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Geodesic Discrete Global Grid Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years, a number of data structures for global geo-referenced data sets have been proposed based on regular, multi-resolution partitions of polyhedra. We present a survey of the most promising of such systems, which we call Geodesic Discrete Global Grid Systems (Geodesic DGGSs). We show that Geodesic DGGS alternatives can be constructed by specifying five substantially independent design choices: a base regular polyhedron, a fixed orientation of the base regular polyhedron relative to the Earth, a hierarchical spatial partitioning method defined symmetrically on a face (or set of faces) of the base regular polyhedron, a method for transforming that planar partition to the corresponding spherical/ellipsoidal surface, and a method for assigning point representations to grid cells. The majority of systems surveyed are based on the icosahedron, use an aperture 4 triangle or hexagon partition, and are either created directly on the surface of the sphere or by using an equal-area transformation. An examination of the design choice options leads us to the construction of the Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area aperture 3 Hexagon (ISEA3H) Geodesic DGGS.  相似文献   

Suppose that geographic data under investigation are rates associated with polygons. For example, disease incidence, mortality, and census undercount data may be displayed as rates. Spatial analysis of data of this sort can be handled very naturally through Bayesian hierarchical statistical modeling, where there is a measurement process at the first level, an explanatory process at the second level, and a prior probability distribution on unknowns at the third level. In our paper, we shall feature epidemiological data, specifically disease-incidence rates, and the “polygons” referred to in the title are typically states or counties.  相似文献   

介绍了一种新型测地线双锥天线,该天线能够实现全方位面上的波束扫描,具有广阔的应用空间。采用几何光学法结合测地线理论分析了其工作原理,重点阐述了圆柱面上射线传输路径的问题,并对该天线在单端口和双端口激励情况下的方向图分别进行了分析和计算。在以上基础上,设计加工完成了一款工作在6~8 G Hz的新型测地线双锥天线,给出了其具体结构和尺寸。理论结果与实测结果具有较好的一致性,表明了几何光学法在测地线双锥天线分析和设计中的适用性。  相似文献   

Part of a cuboctahedron-based geodesic map projection by Buckminster Fuller is expanded to spherical quadrilaterals with opposite sides equal. Points on such a quadrilateral can be described by intersections of geodesics, which provide parameterized coordinate values in a Geodesic Coordinate System. Through a linear transform of the geodesic coordinates, a spherical quadrilateral maps to a parallelogram. The resulting map has the same constant scale on all four sides. Within the map, all lines parallel to the sides correspond to geodesics on the globe. Spherical rectangles, spherical squares, and diamonds (spherical rhombi) are specifically examined; various tiling sets of diamonds can be used to cover the globe. Non-projection applications in geometry, astronomy, and computer graphics are described.  相似文献   

吴柏燕  王艳军  王超 《测绘科学》2019,44(9):185-190
针对居民地数据对形状变形比较敏感,从而导致水印不可见的问题,该文提出了一种保持形状的居民地数据高保真水印模型。利用几何图形相似变换,基于量化索引调制(QIM)思想,将水印信息调制于多边形对象的空间关系中。同时,通过数据哈希分组及水印位重复嵌入的方式,将水印信息散布到整个数据集中。水印检测时,基于QIM思想及投票机制提取水印位。实验结果表明,提出的水印模型在对居民地数据添加水印时,很好地保持了水印的不可见性。同时,在抵抗各种常见矢量数据水印攻击方面也具有较好的鲁棒性。利用多边形相似变换对居民地数据添加水印,对矢量地图数据鲁棒水印算法的设计,具有参考意义。  相似文献   

两种测地坐标系之间的坐标转换   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
施一民  冯琰 《测绘学报》2002,31(Z1):22-26
从数学上论证以长度量为坐标参数的测地坐标系与大地坐标系能够成为表述3维欧氏空间中点位的正则坐标系的条件及限定区域,然后着重阐述了测地坐标系与大地坐标系相互转换的基本原理和方法,并用算例验证了其正确性,从而为进一步实现测地坐标系应用于DEM和3 DGIS建模提供了可能,这就为最终解决在统一的真3维坐标系统中建立DEM和3 DGIS奠定了基础.  相似文献   

伪形心多边形形心距离计算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱钰  王伟  章传银 《测绘科学》2018,(2):6-9,44
针对多边形形心距离计算过程中存在的形心位于多边形外的问题,该文提出伪形心的概念,通过三角剖分的方式,计算多边形边界到多边形形心距离最小的点,将形心合理地平移到边界上,进而计算多边形形心距离。针对伪形心存在于邻接边的特殊情况,又提出将形心平移到多边形主骨架线上的改进算法。该文提出的算法简单,易于实现,适用性强,进一步扩展了多边形形心距离计算的思路。  相似文献   

一直以来,任意多边形相交面积的高效计算都是地理信息系统中空间分析算法研究的重点。文中提出了一种基于GPU的栅格化多边形相交面积算法GPURAS,在此基础上,分别采用蒙特卡罗方法和遮挡查询技术进一步提出GPURASMC算法和GPURASQ算法,并证明了上述算法的正确性。实验对简单多边形、任意复杂多边形及大数据量多边形进行了测试对比,结果表明:GPURAS算法精度高,通用性较好但效率受CPU与GPU通信延迟的影响;GPURASMC算法效率较高但牺牲了部分精度;GPURASQ算法精度高、效率高但局限于特定运行环境。与基于CPU的传统算法相比,文中所提3种算法效率更高,在处理包含大量顶点的多边形时,效率提升尤为明显。  相似文献   

高宏兵  刘斌  蒋薇  唐诗华 《测绘科学》2009,34(3):183-185
运用ArcGIS软件和内置VBA二次开发技术,提出一种土地利用数据中图斑的合并方法。首先按地类等级合并属于同一行政区且相邻的图斑,然后根据本文提出的合并规则合并小图斑到相邻图斑中。实验表明:利用此方法合并图斑,符合数据制作规范、不易出错、速度快等优点。  相似文献   

在利用GIS进行空间分析的过程中,常常会遇到求取某一连通域内两点间最短路径和相应的距离这类问题,传统上使用的欧氏距离对此有较大的局限性。本文把测地距离的概念引入到矢量型GIS中,并讨论了测地距离的若干性质;在此基础上,提出了一种简便有效的求取矢量型GIS中两点间测地距离的方法,并编写了相应的程序。实际应用表明文中所提出的方法是切实可行的,有效地克服了欧氏距离的局限性。  相似文献   

Research questions regarding temporal change in spatial patterns are increasingly common in geographical analysis. In this research, we explore and extend an approach to the spatial–temporal analysis of polygons that are spatially distinct and experience discrete changes though time. We present five new movement events for describing spatial processes: displacement, convergence, divergence, fragmentation and concentration. Spatial–temporal measures of events for size and direction are presented for two time periods, and multiple time periods. Size change metrics are based on area overlaps and a modified cone-based model is used for calculating polygon directional relationships. Quantitative directional measures are used to develop application specific metrics, such as an estimation of the concentration parameter for a von Mises distribution, and the directional rate of spread. The utility of the STAMP methods are demonstrated by a case study on the spread of a wildfire in northwestern Montana.   相似文献   

本文对大地主题反解中特殊情况下的方位角值进行了讨论,给出了判定表,可供远距离解算编程应用。  相似文献   

本文专论大地线的临界点与赤交点,给出用嵌套系数精确求定其位置的方法。并以算例结果表明其精度。  相似文献   

CLCNUMBERP246.1Introduction CameraCalibrationistheprocessdetermining theintrinsicparameters(i.e.focallengthand principalpoint)ofacamera.Itisanessential stepforbothmotionestimationand3Drecon struction,whicharetwoimportanttasksincom putervision.Itisalsoanim…  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the problem of calibrating a pinhole camera from images of profile of a revolution. In this paper, the symmetry of images of profiles of revolution has been extensively exploited and a practical and accurate technique of camera calibration from profiles alone has been developed. Compared with traditional techniques for camera calibration, for instance, it may involve taking images of some precisely machined calibration pattern (such as a calibration grid), or edge detection for determining vanish points which are often far from images center or even do not physically exist or calculation of fundamental matrix and Kruppa equations which can be numerically unstable, the method presented here uses just profiles of revolution, which are commonly found in daily life (e. g. bowls and vases), to make the process easier as a result of the reduced cost and increased accessibility of the calibration objects. This paper firstly analyzes the relationship between the symmetry property of profile of revolution and the intrinsic parameters of a camera, and then shows how to use images of profile of revolution to provide enough information for determining intrinsic parameters. During the process, high-accurate profile extraction algorithm has also been used. Finally, results from real data are presented, demonstrating the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

梁磊  周启  任东宇  文学虎 《测绘通报》2021,(12):124-129
从第三次国土调查数据库快速缩编派生出多尺度数据库,是地图制图的重要任务。本文针对大量图斑,首先通过研究图斑栅格综合,减少碎图斑数量;然后构建图斑语义邻近度模型、空间几何拓扑模型,分析了顾及拓扑和地区地理特征约束下的地类图斑制图综合方法;最后形成了自动化图斑缩编生产工艺流程。基于上述方法,采用计算机编程技术研发国土三调缩编系统,并应用于四川省某县23万图斑量的三调数据并试验验证。试验结果表明,通过本文方法的成果符合专题制图要求,极大地提高了三调图斑的自动综合效率。  相似文献   

崔先国  毛定山 《测绘科学》2008,33(6):139-140
求解任意两个简单多边形间的最大距离,在几何图形计算中,一直是一个基本问题。在对多边形自身的特性以及两多边形间关系进行深入分析的基础上,提出了一个基于折线凸包的单调性的简单多边形间最大距离的求解算法。根据封闭折线内部所具有的特性,把封闭折线拆分成两个断开的折线,使一条折线在另一条折线左边。两个多边形分别被拆分成四条折线,两个分为一组。分别求出每组中两条折线的凸包,利用凸包的单调性可以快速地找出两个距离最远的顶点,其中较大的是两个简单多边形间的最大距离。算法的时间复杂度是线性的。  相似文献   

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