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Index systems on river health assessment are difficult for using in practice, due to the more complex and professional indicators adopted. In the paper, some key indicators which can be applied for river health assessment in general were selected, based on the analysis of 45 assessment index systems with 902 variables within around 150 published papers and documents in 1972-2010. According to the fields covered by the variables, they were divided into four groups: habitat condition, water environment, biotic status and water utilization. The adopted number and the accepted degrees in the above systems of each indicator were calculated after the variables were combined into the indicators, some of the widely accepted indicators which can reflect different aspects of river condition were selected as key indicators in candidate. Under the correlation analysis amongst the key indicators in candidate, 8 indicators were finally suggested as the key indicators for assessing river health, which were: coverage rate of riparian vegetation, reserved rate of wetland, river continuity, the changing rate of water flow, the ratio of reaching water quality standard, fish index of biotic integrity, the ratio of water utilization and land use.  相似文献   

河流健康评价的主评指标筛选   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
冯彦  何大明  杨丽萍 《地理研究》2012,31(3):389-398
河流健康是近年来探讨水资源问题的一个热点,其评价指标体系正成为河流管理的目标。为了筛选出一些基本的、易于量化的主要评价指标来揭示河流健康基本状况和变化趋势,通过对1972~2010年约150篇相关文献、45个河流健康评价指标体系902项指标的整理和归纳,应用统计、层次和相关性分析法,确定各指标的被采用率,并同时综合考虑指标的重要性、普遍性、可量化性和易获得性,筛选出揭示河流生境物理、水环境、生物和水资源利用4类特征的主要指标。结果表明,有以下8个指标可作为河流健康的主评指标:河岸植被覆盖率、河流连通性、湿地保留率、径流量变化率、水质达标率、鱼类生物完整性指数、水资源利用率和流域天然植被覆盖率。  相似文献   

基于河流健康及国际法的跨境水分配关键指标及阈值   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
冯彦  何大明  王文玲 《地理学报》2015,70(1):121-130
基于前期研究中获得的8个河流健康主要评价指标、3个主要跨境水分配指标的结果以及指标之间的相关性,确定了河流健康和跨境水分配的关键指标:多年平均水量、最大取用水量和最小维持水量。跟踪查询《国际淡水条约数据库》内1864-2002年应用3个关键指标的38个国际条约及其所涉及28条国际河流的主要水文信息,通过对条约中水分配指标的标准化计算和分析,得到各指标阈值及其区域性特征:① 最小维持水量指标得到普遍应用,其次是多年平均水量指标,而最大取用水量指标应用率明显低于前两个指标。② 应用多年平均水量指标,在界河上基本确定了平均分配方案,阈值为50%;“内河”属性支流的阈值为100%;跨境河流上产生了较多的差额分配方案和较多的上游国用水多于下游国的方案。③ 最小维持水量指标,其应用有从发达地区向发展中地区扩展、从保证用水向维持生态用水发展的特点;当该指标在跨境和界河的河流尺度上用于保证供水时,该指标阈值平均分别为41.7%和50%,且流域国家实力对其影响极为明显,而在跨境河流河段尺度上阈值平均为36.1%;用于维持河道生态水量时,阈值平均为14.7%,并有逐步增长的趋势。  相似文献   

河流健康理论初探   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:26  
刘昌明  刘晓燕 《地理学报》2008,63(7):683-692
健康河流是指在相应一定时期其社会功能与自然功能和谐并能够均衡发挥的河流, 其标志是具有良好的水质、水沙流畅的河床与可维系的河流生态系统。河流健康的指示性因子应是能够基本反映河流自然功能的因子, 包括河床形态、水质、河流生态和河川基流, 但因子的种类和数量因河而异, 其量化标准的确定则要充分考虑河流自然功能和社会功能均衡发挥 的需要和河流水情背景条件的变化。河流健康的核心是有相应足够而洁净的河川径流, 因此 保障河流一定的环境流量对维护河流健康十分重要。人类过多抽取河川径流和开发水电、不当地调控洪水和泥沙、过多向河流排污和过多改变关键物种栖息地水流环境的活动, 均会对河流健康造成严重伤害。本文以黄河为例, 对河流健康指标和低限健康指标的确定方法进行了阐述。  相似文献   

朱桃杏  吴殿廷  陆军  鲍捷  郭谦  李瑞 《地理研究》2014,33(1):157-166
城市河道是集城市生态保育、娱乐游憩、居住生活、景观等多重功能于一体的开放空间。对城市河道公共休闲空间的利用目前存在价值利用与控制难以协调的矛盾,构建城市河道公共休闲价值评价指标对城市河道休闲空间的规划与开发具有重要的现实意义。基于目前公众对城市河道休闲的识别要素,综合国内外学者对休闲空间评价、城市河道生态健康评价等研究,将城市河道公共休闲空间适宜性指标归纳为资源特性、形态特性、功能特性、文化特质、公共特性等5个维度共42项指标;综合考虑指标的代表性和易操作性等特征,在指标权重确定上,使用最常用的关联矩阵法,反映各指标的重要性差异;利用确定的指标体系和权重测度了北京城区已治理的14条河道的公共休闲适宜度。结果表明,北京市城市河道普遍存在生态景观特征较好,但实用性有待加强的现实问题。  相似文献   

朱桃杏  吴殿廷  陆军  鲍捷  郭谦  李瑞 《地理研究》2014,33(1):157-166
城市河道是集城市生态保育、娱乐游憩、居住生活、景观等多重功能于一体的开放空间。对城市河道公共休闲空间的利用目前存在价值利用与控制难以协调的矛盾,构建城市河道公共休闲价值评价指标对城市河道休闲空间的规划与开发具有重要的现实意义。基于目前公众对城市河道休闲的识别要素,综合国内外学者对休闲空间评价、城市河道生态健康评价等研究,将城市河道公共休闲空间适宜性指标归纳为资源特性、形态特性、功能特性、文化特质、公共特性等5个维度共42项指标;综合考虑指标的代表性和易操作性等特征,在指标权重确定上,使用最常用的关联矩阵法,反映各指标的重要性差异;利用确定的指标体系和权重测度了北京城区已治理的14条河道的公共休闲适宜度。结果表明,北京市城市河道普遍存在生态景观特征较好,但实用性有待加强的现实问题。  相似文献   

吉林省莫莫格湿地生态系统健康评价研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
湿地生态系统健康评价已成为21世纪湿地科学前沿研究领域的热点话题。以莫莫格湿地作为评价对象,基于PSR模型,选取22个评价指标建立指标体系,应用模糊综合评价法对莫莫格湿地生态系统的健康状况进行评价。结果表明:莫莫格湿地生态系统健康综合评价指数为0.7378,处于第Ⅱ等级(健康)状态,制约莫莫格湿地生态系统健康的主要因素是社会经济发展水平、化肥使用强度、湿地补水保证率、湿地水质、环保投资指数等方面。  相似文献   

定量评估水资源开发潜力对掌握区域水资源开发现状、提高水资源利用率具有重要意义。通过选取水资源利用率、灌溉率、地表水控制率、人均占有水量、重复利用率、生活用水定额、供水量模数、生态环境用水率等8个重要指标,借助模糊综合评价模型对中亚五国水资源开发潜力进行定量分析。结果表明:中亚地区整体水资源开发利用处于中级阶段,开发潜力综合评分值为0.502 7,表明开发潜力较大。其中,哈萨克斯坦水资源综合评分值最高,为0.712 4,有很大的开发潜力,但要注意摒弃不合理的水资源利用方式;吉尔吉斯斯坦和塔吉克斯坦综合评分值分别为0.591 1、0.488 7,有较大的开发潜力,但应注意由广度开发逐渐向深度开发转变。下游国家土库曼斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦处于开发利用的高级阶段,综合评分值分别为0.352 6、0.315 0,水资源开发潜力较小。今后应注意发展节水型经济,注重水资源综合管理。  相似文献   

More and more importance has been placed on inland navigation due to the low costs, environmental friendliness, low use of energy per ton kilometer, and high degree of safety of this mode of transportation. A river typically serves multiple functions or provides multiple services in addition to inland navigation. River health assessment for waterways requires that the navigation function be developed in harmony with the other river functions. In the case of the Jingjiang waterway in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, river functions or services were analyzed, and an integrated method for waterway health assessment was proposed. Using this method, a hierarchical assessment indicator system was constructed, the weights for those indicators contributing to their parent indicators were obtained via the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), and the Waterway Health Index (WHIc), a multimetric index reflecting the effect of the cask short board, was proposed alongside the commonly used linearly weighted summation index (WHI). Waterway health changes in the Jingjiang Reach were assessed in the context of a waterway regulation project. The results highlight potential mutual improvement between the ecosystem health and navigation functions using certain waterway regulation approaches.  相似文献   

Based on the author’s practice in river harnessing, this paper defines that a healthy river is a river whose social and natural functions can be balanced or compromised in terms of the socio-economic, ecological and environmental values associated with the river. The environmental values of river systems should be judged according to the following criteria: the signal of a healthy river should be associated with favorable riverbed, acceptable water quality, sustainable river ecosystem and compatible runoff. The river health criterion should reflect the river’s natural function status which includes the riverbed, water quality, river ecosystem and runoff. But, the variety and quantity would be different for different rivers depending on different natural features and social background. The standards to be adopted for a healthy river should be determined according to the requirements for maintaining river’s normal natural functions and the extent whether the social and natural functions could perform in a balanced way, and also the standards adopted should be adjusted according to the change of the given conditions. The key factor of river health is the enough and clean flow. The authors stressed that human activities would hurt the river health which include excessive water diversion and excessive power generation from the river, improper regulation of flood and sediment, and over discharge of sewage into the river and over change in fish habitat. Taking the Yellow River as a case, this paper also discussed the method to identify what are the standards of a healthy river as well as environmental flows.  相似文献   

中国环境-健康区域综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of the study was to assess the environment-health development in different regions of China. 175 indicators, such as average life expectancy at birth, emission intensity of waste gas, GDP etc. were chosen to describe various aspects of the environment, health and development of China. Of all the indicators, life expectancy can sufficiently reflect health situation of population. Consequently,life expectancy was identified as key indicator, and 42 out of 175 indicators were selected for establishing the environment-health indicator fiamework with three grades of integrative indices to assess the development of environment-health of China. Based on the hierarchical relation between various grades of indices, the comprehensive environment-health index was calculated and contributed to classify the environment-health situation of 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China which were divided into five grades by four predefmed limits. Comprehensive assessment indicates that the environment-health situation of the eastern and coastal areas is superior to that of inland which is the western regions with underdeveloped economy and rigorous natural condition.Especially, the Qinghai-Tibet and Yunnan-Guizhou plateaus in southwestern China are most vulnerable in the environment and population health. These fit in with the pattern of national socio-economic development, which fully shows that socio-economic context plays a dominant role in the improvement of environment-health in China.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to assess the environment-health development in different regions of China. 175 indicators, such as average life expectancy at birth, emission intensity of waste gas, GDP etc. were chosen to describe various aspects of the environment, health and development of China. Of all the indicators, life expectancy can sufficiently reflect health situation of population. Consequently,life expectancy was identified as key indicator, and 42 out of 175 indicators were selected for establishing the environment-health indicator framework with three grades of integrative indices to assess the development of environment-health of China. Based on the hierarchical relation between various grades of indices, the comprehensive environment-health index was calculated and contributed to classify the environment-health situation of 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China which were divided into five grades by four predefined limits. Comprehensive assessment indicates that the environment-health situation of the eastern and coastal areas is superior to that of inland which is the western regions with underdeveloped economy and rigorous natural condition.Especially, the Qinghai-Tibet and Yunnan-Guizhou plateaus in southwestern China are most vulnerable in the environment and population health. These fit in with the pattern of national socio-economic development, which fully shows that socio-economic context plays a dominant role in the improvement of envirnment-health in China  相似文献   

湿地水环境安全及其评价指标体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在提出湿地水环境安全内涵的基础上,构建了湿地水环境安全评价指标体系,重点建立了河流型湿地、湖泊型湿地和库塘型湿地水环境安全评价指标体系。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to assess the environment-health development in different regions of China. 175 indicators, such as average life expectancy at birth, emission intensity of waste gas, GDP etc. were chosen to describe various aspects of the environment, health and development of China. Of all the indicators, life expectancy can sufficiently reflect health situation of population. Consequently, life expectancy was identified as key indicator, and 42 out of 175 indicators were selected for establishing the environment-health indicator framework with three grades of integrative indices to assess the development of environment-health of China. Based on the hierarchical relation between various grades of indices, the comprehensive environment-health index was calculated and contributed to classify the environment-health situation of 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China which were divided into five grades by four predefined limits. Comprehensive assessment indicates that the environment-health situation of the eastern and coastal areas is superior to that of inland which is the western regions with underdeveloped economy and rigorous natural condition. Especially, the Qinghai-Tibet and Yunnan-Guizhou plateaus in southwestern China are most vulnerable in the environment and population health. These fit in with the pattern of national socio-economic development, which fully shows that socio-economic context plays a dominant role in the improvement of environment-health in China.  相似文献   

河流健康及其指标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on the author’s practice in river harnessing, this paper defines that a healthy river is a river whose social and natural functions can be balanced or compromised in terms of the socio-economic, ecological and environmental values associated with the river. The environmental values of river systems should be judged according to the following criteria: the signal of a healthy river should be associated with favorable riverbed, acceptable water quality, sustainable river ecosystem and compatible runoff. The river health criterion should reflect the river’s natural function status which includes the riverbed, water quality, river ecosystem and runoff. But, the variety and quantity would be different for different rivers depending on different natural features and social background. The standards to be adopted for a healthy river should be determined according to the requirements for maintaining river’s normal natural functions and the extent whether the social and natural functions could perform in a balanced way, and also the standards adopted should be adjusted according to the change of the given conditions. The key factor of river health is the enough and clean flow. The authors stressed that human activities would hurt the river health which include excessive water diversion and excessive power generation from the river, improper regulation of flood and sediment, and over discharge of sewage into the river and over change in fish habitat. Taking the Yellow River as a case, this paper also discussed the method to identify what are the standards of a healthy river as well as environmental flows. Foundation: Chinese National Research Program, No.2006BAB06B; National Key Basic Research Development Program of China “973”, No.G1999043601 Author: Liu Changming, Academician  相似文献   

河湖水系连通特征及其利弊   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
随着水资源以及水环境健康的恶化,河湖水系连通性作为河流健康以及提高水资源利用的一个重要指标在国家"十二五"战略规划中被着重提出。目前,中国对河湖水系连通特征及其对河流健康的影响缺乏足够的认识,本文主要对河湖水系连通的定义、分类、评判指标、影响因素及其对水环境健康的影响进行了一一阐述。分析表明:维持水系连通可以明显地改善...  相似文献   

Data resources and assessment frameworks are two keys to ecosystem health assessment (EHA). Application of the land use database together with the Pressure–State–Response (PSR) model in EHA provides better precision relative to traditional data resources and assessment frameworks for EHA at the county scale. The raw data are taken from The Anlu County Annals, The Soil Records of Anlu County, and The Statistical Yearbook of National Economy in Anlu County. The spatial and attribute data are partly extracted from the database of current land use in Anlu City using the MAPGIS platform. Based on the results from principal component analysis (PCA), a total of eleven indicators were selected to build an indicator system designed to assess the ecosystem health at the county scale. According to the PSR model, the scores from three indices (press index, state index, and response index) and a comprehensive assessment index (CAI) were calculated, and an assessment map was constructed. The results from the index scores and spatial analysis display a large range for the state of ecosystem health due to the evolution of natural ecosystems and human activities at the county scale. The precision of the current land use database (scale of 1:10,000) makes it a better candidate for evaluating ecosystem health than the traditional data resources. This study also demonstrates the numerous benefits of combining land use databases with GIS functions to assess ecosystem health at the county scale.  相似文献   

Transboundary water, more competitive utilization and uncertain availability under the globalization trend, the issue of its apportionment which directly impacts national benefits of each riparian state is becoming one of the important topics in the world. Water is scarce in China, the most important upstream state in Asia, and this task has to be thought over in the coming future. Based on "International Freshwater Treaties Database" (1820-2007) by Oregon State University, and publications and reports on transboundary water utilization and management since 1999, 28 indicators of water apportionment adopted in 49 international treaties and cases in 1864-2002 are divided into 6 types, the spatial and temporal characteristics of the adopted indicators are analyzed in order to find the key indicator(s) of transboundary water apportionment. The major results include: the major adopted indicators, have significant differences among 5 regions/continents, the indicators at rank first and second place in the developed region (North America and Europe) according to the adopted times are "keeping minimum water flow" and "mean annual runoff", but in the developing region (Asia, Africa and South America), the ranking order of the above two indicators is reversed; the major adopted indicators in the watersheds with insufficient water are "mean annual runoff" and "keeping minimum water flow", the ones in the watersheds with sufficient water are "keeping minimum water flow" and "maximum water intake"; the international treaties signed from the first phase to the fourth phase, the developing process shows a progress of "fewer-increasing a lot-decreasing rapidly-equation basically", the regional distribution of the treaties shifts mainly from the developed region to the developing one, especially to Asia and Africa; the major adopted indicators shifts from "keeping minimum water flow" and "mean annual runoff" in 1864-1945, to "keeping minimum water flow" and "maximum water intake" in 1946-1971, then to "hydraulic facility operation" and "mean annual runoff" in 1972-1991, and finally to "keeping minimum water flow" and "mean annual runoff" in 1992-2002, the process shows similar a loop. Finally, the key indicator on transboundary water apportionment can be determined as "keeping minimum water flow".  相似文献   

本文通过对山区河流的基本特征研究,从生态功能和人类服务功能两大角度建立了山区河流健康评价系统,并基于投影寻踪理论构建了山区河流健康评估指标体系。以中国西南地区某典型山区河流为研究对象,本文对该河流水电开发前后的健康状况进行了研究。结果显示水电开发后河流综合健康状况较现状有显著提高。在此基础上,本文进一步通过对投影指标体系的结构特征分析,提出了维持河流健康的对策。  相似文献   

Analysis of the indicators of economic exploitation of the territory of the Irtysh river basin identified five types of nature management systems. An assessment is made of anthropogenic load on water bodies and catchment. A detailed account is given of the transboundary issues relating to an equitable division of water and to the river water quality. A schematic map of ecologo-economic regionalization of the catchment has been compiled to be used as a tool for settling disputes.  相似文献   

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