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采用室内水泥池及活饵培育配套技术进行尖吻鲈苗种阶段工厂化育苗。投放刚孵化出膜的仔鱼160万尾,经室内池8d的培育,成活率为90%;以13d的培育其规格超过1cm,成活率为56.9%,经24d的培育平均规格达2cm左右,平均成活率为50%,共育出80万尾。苗种生长快,体质健壮,成活率高,关键技术是:基础设施配套;采用不同活饵,做到适口、及时转化、足量;定期过筛分级培育;水质良好;注意防病。2cm以上  相似文献   

河口捕获平均全长2.5cm的天然花鲈苗种,分二阶段进行培育。第一阶段是流水淡化驯养:包括淡化、暂养和驯饵;第二阶段是分级培育,每隔4~6d分筛分级一次,直至4~6cm的鱼种。试验总成活率是55%。  相似文献   

从北部海沿海采捕的日本鬼You(Inimicus japonicus)亲鱼,经暂养后进行催产,雌鱼每千克体重注射LRH-A310-μg+DOM5mg或HCG600~800IU+LRH-A330~40μg;雄鱼注射同样药物,剂量减半。共采卵109万粒,平均受精率89.0%,平均孵化率为90.0%,共培育出体长1.8~2.8cm的幼鱼26.8万尾,平均成活率30.7%。  相似文献   

针对目前大批低产老化虾池的改造和可持续生产的问题,设计了一个自然生态养虾新模式。利用长期不能清淤的低产老化虾池和已造成生态失衡的虾池,实行疏放苗,精管理,综合利用、立体开发,混养、轮养。试验结果表明,养殖周期为 80~90 d,对虾成活率60.5% ~76% ,体长达10.1~13.2 cm ,平均体重 17.2~19.2 g/尾,饵料系数 0.77~0.80,平均产量 645~780 kg/hm 2,鲻鱼产量 420~465 kg/hm 2 。整个养殖过程虾池的各种水质理化因子基本符合要求,从而使对虾养殖在一种相对稳定的生态环境中进行  相似文献   

九孔鲍室内流水养殖   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
设计了陆上室内流水养成池和育苗池进行集约化养鲍。每个养成池7.0m×5.0m×1.8m,放鲍笼1254个,每笼放养壳长2cm的九孔鲍40 ̄45只,投喂新鲜江蓠。经8 ̄10个月的饲养,鲍壳长可达6cm,成活率达70% ̄85%。  相似文献   

以综合催熟措施和移植精荚手术相结合的技术方法、解决了鱼塘产斑节对虾催熟效应期长,产卵率低,易蜕壳失去精荚等难题。使用278尾雌虾,催熟率达90%以上,在40d内共产卵608层次,卵量18530万粒,孵出无节幼体11998万尾,平均孵化率64.7%,平均每尾雌虾孵出无节幼体43.1万尾,育成商品虾苗1028.5万尾,育苗平均成活率13.6%,试养成活率57.1%。  相似文献   

以综合催熟措施和移植精荚手术相结合的技术方法,解决了鱼塭产斑节对虾催熟效应期长,产卵率低,易蜕壳失去精荚等难题。使用 278 尾雌虾,催熟率达90% 以上,在40 d 内共产卵608 尾次,卵量18 530 万粒,孵出无节幼体11 998 万尾,平均孵化率 64.7% ,平均每尾雌虾孵出无节幼体 43.1 万尾,育成商品虾苗 1 028.5 万尾,育苗平均成活率 13.6% ,试养成活率57.1%  相似文献   

大珠母贝人工苗工厂化分组标粗;室内养殖54d,贝苗平均壳高从入池时6.61mm增长至13.08mm,最大为14.25mm,平均成活率31.9%,最高达49.8%。试验结果初步表明:1.大珠母贝岸上室内工厂化养殖不但可行,而且也将是解决当前海上养成困境的一条出路;2.发现自然海区中也存在饥饿死亡现象及死亡潜伏期,反映出海上养殖高死亡率的复杂性;3.人工配合饲料的应用显著提高了贝苗的增长率和成活率,显示出广阔的商业价值。  相似文献   

在室内水泥池用淡水和海水培育美洲鲥(Alosa sapidissima)仔鱼,研究两种培育模式下美洲鲥的生长。结果表明,美洲鲥仔稚鱼可较好地适应海水培育环境,经33 d的培育,淡、海水培育模式下美洲鲥平均全长日增长分别为0.965 7 mm和0.922 0 mm,前者略高于后者;成活率分别为70.3%和74.7%,海水培育模式成活率略高于淡水培育模式;仔稚鱼培育期间的生长模型方程分别为Y=9.614 3+0.500 7 X+1.326 6 X2和Y=9.478 3+0.558 4 X+1.038 0 X2(Y为全长,X为日龄)。可见,两种培育模式生长差异不显著,只要生产条件许可,均可采用淡水或海水培育美洲鲥苗种。  相似文献   

以天然捕获的多鳞鱚作为亲鱼进行人工繁殖。结果表明:在水温27.5~31.5℃、盐度18~31、pH 8.0~8.5的条件下,经促熟培育自然产卵,10批次共获得受精卵67×104粒,孵出仔鱼42.6×104尾,受精率37.2%~89.3%,孵化率24.8%~97.6%;在水温29~30℃、盐度28、pH 8.4的海水中多鳞鱚胚胎历时14 h 40 min完成整个胚胎发育孵化出膜,经35 d培育出平均全长35 mm的幼鱼约2.8×104尾,育苗成活率达24.6%。  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, artificial propagation and breeding technique of marine fish in China have developed by way of increasing species and fry numbers, with special stress laid on valuable species. Large quantities of artificial fry can meet the needs of both marine cage culture and pond culture for most species. Experimental results obtained by scientists have been put into use in actual production.Fish fry production has entered a period of sustainable development. So far, at least 44 species (21 families) of marine fish have been successfully bred in China. The artificial fry number of large yellow croaker ( Pseudosciaena crocea) exceeded 300 million in 1999. The species whose artificial fry numbers have each surpassed 10 million annually are red drum ( Sciaenops ocellatus ), Japanese seabass ( Lateolabrax japonicus), cuneate drum (Nibea miichthioides ), spring spawning red seabream (Pagrosomus major ) and threebanded sweethp ( Plectorhynchus cinctus ). Millions of artificial fry are bred annually in the species of black porgy ( Sparus macrocephalus ), Russell‘ s snapper ( Lutjanus russeUi ), javelin gnmt ( Pomadasys hasta ), miiuy croaker ( Miichthys miiuy) and skewband gnmt ( Hapalogenys nitens ). The fish in the family Sciaenidae are the main species in artificial propagation and breeding. Some problems and prospects on marine fish culture and stock enhancement are also discussed and some proposals for sustainable development are put forward in this article.  相似文献   

研究了云斑尖塘鳢(Oxyeleotris marmorata)幼鱼的摄食特性。结果表明:在幼鱼阶段,云斑尖塘鳢的摄食方式为主动掠食;个体全长10mm的日摄食量约为体重的11.66%,40mm的日摄食量约为体重的51.04%,69mm的日摄食量约为体重的55.30%;日摄食量与幼鱼全长呈正相关关系:A=11.3577+0.7664L(r=0.876);云斑尖塘鳢幼鱼的适口饵料鱼全长为其全长的25%~50%,幼鱼摄食15~17h后可完全消化饵料鱼;云斑尖塘鳢幼鱼昼夜摄食节律明显,一昼夜出现一个摄食高峰,高峰时段为19:00-01:00。  相似文献   

线纹尖塘鳢的胚后发育大致分为仔鱼、稚鱼、幼鱼和成鱼期。初孵仔鱼仅2.875mm。前期仔鱼混合营养期短,仅2~3d。后期仔鱼为器官发育、奇鳍条基本形成期,历时10d,平均全长从4.31mm增至8.97mm。稚鱼为器官分化完毕,奇偶鳍条分节、鳞被形成期,历时27~29d,长至平均全长27.79mm。早期幼鱼鳞被等发育完善,进入生长时期。仔鱼开口饵料为150~200μm轮虫,其摄饵大小与口宽呈正相关。15mm后稚鱼可驯饵摄食人工混合料。对仔、稚、幼鱼的生长测定结果显示,全长与日龄呈线性关系L=0.5289t-0.7354(r2=0.9720),体重与日龄呈指数函数关系,W=0.8236e0.1267t(r2=0.9611),全长与体重呈幂函数关系,曲线回归方程W=0.0045L3.2527,b=3.2527,属匀速生长型。采用池塘培水,添加外源饵料生物系列,稚鱼全长15mm时开始驯饵。2002-2005年共培育全长2.2~3.4cm早期幼鱼523.7万尾,仔鱼培育成15mm稚鱼的成活率为26.8%,培育成早期幼鱼的成活率为75.7%。  相似文献   

应用以芽孢杆菌为主导菌的微生物复合制剂进行分解养鱼池有机污泥的试验,菌剂合活菌数为109个/g.用量为1.5~4.5mg·L-1。经一个月的试验,池底原有厚3~5cm的有机污泥被分解,并对鱼类有明显的促生长作用。说明应用以芽孢杆菌为主导菌的微生物复合制剂净化养殖池塘底质是一种有效的措施。  相似文献   

Bacterin was prepared by formalin-inactivating the virulent strain of Vibrio hollisae isolated from diseased Seriola dumerili (amberjack) suffering from vibriosis. Healthy S. dumerili were vaccinated by respective procedures of intramuscular injection, immersion, and orally administration. Results of the three different vaccinations were compared. Blood was drawn from the vaccinated fish every 7 days, and the antibody titers and lysozyme activities of the sera were determined. The antibody titer of injected fish was 1:40 at 7 d, and reached its peak of 1:320 at 28 d, while the fish vaccinated by immersion and orally administration exhibited weak antibody responses, the antibody titres of <1:10, 1:20, 1:160 were observed at 7 d, 14 d, 35 d respectively. Compared with the control, the vaccinated fish exhibited significantly higher lysozyme activities (P<0.05). Upon challenge with virulent strain, the relative percent survival (RPS) of injected, immersed and oral administrated fish were 75%, 45%, and 40% respectively, and the injected fish showed significantly higher RPS than immersed and oral administrated fish. The results suggested that vaccination of S. dumerili by the injection would be the best strategy to prevent the vibriosis in S. dumerili farm.  相似文献   

以人工育苗所得的褐点石斑鱼苗为材料,水温28~31.5℃下,盐度范围0~70以组间距5共设置15个梯度,分别进行盐度渐变和骤变对鱼苗存活和摄饵影响的研究。结果表明:渐变实验中,以5/d升高或者降低盐度时,盐度10~55之间,鱼苗存活率100%;而在盐度降低至5时,平均存活时间为15.16 h,24 h存活率19.1%;盐度降至0,平均存活时间7.92 h,24 h存活率为0,盐度0时其平均存活时间与盐度5时的平均存活时间有极显著差异(P<0.01);盐度60,鱼苗基本不摄食,24 h平均存活时间38.51h,24 h存活率为89.8%,24~48 h存活率为89.8%;盐度65,鱼苗不摄食,平均存活时间10.95 h,24 h存活率0%;盐度65平均存活时间与盐度60之间有极显著差异(P<0.01);鱼苗在盐度25~45间摄食活动活跃。骤变实验中,盐度5~50,鱼苗存活时间>48 h;盐度0,24 h存活率5%,48 h存活率为0;盐度55,24 h存活率100%,24~48 h间存活率83.3%;盐度60,24 h存活率44.1%,48 h存活率降至11.1%;鱼苗在盐度65、70中24 h存活率0%;盐度0、65、70的处理组48 h平均存活时间的显著短于其它各组,盐度0~5、55~70为褐点石斑鱼苗骤变的极限生存盐度。  相似文献   

In order to approach the characteristics of nitrogen and phosphorus pollution caused by cage culture and the balance of nitrogen and phosphorus during the process of cage culture, a monitoring was conducted in Daya Bay of Guangdong Province, China from April 2002 to Jane 2003. The results show that the concentrations of total nitrogen (TN) in the waters at the sites with five and ten years of cage culture history are 1.8 and 2.3 times of that at control site respectively. Ammonium (NH3-N) is the main form of nitrogen in spring while nitrate ( NO3 -) in winter. The concentrations of TN, total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) are highest in autumn. The concentration of phosphorus increases with the increasing of the culturing time, among which phosphate ( PO 34-) increases most obviously. The concentrations of total phosphorus (TP) and total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) are highest in autumn. The nitrogen and phosphorus are accumulated significantly in the sediment of cage culture area. The model of N balance in the cage culture area: bait (70.62%) fry (0.28%) input by tide (14.8%) release from sediment (14.3%) = harvest of adult fish (12.07%) deposition into sediment (28.75%) output by tide (56.18%) others (3.00%). The model of P balance: bait (83.11%) fry (0.17%) input by tide (12.23%) release from sediment (4.49%) = harvest of adult fish (8.43%) deposition into sediment (48.59%) output by tide (41.94%) others (1.04%). In one fish growth year, the contents of nitrogen and phosphorus in harvest of adult fish are only 17.0% and 10.1% of the contents of nitrogen and phosphorus in fish bait and fry, wherein 83% of nitrogen and more than 89% of phosphorus in fish bait became marine pollutants.  相似文献   

在常规催产剂中加入适量的A型添加剂,可使鳜鱼的催产率提高10%以上,受精率提高5%以上。使用15×10-6的福尔马林,可有效地杀灭寄生于鳃及体表的寄生虫和细菌,从而大大提高苗种成活率。  相似文献   

研究了不同幼鱼规格、标志部位和消毒处理对黄鳍鲷存活的影响,探讨了不同标志部位幼鱼的脱标情况。结果显示,不同规格、标志部位和消毒处理对黄鳍鲷幼鱼的存活无显著差异;但标志后进行1次消毒处理可使黄鳍鲷的存活稳定期提早一天出现。标志部位对黄鳍鲷幼鱼的存活有显著影响,以背鳍棘基部肌肉标志的存活率为最高,达87.0%;背鳍棘膜标志的存活率其次,为75.2%;而背鳍条基部肌肉标志的存活率最低,仅68.0%;死亡高峰均出现在标志后前3 d。幼鱼规格对脱标无影响,但标志部位对脱标影响显著。在肌肉做标志均未脱标,而在鳍棘膜做标志的全部脱标。表明黄鳍鲷幼鱼可在背鳍棘基部肌肉进行穿体标志,暂养4 d后进行放流。  相似文献   

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