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A comparative study is made between the 2/1 and the 3/2 resonant asteroid motion, with the aim to understand their different behaviour (gap in the 2/1 resonance, group in the 3/2 resonance). A symplectic mapping model is used, for each of these two resonances, assuming the asteroid is moving in the three-dimensional space under the gravitational perturbation of Jupiter. It is found that these resonances differ in several points, and although there is, in general, more chaos in the phase space close to the 3/2 resonance, even in the model of circular orbit of Jupiter, there are regions, close to the secondary resonances, which are less chaotic in the 3/2 resonance compared to the 2/1 resonance, and consequently trapping can take place.  相似文献   

The recent numerical simulations of Tittemore and Wisdom (1988, 1989, 1990) and Dermottet al. (1988), Malhotra and Dermott (1990) concerning the tidal evolution through resonances of some pairs of Uranian satellites have revealed interesting dynamical phenomena related to the interactions between close-by resonances. These interactions produce chaotic layers and strong secondary resonances. The slow evolution of the satellite orbits in this dynamical landscape is responsible for temporary capture into resonance, enhancement of eccentricity or inclination and subsequent escape from resonance. The present contribution aims at developing analytical tools for predicting the location and size of chaotic layers and secondary resonances. The problem of the 3:1 inclination resonance between Miranda and Umbriel is analysed.  相似文献   

An enlarged averaged Hamiltonian is introduced to compute some families of periodic orbits of the planar elliptic 3-body problem, in the Sun-Jupiter-Asteroid system, near the 3:1 resonance. Five resonant families are found and their stability is studied, The families of symmetric periodic orbits of the elliptic problem appear near the corresponding fixed points which have been computed in this model and the coincidence is good for moderate values of the eccentricity of the asteroid for two of these families; the other three families do not fulfil the Sundman condition and they cannot be considered as families of periodic orbits of the real model.  相似文献   

Four 3 : 1 resonant families of periodic orbits of the planar elliptic restricted three-body problem, in the Sun-Jupiter-asteroid system, have been computed. These families bifurcate from known families of the circular problem, which are also presented. Two of them, I c , II c bifurcate from the unstable region of the family of periodic orbits of the first kind (circular orbits of the asteroid) and are unstable and the other two, I e , II e , from the stable resonant 3 : 1 family of periodic orbits of the second kind (elliptic orbits of the asteroid). One of them is stable and the other is unstable. All the families of periodic orbits of the circular and the elliptic problem are compared with the corresponding fixed points of the averaged model used by several authors. The coincidence is good for the fixed points of the circular averaged model and the two families of the fixed points of the elliptic model corresponding to the families I c , II c , but is poor for the families I e , II e . A simple correction term to the averaged Hamiltonian of the elliptic model is proposed in this latter case, which makes the coincidence good. This, in fact, is equivalent to the construction of a new dynamical system, very close to the original one, which is simple and whose phase space has all the basic features of the elliptic restricted three-body problem.  相似文献   

For the general and restricted elliptic planetary spatial three-bodyproblems under the oblateness of the central body and at both third-orderorbital and secondary resonances, the analytical solutions are obtained bythe use of the Weierstrass functions with an accuracy of the fourth-degreeterms in the eccentricities and inclinations. The behaviour of solutions isstudied on the phase plane.  相似文献   

The global semi-numerical perturbation method proposed by Henrard and Lemaître (1986) for the 2/1 resonance of the planar elliptic restricted three body problem is applied to the 3/1 resonance and is compared with Wisdom's perturbative treatment (1985) of the same problem. It appears that the two methods are comparable in their ability to reproduce the results of numerical integration especially in what concerns the shape and area of chaotic domains. As the global semi-numerical perturbation method is easily adapted to more general types of perturbations, it is hoped that it can serve as the basis for the analysis of more refined models of asteroidal motion. We point out in our analysis that Wisdom's uncertainty zone mechanism for generating chaotic domains (also analysed by Escande 1985 under the name of slow Hamiltonian chaotic layer) is not the only one at work in this problem. The secondary resonance p = 0 plays also its role which is qualitatively (if not quantitatively) important as it is closely associated with the random jumps between a high eccentricity mode and a low eccentricity mode.  相似文献   

We have investigated the pericentric resonances through which Miranda and Umbriel are believed to have passed when, due to tidal evolution, their orbital mean motions reached a 3 : 1 commensurability. Our investigation is based upon a perturbative treatment. The predictions of this theory are in good agreement with the results of numerical integrations concerning both the extend of the chaotic layers generated by the separatrices of the primary resonances and the location of the secondary resonances. The effect of tidal evolution is discussed on the bases of the adiatatic invariant theory and its extension to separatrix crossing. We recover qualitatively the mean features of the numerical experiments of Tittermore and Wisdom (1988–1989), Dermott et al (1988) and Malhotra and Dermott (1989).  相似文献   

The dynamical behavior of asteroids inside the 2:1 and 3:2 commensurabilities with Jupiter presents a challenge. Indeed most of the studies, either analytical or numerical, point out that the two resonances have a very similar dynamical behavior. In spite of that, the 3:2 resonance, a little outside the main belt, hosts a family of asteroids, called the Hildas, while the 2:1, inside the main belt, is associated to a gap (the Hecuba gap) in the distribution of asteroids.In his search for a dynamical explanation for the Hecuba gap, Wisdom (1987) pointed out the existence of orbits starting with low eccentricity and inclination inside the 2:1 commensurability and going to high eccentricity, and thus to possible encounters with Mars. It has been shown later (Henrard et al.), that these orbits were following a path from the low eccentric belt of secondary resonances to the high eccentric domain of secular resonances. This path crosses a bridge, at moderate inclination and large amplitude of libration, between the two chaotic domains associated with these resonances.The 3:2 resonance being similar in many respects to the 2:1 resonance, one may wonder whether it contains also such a path. Indeed we have found that it exists and is very similar to the 2:1 one. This is the object of the present paper.  相似文献   

A mapping model is constructed to describe asteroid motion near the 3 : 1 mean motion resonance with Jupiter, in the plane. The topology of the phase space of this mapping coincides with that of the real system, which is considered to be the elliptic restricted three body problem with the Sun and Jupiter as primaries. This model is valid for all values of the eccentricity. This is achieved by the introduction of a correcting term to the averaged Hamiltonian which is valid for small values of the ecentricity.We start with a two dimensional mapping which represents the circular restricted three body problem. This provides the basic framework for the complete model, but cannot explain the generation of a gap in the distribution of the asteroids at this resonance. The next approximation is a four dimensional mapping, corresponding to the elliptic restricted problem. It is found that chaotic regions exist near the 3 : 1 resonance, due to the interaction between the two degrees of freedom, for initial conditions close to a critical curve of the circular model. As a consequence of the chaotic motion, the eccentricity of the asteroid jumps to high values and close encounters with Mars and even Earth may occur, thus generating a gap. It is found that the generation of chaos depends also on the phase (i.e. the angles andv) and as a consequence, there exist islands of ordered motion inside the sea of chaotic motion near the 3 : 1 resonance. Thus, the model of the elliptic restricted three body problem cannot explain completely the generation of a gap, although the density in the distribution of the asteroids will be much less than far from the resonance. Finally, we take into account the effect of the gravitational attraction of Saturn on Jupiter's orbit, and in particular the variation of the eccentricity and the argument of perihelion. This generates a mixing of the phases and as a consequence the whole phase space near the 3 : 1 resonance becomes chaotic. This chaotic zone is in good agreement with the observations.  相似文献   

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