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At the present time, it is very common in practice to utilize Mohr-Coulomb model to simulate the soil behaviour in the application of soil-pipeline interaction problems. However, the traditional Mohr-Coulomb model is unable to predict the realistic loading that can apply on buried pipes during large ground deformation. Especially, the linear elastic-perfectly plastic Mohr-Coulomb model is not capable of simulating the unsaturated soil loading which can result larger than anticipated loading due to suction induced additional normal force between the soil particles. A user defined unsaturated modified Mohr-Coulomb model is developed within a generalized effective stress framework considering suction hardening effects to capture the realistic loading induced by unsaturated soil medium. Firstly, the model has been developed considering microscopic and macroscopic suction hardening mechanisms, and was implemented into a commercial finite element program associated with user subroutine written in FORTAN. Then the model was validated through a series of unsaturated triaxial compression tests conducted on the basis of different sand types having various initial conditions. Finally, the model has been applied to simulate the behaviour of pipelines subjected to lateral soil loading in unsaturated soils. The results revealed that the modified Mohr-Coulomb model has reasonable predictions when compared to the load-displacement response of pipes obtained from two large scale testing programs. The developed model can be used to predict the increased strength and stiffness associated with soil suction that increases lateral loads on pipelines, and thus has widespread relevance for simulating the pipeline response in unsaturated soils under externally imposed ground movement.  相似文献   

陕北非饱和重塑红土渗透特性试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以实测土水特征曲线为基础,采用 Van Genuchten 模型,详细研究了干密度和体积含水量对非饱和保德组红土渗透特性的影响。研究表明:不同干密度下,在半对数坐标系中,非饱和保德组红土渗透系数与体积含水量呈现出近似直线关系,非饱和保德组红土渗透系数随体积含水量的增大而单调加速增大,且密实状态非饱和保德组红土渗透系数对体积含水量的变化比较敏感。不同干密度下,在半对数坐标系中,非饱和保德组红土渗透系数与基质吸力之间呈现出指数函数关系,且非饱和保德组红土渗透系数随基质吸力的增大而减小,当土体干密度较大时,非饱和保德组红土渗透系数随基质吸力的增大变化较大,同样表明密实状态非饱和保德组红土的渗透系数对干密度的变化比较敏感。  相似文献   

陕北非饱和红土土-水特征曲线试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨非饱和保德组红土基质吸力与干密度、含水率、饱和度和体积含水率之间的关系,采用滤纸法在试验室测试了36组不同含水率和干密度状态的重塑非饱和保德组红土的含水率,分别计算了相应的基质吸力,得到了非饱和保德组红土在不同干密度下的土-水特征曲线。对试验结果进行分析表明:基质吸力与干密度、饱和度及体积含水率的关系在不同的含水率段具有不同的特点;在含水率较低时基质吸力值对干密度、饱和度及体积含水率的变化很敏感,而在含水率较高时基质吸力值对干密度、饱和度及体积含水率的变化不敏感;在相同的干密度下,基质吸力与含水率、饱和度及体积含水率呈非线性关系,随着含水率、饱和度及体积含水率的增加,基质吸力呈现出急剧减小的趋势。  相似文献   

非饱和土中溶质迁移参数反演的HISR方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以非饱和土中溶质迁移参数反演问题为背景, 依据正则化方法的思路, 以Itakura Saito距离作为同伦函数中的平凡问题, 将同伦方法引入非线性参数反演问题的求解, 进而提出一种求解非线性参数反演问题的大范围收敛(HomotoyItakura SaitoRegularization, HISR) 方法.为保证迭代稳定性, 并同时削弱观测噪声的影响, 同伦参数的修正采用了连续化修正方法.本文将HISR方法应用于求解带有平衡及非平衡吸附效应的一维非饱和土中溶质迁移参数反演问题, 计算结果表明HISR方法具有大范围收敛性及计算稳健性, 同时有较强的抵抗观测噪声的能力.   相似文献   

 Contamination of the unsaturated zone and ground water at the Beatty, Nevada and Richland, Washington low-level radioactive waste sites shows that pathways exist for rapid lateral and vertical migration of contaminants through unconsolidated clastic sediments that comprise the 100 m-thick unsaturated zones of those arid disposal sites. Disposal of liquid wastes at the Beatty site until 1975 may have contributed to rapid migration of contaminants, but negligible amounts of liquid wastes reportedly were disposed at the Richland LLRW site and similar problems of contaminant migration exist. Pathways for vertical migration in the unsaturated zone include fractures and, at Richland, clastic dikes; lateral migration pathways likely are facies-controlled. Disturbance of the disposal sites contributed to increased infiltration of the unlined waste trenches after closure; simulations that used Beatty sample data show dramatic increases in recharge with disturbances necessary to develop the site. Because neither an arid climate nor presence of a thick unsaturated zone offer effective barriers to ground-water contamination, reliance on those factors at proposed sites such as Ward Valley, California and elsewhere is unwarranted. Received: 4 February 1998 · Accepted: 4 May 1998  相似文献   

Usually, equilibrium constants for aqueous geochemical reactions in the unsaturated zone are assumed to be equal to those for free water solutions (at atmospheric pressure) considered in classical water chemistry. This paper shows that high negative pressures in pore water may essentially change these constants in dry soils and sediments. The influence of negative capillary pressures on equilibrium constants for some important reactions occurring in the upper part of the unsaturated zone is analyzed. It is shown that values of these constants at low water contents may differ from those normally used by orders of magnitude. Sediment drying usually decreases the equilibrium constant for salt dissolution-precipitation reactions (makes precipitation easier) and for silicate weathering (delays it), whilst in the case of dedolomitization, orthoclase-albite transition and some types of cation exchange the equilibrium constant grows and these processes in dry soils and sediments have to be enhanced. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

With the advent of modern microstructural testing techniques and microstructure based constitutive models the microstructural characterisation of soils is gaining prominence. This paper reviews the history of microstructure investigation in unsaturated soils and discusses the engineering significance of this research to date. After a brief overview of the main microstructural techniques, the paper focuses on the evaluation of the current state of use and the development of two widely used techniques to study the microstructure of partially saturated soils, namely mercury intrusion porosimetry and the environmental scanning electron microscopy. The details of these techniques, their advantages and limitations, are first covered, followed by the presentation of selected test results. These results highlight the use of these techniques for understanding different hydro-mechanical behavioural features observed at macroscopic scale. Specifically, the paper shows the use of these techniques to explore the fundamental properties of water retention characteristics, water permeability, and micro and macrostructural interactions along different hydro-mechanical paths.  相似文献   

In this paper, we proposed a new method that has been developed based on the surface soil moisture content (SSMC) to more efficiently calculate the groundwater evaporation in variably saturated flow modeling. In this method, the empirical formula to calculate evaporation was modified and the value of the formula varies from zero to one as a closed interval. In addition, the simulation code for calculating the groundwater evaporation based on the SSMC method was incorporated into the EOS9 module of Tough2, a variably saturated flow modeling code. Finally, two numerical tests and a case simulation were conducted to verify the feasibility and accuracy of the SSMC method. Simulation results indicate that the SSMC method is capable of appropriately simulating the characteristics of water flow in vadose zone and the amount of evaporation with the variable water table. And such results are in coincidence with the value calculated by the logistic function method, and fit well with the measured data globally rather than locally.  相似文献   

Here we present a long-term nonisothermal reactive transport model for the interactions of the corrosion products of a carbon-steel canister and the compacted bentonite of the engineered barrier of a high-level radioactive waste repository in granite. Canister corrosion causes an increase in the pH and the concentration of dissolved Fe2+ of the bentonite porewater. Iron precipitates as magnetite and siderite and sorbs via cation exchange and surface complexation on weak sites. Magnetite precipitation reduces significantly the porosity of the bentonite near the canister. The thickness of the zone of reduced porosity is 7 cm at t = 1 Ma. This thickness increases significantly when the dependence of the corrosion rate on the chemical conditions is considered and decreases 3 cm when smectite dissolution and analcime precipitation are taken into account. Model results are not significantly sensitive to the thermal transient and the effect of temperature on the corrosion rate. The conclusions of our simulations are consistent for the most part with those reported by others for engineered barrier systems at similar chemical conditions.  相似文献   

耦合冻土方案的大气模式对祁连山区春季土壤状况的模拟   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
对黑河流域上游山区水源涵养林区2003年春季土壤温度、湿度变化进行分析,运用耦合冻土参数化和没有耦合冻土参数化的大气模式MM5对该区春季过程进行了模拟,并与观测值进行对比,对模拟的产流量做了初步分析.结果显示:考虑冻土参数化方案对土壤温度模拟的改进主要体现在表层土壤,对深层土壤温度的模拟没有大的改进;考虑冻土参数化方案改进了对100 cm深度以内的土壤含水量的模拟,很大程度上缩小了模拟值与观测值之间的绝对误差.总体来讲,考虑了冻土参数化的模拟结果在一定程度上改进了模式对黑河流域上游季节冻土区土壤温、湿状况的模拟,在一定程度上逼近祁连山区的春季土壤状况.考虑冻土参数化和没有考虑冻土参数化对产流量的模拟表明,冻土参数化对产流量模拟有很大影响,冻土形成的不透水层可以产生更多的地表径流.尽管考虑冻土参数化过程对模拟结果有一定程度的改进,但模拟结果与实测结果还是有一定差距的.因此,进行寒区冻土过程模拟时,还需要进一步对土壤信息、模式物理过程,大气背景场驱动数据以及局地因素进行详细而精确的考虑,以期进一步提高模式在寒区的模拟性能,特别是为高寒山区无观测地带陆气相互作用研究提供依据.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Theinfiltrationandevaporationofwaterinasoil slopeareofparamountimportanceindetermining slopestability.Previousengineeringcasesandstud ieshaveshownthatrainwaterisoftenamajorfactor intheslopefailureofexpansivesoils.Expansivesoils intropicalandsubtropicalzonesareoftenunsaturat ed,andsoilslopesareinastablestateinnormalcli mateconditionsbecauseofthehighsuctionandshear strengthofthesoilmass.However,oncepermeation happensrainwaterwillinfiltrateintothesoilmasswhichleadstoanincreasein…  相似文献   

根据野外非饱和溶质运移试验资料,分析了港质运移速度的空间变异性,求得了呈对数正态分布的流速分布函数,并依此推导出有效弥散系数α=0.068t.根据流速的随机分布特征,分别用带有随机参数的对流模型、对流一弥散模型和传统的对流-弥散模型,求得了区域平均浓度分布及其方差.计算结果与实测结果拟合良好.通过分析得到,浓度方差与浓度梯度成正比,与孔隙弥散系数成反比,方差最大值分布在浓度锋面附近.  相似文献   

This study develops a way of analyzing moisture movement in unsaturated expansive soil slope. The basic equations and the integrated finite difference method for moisture movement in unsaturated soils are briefly described, and the calculation code MFUS2 has been developed. The moisture movements in unsaturated expansive soil slopes suffering precipitation were simulated numerically. The simulation results show that expansion or contraction must be taken into account in an analysis model. A simplified equivalent model for calculating rainwater infiltration into expansive soil slopes has been developed. The simplified equivalent model divides the soil slope into two layers according to the extent of weathering of the soil mass at depth. Layer Ⅰ is intensively weathered and moisture can be fully evaporated or rapidly absorbed. The moisture movement parameters take into account the greater soil permeability caused by fissures. Layer Ⅱ is unweathered and the soil is basically undisturbed. The moisture movement parameters of homogeneous soils are applicable. The moisture movements in unsaturated ex- pansive soil slopes suffering precipitation were simulated numerically using the simplified equivalent model. The simulation results show that the moisture movement in the expansive soil slope under rainfall permeation mainly takes place in the extensively weathered layer Ⅰ which closely simulates the real situation.  相似文献   

The study of contaminants propagation in fractured and karstic aquifers shows uncertainties caused by the conditions of anisotropy of the medium and by the presence of cavities and residual products that could make fluid flow and solute transport unforeseeable. Therefore, in aquifers characterized by fissured and fractured solid matrix, in order to set up remediation strategies, it is necessary to represent the conditions of groundwater flow and contaminant propagation in such a way as to take into consideration the high heterogeneity connected to the presence of fractures and channels that act as preferential flow ways. The study carried out in a specified site, located in the city of Bari, heavily contaminated by petroliferous substances allows to build a model able to simulate subterranean draining conditions that prove to be as near as possible to the real ones. This simulation could be helpful for the prevision of the dynamic behavior of the aquifer during the period of the treatment in order to allow optimizations on the technical and economical point of view and in order to check the effective functionality of the system in the presence of anthropic constraints.  相似文献   

The influence of Zn speciation on Zn transport by drainage from different soils to surface water is examined in a stream catchment in an agricultural area. Drainage waters were collected from two types of soils, a mineral soil (MS) and a soil rich in organic matter (OS) by means of artificial drainage pipes. The speciation of dissolved Zn in the stream and the drainage waters was determined using ligand-exchange and voltammetry. About 50–95% of dissolved Zn is bound in strong complexes, and the free Zn2+ ion concentration is in the range of 1–16% of dissolved Zn. A substantial part of Zn is present in weaker organic or inorganic complexes. The simulated Zn speciation using the WHAM VI model is compared to the determined speciation. Free Zn2+ concentrations predicted by the WHAM VI model are generally higher than the analytically determined free Zn2+, but are mostly within the same order of magnitude. Effects of different soil organic matter content on Zn speciation and transport are discussed. Zn speciation in the drainage at the OS site is influenced by the distribution of organic matter between the solid and solution phase. The abundant organic Zn complexes in solution contribute to facilitate Zn transport from soil into surface waters, through the drainage at the OS site. Drainage from the OS site contributes about twice as much Zn input to the receiving water as the MS soil, as related to specific area. The mineral soil contains much lower organic matter, and a part of Zn bound with inorganic phases can hardly be released by dissolved organic ligands, leading to much higher Zn retention at the MS site.  相似文献   

西北地区额济纳绿洲非饱和带水分和盐分分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在西北地区黑河流域下游的额济纳绿洲选择3个土壤剖面采集不同深度土壤样品和潜水样品进行测试,并在野外观测非饱和带不同深度的水土势变化。结果表明,SO4^2-是非饱和带土壤和地下水中的主要离子成分,土壤和地下水呈偏碱性。土壤易溶离子含量随深度大体上呈减少趋势。绿洲非饱和带发育有收敛型和发散型零通量面,自夏季至冬季,零通量面变得不清晰直至消失。在非饱和带中,土壤易溶盐含量、含水量和总水土势随深度的变化趋势基本相同,植物根系的吸收对水分和盐分的垂直分布有着重要的影响。  相似文献   

尾矿坝非饱和带的滞水现象是影响坝体稳定性的重要因素。基于尾矿沉积物土工技术的经验参数,建立了含水率与基质吸力的经验模型。经黄山岭铅锌矿尾矿坝和试验室模拟分析验证,预测结果与实际观测结果基本吻合。  相似文献   

通过对典型环境功能区张士灌区包气带剖面样品和含水层样品的分析检测,比较和总结了菲的垂向分布特征,研究了总有机碳、粘粒含量、土壤含水率对菲垂向分布与迁移的影响规律和机理。对具有代表性采样点的研究表明,菲总含量在剖面中的变化趋势总体上随剖面的加深而降低,以犁底层为界,表层土壤(5~20 cm)菲含量随剖面深度变化平缓。同时分别对菲含量与总有机碳、土壤粘粒含量、土壤含水率进行二元相关分析,计算出的Pearson系数表明:土壤中总有机碳、土壤粘粒含量是影响菲垂向迁移的重要因素,而土壤含水率对菲垂向分布影响不大。同时利用SPSS的因子分析法进一步确定总有机碳是制约菲垂向运移的主要因素。  相似文献   

土壤包气带中气体对入渗水流运动影响的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
利用专门的实验系统,研究了降雨入渗过程中土壤包气中气压势形成、发展和消亡的规律及其对下渗水流运动的影响。结合成因分析,探讨了气压势形成的条件;审视和解释了气压势与土壤水总势能和地下水位的相互关系。实验结果表明,在地下水位埋深较浅的条件下(<2m),积水入渗时所形成的气压势将使下渗量减少1/3。  相似文献   

扎龙湿地包气带土壤水分垂直运移的稳定同位素研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
实测了扎龙湿地包气带土壤水以及芦苇的稳定同位素变化,通过建立模型和分析数据展开了湿地包气带土壤垂向水流运动情况的同位素示踪研究,分层计算了土壤水垂直运移量,建立起时段内通过土壤某一水平断面的土壤水垂直运移量与时段降雨量、时段土壤含水量变化的关系,分析结果对确定湿地垂向水流补给有重要意义。  相似文献   

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