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This study documents the stratigraphic and palaeogeographic distribution of hybrid event beds that comprise both debris-flow (cohesive) and turbidity current (non-cohesive) deposits. This is the first study of such beds in a submarine fan system to combine outcrop and research borehole control, and uses a dataset from the Skoorsteenberg Formation of the Tanqua depocentre in the Karoo Basin, South Africa. Three types of 0.1–1.0 m thick hybrid beds are observed, which have a basal weakly graded fine-grained sandstone turbidite division overlain by a division of variable composition that can comprise 1) poorly sorted carbonaceous-rich material supported by a mud-rich and micaceous sand-matrix; 2) poorly sorted mudstone clasts in a mud-rich sand-silt matrix; or 3) gravel-grade, rounded mudstone clasts in a well sorted (mud-poor) sandstone matrix. These upper divisions are interpreted respectively as: 1) the deposit of a debris-flow most likely derived from shelf-edge collapse; 2) the deposit of a debris flow, most likely developed through flow transformation from turbidity current that eroded a muddy substrate; and 3) from a turbidity current with mudstone clasts transported towards the rear of the flow. All three hybrid bed types are found concentrated at the fringes of lobes that were deposited during fan initiation and growth. The basinward stepping of successive lobes means that the hybrid beds are concentrated at the base of stratigraphic successions in medial and distal fan settings. Hybrid beds are absent in proximal fan positions, and rare and thin in landward-stepping lobes deposited during fan retreat. This distribution is interpreted to reflect the enhanced amounts of erosion and availability of mud along the transport route during early lowstands of sea level. Therefore, hybrid beds can be used to indicate a fan fringe setting, infer lobe stacking patterns, and have a sequence stratigraphic significance.  相似文献   

High-resolution physical stratigraphy and detailed facies analysis have been carried out in the foredeep turbidites of Annot Sandstone in the Peïra Cava basin (French Maritime Alps) in order to characterize the relationship between facies and basin morphology. Detailed correlation patterns are evidence of a distinction between a southern bypass-dominated region, coincident with a channel-lobe transition and a north-eastern depositional zone, represented by sheet-like basin plain. These depositional elements are characterized by three main groups of beds related to the downcurrent evolution of bipartite flows. These facies groups are: 1) pebbly coarse-grained massive sandstones with rip-up mudstone clasts and impact mudstone breccias (Type I and II beds) deposited by basal dense flows, 2) coarse-grained massive sandstone overlain by tractive structures (Type III and IV beds) indicating the bypass of overlying turbulent flows and 3) massive medium-grained and fine-grained laminated sandstones related to the deposition of high and low density turbidity currents (Type V and VI beds). Ponding and reflection processes, affecting the upper turbulent flows, can characterize all type beds, but especially the beds of the third group. As described in other confined basins of the northern Apennines (Italy), the lateral and vertical distribution of these type of beds, together with other important sedimentary characteristics, - such as the sandstone/mudstone ratio, bed thicknesses, amalgamation surfaces and paleocurrents - reveal that the deposition of the Annot Sandstone in the Peïra Cava basin was controlled by an asymmetric basin with a steep western margin. This margin favored, on the one hand, basal dense flow decelerations and impacts, as well as bypass and deflection of the upper turbulent flows towards the north east.  相似文献   

Facies-scale trends in porosity and permeability are commonly mapped for reservoir models and flow simulation; however, these trends are too broad to capture bed and bed-set heterogeneity, and there is a need to up-scale detailed, bed-scale observations, especially in low-permeability reservoir intervals. Here we utilize sedimentology and ichnology at the bed- and bedset-scale to constrain the range of porosity and permeability that can be expected within facies of the Lower Cretaceous Viking Formation of south-central, Alberta, Canada.Three main facies were recognized, representing deposition from the middle shoreface to the upper offshore. Amalgamated, hummocky cross-stratified sandstone facies (Facies SHCS) consist of alternations between intensely bioturbated beds and sparsely bioturbated/laminated beds. Trace fossil assemblages in bioturbated beds of Facies SHCS are attributable to the archetypal Skolithos Ichnofacies, and are morphologically characterized by vertical, sand-filled shafts (VSS). Bioturbated beds show poor reservoir properties (max: 10% porosity, mean: 85.1 mD) compared to laminated beds (max 20% porosity, mean: 186 mD). Bioturbated muddy sandstone facies (Facies SB) represent trace fossil assemblages primarily attributable to the proximal expression of the Cruziana Ichnofacies. Four ichnological assemblages occur in varying proportions, namely sediment-churning assemblages (SC), horizontal sand-filled tube assemblages (HSF), VSS assemblages, and mud-filled, lined, or with spreiten (MLS) assemblages. Ichnological assemblages containing horizontal (max: 30% porosity, mean: 1.28 mD) or vertical sand-filled burrows (max: 10% porosity, mean: 2.2 mD) generally have better reservoir properties than laminated beds (max: 20% porosity, mean: 0.98 mD). Conversely, ichnological assemblages that consist of muddy trace fossils have lower porosity and permeability (max 10% porosity, mean: 0.89 mD). Highly bioturbated, sediment churned fabrics have only slightly higher porosity and permeability overall (max: 15% porosity, mean: 1.29 mD). Bioturbated sandy mudstone facies (Facies MB) contain ichnofossils representing an archetypal expression of the Cruziana Ichnofacies. Four ichnological assemblages occur throughout Facies MB that are similar to Facies SB; SC, HSF, VSS, and MLS assemblages. The SC (max: 15% porosity, mean: 21.67 mD), HSF (max: 20% porosity, mean: 3.79 mD), and VSS (max: 25% porosity, mean: 7.35 mD) ichnological assemblages have similar or slightly lower values than the laminated beds (max: 20% porosity, mean: 10.7 mD). However, MLS assemblages have substantially lower reservoir quality (max: 10% porosity, mean: 0.66 mD).Our results indicate that the most likely occurrence of good reservoir characteristics in bioturbated strata exists in sand-filled ichnological assemblages. This is especially true within the muddy upper offshore to lower shoreface, where vertically-oriented trace fossils can interconnect otherwise hydraulically isolated laminated sandstone beds; this improves vertical fluid transmission. The results of this work largely corroborate previous findings about ichnological impacts on reservoir properties. Unlike previous studies, however, we demonstrate that the characteristics of the ichnological assemblage, such as burrow form and the nature of burrow fill, also play an important role in determining reservoir characteristics. It follows that not all bioturbated intervals (attributed to the same facies) should be treated equally. When upscaling bed-scale observations to the reservoir, a range of possible permeability-porosity values can be tested for model sensitivity and to help determine an appropriate representative elementary volume.  相似文献   

Seven categories of event bed (1–7) are recognised in cores from hydrocarbon fields in the outer part of the Palaeocene Forties Fan, a large mixed sand-mud, deep-water fan system in the UK and Norwegian Central North Sea. Bed Types 1, 6 and 7 resemble conventional high-density turbidite, debrite and low-density turbidite, respectively. However the cores are dominated by distinctive hybrid event beds (Types 2–5; 81% by thickness) that comprise an erosively-based graded and structureless and/or banded sandstone overlain by an argillaceous sandstone or sandy-mudstone unit containing mudstone-clasts and common carbonaceous fragments. Many of the hybrid beds are capped by a thin laminated sandstone–mudstone couplet (the deposit of a dilute wake behind the head of the turbidity current). Different types of hybrid event bed Types are defined on the basis of the ratio of sandier lower part to upper argillaceous part of the bed, and the internal structure, particularly the presence of banding. Although the argillaceous and clast-rich upper divisions could reflect post-depositional mixing, sand injection or substrate deformation, they can be shown to be dominantly primary depositional features and record both a temporal (and by implication) spatial change from turbidite to debrite deposition beneath rheologically complex hybrid flows. Where banding occurs between lower sandy and upper argillaceous divisions, the flow may have passed through a transitional flow regime. Significantly, the often soft-sediment sheared and partly sand-injected argillaceous divisions are present in cores both close to and remote from salt diapirs and hence are not a local product of remobilisation around salt-cored topography. Lateral correlations between wells establish that sandy hybrid beds (Types 2, 3S) pass down-dip and laterally into packages dominated by muddier hybrid beds (Types 3M, 4) over relatively short distances (several km). Type 5 beds have minimal or no lower sandier divisions, implying that the debritic component outran the sandier component of the flow. The Forties hybrid beds are thought to record flow transformations affecting fluidal flows following erosion and bulking with mudstone clasts and clays that suppressed near-bed turbulence and induced a change to plastic flow. Hybrid beds dominate the muddier parts of sandying-upward, muddying-upward and sandying to muddying-upward successions, interpreted to record splay growth and abandonment, overall fan progradation, and local non-uniformity effects that either delayed or promoted the onset of flow transformations. The dominance of hybrid event beds in the outer Forties Fan may reflect very rapid delivery of sand to the basin, an uneven substrate that promoted flow non-uniformity, tilting as a consequence of source area uplift and extensive inner-fan erosion to create deep fan valleys. This combination of factors could have promoted erosion and bulking, and hence transformations leading to the predominance of hybrid beds in the outer parts of the fan.  相似文献   

Co-genetic debrite–turbidite beds are most commonly found in distal basin-plain settings and basin margins. This study documents the geometry, architectural association and paleogeographic occurrence of co-genetic debrite–turbidite beds in the Carboniferous Ross Sandstone with the goal of reducing uncertainty in the interpretation of subsurface data in similarly shaped basins where oil and gas is produced.The Ross Sandstone of western Ireland was deposited in a structurally confined submarine basin. Two outcrops contain co-genetic debrite–turbidite beds: Ballybunnion and Inishcorker. Both of the exposures contain strata deposited on the margin of the basin. An integrated dataset was used to characterize the stratigraphy of the Ballybunnion exposure. The exposure is divided into lower, middle, and upper units. The lower unit contains laminated shale with phosphate nodules, structureless siltstone, convolute bedding/slumps, locally contorted shale, and siltstone turbidites. The middle unit contains co-genetic debrite–turbidite beds, siltstone turbidites, and structureless siltstone. Each co-genetic debrite–turbidite bed contains evidence that fluid turbulence and matrix strength operated alternately and possibly simultaneously during deposition by a single sediment-gravity-flow event. The upper unit contains thin-bedded sandy turbidites, amalgamated sandy turbidites, siltstone turbidites, structureless siltstone, and laminated shale. A similar vertical facies pattern is found at Inishcorker.Co-genetic debrite–turbidite beds are only found at the basin-margin. We interpret these distinct beds to have originated as sand-rich, fully turbulent flows that eroded muddy strata on the slope as well as interbedded sandstone and mudstone in axial positions of the basin floor forming channels and associated megaflute erosional surfaces. This erosion caused the axially dispersing flows to laterally evolve to silt- and clay-rich flows suspended by both fluid turbulence and matrix strength due to a relative increase in clay proportions and associated turbulence suppression. The flows were efficient enough to bypass the basin center/floor, physically disconnecting their deposits from coeval lobes, resulting in deposition of co-genetic debrite–turbidite beds on the basin margin. The record of these bypassing flows in axial positions of the basin is erosional surfaces draped by thin siltstone beds with organic debris.A detailed cross-section through the Ross Sandstone reveals a wedge of low net-to-gross, poor reservoir-quality strata that physically separates sandy, basin-floor strata from the basin margin. The wedge of strata is referred to as the transition zone. The transition zone is composed of co-genetic debrite–turbidite beds, structureless siltstone, slumps, locally contorted shale, and laminated shale. Using data from the Ross Sandstone, two equations are defined that predict the size and shape of the transition zone. The equations use three variables (thickness of basin-margin strata, thickness of coeval strata on the basin floor, and angle of the basin margin) to solve for width (w) and trajectory of the basinward side of the low net-to-gross wedge (β). Beta is not a time line, but a facies boundary that separates sandy basin floor strata from silty basin-margin strata. The transition zone is interpreted to exist on lateral and distal margins of the structurally confined basin.Seismic examples from Gulf of Mexico minibasins reveal a wedge of low continuity, low amplitude seismic facies adjacent to the basin margin. Strata in this wedge are interpreted as transition-zone sediments, similar to those in the Ross Sandstone. Besides defining the size and shape of the transition zone, the variables “w” and “β” define two important drilling parameters. The variable “w” corresponds to the minimum distance a well bore should be positioned from the lateral basin margin to intersect sandy strata, and “β” corresponds to the deviation (from horizontal) of the well bore to follow the interface between sandy and low net-to-gross strata. Calculations reveal that “w” and “β” are related to the relative amount of draping, condensed strata on the margin and the angle of the basin margin. Basins with shallowly dipping margins and relatively high proportions of draping, clay-rich strata have wider transition zones compared to basins with steeply dipping margins with little draping strata. These concepts can reduce uncertainty when interpreting subsurface data in other structurally confined basins including those in Gulf of Mexico, offshore West Africa, and Brunei.  相似文献   

The physical and chemical changes associated with the thermal maturation of organic-rich shale have affected the paleomagnetic and rock magnetic characteristics of the Devonian Duvernay Formation in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. This formation has several lithofacies that correspond to deposition in platform, slope and deeper water settings under varied redox conditions. Shale, laminated mudstone and some massive mudstone facies show evidence of magnetic changes associated with maturation but wackestone, packstone and some massive mudstone facies appear to be unaffected by the process. Rock magnetic evidence suggests that thermal maturation induces a change in the magnetization carrier from magnetite and hematite to solely magnetite.The packstone and wackestone facies commonly show a reversed characteristic magnetization with a paleopole at 194°E, 70°N (A95=13.2) of Late Cretaceous-age. Shale and laminated mudstone facies in immature areas of the basin have inclination-only characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) means that range from 55 to 67 °C, requiring a pre-Cretaceous magnetization age. Shale and laminated mudstone facies in mature areas of the basin have a much steeper ChRM in direction ranging from 77 to 83 °C. Their very steep nature suggests that step demagnetization has not completely removed a drilling-induced remanence in some wells.  相似文献   

This paper re-examines the Upper Miocene Upper Mount Messenger Formation, Taranaki Basin, to characterize its architecture and interpret its environmental evolution. Analysis of stratal architecture, lithofacies distributions, and paleotransport directions over the 250 m thick formation shows the outcrops provide a nearly dip parallel section displaying the lateral relationships between contemporaneous channel-levee and overbank depositional environments. At least five 30–40 m thick upward fining units are recognized in the north-central parts of the outcrop and are interpreted as large-scale overbank avulsion cycles. Each unit consists of thick- to medium-bedded predominantly planar laminated sandstone turbidites at the base that fine upward into thin- to very thin-bedded, planar laminated and ripple cross-laminated mud-rich turbidites. The units are traceable laterally over a distance exceeding 3 km where they are cut by channels that show basal mudstone draped by medium- to thin-bedded sandstone, and onlapped by thick-bedded planar laminated sandstone at the margin. The channels are separated by tapered packages of medium- to thin-bedded turbidites containing climbing-ripple cross-lamination interpreted as levees. The individual channel-levee and overbank avulsion cycles formed through four stages: 1) a channel avulsion spread sand into the overbank as an unconfined splay, 2) preferential scouring in one area of the splay led to development of a channel with small levees that prograded across the splay, 3) a deep incision followed by abandonment of the channel deposited a mud lining. Alternatively, the mud lining was formed during the first stage as the downdip portion of the channel was abandoned. 4) The channel filled at first by thick-bedded planar laminated and then by climbing-ripple cross-laminated sand. At this time, the growth of constructional levees progressively limited sand into the overbank. Ratios of Bouma division thicknesses calculated over a stratigraphic interval present a new method to distinguish deep-water depositional environments.  相似文献   

The 380 m thick fine-grained Vischkuil Formation comprises laterally extensive hemipelagic mudstones, separated by packages of graded sandstone and siltstone turbidites, and volcanic ash beds, and is an argillaceous precursor to a 1 km thick sand-prone basin floor fan to shelf succession. The Vischkuil Formation provides an insight into the process by which regional sand supply is initiated and for testing sequence stratigraphic principles in a basin plain setting. Regionally mapped 1–2 m thick hemipelagic mudstone units are interpreted as condensed drapes that represent the starved basin plain equivalents of transgressive systems tracts and maximum flooding surface on the coeval shelf (now removed during later uplift). The section above each mudstone drape comprises siltstone turbidites interpreted as highstand systems tract deposits and a surface of regional extent, marked by an abrupt grain size shift to fine sandstone. These surfaces are interpreted as sequence boundaries, related to abrupt increases in flow volume and delivery of sand grade material to the basin-plain. The interpreted lowstand systems tract comprises sandstone-dominated turbidites and is overlain by another hemipelagic mudstone drape. The upper Vischkuil Formation is marked by three 20–45 m thick debrites, with intraformational sandstone clasts up to 20 cm in diameter that can be mapped over 3000 km2. In each case, debrite emplacement resulted in widespread deformation of the immediately underlying 3–10 m of silty turbidites. A sequence boundary is interpreted at the base of each deformation/debrite package. Six depositional sequences are recognised and the interfered energy shift across each successive sequence boundary and LSTs include a larger volume of sandstone increases up section. The lower two sequences thin to the NW and show NW-directed palaeocurrents. The four overlying sequences show a polarity switch in palaeocurrent directions and thinning, to the E and SE. Sequence 6 is overlain sharply by the 300 m thick sandstone dominated Fan A of the Laingsburg Formation. The LST debrites may indicate gradual development of major routing conduits that subsequently fed Fan A. The polarity shift from westward flowing turbidity currents to an eastward prograding deepwater to shelf system represents establishment of a long term feeder system from the west. Sand supply to the Karoo basin floor was established in an incremental, stepwise manner. Given the early post-glacial setting in an icehouse climate, glacio-eustatic sea-level changes are considered to have been the main control on sequence development.  相似文献   

Laterally extensive sand sheets deposited by the 26th December 2004 Asian tsunami provide a valuable modern analogue for comparison with wash over deposits of unknown origin. In many places on the east coast of India, distinct deposits of marine sand drape the landscape and overlie the muddy soils of the coastal plain. This paper discusses detailed measurements of coastal topography, tsunami flow height, and deposit thickness made at Kalpakkam, India. Five transects were examined in detail to assess the sedimentology and spatial distribution of the tsunami deposit. Near the mean water line, the tsunami eroded approximately 10–25 cm of sand from the beach and berm. At Kalpakkam the sand sheet deposited by the tsunami begins 25 m from the shore extending 420 m inland where it becomes thin and patchy approximately 30 m from the limit of inundation. In some cases, the deposit consists of 2 to 4 normally graded units, with coarse sand near the base and fine sand at the top, a characteristic observed in many tsunami deposits worldwide. In many places, the deposits also contain numerous thin laminated units, a characteristic usually associated with storm over wash. The presence of the laminated beds is indicative of the complexity of tsunami sedimentation on the coast. Such observations are essential to the formation of definitive facies models for palaeo-overwash studies that are capable of distinguishing between sediments deposited by storms or tsunami.  相似文献   

A series of two-dimensional numerical flow simulations were carried out to investigate the production characteristics of a sheet sandstone bed with a linked-debrite interval. A deterministic geological model was used based on a two-dimensional representation of a bed from the Marnoso Arenacea Formation. The model was 60 km long and 1 m thick and contained three zones, arranged in a vertical facies arrangement typical of many linked-debrite beds: i) a lower, coarse-to-medium grained, clean turbidite sandstone interval; ii) a middle, muddy sandstone, debrite interval; iii) an upper, fine-grained, clean, laminated sandstone interval. Simulation involved only a 3-km long sector of the model, with one injector well and one production well, placed 1-km apart in the middle of the sector model. The simulated sector was moved progressively down the length of the bed, in 1-km steps, sampling different parts of the bed with different facies proportions. The petrophysical properties of the debrite interval were varied to produce different porosity–permeability cases. All other modelling parameters, including the upper and lower interval petrophysics, were kept constant. Results indicate that, in most cases, key production parameters such as cumulative oil production with time and water cut are proportional to the volume of movable oil between the wells. This relationship does not hold, however, for cases with relatively low values of debrite porosity (≤0.15) and permeability (kh ≤ 100 mD) where the debrite interval accounts for more than 20% of the interwell volume. In these models, production efficiency declines systematically with reducing reservoir quality and increasing debrite percentage, resulting in relatively low oil production and early water breakthrough.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the evaluation on deformation induced by periodic saturation of a sandstone–mudstone particle mixture. Two types of triaxial tests, without and with periodic saturation, were performed. The strain–stress relationships from the two types of tests indicate that the periodic saturation may induce an increment of axial strain (Δε), and the Δε values are related to the ratio of confining to atmospheric pressure (σ3/pa), stress level for periodic saturation (L), and number of periodic saturation or cycles (N). The values of Δε are increasing along logarithmic curves with increment of N value from 1 to 20, and increase along straight lines with increasing L value from 0.18 to 0.82 or σ3/pa value from 1 to 4. Based on the analyses of experimental data, a logarithmic fitting equation, which is a function of N, L, and σ3/pa, is suggested to predict the Δε value. And based on the fitting equation and simple analyses on stress state, another equation, which may be used to estimate the settlement induced by periodic saturation of a large-area foundation filled using the sandstone–mudstone particle mixture, is also suggested.  相似文献   

Two different and physically separated chemosynthetic communities of bacteria are responsible for the formation of the Beeri native sulfur deposit hosted in a Late Quaternary sandstone on the southern coastal plain of Israel. The enriched concentrations are distributed over an area of about 1 km2, within a zone 2–3 m thick at 1–13 m below surface. Two hundred fifty meters below the sulfur deposit, sulfur-reducing bacteria, thriving on methane generated in Neogene marls, reduced the Messinian gypsum to generate hydrogen sulfide, which subaqueously vented together with methane into the siliciclastic Quaternary sequence. Another, different chemosynthetic community ofBeggiatoa-like and unidentified bacteria oxidized the hydrogen sulfide into native sulfur and secondary gypsum, alunite, and iron sulfates. The coupled chemical and bacterial processes attributed to the formation of the sulfur deposit at Beeri are strikingly similar to the processes occurring today in the context of submarine hydrocarbon vents associated with the salt diapirs in the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

由于存在部分泥岩井眼垮塌,东海春晓气田测井曲线砂泥岩阻抗部分叠置。针对这一现象,采用未垮塌段泥岩伽马与密度拟合关系校正垮塌段泥岩密度,声波时差经本区伽德那公式拟合后求取。通过泥岩垮塌测井数据校正前后对比、直方交会、岩石物理、正演及反演效果分析,认为校正后的测井数据比较真实地反映垮塌段扩径泥岩地层特征,储层与围岩波阻抗差异明显,为储层反演、砂体空间展布分析提供了有力依据。  相似文献   

The Torlesse terrane of New Zealand is an ancient subduction complex consisting of deformed turbidite-facies rocks. These are mainly thick-bedded sandstone (facies B and C) with subordinate mudstone (facies D and E), comparable to inner- and middle-fan deposits of a submarine fan. Strata were deposited in trench-floor and trench-slope settings that received sandy sediment from slope-cutting submarine canyons. The dominance of sandstone suggests that some mudstone may have been selectively subducted. Construction of a detailed sediment dispersal model is not possible because tectonic deformation has largely destroyed original facies relationships and paleocurrent patterns.  相似文献   

GSWA Harvey 1 was drilled as part of the South West CO2 Geosequestration Hub carbon capture and storage project (South West Hub) to evaluate storage volume, injectivity potential and carbon dioxide retention capacity in the south-western Perth Basin. Six cored intervals from the Triassic Lesueur Sandstone contain nine lithofacies consistent with fluvial depositional environments: the lower Wonnerup Member is dominated by fluvial lithofacies consisting of stacked beds of porous, permeable sandstone deposited as high-energy fill and barforms, with rare finer-grained swampy/overbank deposits. The overlying Yalgorup Member contains mainly floodplain palaeosols with low- to moderate-energy barforms. The high- to moderate-energy fluvial facies typically have a low gamma response and contain clean, medium to very coarse-grained quartz-dominated sandstones. Other clastic components include K-feldspar (8–25%) with trace muscovite, garnet and zircon, and interstitial diagenetic kaolinite (up to 15%) and Fe-rich chlorite (up to 13%). The low-energy facies contain variably interbedded mudstone and thin, moderate to well sorted fine-grained sandstone, typically with a high gamma response, and are consistent with deposition under swampy, overbank and palaeosol conditions. These facies have significantly higher proportions of mica and diagenetic clays, including smectite (up to 8%) and illite (up to 10%), and detrital plagioclase (up to 21%) and trace carbonate bioclasts. High porosity and permeability in the cored intervals of the Wonnerup Member indicate good reservoir characteristics in terms of storage capacity and injectivity at depths relevant to CO2 injection (>1500 m). High porosity and extremely variable permeability values in the Yalgorup Member were measured. The variation is due to permeable vertical sandstone features in low permeability sandy mudstone and indicate limited sealing potential, although the spatial connectivity of the vertical features cannot be resolved from the available core. A preliminary assessment of the area as a CCS site seems favourable; however, the project is only in the early stages of its characterization and far more regional and site-specific data are needed to evaluate how injected CO2 may behave in the subsurface.  相似文献   

The Torlesse terrane of New Zealand is an ancient subduction complex consisting of deformed turbidite-facies rocks. These are mainly thick-bedded sandstone (facies B and C) with subordinate mudstone (facies D and E), comparable to inner- and middle-fan deposits of a submarine fan. Strata were deposited in trench-floor and trench-slope settings that received sandy sediment from slope-cutting submarine canyons. The dominance of sandstone suggests that some mudstone may have been selectively subducted. Construction of a detailed sediment dispersal model is not possible because tectonic deformation has largely destroyed original facies relationships and paleocurrent patterns. D. G. Howell's research in New Zealand was in conjunction with a USGS/DSIR cooperative program.  相似文献   

Intermittently laminated shale of the Jemtland Formation in Maine is characterized by thin lenticular silt segregations interlaced with argillaceous and organic material (including graptolites). This shale is thinly interbedded with nonlaminated shale, siltstone, and thicker turbidite graywacke beds. Experiments suggest that the intermittently laminated shale was deposited by silt/clay-laden currents and may have been part of an upward turbidite progression from parallel-laminated silt (>60% silt), through intermittently laminated mud (40 to 60% silt), to nonlaminated mud (20 to 40% silt). Intermittently laminated mud may be produced from silt/clay flows that are: decelerating at a constant silt content, losing silt at constant velocity; or both decelerating and losing silt.  相似文献   

Studies on migration pathways remain qualitative, albeit extensive quantification of migration forcing. In this study, hydrocarbon carriers are defined as carrier units and their corresponding carrier beds for the Third Member of Eocene Shahejie Formation in the Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, eastern China, on the basis of their lithofacies and physical properties, spatial relationships, and data availability; secondary migration conduits are then quantified. A carrier unit is defined as a stratigraphic unit that contains microscopically porous and permeable carrier beds and is covered by regional seals. The carrier beds are macroscopically and physically connected to each other within a carrier unit and are hydrodynamically connected during secondary migration. A method of quantifying sandstone carrier units using common physical properties is developed. First, a carrier unit containing potential carrier beds is identified on the basis of lithofacies and their lateral changes. Second, physical connectivity of sandstone carrier beds is assessed on the basis of percolation theory. Third, the hydrodynamic connectivity of a sandstone carrier unit is analyzed using effective parameters that may reflect the hydraulic circulation in the carrier unit. Last, the conductivity of a sandstone carrier bed is quantitatively characterized using appropriate physical property parameters. The results for sandstone carrier units in the Third Member of the Shahejie Formation are used in numerical models addressing Pleistocene secondary migration. The model results explain the discovered accumulation and hydrocarbon shows well; and the model predictions on exploration targets have been confirmed by drilling.  相似文献   

This study collates published and unpublished data on the ichthyofaunas associated with beds of eelgrass Zostera capensis in eight estuaries and one lagoon in southern Africa. These macrophyte beds are utilized predominantly by small teleosts, both species which breed in the estuary and juvenile marine fish. By far the most abundant of the 97 species of fish recorded in these beds were Atherina breviceps, Gilchristella aestuaria, Liza dumerilii, Liza richardsonii and Rhabdosargus holubi. Classification grouped the ichthyofaunas of the six warm-temperate estuaries in the South-Eastern and Southern Cape at a similarity level >50 per cent. Ordination produced a similar clustering and also demonstrated that the subtropical Richards Bay and warm-temperate Mngazana estuary, together with the cold-temperate Langebaan Lagoon, were outliers. Classification and ordination showed that, within an estuary, the ichthyofaunas of dense and sparse Zostera areas were more similar than either was with those of non-vegetated areas. The species richness (R) of fish within eelgrass habitats along the southern African coast tended to decrease from north-east to south-west, a trend attributable to an attenuation in the number of tropical/subtropical Indo-Pacific species. The numerically dominant fish families in eelgrass beds in South Africa showed a greater degree of overlap with those of south-eastern Australia than with those of either southern Japan or eastern North America.  相似文献   

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