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Basin-fill sequences of Mesozoic typical basins in the Yanshan area, North China may be divided into four phases, reflecting lithosphere tectonic evolution from flexure (T3), flexure with weak rifting (J1+2), tectonic transition (J3), and rifting (K). Except the first phase, the other three phases all start with lava and volcaniclastic rocks, and end with thick coarse clastic rocks and/or conglomerates, showing cyclic basin development rather than simple cyclic rift mechanism and disciplinary basin-stress change from extension to compression in each phase. Prototype basin analysis, based on basin-fill sequences, paleocurrent distribution and depositional systems, shows that single basin-strike and structural-line direction controlling basin development had evidently changed from east-west to northeast in Late Jurassic in the Yanshan area, although basin group still occurred in east-west zonal distribution. Till Early Cretaceous, main structural-line strike controlling basins just turned to northeast by north in the studied area.  相似文献   

Mesozoic basin evolution and tectonic mechanism in Yanshan, China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The Mesozoic basins in Yanshan, China underwent several important tectonic transformations, including changes from a pre-Late Triassic marginal cratonic basin to a Late Triassic-Late Jurassic flexural basin and then to a late Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous rift basin. In response to two violent intraplate deformation at Late Triassic and Late Jurassic, coarse fluvial depositional systems in Xingshikou and Tuchengzi Formations were deposited in front of thrust belts. Controlled by transform and extension faulting, fan deltas and lacustrine systems were deposited in Early Cretaceous basins. The composition of clastic debris in Late Triassic and Late Jurassic flexural basins respectively represents unroofing processes from Proterozoic to Archean and from early deposited, overlying pyroclastic rocks to basement rocks in provenance areas. Restored protobasins were gradually migrated toward nearly NEE to EW-trending from Early Jurassic to early Late Jurassic. The Early Cretaceous basins with a NNE-trending crossed over early-formed basins. The Early-Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous basins were respectively controlled by different tectonic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Basin-fill sequences of Mesozoic typical basins in the Yanshan area, North China may be divided into four phases, reflecting lithosphere tectonic evolution from flexure (T3), flexure with weak rifting (J1+2), tectonic transition (J3), and rifting (K). Except the first phase, the other three phases all start with lava and volcaniclastic rocks, and end with thick coarse clastic rocks and/or conglomerates, showing cyclic basin development rather than simple cyclic rift mechanism and disciplinary basin-stress change from extension to compression in each phase. Prototype basin analysis, based on basin-fill sequences, paleocurrent distribution and depositional systems, shows that single basin-strike and structural-line direction controlling basin development had evidently changed from east-west to northeast in Late Jurassic in the Yanshan area, although basin group still occurred in east-west zonal distribution. Till Early Cretaceous, main structural-line strike controlling basins just turned to northeast by  相似文献   

For the Triassic continental collision, subduction and orogenesis in the Dabie-Sulu belt, a lot of data on petrology, geochemistry and chronology have been published[1]. However, so far no depositional records on the Triassic syn-collisional orogenesis of…  相似文献   

Time range of Mesozoic tectonic regime inversion in eastern North China Block   总被引:56,自引:9,他引:56  
An important tectonic inversion took place in eastern North China Block(NCB) during Mesozoic, which caused a great lithosphere thinning, reconstruction of basin-range series, powerful interaction between mantle and crust, a vast granitic intrusion and volcanism, and large-scale metallogenic explosion. The time range of the Mesozoic tectonic regime inversion in the eastern North China Block is one of the key issues to understand mechanism of tectonic regime inversion. Our updated results for recognizing the time range are mainly obtained from the following aspects: structural analyses along northern and southern margins of the NCB and within the NCB for revealing tectonic inversion from compression to extension and structural striking from -EW to NNE; geothermic analyses of the eastern sedimental basins for a great change of thermal history and regime; basin analysis for basin inversion from compression to extension and basin migration from -EW to NNE; petrological and geochemical studies of volcanic roc  相似文献   

1 An out-of-line northwest trending tectonic beltin the middle part of the Yanshan Orogenic Belt The tectonic framework of the intraplate YanshanOrogenic Belt is dominated by east-west and northeastextending structures as revealed by many geologists.There lies, however, a 100-km-long enigmatic out-of-line northwest extending tectonic complex in the mid-dle part of the Yanshan Orogenic Belt (fig. 1). Theresearch on the geometry, kinematics, timing of thiscomplex tectonic belt and its r…  相似文献   

Abstract In this paper, a summary of the tectonic history of the Mirdita ophiolitic nappe, northern Albania, is proposed by geological and structural data. The Mirdita ophiolitic nappe includes a subophiolite mélange, the Rubik complex, overlain by two ophiolite units, referred to as the Western and Eastern units. Its history started in the Early Triassic with a rifting stage followed by a Middle to Late Triassic oceanic opening between the Adria and Eurasia continental margins. Subsequently, in Early Jurassic time, the oceanic basin was affected by convergence with the development of a subduction zone. The existence of this subduction zone is provided by the occurrence of the supra‐subduction‐zone‐related magmatic sequences found in both the Western and Eastern units of the Mirdita ophiolitic nappe. During the Middle Jurassic, continuous convergence resulted in the obduction of the oceanic lithosphere, in two different stages – the intraoceanic and marginal stages. The intraoceanic stage is characterized by the westward thrusting of a young and still hot section of oceanic lithosphere leading to the development of a metamorphic sole. In the Late Jurassic, the marginal stage developed by the emplacement of the ophiolitic nappe onto the continental margin. During this second stage, the emplacement of the ophiolites resulted in the development of the Rubik complex. In the Early Cretaceous, the final emplacement of the ophiolites was followed by the unconformable sedimentation of the Barremian–Senonian platform carbonate. From the Late Cretaceous to the Middle Miocene, the Mirdita ophiolitic nappe was translated westward during the progressive migration of the deformation front toward the Adria Plate. In the Middle to Late Miocene, a thinning of the whole nappe pile was achieved by extensional tectonics, while the compression was still active in the westernmost areas of the Adria Plate. On the whole, the Miocene deformations resulted in the uplift and exposition of the Mirdita ophiolites as observed today.  相似文献   

Neoproterozoic igneous and metamorphic complexes occur as tectonic domes in the Longmen Mountains of the western margin of the Yangtze Block, and are important in reconstructing the Rodinian supercontinent and constraining the timing and mechanism of tectonic denudational processes. The Pengguan dome consists of granitic intrusions and metamorphic rocks of the Huangshuihe Group and is tectonically overlain by ductilly deformed Sinian to Paleozoic strata. The plutonic intrusions consist of granites with abundant amphibolite enclaves. New LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating yielded an emplacement age of 809±3 Ma and a protolith age of 844±6 Ma for the granite. The granitic rocks have geochemical signatures typical of A-type granites, indicating their formation under an extensional environment, by melting of newly formed tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) rocks. A detachment fault, characterized by variable ductile shear deformation of S-C fabric and ESE-ward kinematics, separates the Pengguan dome from the Sinian-Paleozoic cover. 40Ar/39Ar dating of muscovite from the mylonite in the detachment fault of the dome demonstrates that ductile deformation occurred at ~160 Ma. This study indicates the existence of a Neoproterozoic magmatic arc-basin system, which was denudated by a Jurassic middle crustal ductile channel flow along the Longmenshan thrust belt.  相似文献   

Ar-Ar dating results of late Mesozoic-Cenozoic volcanic rocks from the Yanji area, NE China provide a new volcano-sedimentary stratigraphic framework. The previously defined “Triassic-Jurassic” volcanic rocks (including those from Sanxianling, Tuntianying, Tianqiaoling and Jingouling Fms.) were erupted during 118―106 Ma, corresponding to Early Cretaceous. The new eruption age span is slightly younger than the main stage (130―120 Ma) of the extensive magmatism in the eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt and its adjacent regions. Subduction-related adakites occurring in the previously defined Quanshuicun Fm. were extruded at ca. 55 Ma. Based on these new Ar-Ar ages, the late Mesozoic to Palaeocene volcano-sedimentary sequences is rebuilt as: Tuopangou Fm., Sanxianling/Tuntianying Fm. (118―115 Ma), Malugou/Tianqiaoling Fm. (K1), Huoshanyan/Jingouling Fm. (108―106 Ma), Changcai Fm. (K2), Quanshuicun Fm. (~55 Ma) and Dalazi Fm. Our results suggest that subduction of the Pa- laeo-Pacific Ocean beneath the East Asian continental margin occurred during 106 to 55 Ma, consistent with the paleomagnetic observations and magmatic records which indicated that the Izanagi-Farallon ridge subduction beneath the southwestern Japan took place during 95―65 Ma.  相似文献   

华北东北部裂陷盆地与燕山隆起地壳结构   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
天津—北京—赤城深地震测深剖面采用密集炮点和接收点距设计构成了较为完整的观测系统,利用该剖面地震测深资料研究华北东部裂陷盆地与燕山隆起地壳结构及构造耦合.结合该区域已有研究成果,进一步分析了张渤地震带东段的地震构造环境.结果显示,华北克拉通东部裂陷盆地结晶基底构造形态和界面结构性质与新生代以来的地壳构造运动密切相关,北侧燕山隆起区高速稳定和南侧裂陷盆地低速松散截然不同的地壳结构,使宝坻-桐柏、宁河-昌黎断裂构造分区线和燕山隆起之间的中间过渡带为张渤地震带东部平原区地震的孕发提供了良好的构造环境.  相似文献   

针对扬子东南缘浙赣地区地质构造特征,通过研究中生代的构造分层、盆地演化、火山活动构造环境等,分析了研究区中生代构造环境,认为研究区中生代盆地演化经历了由近东西向、北东东向向北东、北北东向构造方向的转变和由挤压-拉张-挤压-拉张的构造环境变化;构造体制环境从晚侏罗世开始,到早白垩世早期基本完成转换过程。伴随构造环境的转变,研究区内形成了中生代不同类型的盆地。  相似文献   

Northwestern Ilocos Norte in Luzon, Philippines, exposes cherts, peridotite and a variety of metamorphic rocks including chlorite schist, quartzo‐feldspathic schist, muscovite schist and actinolite schist. These rocks are incorporated within a tectonic mélange, the Dos Hermanos Mélange, which is thrust onto the turbidite succession of the Eocene Bangui Formation and capped by the Upper Miocene Pasuquin Limestone. The radiolarian assemblages constrain the stratigraphic range of the cherts to the uppermost Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous. Stratigraphically important species include Eucyrtidiellum pyramis (Aita), Hiscocapsa acuta (Hull), Protunuma japonicus (Matsuoka & Yao), Archeodictyomitra montisserei (Squinabol), Hiscocapsa asseni (Tan), Cryptamphorella conara (Foreman) and Pseudodictyomitra carpatica (Lozyniak). The radiolarian biostratigraphic data provide evidence for the existence of a Mesozoic basinal source from which the cherts and associated rocks were derived. Crucial to determining the origin of these rocks is their distribution and resemblance with known mélange outcrops in Central Philippines. The mélange in the northwestern Ilocos region bears similarities in terms of age and composition with those noted in the western part of the Central Philippines, particularly in the islands of Romblon, Mindoro and Panay. The existence of tectonic mélanges in the Central Philippines has been attributed to the Early to Middle Miocene arc–continent collision. This event involved the Philippine Mobile Belt and the Palawan Microcontinental Block, a terrane that drifted from the southeastern margin of mainland Asia following the opening of the South China Sea. Such arc–continent collision event could also well explain the existence of a tectonic mélange in northwestern Luzon.  相似文献   

齐刚  陈棋福 《地球物理学报》2015,58(9):3239-3250
本文搜集了2001—2013年间在太行山与燕山构造带交汇部位先后布设的4个宽频带流动地震台阵和首都圈固定地震台网共192个台站记录到的全球5.5级以上远震事件波形资料,综合采用接收函数H-κ和CCP叠加分析获得了134个基岩台站下方的地壳厚度和泊松比结果.综合分析与前人研究相吻合但更加精细的地壳约束分布信息,发现研究区域的地壳厚度和泊松比在整体上呈现出从西北到东南方向渐变的特征,在南北重力梯度带两侧及其附近呈现出明显的小尺度地壳结构和物质组分的差异,且可明显区分出太行山地区和燕山构造带及盆山交界处的地壳厚度与泊松比的相对差异,这可能反映了这些地区在华北克拉通的构造演化过程中所经历的不同地壳改造过程.  相似文献   

The Yanshan Basin,located in northern North China,underwent three primary stages in the Mesoproterozoic,and corresponding biotas have been summarized for each stage in the present study.The three stages are stage A(the lower part of the Changcheng Group which dominated by clastic sediments),stage B(the upper part of the Changcheng Group to the Jixian Group which characterized by carbonate sediments),and stage C(the upper part of the Jixian Group which dominated by clastic sediments).This paper will focus on the evolution of biota during stage B.Microbiota of the stage B exhibits a high level of diversity and abundance.Planktonic microfossils have various forms and complex decorations.Most microfossils are small.In stage B,there was great variation in the biotic abundance and diversity,the average diameter of spherical benthic microfossils,and the maximum diameter of the spherical microfossils.We analyzed these parameters and identified two typical biotic events,and both biotic events were corresponded with geological events.The first event occurred in the third member of the Dahongyu Formation.In this era,the maximum diameter of the silicified microfossils significantly increased,and large,spherical planktonic specimens are abundant.The flourishing of large organisms in the strata is presumably related to volcanic activity.The second event occurred in the third member of the Gaoyuzhuang Formation.During this era,the microfossil assemblage changed significantly.The changes correspond with a decline in stromatolites as well as the transformations of the carbon isotope ratios and the elemental geochemistry.  相似文献   

A geochronological study of zircon U-Pb on the volcanic rocks from the stratotype section of the Qingshan Group within the Jiaozhou Basin, eastern Shandong Province, is presented. The zircons were analyzed using the method of in situ ablation of a 193 nm excimer laser system coupled with an up to date ICP-MS system. Among the three formations of the Qingshan Group, zircons recovered from the lowest part of the Houkuang Fm. were dated at 106±2 Ma (95% confidence, the same below), whereas those from the lower and upper parts of the Shiqianzhuang Fm. were given ages of 105±4 Ma and 98±1 Ma, respectively. A spatially decreasing trend for the Mesozoic magmatic timing from west to east in the province is observed through comparing the data of this study with those by previous works on the Qingshan volcanic lavas occurring at western Shandong and within the Yishu fault zone. The Qingshan volcanic rocks are constituent of the 'Shoshonite Province' in East China. Exposed at most provinces of central East China along the Tan-Lu fault and the Yangtze fault zones, these volcanic suites are characterized by shoshonite and high-K calcalkalic rocks in lithology and thought to be correlated with the partial melting of continental mantle in genesis. It is also shown that the Qingshan potassic volcanic suite from eastern Shandong basins is distinctly younger than those from other ar-eas of the shoshonite province. By contrary, ages of the Mesozoic to Cenozoic alkaline basalts, sourced by asthenospheric mantle, from both northern Huaiyan basin and northern Dabie belt along the Tan-Lu fault zone and from the Ningwu, Lishui and Luzong basins along the Yangtze fault zone are observably older than those occurring within eastern Shandong. The revealed temporal and spatial patterns in magmatism for the two types of volcanic suites make an important geochronological con-straint on the Mesozoic to Cenozoic dynamic evolution model of the subcontinental lithosphere in East China.  相似文献   

Through rock acoustic emission experiments and structural deformation analysis, the tectonic stages in Meso-Cenozoic in the Kuqa depression of the Tarim basin are firstly divided. Then, combining with rock magnetic fabric analysis and memory information, the distribution characteristics of tectonic stress field of every tectonic stage are quantificationally resumed. At the same time, according to the distribution relation of tectonic stress field of hydrocarbon formation stage by the finite element numerical simulation method and the known hydrocarbon reservoirs, the effects of tectonic stress field on hydrocarbon migration and accumulation are further analyzed. The Kuqa depression has mainly experienced six tectonic movements since Mesozoic. Except that the tectonic stress field of the Early Yanshan stage (208-135 Ma) showed northeast-southwest extensional stress field where the orientation of the maximum principal compressive stress (σ1) was northwest-southeast, the others were compressive stress field where the orientations of the maximum principal compressive stress (σ1) were near north-south. Along with the closure of the paleo-Tethys ocean, the Kuqa depression in the Indosinian stage (250-208 Ma) was in strong compressive circumstance with apparently big maximum principal stress (σ1) magnitude. Due to the equilibrium adjustment of interior Eurasia, the Kuqa depression in the Early Yanshan stage (208-135 Ma) was in weak extensional circumstance with apparently small maximum principal stress (σ1) magnitude. From the Late Yanshan stage (135-65 Ma) on, with a series of collision events occurring at the south edge of Eurasia, the Kuqa depression was in compressive circumstance again in which the maximum principal stress (σ1) magnitude was from small to big in turn. The Late Himalayan stage (2.6-0.7 Ma) was the main tectonic deformation stage with the biggest principal compressive stress (σ1) magnitude. Tectonic stress field plays a dominant role in hydrocarbon formation, it not only forms migration channels and trap structures for hydrocarbon accumulation, but also is the main drive power for hydrocarbon migration vertically along faults.  相似文献   

Succeeding to multiply collisions of different blocks in Late Paleozoic[1―5], complex intracontinental structural deformation occurred in the Tianshan area during Mesozoic-Cenozoic[6―16], which controlled coeval basin-range evolution and resulted in intensive modi- fication and adjustment of the Paleozoic oil-gas reser- voirs[17―19]. The Kuqa Depression is a secendary struc- tural unit of the Tarim basin, in which Mesozoic- Ce- nozoic deposits occur in thickness of 6000―7000 m. The Kuq…  相似文献   

Di  Zhou  Zhen  Sun  Han-zong  Chen  He-hua  Xu  Wan-yin  Wang  Xiong  Pang  Dong-sheng  Cai  Deng-ke  Hu 《Island Arc》2008,17(2):186-207
Abstract   During the Mesozoic era, the South China Sea and its environs were located at the south-eastern margin of the Eurasian continent. There has been hot debate on the influences of Tethyan and Paleo-Pacific tectonics to the Mesozoic evolution of the area. This paper compiles lithofacies maps of six time slices and discusses the paleogeographic and tectonic evolution of the area based on this compilation and other data on structural deformation and magmatism. In the Early Triassic, the Paleotethys Ocean extended eastward to the study area through the Song Da passage. Then a significant east–west differential evolution began. In the Late Triassic, the western area uplifted as a result of the collision between the Indosinian and South China blocks during the Indosinian orogeny, and the Song Da passage has closed since then. Meanwhile, a transgression of Paleo-Pacific waters occurred in the eastern and south-eastern portions of the area, forming the 'East Guangdong–North-west Borneo Sea'. In the Early Jurassic, seawater transgression was even more pronounced, resulting into the connection of this sea with the Mesotethys Ocean to the west. Large quantities of Tethyan water carrying Tethyan organisms entered the area. In the Middle Jurassic, a short-lived transgression occurred in the eastern Mesotethys and resulted in the formation of the 'Yunnan–Burma Sea'. The Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous was the climax of the subduction of both the Mesotethys and Paleo-Pacific towards the Eurasian continent. This led to the formation of the great 'Circum South-east Asia Subduction–Accretion Zone' in the Middle or Late Cretaceous. This paper also presents various lines of evidence for a newly recognized segment of this Mesozoic subduction–accretion zone buried under Cenozoic sediments in the north-eastern South China Sea.  相似文献   

内蒙古乌兰浩特索伦镇地区位于大兴安岭中南段。该区中生代侵入岩广泛发育。开展侵入岩的年代学、地球化学特征研究能为深入探讨区域构造背景提供依据。3个样品K—Ar全岩法测年结果(93.39Ma-108.48Ma)证明侵入岩形成于早白垩世,略晚于其南侧同一构造带上的杜尔基地区侵入岩年龄(100.15Ma-120.29Ma),符合太行山-大兴安岭早白垩世侵入岩时代自南向北由老变新的演化趋势。岩石地球化学分析结果显示岩石属于碱性系列,具有高硅、高钾、富碱、过铝、贫钙、镁、铁等特征。稀土元素总量为(77.96-241.29)μg/g,平均值为158.92μg/g,与杜尔基地区早白垩世侵入岩的稀土总量平均值(146.85μg/g)及华北克拉通内碱性系列岩石的稀土总量平均值(163.32μg/g)都非常接近。稀土元素球粒陨石标准化曲线整体右倾,因Eu负异常而呈“V”型形态,与太行山一大兴安岭地区早白垩世典型岩体的稀土配分型式极为相似。侵入岩的成因类型为A-型,形成于伸展构造环境。  相似文献   

Abstract   Detrital composition and major element geochemistry of Jurassic sandstones in the south Hefei Basin, central China, show their provenance to be the Dabie Mountains, whose tectonic attributes are closely related to continent–island arc complexes. It was found that a provenance change, from recycled orogen signatures and mixed orogenic sandstones to arc orogen, occurs from the lower Middle Jurassic to the Upper Jurassic (the Zhougongshan Formation). Dissected magmatic arc sources were gradually exposed in the Dabie Mountains due to intensive exhumation during the Late Jurassic, particularly after the Fenghuangtai depositional phase. Furthermore, it can be infered that the magmatic arc was initially present in both the Early Paleozoic and the Triassic, according to isotopic dating studies in previously published reports. δ13C–δ18O tracing between existing marbles of different strata in the Dabie block and marble gravels of the Fenghuangtai Formation in the Hefei Basin indicate that partial lithostratigraphic units for the Jurassic provenances have entirely disappeared from the Dabie block; therefore, it is impossible to reconstruct integral orogenic processes from studies on the remaining Dabie block alone. These findings, together with basin-fill sequences, also suggest that the Hefei Basin was mainly subjected to compressive mechanical regimes rather than extensional regimes in the Jurassic, which resulted in reverse-grading clastic depositional sequences, and is probably related to the northward intracontinental deep subduction of the Yangtze Plate. Regional exhumation properties and a tectonic model of the Late Mesozoic Dabie orogenesis are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

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