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Upper Carboniferous sandstones are one of the most important tight gas reservoirs in Central Europe. We present data from an outcrop reservoir analog (Piesberg quarry) in the Lower Saxony Basin of Northern Germany. This field-based study focuses on the diagenetic control on spatial reservoir quality distribution.The investigated outcrop consists of fluvial 4th-order cycles, which originate from a braided river dominated depositional environment. Westphalian C/D stratigraphy, sedimentary thicknesses and exposed fault orientations (NNW-SSE and W-E) reflect tight gas reservoir properties in the region further north. Diagenetic investigations revealed an early loss of primary porosity by pseudomatrix formation. Present day porosity (7% on average) and matrix permeability (0.0003 mD on average) reflect a high-temperature overprint during burial. The entire remaining pore space is occluded with authigenic minerals, predominantly quartz and illite. This reduces reservoir quality and excludes exposed rocks as tight gas targets. The correlation of petrographic and petrophysical data show that expected facies-related reservoir quality trends were overprinted by high-temperature diagenesis. The present day secondary matrix porosity reflects the telogenetic dissolution of mesogenetic ankerite cements and unstable alumosilicates.Faults are associated with both sealed and partially sealed veins near the faults, indicating localized mass transport. Around W-E striking faults, dissolution is higher in leached sandstones with matrix porosities of up to 26.3% and matrix permeabilities of up to 105 mD. The dissolution of ankerite and lithic fragments around the faults indicates focused fluid flow. However, a telogenetic origin cannot be ruled out.The results of this work demonstrate the limits of outcrop analog studies with respect to actual subsurface reservoirs of the greater area. Whereas the investigated outcrop forms a suitable analog with respect to sedimentological, stratigraphic and structural inventory, actual reservoirs at depth generally lack telogenetic influences. These alter absolute reservoir quality values at the surface. However, the temperature overprint and associated diagenetic modification, which caused the unusually low permeability in the studied outcrop, may pose a reservoir risk for tight gas exploration as a consequence of locally higher overburden or similar structural positions.  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》2006,53(9):711-722
In this paper it will be shown that the wave height parameter H50, defined as the average wave height of the 50 highest waves reaching a rubble-mound breakwater in its useful life, can describe the effect of the wave height on the history of the armor damage caused by the wave climate during the structure's usable life.Using Thompson and Shuttler (Thompson, D.M., Shuttler, R.M., 1975. Riprap design for wind wave attack: A laboratory study on random waves. HRS Wallingford, Report 61, UK) data it will be shown that H50 is the wave parameter that best represents the damage evolution with the number of waves in a sea state. Using this H50 parameter, formulae as van der Meer (van der Meer, J.W., 1988. Rock slopes and gravel beaches under wave attack. PhD Thesis. Technical University of Delft) and Losada and Giménez-Curto (Losada, M.A., Gimenez–Curto, L.A., 1979. The joint effect of the wave height and period on the stability of rubble mound breakwaters using Iribarren's number. Coastal Engineering, 3, 77–96) are transformed into sea-state damage evolution formulae. Using these H50-transformed formulae for regular and irregular sea states it will be shown how damage predictions are independent of the sea state wave height distribution.To check the capability of these H50-formulae to predict damage evolution of succession of sea states with different wave height distributions, some stability tests with regular and irregular waves have been carried out. After analysing the experimental results, it will be shown how H50-formulae can predict the observed damage independently of the sea state wave height distribution or the succession of sea states.  相似文献   

主要介绍了砂岩储层全岩矿物模拟岩心的制作原理、制作方法,并对所制作的模拟岩心和天然岩心进行孔隙特性和实验性能对比评价。研究出一种新型环保硅酸盐类复合胶结剂,找出了影响模拟岩心强度和渗透率的主、次因素。确定了模拟岩心的制作方法,制作出具有完好外观且具有天然岩心的成分特性、孔隙特性、渗透特性、敏感特性和实验规律的模拟岩心,可代替天然岩心进行采油工程措施的室内模拟实验,既填补了无天然岩心就无法进行室内实验的空白.又解决了因天然岩心的非均质性导致实验数据重复性差或无可比性的难题。  相似文献   

时频分析是对地震信号进行分解,可以在不同频带上显示不同级别的地质现象。采用连续小渡变换方法,对地震资料进行储层时频分析和分频属性提取,时频主极值频率曲线与伽马曲线有较好对应关系,尤其是其低频趋势线。对A区块周边的两口井井旁道进行了时频分析,揭示出该区15Hz低频数据体与储层及含油气相关性较好。针对这一特征,对该区三维地震体进行了运算及属性提取,描述其储层展布。  相似文献   

The Oolithe Blanche Formation was studied in three quarries, located at the south-eastern edge of the Paris Basin (France). Heterogeneities in reservoir properties were assessed through a sedimentological, diagenetic and petrophysical study. The relationships between depositional settings, diagenesis and petrophysical properties were analysed using detailed petrographic studies, image analysis, Nano CT-scans and petrophysical measurements.The carbonate reservoir pore network is mainly controlled by intraparticle microporosity which ensures the connectivity with interparticle meso- and macroporosity.Early cementation vs. early compaction processes (mainly grain interpenetration) may have considerable influence on fluid-flow properties and parameters such as permeability, acoustic velocities and tortuosity. Better reservoir properties are found when compaction processes begin before cementation.From statistical analyses, e.g. Principal Component Analysis and Linear Discriminant Analysis, a sedimentological/diagenetic and petrophysical model is proposed that is in a good agreement with the geological model developed from field work.  相似文献   

王宾  李红涛  刘嵩  万德成 《海洋工程》2020,38(3):94-101
针对渤海湾某风电场的海上固定式风机支撑结构,采用适用于大直径单桩结构的PSI曲线模拟桩土相互作用,并采用SACS软件建立支撑结构的动力分析模型。首先对支撑结构进行模态分析;其次考虑海冰结构的随机振动作用模式,根据适用于渤海湾的随机冰力谱构造随机冰载荷时程曲线,基于半耦合的时域方法,采用SACS软件对支撑结构进行冰激振动分析,输出塔筒顶部加速度、单桩基底剪力及倾覆力矩等响应参数的时程曲线和响应功率谱;最后针对冰厚、冰速和海冰强度等海冰参数对支撑结构的冰激振动进行敏感性分析。研究结果表明,在随机振动模式下,冰载荷及结构动力响应对冰厚和海冰强度较为敏感,在进行冰激振动分析时应合理确定冰厚和海冰强度等参数。  相似文献   

Since existing empirical formulas have been proposed without clear verification of normality, they involve very high uncertainty in their design parameters. Therefore, in the present study, marine clay regions located in river estuary regions with deep soft layers were selected as study subject regions, the normality of those soil investigation data that were relatively highly reliable was verified, simple regression analyses of the data were conducted to propose prediction formulas, and the results from the prediction formulas were compared with the results from existing empirical formulas. Multiple regression analyses were conducted and the results indicated that regression models composed of GS, eo, LL were statistically significant in explaining compression indexes in both regions. It can be seen that the structures of the models presented in the present study changed depending on soil properties. In particular, because of diverse features of soil, GS had negative effects on CC in the case of Pusan while having positive effects on CC in the case of Kwangyang. In addition, the results of tests of equality between regional models rejected the null hypothesis indicating that parameters were statistically significantly different between the two regions.  相似文献   

平湖油气田P11储层开发是平湖油气田增储提产的重要目标,也是当前平湖油气田开发面临的难题之一。由于埋藏深,储层物性条件差,试油自然产能低下,储层流体性质复杂,气油比低,凝析油含量高,密度大,储层温度高,压力系数高,给测井解释和评价带来很大困难,对开发方案的实施提出了挑战。根据岩心分析资料,从成岩作用、沉积作用等方面对平湖组放鹤亭P11储层低渗原因进行了分析;对P11储层的测井响应特征进行了总结,对P11储层"四性"关系、孔隙度结构进行剖析,对储层孔隙度、渗透率、饱和度等参数进行了研究,得到一套适合P11储层测井解释评价的方法,为P11储层的开发提供参数依据和测井解释服务。  相似文献   

为了研究天然气水合物降压开采过程的储层应力及其稳定性,运用线性多孔弹性力学和岩石力学知识,考虑水合物储层原始应力、孔隙压力、渗流附加应力及降压开采水合物过程中水合物饱和度的变化,建立了降压开采天然气水合物储层的力学模型,结合墨西哥湾某处水合物藏的基本参数,对降压开采水合物储层应力变化和开采过程的储层稳定性进行研究。结果表明:井底压力是影响水合物储层应力变化的关键因素之一;渗流附加应力在一定程度上减小了储层的应力;水合物分解储层应力发生变化,储层应力在井壁处的波动最大,井壁处是整个储层所受轴向偏应力最大的位置,因此井壁处是优先发生剪切破坏的位置;为了储层的稳定性,降压开采水合物生产压差应小于2.19 MPa。  相似文献   

The transport properties of Permian to Miocene oil shales (Torbanite, Posidonia, Messel, Himmetoglu, and Condor) were studied using petrophysical and geochemical techniques. The aims of this study were to assess permeability of oil shales, evaluate the evolution of porosity, specific surface area and intergranular permeability during high temperature compaction tests and to verify the suitability of intergranular permeability for petroleum expulsion. Measured permeability coefficients for two samples were 0.72 × 10−21 m² for the Eocene Messel shale and 2.63 × 10−21 m² for the Lower Jurassic Posidonia shale from S. Germany, respectively. BET specific surface areas of the original samples ranged from 0.7 to 10.6 m²/g and decreased after compaction to values from 0.3 to 3.7 m²/g. Initial porosity values ranged from 7.6 to 20.1 % for pre-deformation and from 9.99 to 20.7 % for post-deformation samples. Porosity increased during the high-temperature compaction experiments due to petroleum generation and expulsion. Permeability coefficients estimated using the Kozeny–Carman equation varied from 6.97 × 10−24 m² to 5.22 × 10−21 m² for pre-deformation and from 0.2 × 10−21 m² to 4.8 × 10−21 m² for post-deformation samples reflecting the evolution of their porosity and BET specific surface areas. Measured and calculated permeability were similar for the Messel shale whereas calculated permeability was two orders of magnitude lower for the Posidonia shale from S. Germany. Petroleum expulsion efficiencies under the experimental conditions ranged from 38.6% for the Torbanite to 96.2% for the Posidonia shale from S. Germany. They showed strong positive correlation with the petroleum generation index (R² = 0.91) and poor correlations with porosity (R² = 0.46), average pore throat diameters (R² = 0.22), and compaction (R² = 0.02). Estimated minimum pore-system saturations for petroleum expulsion during the experiments were 12% for the Torbanite and 30% for the Posidonia shale from N. Germany. Pore-system saturation determines whether expulsion occurs mainly through matrix or fracture permeability. For samples with saturation levels above 20%, fracture permeability dominated during the experiments. Evidence based on the measured permeability coefficients, expulsion flow rates, consideration of capillary displacement during generation-related pore invasion and the existence of transport porosity suggests that fracture permeability is the principal avenue of petroleum expulsion from source rocks. This conclusion is supported by microscopic observations.  相似文献   

为研究仿胸鳍推进的机理和流体动力特性及缩小机器鱼与生物原型之间的性能差距,利用浸入边界法数值模拟了做耦合旋转运动胸鳍的非定常绕流问题。详细探讨胸鳍非定常运动的三维尾涡结构演化和推进机理,并开展胸鳍推进性能与尾涡结构的参数影响分析。结果表明:迎流面在背、腹侧边缘及鳍梢部显著涡旋结构的作用下所出现的低压力区,加之鳍表面和上游来流之间好的垂直度共同造成了在动力划水阶段的高推力;在恢复划水阶段的高升力与背侧边缘涡强度的持续增加,以及因鳍表面倾斜而引起的水动力被分解到竖直方向的比重提升有关;胸鳍尾流场被一个三维双环涡结构所支配;当前的模拟为仿胸鳍推进建立了一个最优的斯特劳哈尔数St范围(在0.55附近),在此之后平均推力仍随St的增大而增加,而推进效率则表现出一个缓慢降低的趋势;当前后拍动与纵倾运动之间的相位差为90度时,胸鳍同时取得最佳的推力和效率。  相似文献   

生物礁碳酸盐岩油气藏储层具有丰度大、产能高的特点,一直以来是油气勘探重点探索的目标。南海北部大部分的油气发现均位于新近系,生物礁油气田也是该区勘探发现最大的亮点。其中东沙隆起区LH11生物礁是我国近年来发现的最大规模的同类型油气田。但其作为复杂的一类岩性油气藏,其非均质性和隐蔽性,使得在常规地震剖面上往往难以识别。本研究从地震频域属性角度出发,通过提取地震剖面频域图谱并结合测井孔隙度数据,分析生物礁储层频域特征,并结合正演模拟加以验证,认为研究区生物礁碳酸盐岩储层总体偏薄,导致了频率和衰减的异常,另外也证实薄层调谐效应方法可以较准确地估计层厚。  相似文献   

王志旭  陈子燊 《海洋通报》2013,32(2):127-132
介绍了三参数威布尔分布及其4种参数估计方法:极大似然估计法、相关系数优化法、灰色估计法和概率权重矩法。利用蒙特卡罗法对以上参数估计方法进行不同样本尺度的模拟,通过偏差、标准差和均方误差对比分析各种方法的特点、精度和适用性。运用上述方法结合涠洲站34a实测年极值波高,推算涠洲岛的设计波高,从相关系数、均方根误差和Q统计值分析各种方法的差异及优劣性。结果表明,小样本情况下各估计法的差别较大,而大样本时差别较小,极大似然估计法能较好拟合各种大小的样本,相关系数优化法次之;选取合适的经验频率会提高参数估计精度;各种参数估计方法计算而得的设计波高相差不大,其中极大似然估计法的精度最高  相似文献   

通过建立双套管与油管的全耦合运动控制方程,使用Newmark-β法,运用Matlab软件进行编程,对模型进行非线性时域动力耦合响应分析,分析在一定波浪环境,不同扶正器布置间距下,立管各层相同节点处耦合动力响应,研究各层管之间发生碰撞和摩擦的最大扶正器布置间距;分析相同扶正器布置间距下,不同顶张力系数对耦合动力响应的影响。结果表明:在波浪作用下,全耦合动力响应分析比等效管更能展现各层管的实际动力响应;扶正器布置间距与顶张力系数的取值不同,会影响各层立管的耦合响应与相对位移,取值不当时,立管会发生碰撞。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on seismic and well log interpretations for evaluating the sandstones of the Cenomanian Bahariya Formation in the southwest Qarun Field, Gindi Basin, northern Western Desert of Egypt. The seismic profiles display a clear anticlinal structure intersected by reverse faults in the study area. This faulted anticline has been interpreted to be one of the Syrian arc system folds formed by Upper Cretaceous tectonic inversion, which resulted from the NW movement of the African Plate relative to Laurasia. This anticline has been recommended as a target for exploration by the present work as it may represent a structural trap for hydrocarbon accumulation. The sandstones of the Lower Bahariya Formation in the southwest Qarun Field display good reservoir characteristics. The interpretation of the available well log data for the SWQ-21 and SWQ-25 wells for the Lower Bahariya Formation reflects a good reservoir quality for oil production in its topmost part. This reservoir possesses low SW (<50%), high porosity (16%), low SW/SXO and low BVW (<0.09) which all reflect a high potential for oil production.  相似文献   

马里亚纳海槽中央轴裂谷中的小扩张脊部位 ,广布火山喷发的玄武岩体 ,海底热液硫化物就是从这些岩体的裂隙中喷溢堆积起来的。利用我国“大洋一号”船拖网所获岩样进行了矿物学和岩石化学特征研究 ,认定为高铝低钾的大洋底玄武岩或拉斑玄武岩系列和钙 -碱玄武岩。为进一步弄清马里亚纳海槽区热液活动岩石学条件和探讨海槽区热液物质来源提供科学证据  相似文献   

为了对海底声学参数反演中的估计精度做出预估,合理解释反演结果,本文基于Jackson海底声散射模型,利用Sobol算法,对该模型中的耗散系数、速度比等7个参数进行定量的敏感度分析。Sobol算法可以给出参数的一阶敏感度和参数间相互作用的敏感度,适用于分析散射强度的影响因子。仿真结果表明,所选择的声波频率对于参数的敏感度影响不大,模型各参数交互作用较为强烈,速度比的全局敏感度最大,而耗散系数敏感度很小。将参数划分为地声属性参数、粗糙度参数和非均匀性参数,地声属性参数敏感度最大。模型参数敏感度分析结果对于反演有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

The sediment transport parameter helps determining the amount of sediment transport in cross-shore direction. The sediment transport parameter therefore, should represent the effect of necessary environmental factors involved in cross-shore beach profile formation. However, all the previous studies carried out for defining shape parameter consider the parameter as a calibration value. The aim of this study is to add the effect of wave climate and grain size characteristics in the definition of transport rate parameter and thus witness their influence on the parameter. This is achieved by taking the difference in between “the equilibrium wave energy dissipation rate” and “the wave energy dissipation rate” to generate a definition for the bulk of sediment, dislocating within a given time interval until the beach tends reach an equilibrium conditions. The result yields that empirical definition of transport rate parameter primarily governs the time response of the beach profile. Smaller transport rate value gives a longer elapsed time before equilibrium is attained on the beach profile. It is shown that any significant change in sediment diameter or wave climate proportionally increases the value of the shape parameter. However, the effect of change in wave height or period on sediment transport parameter is not as credit to as mean sediment characteristics.  相似文献   

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