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Several decades of research has produced considerable understanding of the complex and interacting factors contributing to the construction of social vulnerability to natural hazards. However, natural hazards remain a considerable challenge to poverty reduction and development in many countries around the world and particularly in South and Southeast Asia. The objective of this paper is to undertake a comprehensive systematic analysis of the scientific literature on coastal hazards to identify the factors contributing to hazard vulnerability, to determine the relationships between them, and to review recommendations for vulnerability reduction. With the employment of meta-analysis methodology, 361 social-economic impacting factors to vulnerability are determined, as well as the complex causal relationship between them. Combined with the analysis on the current popular recommendations in the literature, some important insights into the gaps between the driving factors and the coping policy and measures are concluded.  相似文献   

Southeast Asian countries suffer from severe coastal hazards each year. A large number of these countries are incurring consequential costs that impact their national economies. It is crucial, therefore, to analyze the impact of such hazards on their economic development and provide a solid basis for future development strategies. The purpose of this paper is to assess the relationship between the economic development and the losses from coastal disasters, and to identify both the impact of hazards on the development, as well as the function of such development on the resilience to hazards. The data envelopment analysis (DEA) method is employed to build the assessment models. Data from 1995 to 2005 from eight Southeast countries are analyzed using the DEA models. A set of “resilience index” of these countries are concluded from the results. It is found that the economic development does not contribute to the strengthening of national resilience to coastal hazards. Inappropriate development could even impair the resilience. Additionally, the resilience to coastal hazards is impacted by various factors such as the allocation of resources and external assistance. From the analysis, a clear image is gained of the interaction between economic development and coastal hazards, which provides a basis for future development strategies.
Yi-Ming WeiEmail: Email:

Alpine glacier retreat resulting from global warming since the close of the Little Ice Age in the 19th and 20th centuries has increased the risk and incidence of some geologic and hydrologic hazards in mountainous alpine regions of North America. Abundant loose debris in recently deglaciated areas at the toe of alpine glaciers provides a ready source of sediment during rainstorms or outburst floods. This sediment can cause debris flows and sedimentation problems in downstream areas. Moraines built during the Little Ice Age can trap and store large volumes of water. These natural dams have no controlled outlets and can fail without warning. Many glacier-dammed lakes have grown in size, while ice dams have shrunk, resulting in greater risks of ice-dam failure. The retreat and thinning of glacier ice has left oversteepened, unstable valley walls and has led to increased incidence of rock and debris avalanches.  相似文献   

This brief review provides an Earth Science perspective on present climate change (global warming) using evidence from past ice ages with details from the Quaternary ice age. It places the present (Quaternary) ice age in the context of Earth history and outlines possible causes of ice ages and the scale and style of ice age climate. Milankovitch climate forcing is described and explained as the cause of relatively predictable climatic variations within an ice age (and at other times), and this is followed by an outline of the factors likely to be responsible for short and rapid sub-Milankovitch climate variations that are superimposed on the predictable changes. Finally the anomalous, relatively constant climate of the last 11.5 ka (Holocene) is highlighted and explained in terms of human input of greenhouse gasses into the Earth's atmosphere.  相似文献   

Marble-hosted ruby deposits represent the most important source of colored gemstones from Central and South East Asia. These deposits are located in the Himalayan mountain belt which developed during Tertiary collision of the Indian plate northward into the Eurasian plate. They are spatially related to granitoid intrusions and are contained in platform carbonates series that underwent high-grade metamorphism. All occurrences are located close to major tectonic features formed during Himalayan orogenesis, directly in suture zones in the Himalayas, or in shear zones that guided extrusion of the Indochina block after the collision in South East Asia. Ar–Ar dating of micas syngenetic with ruby and U–Pb dating of zircon included in ruby gives evidence that these deposits formed during Himalayan orogenesis, and the ages document the extensional tectonics that were active, from Afghanistan to Vietnam, between the Oligocene and the Pliocene.The petrography shows that ruby-bearing marbles formed in the amphibolite facies (T = 610 to 790 °C and P ~ 6 kbar). A fluid inclusion study defines the conditions of gem ruby formation during the retrograde metamorphic path (620 < T < 670 °C and 2.6 < P < 3.3 kbar) for the deposits of Jegdalek, Hunza and northern Vietnam.Whole rock analyses of non-ruby-bearing marbles indicate that they contain enough aluminum and chromiferous elements to produce all the ruby crystals that they contain. In addition, (C, O)-isotopic analyses of carbonates from the marbles lead to the conclusion that the marbles acted as a metamorphic closed fluid system that were not infiltrated by externally-derived fluids. The carbon isotopic composition of graphite in marbles reveals that it is of organic origin and that it exchanged C-isotopes with the carbonates during metamorphism. Moreover, the O-isotopic composition of ruby was buffered by metamorphic CO2 released during devolatilisation of marble and the H-isotopic composition of mica is consistent with a metamorphic origin for water in equilibrium with the micas. The (C, O, H)-isotopic compositions of minerals associated with marble-hosted ruby are all in agreement with the hypothesis, drawn from the unusual chemistry of CO2–H2S–COS–S8–AlO(OH)-bearing fluids contained in fluid inclusions, that gem ruby formed at P ~ 3 kbar and 620 < T < 670 °C, during thermal reduction of evaporite by organic matter, at high temperature-medium pressure metamorphism of platform carbonates during the Tertiary India–Asia collision. The carbonates were enriched in Al- and chromiferous-bearing detrital minerals, such as clay minerals that were deposited on the platform with the carbonates, and in organic matter. Ruby formed during the retrograde metamorphic path, mainly by destabilization of muscovite or spinel. The metamorphic fluid system was rich in CO2 released from devolatilisation of carbonates, and in fluorine, chlorine and boron released by molten salts (NaCl, KCl, CaSO4). Evaporites are key to explaining the formation of these deposits. Molten salts mobilized in situ Al and metal transition elements contained in marbles, leading to crystallization of ruby.  相似文献   

世界地质公园的发展近况和东南亚地质遗迹 的保护现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵汀  赵逊 《地质通报》2008,27(3):414-425
20世纪90年代以来,不少地球科学家致力于世界地质遗产的保护工作,在联合国教科文组织地学部的领导下,历时4年开展了2轮地质公园的可行性研究,并于1997年正式获得教科文组织大会批准,推动了地质公园的建立。在1996年北京第30届国际地质大会上,欧洲地质学家酝酿了欧洲地质公园网络的组建,取得了欧盟的支持。2000年,欧洲地质公园网和中国国家地质公园正式建立,2004年首批25家世界地质公园在巴黎联合国教科文组织总部正式通过评审并批准.经4批评审现已有52家世界地质公园正式建立。10余年的发展为地质公园的建设积累了丰富的经验。以中国和马来西亚为代表的东亚、东南亚国家,不仅具有丰富的地质遗产,而且在推动地质公园建设方面也发挥着榜样的作用,但各国的发展还很不平衡。  相似文献   

Southeast Asia has had both volcanic tsunamis and possesses some of the most densely populated, economically important and rapidly developing coastlines in the world. This contribution provides a review of volcanic tsunami hazard in Southeast Asia. Source mechanisms of tsunami related to eruptive and gravitational processes are presented, together with a history of past events in the region. A review of available data shows that many volcanoes are potentially tsunamigenic and present often neglected hazard to the rapidly developing coasts of the region. We highlight crucial volcanic provinces in Indonesia, the Philippines and Papua New Guinea and propose strategies for facing future events.  相似文献   

H. Uhlig 《GeoJournal》1982,4(1):31-44
Some karst regions of Indonesia (Java, Sulawesi, Bali, Madura), on closer examination geomorphologically and hydro-geologically quite distinct from each other, are checked with regard to land-use, settlement and other economic and cultural significance. Brief comparisons are made to similar regions from the Philippines (Bohol), Thailand etc.An amazingly strong differentiation, especially of the rice-cultivation systems, is determined by the varying access to water. Some densely populated limestone regions are suffering even from critical water supply for human consumption, cattle etc. Proposals for improvement and rural development are given.The comparison of agricultural landscape types under changing geo-ecological conditions yield fine examples of closely interwoven man-earth eco-systems.  相似文献   

东南亚的活动俯冲和碰撞   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
东南亚位于欧亚、印-澳和菲律宾海三大板块汇聚结合带,现代及古代汇聚区域广泛,弧陆碰撞起着重要作用。根据地质、古地磁和浅源地震等地球动力演化的研究建立了一系列构造模式,表明该区地表构造运动的复杂性。尽管规模较小,台湾地区的弧陆碰撞可能是目前全世界的研究热点之一,因为这一碰撞带较年青(数百万年),非常活跃,易于通过地质、地球物理、大地测量和遥感手段进行测定和监控。未来对活动俯冲带和造山带的研究应与地震、海啸、污染、气候变化等这些与自然灾害有关的社会问题紧密联系起来。  相似文献   

The fit and configuration of India and Southeast Asia vis-à-vis Australia—Antarctica are critically analysed together with the evolutionary history of the Himalaya. Peninsular India, Himalaya, Tibet and Southeast Asia appear to be tied up with the development of Paleozoic-Mesozoic peripheral “Gondwanide” and Mesozoic-Cenozoic Alpine-Himalayan-Indonesian orogenic belts. Southeast Asia and Tibet are usually included within Cathaysia-Laurasia. The extent of the Tethys, separating Gondwanaland from the latter, thus appears to be much narrower than commonly believed. An alternative Gondwanaland reconstruction is proposed, placing India amidst a proto-Indian Ocean adjacent to Africa, but separated from Antarctica-Australia.  相似文献   

东南亚大地构造特征与成矿作用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
东南亚地区位于全球特提斯成矿域、环太平洋成矿域与印度-澳大利亚成矿域的交汇地带。构造演化独特,先后经历了原-古-中-新特提斯增生造山、印度-欧亚陆陆碰撞造山、太平洋俯冲等多期次构造-岩浆事件,形成了多条火山弧带、蛇绿混杂带以及同碰撞和后碰撞岩浆岩带。本文在总结前人大地构造研究成果基础上,将东南亚地区划分为6个一级构造单元、32个二级构造单元和57个三级构造单元。伴随着原-古-中-新特提斯构造演化、印度-欧亚大陆碰撞、太平洋俯冲等多期次构造域事件,以构造单元划分为基础,将东南亚地区划分为3个一级成矿域,6个二级成矿省,21个三级成矿带,并结合构造演化初步探讨了主要成矿事件。  相似文献   

Stepwise discriminant function analysis and Mahalanobis' generalized distance are applied to 28 landmark measurements recorded in 38 prehistoric and modern cranial series from Eastern Asia for interpreting biological relationships and population history. The cranial series are from Japan, China, Northern Asia, mainland Southeast Asia, and island Southeast Asia. The results of this analysis indicate a marked separation of East/North Asian and Southeast Asian cranial series, a finding that supports hypotheses of long-term continuity in northern and southern regions of Eastern Asia rather than models that suggest intrusion and replacement. The results also support a common recent origin of the Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans in Northeast Asia. A major intrusion of people into the Japanese archipelago beginning in the Yayoi Period is further supported by these results. The relationships of Ainu, Jomon, Ryukyu Islanders, and Taiwan Aboriginals are discussed.  相似文献   

Ocean Plate Stratigraphy in East and Southeast Asia   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
Ancient accretionary wedges have been recognised by the presence of glaucophane schist, radiolarian chert and mélange. Recent techniques for the reconstruction of disrupted fragments of such wedges by means of radiolarian biostratigraphy, provide a more comprehensive history of ocean plate subduction and successive accretion of ocean floor materials from the oceanic plate through offscraping and underplating.Reconstructed ocean floor sequences found in ancient accretionary complexes in Japan comprise, from oldest to youngest, pillow basalt, limestone, radiolarian chert, siliceous shale, and shale and sandstone. Similar lithologies also occur in the mélange complexes of the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand and other regions. This succession is called ‘Ocean Plate Stratigraphy’ (OPS), and it represents the following sequence of processes: birth of the oceanic plate at the oceanic ridge; formation of volcanic islands near the ridge, covered by calcareous reefs; sedimentation of calcilutite on the flanks of the volcanic islands where radiolarian chert is also deposited; deposition of radiolarian skeletons on the oceanic plate in a pelagic setting, and sedimentary mixing of radiolarian remains and detrital grains to form siliceous shale in a hemipelagic setting; and sedimentation of coarse-grained sandstone and shale at or near the trench of the convergent margin.Radiolarian biostratigraphy of detrital sedimentary rocks provides information on the time and duration of ocean plate subduction. The ages of detrital sediments becomes younger oceanward as younger packages of OPS are scraped off the downgoing plate.OPS reconstructed from ancient accretionary complexes give us the age of subduction and accretion, direction of subduction, and ancient tectonic environments and is an important key to understanding the paleoenvironment and history of the paleo-oceans now represented only in suture zones and orogenic belts.  相似文献   

Environmental impact assessment in Southeast Asia: fact and fiction?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
C. Briffett 《GeoJournal》1999,49(3):333-338
Despite the early introduction of mandatory environmental impact assessment (EIA) in the planning systems of many countries in the Southeast Asia region successes in protecting the natural environment have been limited. Is this the failure of the EIA itself due to the use of an inappropriate western based model or is it more related to a lack of political will and implementation weakness? The facts indicate that the EIA is often used as a means to an end rather than as a beneficial planning tool in itself. The fiction relates to the impressive array of legislation and sophisticated processes on paper that are often ineffective in practice. This paper attempts to highlight the problem areas and suggests other techniques and strategies that may be introduced to solve them.  相似文献   

The Burma Terrane has yielded some of the earliest pieces of evidence for monsoonal rainfall in the Bay of Bengal. However, Burmese ecosystems and their potential monsoonal imprint remain poorly studied. This study focuses on the late Eocene Yaw Formation (23° N) in central Myanmar, which was located near the equator (c. 5° N) during the Eocene. We quantitatively assessed the past vegetation, climate, and depositional environments with sporomorph diagrams, bioclimatic analysis, and sequence biostratigraphy. We calculated the palynological diversity and drew inferences with rarefaction analysis by comparing with four other middle to late Eocene tropical palynofloras. Palynological results highlight a high floristic diversity for the palynoflora throughout the section formed by six pollen zones characterized by different vegetation. They indicate that lowland evergreen forests and swamps dominated in the Eocene Burmese deltaic plains while terra firma areas were occupied by seasonal evergreen, seasonally dry, and deciduous forests. This vegetation pattern is typical to what is found around the Bay of Bengal today and supports a monsoon-like climate at the time of the Yaw Formation. Bioclimatic analysis further suggests that in the late Eocene, the Yaw Formation was more seasonal, drier, and cooler compared to modern-day climate at similar near-equatorial latitude. More seasonal and drier conditions can be explained by a well-marked seasonal migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), driver of proto-monsoonal rainfall. Cooler temperatures in the late Eocene of central Myanmar may be due to the lack of adequate modern analogues for the Eocene monsoonal climate, while those found at other three Eocene Asian paleobotanical sites (India and South China) may be caused by the effect of canopy evapotranspirational cooling. Our data suggest that paleoenvironmental change including two transgressive–regressive depositional sequences is controlled by global sea level change, which may be driven by climate change and tectonics. The high diversity of the Yaw Formation palynoflora, despite well-marked seasonality, is explained by its crossroads location for plant dispersals between India and Asia.  相似文献   

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