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The Ramshorn Peak area of the Idaho-Wyoming thrust belt lies in the toe of the Prospect thrust sheet along the eastern margin of the exposed part of the thrust belt. The terrain is folded with axes trending N-S and wavelengths ranging from 3 to 4.3 km. Thrusts occur exclusively along the eastern part of the map area where the toe of the Prospect thrust sheet is thinnest. The easternmost thrusts are backthrusts.Monoclinally folded rocks are thrust on less deformed rocks south of Ramshorn Peak. This fold and fault complex is interpreted to have formed by thrusting over a large oblique and small forward step. The oblique step is responsible for the formation of the monocline in the hanging wall of the thrust. All faults and associated folds are rotated by subsequent buckle folding.Second- and third-order folds (folds at the scale of the Ramshorn Peak fold and fault complex and smaller) appear to be isolated features associated with faults (fault-related folds rather than buckle folds) because they are not distributed throughout the map area. These folds were probably initiated by translation and adhesive drag. The early folding was terminated by large translation over a stepped thrust surface which caused additional folding as the hanging wall rocks conformed to the irregular shape of the footwall. The Rich model is utilized to explain the Ramshorn Peak complex because the fold is of monoclinal form and is an isolated feature rather than part of a buckle fold wave-train.  相似文献   

Existing balancing methods utilizing excess area in cross sections rely heavily on the presence of a perfectly horizontal décollement surface. This is rarely the case in thrust belts, and the commonly observed hindward dip of floor thrusts imparts uplift and internal strain to the thrust wedge during transport. A modified excess area balancing technique is presented to account for hinterland dipping floor thrusts.  相似文献   

笔者运用1∶5万双柳树幅、白雀园幅区域地质调查成果,阐述商城石门冲一带发育的逆冲推覆构造。大别山商城石门冲一带中生代逆冲推覆作用,使本区发育的中—新元古界龟山岩组、下古生界石门冲岩组、上古生界石炭系及中生界朱集组等,不同程度卷入NE向逆冲推覆系统中,形成一系列构造窗、飞来峰和叠瓦状逆冲断层带。逆冲推覆距离最小约为6 km,形成时代约为中侏罗世—晚侏罗世之间,最晚不超过早白垩世。  相似文献   

宁夏中西部香山—天景山地区逆冲推覆构造的特征及演化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
宁夏香山-天景山地区逆冲推覆构造由天景山北麓断裂带(主滑脱断裂)和香山-天景山冲断席(可分为9个次级逆冲推覆岩席)组成,推覆岩席前端为一系列形态相似的铲式叠瓦状逆冲推覆断层,构造变形强烈;岩席内部构造变形相对较弱.整个推覆构造带主要遭受了燕山期和喜马拉雅期挤压逆冲推覆作用,燕山期主压应力σ1方向为44°,由南西往北东推覆,总位移量26.6km;喜马拉雅期主压应力σ1方向为75°,由南西西往北东东逆冲推覆,晚更新世以来还兼有左行走滑,总位移量大于4km.  相似文献   

李刚  刘正宏 《世界地质》2009,28(4):451-459
内蒙古西部狼山温更逆冲断层发育在温更侏罗纪沉积盆地西北边界, 是一条规模较大的逆冲断裂构造带。断层倾向北西, 上盘由太古宙-元古宙变质地层和古生代深成侵入体构成, 下盘为侏罗纪沉积, 由北西向南东方向逆冲。断层切割改造了早-中侏罗世沉积地层, 被早白垩世沉积地层覆盖, 表明了逆冲断层形成在下中侏罗统沉积之后白垩系固阳组沉积之前。断层带同构造石英脉中流体包裹体的分析结果表明, 断层形成于5.5~6 km浅部地壳构造层之上, 温度为195℃~210℃, 围压为50 ~60 MPa, 断层带的宏观和显微构造显示断层以脆性变形机制为主。  相似文献   

The Reshian-Lamnian area within the Hazara-Kashmir syntaxis in Pakistan is composed mainly of the rocks of the Salkhala, Panjal and Murree formations. Base metal sulfide mineralization in the form of sphalerite and galena with lesser amounts of chalcopyrite and pyrite is present within the Salkhala Formation of the study area. Chemically all these ore phases are homogeneous in composition. The Pb isotopic composition of galena from the area suggests that there is very little or negligible variation in the ratios of 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb. Modal ages ranging from 509 to 562 Ma and the μ values of 10.71 to 10.93 have been calculated for the studied Pb-Zn mineralization. On the basis of field features, mineralogy and Pb-isotope signatures, it is concluded that the Pb-Zn sulfide mineralization in the Reshian-Lamnia area is pre-Himalayan in age and can be correlated with the Cambro-Ordovician (Pan-African) orogenic event.  相似文献   

长江中下游南部逆冲变形样式及其机制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
长江中下游长江以南地区发育燕山早期(J1-J2)逆冲推覆事件,形成的断裂-褶皱构造在纵向和横向上都表现出了鲜明的特征。纵向上,逆冲变形具有分带性,本文将长江以南的中下扬子逆冲变形划分成根部带、中部带、前锋带三个次级分带,它们的运动学特征是由南向北的逆冲,变形从根部带的厚皮构造变为中部带、前锋带的薄皮构造。野外考察和地球物理资料揭示,根部带断裂陡,叠瓦式逆断层为主,向下收敛于基底和盖层之间的深部滑脱层;中部带逆冲断裂具叠瓦式和双冲式特征,断裂产状相对较缓,深部滑脱层较根部带变浅,浅部的志留系滑脱层也十分发育,带内构造不对称性不明显,褶皱样式Ω为""和"Ω"型为主;前锋带断裂组合为叠瓦状,发育大量反冲断层及倒转褶皱,其滑脱层主要是志留系或三叠系内部的软弱层。横向上,逆冲变形具有不均一性,体现在中下扬子的差异变形上:中扬子逆冲构造在中部带、前锋带卷入变形主体地层为志留系-三叠系,而下扬子中部带和前锋带却大量出露震旦-寒武系;中扬子在前锋带主要为向北倒转的不对称褶皱,前锋带Ω到根部带都是隔槽式褶皱组合,而下扬子逆冲构造前锋带为""和"Ω"式褶皱,前锋带、中部带、根部带分别为上古生界-三叠系体现的隔档式、下古生界体现的隔档式、隔槽式褶皱组合。另外,中、下扬子深部滑脱层的深度也有显著差别。在变形的动力学上,中、下扬子燕山早期逆冲作用同古太平洋板块向东亚大陆下俯冲有关。中、下扬子逆冲变形的差异性表现可能是由于J3-K1后期赣江断裂走滑逆冲造成的不均一的隆升导致的。赣江断裂以东的下扬子逆冲抬升剥蚀严重,导致深部层次构造剥露,而中扬子保留了J1-J2时期逆冲构造的浅部构造原始样式。这种模式也符合在J3-K1东亚属于安第斯型大陆边缘的观点。  相似文献   

Geologic mapping and U–Pb detrital zircon geochronologic studies of (meta)sedimentary rocks in the Damxung area (∼90 km north of Lhasa) of the southern Lhasa terrane in Tibet provide new insights into the history of deformation and clastic sedimentation prior to late Cenozoic extension. Cretaceous nonmarine clastic rocks ∼10 km southeast of Damxung are exposed as structural windows in the footwall of a thrust fault (the Damxung thrust) that carries Paleozoic strata in the hanging wall. To the north of Damxung in the southern part of the northern Nyainqentanglha Range (NNQTL), metaclastic rocks of previously inferred Paleozoic age are shown to range in depositional age from Late Cretaceous to Eocene. The metaclastic rocks regionally dip southward and are interpreted to have been structurally buried in the footwall of the Damxung thrust prior to being tectonized during late Cenozoic transtension. Along the northern flank of the NNQTL, Lower Eocene syncontractional redbeds were deposited in a triangle zone structural setting. All detrital zircon samples of Cretaceous–Eocene strata in the Damxung area include Early Cretaceous grains that were likely sourced from the Gangdese arc to the south. We suggest that the that newly recognized Late Cretaceous to Early Eocene (meta)clastic deposits and thrust faults represent the frontal and youngest part of a northward directed and propagating Gangdese retroarc thrust belt and foreland basin system that led to significant crustal thickening and elevation gain in southern Tibet prior to India-Asian collision.  相似文献   

Geologic mapping and U–Pb detrital zircon geochronologic studies of (meta)sedimentary rocks in the Damxung area (90 km north of Lhasa) of the southern Lhasa terrane in Tibet provide new insights into the history of deformation and clastic sedimentation prior to late Cenozoic extension. Cretaceous nonmarine clastic rocks 10 km southeast of Damxung are exposed as structural windows in the footwall of a thrust fault (the Damxung thrust) that carries Paleozoic strata in the hanging wall. To the north of Damxung in the southern part of the northern Nyainqentanglha Range (NNQTL), metaclastic rocks of previously inferred Paleozoic age are shown to range in depositional age from Late Cretaceous to Eocene. The metaclastic rocks regionally dip southward and are interpreted to have been structurally buried in the footwall of the Damxung thrust prior to being tectonized during late Cenozoic transtension. Along the northern flank of the NNQTL, Lower Eocene syncontractional redbeds were deposited in a triangle zone structural setting. All detrital zircon samples of Cretaceous–Eocene strata in the Damxung area include Early Cretaceous grains that were likely sourced from the Gangdese arc to the south. We suggest that the that newly recognized Late Cretaceous to Early Eocene (meta)clastic deposits and thrust faults represent the frontal and youngest part of a northward directed and propagating Gangdese retroarc thrust belt and foreland basin system that led to significant crustal thickening and elevation gain in southern Tibet prior to India-Asian collision.  相似文献   


The structure of la Garrotxa area within the Cadi unit (south-eastern Pyrenees) consists of a set of duplexes at different scales which repeat the different carbonatic litho-units of the Lower and Middle Eocene. These duplexes are folded by antiformal stacks structures with basement rocks in their cores. The north boundary of these antiformal stacks represents an inversion of pre-existent extensional faults which formed half-graben geometries. The basement rocks involved in the structure represent short-cuts formed in the footwall of the extensional faults. All thrusts of La Garrotxa area branch with the upper Garrotxa thrust. The more complex structure of La Garrotxa area than the adjacent areas within the Cadí unit, is due to the initial complex synsedimentary geometry of the sedimentary pile.

The Cadi unit overlies the Serrat unit with a hangingwall ramp geometry. This unit was deduced from the Serrat-1 well, drilled in 1987. The Serrat unit is made up of a Middle Eocene evaporitic sequence, with alternating shales and anhydrites and a 100 meters thick salt layer close to the top. The total thickness of this evaporitic Beuda sequence is 1 000 meters. The Beuda sequence clearly controlled the thrust geometry of the younger thrusts.  相似文献   

川东与大巴山褶皱冲断带交汇区构造几何学和运动学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文凯  李传新 《地质学报》2020,94(2):426-438
川东与大巴山褶皱冲断带交汇区位于四川盆地东北缘,由温泉井—马槽坝背斜带、云安场背斜带和方斗山背斜带组成,其形成过程受川东构造带和大巴山构造带的双重控制,开展川东与大巴山褶皱冲断带交汇区构造几何学和运动学特征研究,对认识华南板块和华北板块之间的拼贴碰撞及演化具有重要意义。本文基于野外调查、钻测井资料和二维地震资料,以断层相关褶皱理论为指导,通过对四条二维地震剖面的精细解析,揭示了交汇区构造几何学特征,并应用2Dmove软件恢复了研究区构造运动学过程。研究认为:①交汇区在南北方向上显示为大型的复向斜结构,垂向上被区内下三叠统嘉陵江组膏盐层、志留系泥页岩层和下寒武统泥页岩层三套滑脱层分为上、中、下三大构造层,上构造层主要发生滑脱褶皱变形,中、下构造层发育断层较多,主要发育双冲构造、冲起构造以及断层转折褶皱;②研究区中构造层构造变形最为强烈,构造缩短率达10%,上、下构造层构造缩短率较小,均为6%左右,且各构造层缩短率由西到东呈现出逐渐增大的趋势;③中生代以来,研究区的构造演化过程分为三个阶段:晚三叠世到晚侏罗世稳定沉积阶段、早白垩世到古近纪早期对冲变形阶段、古近纪晚期至今定型阶段。  相似文献   

前陆冲断带冲断层的冲断方向一直没有得到理论解释。文中基于库伦断裂理论和造山带前陆冲断带变形的非对称性,分析了前冲断层和反冲断层的成因。变形初期将会出现两组共轭势断裂面,随后在变形非对称引起的准静力平衡条件下,两组势断裂面中所需作用力小的那组断裂面将更容易发育成冲断层,断层滑动所需作用力包括克服滑脱面摩擦力和断层面摩擦力两部分。大部分条件下,前陆区前冲断层将优先发育,但当最大主应力轴向前陆倾斜时或共轭断层交叉点在滑脱面上时,反冲断层将有可能优先发育。后缘推动力、滑脱面摩擦力和滑体形状都会决定着主应力轴的方位。上述认识能够解释包括收缩变形区、伸展变形区等断层发育的选择性。  相似文献   

Extensive export quality reserves of granite, dolerite and marbles which are used for interior decorations as wall facing, paving floors, kitchen counter tops, etc., are available in Azad Kashmir. Since these stones contain radium in trace amounts, therefore, its use as a building material may be a potential source of indoor radon. In order to assess health hazards due to the use of these stones as a building material, samples were collected from different mining sites. After processing, these samples were placed in plastic containers and box type radon detectors were installed in it at the height of 25 cm above the surface of the samples. The containers were then hermetically sealed. After 60 days of exposure to radon, CR-39 detectors were etched in 6 M NaOH at 70 °C for 9 h and measured track densities were related to radon concentration. Radon exhalation rate form the studied granites, marble and dolerite samples varied from 87 ± 26 to 353 ± 36 mBq m?2h?1, 79 ± 25 to 650 ± 42 mBq m?2h?1 and 90 ± 26 to 324 ± 36 mBq m?2h?1, respectively. These decorative stones are therefore used in buildings and for export purposes as the observed radon exhalation values are smaller than that of the EPA recommended-action level.  相似文献   

通过对赣中峡江地区1:5万新干图组区域地质调查资料的综合研究。作者首次在该区提出了泥盆纪地层为外来体的观点,认为是印支晚期-燕山早期泥盆系由NW向SE推覆,燕山晚期再向SE伸展滑脱。江西北部和南部均有EW,NNE推,滑覆构造存在的报道,资料较多,但对赣中很少见有报道,此次峡江地区推,滑覆构造的发现和确定。对认识赣南与赣北NNE向推,滑覆构造的联系乃至全区整体认识,在地质构造上有着重要的意义,本文以详实的野外第一性资料,着重阐述了其推,滑覆构造特征,并分析了成因机制。  相似文献   

笔者从冲断活动的产物———各种成因扇体(冲积扇、水下扇、扇三角洲)出发,由160口单井剖面、15条联井剖面、8个层位平面渐次展开了准噶尔西北缘前陆冲断带三叠—侏罗纪逆冲断裂活动的沉积响应研究。三叠纪扇体在乌尔禾—夏子街地区发育叠置程度最好,T1b到T3b,其由盆内向盆缘老山方向退缩迁移明显,并具T1b到T2k1由盆缘向盆内、T2k2到T3b由盆内向盆缘迁移的2个进退波动变化。侏罗纪扇体在八道湾组最为发育,总体叠置关系较差,J1b到J2t,均呈由盆内向盆缘老山退缩沉积的退覆式迁移特征。三叠纪到侏罗纪,总体为由强到弱的退覆式冲断活动及扇体迁移模式,即随主要同生控扇断裂分布由盆缘向老山方向退缩迁移,冲断活动强度由盆缘向盆地方向逐渐减弱直至停息;相应地,各期扇体平面上分布规模渐小,总体呈由盆内向盆缘老山退缩迁移的沉积响应,两者耦合性良好。各类扇体的沉积分布受不同时期同生断裂活动的严格控制,其时空叠置及迁移规律的差异是红山嘴—车排子、克拉玛依—百口泉及乌尔禾—夏子街各构造带冲断作用地域性及作用强度差异性的沉积响应。进而引入“活动性指数”的概念与方法,对前陆冲断带同生断裂的冲断活动强度进行了定量化统计分析,并根据冲断推覆事件的地层、沉积标识划分出T1b-T3b、J1b-J2x、J2t三套构造层序,识别出三叠—侏罗纪的3个逆冲推覆幕、6次逆冲推覆事件。  相似文献   

试论苏邦煤矿区逆冲断层之成因机制及其控煤作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
苏邦煤矿区F106断层的成因机制及控煤作用,不同学者对其认识不一。从该断层的特征结合区域构造背景来分析,印支期的滑覆运动应是其主要成因。其后的早、晚期侧向挤压形成现在所看到的逆掩推覆构造。由于其上盘的含煤地层滑动系统经过多期次构造运动的破坏已失去勘探价值,而其下盘的含煤地层相对保存完整,应为主要勘探对象。同时,根据这一成因机制分析指出了外围及新区的找煤方向。  相似文献   

准南逆冲褶皱带超压与逆冲断层持续活动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
天山北缘准南地区的褶皱带为自新生代以来一直持续活动的逆冲构造带,由于逆冲断层的持续活动,形成了现今断层和相关褶皱。钻井资料显示,准南逆冲褶皱带内的超压层主要发育在古近纪安集海河组泥岩和紫泥泉子组泥岩之中,而该泥岩同时又成为逆冲断层发育的主滑脱面。通过多年来对准南地区地面地质调查、二维地震和三维地震资料的解释以及钻井证实,我们统计出准南逆冲褶皱带现存的逆冲断层倾角分别集中在两个区间: 30±5°和50±5°区间。应力分析表明,在持续挤压应力作用下,超压层(泥岩、页岩和煤系地层)中和超压层之下地层中发育的早期逆冲断层与晚期最大主压应力之间的夹角处在30±5°之间时,作用在断层面上的最大主应力与最小主应力比达到最小值,因此该断层最容易再次活动,形成最大的流体压力,因而断层周围的流体就会沿着最大主应力方向发生流动,断层本身就会成为流体运移的主要通道; 而早期逆冲断层与晚期最大主压应力之间的夹角处在50±5°之间时,作用在断层面上的最大主应力与最小主应力比较大,断层重新活动所需要的流体压力较高,导致断层作为流体运移的通道因被挤压而闭合。应力分析和钻井实测应力均指出,准南逆冲褶皱带发育的超压为挤压构造应力形成的超压。这些研究表明,准南逆冲褶皱带的逆冲断层持续活动,导致早期发育的断层在晚期应力作用下,断层倾角聚集在两个优势区间,油气沿最大主压应力方向运移,聚集油气则沿断层滑动面发育形成构造超压,导致该区域油气长期处于运移与聚集的动平衡状态。  相似文献   

北京地面沉降区土体变形特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
因过量开采地下水而引发的地面沉降问题已成为北京平原区最主要的地质灾害。北京地面沉降监测网络从2002年开始建设,到2008年底已经基本覆盖整个平原区。本文基于地面沉降分层标和地下水位监测资料,从土体变形与水位随时间的变化、土体变形和水位的关系出发,分析了不同岩性、不同深度土体在不同的水位变化模式下的压缩变形特征,最终将土体在水位变化下的变形特征概括为5类。结果表明:现阶段北京地面沉降区浅部土体压缩减缓,中深部土体和深部土体多以较快的速度持续压缩。砂层以弹性变形为主;不同埋深的粘性土体存在弹性变形、塑性变形和蠕变变形,具有显著的粘弹塑性。  相似文献   

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