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UNIX操作系统与Internet网络   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据作者的工作实践,本文提出了UNIX操作系统在互联网络中的作用和对Internet网络发展的重要技术及其应用进行了介绍。  相似文献   

国家数字地震台网数字地震台数据采集系统硬件由两台计算机和其他一些起外部设备组成,两台计算机均装有100 M网卡,通过RJ45网线对称连接。其中,前台计算机安装的就是SCO Open Server 5.04操作系统,同时安装有SCO VisionFS充当系统的文件及打印服 [( )-0.1( )]究 林存东等:国家数字地震台 究 操作系统的安全维护国家数字地震台SCOUNIX操作系统的安全维护@林存东!黑龙江省黑河164300$黑河地震台 @李贵明!黑龙江省黑河164300$黑河地震台 @卢金峰!黑龙江省黑河164300$黑河地震台~~…  相似文献   

2009年4月27日,“国家地震速报备份系统(自动速报系统)”顺利通过了中国地震局监测预报司组织的验收。“国家地震速报备份系统(自动速报系统)”主要由广东省地震局、中国地震台网中心共同负责承建,该系统安装了广东省地震局最新研制的地震台网实时自动处理软件系统,通过国家地震数据实时共享系统获取国内和国外地震观测台站数据进行地震事件检测处理,  相似文献   

碟形弹簧竖向减震体系的分析与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对碟形弹簧竖向减震体系利用时程分析方法对其进行动力分析,并输入不同场地、不同频谱的地震波考察其减震效果,验证了碟形弹簧在合理控制其刚度的前提下可以起到有效减小竖向地震的作用。  相似文献   

2016年,四川测震台网部署JOPENS地震超快速报系统。2017年3月20日系统进入试运行阶段,统计分析产出的地震数据,发现震级、震中位置等出现偏差,并存在漏报、误报等现象。选取地震的第1次和最后1次自动定位结果,与传统的人工速报和地震编目定位结果进行对比分析,评估地震超快速报系统的准确性和实效性。结果表明:地震超快速报系统总体运行稳定,定位精度低于人工速报,速度和精确度与地震台站分布密切相关;与传统的人工速报相比,超快自动速报具有明显的速度优势,可在地震发生后几秒至几十秒内自动确定地震三要素,地震定位的准确性和实效性满足超快速报要求。  相似文献   

本文研究了生命线工程系统中运行设施的元件破坏状态和可靠性分析方法,给出元件的破坏状态分级标准、判断准则和元件可靠度的计算方法,这对建立一个实用的生命线工程抗震能力分析的专家系统是十分有意义的。  相似文献   

“十五”期间中国地震观测系统得到了迅速的发展, 中国地震局地球物理研究所于2007年底完成“中国数字地震观测网络”项目“国家数字测震台网数据备份中心”技术系统的建设.该数据备份中心可以准实时地接收并存储全国1000多个固定地震台站的信号,具备海量数据校验、数据格式转换、以用户定制方式截取地震事件波形数据和数据网络下载的功能.到目前为止,已累计为国内10多个科研单位开展的70多项研究提供了近70TB海量波形数据的服务,特别在快速开展的汶川特大地震震后相关研究中提供了重要的数据支撑和保障作用.本文介绍了“国家数字测震台网数据备份中心”技术系统建设、汶川特大地震数据服务快速响应、大地震快速响应波形数据自动截取系统建设,以及对地震学及相关科学研究的数据支持情况.  相似文献   

随着首都圈"九五""十五""中国地震背景场探测"等项目的建设完成,河北省已形成一个种类多、规模大的地震前兆监测台网,每日产出大量前兆观测数据,运行维护工作量逐渐增加。河北地震前兆台网运行质量监控系统从台网数据汇集及时性、工作日志填写完整性、工作日志汇集及时性、仪器运行状况、监控日报填写完整性、监控日报汇集及时性、错情的短信通知等方面,实现地震台网运行监控。根据工作需求,软件开发首次尝试主动监控方法,确保设备运行状态的正确性,减少人为监控错误的发生。该监控软件可以提高台网运行效率,对提高观测数据质量是一个重要的技术保障。  相似文献   

This paper introduces a risk-based decision process integrated into a drought early warning system (DEWS) for reservoir operation. It is to support policy making under uncertainty for drought management. Aspects of posterior risk, chances of option occurrences and the corresponding options to given chances, are provided to help decision makers to make better decisions. A new risk index is also defined to characterize decision makers’ attitudes toward risk. Decision makers can understand the inclination of attitude associated with any specific probability through accuracy assessment, and learn to adjust their attitudes in decision-making process. As a pioneering experiment, the Shihmen reservoir in northern Taiwan was tested. Over the simulation period (1964–2005), the expected overall accuracy approximated to 77%. The results show that the proposed approach is very practical and should find good use for reservoir operations.  相似文献   

Stromboli volcano has been in continuous eruption for several thousand years without major changes in the geometry and feeding system. The thermal structure of its upper part is therefore expected to be close to steady state. In order to mantaim explosive activity, magma must release both gas and heat. It is shown that the thermal and gas budgets of the volcano lead to consistent conclusions. The thermal budget of the volcano is studied by means of a finite-element numerical model under the assumption of conduction heat transfer. It is found that the heat loss through the walls of an eruption conduit is weakly sensitive to the dimensions of underlying magma reservoirs and depends mostly on the radius and length of the conduit. In steady state, this heat loss must be balanced by the cooling of magma which flows through the system. For the magma flux of about 1 kg s-1 corresponding to normal Strombolian activity, this requires that the conduits are a few meters wide and not deeper than a few hundred meters. This implies the existence of a magma chamber at shallow depth within the volcanic edifice. This conclusion is shown to be consistent with considerations on the thermal effects of degassing. In a Strombolian explosion, the mass ratio of gas to lava is very large, commonly exceeding two, which implies that the thermal evolution of the erupting mixture is dominated by that of the gas phase. The large energy loss due to decompression of the gas phase leads to decreased eruption temperatures. The fact that lava is molten upon eruption implies that the mixture does not rise from more than about 200 m depth. To sustain the magmatic and volcanic activity of Stromboli, a mass flux of magma of a few hundred kilograms per second must be supplied to the upper parts of the edifice. This represents either the rate of magma production from the mantle source feeding the volcano or the rate of magma overturn in the interior of a large chamber.  相似文献   

地震超快速报系统能够在地震发生后几秒至几十秒内自动确定地震三要素。2018年12月在自贡数字遥测地震台网中心部署该系统进行试运行。在2019年1月—2020年1月试运行期间,显示了该系统产出的时效性,产出的平均用时,实现了秒级产出。定位误差均在测震台网要求范围内,通过短信方式将信息传递出去,大大提升了自贡市的应急响应能力。   相似文献   

A model for determining the optimal operation of Israel's National Water System over 1 year, with monthly time increments, is described. The water system contains the Main National Carrier — some 250 km long from the Kinneret (Sea of Galillee) in the north to the Negev region in the south — and some 25 regional water systems connected to it. Water is taken from the Kinneret and from two aquifers. Water transfers may take place between the National Carrier and regional systems, and between interconnected regional systems.The mathematical model of the system represents its monthly production and transfer capacities. Given the monthly demands which have to be met and the hydraulic constraints the model determines the month-by-month operating plan which minimizes energy costs over the year.The optimization model is formulated as a linear program. This necessitates several types of approximations and linearizations, which are discussed in detail. The optimal operating plan for 1977–78 is compared with the actual operation of that year and conclusions are drawn from the comparison concerning the practicality and adequacy of the model's output and the potential for effective operation and for energy savings.  相似文献   

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