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An efficient and robust method has been developed to locate multiple impulsive sources in an ocean environment. Global position system (GPS) receivers were installed on sonobuoys to obtain their locations within a few meters of accuracy. A sonobuoy field was deployed in a ring-type pattern. Charges were then set off at arbitrary locations within the ring, High-resolution plots were used to obtain direct path and/or first bottom bounce arrivals on each buoy. A model grid of arrival times was constructed, corresponding to the dimensions of the buoy field. A ray model previously developed here at the Applied Research Laboratories at the University of Texas at Austin (ARL:UT) was used to obtain model travel times. The minimum value of the least-square-type error between the real arrival times and the modeled travel times resulted in an unambiguous location of the source, within the limits of the grid spacing chosen. This value was calculated by picking one receiver as the reference and then summing the timing errors of the remaining receivers relative to the reference. Successive iterations with finer grid spacings result in source localization within the accuracy of the buoy locations. The localization routine was extended by allowing permutations of the pulse arrivals on each buoy to account for multiple sources closely separated in time and/or space. An automated correlation technique is presented as an alternative to the leading edge-detection method used here for obtaining relative arrival times. Two proof-of-concept experiments were performed and some results of data obtained at Lake Travis and the Gulf of Mexico are presented  相似文献   

Two adaptive algorithms for multipath time delay estimation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The problem of time delay estimation (TDE) with multipath transmissions arises often in many sonar and radar systems. Two adaptive algorithms based on a parameter estimation approach are proposed to estimate the difference in arrival times of a signal at two separated sensors in the presence of multipath propagation. The first method uses an adaptive IIR filter to eliminate the multipath signal in each transmission channel prior to applying a constrained delay estimation algorithm to extract the time difference between the two received outputs. The second employs two constrained adaptive FIR filters to perform equalization of the multipath arrivals, and time delay is then derived using a constrained delay estimator similar to that in the first method. Computer simulations are presented to compare and contrast the tracing capability and convergence behavior of these multipath TDE methods  相似文献   

Previous experiments to record seismic data at wide angle on the continental shelf have generally been unsuccessful in determining velocity structure in the lower crust; either the lines were too short or shot-receiver density too sparse to identify lower crustal arrivals. In contrast, deep normal incidence profiles show good structural resolution in the crust and uppermost mantle. A sea-bottom multichannel instrument has been developed to record datasets containing closely spaced traces, in order to improve the resolution of reversed wide-angle experiments on the continental shelf.The Pull-up Multichannel Array (PUMA) is a 1200 m, 12-channel hydrophone array for remotely recording seismic data on the seabed. It consists of 12 short hydrophone sections linked by 100 m-long passive sections. A pressure case is attached to the array at one end, in which recording electronics, cassette tape recorders and a battery power supply are housed. The PUMA is designed for deployment in water depths less than 200 m from a research ship and is moored to buoys for recovery.The instrument, which was successfully used in an experiment west of Lewis, Outer Hebrides, UK (Powell and Sinha, 1987) was specifically designed to provide a reliable determination of the velocity structure of the crust and uppermost mantle over part of the BIRPS WINCH deep normal incidence profile. Because the traces are closely spaced it is easy to correlate phases across the record section and to monitor changes in amplitude. A velocity structure for the continental crust and uppermost mantle has been devised from these data, using amplitude modelling.  相似文献   

A series of narrowband acoustic transmissions may be combined into an equivalent broadband signal - with a corresponding increase in resolution in the time domain. This procedure is called synthetic bandwidth processing. If ray methods are used in combination with inverse theory to determine the otacoustic properties of bottom sediments, the increased time resolution aids in the identification of arrivals which are closely spaced in time. This, in turn, permits improved estimates of the spatial distribution of properties and more accurate otacoustic models. Signal processing techniques and guidelines for synthesizing multioctave broadband pulse-like signals are presented. Also described is the instrumentation used to implement the technique in real ocean environments  相似文献   

Various approaches to the beamforming of data from large aperture vertical line arrays are investigated. Attention is focused on the conventional beamforming problem where the angular power spectrum is estimated, in this case by the adaptive minimum variance processor. The data to be processed are 200 Hz CW transmissions collected at sea by a 900 m vertical line array with 120 equally spaced sensors. Correlated multipath arrivals result in signal cancellation for the adaptive processor, and spatial smoothing techniques must be used prior to beamforming. The processing of subapertures is proposed. Full aperture and subaperture processing techniques are used on the 200 Hz data. Multipath arrivals are found to illuminate only parts of the array, thus indicating that the wavefield can be highly inhomogeneous with depth  相似文献   

This paper reports the inversion of midfrequency (1500–4500 Hz) chirps from a short-range transmission experiment conducted on the New Jersey Continental Shelf during the 2006 Shallow Water Experiment (SW06). The source was held at different depths and the sound signals were recorded at a vertical line array to investigate the interactions with the sea bottom at various grazing angles. Strong reflections from the sediment layer were seen in the data for all of the sources. Due to the presence of complex microstructures in the thermocline of the oceanic sound-speed profile, fluctuations both in amplitude and arrival time of the direct path arrivals were observed. Time variation of the water-column environment was also evident during the source transmissions. To mitigate the effects of the ocean environment on the seabed property estimation, a multistage optimization inversion was employed. The sound speed and the experimental geometry were inverted first using only the travel times of the water-column arrivals. The bottom sound speed and the sediment layer thickness were then inverted by matching the travel times of the bottom and sub-bottom reflections. The average of the estimated values for the sediment sound speed is 1598 m/s, consistent with in situ measurements from other experiments in the vicinity.   相似文献   

Conventional methods for modal beamforming of underwater acoustic signals using a vertical-line hydrophone array (VLA) can suffer significant degradation in resolution when the array is geometrically deficient, i.e., consists of sparsely spaced elements and spans the water column partially or is poorly navigated. Designed for estimating the coefficients of the normal modes, these conventional methods include the direct projection (DP) of the data on the calculated mode shapes and least-squares (LS) fitting of the mode sum to the data. The degradation, in the form of modal cross talk or sidelobes, is a result of an undersampling in depth. This cross talk may be mitigated with the application of proper space-time filter constraints in the case of a pulse transmission. In this paper, a generalized least-squares (GLS) mode beamformer, capable of incorporating physical space-time constraints on the propagation of sound, is presented. The formulation is based on the well-known theorem of Gauss and Markov. Initialized by a model prediction of the basic arrival structure of the normal modes and incorporating, iteratively, refined estimates of the statistics of the modal fluctuations, this GLS technique strives to boost the resolution of a geometrically deficient VLA. The improvement is demonstrated using the VLA data collected during a shallow-water tomography experiment in the Barents Sea. The superiority of the GLS method over the conventional DP and LS methods is evident, providing a high-quality time series of modal arrivals as a function of geophysical time, which, in turn, reveals the dominant time scales of the oceanic processes associated with the Barents Sea Polar Front  相似文献   

In acoustic tomographic system capable of performing in situ two-dimensional (2D) acoustic imaging of shallow water sediments is described. This system is capable of resolving inhomogeneities greater than 10 cm and differentiating sound-speed variations greater than 2%, A tomographic inversion is performed in a 2D vertical slice of about 1 m 2 (1 m×1 m) using three identical probes, with each consisting of 70 evenly distributed transducers. In normal deployments, two of the probes are oriented vertically and are separated by about 1 meter, and the third is positioned horizontally right above the two vertical probes. The additional horizontal probe greatly improves the horizontal resolution of the system compared to conventional crosshole tomographic setups. Numerical simulations are performed to evaluate the influences of arrival time detection error and transducer position error on the performance of the tomography system. For an arrival time of 500 ns (standard deviation) and a position error of 4 mm (standard deviation), sound-speed anomalies of greater than 0.8% can be correctly predicted near the upper portion (close to the horizontal probe) and are resolvable near the lower portion. A controlled laboratory experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance of the system. The location of a polyurethane block (Conap EN22) used as a known target is correctly predicted while the inverted sound speed is about 9% lower than that from its actual value. Field data taken from a saturated muddy site are presented and analyzed. The inverted mean sound speed and attenuation are about 1480 ms-1 and 20 dBm-1, respectively  相似文献   

A Munk profile and a set of propagating internal-wave modes are used to construct a three-dimensional time-varying ocean sound-speed model. Three-dimensional ray tracing is employed to simulate long-range sound propagation of a broadband acoustic signal. Methods are developed to convert three-dimensional ray-tracing results to acoustic time-domain amplitude and phase measurements. The ocean sound-speed model is defined deterministically, and the model acoustic receptions are analyzed deterministically. A single internal-wave mode that is “spatially synchronizes” to an arrival can coherently focus and defocus the acoustic energy. These internal waves can cause an arrival's amplitude fluctuation to mimic Rayleigh fading; however, the time-domain phase is stable, in contradiction to the classical Rayleigh fading environment where the received phase is uniformly distributed. For example, the received power attributed to an early arrival propagated over a 750-km range can fluctuate over 40 dB, while the time-domain phase remains within a quarter of a 75 Hz cycle. The characteristics of the time-domain phase are important for establishing coherent integration times at the receiver  相似文献   

Estimation of Rapidly Time-Varying Sparse Channels   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The estimation of sparse shallow-water acoustic communication channels and the impact of estimation performance on the equalization of phase coherent communication signals are investigated. Given sufficiently wide transmission bandwidth, the impulse response of the shallow-water acoustic channel is often sparse as the multipath arrivals become resolvable. In the presence of significant surface waves, the multipath arrivals associated with surface scattering fluctuate rapidly over time, in the sense that the complex gain, the arrival time, and the Dopplers of each arrival all change dynamically. A sparse channel estimation technique is developed based on the delay-Doppler-spread function representation of the channel. The delay-Doppler-spread function may be considered as a first-order approximation to the rapidly time-varying channel in which each channel component is associated with Doppler shifts that are assumed constant over an averaging interval. The sparse structure of the delay-Doppler-spread function is then exploited by sequentially choosing the dominant components that minimize a least squares error. The advantage of this approach is that it captures both the channel structure as well as its dynamics without the need of explicit dynamic channel modeling. As the symbols are populated with the sample Dopplers, the increase in complexity depends on the channel Doppler spread and can be significant for a severely Doppler-spread channel. Comparison is made between nonsparse recursive least squares (RLS) channel estimation, sparse channel impulse response estimation, and estimation using the proposed approach. The results are demonstrated using experimental data. In training mode, the proposed approach shows a 3-dB reduction in signal prediction error. In decision-directed mode, it improves significantly the robustness of the performance of the channel-estimate-based equalizer against rapid channel fluctuations.  相似文献   

A blind estimator of the ocean acoustic channel impulse response envelope is presented. The signal model is characterized by a deterministic multipath channel excited by a highly nonstationary deterministic source signal. The time-frequency (TF) representation of the received signal allows for the separation between the channel and the source signal. The proposed estimator proceeds in two steps: First, the unstable initial arrivals allow for the estimation of the source signal instantaneous frequency (IF) by maximization of the radially Gaussian kernel distribution; then, the Wigner-Ville distribution (WV) is sequentially windowed and integrated, where the window is defined by the previously estimated IF. The integral gives the channel impulse response envelope, which turns to be an approximation to the blind conventional matched filter (MF). The blind channel estimator (CE) is applicable upon the following conditions: that the multipath channel contains at least one dominant arrival well separated from the others, and that the IF of the source signal is a one-to-one function. Results obtained on real data from the INternal TIde Measurements with Acoustic Tomography Experiments (INTIMATE'96), where the acoustic channel was driven by an linear frequency modulation signal, show that the channel's envelope detailed structure could be accurately and consistently recovered, with the correlation of the estimates ranging from 0.796 to 0.973, as compared to the MF result  相似文献   

Details are presented of a methodology that utilizes acoustic travel time information in an ocean circulation model. Recent developments of this model-oriented tomography are discussed, representing some significant improvements over earlier formulations. More accurate means of determining the arrival times of specific ray paths are detailed, along with a means of estimating possible errors in the calculated travel times. The assimilation of the observed arrival time information into an ocean model is achieved using a Kalman gain, and more advanced expressions for calculating the Kalman gain are presented. A formulation to account for errors in the stated positions of a source and receiver is also presented. It is shown that the methodology performs fairly well in reproducing observed travel time anomalies. However, the model-predicted anomalies along a specific ray path may not always track the observed anomalies for that path when assimilating multiple ray path data. Results indicate that additional work is required to determine a means of handling observed arrival time data without having prior knowledge of the magnitude of errors in the observations. Results from simulation experiments provide estimates of: (1) potential errors when the travel times for ray paths are only sampled at discreet intervals as opposed to continuously and (2) to what degree acoustic data can be expected to “correct” model-predicted fields.  相似文献   

High-speed phase coherent communications in the ocean channel are made difficult by the combined effects of large Doppler fluctuations and extended, time-varying multipath. In order to account for these effects, we consider a receiver which performs optimal phase synchronization and channel equalization jointly. Since the intersymbol interference in some underwater acoustic channels spans several tens of symbol intervals, making the optimal maximum-likelihood receiver unacceptably complex, we use a suboptimal, but low complexity, decision feedback equalizer. The mean squared error multiparameter optimization results in an adaptive algorithm which is a combination of recursive least squares and second-order digital phase and delay-locked loops. The use of a fractionally spaced equalizer eliminates the need for explicit symbol delay tracking. The proposed algorithm is applied to experimental data from three types of underwater acoustic channels: long-range deep water, long-range shallow water, and short-range shallow water channels. The modulation techniques used are 4- and 8-PSK. The results indicate the feasibility of achieving power-efficient communications in these channels and demonstrate the ability to coherently combine multiple arrivals, thus exploiting the diversity inherent in multipath propagation  相似文献   

This paper describes a regularized acoustic inversion algorithm for tracking individual elements of a freely drifting sonobuoy field using measured acoustic arrival times from a series of impulsive sources. The acoustic experiment involved 11 sonobuoys distributed over an 8/spl times/6-km field, with a total of six sources deployed over 72 min. The inversion solves for an independent track for each sonobuoy (parameterized by the sonobuoy positions at the time of each source transmission), as well as for the source positions and transmission instants. Although this is a strongly under-determined problem, meaningful solutions are obtained by incorporating a priori information consisting of prior estimates (with uncertainties) for the source positions and initial sonobuoy positions and a physical model for sonobuoy motion along preferentially smooth tracks. The inversion results indicate that the sonobuoys move approximately 260-700 m during the source-deployment period. Closely spaced sonobuoys move along similar tracks; however, there is considerable variability in track directions over the entire field. Positioning uncertainties in horizontal coordinates are estimated using a Monte Carlo appraisal procedure to be approximately 100 m in an absolute sense and 65 m in a relative sense. A sensitivity study indicates that the uncertainties of the a priori position estimates are the limiting factor for track accuracy, rather than data uncertainties or source configuration.  相似文献   

An automated, PC-based logging system has been developed to investigate marine sediment cores by full waveform transmission seismograms. High-resolution P-wave velocity and amplitude attenuation profiles are simultaneously derived from the transmission data to characterize the acoustic properties of the sediment column.A pair of ultrasonic, piezoelectric wheel probes is used to generate and record the transmission signals travelling radially through the sediment core. Both unsplit and split cores are allowed. Mounted in a carriage driven by a stepping motor via a shaft the probes automatically move along the core liner, stopping at equidistant spacings to provide a quasi-continuous inspection of the core by the transmission data. The axial travel distance and the core diameter are determined by digital measuring tools.First arrivals are picked automatically from the transmission seismograms using either a threshold in the seismogram's envelope or a cross-correlation algorithm taking the zero-offset signal of both wheel probes into account. Combined with the core diameter these first arrivals lead to a P-wave velocity profile with a relative precision of 1 to 2 m s–1. Simultaneously, the maximum peak-to-peak amplitudes of the transmission seismograms are evaluated to get a first idea on the amplitude attenuation along the sediment core.Two examples of gravity cores taken during a recent cruise of R.V. METEOR in the Western Equatorial Atlantic are presented. They yield that the P-wave profiles can be used for locating strong and fine-scale lithological changes, e.g. turbidite layers and slight variations in the sand, silt or clay content. In addition, the transmission seismograms and their amplitude spectra obviously seem to reveal a correlation between the relative amount of low-frequency spectral components and the sediment grain size, and thus provide a tool for the determination of additional, related physical or sedimentological parameters in future investigations.  相似文献   

A performance prediction procedure is developed and applied to the evaluation of a passive tracking technique intended primarily for the localization of targets in the near field or vicinity of the sensors. The analysis is sufficiently general to be applied to underwater and air acoustics, passive radar, and electromagnetic direction finding systems. Since near field applications are of primary concern, localization parameter identifiability with a single pair of omni-directional sensors is established with the aid of the Fisher Information Matrix (FIM). The Fisher Information Matrix is also used to determine upper bounds on localization performance, and the corresponding uncertainty ellipses associated with target position are evaluated for various tracking scenarios and types of measurements. Emphasis is placed on the use of measurements such as time difference of arrival and frequency difference of arrival obtained with two sensors, and frequency estimates obtained with a single sensor. It is shown that under certain conditions the time difference of arrival measurements yield full localization information, even though the conditioning can be marginal. Additional measurements, such as frequency, are shown to improve localization performance significantly. Bearing measurements obtained with a closely spaced cluster of a few sensors are also considered.  相似文献   

利用LabVIEW软件,通过8通道数据采集卡和均匀圆阵对水下目标的噪声进行采集和处理。结合一维直线阵波束形成理论,实现了对水下目标二维方向角估计实验研究和算法验证。实验证明利用虚拟仪器方便地实现了对水声信号的采集、处理,以及在方位估计时,为传感器布阵和算法的确定提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper introduces a novel blind MUSIC-based (MUltiple SIgnal Classification) source localization algorithm applicable to an arbitrarily spaced three-dimensional array of vector hydrophones, each of which comprises two or more co-located and orthogonally oriented velocity hydrophones plus an optional pressure hydrophone. This proposed algorithm: (1) exploits the incident sources' angular diversity in the underwater acoustic particle velocity field; (2) adaptively forms velocity-field beams at each vector-hydrophone; (3) uses ESPRIT to self-generate coarse estimates of the sources' arrival angles to start off its MUSIC-based iterative search with no a priori source information; and (4) automatically pairs the x-axis direction-cosine estimates with the y-axis direction-cosine estimates. Simulation results verify the efficacy of this proposed scheme  相似文献   

Mutual hydrodynamic interaction effects between closely spaced large columns can cause substantial increases in local wave height and in other kinematic quantities. This phenomenon of upwelling is here analysed theoretically, by using a high order hybrid element technique. Results are presented as contour plots and isometrics of local free surface amplitudes in regular waves; linear transfer functions of wave amplitude at a point; mean square wave amplitudes in long crested random seas; and local components of horizontal velocity in regular waves. It is suggested that wave upwelling is an important phenomenon which should be considered in design.  相似文献   

High-quality contour maps can be computer drawn from single track echo-sounding data by combining Universal Kriging and the theory of intrinsic random function of order K (IRFK). These methods interpolate values among the closely spaced points that lie along relatively widely spaced lines. The technique provides a variance which can be contoured as a quantitative measure of map precision. The technique can be used to evaluate alternative survey trackline configurations and data collection intervals, and can be applied to other types of oceanographic data.  相似文献   

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