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During Late Carboniferous times a continental magmatic arc developed at the western margin of Gondwana in South America, as several marine sedimentary basins were formed at the same time in the retroarc region. North of 33°S, at Cordón Agua del Jagüel, Precordillera of Mendoza, Argentina, a volcanic sequence crops out which was emplaced in a submarine environment with some subaerial exposures, and it is intercalated in marine sediments of Agua del Jagüel Formation, which fills of one of these retroarc basins. This paper presents, for the first time, a facies analyses together with geochemical and isotopic data of this volcanic suite, suggesting its deposition in an ensialic retroarc marine basin. The volcanic succession comprises debris flows with either sedimentary or volcanic fragments, base surge, resedimented massive and laminated dacitic–andesitic hyaloclastite, pillow lava, basic hyaloclastite and dacitic–andesitic lavas and hyaloclastite facies. Its composition is bimodal, either basaltic or dacitic–andesitic. The geochemistry data indicate a subalkaline, low K calk-alkaline and metaluminous affinity. The geochemistry of the basalts points to an origin of the magmas from a depleted mantle source with some crustal contamination. Conversely, the geochemistry of the dacites–andesites shows an important participation of both crustal components and subduction related fluids. A different magmatic source for the basalts than for the dacites–andesites is also supported by Sr and Nd isotopic initial ratios and Nd model ages. The characteristics of this magmatic suite suggest its emplacement in an extensional setting probably associated with the presence of a steepened subduction zone at this latitude during Upper Carboniferous times.  相似文献   

Maastrichtian strata from the Pachino area (SE Sicily) provide a model of association between rudist-coral frameworks and submarine volcanic activity.
Two successive carbonate units are distinguished: (a) Coral-rudist bioherms and biostromes developed in a high-energy environment, (b) Hippuritid build-ups and banks overlain by rudist-coral clusters which grew under harsher ecological conditions, in a weaker current regime.
At the top of the Maastrichtian sequence, the growth of rudist-coral frameworks ceased as ecological conditions shifted toward restricted environments. The inferred succession reflects a gradual decrease in current strengths and water depths, related to the Maastrichtian regressive phase.
The frameworks display consistent evolutionary sequences reflecting progressive changes in their biota, structure, size and shape.
Occurrences of rudist-coral frameworks are clearly linked with submarine volcanoes which provided opportunities for their development; they sometimes grew in the vicinity of active-vent centres, a feature reported for the first time in the Upper Cretaceous.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(2):764-774
The Marsili Seamount (MS) is an about 3200 m high volcanic complex measuring 70 × 30 km with the top at ~ 500 m b.s.l. MS is interpreted as the ridge of the 2 Ma old Marsili back-arc basin belonging to the Calabrian Arc–Ionian Sea subduction system (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). Previous studies indicate that the MS activity developed between 1 and 0.1 Ma through effusions of lava flows. Here, new stratigraphic, textural, geochemical, and 14C geochronological data from a 95 cm long gravity core (COR02) recovered at 839 m bsl in the MS central sector are presented. COR02 contains mud and two tephras consisting of 98 to 100 area% of volcanic ash. The thickness of the upper tephra (TEPH01) is 15 cm, and that of the lower tephra (TEPH02) is 60 cm. The tephras have poor to moderate sorting, loose to partly welded levels, and erosive contacts, which imply a short distance source of the pyroclastics. 14C dating on fossils above and below TEPH01 gives an age of 3 ka BP. Calculations of the sedimentation rates from the mud sediments above and between the tephras suggest that a formation of TEPH02 at 5 ka BP MS ashes has a high-K calcalkaline affinity with 53 wt.% < SiO2 < 68 wt.%, and their composition overlaps that of the MS lava flows. The trace element pattern is consistent with fractional crystallization from a common, OIB-like basalt. The source area of ashes is the central sector of MS and not a subaerial volcano of the Campanian and/or Aeolian Quaternary volcanic districts. Submarine, explosive eruptions occurred at MS in historical times: this is the first evidence of explosive volcanic activity at a significant (500–800 m bsl) water depth in the Mediterranean Sea. MS is still active, the monitoring and an evaluation of the different types of hazards are highly recommended.  相似文献   

Intra‐plate volcanism in western Europe shows statistically significant episodicity during the Quaternary period. By comparing the known ages for eruptions in France and Germany, which are compiled here, with a composite oxygen isotope record, we have investigated the link between this episodic volcanism and the climate record over the last two million years. We show that increased volcanism between 415–400 ka and 17–5 ka correlates with warming phases at the end of the last Weichselian (Devensian) and earlier Elsterian (Anglian) glacial stages. The three significant caldera explosions in the eastern Eifel, Germany, are all associated with warming phases at the onset of interglacials. The growth and decay of nearby ice sheets suggest that surface changes in continental mass distribution during glacial Milankovich cycles could provide a mechanism for this correlation by means of the distal effects of flexural loading on the lithosphere. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Detailed structural analysis in the southwestern part of the Variscan Sehwarzwald Massif (SW Germany) indicates polyphase, synmetamorphic deformation in ductile shear zones. The tectono-melainnrphir evolution is characterized by orogenic crustal shortening and subsequent late- orogenic crustal extension in Carboniferous times. Convergence is responsible for an KSK trending, north dipping thrust zone with intense deformation in orthogneissic S-C type mylonites Superposed on schistose and folded metasediments presumably lower Carboniferous in age. Southeastward thrust-’“g parallel to pervasive stretching lineation, similar to the pre-dominant oblique convergent structures ill the central part of the massif, is related to crustal stacking. Relations of early granite intrusions with the outlasting retrograde tectonics Point to a Lower Carboniferous (Late-Visean) age of shortening.

Subsequent crustal extension is indicated by a broad N-S trending and west dipping ductile shear zone within high grade meetamorphic (I1T7LP) gneisses. Retrograde stretching lineatone marked by sillimanite to chlorite anr consistent with a top-to-the-west shearing on the western flank of a large progressively warping domai structure. Intensely sheared and boudinaged granitic rocks are syn-tectonic and seal the age of extension at about 325 Ma (Lower/ Upper Carboniferous boundary). During progressively cataclastic stages of tectonic denudation the still active detachment controlled formation of an adjacent late Paleozoic (Stephano-Pcrniian) continental basin supersedding high-grade gneiss. As elsewhere in the Varisean belt, the late extensional process in the tectono-”“‘tainorphie evolution of the southern Sehwarzwald is related rapid uplift, exhumation and thinning by a gravitational collaps of a previously thickened crust.  相似文献   

西准噶尔萨吾尔地区二叠纪火山活动规律   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
西准噶尔萨吾尔地区位于新疆阿勒泰的吉木乃县及塔城地区和丰县。区内泥盆纪—二叠纪均有火山活动,其中二叠纪火山作用尤为强烈。二叠纪火山岩地层包括哈尔加乌组和卡拉岗组,哈尔加乌组为一套陆相中基性-中性火山岩及火山碎屑岩,卡拉岗组为一套陆相中基性-中酸性火山岩及火山碎屑岩。哈尔加乌—卡拉岗旋回火山岩主要岩性包括橄榄玄武岩、玄武岩、粗玄岩、安山岩、粗安岩、流纹岩、火山碎屑岩等。根据火山岩地层综合剖面以及火山岩的岩石学、岩相学特征,萨吾尔地区二叠纪火山活动由早至晚可分为5个阶段:中性喷发阶段、间歇性基性喷发阶段、酸性爆发及喷溢阶段、小规模中性间歇性爆发及喷溢阶段、基性喷发阶段;火山岩为陆相火山岩,具有双峰式特征,形成于伸展的构造背景下。  相似文献   

Stratigraphic units are defined and described for the Lower Carboniferous succession in the Walterstown-Kentstown area of Co. Meath, Ireland. A complete (unexposed) Courceyan succession from the terrestrial red bed facies of the Baronstown Formation to the Moathill Formation of the Navan Group has been penetrated in several boreholes. Although the lower part of the sequence is comparable with the Courceyan succession at Navan and Slane, the middle part of the sequence differs markedly in the Walterstown-Kentstown area and two new members, the Proudstown and Walterstown Members, are defined in the upper part of the Meath Formation. Syndepositional faulting was initiated during the Courceyan, probably in latest Pseudopolygnathus multistriatus or early Polygnathus mehli latus time. Movement on the ENE trending St. Patrick's Well Fault influenced the deposition of the Walterstown Member and the overlying Moathill Formation and was probably associated with the development of the East Midlands depocentre to the south of the area. A second episode of tectonism in the latest Courceyan or early Chadian resulted in uplift and erosion and the development of ‘block and basin’ sedimentation. Subsequent transgression of the uplifted block led to the establishment of the Kentstown Platform, bounded to the north, west and south by rocks of basinal facies. The Milverton Group (Chadian-Asbian), confined to this platform, unconformably overlies Courceyan or Lower Palaeozoic strata and is subdivided into three formations: Crufty Formation (late Chadian), Holmpatrick Formation (late Chadian-Arundian) and Mullaghfin Formation (late Arundian-Asbian). The Walterstown Fault controlled the western margin of the Kentstown Platform at this time. Contemporaneous basinal sediments of the Fingal Group (Lucan and Naul Formations) accumulated to the west of the Walterstown Fault and are much thicker than age-equivalent platform facies. Platform sedimentation ceased in latest Asbian to early Brigantian time with tectonically induced collapse and drowning of the platform; platform carbonates of the Mullaghfin Formation are onlapped northwards by coarse proximal basinal facies of the Loughshinny Formation. A distinct gravity anomaly in the Kentstown area suggests the presence of a granitoid body within the basement. The Kentstown Platform is therefore considered to have formed on a buoyant, granite-cored, footwall high analogous to the Askrigg and Alston Blocks of northern England.  相似文献   

西藏改则地区的石炭系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 关于西藏班公湖—怒江断裂带以北的石炭系,东部(温泉幅)有马查拉组(文世宣等,1984),西部(日土幅)也曾发现过下统和上统(Norin 1946;文世宣等1984),中部的改则地区,王文彬等(1957)于北纬32°30′和东经87°附近的影拉、门斗山一带,发现了厚约  相似文献   

This paper addresses the composition, geochemistry, isotopic characteristics, and age of rocks from the Carter Seamount of the Grimaldi seamount group at the eastern margin of the Central Atlantic. The age of the seamount was estimated as 57–58 Ma. Together with other seamounts of the Grimaldi system and the Nadir Seamount, it forms a “hot line” related to the Guinea Fracture Zone, which was formed during the late Paleocene pulse of volcanism. The Carter Seamount is made up of olivine melilitites, ankaramites, and analcime-bearing nepheline tephrites, which are differentiated products of the fractional crystallization of melts similar to an alkaline ultramafic magma. The volcanics contain xenoliths entrained by melt at different depths from the mantle, layer 3 of the oceanic crust, which was formed at 113–115 Ma, and earlier magma chambers. The rocks were altered by low-temperature hydrothermal solutions. The parental melts of the volcanics of the Carter Seamount were derived at very low degrees of mantle melting in the stability field of garnet lherzolite at depths of no less than 105 km. Anomalously high Th, Nb, Ta, and La contents in the volcanics indicate that a metasomatized mantle reservoir contributed to the formation of their primary melts. The Sr, Pb, and Nd isotopic systematics of the rocks show that the composition of the mantle source lies on the mixing line between two mantle components. One of them is a mixture of prevailing HIMU and the depleted mantle, and the other is an enriched EM2-type mantle reservoir. These data suggest that the formation of the Carter Seamount volcanics was caused by extension-related decompression melting in the Guinea Fracture Zone of either (1) hot mantle plume material (HIMU component) affected by carbonate metasomatism or (2) carbonated basic enclaves (eclogites) ubiquitous in the asthenosphere, whose isotopic characteristics corresponded to the HIMU and EM2 components. In the former case, it is assumed that the melt assimilated during ascent the material of the metasomatized subcontinental mantle (EM2 component), which was incorporated into the oceanic lithospheric mantle during rifting and the breakup of Pangea.  相似文献   

Upper Carboniferous Coal Measures strata have been interpreted traditionally in terms of cyclothems bounded by marine flooding surfaces (marine bands) and coal seams. Correlation of such cyclothems in an extensive grid of closely spaced coal exploration boreholes provides a robust stratigraphic framework in which to study the Lower Coal Measures (Namurian C–Westphalian A) of the Ruhr district, north-west Germany. Three distinct types of cyclothem are recognized, based on their bounding surfaces and internal facies architecture. (1) Type 1 cyclothems are bounded by marine bands. Each cyclothem comprises a thick (30–80 m), regionally extensive, coarsening-upward delta front succession of interbedded shales, siltstones and sandstones, which may be deeply incised by a major fluvial sandstone complex. The delta front succession is capped by a thin (<1 m), regionally extensive coal seam and an overlying marine band defining the top of the cyclothem. (2) Type 2 cyclothems are bounded by thick (≈1 m), regionally extensive coal seams with few splits. The basal part of a typical cyclothem comprises a thick (15–50 m), widespread, coarsening-upward delta front or lake infill succession consisting of interbedded shales, siltstones and sandstones. Networks of major (>5 km wide, 20–40 m thick), steep-sided, multistorey fluvial sandstone complexes erode deeply into and, in some cases, through these successions and are overlain by the coal seam defining the cyclothem top. (3) Type 3 cyclothems are bounded by regionally extensive coal seam groups, characterized by numerous seam splits on a local (0·1–10 km) scale. Intervening strata vary in thickness (15–60 m) and are characterized by strong local facies variability. Root-penetrated, aggradational floodplain heteroliths pass laterally into single-storey fluvial channel-fill sandstones and coarsening-upward, shallow lake infill successions of interbedded shales, siltstones and sandstones over distances of several hundred metres to a few kilometres. Narrow (<2 km) but thick (20–50 m) multistorey fluvial sandstone complexes are rare, but occur in a few type 3 cyclothems. Several cyclothems are observed to change character from type 1 to type 2 and from type 2 to type 3 up the regional palaeoslope. Consequently, we envisage a model in which each cyclothem type represents a different palaeogeographic belt within the same, idealized delta system, subject to the same allogenic and autogenic controls on facies architecture. Type 1 cyclothems are dominated by deltaic shorelines deposited during a falling stage and lowstand of sea level. Type 2 cyclothems represent the coeval lower delta plain, which was deeply eroded by incised valleys that fed the falling stage and lowstand deltas. Type 3 cyclothems comprise mainly upper delta plain deposits in which the allogenic sea-level control was secondary to autogenic controls on facies architecture. The marine bands, widespread coals and coal seam groups that bound these three cyclothem types record abandonment of the delta system during periods of rapid sea-level rise. The model suggests that the extant cyclothem paradigm does not adequately describe the detailed facies architecture of Lower Coal Measures strata. Instead, these architectures may be better understood within a high-resolution stratigraphic framework incorporating sequence stratigraphic key surfaces, integrated with depositional models derived from analogous Pleistocene–Holocene fluvio-deltaic strata.  相似文献   

Potassium‐argon ages on alkali feldspar phenocrysts from trachyte lavas and on trachyandesites of the Cape Hillsborough Beds, which crop out north of Mackay, Queensland, yield concordant ages of 32.5 ± 0.4 m.y. This age is Early Oligocene and by correlation provides much firmer control than previously available on the age of the sediments deposited in the Hillsborough Basin. Isotopic ages on an altered biotite and on alkali feldspar from the Mount Jukes Syenite Complex, to the southwest of Cape Hillsborough, are indistinguishable from those measured on the Cape Hillsborough Beds, suggesting a possible genetic relationship between the lavas and the syenite intrusions. Present evidence indicates that Cainozoic volcanism in Queensland occurred in two main eruptive episodes. The earlier episode covered much of the Oligocene and its products are widespread in the southern half of the State. After a long hiatus of little or no volcanism there followed a later episode of volcanism in the Pliocene and Quaternary when widespread basaltic eruptions occurred, mainly in North Queensland.  相似文献   

The Senafe area reveals a pile of stratoid volcanic rocks (“Senafe” ignimbrite), of considerable extent and thickness, which are the products of the first volcanic event which took place in this sector, close to the upper margin of the Afar escarpment.The Senafe ignimbrite is composed prevalently of trachyte with differing degrees of alkalinity: trachy-dacite of transitional series, and trachyte s.s. of mildly alkaline series. K/Ar radiometric measurements carried out on three samples give ages ranging between 21 and 23 Ma (Lower Miocene) and show that the Senafe ignimbrite with transitional character is an extension of the Serae rhyolite of the Central Eritrean Plateau, and may also be correlated with the Miocene Alaji rhyolite of the Central Ethiopian Plateau. In contrast, the more alkaline ignimbrite shows good correlations with the trachyte emitted by the Miocene Termaber alkaline central volcanoes of Ethiopia.It is noted that, in the course of the Miocene volcanism in Eritrea, the volumetric ratio between associated basalt and ignimbrite diminishes from west to east, i.e., approaching the Afar escarpment.The stratoid volcanic rocks are injected by thick trachytic and rhyolitic dykes. As radiometric measurements on them could not be performed, their age is unknown, but it is probably more recent than that of the injected ignimbrite, according to Merla and Minucci [Merla, G., Minucci, E., 1938. Missione geologica nel Tigrai. In: La serie dei terreni, vol. 1. Regia Accademia d’Italia, Centro Studi per l’Africa Orientale Italiana, Rome, Italy, pp. 1–362] for similar dykes and domes occurring in the Adwa-Axum area (Tigrai, Ethiopia), not far from Senafe.A section is devoted to the dyke feeders of the Eritrean and Adwa-Axum volcanism.  相似文献   

The Halle Volcanic Complex (HVC) is part of the transtensional intracontinental Saale Basin, which formed on the Mid-German Crystalline Rise located at the southern margin of the late Carboniferous/early Permian volcanic province of central Europe. Magmatic activity ranged from early trachybasalts, trachyandesites, and trachydacites followed by calc-alkaline, mildly peraluminous low-Si rhyolites, the latter of which had intruded at a very shallow crustal level. Two groups of geochemically heterogeneous and isotopically distinct mafic-intermediate rocks have to be distinguished, which originated from enriched mantle (lower crustal) sources and experienced crustal contamination to various extents. These rocks preceded the emplacement of rhyolites that are remarkably uniform in major and trace element chemistry as well as Nd isotope composition. Distinctly negative )Nd(T=300 Ma) (-6.7 to -7.0) of the rhyolites implies significant involvement of crustal material. The Pb isotopic composition of K-feldspar and trace element content of the rhyolites are compatible with remelting of Saxothuringian rather than Rhenohercynian crustal domains of the Variscan orogen. Slightly differing REE abundances in the rhyolites are attributed to an inhomogeneous distribution of accessory minerals. In conflict with their generation in an extensional environment, the trace element signature of the HVC rocks indicates a magmatic arc or collisional setting rather than an intracontinental within-plate setting. The composition of rhyolites from extensional settings at Halle and the adjacent Northeast German Basin demonstrates that trace element composition and geodynamic environment may not be correlated. Furthermore, the geochemistry of these rocks implies that the same type of magmatism may take entirely different chemical expressions in dependence of the structural and chemical composition of the underlying lithospheric block, which might be used to map hidden destroyed terrain boundaries in ancient orogens.  相似文献   

通过区域地质调查,在西秦岭天水地区武山杨河-礼县固城一带原划上泥盆统大草滩群和中泥盆统舒家坝群中解体出一套石炭纪沉积地层。根据所发现的牙形刺、珊瑚、非篮有孔虫化石,确定其地质时代为早石炭世。  相似文献   

The Upper Jurassic (Tithonian) plattenkalk successions in the Solnhofen/Eichstätt area consist of alternations of thin‐bedded, laminated, fine‐grained, very pure limestones (so‐called ‘flinz beds’) and softer interlayers with slightly lower carbonate contents that are also laminated and show a foliaceous weathering appearance (‘fäule beds’). These successions are world famous for their exceptionally well‐preserved fossils. In contrast to the well‐studied wealth of fossils, little is known about the origin and diagenesis of the host rock. The reason for this discrepancy might lay in the monotonous appearance of these fine‐grained mudstones that require electron microscopical examination. Study of samples from the Solnhofen–Eichstädt area implies that flinz and fäule beds have undergone differential diagenesis. The ultrastructure of the flinz beds is characterized by interlocking microspar crystals, whereas the fäule beds show smaller and less interlocking crystals. The ratios of diagenetically inert trace elements lack clear differences between the two interlayered lithologies. While most authors agree that the flinz–fäule rhythm reflects rhythmically changing environmental conditions, primary rhythms can be taken as proven only where statistically significant differences in diagenetically resistant proxies are found. The absence of clear primary differences between flinz and fäule beds, however, leaves the question of primary differences unsolved. It is concluded that diagenesis has had a strong influence on the genesis of the lithological rhythm, and that any primary rhythm underlying the diagenetically mature rhythm is less clear than generally assumed.  相似文献   

From a smaller open-pit area in the roof shale of the basal Cantabrian coal seam in Sydney Coalfield, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada, large amounts of the pteridosperm foliage Alethopteris zeilleri (Ragot) were found. This foliage is associated with abundant, naked medullosalean axes and dichotomies of varying sizes, up to 0.80-m long, cauline structures 0.90 m and 1.3 m long, detached ovules assigned to Pachytesta incrassata Brongniart, rare male-pollen organs of the type Dolerotheca Halle, rooted tree ferns in life position, and one specimen each of a juvenile medullosalean frond and root mantle. The fossils are compression/impression-preserved, and the foliage yielded thickly cutinized cuticles with unoriented cells (57–103 by 27–57 μm) in intercostal fields. Ultimate rachises, and abaxial surfaces (excluding costal fields) show a mixture of simple and complexly-branched trichomes, and two different structural bases. These, together with fractal dimensionality of curvatures of anticlinal walls in intercostal fields, have taxonomic potential for alethopterids.The finds suggest reconstructing A. zeilleri (Ragot) as a tree, 5–7 m high, that bore both P. incrassata Brongniart and Dolerotheca-type fructifications. Its habitat was low-land coastal plains in the Pennsylvanian coal swamps of ancestral Sydney Coalfield.  相似文献   

A Quaternary volcanic field at Fort Portal, SW Uganda, contains approximately 50 vents that erupted only carbonatite. The vents are marked by monogenetic tuff cones defining two ENE-trending belts. Lava from a fissure at the west end of the northern belt formed a flow 0.3 km2 in area and 1–5 m thick. The lava is vesicular throughout with a scoriaceous top, and probably formed by agglutination of spatter from lava fountains. Phenocrysts are olivine, clinopyroxene, phlogopite, and titanomagnetite enclosing blebs of pyrrhotite. Rims of monticellite, gehlenite, and reinhardbraunsite surround olivine, clinopyroxene and phlogopite, and magnetite is rimmed by spinel. The reaction relations suggest that these phenocryst phases are actually xenocrysts, perhaps from a source similar to that which supplied phlogopite clinopyroxenite xenoliths in the Katwe-Kikorongo volcanic field 75 km SW of Fort Portal. The groundmass of fresh carbonatite lava consists of tabular calcite, spurrite, periclase, hydroxylapatite, perovskite, spinel, pyrrhotite, and barite. The lava was readily altered; where meteoric water had access, spurrite and periclase are lacking, and some calcite is recrystallized. Vesicles in lava and rare dike rocks are partly filled with calcite, followed by jennite and thaumasite. Pyroclastic deposits cover 142 km2 and are far more voluminous than lava. Carbonatite ejecta were identical to lava in primary mineralogy, but are much more contaminated by crustal rock fragments and xenocrysts. At Fort Portal, eruption of a CaO-MgO-CO2-SiO2-P2O5-SO2-H2O-F liquid was unaccompanied by that of a more silica-rich or alkali-rich liquid. Alkali-rich carbonatite lavas and pyroclastic deposits have been documented elsewhere in East Africa, and calcite-rich volcanic carbonatites have been attributed to replacement of magmatic alkali carbonates by calcite. However, the alkali-poor volcanic carbonatites at Fort Portal were not formed by leaching of alkalis in meteoric water; tabular calcite is not pseudomorphous after alkali carbonates such as nyerereite. The Fort Portal magma was low in alkalis at the time of eruption.  相似文献   

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