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Summary A convenient constant reproducible aerosol has been a long-felt need for satisfactory research and development purposes in the field of Aitken nucleus studies. An account is given of a recent attempt to produce such an aerosol by radiolytic methods. It consists of the introduction of -particle sources of different activities into nucleus-free air in aerosol containers. Condensation nuclei in the Aitken size-range are produced by radiolytic reactions in the air. The concentration, size and size-distribution of the particles have been measured for sources of various activities and the results are sufficiently consistent to allow us to state that radiolytic production seems a promising approach to the problem of providing aerosols of particles lying in the lower Aitken nucleus size range.  相似文献   

Summary This article analyzes the nature of the aerosol information that current or planned spacecraft measurements could contribute toward the required input data for studies of natural anthropogenic influences on the middle atmosphere, and their consequent effects on our weather and climate. The analysis is conducted with particular reference to the solar occultation sounding technique as applied by the SAGE I experiment on the Atmospheric Explorer Mission B spacecraft. Its conclusions should prove to be of use in both the interpretation of the SAGE I data, and in the design of the follow-on mission on the Earth Radiation Budget satellite.Our analysis shows, in particular, that further studies are required in: the choice and number of sounding channels; the data taking sequence in relation to the atmospheric regions probed; the accuracy and vertical resolution of the atmospheric profiling, and their dependence on both the instrument/spacecraft parameters and the data inversion techniques; and the data reduction procedures. Neither of the selected channels is in a one-to-one relationship with an atmospheric constituent; hence, unless further assumptions are introduced, inversion techniques based on such a property are not applicable. The aerosol wavelengths are not satisfactory as they are only sensitive to the large size tail of the aerosol size distribution rather than to the predominant sizes; for these, UV wavelengths would be required. Owing to the change of the Sun's shape due to atmospheric refraction as the Sun either sets or rises, the higher altitudes will be scanned fewer times than the lower altitudes. Also, because transmission approaches rapidly unity above 40 km, the same high altitudes are more sensitive to measurement errors-errors that will propagate to lower altitude determinations when inverted profiles are reconstructed from the top of the atmosphere. These two factors, combined with the small air mass values at the high altitudes, are the cause of the mathematical ill-conditioning of the inversion problem. They point toward the need for a data-taking sequence strategy that would trade off between data storage and transmission constraints, larger accuracy at the high altitudes, and proper division of the atmosphere in order to overcome the ill-conditioning. Likewise, and as a result of the above considerations, there is a need for a detailed trade off study between data accuracy and vertical resolution of the reconstructed profiles. This should take into account the seasonal and geographical variations in the distribution of atmospheric constituents, as well as a representative statistical set at any given location and time, appropriate error measures and their vertical profiles, and several inversions utilizing as initial guesses profiles that depart from the true ones.It is also shown that the aerosol and ozone number densities cannot be recovered simultaneously without introducing some formula for the aerosol extincition or assumptions on the form of the aerosol size distribution. This problem is not resolved by the addition of sounding channels because each such channel introduces an additional unknown aerosol extinction. Thus, one is led to a separate rather than a simultaneous determination of the various constituents by resorting to complementary measurements. For a future experiment, it is suggested to determine the ozone separately from measurements at a close pair of appropriate wavelengths between which the aerosol extinction varies slowly whereas that of ozone exhibits a rapid variation. A similar technique could also be used for the separate determination of NO2. The relaxation-type of inversion suggest byChu andMcCormick (1979) does not seem to be appropriate because each channel is not sensitive selectively to an individual constituent, the aerosol channels are not sensitive to the important sizes in the distribution, and the sensitivity of the channels to the constituents of interest varies greatly with altitude.In the retrieval of the vertical profiles, the cause of the ill-conditioning of the inversion is identified. Two approaches are suggested for overconing this problem: (i) build the profile starting from the top of the atmosphere (forward procedure) but with an initial layer of sufficient air mass, or preferably (ii) reconstruct the profile from the lowest altitude reached (backward procedure) with a renormalization at the top of the atmosphere. In this process, the minimization search method (Fymat, 1976) would appear to be a better technique than the onion-peeling technique, as demonstrated byMill andDrayson (1978).In order to maximize the scientific return of SAGE I, a data inversion procedure is proposed. It assumes that (i) there are no aerosols above 25 km, and no NO2 below this altitude (as suggested byChu andMcCormick, 1979), (ii) below 25 km, ozone (and NO2, if present) could be determined separately, and (iii) the aerosol has a known refractive index at all wavelengths of interest, is assumed to be spherical (or describable in terms of equivalent spheres), and the minimum and maximum radii of its size distribution are known a priori. Under these assumptions, it is possible to retrieve the neutral density, NO2 and O3 profiles above 25 km, by either the forward or the backward procedure described above. Taking into consideration the power law variation of the air density with altitude, it is further possible to reconstruct the corresponding profiles at all the lower altitudes from the determinations in the altitude range 30–40 km. Below 25 km, the four SAGE I channels would then all become available for the aerosol inversion. While the profile reconstruction could proceed as for the higher altitudes, the aerosol inversion at each individual altitude presents problems of its own. Results of numerical experiments for aerosol inversion using all four SAGE wavelengths and seven different inversion routines are presented. If good a priori information is available on the sought size distribution solution, reasonably satisfactory inversions can be performed (see line 1 of Table 2, and Fig. 3c and 3d). However, in the absence of such information, there are as many solutions as inversion methods tried, in complete conformity with the well-known ill-conditioning of the problem. Among methods providing physically meaningful solutions, no method could be singled out as preferable to the others. In these inversions, the data were assumed to be exact, and 99% of the distribution were used. Under different conditions, the nonuniqueness of the inversion would be further compounded.Lastly, based on the present study, a strategy is suggested for the design and data interpretation of a follow-on SAGE-type experiment. Considering the important advantages to this problem presented by forward scattering, as demonstrated byFymat andMease (1978), a composite (extinction-forward scattering) experiment is recommended for the future experiments.Invited article for the Special Issue The Middle Atmosphere, Journal of Pure and Applied Geophysics.Supported by NASA Contract NAS 7-100 with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, sponsored by the Offices of Planetary Atmospheres and Earth Applications. JPL Atmospheres Publication No.  相似文献   

During a study of the growth of cloud drops by condensation the evolution of cloud drop size spectra with height above cloud base was determined for maritime aerosols, and for continental aerosols containing aerosol particles of mixed composition. Air parcel models were used in which the parcel was either completely closed to mass and heat transfer (strictly adiabatic models), or open to heat transfer and to partial or complete mass transfer (entrainment models). It was found that adiabatic models and models which consider the entraining of air devoid of aerosol particles predict drop size distributions which are considerably narrower than those observed in non-precipitating cumulus clouds, and have only a single maximum. On the other hand, relative broad drop size distributions and distributions with a double maximum — as they are observed in atmospheric clouds — are predicted if the entrainment of both air and aerosol particles are considered in the condensation model. Our results support the findings ofWarner (1973) which were obtained for a purely maritime aerosol.  相似文献   

Summary Theoretical considerations are put forward for identifying the Dynamic and Static Methods of Diffusion measurements of aerosol particles. On the basic of this equality the Exhaustion Method of Diffusion developed byPollak andMetnieks for the size-frequency resolution of a heterogeneous aerosol by Dynamic Diffusion Methods should be applicable to Static Methods. This hypothesis is tested using a Pollak-Nolan nucleus counter as decay vessel. It is shown that turbulence in the counter is the most serious obstacle against this type of approach to finding the size components of an aerosol. The time involved, the high humidity in the counter and a hypothetical nucleus-free zone are other major difficulties for relatively large Aitken nuclei. It is established, however, that for particles whose diffusion coefficient is of the order of 10–3 cm2 sec–1, the proposed method should be quite workable.  相似文献   

Summary The lecture is a critical survey of the studies regarding the particles in suspension in atmospheric air and which interest in the phenomenon of water vapor condensation and generally in cloud formation and in the ensuing precipitation.A part of the lecture is devoted to the manifold technics of study introduced, above all, in the last decade, in addition to the method ofAitken counting gear. It dwells particularly on the use of Millipore filter used byLodge and his collaborators for the gathering of the condensation nuclei and of the successive chemical analysis with specific reagents to make evident the nature of the nuclei.The review ends underlining the necessity that the measures of the atmospheric aerosol may be systematically carried on by the synoptical meteorological observatories and the necessity that the experiments in this field may be made with a more and more increasing care and critical mind.  相似文献   

The mass redistribution in the earth as a result of an earthquake faulting changes the earth's inertia tensor, and hence its rotation. Using the complete formulae developed byChao andGross (1987) based on the normal mode theory, we calculated the earthquake-induced polar motion excitation for the largest 11,015 earthquakes that occurred during 1977.0–1993.6. The seismic excitations in this period are found to be two orders of magnitude below the detection threshold even with today's high precision earth rotation measurements. However, it was calculated that an earthquake of only one tenth the size of the great 1960 Chile event, if happened today, could be comfortably detected in polar motion observations. Furthermore, collectively these seismic excitations have a strong statistical tendency to nudge the pole towards 140°E, away from the actually observed polar drift direction. This non-random behavior, similarly found in other earthquake-induced changes in earth rotation and low-degree gravitational field byChao andGross (1987), manifests some geodynamic behavior yet to be explored.  相似文献   

Summary A survey is given on the present status of knowledge about the chemical composition of atmospheric aerosols. Results on the size distribution and the physical structure of the nuclei provide the necessary basis for an under-standing of their chemistry. Very little is known about the chemistry of particles smaller than 0.1. For larger particles micro-analyses show the presence of sulfate, nitrate, chloride, sodium and ammonium which varies in a characteristic way with the size of the particles. The sea spray component can be isolated. Data from rain water analyses are used to obtain information on the large scale distribution of these components and their sources. Some remarks about the fraction of the particles acting as true condensation nuclei and the radioactivity will conclude the paper.The subject has been already developed in detail inAdvances of Geophysics, Vol. 4 (edited byH. E. Landsberg & J. van Miechem), Academic Press Inc., New York, 1958.  相似文献   

Summary The importance ofStefan's flow by collection of insoluble aerosol particles on the surface of the evaporating droplets by condensation has recently been emphasized mainly in connection with the possible wash-out mechanism in the atmosphere. A simple theory is deduced for the collection efficiency of insoluble particles on droplets under theStefan's force and a comparision is made with the binding of aerosol particles byBrown's motion and microturbulence of air flow. In general we must take in account the influence ofStefan's flow by calculating the wash-out efficiency.  相似文献   

Summary Using the fromulae given byGutenberg andRichter, the writer has computed the magnitude and energy of 1804 earthquakes which occurred in Turkey during the period 1850–1960. For drawing the Isenerget, the formula =log10 S has been used in accordance with the definitions given byToperczer andTrapp, whereS=e i/F·p represents the energy in erg/m2 h corresponding to the surface element of 0.5° Lat. x 0.5° Long. Also the relationship between the seismicity and the tectonics of Turkey has been studied by drawing the maps of the epicenters, the focus-depths and the frequences of the earthquakes with various intensities.  相似文献   

Summary Regional variations have been indicated in the slope of theP travel-time curve in the shadow zone of the earth's core. Further study is needed since the uncertainties of the slope are large, especially for the observations from North American stations. There is no significant difference between themean slope of theP travel-time curve in the 95°102.9 range and those obtained byJeffreys, andJeffreys andBullen. However, there is a significant difference between themean slope in the 103° to 135° range as obtained in this study, and those obtained byJeffreys andBullen, and in a later revision byJeffreys. Themean travel-time curve ofP in the shadow zone of the earth's core should be lowered. A trial travel-time table is given with amean slope of 4.41 sec/deg. This table is in close agreement with the times obtained byGutenberg andRichter, and with the trial travel-times ofLehmann. Under the assumption of diffraction the longitudinal wave velocity has been determined to be 13.7 km/sec at the core-mantle boundary.This paper was presented at the Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of America Reno, Nevada, 1966.  相似文献   

Summary As a preliminary calculation of the Equilibrium Theory of Tides, a fictitious Earth-Moon configuration is analyzed byThomson andTait [1]2), in which non-sphericity of oceans is attributed to the attraction exerted by a stationary Moon. A rise of level is found at the which Earth-Moon orbital motion is accounted. This feature, which is utterly contradictory to fact according toG. H. Darwin [2] prompted him to remark that the equilibrium theory is nearly as much wrong as possible, in respect to the time of high water. An elementary analysis is given which, in demonstrating an exactly opposite finding, suggests a manner of removing one of the long-standing obscurities of the Laplace theory, remarked upon byHough andAiry, and in recent times byC. Eckart [3].  相似文献   

Summary By the «limiting sphere» method the combination coefficients for gaseous ions and aerosol particles were calculated, allowing for the jump in ion concentration at the surface of the particles. Hence the stationary charge distribution on aerosol particles in a symmetrical bipolar ionic atmosphere was determined. The use of the Boltzmann equation for this purpose proposed by some authors is theoretically wrong asthis equation applies to equilibrium rather than to stationary states. In practice, the Boltzmann equation can be used for particles with radius 3·10–5 cm (under atmospheric pressure). Within this range the image forces and the jump in ion concentration may be neglected. The conditions of the applicability of the steady diffusion equations to the theory of the stationary charge distribution in aerosols are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The value of three different methods for deducing aerosol size distribution from diffusional decay measurements — the exhaustion method proposed byPollak andMetnieks, the method byFuchs et al. and the method byNolan andScott — is investigated with numerical examples of known distributions and also by applying them to laboratory experiments. It was found that the exhaustion method and the method proposed byFuchs et al. are satisfactory for deducing the mean particle size and that none of the three methods is quite satisfactory for deducing dispersion of the distributions with higher accuracy.  相似文献   

Summary The primary scattering of atmospheric haze is computed by modification of an approximative method evolved byde Bary, basing on skylight measurements carried out on the Musalla, a mountain of 3000 m height in Bulgaria, at various altitudes of the sun and in different horizontal circles at a wavelength of 450 nm. This measured total radiation is reduced by the radiation induced by the scattering at molecules as well as by secondary or multiple scattering at turbidity aerosol. The single scattering of the atmospheric haze thus computed is discussed for various assumed Linke turbidity factors.The concluding deductions relate to a comparison of haze scattering functions with theoretical scattering functions, the results attained agreeing closely with superimposed logarithmic Gaussian distributions and only partly with the scattering functions computed byBullrich. These deductions prove optically the increase of larger particles (r 00.64 m) during forenoon. The analysis of the scattering functions conductes to a shortage of particles withr 0=0.2 m in agreement with other investigations.
Zusammenfassung In Abwandlung einer vonde Bary angegebenen Approximationsmethode wird die Primärstreuung des atmosphärischen Dunstes berechnet. Zugrundegelegt werden Himmelsllichtmessungen, die auf dem etwa 3000 m hohen Mus Alla in Bulgarien bei verschiedenen Sonnenhöhen und in verschiedenen Horizontalkreisen bei einer Wellenlänge von 450 nm durchgeführt wurden. Von dieser gemessenen Gesamtstrahlung werden die Anteile substrahiert, die durch Streuung an Molekülen sowie durch zwei-oder mehrfache Streuung an Trübungsaerosol hervorgerufen werden. Die so berechnete Einfachstreuung des atmosphärischen Dunstes wird für verschiednee angenommene Linke'sche Trübungsfaktoren diskutiert.Abschließend werden die Dunststreufunktionen mit theoretischen Streufunktionen verglichen, wobei eine gute Übereinstimmung mit überlagerten logarithmischen Gauß-Verteilungen und nur teilweise mit vonBullrich berechneten Streufunktionen erzielt wurde. Es kann dabei optisch die Zunahme großer Teilchen (r 00,64 m) im Laufe des Vormittags gezeigt werden. Die Analyse der Streufunktionen führt zu einem Fehlen von Teilchen mitr 0=0,2 m in Übereinstimmung mit anderen Untersuchungen.

Summary Measuring, with the aid of two filters, the instantaneous intensity of the solar radiation in two wave lengths ( B = 0.44 , R = 0.64 ) by means of a sun photometer designed byVolz, we carried out determinations of the decadic turbidity coefficientB (=0.5 ) and the wave length exponent of the haze extinction for Mexico City. Observations were made for almost two and a half years (1960 to 1962 period). A seasonal size distribution in both parameters was found. Although the data thus obtained are provenient of a contaminated atmosphere, comparison of our data is made with those found for higher latitudes ofÅngström, Schüepp andVolz. The height of the homogeneous haze layerH D was calculated showing pronounced variations for a given wind direction. The maximum and minimum values ofB enable us to get, by the first approximation, the aerosol size distribution ofJunge for our latitudes. However, for exceptional very clear days having maximum actinometric intensity of the solar radiation the sensitivity of the microamperimeter in theVolz sun photometer fails.  相似文献   

Summary The intensity of steady diffusion flux onto a sphere absorbing particles with a known probability is determined at arbitrary Knudsen number. New expression for the concentration jump is given. The accuracy of the well known -method developed byN. A. Fuchs is estimated. The formula is derived for the rate of slow condensation growth (or evaporation) of drops of any size in a vapour-gas mixture at low vapour content. The results of different authors are compared.  相似文献   

Estimation of in-situ hydraulic diffusivity of rock masses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method of estimating in-situ hydraulic diffusivity of rock masses by means of well-injection history and frequency of induced seismicity is presented. The method is based on the diffusion of injected fluid from a spherical cavity in a poroelastic half-space and the effective stress theory, as proposed byTerzaghi (1925, 1936) andHubbert andRubey (1959). Application of the method to two different regions, one in western New York and the other in Japan, resulted in estimated diffusivities of the order 103 and 104 cm2/sec, respectively. These values lie within the range of published estimates of in-situ diffusivity by other means, a summary of which is presented in tabular form. The calculated diffusivities suggest that the characteristic time of fluid diffusion is close to 0.1, rather than unity, as is sometimes assumed in the literature.  相似文献   

Summary The external field due to plasma within the magnetosphere has been computed as a function ofA p, which is a measure of solar wind velocity, for very quiet to slightly disturbed conditions using mean daily horizontal intensity from 1932 to 1968 at Alibag. The intensity, corrected for secular change and reduced to a common epoch, showed initially a small increase withA p followed by a steady depression with further increase in the index. ForA p7.5, which is representative of conditions over the 33-hour interval during which data relating to low-energy protons were acquired and used byHoffman andBracken [4]2) to compute current distributions, the decrease, computed here from surface data, is 6 . This is in goodagreement with the southward directed field of the quiet-time proton belt 9±5 obtained byHoffman andBracken.  相似文献   

Lunar and solar atmospheric tidal oscillations have been determined with reasonable accuracy from a ten-year record of hourly mercury-barometer readings, corrected to mean-sea-level, at Rarotonga (Cook Islands), 21.2°S. For the lunar semidiurnal tide, the annual determination shows an amplitude (56 b) slightly lower and a phase (51°) much smaller than the values (58 b, 72°) that would be derived, for the position of Rarotonga, from the spherical harmonic analysis given byHaurwitz andCowley (1969). The seasonal variation of this oscillation, as given by the monthly and J, E, D values, shows most of the characteristic features found in world-wide determinations. In particular, the near equality of the J, D amplitudes at Rarotonga tends to support theHaurwitz andCowley (1969) suggestion of negative J-D values in southern middle latitudes. For the solar tides, the semidiurnal and terdiurnal oscillations at Rarotonga are similar to those found at other stations in the south-west Pacific region. However, for the diurnal oscillation, the annual amplitude (232 b) is only about half the value (465 b) indicated for the position of Rarotonga by the world maps of theS 1(p) annual harmonic coefficients given byHaurwitz (1965). It thus seems likely that the relatively small area of lowS 1(p) annual amplitude in the eastern part of the south Pacific, as indicated by these maps, is much more extensive than formerly supposed.  相似文献   

Recent results from the real time analysis of individual aerosol particles by laser mass spectrometry have revived interest in the inverted micelle structure for aerosols containing organic molecules; indeed for many aerosols the organic content is high enough, for example 50% by mass in the tropical upper troposphere, that it is likely to be the only viable structure. It is pointed out that atmospheric aerosols would have had many advantages as prebiotic chemical reactors, having the potential to address several key problems in a way arising naturally from the probable geophysical and chemical environment on the prebiotic planet. Bacterial and viral size can be predicted for these structures by an equation combining atmospheric aerodynamics and gravity, and which is therefore applicable to other astronomical objects which are candidates for supporting life. Experimental tests and mathematical modelling of the early stages of the chemical evolution of aerosols should be possible.  相似文献   

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