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南海北部琼东南盆地具有准被动大陆边缘性质,其深水区具有较好的勘探前景.综合利用地震、钻井等资料,从层序地层研究出发,探讨了等时地层格架内新近系储层沉积特征,总结了浅水(陆表海)背景和深水(陆坡)背景下的储层沉积模式.根据储盖层沉积背景,并结合已有钻井资料,指出深水区新近系主要发育深水沉积和浅水沉积两大类型储盖组合:浅水...  相似文献   

琼东南盆地海底地形地貌特征及其对深水沉积的控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
琼东南盆地位于南海北部大陆边缘西部,其深水区是重要的油气勘探新领域。利用琼东南盆地高密度的多道地震资料,阐明了琼东南盆地海底地形地貌特征,分析了盆地内深水沉积体的类型、特征、形成机制和空间展布,探讨了地形地貌对深水沉积的控制作用,对深入理解深水沉积过程,尤其是该区深水油气储层的预测具有重要意义。研究结果表明,琼东南盆地海底地形总体可以划分为陆架、陆坡和深海平原。在该地形地貌控制下,研究区内主要发育6种深水沉积体:浊流沉积、陆坡峡谷充填、滑塌沉积、滑移沉积、沉积物波和碎屑流沉积。进一步的研究表明,这些沉积体的空间发育部位和规模与陆坡的坡度有关。地形坡度通过控制重力流流体的流态产生各类型重力流沉积,进而控制了陆坡体系的调整过程。研究结果还表明,由于地形坡度的变化,重力流流态会发生相应变化,并进而导致各种类型重力流沉积在其形成过程中发生相互转化,其一般转化顺序通常为滑塌-碎屑流-浊流。  相似文献   

梅山组海底扇作为中央峡谷水道之外最引人注目的大型储集体,是琼东南盆地尤其是深水区常规碎屑岩领域下一步最为重要的勘探对象。总结了琼东南盆地各凹陷钻井资料所揭示的梅山组海底扇差异分布现象,通过研究区大陆架发育特征、陆架坡折带发育特征,结合物源供给与优势海流方向,首次从宏观格局解释了琼东南盆地中央坳陷带不同凹陷海底扇发育地质背景的差异及成因,提出乐东凹陷梅山组大型海底扇主物源来自东北方向海南隆起。通过细化中中新世大海退内部次级海平面旋回特征,首次建立了本区梅山组层序充填与海平面旋回的精确对应关系,从层序成因角度厘清了梅山组各期次海底扇发育演化特征与凹陷级别的有利储层展布特征,并据此提出相应的勘探建议,指出乐东凹陷梅山组中—晚期海底扇储层风险低,是梅山组海底扇领域突破的首选区带;陵水凹陷早期海底扇圈闭有效性较好,是梅山组海底扇大规模成藏的有利勘探方向。该研究为梅山组海底扇领域的勘探部署提供了新思路。  相似文献   

南海北部陆缘记录了南海形成演化的历史,但是其新生代构造沉积演化特征在东段和西段的差异及其原因目前还不太清楚。本文分别在珠江口盆地和琼东南盆地的深水区选择了数口构造地理位置相似的井通过精细地层回剥分析,重建了两沉积盆地的沉积速率和沉降速率并结合前人研究成果进行了对比分析。研究结果发现,两沉积盆地在裂陷期的沉积和沉降特征基本相似,但是两者在裂后期的构造沉积演化特征差异明显。珠江口盆地深水区沉积和沉降速率都表现为幕式变化特征,其中沉积速率表现为“两快三慢”的特征而沉降速率表现为“两快一慢”的特征。琼东南盆地深水区的沉积速率表现为“地堑式”变化特征,但是沉降速率表现为“台阶式”上升的变化特征。琼东南盆地“台阶式”上升的沉降速率推测主要是受到海南地幔柱伴随红河断裂的右旋走滑而向西北漂移的影响,这也与南海西北部的岩浆活动以及周围盆地的沉降特征吻合。红河断裂在2.1 Ma BP的右旋走滑控制了琼东南盆地1.8 Ma BP以来的快速沉积和加速沉降分布。  相似文献   

为解决甲烷渗漏系统末端裂隙系统空间分布规律问题,基于南海北部深水区高分辨率三维地震数据,采用可视化与相干体技术描述似海底反射层分布区裂隙空间结构与分布特征,阐述了裂隙产生的地质成因类型,讨论了裂隙与其他类型输导体系对甲烷气成藏的关系。似海底反射层界面上部空间裂隙远少于下部空间的地质结构体,使水合物成藏过程中甲烷气供大于散,对研究水合物成藏和检测甲烷气的渗漏有普遍指示作用。根据裂隙的发育规模,研究区大致可以识别出短裂隙、长裂隙、裂隙束、裂隙群(组) 4种类型,它们对流体的渗漏能力依次增强,这些裂隙在地层中往往以多类型共存的方式,或与其他地质构造共同构成渗漏系统。这些结果和认识对完善深水盆地甲烷气渗漏系统水合物成藏模式及成藏机理有广泛意义。  相似文献   

琼东南盆地深水区长昌凹陷勘探潜力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长昌凹陷位于琼东南盆地深水区中央坳陷东部,是深水勘探新区。通过对凹陷成藏条件分析认为,长昌凹陷供烃充足;存在三角洲砂岩、滨海相砂岩、海底扇及水道砂岩等4种类型储层,且储盖组合发育;发育多层系构造圈闭,面积普遍较大;油气成藏条件优越。在上述研究基础上,对长昌凹陷A、B、C、D、E 5个次一级洼陷勘探潜力进行了评价,认为长昌环A洼成藏特征好,发育大型有利目标。落实万宁X-1、万宁X-2、长昌X-1等多个大中型"构造+岩性"圈闭,圈闭含油气信息好,潜在资源量大,是琼东南盆地深水区下步勘探的重点。  相似文献   

琼东南盆地深水区生物礁生长环境及分布特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物礁储层是一种典型的油气储层,具有非常大的油气勘探潜力.位于南海北部大陆边缘的琼东南盆地,在形成演化过程中出现了有利于生物礁发育的环境.盆地南部深水区远离物源,在构造演化过程中产生了较多的构造隆起,在这些构造隆起的周缘适合生物礁的发育.通过地震资料解释认为,琼东南盆地南部深水区发育有规模大小不等的生物礁,而且这些生物礁的发育与构造演化的阶段可以对应起来,应具有较好的油气勘探潜力.  相似文献   

琼东南盆地深水区中央峡谷黄流组物源特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
物源分析作为岩相-古地理研究的前提和基础,物源体系决定了砂体的展布和储集性能。为明确中央峡谷体系黄流组储集体展布规律及下一步勘探方向,本文应用中央峡谷最新钻井资料,采用重矿物组合、锆石U-Pb测年等分析方法,结合地震反射特征,对中央峡谷黄流组物源体系特征进行分析。地震反射特征表明来自海南隆起和昆嵩隆起物源的三角洲体系,通过二次搬运沉积了陆架斜坡区和盆底的低位海底扇,为中央峡谷的沉积充填提供了充足的粗碎屑沉积物;新钻井黄流组样品中重矿物组合以白钛矿、石榴石、磁铁矿含量较高为主要特征,与莺歌海盆地受蓝江物源影响和琼东南盆地受丽水-秋滨河物源影响的地层重矿物组合相似;锆石U-Pb测年分析表明,中央峡谷黄流组地层中样品年龄图谱具有30~2 000Ma变化范围,与莺歌海盆地受昆嵩隆起物源影响的钻井以及越南现代河流采集的沙样具有非常一致的年龄段和丰度。综上所述,中央峡谷受多物源的影响,越南昆嵩隆起为主的琼东南盆地西部物源体系,是琼东南盆地乐东凹陷晚中新世深水扇以及中央峡谷粗碎屑物质的主要沉积物供给来源区。  相似文献   

琼东南盆地深水区构造热演化特征及其影响因素分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
To reveal the tectonic thermal evolution and influence factors on the present heat flow distribution, based on 154 heat flow data, the present heat flow distribution features of the main tectonic units are first analyzed in detail, then the tectonic thermal evolution histories of 20 profiles are reestablished crossing the main deep-water sags with a structural, thermal and sedimentary coupled numerical model. On the basis of the present geothermal features, the Qiongdongnan Basin could be divided into three regions: the northern shelf and upper slope region with a heat flow of 50–70 m W/m2, most of the central depression zone of 70–85 m W/m2, and a NE trending high heat flow zone of 85–105 m W/m2 lying in the eastern basin. Numerical modeling shows that during the syn-rift phase, the heat flow increases generally with time, and is higher in basement high area than in its adjacent sags. At the end of the syn-rift phase, the heat flow in the deepwater sags was in a range of 60–85 m W/m2, while in the basement high area, it was in a range of 75–100 m W/m2. During the post-rift phase, the heat flow decreased gradually, and tended to be more uniform in the basement highs and sags. However, an extensive magmatism, which equivalently happened at around 5 Ma, has greatly increased the heat flow values, and the relict heat still contributes about 10–25 m W/m2 to the present surface heat flow in the central depression zone and the southern uplift zone. Further analyses suggested that the present high heat flow in the deep-water Qiongdongnan Basin is a combined result of the thermal anomaly in the upper mantle, highly thinning of the lithosphere, and the recent extensive magmatism. Other secondary factors might have affected the heat flow distribution features in some local regions. These factors include basement and seafloor topography, sediment heat generation, thermal blanketing, local magmatic injecting and hydrothermal activities related to faulting and overpressure.  相似文献   

Over the past several years, a number of hydrocarbon reservoirs have been discovered in the deepwater area of Qiongdongnan Basin, northwestern South China Sea. These oil/gas fields demonstrate that the...  相似文献   

深水峡谷沉积构型及其演化是深水沉积研究的热点。基于琼东南盆地L区300 km2高分辨率三维地震资料,综合区域地质资料,利用地震相分析、地震属性技术,对黄流组中央峡谷沉积构型三维表征进行了分析。研究结果表明:研究区中央峡谷内部发育块体搬运沉积、重力流水道沉积、堤岸沉积、底部滞留沉积、朵体沉积、深海泥质披覆沉积6类沉积单元;根据侵蚀作用和沉积作用的相对强弱,可以将研究区重力流水道分为侵蚀型水道、加积型水道2种类型;根据限制性的强弱,可以识别出强限制水道、弱限制水道、非限制水道3种类型;研究区峡谷可以划分为3期复合水道系列,整个峡谷可以看作由3期复合水道系列组成的复合水道体系,由于晚期水道侵蚀早期水道的部位不同,研究区水道之间形成了垂向叠置、侧向叠置和复合叠置3种叠置样式。  相似文献   

南海北部琼东南盆地陵水段峡谷沉积建造及勘探意义   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
琼东南盆地中央峡谷为一大型轴向峡谷体系,具有明显的"分段性"特征,不同区段沉积充填和内部结构均存在明显的差异,其中陵水段位于峡谷西段,具有非常好的储层物性特征,是深水区峡谷勘探的重点区域。为了进一步精细刻画陵水段峡谷内部水道复合体的沉积充填及沉积微相展布特征,本文借助新增加的三维地震资料和新钻井资料,通过峡谷三级层序界面的识别,将峡谷充填划分为3个三级层序SQ1、SQ2和SQ3,并通过古生物有孔虫化石带、钙质超微化石带及井-震结合确定了峡谷底界为中中新世晚期S40界面,陵水段峡谷自西向东依次识别出6种主要的内部充填结构,且将SQ3层序细分为5个次级层序(SSQ1~SSQ5);结合属性特征,精细刻画了陵水段峡谷内沉积微相平面展布及空间演化特征,并指出点砂坝在SSQ1层序最发育,且规模较大,横向上连片分布,将是下步勘探的有利储集体。  相似文献   

琼东南盆地古近系崖城组被证实为海陆过渡相烃源岩,但是深水盆地内6个凹陷的特征及演化存在显著差异,如何确定最富生烃的凹陷直接关系到深水钻探的成效。本文在深水凹陷区域构造形成机制、沉积环境演变特征以及海陆过渡相烃源岩有机质特征分析的基础上,充分利用现有钻井和地震资料,首先依据地震相模式分析方法预测了烃源岩层段沉积相分布,并根据沉积相与有机相的对应关系,预测了有机相分布;同时采用地震速度岩性定量分析技术确定出各凹陷烃源岩厚度分布,并利用地震反演速度及区域内泥岩孔隙度和烃源岩Ro的关系,定量预测了源岩热成熟度分布;然后依据烃源岩有机相、厚度和热成熟度等参数计算了崖城组各层段生气量和生气强度;最后以这两个参数为主,结合资源量和油气发现概况,建立了深水区富生烃凹陷评价标准,以此对6个凹陷进行综合评价优选。研究认为陵水、乐东、宝岛和长昌四个凹陷是Ⅰ类(最富生烃)凹陷,而松南和北礁凹陷为Ⅱ类(较富生烃)凹陷。该评价结果对南海北部深水区下一步勘探部署和目标钻探有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

对琼东南盆地深水区YL19A钻井岩屑样品进行了稀土元素(REE)地球化学特征分析,旨在研究琼东南盆地深水区的沉积物源及古环境变化。钻井岩屑样品的球粒陨石标准化REE配分模式总体呈轻稀土(LREE)富集、重稀土(HREE)亏损的右倾式,但在各时代地层之间表现出一定的差异。崖城组和陵水组岩屑呈明显的Eu正异常,而梅山组、三亚组和黄流组岩屑呈Eu的弱负异常,指示了沉积环境和沉积物源上的变化。在早渐新世时期,研究区物源以来自周边凸起的火山碎屑和陆源碎屑为主,沉积环境为海陆过渡相;自渐新世晚期开始,随着琼东南盆地全区发生海侵,研究区水深逐渐加大,沉积环境由海陆过渡相变为浅海相,物源变为远源陆源物质,并具有红河与海南岛多物源混合的特征,红河沉积物对物源的贡献相对较大,基性火山物质对物源的贡献减弱。YL19A钻井岩屑的REE地球化学特征在距今30、28.5、25.5和23.8Ma等地层界面处均发生明显的突变,对区域性构造运动事件有明显的响应。  相似文献   

In order to investigate the hydrocarbon generation process and gas potentials of source rocks in deepwater area of the Qiongdongnan Basin, kinetic parameters of gas generation(activation energy distribution and frequency factor) of the Yacheng Formation source rocks(coal and neritic mudstones) was determined by thermal simulation experiments in the closed system and the specific KINETICS Software. The results show that the activation energy(Ea) distribution of C1–C5 generation ranges from 50 to 74 kcal/mol with a frequency factor of 2.4×1015 s–1 for the neritic mudstone and the Ea distribution of C1–C5 generation ranges from 49 to 73 kcal/mol with a frequency factor of 8.92×1013 s–1 for the coal. On the basis of these kinetic parameters and combined with the data of sedimentary burial and paleothermal histories, the gas generation model of the Yacheng Formation source rocks closer to geological condition was worked out, indicating its main gas generation stage at Ro(vitrinite reflectance) of 1.25%–2.8%. Meanwhile, the gas generation process of the source rocks of different structural locations(central part, southern slope and south low uplift) in the Lingshui Sag was simulated. Among them, the gas generation of the Yacheng Formation source rocks in the central part and the southern slope of the sag entered the main gas window at 10 and 5 Ma respectively and the peak gas generation in the southern slope occurred at 3 Ma. The very late peak gas generation and the relatively large gas potential indices(GPI:20×108–60×108 m3/km2) would provide favorable conditions for the accumulation of large natural gas reserves in the deepwater area.  相似文献   

不同形态的多重分形频谱可用于含油气远景评价和油气分布规律的研究,本文运用多重分形矩方法对中央峡谷体系已钻井获得的2 684个数据13项油气指标的多重分形谱函数形态特征进行了研究。结果表明,琼东南盆地深水区中具有较强多重分形特征的指标,具有多重分形谱函数宽而连续的特征,成一右偏弧形状;而其他指标则显示较弱或单一分形特征。将这一结果与常用的统计方法因子分析结果做对比,结果表明,通过多重分形分析对这几项油气指标的分组结果与常规的统计分析结果基本吻合。为更进一步探究这几种主要油气指标在油气指示中的权重,采用主成分分析法对这几种指标进行分析,结果表明在琼东南盆地深水区,异丁烷、正丁烷、异戊烷为圈定油气远景区的重要指标。  相似文献   

The Qiongdongnan Basin has the first proprietary high-yield gas field in deep-water areas of China and makes the significant breakthroughs in oil and gas exploration. The central depression belt of deep-water area in the Qiongdongnan Basin is constituted by five sags, i.e. Ledong Sag, Lingshui Sag, Songnan Sag, Baodao Sag and Changchang Sag. It is a Cenozoic extensional basin with the basement of pre-Paleogene as a whole. The structural research in central depression belt of deep-water area in the Qiongdongnan Basin has the important meaning in solving the basic geological problems, and improving the exploration of oil and gas of this basin. The seismic interpretation and structural analysis in this article was operated with the 3D seismic of about 1.5×10~4 km~2 and the 2D seismic of about 1×10~4 km. Eighteen sampling points were selected to calculate the fault activity rates of the No.2 Fault. The deposition rate was calculated by the ratio of residual formation thickness to deposition time scale. The paleo-geomorphic restoration was obtained by residual thickness method and impression method. The faults in the central depression belt of deep-water area of this basin were mainly developed during Paleogene, and chiefly trend in NE–SW, E–W and NW–SE directions. The architectures of these sags change regularly from east to west: the asymmetric grabens are developed in the Ledong Sag, western Lingshui Sag, eastern Baodao Sag, and western Changchang Sag; half-grabens are developed in the Songnan Sag, eastern Lingshui Sag, and eastern Changchang Sag. The tectonic evolution history in deep-water area of this basin can be divided into three stages,i.e. faulted-depression stage, thermal subsidence stage, and neotectonic stage. The Ledong-Lingshui sags, near the Red River Fault, developed large-scale sedimentary and subsidence by the uplift of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau during neotectonic stage. The Baodao-Changchang sags, near the northwest oceanic sub-basin, developed the large-scale magmatic activities and the transition of stress direction by the expansion of the South China Sea. The east sag belt and west sag belt of the deep-water area in the Qiongdongnan Basin, separated by the ancient Songnan bulge, present prominent differences in deposition filling, diaper genesis, and sag connectivity. The west sag belt has the advantages in high maturity, well-developed fluid diapirs and channel sand bodies, thus it has superior conditions for oil and gas migration and accumulation. The east sag belt is qualified by the abundant resources of oil and gas. The Paleogene of Songnan low bulge, located between the west sag belt and the east sag belt, is the exploration potential. The YL 8 area, located in the southwestern high part of the Songnan low bulge, is a favorable target for the future gas exploration. The Well 8-1-1 was drilled in August 2018 and obtained potential business discovery, and the Well YL8-3-1 was drilled in July 2019 and obtained the business discovery.  相似文献   

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