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The maser site OH 323.459−0.079 has been studied using the Long Baseline Array of the Australia Telescope National Facility. Simultaneous observations of the 1665- and 1667-MHz hydroxyl ground-state transitions yielded a series of maps at a velocity spacing of 0.18 km s−1, in both senses of circular polarization, with tenth-arcsec spatial resolution. Many small-diameter maser spots were detected within a 2-arcsec region. Pairs of spots with the same position, but with right- and left-hand circular polarization offset in frequency, reveal Zeeman splitting. Six pairs were found, and in four cases, the pairs at 1667 and 1665 MHz mutually corroborate the derived values of magnetic field and (central) kinematic velocity. Over the whole site, magnetic field estimates range from +1.47 to +4.13 mG with a median value of +2.5 mG. The excited state of OH at 6035 MHz also displays Zeeman pairs revealing a similar magnetic field, and we show that the most prominent of these pairs coincides with the most prominent pair at 1665 and 1667 MHz.
We also compared the morphology and kinematics at 1665 and 1667 MHz with those of maser emission from the excited state of OH at 6035 MHz and from methanol at 6668 MHz. All three varieties of masers appear intermingled, and associated with an ultracompact H  ii region. In many respects we find that OH 323.459−0.079 is similar to W3(OH), one of the few other maser sites yet studied in comparable detail.  相似文献   

The Parkes radio telescope has been used to study circular polarization in the spectra of masers at the 6035- and 6030-MHz transitions of excited OH. The targets were 91 previously catalogued sites of 6035-MHz maser emission. A few were not detected, primarily because of variability. However, the 6035-MHz intensity variations seldom exceed a factor of 2 over several years, with a handful of dramatic exceptions.
Towards many targets, the present observations have provided the first high-sensitivity search for the 6030-MHz transition and yielded 33 detections. All of the 6030-MHz maser features have 6035-MHz counterparts closely matching in velocity. For matching features, the 6030-MHz emission is most commonly weaker than the 6035-MHz emission by an order of magnitude but, in a few cases, is several times stronger. The detection statistics are well accounted for by very recent developments in maser modelling. However, the occasional occurrence of 6030-MHz maser emission stronger than at 6035-MHz poses a new challenge for the theory.
Spectra with good frequency resolution at 6030 and 6035 MHz yield many valuable measurements of magnetic fields. At each transition, the field can be inferred from a small frequency separation between the right-hand and left-hand circularly polarized features, attributed to the Zeeman effect in a magnetic field of a few mG. In the many instances where a 'Zeeman pair' on the 6035-MHz spectrum has features matched by the 6030-MHz spectrum, this provides convincing corroboration of the magnetic field, in both direction and magnitude.
Several prominent absorption features occur at 6035 MHz, and usually have matching absorption at 6030 MHz of similar, or slightly smaller, depth.  相似文献   

Masers at the ground-state OH satellite transitions near 1612 and 1720 MHz are occasionally found in star-forming regions, accompanying the dominant maser of OH at 1665 MHz. The satellite lines can then be valuable diagnostics of physical conditions in star-forming regions if we can first ascertain that all maser species truly arise from the same site. For this purpose, newly measured satellite line positions with subarcsecond accuracy are reported here, and compared with masers of main-line OH at 1665 MHz, with methanol masers at 6668 MHz, and with ultracompact H  ii regions. We confirm that most of the satellite-line OH masers that we have measured are associated with star-forming regions, but a few are not: several 1612-MHz masers are associated with late-type stars, and one 1720-MHz maser is associated with a supernova remnant. The 1720-MHz masers in star-forming regions are accounted for by a pumping scheme requiring high densities, and are distinctly different from those in supernova remnants where the favoured pumping scheme operates at much lower densities.  相似文献   

From a search of more than 80 southern class II methanol maser sites, we report measurements of 22 masers at 107.0 GHz and four at 156.6 GHz, mostly new discoveries. Class II sites, recognized by their strong emission at the 6.6-GHz methanol transition, are indirect indicators of new-born massive stars, and several hundred have been documented; only a handful of these had previously been found to exhibit maser emission at the 107.0- or 156.6-GHz transition. The present survey increases the number of known 107.0-GHz masers to 25, providing a sufficiently large sample to assess their general properties. For the stronger ones, our position measurements confirm that, to an accuracy of 5 arcsec, they coincide with the dominant maser emission at 6.6 GHz. Intensity variations exceeding 50 per cent have occurred in some 107.0-GHz maser features that we observed in both 1996 October and 1998 June.
We find that masers are rare at the 156.6-GHz transition. Two new detections increase the total now known to four. Each 156.6-GHz maser is substantially weaker than its corresponding 107.0-GHz maser. Despite the scarcity of masers, our 156.6-GHz spectra at most observed sites show emission, but apparently of a quasi-thermal variety; it is usually accompanied by somewhat weaker thermal emission at 107.0 GHz, and the intensity ratio of the transitions allows us to begin exploration of the physical characteristics of the small molecular clouds (diameter less than 60 mpc) at these sites. The thermal emission thus provides estimates of the environmental conditions that are needed to support strong masing from spots that are apparently embedded within these clouds.  相似文献   

We report on the first space–VLBI observations of the OH 34.26+0.15 maser in two main-line OH transitions at 1665 and 1667 MHz. The observations involved the space radio telescope on board the Japanese satellite HALCA and an array of ground radio telescopes. The map of the maser region and images of individual maser spots were produced with an angular resolution of 1 mas, which is several times higher than the angular resolution available on the ground. The maser spots were only partly resolved and a lower limit to the brightness temperature     was obtained. The maser seems to be located in the direction of low interstellar scattering, an order of magnitude lower than the scattering of a nearby extragalactic source and pulsar.  相似文献   

The class II methanol maser source G9.62+0.20E undergoes periodic flares at both 6.7 and 12.2 GHz. The flare starting in 2001 October was observed at seven epochs over three months using the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) at 12.2 GHz. High angular resolution images (beam size  ∼1.7 × 0.6 mas  ) were obtained, enabling us to observe changes in 16 individual maser components. It was found that while existing maser spots increased in flux density, no new spots developed and no changes in morphology were observed. This rules out any mechanism which disturbs the masing region itself, implying that the flares are caused by a change in either the seed or pump photon levels. A time delay of one to two weeks was observed between groups of maser features. These delays can be explained by light travel time between maser groups. The regularity of the flares can possibly be explained by a binary system.  相似文献   

Time series are presented for the Class II methanol maser source G12.89+0.49, which has been monitored for nine years at the Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory. The 12.2 and 6.7 GHz methanol masers were seen to exhibit rapid, correlated variations on time-scales of less than a month. Daily monitoring has revealed that the variations have a periodic component with a period of 29.5 d. The period seems to be stable over the 110 cycles spanned by the time series. There are variations from cycle to cycle, with the peak of the flare occurring anywhere within an 11 d window, but the minima occur at the same phase of the cycle. Time delays of up to 5.7 d are seen between spectral features at 6.7 GHz and a delay of 1.1 d is seen between the dominant 12.2 GHz spectral feature and its 6.7 GHz counterpart.  相似文献   

We have used the ATNF Mopra antenna and the SEST antenna to search in the directions of several class II methanol maser sources for emission from six methanol transitions in the frequency range 85–115 GHz. The transitions were selected from excitation studies as potential maser candidates. Methanol emission at one or more frequencies was detected from five of the maser sources, as well as from Orion KL. Although the lines are weak, we find evidence of maser origin for three new lines in G345.01+1.79, and possibly one new line in G9.62+0.20.
The observations, together with published maser observations at other frequencies, are compared with methanol maser modelling for G345.01+1.79 and NGC 6334F. We find that the majority of observations in both sources are consistent with a warm dust (175 K) pumping model at hydrogen density ∼106 cm−3 and methanol column density ∼ 5×1017 cm−2. The substantial differences between the maser spectra in the two sources can be attributed to the geometry of the maser region.  相似文献   

Class II methanol masers are found in close association with OH main-line masers in many star-forming regions, where both are believed to flag the early stages in the evolution of a massive star. We have studied the formation of masers in methanol and OH under identical model conditions for the first time. Infrared pumping by radiation from warm dust at temperatures >100 K can account for the known maser lines in both molecules, many of which develop simultaneously under a range of conditions. The masers form most readily in cooler gas (<100 K) of moderately high density  (105–108 cm-3)  , although higher gas temperatures and/or lower densities are also compatible with maser action. The agreement between the current model (developed for methanol) and the established OH maser trends is very encouraging, and we anticipate that further tuning of the model will further improve such agreement.
We find the gas-phase molecular abundance to be the key determinant of observable maser activity for both molecules. Sources exhibiting both 6668-MHz methanol and 1665-MHz OH masers have a typical flux density ratio of 16; our model suggests that this may be a consequence of maser saturation. We find that the 1665-MHz maser approaches the saturated limit for OH abundances >10−7.3, while the 6668-MHz maser requires a greater methanol abundance >10−6. OH-favoured sources are likely to be less abundant in methanol, while methanol-favoured sources may be less abundant in OH or experiencing warm (>125 K), dense (∼107 cm−3) conditions. These abundance requirements offer the possibility of tying the appearance of masers to the age of the new-born star via models of gas-phase chemical evolution following the evaporation of icy grain mantles.  相似文献   

We have used the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) to make observations of a sample of eight young ultra-compact H  ii regions, selected on the basis that they have associated class II methanol maser emission. We have made observations sensitive to both compact and extended structures and find both to be present in most sources. The scale of the extended emission in our sample is in general less than that observed towards samples based on IRAS properties, or large single-dish flux densities. Our observations are consistent with a scenario where extended and compact radio continuum emission co-exists within H  ii regions for a significant period of time.
We suggest that these observations are consistent with a model where H  ii evolution takes place within hierarchically structured molecular clouds. This model, which is the subject of an upcoming companion paper by Shabala et al., addresses both the association between compact and extended emission and the ultra-compact H  ii region lifetime problem.  相似文献   

The Australia Telescope Compact Array has been used to observe more than 200 1665-MHz hydroxyl masers south of declination −16° and derive their positions with typical rms uncertainties of 0.4 arcsec. Many of the 1665-MHz maser sites are found to have 1667-MHz OH maser counterparts which are coincident, within the errors.
The resulting position list presented here includes all well-documented, previously reported 1665-MHz masers close to the Galactic plane in the galactic longitude range 230° (through 360°) to 13°. Nearly 50 newly discovered masers are also listed, chiefly in the longitude range 312° to 356°, where the observations were conducted as an intensive survey of a continuous zone close to the Galactic plane.
Many of the maser sites are discussed briefly so as to draw attention to those possessing properties that are unusual among this large sample. Most of the masers are of the variety found in star-forming regions – at the sites of newly formed massive stars and their associated ultracompact H ii regions. The new, accurate, positions reveal coincidences of the OH masers with the continuum radio emission, with the infrared emission from dust that accompanies such regions, and with emission from other maser species such as methanol at 6668 MHz and water at 22 GHz.
By-products of the survey, also presented here, include measurements of at least 11 objects that are not associated with massive star-forming regions. They comprise several OH/IR stars (detected at the 1667- or 1665-MHz transition of OH, though commonly found to be most prominent at the 1612-MHz transition) and several unusual masers that may pinpoint other varieties of late-type stars or protoplanetary nebulae.  相似文献   

High spatial resolution radio continuum and 6.67-GHz methanol spectral line data are presented for methanol masers previously detected by Walsh et al. (1997). Methanol maser and/or radio continuum emission is found in 364 cases towards IRAS -selected regions. For those sources with methanol maser emission, relative positions have been obtained to an accuracy of typically 0.05 arcsec, with absolute positions accurate to around 1 arcsec. Maps of selected sources are provided. The intensity of the maser emission does not seem to depend on the presence of a continuum source. The coincidence of water and methanol maser positions in some regions suggests there is overlap in the requirements for methanol and water maser emission to be observable. However, there is a striking difference between the general proximity of methanol and water masers to both cometary and irregularly shaped ultracompact (UC) H  ii regions, indicating that, in other cases, there must be differing environments conducive to stimulating their emission. We show that the methanol maser is most likely present before an observable UC H  ii region is formed around a massive star and is quickly destroyed as the UC H  ii region evolves. There are 36 out of 97 maser sites that are linearly extended. The hypothesis that the maser emission is found in a circumstellar disc is not inconsistent with these 36 maser sites, but is unlikely. It cannot, however, account for all other maser sites. An alternative model which uses shocks to create the masing spots can more readily reproduce the maser spot distributions.  相似文献   

Two star-forming regions Cepheus A and W75N, were searched for the 4765-MHz OH maser emission using the multi-element radio linked interferometer network (MERLIN). The excited OH emission has an arc-like structure of 40 mas in Cep A and a linear structure of size 45 mas in W75N. We also found the 1720-MHz line in Cep A and Hutawarakorn [MNRAS 330 (2002) 349] reported the 1720-MHz emission in W75N. The 1720- and 4765-MHz OH spots coincided in space within 60 mas and in velocity within 0.3 km s–1 in both targets implying that both maser transitions arise from the same region. According to the modelling by Gray [MNRAS 252 (1991) 30] the 1720/4765-MHz co-propagation requires a low density, warm environment. The masers lie at the edges of H II regions where such conditions are expected.  相似文献   

We report observations of the 4765-MHz maser transition of OH (2Π1/2, J=1/2, F=1→0) towards 57 star-forming regions, taken with the 32-m Toruń telescope. Nine maser sources were detected, of which two had not been reported previously. The newly discovered sources in W75N and Cep A and four previously known sources were monitored over periods ranging from a few weeks to six months. Significant variations of the maser intensity occurred on time-scales of one week to two months. The relationships between the flux density and the linewidth for the new sources, established during the rise and fall phases of bursts that lasted 6–8 weeks, are consistent with a model of saturated masers.  相似文献   

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