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Temperate shelf carbonate sediments in the Cenozoic of New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Shelf limestones are widely distributed in New Zealand Cenozoic sequences and are especially well developed in the Oligocene. Detailed field and laboratory work on several Oligocene occurrences, and reconnaissance field-work at most other sections have elucidated the major characteristics of the environment, texture, composition and diagenesis of these sediments. Several generalizations emerge which contrast with the commonly accepted characteristics of shallow marine carbonate sedimentation established from studies of tropical and subtropical deposits. The limestones are either calcarenites or, less commonly, calcilutites and, in general, these two lithologies are mutually exclusive, both in time and space. The allochems and interparticle carbonate mud (where developed) in calcarenitic limestones consist almost exclusively of fragmented skeletal material derived primarily from bryozoan, echinodermal, benthic foraminiferal, barnacle, brachiopod, bivalve and coralline red algal tests. The calcilutitic limestones consist mainly of whole and disintegrated tests of pelagic foraminifers and coccolithophorids. Non-skeletal carbonate components such as ooids, pellets and aggregates are conspicuously absent from both lithologies. Reefal structures are also absent or rare and are mainly oyster reefs. The limestones commonly contain a significant content of terrigenous material and/or glauconite and at the stratigraphic level the limestones are intimately associated with terrigenous formations. The distribution of the carbonate sediments has been governed mainly by rate of supply of river-derived terrigenous material, by subsequent dispersal patterns of this material over the shelf, and by current sorting. As a consequence of selective grain transport, bedding in the limestones is often defined by the cyclic alternation on a wide range of scales of carbonate units that are relatively enriched and relatively impoverished in terrigenous material. The primary (carbonate) mineralogy of the carbonate sediments was completely dominated by magnesium calcite and/or calcite with only small amounts of aragonite and no dolomite or associated evaporite minerals. The metastable magnesium calcite and aragonite grains were probably altered on, or close below, the shallow sea-floor. Among other factors, transformation was encouraged by the absorption of magnesium in pore waters by montmorillonitic clays and by the complete oxidation of all organic matter in the bottom sediments. Magnesium calcite grains were stabilized by texturally non-destructive incongruent dissolution, but aragonite was often dissolved without trace from the sediment, especially in grainstones. Thus submarine diagenesis has been characterized by selective dissolution phenomena. Cementation by granular and syntaxial rim orthosparite of calcite and/or ferroan calcite composition occurred mainly during shallow subsurface burial and was associated with the intergranular solution of calcitic skeletal fragments, especially at those levels in the sediment relatively enriched in terrigenous material. This lithification process has worked to accentuate and modify original litho-logic differences and sedimentary structures in the primary sediments and has produced a kind of rhythmic vertical alternation of less well cemented, microstylolitized, impure limestone beds (‘cement-donor’ beds) and well cemented, more open textured, purer limestone beds (‘cement-receptor’ beds). The New Zealand limestones formed between latitudes 60° S and 35° S under generally cool temperate to warm temperate climate conditions. Oxygen isotopes suggest that surface waters were mainly significantly cooler than 20°C, so that shelf waters may have experienced extended periods of undersaturation with respect to calcium carbonate. Generally open circulation patterns maintained near normal salinity values over the entire shelf platform. Calculated sedimentation rates for the New Zealand carbonate sediments are generally very low (< 5 cm/1000 years). Periods of more active deposition commonly alternated with longer periods of non-deposition and by-passing or erosion. It is concluded that many characteristics of the New Zealand shelf limestone occurrences are explained best by a temperate latitude model of shallow marine carbonate sedimentation.  相似文献   

The cadmium contents of 11 shales, 11 sandstones, 7 limestones, 14 metamorphic rocks and 28 stream sediments, all from Pennsylvania, were determined by flameless atomic absorption spectrometry. On the basis of these cadmium values and those in the literature, cadmium is found to be enriched in dark shales and soils, depleted in red shales, sandstones and limestones, and about the same in stream sediments as in most igneous and metamorphic rocks and the crust. In stream sediments, cadmium correlates most significantly with zinc, followed by carbon, weight loss on ignition, cobalt, readily extractable lead and manganese. Examination of the correlation plots and of an Eh-pH diagram indicates that the primary cause of cadmium enrichment in the sedimentary environment is the adsorption and/or complexation of cadmium with organic matter followed by the accumulation of organic debris in a reducing depositional environment.  相似文献   

The current state in the Pb-Pb dating of the formation and epigenesis of Precambrian carbonate sediments has been reviewed. The geochemistry of admixture elements (U, Th, Pb, Rb, Sr, Mn, and Fe) constituting carbonate minerals and the redistribution of the elements in the course of early diagenesis and epigenesis have been considered. The advantages of choosing samples for Pb-Pb dating on the basis of geochemical criteria similar to those applied for Sr-isotope stratigraphy and the potentialities of applying different methods of decontamination of specimens, analyzed from surface contamination and possible epigenetic carbonate phases, were illustrated. By the example of a series of carbonate formations, distinctions in susceptibility of U-Pb and Rb-Sr systems of carbonate minerals to secondary transformations have been demonstrated. The prospects for using the method of step solution allowing noncogenetic carbonate generations to be separated and thus the accuracy and reliability of Pb-Pb dates to be upgraded were considered.  相似文献   

Continuous sedimentary gradients are only crudely expressed by standard facies and microfacies methods which are more appropriate to situations where changes occur in relatively discrete steps. In carbonate sediments and rocks, continuous gradients are often represented by the arrangement of component grain types in a relay, that is, a systematic shifting of the relative importance of the components. Subdivision of such relays into (micro)facies can only be arbitrary. Correspondence analysis is shown to be useful for detecting, isolating and describing relays. Particular use is made of the arch effect in which samples and components from data sets with a strong unidimensional structure (a relay) plot in the form of an arch in the plane of the first two factor axes. A relay index, indicating the position of samples in the relay, can be extracted from the analysis and plotted on maps and stratigraphic logs to reveal details of the sedimentary gradient in areal and/or stratigraphic context. Examples are given from: (i) Recent shallow-marine carbonate sediments from northern Norway, illustrating a relatively simple depositional setting where surface sediments are viewed in plan; and (ii) Lower Carboniferous carbonates of southwest England, representing a more complex regional study of a particular stratigraphic interval viewed in cross-section. In both examples the relays can be related to identifiable environmental gradients.  相似文献   

Slake durability of rocks is an important property of rock-mass and rock-materials in geotechnical practice. The slake durability of rocks is closely related to their mineralogical composition. In this paper, mineralogical examinations and slake durability tests for argillaceous clastic rocks, especially pyroclastic rocks, sandstones and mudstones of Neogene Tertiary age from Japan, were performed in order to assess the slake durability and rock alteration process of these rocks as well as to understand the relationship between mineralogy and durability.The mineral composition and textural features of the rocks were studied by means of optical microscopy (OM), X-ray diffractometry (XRD), electron microprobe analysis (EPMA), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In addition, the slake durability test was carried out by using the standard testing method of ISRM [Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 16 (1979) 148] in distilled water and in the aqueous solutions with dissolved electrolytes of NaCl and CaCl2.The pyroclastic rocks and tuffaceous sandstone, rich in di-octahedral and tri-octahedral Fe smectite, respectively, show distinctively different slaking behaviors. The pyroclastic rocks show relatively high slaking (Id2=55.5% and Id10=10.5%) than the tuffaceous sandstone (Id2=94.1% and Id10=87.8%, refer to text for Id2 and Id10). This difference in the slake durability observed in these rocks is due to the microscopic occurrences of smectite present in the interspaces between the particles (pyroclastic rocks) and zeolite cementing the interspaces (tuffaceous sandstone) as alteration minerals. In addition, the durability results of tuffaceous sandstone show that the slake durability decreases as the degree of weathering increases (weathered material Id2=88.7% and Id10=65.3%). Furthermore, two mudstones of Miocene and Pliocene ages, having different clay mineral compositions (smectite vs. illite+chlorite), show the lowest and the highest slake durability among the tested clastic rocks. Hard mudstone shows the highest (Id2=98.1% and Id10=95.5%) while the soft mudstone shows the lowest (Id2=33.9% and Id6=0.4%.) slake durability. Thus, the slake durability of pyroclastic and sedimentary rocks is greatly affected by their mineral composition and texture, and is closely related to their alteration history. Slake durability is also affected by the kind of dissolved electrolyte and its concentration in the aqueous solution, providing some useful information for geotechnical practice.  相似文献   

P-wave first motion and synthetic seismogram analysis of P- and SH-waveforms recorded at teleseismic distances on the WWSSN are used to estimate source parameters of seven of the largest earthquakes (6.1 ≤ mb ≤ 6.3) that occurred in the vicinity of North Island, New Zealand since 1965. The source parameters of three other (mb ≥ 6.1) events determined outside of this study are included and considered in the final analysis. Four of the earthquakes occurred at shallow depths (< 20 km), of which three were located within and to the north of North Island. Two of the shallow events show strike-slip and normal focal mechanisms with T-axes oriented in a manner consistent with their location in an area of known back-arc extension. One of the shallow events occurred in northern South Island and shows a reverse-type mechanism indicating horizontal contraction of the crust in an easterly azimuth. Six events occurred at intermediate depths (h = 39 to 195 km) of which five exhibit thrust mechanisms with T-axes consistently oriented near vertical. In the light of previously published plate tectonic models, the near vertical orientation of T-axes of the intermediate-depth events may be used to infer that the southern Kermadec plate boundary immediately north of North Island is not strongly coupled, and hence, not likely capable of producing great earthquakes. A similar inference cannot be made for the section of the Hikurangi Margin adjacent to North Island since the intermediate-depth events considered in this study lie to the north of this segment of the plate boundary.  相似文献   

 Hydraulic networks of carbonate rocks usually consist of three types of spaces: pores, fissures, and caverns; sometimes filled forms also are present. At sufficiently large scales, the spaces are assumed to be homogeneous with arbitrary boundaries and to be characterized by mean values of parameters. A conceptual model and its schematic presentation demonstrate the importance of particular parameters for flow and solute transport, and they explain the responses of pumping rates and water levels to changes in boundary conditions. Three examples characterize some typical networks: (1) chalk in eastern Poland, representing fissured aquifers with a high storage volume for solutes in stagnant matrix water; (2) Middle Triassic limestones in southern Poland, representing fissured-cavernous aquifers; however, a large storage volume for solute transport is in mostly stagnant matrix water; and (3) Triassic dolomites in the same area, representing porous-fissured-cavernous aquifers with a considerable storage volume in the matrix, which can partly be released (20%), considerably contributing to the total specific yield. For the last two types of aquifers, the hydraulic conductivity near pumping wells and mine galleries usually quickly increases in time due to suffosion of filled forms, which leads to a temporal large increase of the inflows. Received, April 1997 Revised, January 1998, August 1998 Accepted, May 1998  相似文献   

湖相碳酸盐岩在柴达木盆地西部古、新近系地层中广泛出露,在研究区西岔沟地区主要分布在下干柴沟组、上干柴沟组的顶部,下油砂山组及上油砂山组的底部。通过实测西岔沟剖面、岩性分析、岩相组合特征、生物特征、沉积构造、室内薄片鉴定等研究对西岔沟剖面的碳酸盐岩进行了分析,识别出西岔沟剖面的碳酸盐岩的类型主要有鲕粒灰岩、介壳灰岩、藻叠层石灰岩、泥晶灰岩、砂质灰岩等,沉积环境主要属滨浅湖,并在岩石学特征的基础上对其成因进行了研究。  相似文献   

An experimental sedimentary system comprising a tank of 4 m3 capacity equipped for monitoring chemical, mineralogical, and biological changes has been used to investigate the mechanisms by which Pb and Zn may be removed from solution in sulphide-deficient brines and concentrated in sediments. In the experimental system, Pb and Zn together with ferric hydroxides (probably lepidocrosite), organic matter, and a variety of calcium and magnesium carbonate phases, were deposited from an aerobic, highly saline, Pb and Zn-rich brine supporting a vigorous growth of the green alga Chlorococcus sp. The resultant organic and Febearing carbonate sediments contained Pb up to 0.5% and Zn up to 1.0%. Overall concentration factors compared with the overlying brine were in the range 200 to 300. Pb was removed from solution mainly by coprecipitation with carbonate phases; the Pb content of the two major carbonate phases decreasing in the order aragonite to monohydrocalcite. Zn was deposited in association with the Fe-bearing minerals. Complexing of Pb and Zn by organic matter, and the direct precipitation of Pb and Zn carbonates and/or hydroxides made, at most, a secondary contribution to the overall concentration process.  相似文献   

利用野外露头、岩心、测井录井和分析化验资料,对柴达木盆地西部(简称“柴西地区”)新生界干柴沟组湖相碳酸盐岩进行了研究,划分了其沉积微相类型,研究了其分布规律,分析其形成环境和控制因素,并建立了相应沉积模式。该区湖相碳酸盐岩在垂向上与碎屑岩频繁互层,湖相碳酸盐岩包括颗粒灰岩、藻灰岩、泥晶灰岩和混积岩4大类11种,划分出了灰泥坪、颗粒滩、藻丘(礁)、浅湖湾以及(半)深湖泥灰岩相等5种沉积微相。通过分析不同碳酸盐岩及其微相时空展布特征,认为其发育主要受控于湖盆构造运动、湖平面变化、陆源碎屑注入、古气候与古水介质条件、古地貌与古水深环境,并在此基础上建立了柴西湖相碳酸盐岩的沉积模式。研究认为柴达木盆地西部干柴沟组沉积时期,湖盆为典型咸化湖盆,构造活动相对稳定,湖平面上升达到峰值。碳酸盐岩主要发育在湖侵期,高频湖平面变化形成了碳酸盐岩与碎屑岩频繁互层。在枯水期,盆地坡折处发育碎屑岩滩坝或三角洲前缘沉积;在湖侵期,盆地坡折处发育了鲕粒滩及藻灰岩,盆地洼陷区发育泥灰岩或灰质泥岩。  相似文献   

The paper shows thermal tests results (thermal conductivity, specific heat) carried out during the research project to recognize the potential of hot dry rocks for heat and electricity production in Poland. Analysis of such parameters of the rock medium has fundamental significance in search of structures for location of enhanced geothermal systems (EGS). Analyses of thermal conductivity as well as specific heat determine the possibility of effective extraction of heat from hot rock formations and its efficient transfer to the land surface. Reservoir rock should be characterized by the lowest possible porosity and permeability, and the highest possible thermal conductivity. In order to recognize reservoir parameters of rocks that form potential reservoirs for EGS, 300 samples of sedimentary rocks were taken from 11 wells located in central Poland. For samples, sizes of which enabled measurement of thermal parameters, tests of thermal conductivity and specific heat were carried out. Independently, measurements of porosity were made. The porosity magnitude determines values of measured thermal parameters. Measurements of thermal conductivity of rocks were made for 24 samples collected from Triassic, Permian and Carboniferous deposits in six wells. Measurements of specific heat on rock samples were made for 20 rock samples. Among sedimentary rocks, principally sandstones and limestones with reservoir parameters favourable for this type of systems are considered to be petrogeothermal reservoirs and are often characterized by favourable thermal parameters for EGS. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Accurate laboratory measurement of geo-engineering properties of intact rock including uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) and modulus of elasticity (E) involves high costs and a substantial amount of time. For this reason, it is of great necessity to develop some relationships and models for estimating these parameters in rock engineering. The present study was conducted to forecast UCS and E in the sedimentary rocks using artificial neural networks (ANNs) and multivariable regression analysis (MLR). For this purpose, a total of 196 rock samples from four rock types (i.e., sandstone, conglomerate, limestone, and marl) were cored and subjected to comprehensive laboratory tests. To develop the predictive models, physical properties of studied rocks such as P wave velocity (Vp), dry density (γd), porosity, and water absorption (Ab) were considered as model inputs, while UCS and E were the output parameters. We evaluated the performance of MLR and ANN models by calculating correlation coefficient (R), mean absolute error (MAE), and root-mean-square error (RMSE) indices. The comparison of the obtained results revealed that ANN outperforms MLR when predicting the UCS and E.  相似文献   

The distributions of stable carbon and oxygen isotopes in modern and ancient limestones of various types were studied. Carbonate samples from modern sediments were collected in the Black and Barents Seas. Ancient carbonates were represented by Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian-Tithonian) limestones from the central part of the West Siberian basin. Carbonate samples include remains of modern and Upper Jurassic fauna, carbonate crust from sediments of the Black Sea, carbonate tube from sediments of the Barents Sea, and Upper Jurassic limestone from the carbonate layer found at top of Abalak, bottom of Bazhenov deposits in the central part of the West Siberian basin. According to the results of the isotope analysis and comparison with modern carbonates, Upper Jurassic limestones of the West Siberian basin belong to the group of methane-derived carbonates and precipitated as a result of anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM). Fractures in limestones are filled with secondary calcite.  相似文献   

Analysis of the authigenic laumontite distribution in sedimentary complexes of the Russian Federation is presented. The mineral occurs in sections characterized by various types of lithology, genesis, tectonic setting, and burial depth. Distribution area of this mineral spacially coincide with domains of the alkaline (mainly sodic) groundwater. It is inferred that the formation of authigenic laumontite in sedimentary sequences represents the hydrogenous catagenetic mineralization related to the circulation of heterogeneous alkaline groundwaters in them. This phenomenon resembles hydrothermal processes in areas of intense volcanism and likely represents a process typical of sedimentary sequences.  相似文献   

A number of basins in northwestern Thailand contain thick sequences of Cenozoic sedimentary rocks. Oil shales and coals are prominent lithologies within these sequences and occur together in some basins. Most of the sequences are, however, dominated by either oil shales or coals. The major oil shale deposit is in the Mae Sot Basin but oil shales also occur in the Ban Huay Dua, Mae Moh, Ban Pa Ka Li, Mae Teep, Ban Na Hong and Jae Hom Basins.Drilling and detailed mapping, in the Mae Sot Basin indicate thick sequences of oil shales and organic petrological studies show that they contain abundant lamalginite. Trace amounts of telalginite, liptodetrinite, bitumen/resinite and huminite/inertinite are also present in some of the rocks. The parts of the sequences rich in authigenic minerals are, in general, petrographically similar to Green River Formation lamosites. Where clay/silt-sized epiclastics are more abundant, similarities exist to Australian Tertiary lamosites. Vitrinite reflectance date from the oil shales and associated coals indicate a low level of maturity.Oil shales from the other basins are, petrographically similar to the Mae Sot lamosites, however some differences do exist. The Mae Sot and other lamosites were deposited in lacustrine environments that probably had highly variable water depths.  相似文献   

一种新的粒度指标:沉积物粒度分维值及其环境意义   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:28  
柏春广  王建 《沉积学报》2003,21(2):234-239
根据分形理论,对1000个不同类型沉积物样品的粒度分形结构及其分维值作了定量计算。结果表明:各类型沉积物都具有良好的统计自相似性,并且各自有着不同的分维值。粒度分维值的大小与分选好坏密切相关。没有经过外力搬运与分选的风化破碎物质(碎屑物)——断层泥、冻土的粒度分维值接近于碎形体的分维值2.60左右;经过外力搬运但分选作用较弱的冰碛物、水石流、泥石流堆积物的粒度分维值也接近2.60;而经过强烈外力分选作用的河床、湖泊沉积物、潮滩及海底沉积物的分维值明显偏小。鉴于此,本认为分维值可以作为沉积物类型判别的重要参数之一。  相似文献   

 Sediments from stormdrain catchments in Wellington city and sediment traps from Wellington Harbor were sampled for trace metal content. Samples were analyzed for acid leached metal content by extraction with 0.11 mol acetic acid l–1 and using ICP-MS. Cu and Zn levels in harbor sediment traps increased towards the periphery of the harbor, while Pb levels adjacent to a road almost doubled. In general, areas of light industry in the Inner City stormdrain catchments exhibited higher acid leached metal concentrations. However, large-scale renovation work probably contributed to point sources of high metal levels. The proximity of stormdrain outlets to recreational activities, such as wharf fishing and shellfish gathering, should be of prime concern to local authorities. Some positive correlations are found between acid leached and total metal levels. These may prove useful for assessing the biological impact of significant increases in total metal concentrations in the vicinity of Wellington Harbor. Significant savings in the time and costs of analyses may be achieved. Received: 27 February 1998 · Accepted: 27 April 1998  相似文献   

Initial 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd ratios of Phanerozoic granitoids and related intrusions of the New Zealand block display a mixing-type array indicative of the involvement in their sources of old continental crustal material, most likely of Proterozoic age. Sr(T) values range from –4 to +273 (87Sr/86Sr=0.7041–0.7233), while Nd(T) ranges from +2.7 to –11.0. Preexisting metasedimentary rocks have generally higher Sr and lower Nd (ranging to present-day values of +646 and –15.0, respectively), and, particularly for the Mesozoic intrusives, are isotopically appropriate mixing end-members. The widespread, early Paleozoic Greenland Group graywackes, which are derived from Proterozoic sources, are modeled as the source of the crustal end-member mixing with mantle-derived mafic magmas to produce the intrusive rocks. Four different types of models are applied to the isotopic and trace-element (Rb, Sr, Ba, REE) data: simple mixing; mixing with a partial melt of the metasedimentary rock, with or without isotopic equilibrium; and assimilation-fractional crystallization. Based on these models, some constraints may be applied on petrogenesis (e.g., the lack of high Rb concentrations points to the presence of biotite, and HREE depletion points to the presence of garnet); however, the models fail to adequately explain all the data. The New Zealand granitoids show similarities in isotopic character not only to rocks from offshore islands on the New Zealand block, but also to similar-aged granitoids in adjacent regions of Antarctica and Australia. This points to similarities in crustal character between continental blocks formerly proximal in Gondwanaland. We note an overall increase in Nd and decrease in Sr in felsic magmas from the Paleozoic to the Mesozoic to the Cenozoic in New Zealand, indicative of a decrease over time in the level of influence of recycled continental crust in subduction-related magmatism.Division Contribution No. 4538 (582)  相似文献   

在野外详细测量剖面基础上,对碳酸盐岩宏观特征、矿物和碎屑组分、结构、碳氧稳定同位素、生物古生态等特征进行系统研究。研究显示碳酸盐岩主要为泥晶灰岩、颗粒泥晶灰岩和泥晶颗粒灰岩等岩类,δ13C和δ18O值呈现低→高→低→高→低(雀莫错组→布曲组→夏里组→索瓦组→雪山组)的规律性变化。雀莫错组和雪山组以河控三角洲相沉积为主,布曲组为碳酸盐缓坡相沉积为主,夏里组主要为潮坪-三角洲相沉积,索瓦组主要为潮坪-泻湖相沉积,中晚侏罗世羌塘盆地古水深在下降的总趋势中呈现浅→深→浅→深→浅的升降旋回,盆地沉积中心由东向西迁移,区域构造演化和全球海平面变化共同控制了沉积面貌。  相似文献   

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