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A piston core from the southern Blake Basin penetrated nine distinct bioclastic carbonate turbidites separated by pelagic terrigenous clay units. X-ray diffraction analysis of the carbonate mineralogy of the graded, laminated, and homogenous units of the individual turbidite units indicated a general loss of unstable carbonates in the homogenous unit beyond that contained in the lower two units. Univariate and multivariate statistical tests were employed to determine the significance of the changes and to determine if different units of a turbidite sequence could be consistently grouped by statistical methods. Principal components, discriminant function, and cluster analysis were used in the multivariate tests. The graded and laminated units were closely related in mineralogy with little significant differences. The mineralogy of the homogenous units was significantly different than that of the other two units except in one example. Cluster analysis generated five groupings of the samples with the end members consisting of graded and laminated units at one end and homogenous units at the other.  相似文献   

An extensive multivariate analysis procedure for prediction of blast fragmentation distribution is presented. Several blasts performed in various mines and rock formations in the world are brought together and evaluated. Blast design parameters, the modulus of elasticity, in situ block size are considered to perform multivariate analysis. The hierarchical cluster analysis is used to separate the blasts data into different groups of similarity. Group memberships were checked by the discriminant analysis. The multivariate regression analysis was applied to develop prediction equations for the estimation of the mean particle size of muckpiles. Two different prediction equations were developed based on the rock stiffness. Validation of the proposed equations on various mines is presented and the capability of the prediction equations was compared with one of the most applied fragmentation distribution models appearing in the blasting literature. Prediction capability of the proposed models was found to be strong. Diversity of the blasts data used is one of the most important aspects of the developed models. The models are not complex and suitable for practical use at mines. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The technique of instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) has been used to analyze chip samples of geological material for 12 elements. Discriminant analysis has been used to classify the unknown chip samples to the correct stratum in a sedimentary succession.  相似文献   

The rate of zooplankton ammonium regeneration was measured in Great South Bay, Long Island, New York, between July 1982 and May 1984. Ammonium excretion by macrozooplankton (>200 μm) ranged from 7 μg atoms NH4 1+?N m?3 d?1 in winter to 156 μg-atoms NH4 1+?N m?3 d?1 in spring. Ammonium excretion by ctenophores was greater than or equivalent to that of macrozooplankton during the period of ctenophore biomass maximum in summer and fall. The temperature coefficient (Q10) for NH4 1+ excretion was 1.74 from 2.2 to 27.5°C for macrozooplankton and 1.63 between 17 and 26°C for the ctenophores. Ammonium nitrogen excretion by macrozooplankton and ctenophores combined, accounted for 1 to 3% of phytoplankton nitrogen requirements in summer when primary productivity was high and 39% in the spring. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY040 00005  相似文献   

Seasonality and abundance of ichthyoplankton in great South Bay,New York   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The seasonality and abundance patterns of ichthyoplankton were investigated during 1985–1986 in Great South Bay, New York, USA. Eggs representing 17 species and larvae representing 23 species of fish were identified. Bay anchovy, Anchoa mitchilli, was the most abundant ichthyoplankter, comprising >96% of the eggs and >69% of the larvae collected. Bay anchovy spawned throughout the bay from late May through August, with peak baywide densities of >200 eggs and 6 larvae m?3. Eggs of windowpane flounder (Scophthalmus aquosus) ranked second in abundance and were present in both spring and fall. Other dominant larvae were winter flounder (Pleuronectes americanus) and American sand lance (Ammodytes americanus). Their combined density reached 8 m?3 and accounted for the winter peak in larvae. The seasonality of abundance of larval fish was strongly correlated with reported densities of copepod nauplii prey.  相似文献   

The Ordovician sedimentary rocks of the southeastern Lachlan Fold Belt in the Mystery Bay area are folded into two approximately coaxial and subhorizontally plunging fold series: F1 and F2. Regional domains with internally consistent F1 and F2 trends are juxtaposed along strike‐slip faults. Locally developed kink bands commonly have a close spatial relationship with the domain boundaries.

A faulted domain boundary is exposed in coastal rocks at Mystery Bay between north‐northeasterly trending turbidites and northwesterly trending complexly deformed cherts and pelites of the Wagonga Beds. South of the boundary fault, F1 and F2 trends in the turbidite succession exhibit a segmented 75° counterclockwise rotation about a near‐vertical axis within a 750 m wide zone parallel with the coast, relative to regional trends preserved farther south. The rotation zone hosts prolific subvertical kink bands and crenulations. The turbidite succession youngs towards the east and hence its present position is incompatible with its projected along‐strike position on the western limb of a major anticline exposing the older Wagonga Beds.

At least three generations of faulting are recognized. Within the coastal Wagonga Beds, a set of post‐F1 faults is subparallel to the tectonic grain and probably had vertical motion. Two systems of post‐F2 strike‐slip faults include a conjugate system in coastal outcrops, with offsets indicative of layer‐normal shortening; and a series of northerly trending faults, with probable sinistral displacements, recognized from inland exposures.  相似文献   

Criteria have been suggested for the optimal partitioning of a dendrogram into sample clusters. The implementation of these criteria by means of statistical and graphical measures is considered for two dendrograms. It is shown that the optimization of criteria is conditioned by research aims.  相似文献   

Numerical methods for the examination of multivariate soil samples are presented in geometric terms. Techniques of coordinate representation by principal components, by nonmetric scaling, and by a new method are discussed, as are techniques for agglomerative hierarchic cluster analysis. These are illustrated by two sets of previously published data.  相似文献   

张亚楠  梁俊红  李小东  王春红 《世界地质》2006,25(4):373-379,389
尖山沟层沉积剖面粒度分析结果表明该层为湖相由浅变深、湖体扩张的两个相似的正粒序沉积旋回组成,与内陆河流密切相关、离岸不远的半深湖深湖沉积环境。碎屑颗粒以递变悬浮方式搬运,沉积物按粒度大小和密度梯度成层分布,在流动中由下至上粒度逐渐变细。由于涡流发育及作用,使沉积物中基本没有滚动颗粒。受火山作用的影响,尖山沟层粒度分析参数与特征表现出与正常沉积相不完全一致性,呈现出独特的粒度分布规律。  相似文献   

对达来诺尔湖北岸岸边(DL-0)、湖中心(DL-1)和湖南岸(DL-2)3个点的岩心沉积物进行了详细的岩性分析、粒度分析和粒度参数垂向分布序列分析。对沉积环境变化较为敏感的粒度组分的分析发现DL-0与DL-1和DL-2井岩心沉积物敏感粒度组分的峰值有较大差别,其粒度分布范围相差较大,表明湖北岸岸边、湖中心和湖南岸的沉积物来源和沉积环境的时空差异。敏感粒度组分含量随深度变化的初步分析表明,湖北岸岸边(DL-0)和湖中心(DL-1)两个点的沉积环境较为稳定;而位于湖南岸(DL-2)点的沉积环境变化比较大,包含了5个明显的沉积波动旋回,并对达来诺尔湖由北至南进行了沉积地层分析。在达来诺尔湖水下1.5m内主要是粒径0~200μm的颗粒,岩性为粘土、粉砂和砂,以粘土和粉砂为主,随着深度的增加,黏土含量增大,粉砂和砂含量减小。  相似文献   

An artificial data set is used to illustrate the morphologic properties of some common multivariate techniques and consideration of three common situations. The first concerns a sample showing no obvious groupings. In this situation principal components (or coordinates) and factor analyses give a logical ordination of form variation; cluster analysis produces sizedominated groups. The second situation considers an homogeneous sample where size and shape have important implications. Principal components are tested for association with size and shape, both of which can be isolated if isometry exists; if allometry is present, isolation of shape is possible only by size elimination, e.g., conversion to ratios. The third situation examines a sample of unknown groupings in which shape variation is the only interest. Aside from ratios, two other methods which produce shape-dominant clusters are assessed. Some of the options available in cluster analysis are also examined.  相似文献   

西藏朗杰学群作为雅鲁藏布江结合带洋板块地层序列的重要组成部分,其形成的环境对研究特提斯构造运动具有重要的意义.论文系统总结了朗杰学群的岩石组合特征、构造变形特征;通过鲍马序列的识别,建立了4种基本层序;根据物质组成、结构构造及层序分析,认为其发育海底扇相模式,整体属浊积扇内扇-外扇亚相环境,发育少部分主水道亚相的砂砾岩沉积,具有鲍马层序由A、C段向B、C、D和C、D、E段组合转变的特点,反映了由高流态向低流态转变的特征.运用粒度分析对朗杰学群物质成分的成熟度、分选性、搬运及沉积的形式进行了探讨,认为其与哈德逊浊积扇和现代深海阿里斯托亚扇的粒度曲线相似,应属重力流沉积中的浊流沉积类型,指示其形成于大陆斜坡环境.  相似文献   

基于20个柱状样粒度信息,文章对山东莱州湾海域1~3 m厚度的沉积环境展开了研究。莱州湾海域沉积物粒度组分以砂质和粉砂质为主,整体上分选性偏差,在沉积过程中受周边环境改造明显。莱州湾海洋沉积动力环境在粒度方面有较好的响应,柱状样粒度分布图反映不同海域沉积物所处的外力作用阶段各有不同,但总体上随着搬运距离增大,至中部浅海平原,概率累积曲线斜率逐渐变大,阶段分化愈发明显。莱州湾浅部海域共同环境敏感组分为3≤φ≤4,沿岸河流性质和泥沙输运路径对粒度组分影响明显。综合前人关于沉积速率的研究成果,表明莱州湾东部海域粒度组分阶段性变化与1855年黄河改道在时间上存在一定的对应关系。就沉积物形成环境而言,莱州湾中部海域沉积环境水动力较强,物质来源多样。屺坶岛—刁龙嘴海域沉积物的颗粒略粗,需要的临界起动速度较大,发生再悬浮的几率相对较小。黄河水下三角洲沉积环境比较动荡,能量不稳定,处于重力流后期,能量衰减并向牵引流转化。南部的水下岸坡在波浪、潮流作用下有一定量的泥沙淤积。  相似文献   

Cyclic characteristics of a sequence of Permian coal-measure sediments have been studied using Markov chain analysis on borehole data. Fining-upwards and oscillating sequences can be distinguished, and depositional regimes are proposed to explain the observed sequences. However, there is no clearly defined relationship of sequence type to tectonosedimentary environment. The relationship of the number of coal-defined and fining-upwards cycles to total thickness and mean cycle thickness is examined using linear regression. The relationships for coal-defined and fining-upwards cycles are essentially the same. Significant positive correlations are present between the number of cycles and total thickness and significant inverse relationships are present for the number of cycles and the mean cycle thickness.  相似文献   

粒度分析理论技术进展及其应用   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
粒度分析在区分沉积环境、判定物质输运方式、判别水动力条件和分析粒径趋势等方面具有重要作用。本文主要介绍粒径测试技术方法及其新进展,包括传统的直接测量法、筛析法、沉降法和以计算机为依托的激光粒度测试仪法;评述沉积物分类命名方法理论及其在区分沉积环境、判定物质输运方式和判别水动力条件等方面的应用,以及粒度分析在研究海洋环境中沉积物输运方向、即粒径趋势分析方面的重要作用。随着计算机技术的快速发展,粒度分析测试技术正朝向自动化和测试内容多样化方向发展,其在实践中的应用也将更加广泛。  相似文献   

Better methods for interpreting grain‐size spectra will enhance current understanding of past transport–depositional processes. A high‐resolution inorganic grain‐size dataset has been measured from a freeze core extracted from ‘Alberta Lake E’ a boreal fresh water lake 40 km east of the Athabasca Oil Sands in north‐eastern Alberta, Canada. The grain‐size spectra are remarkably consistent throughout the core, exhibiting a structure comprising six persistent grain‐size distributions below ca 250 μm, plus a rare medium‐sand distribution. Automated deconvolution of the grain‐size spectra produced poor results. Constraining the modes of two of the distributions produced deconvolution solutions that were statistically excellent and consistent with the structure of each spectrum. Statistical analysis of the ‘constrained’ solutions indicates that deconvolution successfully extracted independent grain‐size populations. Conversely, the multimodal spectra generate traditional measures (for example, mean grain size) that are inconsistent combinations of different individual populations and thus are poor proxies of transport–depositional processes. Alberta Lake E is situated in a boreal wetland landscape where sediment delivery is dominated by overland flow transport during spring melt. This context means that the Alberta Lake E grain‐size spectra can be interpreted to reflect: (i) a bedload component transported during short‐duration high discharge events that reflect the intensity of the melt; and (ii) a finer suspended load component representing material whose magnitude is controlled by the volume of the spring melt. Stratigraphically, bedload and suspended load populations demonstrate different short‐wavelength and long‐wavelength cyclicity, suggesting that spring melt is likely to be driven by cyclic external forcing factors. The links between the grain‐size spectra and spring melt have potential for generating proxy records that better capture the external controls over spring melt in boreal systems and the risks associated with these energetic hydrodynamics. This is exemplified by the coarsest Alberta Lake E distributions, which indicate that more intense spring‐melt dynamics occurred in pre‐historical times.  相似文献   

Although marine lagoons are ubiquitous features along coastal margins, studies investigating the dynamics of metal, organic matter, and nutrient concentrations in such systems are rare. Here we present a comprehensive examination of the temporal and spatial gradients in dissolved trace metals (Ag, Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb), organic and inorganic nutrients (POC, PON, DOC, N03 , NH4 +, H4SiO4, PO4 −3, and urea), and algal biomass in a lagoon estuary, Great South Bay (GSB), New York, USA. While this estuary has experienced a series of environmental problems during recent decades (urbanization, loss of fisheries, harmful algal blooms), root causes are largely unknown, in part because levels of bioactive substances, such as trace metals, have never been measured. Sampling was undertaken within multiple estuarine, riverine, and groundwater sites during spring, summer, and fall. Trace metal tracers (e.g., Ag, Mn) and statistical analyses were used to differentiate the influences of natural and anthropogenic processes on the chemical composition of the lagoon. Our analyses revealed three clusters of biogeochemical constituents that behaved similarly in GSB: constituents under strong biological control such as POC, PON, DOC and chlorophyll,a; elements indicative of benthic remobilization processes such as Mn, Cd, and Cu; and constituents strongly influence by anthropogenic processes such as Ag, Pb, PO4 −3, NO3 , and NH4 +. Although GSB is surrounded by a densely populated watershed (c. 1 million people), it does not appear to be significantly contaminated by trace metals compared to other urban estuaries. Levels of DOC (up to 760 μM) in GSB were well correlated with phytoplankton biomass and exceeded at least 98% of values reported in similar mid Atlantic estuaries at the same salinities. These high levels of DOC are likely to be an important source of carbon export to the coastal ocean and likely promote mixotrophic harmful algal blooms in this system.  相似文献   

The ability of association analysis to discriminate sedimentary facies was tested on Purdy's modal analyses of modern sediments of the Great Bahama Bank. Purdy's data set has served in the past as a standard reference for evaluating various multivariate classification algorithms. In order to adapt Purdy's data to association analysis, the percent abundance of the 12 constituents was converted to binary form by dichotomizing each variable on its mean value. The results obtained by association analysis are virtually identical to those obtained by Purdy and other authors. The same four main sedimentary facies were discriminated; 86% of the samples were identically classified (97% when misclassified borderline cases are counted as matches); the total partition variance of the classification is only negligibly greater (4%); and the grouping of the variables yielded the same four groups. The rank order of the three division-attributes responsible for the sample classification is fines, oolites, and corals. Association analysis has been employed by other authors to differentiate meaningful facies groups in studies of ancient reef carbonates, modern reef sediments, and heavy minerals in stream sediments. In all these studies, the results were found to be compatible with those obtained by using the continuous quantitative measurements, indicating that qualitative binary data may often be sufficient for the purpose of facies discrimination in many branches of geology and that association analysis is an effective method for this purpose.  相似文献   

吴超  郑祥民  王辉  周立旻  钱鹏 《沉积学报》2019,37(1):115-123
长江三角洲第一硬质黏土层成因是长期争论的问题。对上海市青浦区第一硬质黏土层全样粒度多元统计分析,并与南京周家山下蜀黄土、长江悬浮颗粒物对比,探索长江三角洲第一硬质黏土层成因。第一硬质黏土层机械颗粒组成均一,频率曲线呈正偏态、中等或尖锐峰形的双峰分布,频率累积曲线呈"S"型分布,具有风成沉积特性。粒度特征分析为沉积环境判别提供沉积学证据时,综合运用多元统计分析可以使分析结果更准确。聚类分析将硬黏土与典型风成沉积物下蜀黄土粒度分布归为一类,长江悬浮颗粒物单独为一类,表明硬黏土与下蜀黄土成因一致。下蜀黄土与长江悬浮颗粒物粒度参数判别函数,将绝大部分硬黏土样品判定为风成沉积。粒级—标准偏差曲线结合现代风场,显示硬黏土粒度特征存在高空西风和低空西北季风两个主控因子。表明长江三角洲第一硬质黏土层是由西风和西北季风控制的风成成因堆积物。  相似文献   

北羌塘盆地沃若山地区中—下侏罗统雀莫错组一段主要为一套碎屑岩沉积,主要岩性包括紫红色含砾砂岩?中—细砂岩和泥质粉砂岩,形成于氧化环境?通过对雀莫错组一段碎屑岩岩性特征?沉积构造?概率累积曲线?萨胡判别式?粒度参数散点图和C-M图等分析表明,雀莫错组一段砂岩分选性较差,在概率直方图上多表现为双峰或多峰,概率累积曲线主要为“两段式”,少见“三段式”,跳跃总体含量较高,滚动总体和悬浮总体较少?在Sk-σi散点图中,雀莫错组一段的砂岩均落入河砂范围内;在C-M图上表现为PQ段发育,QR段次之,为一套典型的河流相沉积?雀莫错组的沉积从河流-冲积扇相开始,之上为三角洲相和局限台地相沉积,总体上表现为逐渐变深的海侵序列?  相似文献   

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