three‐isotope oxygen diagram, compositions of olivine in the clasts plot along carbonaceous chondrite anhydrous mineral line and the Allende mass‐fractionation line, and overlap with those of the CV chondrule olivines; the Δ17O values of the clasts range from about ?4.3‰ to ?3.0‰. We suggest that the clasts represent fragments of the CV‐like material that experienced metasomatic alteration, high‐temperature metamorphism, and possibly melting in the interior of the CV parent asteroid. The lack of low‐Ca pyroxene in the clasts could be due to its replacement by ferroan olivine during iron‐alkali metasomatic alteration or by high‐Ca ferroan pyroxene during melting under oxidizing conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract— Although CV3 Vigarano is one of the most primitive CV chondrites, it has lost most of the S from the matrix; matrix Na is also depleted relative to the concentration in bulk CV chondrites. We used a matrix‐grid technique to study thirteen 50 × 50 μm regions in Vigarano; in each area, we used an electron microprobe to gather data with an electron beam 3 μm in width. We found two end‐member types of matrix textures. One is coarse and porous, has lower Fe contents and lower analytical totals; it appears to be contaminated with comminuted chondrule debris. The other is finer grained and appears smooth; its mean composition has higher Fe, but lower S and Al contents, than the coarse matrix areas. Our tentative interpretation is that the larger grain size of the coarse areas resulted from the admixing of comminuted chondrule materials, and thus that the initial fraction of nebular fines was higher in the fine matrix regions. Aside from volatiles, the overall composition of Vigarano matrix is similar to that observed in matrix‐grid studies of other carbonaceous chondrites: Al, Si, Fe, and Mn have high whole‐chondrite‐normalized abundance ratios; Ca concentrations are low and highly variable. Because asteroidal alteration effects are present in our sample, it is difficult to resolve nebular signatures in the compositions of the grid areas.  相似文献   

Abstract— Northwest Africa (NWA) 428 is an L chondrite that was successively thermally metamorphosed to petrologic type‐6, shocked to stage S4–S5, brecciated, and annealed to approximately petrologic type‐4. Its thermal and shock history resembles that of the previously studied LL6 chondrite, Miller Range (MIL) 99301, which formed on a different asteroid. The petrologic type‐6 classification of NWA 428 is based on its highly recrystallized texture, coarse metal (150 ± 150 μm), troilite (100 ± 170 μm), and plagioclase (20–60 μm) grains, and relatively homogeneous olivine (Fa24.4 ± 0.6), low‐Ca pyroxene (Fs20.5 ± 0.4), and plagioclase (Ab84.2 ± 0.4) compositions. The petrographic criteria that indicate shock stage S4–S5 include the presence of chromite veinlets, chromite‐plagioclase assemblages, numerous occurrences of metallic Cu, irregular troilite grains within metallic Fe‐Ni, polycrystalline troilite, duplex plessite, metal and troilite veins, large troilite nodules, and low‐Ca clinopyroxene with polysynthetic twins. If the rock had been shocked before thermal metamorphism, low‐Ca clinopyroxene produced by the shock event would have transformed into orthopyroxene. Post‐shock brecciation is indicated by the presence of recrystallized clasts and highly shocked clasts that form sharp boundaries with the host. Post‐shock annealing is indicated by the sharp optical extinction of the olivine grains; during annealing, the damaged olivine crystal lattices healed. If temperatures exceeded those approximating petrologic type‐4 (?600–700°C) during annealing, the low‐Ca clinopyroxene would have transformed into orthopyroxene. The other shock indicators, likewise, survived the mild annealing. An impact event is the most plausible source of post‐metamorphic, post‐shock annealing because any 26Al that may have been present when the asteroid accreted would have decayed away by the time NWA 428 was annealed. The similar inferred histories of NWA 428 (L6) and MIL 99301 (LL6) indicate that impact heating affected more than 1 ordinary chondrite parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract— ‐We demonstrate the presence of solar flare as well as neutron capture effects in the isotopic composition of rare gases in the Fermo regolith breccia acquired on its parent body based on the measurements of tracks, rare gases and radionuclides. The track density along a 3.2 cm long core decreases by a factor of about 6 and by more than a factor of 13 within the meteorite, indicating small (2–9 cm) and asymmetrical ablation. Rare gases show a large trapped component; the isotopic ratios, particularly 20Ne/22Ne ? 11 and 20Ne/36Ar = 10 are indicative of a solar component. The galactic cosmic‐ray exposure age is determined to be 8.8 Ma. Activities of a dozen radionuclides ranging in half‐life from 16 day 48V to 0.73 Ma 26Al are consistent with their expected production rates. Track, rare gas and radionuclide data show that the meteoroid was a small body (≤ 120 kg) and had a simple, one‐stage exposure history to cosmic rays in the interplanetary space. However, 82Kr and 128Xe show an excess due to neutron irradiation on the parent body of the meteorite. The presence of solar gases and the neutron capture effects indicate several stages of irradiation on the parent asteroid. The chemical composition of Fermo confirms that it belongs to the H group of ordinary chondrites with lithic clasts having varying compositions. δ15N is found to be 8.3 ± 1.2%0, close to the typical values observed in H chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— –Literature data show that, among EH chondrites, the Abee impact‐melt breccia exhibits unusual mineralogical characteristics. These include very low MnO in enstatite (<0.04 wt%), higher Mn in troilite (0.24 wt%) and oldhamite (0.36 wt%) than in EH4 Indarch and EH3 Kota‐Kota (which are not impact‐melt breccias), low Mn in keilite (3.6–4.3 wt%), high modal abundances of keilite (11.2 wt%) and silica (~7 wt%, but ranging up to 16 wt% in some regions), low modal abundances of total silicates (58.8 wt%) and troilite (5.8 wt%), and the presence of acicular grains of the amphibole, fluor‐richterite. These features result from Abee's complex history of shock melting and crystallization. Impact heating was responsible for the loss of MnO from enstatite and the concomitant sulfidation of Mn. Troilite and oldhamite grains that crystallized from the impact melt acquired relatively high Mn contents. Abundant keilite and silica also crystallized from the melt; these phases (along with metallic Fe) were produced at the expense of enstatite, niningerite and troilite. Melting of the latter two phases produced a S‐rich liquid with higher Fe/Mg and Fe/Mn ratios than in the original niningerite, allowing the crystallization of keilite. Prior to impact melting, F was distributed throughout Abee, perhaps in part adsorbed onto grain surfaces; after impact melting, most of the F that was not volatilized was incorporated into crystallizing grains of fluor‐richterite. Other EH‐chondrite impact‐melt breccias and impact‐melt rocks exhibit some of these mineralogical features and must have experienced broadly similar thermal histories.  相似文献   

Abstract— We re‐evaluated the cosmic‐ray exposure history of the H3‐6 chondrite shower Frontier Mountain (FRO) 90174, which previously was reported to have a simple exposure history, an irradiation time of about 7 Ma, and a pre‐atmospheric radius of 80–100 cm (Welten et al. 2001). Here we measured the concentrations and isotopic compositions of He, Ne, and Ar in 8 aliquots of 6 additional fragments of this shower, and 10Be and 26Al in the stone fractions of seven fragments. The radionuclide concentrations in the stone fractions, combined with those in the metal fractions, confirm that all samples are fragments of the FRO 90174 shower. Four of the fragments contain solarwind‐implanted noble gases with a solar 20Ne/22Ne ratio of ?12.0, indicating that FRO 90174 is a regolith breccia. The concentrations of solar gases and cosmogenic 21Ne in the samples analyzed by us and by Welten et al. (2001) overlap with those of the FRO H‐chondrites from the 1984 season, suggesting that many of these samples are also part of the large FRO 90174 chondrite shower. The cosmogenic 21Ne concentrations in FRO 90174 show no simple correlation with 10Be and 26Al activities. We found 21Ne excesses between 0.3‐1.1 × 10?8cm3STP/g in 6 of the 17 samples. Since excess 21Ne and trapped solar gases are not homogeneously distributed, i.e., we found in one fragment aliquots with and without excess 21Ne and solar 20Ne, we conclude that excess 21Ne is due to GCR irradiation of the regolith before compaction of the FRO 90174 object. Therefore, the chondrite shower FRO 90174 did not simply experience an exposure history, but some material was already irradiated at the surface of an asteroid leading to excess 21Ne. This excess 21Ne is correlated to implanted solar gases, clearly indicating that both processes occurred on the regolith.  相似文献   

Meteoritic matrices are commonly classified by their modal mineralogy, alteration, and shock levels. Other “textural” characteristics are not generally considered in classification schemes, yet could carry important information about their genesis and evolution. Terrestrial rocks are routinely described by grain morphology, which has led to morphology‐driven classifications, and identification of controlling processes. This paper investigates three CV chondrites—Allende (CV3.2oxA), Kaba (CV3.0oxB), and Vigarano (CV3.3red)—to determine the morphologic signature of olivine matrix grains. 2D grain size and shape, and crystallographic preferred orientations (CPOs) are quantified via electron backscatter diffraction mapping. Allende contains the largest and most elongate olivine grains, while Vigarano contains the least elongate, and Kaba contains the smallest grains. Weak but notable CPOs exist in some regions proximal to chondrules and one region distal to chondrules, and CPO geometries reveal a weak flattening of the matrix grains against the edge of chondrules within Allende. Kaba contains the least plastically deformed grains, and Allende contains the most plastically deformed grains. We tentatively infer that morphology is controlled by the characteristics of the available population of accreting grains, and aqueous and thermal alteration of the parent body. The extent of overall finite deformation is likely dictated by the location of the sample with respect to compression, the localized environment of the matrix with respect to surrounding material, and the post deformation temperature to induce grain annealing. Our systematic, quantitative process for characterizing meteorite matrices has the potential to provide a framework for comparison within and across meteorite classes, to help resolve how parent body processing differed across and between chondritic asteroids.  相似文献   

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