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On hillslopes and agricultural fields, discrete areas of intense, localized soil erosion commonly take place in the form of migrating headcuts. These erosional features significantly increase soil loss and landscape degradation, yet the unsteady, transient, and migratory habits of headcuts complicate their phenomenological and erosional characterization. Here a unique experimental facility was constructed to examine actively migrating headcuts typical of upland concentrated flows. Essential components of the facility include a deep soil cavity with external drainage, rainfall simulator, capacity for overland flow, and a video recording technique for data collection. Results from these experiments show that: (1) after a short period of adjustment, headcut migration attained a steady-state condition, where the rate of migration, scour hole geometry, and sediment discharge remain constant with time; (2) boundary conditions of higher rates of overland flow, steeper bed slopes, and larger initial headcut heights produced systematically larger scour holes with higher rates of soil erosion; and (3) during migration, the turbulent flow structure within the scour hole remained unchanged, consisting of an overfall nappe at the brink transitioning into a reattached wall jet with two recirculation eddies within the plunge pool. The systematic behavior of headcut development and migration enabled the application of modified jet impingement theory to predict with good success the characteristics of the impinging jet, the depth of maximum scour, the rate of headcut migration, and the rate of sediment erosion. These laboratory data and the analytical formulation can be used in conjunction with soil erosion prediction technology to improve the management of agricultural areas impacted by headcut development and ephemeral gully erosion.  相似文献   

On the basis of consulting historical records about the positions of Hukou waterfall at different times,we conduct a field geological survey along the Yellow River and ultimately determine the specific locations of the Hukou waterfall in the different periods.Based on this,the retrogressive erosion rates in different periods are calculated as about 1.66m/year during the Xia Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty period,about 1.01m/year in the Tang Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty,about 0.97m/year in the Yuan Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty,about 1.28m/year in the Ming Dynasty to the Republican period,and 0.6m/year from the Republican period to the present.Considering the complex geological conditions along the Yellow River,the average retrogressive erosion rate of Hukou waterfall on the Yellow River is obtained to be 1.51m/year since the historical records (early Qin Dynasty to the present).Lithology surrounding the Hukou waterfall includes mainly the Triassic gray,gray-green thick-layered mid-grained feldspar sandstone and dark purple,yellow-green mudstone,this hardness and softness combination feature is the unique geological condition of the Yellow River.After abrasing the softer shale driven by water cyclotron at this position,water washes off the debris,causing the overlying feldspar sandstone suspended for a long period.Feldspar greywacke block collapses under accumulative water erosion in long years,and then retrogressive erosion occurs in Hukou waterfall.In the process of 1 ︰ 50 000 active fault mapping of Hancheng Fault,we excavated a trench at Shaojialing,and the trench profile shows that:in the early and middle period of late Pleistocene,there are obvious surface ruptures produced by the fault.Cumulative offset near the trench is more than 20 meters in height difference.Yellow River terraces survey at Yumenkou also confirms that a fault slip of about 20 meters occurred during the early and middle period of the late Pleistocene.Assuming the retrogressive erosion rate is constant,the author thinks the Hancheng Fault was activated at early and middle age of the Late Pleistocene,forming a 20~30m high scarp (knick point),and today's position of Hukou waterfall may be the position of this knick point after the retrogressive erosion of about 40 to 50ka.  相似文献   

利用合肥盆地内6个磷灰石裂变径迹样品资料,反演模拟了该盆地自侏罗纪晚期以来各时代地层古地温变化,估算了沉降率与剥蚀率.模拟结果与其他地质资料推论一致,它揭示出该盆地南北两地存在不同的构造变化和受热史,反映了大别山构造发展对盆地南北两地区影响的差异.盆地南部靠近大别山地区的晚侏罗世地层在白垩纪早期埋藏温度曾大于120℃;早白垩世后期的构造抬升(剥蚀率约130m/Ma)使温度降至30-40℃;自白垩纪后期始,该地区一直处于动荡的但总体为持续抬升的构造环境中.盆地北部地区晚侏罗世与早白垩世早期地层在白垩纪期间埋藏温度曾达到和超过100℃,但随后的大幅度构造抬升(剥蚀率约190m/Ma)使其温度降至30-60℃;第三纪早期,局部区域的裂陷(沉降率约60m/Ma)使温度又升至80℃左右.指出合肥盆地构造演化大体可分形成、隆升、局部裂陷和再隆升4个阶段.  相似文献   

利用合肥盆地内6个磷灰石裂变径迹样品资料,反演模拟了该盆地自侏罗纪晚期以来各时代地层古地温变化,估算了沉降率与剥蚀率.模拟结果与其他地质资料推论一致,它揭示出该盆地南北两地存在不同的构造变化和受热史,反映了大别山构造发展对盆地南北两地区影响的差异.盆地南部靠近大别山地区的晚侏罗世地层在白垩纪早期埋藏温度曾大于120℃;早白垩世后期的构造抬升(剥蚀率约130m/Ma)使温度降至30—40℃;自白垩纪后期始,该地区一直处于动荡的但总体为持续抬升的构造环境中.盆地北部地区晚侏罗世与早白垩世早期地层在白垩纪期间埋藏温度曾达到和超过100℃,但随后的大幅度构造抬升(剥蚀率约190m/Ma)使其温度降至30—60℃;第三纪早期,局部区域的裂陷(沉降率约60m/Ma)使温度又升至80℃左右.指出合肥盆地构造演化大体可分形成、隆升、局部裂陷和再隆升4个阶段.  相似文献   

利用合肥盆地内6个磷灰石裂变径迹样品资料,反演模拟了该盆地自侏罗纪晚期以来各时代地层古地温变化,估算了沉降率与剥蚀率.模拟结果与其他地质资料推论一致,它揭示出该盆地南北两地存在不同的构造变化和受热史,反映了大别山构造发展对盆地南北两地区影响的差异.盆地南部靠近大别山地区的晚侏罗世地层在白垩纪早期埋藏温度曾大于120℃;早白垩世后期的构造抬升(剥蚀率约130m/Ma)使温度降至30—40℃;自白垩纪后期始,该地区一直处于动荡的但总体为持续抬升的构造环境中.盆地北部地区晚侏罗世与早白垩世早期地层在白垩纪期间埋藏温度曾达到和超过100℃,但随后的大幅度构造抬升(剥蚀率约190m/Ma)使其温度降至30—60℃;第三纪早期,局部区域的裂陷(沉降率约60m/Ma)使温度又升至80℃左右.指出合肥盆地构造演化大体可分形成、隆升、局部裂陷和再隆升4个阶段.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONThesouthwesternregionoftheUnitedStates,includingSoutheastArizona,ischaracterizedbyasemiaridclimatewithhotsummers,mildwinters,andephemeralstreamsdrainingsparselyvegetatedareas.ChannelmorphologyoftheephemeralstreamsinSoutheastArizonaisinfluencedbybothlateralandverticalchannelchangesoccurringduringmajorfloods.Lateralchannelchangesoccurinthreewaysbankerosion,meandermigration,andchannelavulsion.Verticalchannelchangesinclude,beddegradationoraggradation,andmayoccurseparatelyorinco…  相似文献   

Although there is much evidence of intense soil erosion in cultivated areas of Navarre (Spain), scarce information currently is available regarding soil loss rates, the spatial and temporal distribution of erosion, and the factors controlling these processes. Rills and ephemeral gullies are frequently responsible for a high percentage of total soil erosion, and these features can be considered a good approximation for the minimum erosion rates. With the main purpose of determining the annual soil loss rates in cultivated areas of Central Navarre, a detailed assessment of rainfall and rill and gully erosion was made in 19 small watersheds cultivated with winter grains or vineyards. The study period spanned from 1995 to 2001. For cereal watersheds, soil losses were caused by only one or two rainfall events each year. High erosion rates were observed (0.20-11.50 kg/m^2 per year). In vineyards, soil losses were caused by several rainfall events each year, occurring year round. High erosion rates were observed in these vineyards (0.33 y 16.19 kg/m^2 per year). No erosion was observed in those cultivated watersheds with no-till practices. It can be concluded that rill and ephemeral gully erosion can be very significant in Mediterranean regions, and much more attention should be paid to the problem.  相似文献   

IINTRODUCTIONByutilizingthenatUralpowerofflow,hydraulicflushingisaneconomicaltechniquetoremovethedepositedsedimentineitherasettlingbasinorareservoir.Inmanyreservoirsaroundtheworld,hydraulicflushinghasbeenprovenasaneffectivemethodtosustainthereservoirstoragecapacity.Hydraulicflushingprocessesmayinvolveboththeprocessesofscouringpreviousdepositsandpassingincomingsediment-ladenflow,suchasgravitycurrent,throughareservoirtobereleased.Inthisarticle,onlytheformercaseisdiscussed.Thekeythinginthef…  相似文献   

During the past 50 years, many research efforts have been invested in understanding soil erosion process and development of erosion prediction models at various scales. This paper briefly introduces the erosion process and prediction model development in the USA. Especially, this paper focuses on discussing potential impacts of the erosion process on erosion model development, and future directions of the soil erosion process research and process- based model development. 1 DEVELOPMENT O…  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONSoil erosion of land surface caused by over development has become more and more serious.Environmental damage resulted from accelerated soil erosion has attracted much attention especi ally overthe past 20 years. Soil erosion stUdies have focused primarily on soil characteristics and climaticvariations. Great achievements have been made in understanding the mechanism of soil erosion, whichallows the develoPment of evaluation models for all types of soil erosion problems. Th…  相似文献   

Field experiments were carried out over a five year period with the aim of understanding contemporary weathering and erosional environments in the Sør Rondane Mountains, an Antarctic cold desert region. These include observations of (1) scaling from rockwalls, (2) disintegration of tuff blocks with or without saline solutions, and (3) abrasion of artificial walls by wind. Monitoring was also made of rock surface temperature and wind speed. Despite frequent temperature oscillations across 0°C, rock scaling due to frost action was generally very slow because of low moisture content in the rockwalls. Exposure to the cold, dry climate led to the rapid disintegration of porous tuff blocks including soluble salts like halite and thenardite. This indicates that rates of weathering are increased greatly with the accumulation of such salts in the bedrock. Although gypsum did not cause any visible damage over four years, its widespread occurrence in heavily damaged rocks demonstrates that increasing gypsum contents may also intensify rock breakdown. The snow-laden katabatic wind resulted in rapid wearing of the windward face of an asbestos board with the peak erosion at 30–40 cm above the ground. Nonetheless, the landforms expected from the unidirectional wind characteristics are by no means common features because of lack of abrasive materials, such as snow and sand particles. These experiments suggest that frost weathering and wind erosion are only locally effective where plenty of moisture or an abrasive material is available, whilst salt weathering and removal of the waste by wind play a major role in constructing erosional landforms over the mountains.  相似文献   

IINTRODUCTIONTheinterrillerosiononafieldplotisaffectedbythekineticenergyoftherainfall,wind,topographyfactors,propertiesofsoilandthecanopy.Theinterrillerosionoccursasthefirstdropimpactsthehillslopes.Theinterrillerosionoccursinallkindsofrainfallandtheamountofthesplasherosion,whichisthemainpartofinterrillerosion,canaccountforagreatpanofthetotalerosionamountinaheavystorm(Baner1990,Glymph1957,QianandWan1986,Zhou1981).Therefore,itisveryimportanttorevealthemechanismtoestimatetheamountofinterri…  相似文献   


I. INTRODUCTIONSumming up recent research achievements, Huang (1993) pointed out that the capaciucs ordetachment and transport by rill now were much greater than tboso by rain drop impact and sheet now. soil erosion by water on upper slope area is frcquenhy discussed interms of interrill and rill erosional sub--processes. Compared with rill erosion, interrlll erosion contributes a very small proportion to the sediment transported downwards (Foster,1982). Field experiments conducted by Ca…  相似文献   

In the rill erosion process, run-on water and sediment from upslope areas, and rill flow hydraulic parameters have significant effects on sediment detachment and transport. However, there is a lack of data to quantify the effects of run-on water and sediment and rill flow hydraulic parameters on rill erosion process at steep hillslopes, especially in the Loess Plateau of China. A dual-box system, consisting of a 2-m-long feeder box and a 5-m-long test box with 26.8% slope gradient was used to quantify the effects of upslope runoff and sediment, and of rill flow hydraulic parameters on the rill erosion process. The results showed that detachment-transport was dominated in rill erosion processes; upslope runoff always caused the net rill detachment at the downslope rill flow channel, and the net rill detachment caused by upslope runoff increased with a decrease of runoff sediment concentration from the feeder box or an increase of rainfall intensity. Upslope runoff discharging into the rill flow channel or an increase of rainfall intensity caused the rill flow to shift from a stratum flow into a turbulent flow. Upslope runoff had an important effect on rill flow hydraulic parameters, such as rill flow velocity, hydraulic radius, Reynolds number, Froude number and the Darcy-Weisbach resistance coefficient. The net rill detachment caused by upslope runoff increased as the relative increments of rill flow velocity, Reynolds number and Froude number caused by upslope runoff increased. In contrast, the net rill detachment decreased with an increase of the relative decrement of the Darcy-Weisbach resistance coefficient caused by upslope runoff. These findings will help to improve the understanding of the effects of run-on water and sediment on the erosion process and to find control strategies to minimize the impact of run-on water.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONSubsurface erosion has been increasingly recognized as a significant hillslope geomorphologic process(Carson and ~y, 1972; McCaig, 1983;, Harvey, 1982;Bryan and Harvey, 1985; Crouch andMcGarrity, 1986; Walsh and Howeds, 1988). However, most of the studies were conducted in hubedareas, especially in Britain (e.g. Gilman and Newson, 1980; Jones, 1981; Wilson and Small, 1984; Jones,1987; Jones et al, 1997). Jones and Crane (1984) found that soil piping contributes about …  相似文献   

Field study on wind erosion in the hilly regions with gentle slope in the Northwest Shanxi Province has been carried out from 1983 through 1988. Based on the data observed in the field, quantitative analyses of the wind erosion and the effects of the wind-break forest are presented in this paper in detail. Most of the strong windy days occur in the period of March to May. The coincidence of drought and strong wind in the Spring days with no vegetative cover at all on the loose top soil lead to severe wind erosion in this region. The rate of soil erosion is as high as 12800 t / km2. Major characteristics of wind and other meteorological factors are given in graphs and tables. Wind-break forest reduces the wind velocity by 51. 1 %. Consequently, the amount of wind erosion is reduced by 90% and the dust content in the atmosphere is reduced by 97. 1 % in comparison with those measured in the farmland. This paper provides a preliminary summary on the result of data analyses of wind erosion on the Loess Plateau. It can serve as scientific basis for control of the wind erosion in regions of similar conditions.  相似文献   

正Director:Shangfu Kuang,China Vice-directors:Chunhong Hu,China Duihu Ning,China Guangquan Liu,China The International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation(IRTCES)was jointly set up by the Government of China and UNESCO on July 21,1984.It aims at the promotion of international exchange of knowledge and cooperation in the studies of erosion and  相似文献   

I.FEATURESOFSOILEROSIONINGRANITICREGIONS1.1IntroductionGuangdongProvinceislocatedinsubtropicalzoneandthenorthernborderofthetropicalzone.ThelatitudestCtchesfrom20'07'to25'31'N,thelongitudefrom108'33'tO117'20'E.Subtropicalclimateprevailsinmostoftheprovince.Theannualaveragerainfallis1500-1800mm,withstrongintensityandun-evendistribution.Thedeifyrainfallduringwnhoonstormsmayreach200-300mm:Thetotallandareaisabout178,100sq.km,inwhich25,100sq.kmarecultivated.12,000sq.km,6.7%oftotalP…  相似文献   

Research to investigate relations between simultaneous processes of soil erosion by wind and PM10 emissions from dry land fields on the Columbia Plateau, Washington, has been initiated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture — Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and Washington State University. Dry land agriculture is the primary cropping system world-wide but is constantly threatened by erosive winds which reduce the soil resource and/or remove fines which are the most active soil portion for plant production. Soils on the Columbia Plateau are very fine-grained containing more than 4 per cent of freely occurring aggregates or particles less than 10 μm aerodynamic diameter. Analysis from eight wind events show that significant relations exist between total mass of soil in both horizontal (saltation) and vertical (suspension) transport. The data suggest that by limiting horizontal soil erosion, emitted dust can be simultaneously reduced. Aggressive conservation tillage can be an effective weapon in reducing soil erosion by maintaining surface residue and roughness.  相似文献   

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