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MAGSAT data and Curie-depth below Deccan flood basalts (India)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ground and airborne magnetic data are severely disturbed due to random susceptibility variations in Deccan flood basalts. However, Magnetic Satellite (MAGSAT) data over the Deccan flood basaltic region of the Indian subcontinent exhibit filtering of surficial noise. Three passes over Deccan traps show a low at about 20°N latitude and a high at about 23°N latitude. Spectral analysis of these passes and an available 2-D MAGSAT vertical intensity map indicate a deep (40±4 km) magnetic interface. It is interesting to note that the determination of Curie-depth from MAGSAT matches and confirms the geothermal data model. The estimates correspond to the Moho depth derived from gravity and deep seismic sounding studies. The study suggests a continental shield-like geothermal gradient of about 14°C/km below the area.  相似文献   

A simplified multiple source model was constructed for the 1975 HawaiiM s=7.2 earthquake by matching synthetic signals with three component accelerograms at two stations located approximately 45 km from the epicenter. Six major subevents were identified and located approximately. The signals of these are larger by factors of 1.4 to 3.2 than that of theM L=5.9 foreshock which occurred 70 minutes before the main rupture and also triggered the SAM-1 recorders at the two stations. Dividing the rupture length (40 km) by the duration of strong ground shaking ( 50 sec) an, average rupture velocity of 0.8 km/sec (about 25% of S-velocity) is obtained. Thus it is likely that the rupture stopped between subevents. The approximate epicenters of the 6 major subevents, and of the foreshock, support the hypothesis that they were located in high stress asperities which rupture during the main shock, except for the last events which is interpreted as a stopping phase generated at a barrier. These asperities have been previously defined on the basis of differences in the precursor pattern before the mainshock. Thus, it appears that both the details of the precursors and of the main rupture depended critically on the heterogeneous tress distribution in the source volume. This suggests that main rupture initiation points and locations of high rupture accelerations may be identified before the mainshock occurs, based on precursor anomaly patterns. A satisfactory match of synthetic signals with the observations could be obtained only if the aximuth of the fault plane of subevents was rotated from N60°E to N90°E and back to N30°E. These orientations are approximately parallel to the nearest Kilauea rift segments. Hence the slip directions and greatest principal stresses were oriented perpendicular to the rifts everywhere. From this analysis and other work, it is concluded that this fault surface consisted of three types of segments with different strength: hard asperities (radius 5 km), soft but brittle segments between the asperities (radius 5 km), and a viscous half (10×40 km) which slipped during the mainshock, but where microearthquakes and aftershocks are not common.  相似文献   

Faulting and seismicity in the upper continental crust require considerable differential stresses. Application of experimentally developed friction, fracture and flow laws shows that high differential stresses can only exist in the uppermost crust. Direct hydraulic fracturing measurements in deep boreholes seem to support this rock mechanics conclusion. The experimental data base presently consists of approximately 500 hydrofrac tests conducted in about 100 boreholes at about 30 different geographical locations. To illustrate the variation of measured stresses with depth, the data are expressed as dimensionless horizontal stresses in the formS H,h/Sv=(/z)+, whereS v=gz Extrapolation of the experimental data to greater depth shows that the minor horizontal stress approaches the valueS h/Sv=0.5 which limits friction on wet faults, and that the major horizontal stress approaches a value close toS H/Sv=1 at rather shallow depth (5 to 10 km.). This limits faulting and seismicity in most of the upper crust to either strike-slip or normal faults. The lower boundary for seismicity is mainly dependent on tectonic strain accumulation and rock creep at the environmental conditions at depth.  相似文献   

We analyzed the broadband body waves of the 1992 Nicaragua earthquake to determine the nature of rupture. The rupture propagation was represented by the distribution of point sources with moment-rate functions at 9 grid points with uniform spacing of 20 km along the fault strike. The moment-rate functions were then parameterized, and the parameters were determined with the least squares method with some constraints. The centroid times of the individual moment-rate functions indicate slow and smooth rupture propagation at a velocity of 1.5 km/s toward NW and 1.0 km/s toward SE. Including a small initial break which precedes the main rupture by about 10 s, we obtained a total source duration of 110 s. The total seismic moment isM o =3.4×1020 Nm, which is consistent with the value determined from long-period surface waves,M o =3.7×1020 Nm. The average rise time of dislocation is determined to be 10 s. The major moment release occurred along a fault length of 160 km. With the assumption of a fault widthW=50 km, we obtained the dislocationD=1.3 m. From andD the dislocation velocity isD=D/0.1 m/s, significantly smaller than the typical value for ordinary earthquakes. The stress drop =1.1 MPa is also less than the typical value for subduction zone earthquakes by a factor of 2–3. On the other hand, the apparent stress defined by 2E s /M o , where andE s are respectively the rigidity and the seismic wave energy, is 0.037 MPa, more than an order of magnitude smaller than . The Nicaragua tsunami earthquake is characterized by the following three properties: 1) slow rupture propagation; 2) smooth rupture; 3) slow dislocation motion.  相似文献   

Summary The natural gas field of Hajduszoboszló in the Hungarian plain offered several virgin rock temperature measurements, further rock samples for measurement of conductivity. The Paleozoic bottom rock is covered by Mezozoic and Tertiary sediments inclusively flysch. One big and three small gas caps are found at a depth of about 1000 to 1200 in anticlyne structures. The average temperature gradient is 60° C/km. The heat flow is between 2.2 and 2.7 cal/cm2 sec, which is consistent to other heat flow values measured in the Hungarian basin.  相似文献   

The spectral study of the Bouguer anomally map of Central India suggests an uplifted crust-mantle interface under the Mahandi graben. This study has delineated three subsurface levels of anomalous masses at the respective depths of 23 km, 8 km, and 2 km apparently representing the Moho, an intermediate discontinuity in the sialic part of the crust and the basement, respectively. Model study of the Bouguer anomaly along a profile suggests a typical continental graben type subsurface structure with a low density depression in the sialic part of the crust between 8 and 18 km supported by an elevated upper mantle of intermediate density (3.4 g/cm3) varying in depth from 25 km to 55 km. The depths of the inferred interfaces in case of Bundelkhand granite are 32 km, 11 km, and 1.5 km, which might represent the Moho, the base of intruded granite massif, and some shallow compositional variation. Similar studies in case of Vindhyan basin have brought out three discontinuities at the respective depths of 16 km, 6–4.5 km, and 2.4 km. The first horizon at the depth of 16 km probably represents the interface between the granitic and the basaltic part of the crust. The 6–4.5 km is the depth of the basement, with the 2.4 km interface separating Bijawar rocks from Vindhyans wherever they are present. A generalized inversion of a profile across a positive belt of Bouguer anomaly representing the subsurface Bijawar rocks support the above result.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional model has been used to estimate the location and dimensions of the eruptive fissure for the 24–29 September 1971 eruption along the southwest rift zone of Kilauea volcano, Hawaii. The model is an inclined rectangular sheet embedded in an elastic half-space with constant displacement on the plane of the sheet. The set of best model parameters suggests that the sheet is vertical, extends from a depth of about 2 km to the surface, and has a length of about 14 km. Because this sheet intersects the surface where eruptive vents and extensive ground cracking formed during the eruption, this sheet probably represents the conduit for erupted lava. The amount of displacement perpendicular to the sheet is about 1.9 m, in the middle range of values measured for the amount of opening across the September 1971 eruptive fissure. The thickness of the eruptive fissure associated with the January 1983 east rift zone eruption was determined in an earlier paper to be 3.6 m, about twice the thickness determined here for the September 1971 eruption. Because the lengths (12 km for 1983 and 14 km for 1971) and heights (about 2 km) of the sheet models derived for the January 1983 and September 1971 rift zone eruptions are nearly identical, the greater thickness for the January 1983 eruptive fissure implies that the magma pressure was about a factor of two greater to form the January 1983 eruptive fissure. Because the September 1971 and January 1983 eruptive fissures extent to depths of only a few kilometers, the region of greatest compressive stress produced along the volcano's flank by either of these eruptive fissures would also be within a few kilometers of the surface. Previous work has shown that rift eruptions and intrusions contribute to the buildup of compressive stress along Kilauea's south flank and that this buildup is released by increased seismicity along the south flank. Because south flank earthquakes occur at significantly greater depths, i.e., from 5 to 13 km, than the vertical extent of the 1971 and 1983 eruptiv fissures, the depth of emplacement of these eruptive fissures cannot be the main factor in controlling the hypocentral depths of south flank earthquakes. Two possible explanations for the occurrence of south flank earthquakes in the depth range of 5–13 km are (1) a deeper pressure source, possibly related to deeper magma storage within the rift zone, and (2) a lowstrength region located between 5 and 13 km beneath Kilauea's south flank, possibly at the interface between oceanic sediments and the base of the Hawaiian volcanics.  相似文献   

Information concerning a total number of 13700 instrumentally recorded earthquakes is used to study the geographical and the vertical distribution of the Earth's seismicity. From these earthquakes, which form four complete samples of data (M 7.0, 1894–1992; M 6.5, 1930–1992; M 6.0, 1953–1992; M 5.5, 1966–1992), 11511 are shallow (h 60 km), 2085 are of intermediate focal depth (61 h 300 km) and 564 are deep focus earthquakes (301 h 720 km). The parameters a and b of the frequency-magnitude relationship were calculated in a grid of equally spaced points at 1° by using the data of earthquakes located inside circles centered at each point. The radius of the circles increased from 30 km with a step of 10 km until the information for the earthquakes located inside the circle fulfil three criteria which concern the size of the sample used to compute these parameters at each point of the grid. The results are given in a qualitative way (epicenter maps) as well as in a quantitative way (mean return periods).  相似文献   

During the Mw = 7.4 Izmit earthquake of 17 August 1999, the Yeilyurt district of Istanbul underwent damage despite the epicentral distance of 90 km. At Avclar (20 km west of Yeilyurt), the ground motion was even stronger and has caused heavy damage and fatalities. We investigate whether the observed ground motions can be explained by theoretical site amplifications calculated from one-dimensional (1-D) shear-wave velocity models. For this purpose, microtremors recorded with sensor-arrays set up at two sites were analyzed to obtain phase velocity dispersion curves using both the conventional and the Capon frequency–wavenumber (f–k) methods. At the Yeilyurt site, the conventional f–k method offered reliable phase velocity estimations whereas the Capon method showed scatter in the estimations. At the Avclar site, on the other hand, the Capon method provided a higher resolution than the conventional method and hence, allowed estimation of wavelengths up to seven times the array size. At the Yeilyurt site, the shallow shear-wave velocity profile that is correlated with the lithology obtained from boreholes yields a ground motion amplification factor of about 3 at the frequency of 1 Hz. At the Avclar site, the phase velocity dispersion curve is comparable with the one previously obtained using the spatial autocorrelation method. The site amplification factors calculated from the 1-D shear-wave velocity model are around 2–3 at the frequencies of 0.4, 1.2 and 2.3 Hz, which are about 2–3 times smaller than the amplifications obtained from reference-site techniques using weak/strong motion records of earthquakes. We suggest that the discrepancy may be caused by a 2- or 3-D effect introduced by surface and/or bedrock topography not accounted for by the horizontally stratified model considered here.  相似文献   

Simultaneous energetic particle and magnetic field observations from the GEOTAIL spacecraft in the distant tail (XGSM -150 Re) have been analysed to study the response of the Earths magnetotail during a strong substorm (AE 680 nT). At geosynchronous altitude, LANL spacecraft recorded three electron injections between 0030 UT and 0130 UT, which correspond to onsets observed on the ground at Kiruna Ground Observatory. The Earths magnetotail responded to this substorm with the ejection of five plasmoids, whose size decreases from one plasmoid to the next. Since the type of magnetic structure detected by a spacecraft residing the lobes, depends on the Z extent of the structure passing underneath the spacecraft, GEOTAIL is first engulfed by a plasmoid structure; six minutes later it detects a boundary layer plasmoid (BLP) and finally at the recovery phase of the substorm GEOTAIL observes three travelling compression regions (TCRs). The time-of-flight (TOF) speed of these magnetic structures was estimated to range between 510 km/s and 620 km/s. The length of these individual plasmoids was calculated to be between 28 Re and 56 Re. The principal axis analysis performed on the magnetic field during the TCR encountered, has confirmed that GEOTAIL observed a 2-D perturbation in the X-Z plane due to the passage of a plasmoid underneath. The first large plasmoid that engulfed GEOTAIL was much more complicated in nature probably due to the external, variable draped field lines associated with high beta plasma sheet and the PSBL flux tubes surrounding the plasmoid. From the analysis of the energetic particle angular distribution, evidence was found that ions were accelerated from the distant X-line at the onset of the burst associated with the first magnetic structure.  相似文献   

We investigate the influence of spatial heterogeneities on various aspects of brittle failure and seismicity in a model of a large strike-slip fault. The model dynamics is governed by realistic boundary conditions consisting of constant velocity motion of regions around the fault, static/kinetic friction laws, creep with depth-dependent coefficients, and 3-D elastic stress transfer. The dynamic rupture is approximated on a continuous time scale using a finite stress propagation velocity (quasidynamic model). The model produces a brittle-ductile transition at a depth of about 12.5 km, realistic hypocenter distributions, and other features of seismicity compatible with observations. Previous work suggested that the range of size scales in the distribution of strength-stress heterogeneities acts as a tuning parameter of the dynamics. Here we test this hypothesis by performing a systematic parameter-space study with different forms of heterogeneities. In particular, we analyze spatial heterogeneities that can be tuned by a single parameter in two distributions: (1) high stress drop barriers in near-vertical directions and (2) spatial heterogeneities with fractal properties and variable fractal dimension. The results indicate that the first form of heterogeneities provides an effective means of tuning the behavior while the second does not. In relatively homogeneous cases, the fault self-organizes to large-scale patches and big events are associated with inward failure of individual patches and sequential failures of different patches. The frequency-size event statistics in such cases are compatible with the characteristic earthquake distribution and large events are quasi-periodic in time. In strongly heterogeneous or near-critical cases, the rupture histories are highly discontinuous and consist of complex migration patterns of slip on the fault. In such cases, the frequency-size and temporal statistics follow approximately power-law relations.on leave from CNRS Rennes, France  相似文献   

Summary The surface thermal flux of the continental margins of the northwestern Mediterranean Sea is interpreted on the basis of a 1-D instantaneous pure shear stretching model of the lithosphere in terms of three components: the background heat flowing out from the asthenosphere (38 mW m–2), the transient contribution depending on the rift age and extension amount (35 mW m–2 at the most), and the contribution due to the radiogenic elements of the lithosphere. The radiogenic component is estimated at the continental margins of the Ligurian-Provençal basin and Valencia trough, and in the surrounding mainland areas by means of available data of surface heat generation from Variscan Corsica, Maures-Estérel and the Central Massif along with a geophysical-petrological relationship between heat production and seismic velocity. The lithosphere radiogenic heat contribution ql decreases with the thinning factor according to the exponential law: ql() = a exp(-b), in which factor b is greater for that part of the lithosphere below the uppermost 10 km. Considering also the heat generated by radioactive isotopes in sediments, the stable Variscan lithosphere produces an average thermal flux of 30 mW m–2 which decreases by about one half where the lithosphere is thinned by one third. Although the surface heat generation is 2·1 – 3·3 µW m–3 in the Maures-Estérel massif — excepting small outcrops of dioritic rocks with lower heat production — and 1·8 µW m–3 for most of Corsica, the radiogenic heating within the lithosphere for such areas is nearly the same and does not explain the higher heat flux of the Corsica margin. This asymmetric thermal pattern with surface heat flux which is 10 – 15 mW m–2 higher than predictions is probably of upper mantle origin, or can be ascribed to penetrative magmatism.  相似文献   

Summary A non-linear model of trochoidal waves is presented which represents a geometrical and kinematical generalization of Gerstner's waves and of the results of[2–4].
¶rt;aam ¶rt; mu¶rt;a , ma m u ma u am[2–4] mu umuu u uamu mm ¶rt;u.

Summary The distribution of radioactive(Th, U, K), major and selected trace(Rb, Sr, Ba, Y, Zr, V, Cr, Ni) elements of granulites from the Saxonian Granulite Complex was studied. Similarly to the South Bohemian granulites, the Saxonian granulites can be divided according to the contents of their major and trace elements into two main groups, groupA containing mostly acid and subacid granulites (K 2 O>2.5%, SiO 2 >68%), and groupB containing mostly intermediate and basic granulites (K 2 O<2.5%, SiO 2 <68%). Statistically significant differences between groupsA andB were found for all major oxides and several trace elements(Rb, V, Cr, Ni). The Saxonian granulites follow the same calc-alkaline trend as the South Bohemian, granulitesA being placed mostly in the rhyolite field and granulitesB mostly in the dacite, andesite and basalt fields of this trend. The investigated granulites are characterized by a considerable scatter ofTh andU contents accompanied by very variableTh/U ratios; theTh andU concentrations of granulitesA are substantially lower than is usual for rocks of corresponding acidity.
¶rt;a an¶rt;u a¶rt;uamu(Th, U, K) u ua ¶rt;u(Rb, Sr, Ba, Y, Zr, V, Cr, Ni) m aum n¶rt;a aaum na. naa, m u¶rt;aum n uu aam n aaum u ¶rt;u am aua, u u uu. aum n u uu ma a¶rt;um ¶rt; ¶rt;nn; nnA nua¶rt;ama a au¶rt; u au¶rt;aum (K 2 O>2,5%, Si O 2 >68%), nnB ¶rt;u u aum (K 2 O<2,5%, SiO 2 <68%). ¶rt; muunnau mm mamumuu m au ¶rt; a u u ¶rt; m ¶rt;u m(Rb, V, Cr, Ni). auaum n¶rt;¶rt;m um- m¶rt; a u -uaum;aumA a¶rt;ma a uum n, uaumB a a ¶rt;aum, a¶rt;um u aam n m m¶rt;a. ¶rt;aum — u unnA — aamum uu ¶rt;au da¶rt;uamu mTh uU.

u¶rt;m n uu ¶rt;u m n u ma n¶rt;aa, nu m¶rt;u u ¶rt;uau. n nuu uu ¶rt;u m n ¶rt;a¶rt; nu NoNo VI, VII. u au u n m a (x, H), ¶rt;auu an¶rt;u ¶rt;u m ¶rt; m¶rt; nu, u mua m nuu (H), aamuu an¶rt;u m a mua ¶rt;¶rt; uu ¶rt;uua u a. u a ¶rt;u m (x, H) amm ¶rt;uuu (u) a m¶rt; nu. m¶rt; u, auuu aau, om aamuam muau an¶rt;u ¶rt;u m, uu , n m u m nu aamuu a nmu, am ma a¶rt;am aa uu ¶rt;u m. aa u a¶rt;u n nu NoNo VI u VII u umuu ¶rt;a. mua m nu (H) num m ¶rt;u amu aua u anam um, ¶rt;a amu ¶rt;aua u ¶rt;- nma (nu No VII). ma ¶rt; ¶rt; aua, maa numa nm m u numa nm ma¶rt;um, a unaa nuu umnmauu a¶rt;uu ¶rt;uau amu aua.  相似文献   

Hydrological Regime and Morphodynamics of the Yangtze River Mouth Area   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mikhailov  V. N.  Korotaev  V. N.  Mikhailova  M. V.  Congxian  Li  Shuguang  Liu 《Water Resources》2001,28(4):351-363
The features of the hydrological regime, modern morphological structure, fluviomorphological processes, and the history of formation of the Yangtze River mouth area are discussed. The influence of the huge river water and sediment runoff and tides on the hydrological and morphological processes in the Yangtze River mouth is shown. The possible impact of construction of the large waterworks Three Gorges on the hydrological and morphological processes in the Yangtze River mouth is roughly evaluated.  相似文献   

福州盆地及其周围地区地壳深部结构与构造的初步研究   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20  
1986-1988年,福建省地震局在福州盆地及其周围地区完成了五条地震测深剖面:宁德-永春剖面;洪懒-宁德剖面;莲峰-福州(尚干)剖面;南平-永泰-平潭非纵剖面;并在宁德-古田-嵩口首次试验扇形剖面观测系统,结果表明,扇形剖面对确定断裂是有效的. 根据对地震波走时的正、反演计算,用理论地震图和射线追踪方法进一步修改和完善,得到了福州盆地及其周围地区地壳深部为高、低速相间的速度分布特征.地壳介质速度为6.40km/s,在中地壳普遍发育一层速度为5.80-5.90 km/s、厚度约5.0 km的低速层.Moho面深度30-33 km,福州盆地为一Moho面隆起区,隆起幅度达3.0 km.北西向断裂发育,其中,闽江断裂在纵剖面和扇形剖面均有明显的反映,并切割到Moho面2.0-3.0 km. 反射波谱频方法计算得到福州盆地地壳Q值仅120-150,比邻近地区明显偏低,中地壳低速层Q值为40-80,是一典型的低速-高导-低Q(高衰减)结构层,此层上界面埋深14-15 km,与居里面埋深较一致.这些结果为福州地区的地热资源远景预测和开发提供了地壳深部结构和某些地球物理场背景.  相似文献   

A theoretical model is presented which allows computing the efficiency with which aerosol particles of radius 0.1r10 m are collected by simple ice crystal plates of radius 50a c 640 m in air of various relative humidities, temperatures and pressures. Particle capture due to thermophoresis, diffusiophoresis and inertial impaction are considered. It is shown that the capture efficiency of an ice crystal in considerably affected by phoretic effects in the range 0.1r1 m. For aerosol particles ofr>1 m the efficiency is strongly controlled by the flow field around the crystal and the density of the aerosol material. Trajectory analysis also predicts that aerosol particles are preferentially captured by the ice crystal rim. Our theoretica results are found to agree satisfactorily with the laboratory studies presently available. Comparison shows that for the same pressure, temperature and relative humidity of the ambient air ice crystal plates are better aerosol particle scavengers than water drops.  相似文献   

Summary Magnetic variations were recorded along three profiles crossing the southeastern margin of the Bohemian Massif. The data were processed in order to get induction vectors (Wiesevectors) and in-phase and out-of-phase induction vectors (Schmucker-vectors). Several events of field variations were separated into external and internal parts. The same events were also treated by a physical-statistical approach. Taking into account these results, we were able to delineate a zone of electrical inhomogeneity. It is in close relation to the Moravo-Silesian lineament. The depth of the internal anomalous field source was estimated at 20 to 25 km.
¶rt;a u uuau n uu n nu, nu — u. u¶rt;uu ( u), n u u n¶rt; u n u¶rt;uu ( ), n ¶rt;u n uau u u u n au ¶rt; uu-uuu ¶rt; u ¶rt;¶rt;u na¶rt; nu -uu . ¶rt; au uu a n a u n¶rt; 20–25 .

Summary Drawing on papers [4, 5] a semi-quantitative model of filtration and resonance of a linearly polarized HM-wave has been constructed in a horizontally stratified Earth atmosphere. The wave is filtered in a system of 3 homogeneous layers, limited by two halfspaces. Attenuation of the wave is only assumed in the lower layer, i.e. in the ionosphere. A relation has been derived for the amplitude coupling factor HT/HF expressing the absolute ratio of the amplitude of the wave after transmission through the system of layers and the amplitude of the wave, incident at the system of layers. The mechanism of geomagnetic pulsations is illustrated on the principle of the resonance of a HM-wave in the Earth's magnetosphere. The magnetosphere has been replaced by the said system of layers, and the dependence of HT/HF=f() on the parameters of the system of layers has been studied using a computer.  相似文献   

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