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Summary. Several approaches to computing body wave seismograms in 2–D and 3–D laterally inhomogeneous layered structures are suggested. They are based on the Gaussian beam method, which has been recently applied to the evaluation of time-harmonic high-frequency wavefields in inhomogeneous media. Three variants are discussed in some detail: the spectral method, the convolutory method and the wave-packet method. The most promising seems to be the wave-packet approach. In this approach, the wavefield, generated by a source, is expanded into a system of wave packets, which propagate along rays from the source in all directions. The wave packets change their properties due to diffusion, spreading, reflections/transmissions, etc. The resulting seismogram at any point of the medium is then obtained as a superposition of those packets which propagate close to the point. The final expressions in all the three methods are regular even in regions, in which the ray method fails, e.g. in the vicinity of caustics, in the critical region, at boundaries between shadow and illuminated regions, etc. Moreover, they are not as sensitive to the minor details of the medium as the ray method and, what is more, they remove the time-consuming two-point ray tracing from computations. Numerical examples of synthetic seismograms computed by the wave-packet approach are presented.  相似文献   

A method for calculating synthetic seismograms in laterally varying media   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary An effective algorithm for computing synthetic seismograms in laterally inhomogeneous media has been developed. The method, based on zero-order asymptotic ray theory, is primarily intended for use in refraction and reflection studies and provides an economical means of seismic modelling.
A given smoothed velocity-depth-distance model is divided into small squares with constant seismic parameters and first-order interfaces are represented by an arbitrary number of dipping linear segments. The computation of ray propagation and amplitudes through such a model does not involve complicated analytic expressions and therefore minimizes computer time.
Amplitudes are determined by geometrical spreading of spherical wave-fronts and energy partitioning at interfaces. Synthetic seismograms calculated for laterally homogeneous models are in good agreement with those obtained by the Reflectivity Method.  相似文献   

Summary. We present a new method to calculate the SH wavefield produced by a seismic source in a half-space with an irregular buried interface. The diffracting interface is represented by a distribution of body forces. The Green's functions needed to solve the boundary conditions are evaluated using the discrete wavenumber method. Our approach relies on the introduction of a periodicity in the source-medium configuration and on the discretization of the interface at regular spacing. The technique developed is applicable to boundaries of arbitrary shapes and is valid at all frequencies. Some examples of calculation in simple configurations are presented showing the capabilities of the method.  相似文献   

Summary. A method of synthetic seismogram computation for teleseismic SV -waves is developed in order to treat quantitatively SV -waves in problems of body wave source inversion and source—receiver structure studies. The method employs WKBJ theory for a generalized ray in a vertically inhomogeneous half-space and the propagator matrix technique for waves in near-surface homogeneous layers. Wavenumber integration is done along the real axis of the wavenumber plane and anelasticity is included by using complex velocity in all regions of the earth model. The near-surface source structure is taken into account in the computation for the case of the shallow source by allowing a point source to be located in the homogeneous layers. Source and receiver area structures are also allowed to differ. A general moment tensor point source is considered.  相似文献   

Summary. Body wave synthetic siesmograms for laterally varying media are computed by means of a slowness implementation of the extended WKBJ (EWKBJ) theory of Frazer & Phinney. An EWKBJ seismogram is computed by first tracing rays through a particular model to obtain conventional ray information (travel time, ray end point, ray slowness) and then using these data in the finite frequency integral expression for the EWKBJ seismogram. The EWKBJ seismograms compare favourably to geometrical ray theory (GRT) seismograms but are significantly better because of the finite frequency nature of the EWKBJ calculation. More realistic behaviour is obtained with EWKBJ seismograms at normal seismic frequencies near caustics, where the GRT amplitude is infinite, and within geometrical shadow zones where GRT predicts zero amplitudes. In addition the EWKBJ calculation is more sensitive than GRT to focuses and defocuses in the ray field. The major disadvantage of the EWKBJ calculation is the additional computer time over that of GRT, necessary to calculate one seismogram although an EWKBJ seismogram costs much less to compute than a reflectivity seismogram. Another disadvantage of EWKBJ theory is the generation of spurious, non-geometrical phases that are associated with rapidly varying lateral inhomogeneities. Fortunately the amplitudes of these spurious phases are usually much lower than that of neighbouring geometrical phases so that the spurious phases can usually be ignored. When this observation is combined with the moderately increased computational time of the EWKBJ calculation then the gain in finite frequency character significantly outweighs any disadvantages.  相似文献   

Summary . Synthetic seismograms represented by integrals generally display signals associated with the limits of integration. Sometimes these 'end-point' contributions are spurious (e.g. in the WKBJ seismogram) and sometimes they are the main physical interest (e.g. the Kirchhoff integral for an edge). The end-point contributions may be asymptotically approximated using integration by parts or Laplace's method and it may then be possible to reduce them if desired. We describe examples in the WKBJ seism ogram for reflected or transmitted waves in homogeneous layers and for turning waves. We also study signals due to discontinuities in reflection coefficients, by partitioning the real slowness integral so that the discontinuities lie at end points. Examples are the head wave, which is a physically correct signal, and spurious diffractions caused by using plane-wave coefficients for grazing rays in the WKBJ seismogram.  相似文献   

Summary. The propagation of a pulsed elastic wave in the following geometry is considered. An elastic half-space has a surface layer of a different material and the layer furthermore contains a bounded 3-D inhomogeneity. The exciting source is an explosion, modelled as an isotropic pressure point source with Gaussian behaviour in time.
The time-harmonic problem is solved using the null field approach (the T matrix method), and a frequency integral then gives the time-domain response. The main tools of the null field approach are integral representations containing the free space Green's dyadic, expansions in plane and spherical vector wave functions, and transformations between plane and spherical vector wave functions. It should be noted that the null field approach gives the solution to the full elastodynamic equations with, in principle, an arbitrarily high accuracy. Thus no ray approximations or the like are used. The main numerical limitation is that only low and intermediate frequencies, in the sense that the diameter of the inhomogeneity can only be a few wavelengths, can be considered.
The numerical examples show synthetic seismograms consisting of data from 15 observation points at increasing distances from the source. The normal component of the velocity field is computed and the anomalous field due to the inhomogeneity is sometimes shown separately. The shape of the inhomogeneity, the location and depth of the source, and the material parameters are all varied to illustrate the relative importance of the various parameters. Several specific wave types can be identified in the seismograms: Rayleigh waves, direct and reflected P -waves, and head waves.  相似文献   

Summary. The method of finite differences is applied to the elastic wave equation to generate synthetic seismograms for laterally varying seafloor structures. The results are compared with borehole seismic data from the Gulf of California (Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 485) in which lines were shot over flat and rough topography. The significant new phenomenon observed in both the synthetic seismograms and the field data is the generation of a 'double head wave' due to the interaction of the incident wavefront with the side of a hill and the flat seafoor adjacent to the hill.
In these models the hills are on the order of a seismic wavelength in height and steep velocity gradients occur over distances comparable to wavelengths. Ray theoretical methods would not be suitable for studying such structures. True amplitude record sections are obtained by the finite difference method, which show for these models that the head wave generated at the flat seafloor adjacent to the hill is lower in amplitude than if the hill were not present and is lower in amplitude than the head wave generated at the hill.
A second feature which is important for borehole receivers is the existence of the 'direct wave root' in the upper basement. This energy occurs below the sharp interface when the direct wave impinges on the interface from above. There is no corresponding Snell's law ray path for this energy and the energy is evanescent with depth in the lower medium.
The properties of both the double head wave and the direct wave root are clearly demonstrated in the finite difference 'snapshot' displays.  相似文献   

A new method for computing synthetic seismograms   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Summary. The computation of theoretical seismograms for models in which the elastic parameters and density vary only with depth (in a plane, cylindrical or spherical geometry) reduces to the solution of an ordinary differential equation plus the evaluation of inverse transformations. In principle, the problem is straightforward. In practice, many techniques and approximations can be used at each stage and many combinations and variants are possible. In this paper, we discuss a new method of evaluating the inverse transforms. Any method can be used to solve the differential equation and we only discuss a few analytic approximations to illustrate the new method. The inverse transformations are a frequency and wavenumber integral. Essentially four techniques can be used to evaluate these depending on the order of integration and whether the wavenumber integral is distorted from the real axis. Three of these have been widely used, but the technique of evaluating the frequency integral first and keeping the wavenumber real is new. In this paper, we discuss some of the advantages of this combination.  相似文献   

Summary. Two methods of computing body wave synthetic seismograms in three-dimensional laterally varying media are discussed. Both these methods are based on the summation of Gaussian beams. In the first, the initial beam parameters are chosen at the source, in the second at the beam endpoints. Both these variants eliminate the ray method singularities. The expansion of the wavefield into plane waves may be considered as the limiting case of the first approach and the Chapman–Maslov method as the limiting case of the second approach. Computer algorithms are briefly described and numerical examples presented. In the first numerical example, the comparisons of the two approaches, based on summing Gaussian beams, with the reflectivity method indicate that the computed synthetic seismograms are satisfactorily accurate even in the caustic region. The next example suggests that the two methods discussed can be simply and effectively applied to 3-D laterally inhomogeneous structures.  相似文献   

Seismic body waves in anisotropic media: synthetic seismograms   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary. Synthetic seismograms and particle motion diagrams are computed for simple, layered Earth models containing an anisotropic layer. The presence of anisotropy couples the P, SV and SH wave motion so that P waves incident on the anisotropic layer from below produce P, SV and small-amplitude SH waves at the surface both the P velocity and the amplitudes of the converted phases vary with azimuth. Significant SH amplitudes may be generated even when the wavelength of the P wave is much greater than the thickness of the anisotropic layer. Incident SV or SH waves may each generate large amplitudes of both SV and SH motion. This strong coupling is largely independent of the degree of velocity anisotropy of the medium. The arrivals from short-period S waves exhibit S-wave splitting, but arrivals from longer period S waves superpose into a modified waveform. This strong coupling does not allow the arrival of separate phases with pure SV and SH polarization except along directions of symmetry where the motion decouples.  相似文献   

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