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Studies on climate change typically consider temperature and precipitation over extended periods but less so the wind.We used the Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform(CCMP)24-year wind field data set to investigate the trends of wind energy over the South China Sea during 1988-2011.The results reveal a clear trend of increase in wind power density for each of three base statistics(i.e.,mean,90 th percentile and 99 th percentile)in all seasons and for annual means.The trends of wind power density showed obvious temporal and spatial variations.The magnitude of the trends was greatest in winter,intermediate in spring,and smallest in summer and autumn.A greater trend of increase was found in the northern areas of the South China Sea than in southern parts.The magnitude of the annual and seasonal trends over the South China Sea was larger in extreme high events(i.e.,90~(th) and 99~(th) percentiles)compared to the mean conditions.Sea surface temperature showed a negative correlation with the variability of wind power density over the majority of the South China Sea in all seasons and annual means,except for winter(41.7%).  相似文献   

Chemical characteristics of the coastal sea off Tianheng Island were investigated from May 1990 toFebruary 1991 in this study which included distribution pattern,seasonal variability and the controlling fac-tors of oxygen,pH,nutrients.The rich nutrient salt content is suited for phytoplankton growth andmariculture.The coastal sea waters is of good quality based on the national standard of seawater qual-ity in terms of pH,oxygen,and nutrients,the main controlling factors for which in the investigated seaarea are hydrographic(salinity,temperature,river runoff,etc.),biological(photosynthesis of plankton),andanthrogenic(fertilizing in the nearby land and sea).  相似文献   

Using interpolation and averaging methods, we analyzed the sea surface wind data obtained from December 1992 to November 2008 by the scatterometers ERS-1, ERS-2, and QuikSCAT in the area of 2°N–39 °N, 105°E–130°E, and we reported the monthly mean distributions of the sea surface wind field. A vector empirical orthogonal function (VEOF) method was employed to study the data and three temporal and spatial patterns were obtained. The first interannual VEOF accounts for 26% of the interannual variance and displays the interannual variability of the East Asian monsoon. The second interannual VEOF accounts for 21% of the variance and reflects the response of China sea winds to El Niño events. The temporal mode of VEOF-2 is in good agreement with the curve of the Niño 3.4 index with a four-month lag. The spatial mode of VEOF-2 indicates that four months after an El Niño event, the southwesterly anomalous winds over the northern South China Sea, the East China Sea, the Yellow Sea, and the Bohai Sea can weaken the prevailing winds in winter, and can strengthen the prevailing winds in summer. The third interannual VEOF accounts for 10% of the variance and also reflects the influence of the ENSO events to China Sea winds. The temporal mode of VEOF-3 is similar to the curve of the Southern Oscillation Index. The spatial mode of VEOF-3 shows that the northeasterly anomalous winds over the South China Sea and the southern part of the East China Sea can weaken the prevailing winds, and southwesterly anomalous winds over the northern part of the East China Sea, the Yellow Sea, and the Bohai Sea can strengthen the prevailing winds when El Niño occurs in winter. If El Niño happens in summer, the reverse is true.  相似文献   

Analysis on long-term change of sea surface temperature in the China Seas   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Long-term change of sea surface temperature (SST) in the China Seas from 1900 to 2006 is examined based on two different observation datasets (HadISST1 and HadSST3). Similar to the Atlantic, SST in the China Seas has been well observed dur-ing the past 107 years. A comparison between the reconstructed (HadISST1) and un-interpolated (HadSST3) datasets shows that the SST warming trends from both datasets are consistent with each other in most of the China Seas. The warming trends are stronger in winter than in summer, with a maximum rate of SST increase exceeding 2.7℃ (100 year)-1 in the East China Sea and the Taiwan Strait during winter based on HadISST1. However, the SST from both datasets experienced a sudden decrease after 1999 in the China Seas. The estimated trend from HadISST1 is stronger than that from HadSST3 in the East China Sea and the east of Taiwan Island, where the difference in the linear SST warming trends are as large as about 1℃ (100 year)-1 when using respectively HadISST1 and HadSST3 datasets. When compared to the linear winter warming trend of the land surface air temperature (1.6℃ (100 year)-1), HadSST3 shows a more reasonable trend of less than 2.1℃ (100 year)-1 than HadISST1’s trend of larger than 2.7℃ (100 year)-1 at the mouth of the Yangtze River. The results also indicate large uncertainties in the estimate of SST warming patterns.  相似文献   

Using interpolation and averaging methods, we analyzed the sea surface wind data obtained from December 1992 to November 2008 by the scatterometers ERS-1, ERS-2, and QuikSCAT in the area of 2°N–39 °N, 105°E–130°E, and we reported the monthly mean distributions of the sea surface wind field. A vector empirical orthogonal function (VEOF) method was employed to study the data and three temporal and spatial patterns were obtained. The first interannual VEOF accounts for 26% of the interannual variance and displays the interannual variability of the East Asian monsoon. The second interannual VEOF accounts for 21% of the variance and reflects the response of China sea winds to El Nio events. The temporal mode of VEOF-2 is in good agreement with the curve of the Nio 3.4 index with a four-month lag. The spatial mode of VEOF-2 indicates that four months after an El Nio event, the southwesterly anomalous winds over the northern South China Sea, the East China Sea, the Yellow Sea, and the Bohai Sea can weaken the prevailing winds in winter, and can strengthen the prevailing winds in summer. The third interannual VEOF accounts for 10% of the variance and also reflects the influence of the ENSO events to China Sea winds. The temporal mode of VEOF-3 is similar to the curve of the Southern Oscillation Index. The spatial mode of VEOF-3 shows that the northeasterly anomalous winds over the South China Sea and the southern part of the East China Sea can weaken the prevailing winds, and southwesterly anomalous winds over the northern part of the East China Sea, the Yellow Sea, and the Bohai Sea can strengthen the prevailing winds when El Nio occurs in winter. If El Nio happens in summer, the reverse is true.  相似文献   

Collinear analysis technique is widely used for determining sea surface variability with Geosat altimeterdata from its Exact Repeat Mission(ERM).But most of the researches have been only on global scaleor in oceans deeper than 2000 m.In shallow shelf waters this method is hampered by the inaccuracy ofocean tide data supplied with Geosat Geophysical Data Records(GDRs).This work uses a modified collinearanalysis technique characterized by simultaneous separation of mean sea level and ocean tide with theleast squares method,to compute sea surface variability in the Northwest Pacific Ocean and eastern ChinaSeas.The mean sea level map obtained contains not ouly bathymetric but also dynamic features such asamphidromes,indicating considerable improvement over previous works.Our sea surface variability mapsshow clearly the main current system,the well-known Zhejiang coastal upwelling,and a northern East Chi-na Sea meso-scale eddy in good agreement with satellite sea surface temperature(SST)observation and his-to  相似文献   

The SMOS(soil moisture and ocean salinity) mission undertaken by the European Space Agency(ESA) has provided sea surface salinity(SSS) measurements at global scale since 2009.Validation of SSS values retrieved from SMOS data has been done globally and regionally.However,the accuracy of SSS measurements by SMOS in the China seas has not been examined in detail.In this study,we compared retrieved SSS values from SMOS data with in situ measurements from a South China Sea(SCS) expedition during autumn 2011.The comparison shows that the retrieved SSS values using ascending pass data have much better agreement with in situ measurements than the result derived from descending pass data.Accuracy in terms of bias and root mean square error(RMS) of the SSS retrieved using three different sea surface roughness models is very consistent,regardless of ascending or descending orbits.When ascending and descending measurements are combined for comparison,the retrieved SSS using a semi-empirical model shows the best agreement with in situ measurements,with bias-0.33 practical salinity units and RMS 0.74.We also investigated the impact of environmental conditions of sea surface wind and sea surface temperature on accuracy of the retrieved SSS.The SCS is a semi-closed basin where radio frequencies transmitted from the mainland strongly interfere with SMOS measurements.Therefore,accuracy of retrieved SSS shows a relationship with distance between the validation sites and land.  相似文献   

Analysis of COADS data (1958–1987) showed that there is obviously interannual SST oscillation including QBO (Quasi-biennial oscillation) and quasi-3.5 year oscilation, etc., of the SCS (South China Sea), which is the response of the upper mixed layer of the sea to the impact of the East Asian Monsoon anomaly. Most SST anomalies appear in the central basin of the SCS. The phase-locked phenomena linking the SST annual cycle and interannual oscillation is an important characteristic of the SCS climate. There is not only SST response to atmospheric impact, but also feedback to the air. The authors put forward a scheme of regional air-sea interaction in winter time in the SCS. Project 49676276 supported by NSFC and also supported by FSEC.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONIt is well known that wind-generated wavestorm surge and atmospheric circulation as impor-tant ocean weather events are closely related tomomentum exchange between sea and atmosphere(Oncley and Dudhia, 1995). For this reason, in thepast 20 years, attention has been directed towardshow to better describe momentum exchange throughsea surface. In general, to precisely determine theexchange, improvement should be made in the as-pects of reasonably depicting the roughness de-pend…  相似文献   

A two and a half layer oceanic model of wind-driven, thermodynamical general circulation is appliedto study the interannual oscillation of sea surface temperature (SST) in the South China Sea (SCS). Themodel consists of two active layers: the upper mixed layer (UML) and the seasonal thermocline, with themotionless abyss beneath them. The governing equations which include momentum, continuity and sea.temperature for each active layer, can describe the physics of Boussinseq approximation, reduced gravityand equatorial β-plane. The formulas for the heat flux at the surface and at the interface between twoactive layers are designed on the Haney scheme. The entrainment and detrainment at the bottom of theUML induces vertical transport of mass,momentum and heat, and couples of dynamic andthermodynamic effect.Using leap-frog integrating scheme and the Arakawa-C grid the model is forced bya time-dependent wind anomaly stress pattern obtained from category analysis of COADS. The numerical results indicate that t  相似文献   

This study on the temporal and spatial variability of the viscosity and some chemical parameters in the sea surface microlayer (SML), the relationship between the viscosity and chemical parameters, and the influence of the viscosity on the mass transfer coefficient (K) in the flux of materials through the air-sea interface revealed that: The values of viscosity and some chemical parameters in the SML are higher than those in the sub-surface layer (SSL), and at daytime are higher than those at night. The viscosity has positive corelation with chemical oxygen demand (COD),dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and salinity. The “SML effect“ on K need not be considered because the SML effect on materials concentration is so small.  相似文献   

Sea surface temperature (SST) variation in the Subei coastal waters, East China, which is important for the ecological environment of the Yellow Sea where Enteromorphaprolifera blooms frequently, is affected by the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM), El Nifio-Southem Oscillation (ENSO), and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). In this study, correlations between climatic events and SST anomalies (SSTA) around the Subei (North Jiangsu Province, East China) Coast from 1981-2012 are analyzed, using empirical orthogonal function (EOF) and correlation analyses. First, a key region was determined by EOF analysis to represent the Subei coastal waters. Then, coherency analyses were performed on this key region. According to the correlation analysis, the EAWM index has a positive correlation with the spring and summer SSTA of the key region. Furthermore, the Nifio3.4 index is negatively correlated with the spring and summer SSTA of the key region 1 year ahead, and the PDO has significant negative coherency with spring SSTA and negative coherency with summer SSTA in the key region 1 year ahead. Overall, PDO exhibits the most significant impact on SSTA of the key region. In the key region, all these factors are correlated more significantly with SSTA in spring than in summer. This suggests that outbreaks ofEnteromorpha prolifera in the Yellow Sea are affected by global climatic changes, especially the PDO.  相似文献   

<正>Corrigendum to:Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology Vol.33 No.1,P.551-551,2015http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00343-014-3338-5The presentation of Eq.1 in Section 2 on page 263 was incorrect in the hardcopies.The correct version is given below.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use the optimum interpolation sea surface temperature (OISST) provided by the National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) to replace the temperature in the top three layers in the ISHII data, and make use of the modified ISHII temperature data to calculate the thermosteric sea level (called modified steric sea level (SSL) hereafter). We subtract the modified SSL and the steric sea level (called ordinary SSL hereafter) derived from the ISHII temperature and salinity from the steric sea level (SSL) provided by the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE), respectively, and find that the rms error of the difference of the former is obviously smaller than that of the latter. Therefore we reach the conclusion that under the assumption that the GRACE SSL is accurate, the modified SSL can reflect the true steric sea level more accurately. Making use of the modified SSL, we can find that the modified SSL in sea areas of different spatial scales shows an obvious rising trend in the upper 0-700 m layer for the period 1982-2006. The global mean SSL rises with a rate of 0.6 mm year-1 .The modified SSLs in sea areas of different spatial scales all show obvious oscillations with period of one year. There are oscillations with periods of 4-8 years in global oceans and with periods of 2-7 years in the Pacific. The Empirical Orthogonal Function method is applied to the sea areas of different spatial scales and we find that the first modes all have obvious 1-year period oscillations, the first mode of the global ocean has 4-8 year period oscillations, and that of the Pacific has 2-6 year period oscillations. The spatial distribution of the linear rising trend of the global modified SSL in the upper 0-700 m layer is inhomogeneous with intense regional characteristics. The modified SSL linear trend indicates a zonal dipole in the tropical Pacific, rising in the west and descending in the east. In the North Atlantic, the modified SSL indicates a meridional dipole, rising in the latitude band of 20°N-40°N and 45°N-65.5°N and descending obviously in the latitude band of 40°N-45°N.  相似文献   

The directional-spectrum model of internal waves in shallow seas given by Xiao and Fang (1991) was used to analyze the observation data gathered in April, 1981, in the sea off Sydney, Australia. Some reasonable results were obtained. The energy ratio between Wavemodes 1 and 2 was about 2 for most frequencies and was up to 8 at ω=0.23 cph. Wave components with frequencies 0.1–0.8 cph were generated in the deep sea, and propagated onshore, while those with frequencies higher than 0.8 cph were locally generated by the interaction between longshore currents and bottom topography. Several surveys were carried out in the sea off Sydney, Australia (Cresswell, 1974, Cresswell and Boland, 1981, and Fang, Boland and Cresswell, 1984). The survey performed in April 1981 by Fang, Boland and Cresswell (1984) was outstandingly successful. To draw some deterministic and stochastic characters of internal waves, Fang, Boland and Cresswell (1984) and Fang (1987) analyzed these data gathered in 1981 and obtained some reasonable results.  相似文献   

Determination of apparent sampling thickness of sea surface microlayer   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
IwrRODUtvIONTheseasurfacendcrolayer(SML)isathinair-seainterfacelayerwithphySical,chdricalandbiologicalproperties.OrganicmateriaIs,haceAnIs,nutrientS,particulatCrnat-terandplanktonaregenefallyenrichedintheSML(Hardy,JT.etal.,l98O,Wunams,P.M.etal.,1986).ThesamPlersforcolledingtheSMLwerernainlyglassplatespearvey,G.W.etal.,l972,l985;ZhangZhengbinetal.,l996),rotatingdrums(Harvey,G.W.,1966,Daumas,R.A.l976),screensgurmt,W.D.,l965,Piotrowicz,S.R.etal.,l972,Carison,D.J.,l982),funneIs…  相似文献   

Although the mid-late Holocene cold and dry event about 4000 years ago(the 4 ka event) has been observed almost globally, it was most prominent in terrestrial climate proxies from the lower latitudes. Here we evaluate the oceanic response to this event in terms of a Holocene sea surface temperature(SST) record reconstructed using the K'37U index for Core B3 on the continental shelf of the East China Sea. The record reveals a large temperature drop of about 5℃ from the mid-Holocene(24.7℃ at 5.6 ka) to the 4 ka event(19.2℃ at 3.8 ka). This mid-late Holocene cooling period in Core B3 correlated with(i) decreases in the East Asia summer monsoon intensity and(ii) the transition period with increased El Nino/Southern Oscillation activities in the Equatorial Pacific. Our SST record provides oceanic evidence for a more global nature of the mid-late Holocene climate change, which was most likely caused by a southward migration of the Intertropical Converge Zone in response to the decreasing summer solar insolation in the Northern Hemisphere. However, the large SST drop around Core B3 indicates that the mid-late Holocene cooling was regionally amplified by the initiation/strengthening of eddy circulation/cold front which caused upwelling and resulted in additional SST decrease. Upwelling during the mid-late Holocene also enhanced with surface productivity in the East China Sea as reflected by higher alkenone content around Core B3.  相似文献   

Analysis of cost functions for retrieving sea surface salinity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two kinds of Bayesian-based cost functions (i.e., the unconstrained cost function and parameter-constrained cost function) are investigated for retrieving the sea surface salinity (SSS). In low SSS regions, we have analyzed the sensitivity of the two cost functions to geophysical parameters. The results show that the unconstrained cost function is valid for retrieving several parameters (including SSS, wind speed and significant wave height), and the constrained cost function, which largely depends on the accuracy of reference values, may lead to large retrieval biases. Furthermore, as a retrieval parameter, the sea surface temperature (SST) can re-sult in the divergence of other geophysical parameters in an unconstrained cost function due to the strong sensitivity of brightness temperature to SST. By using the unconstrained cost function and the simulated brightness temperature TB with white noises, the retrieval biases of SSS are discussed with the following two procedures. Procedure a): the simulated TB values are first averaged, and then SSS is retrieved. Procedure b): the SSS is directly retrieved from the simulated TB , and then the retrieved SSS values are aver-aged. The results indicate that, for low SSS and SST distributions, the SSS retrieval by procedure a) has less biases compared with that by procedure b), while the two procedures give almost the same retrieval results for high SSS and SST sea regions.  相似文献   

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