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本文对青岛地区过去三年中所发生的渔船海损事故进行了调查分析,认为发生海损事故的原因主要是人的错误行为,其次是船舶本身的原因和外在环境因素,同时提出预防措施:(1)抓好船员安全教育和技术培训。(2)加强监督检查;(3)建立完善的通讯网络;(4)加强海上搜寻救助,(5)加强对灾害性天气的预防;(6)抓紧海上治安管理;(7)预防涉外海损事故。  相似文献   

本文对青岛地区过去三年中所发生的渔船海损事故进行了调查分析,认为发生海损事故的原因主要是人的错误行为,其次是船舶本身的原因和外在环境因素,同时提出预防措施:(1)抓好船员安全教育和技术培训;(2)加强监督检查;(3)建立完善的通讯网络;(4)加强海上搜寻救助;(5)加强对灾害性天气的预防;(6)抓紧海上汉字管理;(7)预防涉外海损事故。  相似文献   

一、前言 吕四、嵊山、大陈渔场位于我国黄海南部和东海海区,每年冬、春两汛有十几万渔民,几千条船进行捕捞生产,还有成万条海运船舶在北海区航行。根据解放以来27年(1952-1978年)资料统计,春季气旋大风和冬季强冷空气大风是造成三大渔场海损事故最重要原因之一,在该海区因上述原因,而造成的船只沉没、人身伤亡有19次。为此本文对三大渔场历年来造成海损事故进行气象分析,以期起到避免海损事故的目的。  相似文献   

西北太平洋海雾的统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张福春 《海洋学报》1982,4(2):157-168
海雾主要影响能见度.商船、渔船和舰艇等碰到海雾,如不警惕,就有偏航、触礁,搁浅或相撞的危险.据统计,日本1948-1953年发生910次海损事故中,由于浓雾并伴随着暴风雨天气而引起的就占60%.近年来,虽然普遍采用雷达导航,但海雾仍是引起海损事故的主要原因之一.因此,海雾的研究受到沿海国家的普遍重视.  相似文献   

引言 海雾是闽东渔场主要的灾害性天气之一,从航管部门海损事故统计表明,因海雾造成的航船触礁、碰撞、迷航、沉没的事故,约占各种海损事故的40%,可见海雾是海上航行安全的重要灾害之一。 随着对外开放政策的实施、海上交通运输和海洋捕捞任务成倍增长,国际交往越来越频繁,因此,对危害海上航行安全的海雾的预报,也就越来越迫切地提到议事日程上来。本文在前人摸索经验积累的基础上,利用台山海洋站1964—1979年的海雾资料,以及本台天气图资料,和近几年的传真图的资料、对闽东渔场海雾的特点,及其预报方法做一初步探讨,以便为渔民和航海部门提供专业预报服务时,有更可靠的依据。  相似文献   

利用元胞自动机探讨商业性CPUE与资源量之间的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
构造1个集鱼类资源增长、渔船捕捞及鱼群分布与渔船作业间相互作用的元胞自动机模型,以探讨鱼群探捕与渔船作业可能对商业性CPUE与资源量之间关系的影响.文中分别模拟了(1) 鱼群集中或随机分布,渔船随机分布;(2) 鱼群由随机逐渐集中,渔船通过捕捞数据也逐渐集中分布,同时规定每艘船的最大捕捞量;(3) 鱼群由分散到集中再到分散,而渔船集中在鱼群分布概率最大区;(4) 渔船从随机分布到逐渐集中分布,鱼群集中分布不变等4种渔业上客观存在的情形.在渔船随机分布的情形下,不管鱼群如何分布,商业性CPUE与资源量均呈线性关系;在鱼群分布逐渐集中、渔船由于渔民经验积累也随之逐渐集中的情形下,商业性CPUE与资源量能表现出高稳性和高贫化性的特点.由于鱼群的集散或渔船进入渔区的时间长短不一,会造成商业性CPUE与资源量负相关的现象.上述模拟情况说明,在渔业资源评估中需要关注模型应用的前提条件以及模型的完善.文中还探讨了元胞自动机在渔业资源评估中应用的可行性.  相似文献   

日前,东海预报中心利用精确的预报模式协助海事部门成功救起14名落水船员,受到有关部门的通报表扬。2006年12月17日凌晨,一艘载有14名渔民的渔船在长江口东约140海里处沉没,船员报警后乘救生筏逃生,但已失去联系。险情发生后,国务院领导对渔民的安危高度重  相似文献   

船舶稳性事故的后果非常严重。造成稳性减小的原因很复杂,归纳起来有积载不当,产生自倾角或大风浪中引起货物移位;精矿粉含水量过高等。为了防止船舶因稳性问题而发生海损事故,最根本最有效的措施是,加强工作责任心,作好配积载计划,严格把关,密切配合等。  相似文献   

根据2009-2013年台风数据分析了我国近海渔场遭遇台风情况,结果显示5年内全国52个渔场中有47个遭遇过台风,总数为337次,中沙东部渔场台风数高达27次,占总数的8%,属于渔场中遭遇台风的热点区域,同时选出了中沙东部渔场、北部湾南部及海南岛西南部渔场、东沙渔场、海南岛东南部渔场、江外渔场、闽东渔场等19个遭遇台风次数和频率较高的典型台风渔场。以宁波市象山县渔船为例,研究其主要作业渔场以及台风过程对作业的影响,结果表明象山县渔船主要作业渔场有6个,其中舟外渔场、鱼外渔场和江外渔场属于全国典型台风渔场,且渔船回港避风与台风逼近过程有明显的同步性。较其它渔船险情,台风险情造成的生命和财产安全问题更加危急和严重,对此提出了几个建议:(1)培养渔民合法、安全和科学的捕捞意识;(2)推进船用通讯设备的安装和使用;(3)开发实时船用台风预警系统;(4)完善救援体系,鼓励和支持渔船互助组间的帮助和救援行为。  相似文献   

20 0 1年 4月 2 4日设在土阿木土群岛 (法国在太平洋南部的领土 )朗伊罗阿环礁上的“波普里奥里奥”地震测站测到了海底的“爆炸”。由塔希提岛 (法属波里尼西亚 )波马达依地球物理实验室的工作人员完成的地震波分析表明 ,它们的源头位于马里亚纳群岛范围内 ,其地理坐标约为 2 0 3°W和 1 45°E(± 1 5km)。在这个地区的海底分布着奥依海脊 ,其顶部位于海平面以下 1 40m。正是由于奥依海脊的火山活动才造成 1 979年捕渔船的船员注意到该区出现了不一般的海浪以及海水的变色 ,并伴有强烈的硫磺味。从奥依海脊向西分布着帕哈罗斯火山岛(其另…  相似文献   

本文是在对两国渔业发展情况调查研究的基础上,对比了两国渔船在性能方面的差异,分析了日本渔船的发展趋势,提出了中国渔船近期发展的方向。日本渔船改为节能型后,两国渔船的船型相近,其稳定与适航性指标亦相差不大。日本渔船的装备优于中国的渔船,平均单船功率为46.5kW/艘,中国的平均单船功率为23.03kw/艘。日本渔船的助渔设备、机电设备、制冷设备均较先进,主机推进系统多采用可变螺距螺旋浆或多级减速,中国渔船的推进方式多为定距浆,现在正推广多级减速装置。日本渔船业的发展趋势为:控制规模,提高性能,确保安全,改善适居性。我国渔船的发展方向是:减少渔船的数量,适度发展外海和远洋作业渔船,改善渔船装备,改造小型渔船,大力发展FRP渔船。  相似文献   

In the period 1983-2007, The European Union controlled the evolution of the capacity of its fishing fleet through the so-called Multi-Annual Guidance Programmes (MAGPs). As a result, The European Union reduced the number of fishermen, fishing vessels, gross tonnage and power. However, the end of this period saw an increase in the average size of the fishing vessel and a reduction in crew size. The new “average fishing-vessel” was a more technologically advanced vessel with a greater fishing capacity and a higher degree of autonomy. The aim of the study presented here is to determine the degree of inequality to be found between the fishing capacities of the fleets of the European Union, and to verify whether the evolution of the “average fishing-vessel” responds to a homogenous trend shared by all of the fishing fleets of the European Union or whether it is in fact more unequal. The study formalises a methodology, using Theil indices, which enables the inequalities found between the capacities of the fishing fleets during the period of application of the MAGP adjustment polices to be analysed. The study uses data on fishermen, boats and tonnages from 13 countries of the European Union and results are obtained for the inequality indices of the average size of the fishing vessels, their degree of technological advance and their average crews.  相似文献   

Fishing has been and is still one of the most dangerous of all human activities. In the field of fishing safety policy, it is acknowledged that the development of a working legal framework of reference is a vital prior condition for the implementation of measures aimed at its improving safety. However, the research work on fishing safety does not have at disposal records of a sufficient number of accidents and in most cases is not comparable from one country to another. Moreover, there is no work that focuses on a global view of fishing safety. The aim of the present work is to outline the state-of-the-art in fishing safety. To this end, aspects of fishing safety which are a major concern of institutions, organizations and researchers alike are analysed. Thus, several questions are addressed, such as: what institutional policy is given to the activity of the fishing sector to improve safety; what aspects and/or parameters are normally used to analyse fishing accidents; what is the usual spatial domain of this analysis; and what are the topics of the research carried out in fishing safety? The results of this analysis, among other aspects, identify eight specific lines of research followed in fishing safety and five which deal with aspects of safety at sea related to the fishing sector.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a survey of US halibut IFQ holders exploring market participation, opinions about IFQs, and perceived fishery and community effects of IFQs. A four-step mail survey was sent to a stratified random sample of 14% of the total population of quota holders, producing a response rate of 46%, or 506 returned surveys. Survey results suggest that while there is a wide diversity of opinions and perceptions of IFQs, there are some predictable trends in the ways that different groups of fishery participants experience and respond to these programs. Gender, income, age, employment and ethnicity are linked to IFQ market behavior. Income, residency, and ethnicity are linked to attitudes about IFQs. A discriminate function analysis indicates that older individuals, individuals who make less money, and indigenous fishermen are more likely to sell quota and less likely to buy quota. Women and those who are primarily employed in fishing are more likely to be buyers of quota rather than sellers. Fishermen who identify as Alaska Native, residents of small remote fishing communities in the Gulf of Alaska, and low-income fishermen show the least support for IFQ management. Quota holders who have high incomes, do not consider their communities to be dependent on fishing, and residents of Community Development Quota communities express the most support for IFQs. Overall, 84% of survey respondents believe that IFQs are changing the fishing lifestyle; 75% state that IFQs are changing the values in fishing; and 75% perceive of IFQs as private property. A majority of surveyed IFQs holders perceive both positive and negative impacts of IFQs to fisheries and to communities. Perceived positive impacts include: improved safety; improved price; market stability; improved management; consumer benefits; environmental benefits; longer fishing season; and professionalization and stability of the fishing fleet. Perceived negative impacts include: limitations on access and barriers to entry; consolidation and job loss; inequities experienced by small boats, rural fishermen, and crew; creation of a privileged class of fishermen; negative environmental impacts; and less local participation.  相似文献   

The dangers associated with commercial fishing are well documented, and fishermen consistently face one of the highest job-related mortality risks of all US occupations. This study explored fishermen's perceptions of these risks in a representative sample of Maine commercial fishing vessel captains. Data were collected on sociodemographic characteristics and risk preferences during sea boardings of working commercial fishing vessels (n=233) along the full extent of the Maine coastline. Trends in perceived risk were explored across the various sociodemographic categories. Fishermen in this study consistently undervalued their true occupational risk, and rated it as average despite consistent evidence to the contrary. Those more likely to downgrade the risk of fishing included state registered vessels and those found to be non-compliant with existing safety regulations. Less educated fishermen and those who come from a fishing family were also more likely to underrate the risks, as were those fishermen who displayed risk-loving tendencies in other facets of their lives such as smokers and those who did not use seat belts. Middle-aged fishermen were also more likely to underrate the risk than the youngest and oldest groups, suggesting that overconfidence grows and then wanes over time. The results of this study strongly suggest that the current safety training and awareness programs targeting fishermen are inadequate. Furthermore, widespread voluntary participation in organized safety training is unlikely since the majority of fishermen believed that the risks were not relevant to their own activities.  相似文献   

Artisanal fishing communities are often in conflict with the interests of the oil extraction industry, industrial fishing fleets and tourism. This paper considers Lobitos, a fishing enclave in northern Peru, where the oldest oil settlement in Latin America was established. The primary focus is community organization and development of the fisheries. Using a mixed methods approach, intensive ethnographic observation and analysis of the social networks of the skippers of small-scale fishing vessels was conducted by in-depth interviews with 30 artisanal fishermen, together with a social network survey involving 43 boat captains in Lobitos. The results showed the mistrust and negative attitudes of fishermen towards oil companies and the industrial fishing fleet. However, they expressed positive expectations regarding tourism development, as well as favorable attitudes towards the diversification of fishing activity through tourist services. The networks of acquaintances, social support and exchange of ecological information allowed us to identify three different groups of fishermen according to preferential fishing zones. The skippers of vessels that prefer to fish in intermediate zones have a prominent role, both in terms of local leadership and through the connection with boats belonging to other bays near Lobitos. This subgroup acts as an intermediary in the networks a whole and has an integrated vision of the coastal ecosystem. Network measures and preferential fishing zones can be used as indicators to assess the degree of availability and preparation for the implementation of new uses in the fisheries sector associated with tourism and heritage.  相似文献   

陈东  陈兆林 《海岸工程》2006,25(4):60-62
为了打造帆船之都,促进青岛旅游业和旅游经济的发展,提出了利用休渔期,选择安全性能好的渔船和经过专门培训的渔民搞海上旅游观光、垂钓并发展渔村餐饮业,以解决渔民增收和生活问题,使旅游码头和渔港码头优势互补,共同发展,为青岛旅游业开辟另一条新路。  相似文献   

为贯彻落实国家实施乡村振兴战略的重大部署,促进新时代美丽渔村建设,文章在总结国外经验的基础上,结合文献梳理和实地调研,明确渔村振兴须妥善处理的关系,并提出渔村振兴的路径和政策。研究结果表明:通过加强顶层设计和产业融合等措施,日本、韩国和美国在渔业发展和渔村振兴方面都取得成功;我国渔村振兴应妥善处理三大关系,即渔民与土地(养殖和捕捞水域)的关系、渔民与渔民的关系以及渔民与国家的关系;渔村振兴的路径主要包括依靠主体、发展载体、富裕渔民、深化改革、要素投入、顶层设计、产业融合、繁荣文化和渔村治理9个方面,政策主要包括财政、科技、金融、人才和服务5个方面。  相似文献   

An operational satellite remote sensing system for ocean fishery   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ocean environmental information is very important to supporting the fishermen in fishing and satellite remote sensing technology can provide it in large scale and in near real-time. Ocean fishery locations are always far away beyond the coverage of the satellite data received by a land-based satellite receiving station. A nice idea is to install the satellite ground station on a fishing boat. When the boat moves to a fishery location, the station can receive the satellite data to cover the fishery areas. One satellite remote sensing system was once installed in a fishing boat and served fishing in the North Pacific fishery areas when the boat stayed there. The system can provide some oceanic environmental charts such as sea surface temperature (SST) and relevant derived products which are in most popular use in fishery industry. The accuracy of SST is the most important and affects the performance of the operational system, which is found to be dissatisfactory. Many factors affect the accuracy of SST and it is difficult to increase the accuracy by SST retrieval algorithms and clouds detection technology. A new technology of temperature error control is developed to detect the abnormity of satellite-measured SST. The performance of the technology is evaluated to change the temperature bias from-3.04 to 0.05 ℃ and the root mean square (RMS) from 5.71 to 1.75 ℃. It is suitable for employing in an operational satellite-measured SST system and improves the performance of the system in fishery applications. The system has been running for 3 a and proved to be very useful in fishing. It can help to locate the candidates of the fishery areas and monitor the typhoon which is very dangerous to the safety of fishing boats.  相似文献   

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