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From a great variety of in situ shear wave experiments, i.e., reflection, refraction and borehole surveys in the shallow sediments of the north German plains, several specific properties have been derived. Shear waves (S) differ from compressional waves (P) in that:
  • 1 they are not affected by the degree of water saturation. Thus, they provide a better correlation between the velocity Vs and (solid) lithology;
  • 2 they generally have lower frequencies, but shorter wavelength and, hence, a better resolution of thin layers;
  • 3 they have lower absorption Qs?1 and hence a better penetration in partially saturated and gas-containing sediments than P-waves.
Correlations have been established between Vs and the confining pressure and between reduced Vs values and several lithological parameters like the grain size of sandy material. More lithological and hydrological information is obtained by using S- and P-wave surveys along the same profile. The best information on a sedimentological structure is obtained by the simultaneous observation of Vs, Vp, Qs and Qp.  相似文献   

用浅层折射和反射联合勘探方法在京-沪高速公路沂河桥址区进行隐伏断层和岩性垂直分带控测试验,试验是在宽约400m的水面上进行的。工作区第四系沉积层和下伏基岩对采用纵波速度作为探测物理量是敏感的,采用ES-2401高分辨率数字地震仪和“五小二高”的工作方法,全方位拾取折射和反射波信息,强化地质推断解释的可靠性,探测试验取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

Small offsets in hard coal seams can be detected with the aid of seam (channel) waves. Transmission and reflection of seam waves depend, among other parameters, upon the symmetry properties of the sequence rock/coal/rock. Two typical unsymmetrical sequences are found in European coal deposits: (i) coal seams with roof and floor of differing acoustic impedance and (ii) coal seams interlayered with rock and soil. Two-dimensional analog models with appropriate impedance contrasts are used to study the effect of the unsymmetrical layers upon the propagation of Rayleigh seam waves. Data analysis is based upon amplitude measurements both parallel and perpendicular to the layers and dispersion curves. The effect of unsymmetrical roof (rock 1) and floor (rock 2) was studied with models containing homogeneous coal seams. Leaky mode wave groups with phase velocities (cR) in the range between the SV-wave velocities (βr1, 2) of the two rock materials, i.e. βr1cR > βr2, form a characteristic part of the Rayleigh seam wave signal. Using Knott's energy coefficient calculations it is shown that in that range energy leakage into the surrounding rock by refracted SV-waves is restricted to only one of the two interfaces, namely coal/rock 2. At the other interface, coal/rock 1, all waves are totally reflected. Thus, the high amplitudes of these leaky mode wave groups are explained by “quasi-normal mode” features. The influence of a dirt bed on wave propagation was studied in models where the roof and the floor have the same elastic properties. The maximum thickness of the dirt bed did not exceed 20% of the total seam thickness. The effect of the bed's location within the seam was also investigated. For all recorded normal-mode wave groups either the total seam or the coal layers could be regarded as wave guides. This was shown by the fact that the phases could be associated with the phase velocity dispersion curves calculated for the symmetrical sequence rock/coal/rock. These curves are relevant under the condition that the thickness of the coal layer assumed under the calculation coincides with the thickness of the effective wave guide of the respective wave groups. Wave groups guided in the total seam are not influenced by either the thickness or the position of the dirt bed. On the other hand, for wave groups guided in the coal layers, the quotient of signal amplitudes in the coal layers is influenced by the position of the dirt bed.  相似文献   

The dynamic finite-element method allows frequency-dependent reflection and transmission coefficients to be computed for Love waves scattered by two-dimensional inhomogeneities in coal seams. Clean faults of zero hade angle show a throw-dependent cross-over frequency in reflection spectra, and throw-dependent conversion from fundamental to first higher mode energy in transmission spectra. Oblique faults show mode conversion in reflection spectra which is relatable to the fault hade angle by simple Huygens-theory models. Thin fracture zones or dykes normal to the seam show a reflection maximum when thickness of the zone is of order one quarter of the seam wave wavelength. Published field data from two known faults and a dyke are compared with the modeling results and support the belief that broad-band seam-wave data are capable of characterizing a seam discontinuity (throw, hade angle, dyke thickness) as well as locating it. Development of such procedures will require extensions to existing field practice and processing. This research was funded in part by the National Energy Research Development and Demonstration Council of Australia. The authors thank The Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited for permission to quote from company case histories.  相似文献   

The seismic velocity of sedimentary rocks is determined by the porosity, the velocity in the matrix and that in the fluid. The last two are known experimentally. The velocity can be measured from the surface. By applying the time average equation we can find the porosity. If the only difference at two points is the nature of the fluid in one layer, the ratio of the reflectivities of the layer at these points determines the nature of the fluid; this ratio is equal to the ratio of the amplitudes at these points. The size of the reservoir can then be found. The method can be applied to both oil exploration and production. It is more accurate in the latter case because more information is available than in the former case. The method is also more effective in developing discovered fields than the conventional method of relying only on the geological structural configurations.  相似文献   

The problem of detecting discontinuities which interrupt coal seams is of great importance to the coal mining industry. One possible method of detecting such discontinuities is that of in-seam seismology where both source and detectors are placed under- ground on the coal face. In this paper the propagation of SH waves from a line source in the seam is investigated. There exists a particular set of waves–channel waves–, confined to the coal seam. These waves are dispersive and have an associated Airy phase whose geometrical attenuation is least. However, if absorption of energy within the coal is included then the Airy phase is the dominant wavegroup only for distances less than a certain maximum. If a detection criterion proposed by Dresen and Freystätter applies, then there is a lower limit to the frequency that should be used for exploration. This requirement may be in conflict with attenuation considerations.  相似文献   

黄洪泽 《地球物理学报》1975,18(03):217-224
根据超声波三维地震模拟实验的结果,研究了绕射波射线轨迹的问题。对绕射波的运动学特征进行了讨论,并引用极值光程律进行了解释。实验和理论的分折指出,绕射点的位置经常按照一定的规律偏离震源——接收点联线的一侧。 本文还提出了“双曲线叠加法”,从而在实际较复杂的情况下,可以用它迅速地确定绕射点的空间位置及波的旅行时间。 文中提出绕射波的运动学特征,从中可以提供一些有关断层或绕射棱结构的情况。至于绕射波的动力学特征及机制将另文阐述。所获的结果及结论有助于物探资料的解释。  相似文献   

根据超声波三维地震模拟实验的结果,研究了绕射波射线轨迹的问题。对绕射波的运动学特征进行了讨论,并引用极值光程律进行了解释。实验和理论的分折指出,绕射点的位置经常按照一定的规律偏离震源--接收点联线的一侧。 本文还提出了“双曲线叠加法”,从而在实际较复杂的情况下,可以用它迅速地确定绕射点的空间位置及波的旅行时间。 文中提出绕射波的运动学特征,从中可以提供一些有关断层或绕射棱结构的情况。至于绕射波的动力学特征及机制将另文阐述。所获的结果及结论有助于物探资料的解释。  相似文献   

A method of detection of diffracted waves on common-offset sections is proposed. The method utilizes the main kinematic and dynamic properties of the diffracted waves. The detection algorithm is defined by an automatic procedure including phase correlation of the diffracted waves and the application of certain statistical criteria. This procedure enables us to make decisions with regard to the presence of the diffracted waves and also to estimate parameters of the scattering objects. The method is applied to synthetic and field data and, even for a relatively low signal-to-noise ratio, it gives reliable results.  相似文献   

南北地震带的瑞利波群速度与地壳结构   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文用长周期面波资料研究了南北地震带及其西侧的地壳结构。结果表明:南北地震带的地壳厚度具有南薄北厚,西厚东薄的特征,南北带和其西侧区域地壳内都存在有低速层;地壳横波平均速度很低,约为3.37公里/秒;上地幔顶部的横波速度只有4.40公里/秒;南北带北段可能存在上地幔物质上隆,岩石圈厚度只有60多公里,该区域地壳底部存在有低速层。  相似文献   

在天然地震、人工地震的记录中,震相的到时是个关键的参数。  相似文献   

An offshore self-potential array, towed behind a small boat, has recorded anomalies of up to ?300 mV. These anomalies were related to conductive onshore deposits, and appear to be caused by offshore extensions of the deposits. Along with locating onshore deposits and their offshore extensions, the system may be useful for locating offshore deposits with no onshore extension. The background noise level of the system typically is a few tenths of a millivolt, allowing reliable recording of one millivolt gradient anomalies under average sea conditions.  相似文献   

Ideally, geophones would be placed in a noiseless environment, in which case there would be no reason to resort to arrays of geophones. If the noise is such that an array is required, the objective of the array is to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio and thus to maximize the intelligence that can be derived from a given signal. The design of the array will be a function of the signal characteristics, of the direction and velocity of the noise in the bandpass of the signal, and of the site geology. It has been demonstrated previously that in a practical sense the optimum array processing is represented by precise beam forming, by which we mean simple time-delay and summation. Increasing the number N of sensors within a given area decreases the inter-element spacing and may increase the coherency between noise samples at adjacent sensors, thus yielding poorer results compared to √N improvement one expects to get if the noise is uncorrelated. Increasing the number of sensors by proportionately increasing the area is liable to result in signal deterioration, also yielding an unfavorable comparison to √N improvement in signal-to-noise. These two effects, together with economical factors, combine to limit the number of sensors that can be used. Although the data on which our conclusions are reached were drawn from earthquake seismology, the principles involved are equally applicable to exploration seismology and to other geophysical measurements in which arrays of sensors are required.  相似文献   

本文用单台多重滤波方法测定了经过青藏高原地区瑞利波群速度频散曲线。所得基阶瑞利波的观测周期为5.0—56.0秒,速度标准偏差为0.08—0.15公里/秒,一阶瑞利波的观测周期范围为10—16秒,速度标准偏差为0.05—0.13公里/秒。利用广义线性反演方法对频散曲线进行反演,可得出一个由五层构成的地震横波速度地壳模型。在27—40公里之间存在低速层,其横波速度为3.29公里/秒,比上一层低0.21公里/秒。  相似文献   

青藏高原地区瑞利波群速度和地壳构造   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文用单台多重滤波方法测定了经过青藏高原地区瑞利波群速度频散曲线。所得基阶瑞利波的观测周期为5.0-56.0秒,速度标准偏差为0.08-0.15公里/秒,一阶瑞利波的观测周期范围为10-16秒,速度标准偏差为0.05-0.13公里/秒。利用广义线性反演方法对频散曲线进行反演,可得出一个由五层构成的地震横波速度地壳模型。在27-40公里之间存在低速层,其横波速度为3.29公里/秒,比上一层低0.21公里/秒。  相似文献   

The estimation of velocity and depth is an important stage in seismic data processing and interpretation. We present a method for velocity-depth model estimation from unstacked data. This method is formulated as an iterative algorithm producing a model which maximizes some measure of coherency computed along traveltimes generated by tracing rays through the model. In the model the interfaces are represented as cubic splines and it is assumed that the velocity in each layer is constant. The inversion includes the determination of the velocities in all the layers and the location of the spline knots. The process input consists of unstacked seismic data and an initial velocity-depth model. This model is often based on nearby well information and an interpretation of the stacked section. Inversion is performed iteratively layer after layer; during each iteration synthetic travel-time curves are calculated for the interface under consideration. A functional characterizing the main correlation properties of the wavefield is then formed along the synthetic arrival times. It is assumed that the functional reaches a maximum value when the synthetic arrival time curves match the arrival times of the events on the field gathers. The maximum value of the functional is obtained by an effective algorithm of non-linear programming. The present inversion algorithm has the advantages that event picking on the unstacked data is not required and is not based on curve fitting of hyperbolic approximations of the arrival times. The method has been successfully applied to both synthetic and field data.  相似文献   

地震槽波方法试验与研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
<正> 在采煤过程中,一些预料不到的(落差近似等于煤厚)小断层、煤层冲蚀、煤层变薄带、陷落柱等小型地质变化,常常会妨碍甚至中断机械化或综合机械化采煤工作面的生产,给煤矿带来严重的经济损失。为了保证煤炭生产的正常进行,必须及时探明工作面的开采地质条件。西德克雷教授提出的地震槽波法是有效解决这一问题的新手段,因此该法受到了国内外煤田地球物理工作者的普遍重视。  相似文献   

Attention is given in this paper to the display of intensive seismic refraction information in a convenient form similar to spatial display techniques being developed for resistivity methods. An observational space for first arrivals is defined and illustrated with respect to some simple structures and the possible use of such a representation in diagnosis is discussed. The spatial display is suitable both for steeply dipping and gently dipping structures. In the latter case, the low relief space may be subjected to further operations to produce apparent velocity distributions and values simply related to plus times. A practical example of the latter process and the subsequent interpretation is given.  相似文献   

VTI介质中地震波反射波合成记录的方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在向向异性介质中,由于地震波的相速度和群速度有较大差异,相角和群角不同,相速度、群速度及群角相与角之间的关系比较复杂,因此与各同性相比较,计算地震波相速度,群速度及群角就更加困难,其合成地震记录的难度也就之增大,本文根据VTI(具有垂直对称轴的横向各向同性)介质中地震波的运动学特征,应用射线追踪方法,计算了VTI介质中的地震波的旅行时,并合成了反 地震记录,这为反射地震波的旅行时及速度分析提供了基础。  相似文献   

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