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Gravitational lensing deflects light. A single lens deflector can only shear images, but cannot induce rotations. Multiple lens planes can induce rotations. Such rotations can be observed in quadruply imaged sources, and can be used to distinguish between two proposed solutions of the flux anomaly problem: substructures in lensing galaxies versus large-scale structure. We predict the expected amount of rotation due to large-scale structure in strong lensing systems, and show how this effect can be measured using ∼mas very long baseline interferometry astrometry of quadruple lenses with extended source structures. The magnitude of rotation is around 1°. The biggest theoretical uncertainty is the power spectrum of dark matter on very small scales. This procedure can potentially be turned around to measure the dark matter power spectrum on very small scales. We list the predicted rms rotation angles for several quadruple lenses with known lens and source redshifts.  相似文献   

随着观测技术的进展,在星系中观测到了越来越多的大质量年轻星团和超星团,它们不能简单地归类于银河系中的疏散星团或球状星团,因而其性质和演化意义日益为人们所关注。该文对大质量年轻星团和超星团的发现、观测特征以及演化意义进行了较为系统的概要介绍。  相似文献   

One of the most direct routes for investigating the geometry of the Universe is provided by the numbers of strongly magnified gravitationally lensed galaxies as compared with those that are either weakly magnified or de-magnified. In the submillimetre waveband the relative abundance of strongly lensed galaxies is expected to be larger as compared with the optical or radio wavebands, both in the field and in clusters of galaxies. The predicted numbers depend on the properties of the population of faint galaxies in the submillimetre waveband, which was formerly very uncertain; however, recent observations of lensing clusters have reduced this uncertainty significantly and confirm that a large sample of galaxy–galaxy lenses could be detected and investigated using forthcoming facilities, including the FIRST and Planck Surveyor space missions and a large ground-based millimetre/submillimetre-wave interferometer array (MIA). We discuss how this sample could be used to impose limits on the values of cosmological parameters and the total density and form of evolution of the mass distribution of bound structures, even in the absence of detailed lens modelling for individual members of the sample. The effects of different world models on the form of the magnification bias expected in sensitive submillimetre-wave observations of clusters are also discussed, because an MIA could resolve and investigate images in clusters in detail.  相似文献   

Many recent studies have demonstrated that scaling arguments, such as the so-called hierarchical ansatz, are extremely useful in understanding the statistical properties of weak gravitational lensing. This is especially true on small angular scales (i.e. at high resolution), where the usual perturbative calculations of matter clustering no longer apply. We build on these studies in order to develop a complete picture of weak lensing at small smoothing angles. In particular, we study the full probability distribution function, bias and other multipoint statistics for the 'hot spots' of the convergence field induced by weak lensing, and relate these to the statistics of overdense regions in the underlying mass distribution. It is already known that weak lensing can constrain the background geometry of the Universe, but we further show that it can also provide valuable information about the statistics of collapsed objects and the physics of collisionless clustering. Our results are particularly important for future observations which will, at least initially, focus on small smoothing angles.  相似文献   

We discuss how different cosmological models of the Universe affect the probability that a background source has multiple images related by an angular distance, i.e., the optical depth of gravitational lensing. We examine some cosmological models for different values of the density parameter Ω i : (i) the cold dark matter model, (ii) the ΛCDM model, (iii) the Bose-Einstein condensate dark matter model, (iv) the Chaplygin gas model, (v) the viscous fluid cosmological model and (vi) the holographic dark energy model by using the singular isothermal sphere (SIS) model for the halos of dark matter. We note that the dependence of the energy-matter content of the universe profoundly modifies the frequency of multiple quasar images.  相似文献   

A non-topological soliton model with a repulsive scalar self-interaction of the Emden type provides a constant-density core, similarly as the empirical Burkert profile of dark matter (DM) haloes. As a further test, we derive the gravitational lens properties of our model, in particular, the demarcation curves between 'weak' and 'strong' lensing. Accordingly, strong lensing with typically three images is almost three times more probable for our solitonic model than for the Burkert fit. Moreover, some prospective consequences of a possible flattening of DM haloes are indicated.  相似文献   

We propose hydrostatic polytropic spheres governed by the Lane-Emden equation (LEE) of index n as a novel set of physical models for axially averaged gravitational lenses anywhere in the Universe, alternative to the familiar singular isothermal sphere (SIS) and the Navarro–Frenk–White (NFW) profile, as such general polytropic spheres are conceptually simple, versatile in representing a series of equations of state, and able to address both the inner core and cusp features. As LEE is nonlinear, there exist several distinct classes of LEE solutions to serve as physical lens models. With a few scaling parameters, the complete problem can be readily reconstructed with full physical dimensions. A given mass density profile satisfying LEE produces lensing effects that are solely determined by a dimensionless parameter q which contains geometric and kinematic information about the source-lens-observer system. The lens mapping and tangential shear or distortion profile are derived, first analytically for special cases and then asymptotically at the outskirts or near the edge of the lens. Numerical procedures for calculating full lensing profiles of a general lens are developed. Our results include the analytical “singular polytropic sphere” (SPS) profile which generalizes the SIS model and may outperform the latter in modeling dark matter halos among others. We further point out that dynamic models of general polytropic spheres in self-similar evolution can serve as several broad classes of gravitational lenses and produce time-dependent lensing effects slow or fast depending on the pertinent time scales. Astrophysical sources that can be lensed include electromagnetic wave sources in the entire frequency band, gravitational wave sources in the entire frequency band, gravitons even possibly with finite masses, neutrino sources of three different types, neutron sources, and ultra high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) of electrically charged particles which can also interact with magnetic fields. We discuss and elabrate applications to dark matter halos, hypermassive black holes and supermassive black holes in the entire Universe including the early Universe, magnetized supermassive stars, static and dynamically evolving spherical and cylindrical lenses in contexts of astrophysics and cosmology.  相似文献   

An extremely sensitive all-sky survey will be carried out in the millimetre/submillimetre waveband by the forthcoming ESA mission Planck Surveyor . The main scientific goal of the mission is to make very accurate measurements of the spatial power spectrum of primordial anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background radiation; however, hundreds of thousands of distant dusty galaxies and quasars will also be detected. These sources are much more likely to be gravitationally lensed by intervening galaxies compared with sources discovered in surveys in other wavebands. Here the number of lenses expected in the survey is estimated, and techniques for discriminating between lensed and unlensed sources are discussed. A practical strategy for this discrimination is presented, based on exploiting the remarkable sensitivity and resolving power of large ground-based millimetre/submillimetre-wave interferometer arrays. More than a thousand gravitational lenses could be detected: a sample that would be an extremely valuable resource in observational cosmology.  相似文献   

We present discovery images, together with follow-up imaging and spectroscopy, of two large-separation gravitational lenses found by our survey for wide arcs [the CAmbridge Sloan Survey Of Wide ARcs in the skY (CASSOWARY)]. The survey exploits the multicolour photometry of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey to find multiple blue components around red galaxies. CASSOWARY 2 (or 'the Cheshire Cat') is composed of two massive early-type galaxies at   z = 0.426  and 0.432, respectively, lensing two background sources, the first a star-forming galaxy at   z = 0.97  and the second a high -redshift galaxy  ( z > 1.4)  . There are at least three images of the former source and probably four or more of the latter, arranged in two giant arcs. The mass enclosed within the larger arc of radius ∼11 arcsec is  ∼33 × 1012 M  . CASSOWARY 3 comprises an arc of three bright images of a   z = 0.725  source, lensed by a foreground elliptical at   z = 0.274  . The radius of the arc is ∼4 arcsec and the enclosed mass is  ∼2.5 × 1012 M  . Together with earlier discoveries like the Cosmic Horseshoe and the 8 o'clock Arc, these new systems, with separations intermediate between the arcsecond-separation lenses of typical strong galaxy lensing and arcminute-separation cluster lenses, probe the very high end of the galaxy mass function.  相似文献   

We present an investigation of the relationships between the radio properties of a giant radio galaxy MRC B0319−454 and the surrounding galaxy distribution with the aim of examining the influence of intergalactic gas and gravity associated with the large-scale structure on the evolution in the radio morphology. Our new radio continuum observations of the radio source, with high surface brightness sensitivity, images the asymmetries in the megaparsec-scale radio structure in total intensity and polarization. We compare these with the three-dimensional galaxy distribution derived from galaxy redshift surveys. Galaxy density gradients are observed along and perpendicular to the radio axis: the large-scale structure is consistent with a model wherein the galaxies trace the ambient intergalactic gas and the evolution of the radio structures are ram-pressure limited by this associated gas. Additionally, we have modelled the off-axis evolution of the south-west radio lobe as deflection of a buoyant jet backflow by a transverse gravitational field: the model is plausible if entrainment is small. The case study presented here is a demonstration that giant radio galaxies may be useful probes of the warm-hot intergalactic medium believed to be associated with moderately over dense galaxy distributions.  相似文献   

We study the counts of resolved SZE(Sunyaev-Zel‘dovich effect)clusters expected from an interferometric survey in different cosmological models under different conditions.The self-similar universal gas model and Press-Schechter mass function are used.We take the observing frequency to be 90GHz,and consider two dish diameters,1.2m and 2.5m.We calculate the number density of the galaxy clusters dN/(dΩdz)at a high flux limit Sv^lim=100mJy and at a relative low Sv^lim=10mJy.The total numbers of SZE clusters N in two low-Ω0 models are compared.The results show that the inθuence of the resolved effect depends not only on D,but also on Sv^lim;at a given D,the effect is more significant for a high than for a low Sv^lim.Also,the resolved effect for a flat universe is more impressive than tnat for an open universe.ForD=1.2m and Sv^lim=10mJy,the resolved effect is very weak.Considering the designed interferometers which will be used to survey SZE clusters,we find that the resolved effect is insignificant when estimating the expected yield of the SZE cluster surveys.  相似文献   

Beyond the present technologies, Laue diffraction lenses are very promising tools in the field of gamma-ray astrophysics. The theoretical concepts of this kind of instruments are based on the Laue diffraction in crystals, discovered almost 100 years ago. Though they are commonly used in crystallography, their application to γ-ray focusing in astrophysics requires some specific developments, e.g. in terms of energy and imaging responses. The present article describes the physics of X-ray diffraction in crystals. In the context of the Darwin model of mosaic crystals, some peculiar aspects, relevant to the astrophysical observation, are discussed. The evaluation and optimization of diffraction efficiency are discussed, especially with rigards to the crystal’s mosaicity and thickness, its spatial extent and deviations to the “ideally imperfect” Darwin model. PACS 95.55.Ka, 61.50.Ah, 61.10.−i, 41.50.+h  相似文献   

In the perturbative approach, substructures in the lens can be reduced to their effect on the two perturbative fields f 1 and  d f 0/dθ  . A simple generic model of an elliptical lens with a substructure situated near the critical radius is investigated in detail. Analytical expressions are derived for each perturbative field, and basic properties are analysed. The power spectrum of the fields is well approximated by a power law, resulting in significant tails at high frequencies. Another feature of the perturbation by a substructure is that the ratio of the power spectrum at order n of the two fields   R n   is almost one. The ratio   R n ≃ 1  is specific to substructures, for instance a higher order distortion  ( n > 2)  but with autosimilar isophotes will result in   R n ∝ 1/ n 2  . Finally, the problem of reconstructing the perturbative field is investigated. Local field models are implemented and fitted to maximize image similarity in the source plane. The non-linear optimization is greatly facilitated, since in the perturbative approach the circular source solution is always known. Examples of image distortions in the subcritical regime due to substructures are presented, and analysed for different source shapes. Provided enough images and signal are available, the substructure field can be identified confidently. These results suggest that the perturbative method is an efficient tool to estimate the contribution of substructures to the mass distribution of lenses.  相似文献   

Many lens surveys have hitherto used observations of large samples of background sources to select the small minority which are multiply imaged by lensing galaxies along the line of sight. Recently surveys such as SLACS and OLS have improved the efficiency of surveys by pre-selecting double-redshift systems from SDSS. We explore other ways to improve survey efficiency by optimum use of astrometric and morphological information in existing large-scale optical and radio surveys. The method exploits the small position differences between FIRST radio positions of lensed images and the SDSS lens galaxy positions, together with the marginal resolution of some larger gravitational lens systems by the FIRST beam. We present results of a small pilot study with the VLA and MERLIN, and discuss the desirable criteria for future surveys.  相似文献   

Diffractive optics, such as Phase Fresnel Lenses (PFL's), offer the potential to achieve excellent imaging performance in the x-ray and gamma-ray photon regimes. In principle, the angular resolution obtained with these devices can be diffraction limited. Furthermore, improvements in signal sensitivity can be achieved as virtually the entire flux incident on a lens can be concentrated onto a small detector area. In order to verify experimentally the imaging performance, we have fabricated PFL's in silicon using gray-scale lithography to produce the required Fresnel profile. These devices are to be evaluated in the recently constructed 600-meter x-ray interferometry testbed at NASA/GSFC. Profile measurements of the Fresnel structures in fabricated PFL's have been performed and have been used to obtain initial characterization of the expected PFL imaging efficiencies.  相似文献   

We have searched for molecular absorption lines at millimetre wavelengths in 11 gravitational lens systems discovered in the JVAS/CLASS surveys of flat spectrum radio sources. Spectra of only one source 1030+074 were obtained in the 3-, 2- and 1.3-mm bands at the frequencies corresponding to common molecular transitions of CO and HCO+ as continuum emission was not found in any of the other sources. We calculated upper limits to the column density in molecular absorption for 1030+074, using an excitation temperature of 15 K, to be N CO<6.3×1013 cm−2 and N HCO+<1.3×1011 cm−2 , equivalent to hydrogen column density of the order N H<1018 cm−2 , assuming standard molecular abundances. We also present the best upper limits of the continuum at the lower frequency for the other 10 gravitational lenses.  相似文献   

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