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Experimental studies have been conducted on the acoustic effects of KLEIN-510 subbottom profiler for different sedimentary layers in estuary and bay areas. Sedimentary layer boundaries can be recorded clearly and continuously by this instrument and then compared with the results from drilling cores to reveal some variations of sedimentary environments. With this instrument, the average deposit rate can be determined and the bed-rock beneath the sea bottom can be found out.  相似文献   

静态平衡岬湾海岸理论及其在黄、渤海海岸的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
岬湾海岸是一种稳定的海岸存在形式,在天然海岸中岬湾地貌占51%。岬湾海岸研究是研究砂质海岸稳定性及演变的重要内容。岬湾海岸理论在海岸稳定性、海岸工程预测以及海岸综合治理方面有其重要的工程价值。文中详细讨论了岬湾理论中最具工程意义的抛物线型岬湾海岸线及基于静态平衡岬湾海岸理论开发的可视化应用软件MEPBay在海岸工程中的应用,并验证了该理论对黄、渤海海岸的适用性。MEPBay软件不仅有助于理解海岸形态过程,也是海岸工程师在岸线保护及海岸管理实践中的有力辅助工具。  相似文献   

XU  Min 《中国海洋工程》2001,(1):139-146
The abandoned Yellow River Delta coast is a typical erodible silty and muddy coast in China. The paper analyses the marine dynamic characteristics and the mechanism of beach erosion of this area. Analysis and calculation show that in this sea area wave and tidal current action should be considered. Based on the above analysis, an equilibrium beach profile calculation model is developed, in which the wave-current interaction is considered while sediment supply and sediment re-deposition are neglected. The model consists of four parts: (1) calculation of wave parameters, (2) calculation of velocity due to wave-current interaction at different water depth, (3) calculation of friction velocity and shear stress at different water depths, and (4) calculation of the amount of sediment erosion, erosion intensity and variation of beach profile. Calculated results are in good agreement with observed data. Finally, the evolution tendency is discussed and the equilibrium beach profile of this coast is calculated. B  相似文献   

This paper aims to present the critical top tension for static equilibrium configurations of a steel catenary riser(SCR) by using the finite element method. The critical top tension is the minimum top tension that can maintain the equilibrium of the SCR. If the top tension is smaller than the critical value, the equilibrium of the SCR does not exist. If the top tension is larger than the critical value, there are two possible equilibrium configurations. These two configurations exhibit the nonlinear large displacement. The configuration with the smaller displacement is stable, while the one with larger displacement is unstable. The numerical results show that the increases in the riser's vertical distances, horizontal offsets, riser's weights, internal flow velocities, and current velocities increase the critical top tensions of the SCR. In addition, the parametric studies are also performed in order to investigate the limit states for the analysis and design of the SCR.  相似文献   

This paper aims to present the critical top tension for static equilibrium configurations of a steel catenary riser (SCR) by using the finite element method. The critical top tension is the minimum top tension that can maintain the equilibrium of the SCR. If the top tension is smaller than the critical value, the equilibrium of the SCR does not exist. If the top tension is larger than the critical value, there are two possible equilibrium configurations. These two configurations exhibit the nonlinear large displacement. The configuration with the smaller displacement is stable, while the one with larger displacement is unstable. The numerical results show that the increases in the riser’s vertical distances, horizontal offsets, riser’s weights, internal flow velocities, and current velocities increase the critical top tensions of the SCR. In addition, the parametric studies are also performed in order to investigate the limit states for the analysis and design of the SCR.  相似文献   

针对天然气水合物相平衡问题,文中提出用基于带动量因子的BP神经网络进行计算和预测。首先用遗传算法优化确定BP神经网络的结构和参数,得到最优化结构的神经网络;其次结合Levenberg-Marquart优化算法,建立天然气水合物相平衡计算及预测的神经网络模型;最后以实验测定的(CH4 CO2 H2S)三元酸性天然气水合物体系的平衡数据为训练和预测样本进行了计算。计算表明,预测结果与实验数据有良好的一致性,而且由于BP神经网络作为所谓的“纯粹”的算法不需要热力学模型,这对于相平衡计算是非常方便的,所以是研究天然气水合物相平衡计算及预测的一种新的有效方法。  相似文献   

Formation of burrow-head mud volcanoes by the mud-loving amphibious crab Uca marionis (Alcock) selectively on the either sides of estuary mouths along the Bay of Bengal coast, eastern India, requires peculiar substratal and biological conditions where soft muddy bottom sediments of the coastal mudflats are covered by a thin blanket of relatively rigid beach sands that provide a false substrate stability. Shallow-seated mud layers, being within the substrate penetration power, allow opportunistic burrowing by the crab and consequent oozing out of internal mud slur to form conical heaps of mud resembling volcanic cones. Removal of this thin sand cover prompts very fast erosion of the bottom mud and consequent widening of the estuary mouth and rapid beach erosion. A thick and rigid sand cover restricts deeper burrowing by the crabs.

Uca marionis mud volcanoes, by virtue of limited power of vertical penetration down to required muddy substrate and requirement of special substrate conditions and geomorphic position along the coastal zone, are considered as unique ichnological tools that readily identify and precisely demarcate highly unstable or erosion-prone beach sectors, and thus help in planning, protection and execution of various coastal developmental programs. Wide zoogeographic distribution of Uca in tropical-subtropical sea coasts greatly enhances the application potential of this new ichnological tool. Fossilized biogenic mud volcanoes in post-Jurassic geologic records would ease taxonomic identification of the ancient trace producers and coastal marine palaeogeomorphic interpretations.  相似文献   

根据山东半岛西北部25条实测岸滩剖面及相关表层沉积物、波浪、潮流资料,通过计算浪潮作用指数K和波浪-沉积物参数Ω,确定研究区主控动力因素并对海滩动力地貌类型进行划分,在此基础上应用Dean平衡剖面模型对实测剖面进行拟合,探讨了该模型的适用性及其参数物理意义等问题。山东半岛西北部整体为浪控海岸,刁龙嘴-三山岛岸段、海北嘴-石虎嘴岸段和三山岛-海北嘴岸段均属过渡型海滩,屺坶岛-栾家口岸段属消散型海滩。研究区实测剖面与Dean模型的拟合结果整体较好,部分剖面(剖面1、剖面2、剖面3、剖面5、剖面8)由于发育离岸沙坝,使其形态与Dean模型预测的平滑上凹的形态特点存在一定差别。屺坶岛-栾家口岸段(剖面19~剖面24)受外海侧桑岛及沿岸龙口人工岛群影响,与Dean模型预测结果存在较大差别,Dean模型对发育槽-坝体系的海滩的拟合仍具有局限性。Dean模型中m和A分别反映了海滩剖面反射性和泥沙沉速,与海滩动力地貌类型判别公式计算结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

针对海外某区块三个已发现油藏无论是储层砂体规模还是储层物性均存在较强的非均质性的地质特点,以该区块A油藏为例,详细阐述了定量评价静态地质模型不确定性的技术流程和研究方法,包括关键不确定性变量分析、实验设计、储量风险评价以及模型优选,为类似油气田静态模型不确定性评价提供了一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

"The effect of interaction of loads on the ultimate static strength of tubular joints of offshore fixed platforms, is a practical problem. But there is still absence of rigorous theory to explain available experimental data and empirical criteria for the static strength of tubular joints. The idea of yield at hot spot of tubular joints is introduced in this paper. The interaction equations of plastic capacity for the tubular joints under combined loads (two and three different kinds) are derived. Thereafter the Yura's test data and empirical criteria of ultimate static strength for the tubular joints can be explained. The idea of classification of category of loads in accordance with experimental data and the present theory is suggested. Finally, the improved ultimate capacity equations for tubular joints are recommended. The physical significance of the coefficient of plastic reservation Qp is discussed.  相似文献   

The determination of optimal values for three parameters required in the original particle swarm optimization algorithm is very difficult.It is proposed that two new parameters simulating the harmony search strategy can be adopted instead of the three parameters which are required in the original particle swarm optimization algorithm to update the positions of all the particles.The improved particle swarm optimization is used in the location of the critical slip surface of soil slope,and it is found that the improved particle swarm optimization algorithm is insensitive to the two parameters while the original particle swarm optimization algorithm can be sensitive to its three parameters.  相似文献   

介绍瞬变电磁法的基本原理,论述了几种在地震安全性评价工作中常用的物探方法。通过应用实例分析表明,瞬变电磁法用于地震安全性评价工作有其独特和重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

低渗储层预测是油气勘探开发的难点。阳江凹陷EA油田珠江组油层是典型的低渗储层,这类储层普遍具有砂体横向变化快、连续性差、单砂体规模较小、低孔低渗的特征,传统的地震反演方法对于这类储层的反演精度较低。为了获得高精度反演结果,采用地震波形指示反演方法,以地震波形的横向变化代替变差函数,通过井震结合进行高分辨率储层预测。首先,在确定使用渗透率曲线作为敏感曲线的基础上,通过覆压校正和拟合得到样品的覆压孔隙度和覆压渗透率;然后,根据岩性、填充物的不同建立3个渗透率模型,求得渗透率曲线;最后,利用渗透率曲线进行波形指示反演得到反演结果,计算各主力层砂体厚度。研究结果和盲井检验表明,地震波形指示反演提高了储层横向、纵向的预测精度,能够成功预测砂体边界、砂体厚度,预测结果可为油气勘探的进一步开发提供依据。  相似文献   

在埕岛油田潮流、风海流预报系统中应用了整体潮流预报法,结合对本海域潮流实测资料,研究编制成操作简便、功能强大的潮流预报应用软件,实现了对埕岛海域潮流和风海流的即时预报,用于指导油田生产管理,并取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

Draft regulations for prospecting and exploration of polymetallic sulphides in the “Area” are currently being considered for implementation by the International Seabed Authority. This paper examines possible models for allocation of lease blocks for exploration and the proposed schedule for relinquishing blocks during the exploration phase. One model for granting of exploration licenses under the proposed regulations involves contiguous lease blocks, similar to that being considered for nodules and crusts; another model involves non-contiguous blocks. An analysis of the occurrence and distribution of known polymetallic sulphides in 32 training areas shows that the regulations for prospecting and exploration of crusts likely cannot be applied equally to polymetallic sulphides.  相似文献   

The marine polychaete Diopatra cuprea (Bosc) produces tubes that protrude above the sediment surface. To the part above the sediment surface the worm attaches foreign particles. A sharp boundary separates the parts above and below the sediment surface. With subsequent erosion, part of the tube without attached particles becomes exposed and this exposed part indicates the amount of erosion. With subsequent sedimentation, the tubes are enlarged upward and the sharp boundary is found below the sediment surface indicating the amount of subsequent sedimentation. This mode of construction of tubes during an average life span of two years renders tubes as simple but excellent natural tools for precise and easy measurement of the latest annual rates of erosion and deposition in coastal areas, data that are essential for the solving of coastal engineering and geoenvironmental problems. Comparison of this tool with expensive long-term coastal profiling data in four areas in the Bay of Bengal coast indicates its correctness and high applicational value.

This revised model can be applied to modern coastal environments only for calculating latest annual rates of both erosion and deposition as correctly as latest physical techniques. Being based on the similar organosedimentary principle, it distinctively contrasts with the earlier model of Myers which provides information on the amount of sediment accumulation only without any time connotation and, it may generate erroneous results if applied to the geologic past unless some limitations evolved in the processes of dewatering, compaction, lithification and diagenesis are removed.  相似文献   

The marine polychaete Diopatra cuprea (Bosc) produces tubes that protrude above the sediment surface. To the part above the sediment surface the worm attaches foreign particles. A sharp boundary separates the parts above and below the sediment surface. With subsequent erosion, part of the tube without attached particles becomes exposed and this exposed part indicates the amount of erosion. With subsequent sedimentation, the tubes are enlarged upward and the sharp boundary is found below the sediment surface indicating the amount of subsequent sedimentation. This mode of construction of tubes during an average life span of two years renders tubes as simple but excellent natural tools for precise and easy measurement of the latest annual rates of erosion and deposition in coastal areas, data that are essential for the solving of coastal engineering and geoenvironmental problems. Comparison of this tool with expensive long-term coastal profiling data in four areas in the Bay of Bengal coast indicates its correctness and high applicational value. This revised model can be applied to modern coastal environments only for calculating latest annual rates of both erosion and deposition as correctly as latest physical techniques. Being based on the similar organosedimentary principle, it distinctively contrasts with the earlier model of Myers which provides information on the amount of sediment accumulation only without any time connotation and, it may generate erroneous results if applied to the geologic past unless some limitations evolved in the processes of dewatering, compaction, lithification and diagenesis are removed.  相似文献   

A. Scotti  S. Mitran   《Ocean Modelling》2008,25(3-4):144-153
Realistic numerical simulations of nonlinear internal waves (NLIWs) have been hampered by the need to use computationally expensive nonhydrostatic models. In this paper, we show that the solution to the elliptic problem arising from the incompressibility condition can be successfully approximated by a few terms (three at most) of an expansion in powers of the ratio (horizontal grid spacing)/(total depth). For an n dimensional problem, each term in the expansion is the sum of a function that satisfies a one-dimensional second-order ODE in the vertical direction plus, depending on the surface boundary condition, the solution to an n-1 dimension elliptic problem, an evident saving over having to solve the original n-dimensional elliptic problem. This approximation provides the physically correct amount of dispersion necessary to counteract the nonlinear steepening tendency of NLIWs. Experiments with different types of NLIWs validate the approach. Unlike other methods, no ad hoc artificial dispersion needs to be introduced.  相似文献   

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