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The High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) onboard Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) has been used to observe Phobos and Deimos at spatial scales of around 6 and 20 m/px, respectively. HiRISE (McEwen et al., JGR, 112, CiteID E05S02, DOI: 10.1029/2005JE002605, 2007) has provided, for the first time, high-resolution colour images of the surfaces of the Martian moons. When processed, by the production of colour ratio images for example, the data show considerable small-scale heterogeneity, which might be attributable to fresh impacts exposing different materials otherwise largely hidden by a homogenous regolith. The bluer material that is draped over the south-eastern rim of the largest crater on Phobos, Stickney, has been perforated by an impact to reveal redder material and must therefore be relatively thin. A fresh impact with dark crater rays has been identified. Previously identified mass-wasting features in Stickney and Limtoc craters stand out strongly in colour. The interior deposits in Stickney appear more inhomogeneous than previously suspected. Several other local colour variations are also evident.Deimos is more uniform in colour but does show some small-scale inhomogeneity. The bright “streamers” (Thomas et al., Icarus, 123, 536–556,1996) are relatively blue. One crater to the south-west of Voltaire and its surroundings appear quite strongly reddened with respect to the rest of the surface. The reddening of the surroundings may be the result of ejecta from this impact.The spectral gradients at optical wavelengths observed for both Phobos and Deimos are quantitatively in good agreement with those found by unresolved photometric observations made by the Imager for Mars Pathfinder (IMP; Thomas et al., JGR, 104, 9055–9068, 1999). The spectral gradients of the blue and red units on Phobos bracket the results from IMP.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present a general model for the acceleration exerted on a spacecraft by the radiation coming from a planet. Both the solar radiation reflected by the planet and the thermal emission associated with its temperature are considered. The planet albedo and the planet emissive power are expanded in spherical harmonics with respect to an equatorial reference frame attached to the planet. The satellite external surface is assumed to consist of a juxtaposition of planar surfaces. A particular choice of variables allows to reduce the surface integrals over the lit portion of the planet visible to the satellite to one-dimension integrals.  相似文献   

For the general and restricted elliptic planetary spatial three-bodyproblems under the oblateness of the central body and at both third-orderorbital and secondary resonances, the analytical solutions are obtained bythe use of the Weierstrass functions with an accuracy of the fourth-degreeterms in the eccentricities and inclinations. The behaviour of solutions isstudied on the phase plane.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on tenuous dust clouds of Jupiter's Galilean moons Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. In a companion paper (Srem?evi? et al., Planet. Space Sci. 51 (2003) 455-471) an analytical model of impact-generated ejecta dust clouds surrounding planetary satellites has been developed. The main aim of the model is to predict the asymmetries in the dust clouds which may arise from the orbital motion of the parent body through a field of impactors. The Galileo dust detector data from flybys at Europa, Ganymede and Callisto are compatible with the model, assuming projectiles to be interplanetary micrometeoroids. The analysis of the data suggests that two interplanetary impactor populations are most likely the source of the measured dust clouds: impactors with isotropically distributed velocities and micrometeoroids in retrograde orbits. Other impactor populations, namely those originating in the Jovian system, or interplanetary projectiles with low orbital eccentricities and inclinations, or interstellar stream particles, can be ruled out by the statistical analysis of the data. The data analysis also suggests that the mean ejecta velocity angle to the normal at the satellite surface is around 30°, which is in agreement with laboratory studies of the hypervelocity impacts.  相似文献   

The imposition of boundary conditions on the background fields of brane-world models leads to nonzero vacuum averages for the corresponding energy-momentum tensor. Methods from the qualitative theory of dynamic systems are used in this paper to study the cosmological evolution generated by this tensor. All the possible types of cosmological dynamics are examined for models with homogeneous and isotropic subspaces on the branes and the behavior of the corresponding solutions is studied in the early and late stages of evolution.  相似文献   

We extend previous work on the global tectonic patterns generated by despinning with a self-consistent treatment of the isotropic despinning contraction that has been ignored. We provide simple analytic approximations that quantify the effect of the isotropic despinning contraction on the global shape and tectonic pattern. The isotropic despinning contraction of Mercury is ∼93 m (T/1 day)−2, where T is the initial rotation period. If we take into account both the isotropic contraction and the degree-2 deformations associated with despinning, the preponderance of compressional tectonic features on Mercury’s surface requires an additional isotropic contraction ?1 km (T/1 day)−2, presumably due to cooling of the interior and growth of the solid inner core. The isotropic despinning contraction of Iapetus is ∼9 m (T/16 h)−2, and it is not sensitive to the presence of a core or the thickness of the elastic lithosphere. The tectonic pattern expected for despinning, including the isotropic contraction, does not explain Iapetus’ ridge. Furthermore, the ridge remains unexplained with the addition of any isotropic compressional stresses, including those generating by cooling.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present a model for the radiation pressure acceleration of a spherical satellite, due to the radiation reflected by a planet with a uniform albedo. A particular choice of variables allows one to reduce the surface integrals over the lit portion of the planet visible to the satellite to one-dimensional integrals. Exact analytical expressions are found for the integrals corresponding to the case where the spacecraft does not "see" the terminator. The other integrals can be computed either numerically, or analytically in an approximate form. The results are compared with those of Lochry (1966). The model is applied to Magellan, a spacecraft orbiting Venus.  相似文献   

The form of the solar radiation pressure on a heliocentric orbiting solar sail is obtained for a finite angular sized and limb darkened solar disk by the use of the radiation pressure tensor. It is found that the usual inverse square variation of the solar radiation pressure is modified by the finite angular size, and to a lesser extent by the solar limb darkening. The actual magnitude of the modification is in itself small, except at close heliocentric distances. However, its existence has implications for the dynamical stability of solar sails both in parked and circular orbital configurations and for the accuracy of trajectory calculations, particularly for sails in the inner solar system.  相似文献   

A theory for the long-term variations in the orbit of a spherically symmetric satellite due to direct solar radiation pressure is tested using two satellite orbit analyses. The first of these analyses is in terms of mean elements for the balloon satellite Explorer 19. The results are compared with the expected theoretical variations with short-period terms omitted. The second analysis utilises satellite laser ranging observations of the geodetic satellite, Lageos. A novel long-term analysis technique is developed primarily for laser ranging studies. The technique is tested along with the solar radiation pressure perturbation theory by comparing the results from the theory and the analysis.  相似文献   

A theory is developed for the perturbations to the orbit of a spherically symmetric satellite which accounts for the changes in the perigee and nodal positions and the variations of the Sun-Earth distance and direction over an orbital revolution. The theory is semi-analytical, the equations of motion being integrated with respect to time over the sunlit period of each orbital revolution. Long-periodic and short-periodic perturbations may be treated separately, and this is important for long-term analyses in terms of mean elements where short-period terms are averaged or omitted.  相似文献   

Due to the tides, the orbits of Phobos and Triton are contracting. While their semi major axes are decreasing, several possibilities of secular resonances involving node, argument of the pericenter and mean motion of the Sun will take place. In the case of Mars, if the obliquity (ε), during the passage through some resonances, is not so small, very significant variations of the inclination will appear. In one case, capture is almost certain provided that ε?20°. For Triton there are also similar situations, but capture seems to be not possible, mainly because in S1 state, Triton's orbit is sufficiently inclined (far) with respect to the Neptune's equator. Following Chyba et al. (Astron. Astrophys. 219 (1989) 123), a simplified equation that gives the evolution of the inclination versus the semi major axis, is derived. The time needed for Triton crash onto Neptune is longer than that one obtained by these authors, but the main difference is due to the new data used here. In general, even in the case of non-capture passages, some significant jumps in inclination and in eccentricities are possible.  相似文献   

Es werden zwei Modelle der bikonischen Staubnebel mit einem undurchsichtigen Staubtorus in der Symmetrieebene vorgestellt: ein Modell mit Staub im ganzen Doppelkegelraum (A) und ein “leeres” Modell mit einer Staubschicht an der Oberfläche dieses leeren Raumes (B). Die Helligkeits-verteilung an der Oberfläche und die Polarisation des emittierten Lichts werden mit Hilfe einer Monte-Carlo-Simulation des Strahlungstransports im Nebel berechnet. Die Ergebnisse der Berechnungen zeigen charakteristische Merkmale, wie sie auch bei einigen kompakten Reflexionsnebeln zu beobachten sind.  相似文献   

A review on linear light polarization studies of novae is presented. It is shown that light scattering on dust grains (predominantly graphite) in nova environments is playing a principal role in generation of linear light polarization. A qualitative model responsible for this phenomena is discussed.  相似文献   

V.V. Kouprianov 《Icarus》2005,176(1):224-234
The problem of observability of chaotic regimes in the rotation of planetary satellites is studied. The analysis is based on the inertial and orbital data available for all satellites discovered up to now. The Lyapunov spectra of the spatial chaotic rotation and the full range of variation of the spin rate are computed numerically by integrating the equations of the rotational motion; the initial data are taken inside the main chaotic layer near the separatrices of synchronous resonance in phase space. The model of a triaxial satellite in a fixed elliptic orbit is adopted. A short Lyapunov time along with a large range of variation of the spin rate are used as criteria for observability of the chaotic motion. Independently, analysis of stability of the synchronous state with respect to tilting the axis of rotation provides a test for the physical opportunity for a satellite to rotate chaotically. Finally, a calculation of the times of despinning due to tidal evolution shows whether a satellite's spin could evolve close to the synchronous state. Apart from Hyperion, already known to rotate chaotically, only Prometheus and Pandora, the 16th and 17th satellites of Saturn, pass all these four tests.  相似文献   

An elementary review about stellar and galactic dynamics is presented. Despite involving extremely classical Newtonian physics, stellar dynamics presents some fundamental difficulties rarely discussed in the literature, such as why the phase space distribution is assumed to be a smooth function of coordinates. Many systems are found to be unstable over intermediate time-scales, as more instabilities have been discovered over the years, so the old aim of describing equilibrium stable systems shifts presently toward understanding evolutive systems. From the linearized variational Boltzmann equation a distinction can be made between instabilities triggered by the chaotic part of phase space, and instabilities caused by steep gradients in the velocity part of the distribution function. The new challenges to include evolutive systems can presently only be studied efficiently with computer techniques. Future studies are likely to involve orders of magnitude more advanced computers in which parallelism will play a major role. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In the restricted circular three-body problem, two massive bodies travel on circular orbits about their mutual center of mass and gravitationally perturb the motion of a massless particle. The triangular Lagrange points, L4 and L5, form equilateral triangles with the two massive bodies and lie in their orbital plane. Provided the primary is at least 27 times as massive as the secondary, orbits near L4 and L5 can remain close to these locations indefinitely. More than 2200 cataloged asteroids librate about the L4 and L5 points of the Sun-Jupiter system, and five bodies have been discovered around the L4 point of the Sun-Neptune system. Small satellites have also been found librating about the L4 and L5 points of two of Saturn's moons. However, no objects have been discovered around the Earth-Moon L4 and L5 points. Using numerical integrations, we show that orbits near the Earth-Moon L4 and L5 points can survive for over a billion years even when solar perturbations are included, but the further addition of the far smaller perturbations from other planets destabilize these orbits within several million years. Thus, the lack of observed objects in these regions cannot be used as a constraint on Solar System formation, nor on the tidal evolution of the Moon's orbit.  相似文献   

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