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Khublaryan  M. G.  Frolov  A. P.  Zyryanov  V. N. 《Water Resources》2004,31(6):617-622
The notions of hydromechanics of continuum with a complicated structure are used to formulate a closed spatially homogeneous mathematical model of water flow within higher aquatic vegetation (HAV) canopy. Model equations are applied to the analysis of the vertical structure of a turbulent flow in a vegetated open channel. Test calculations are made. The results of calculations and experimental studies of water flow characteristics within vegetation communities in some water bodies [1, 6–8, 10, 14] are shown. The difficulties in implementing such experiments require improving the methods of mathematical simulation of water flows through HAV.  相似文献   

The history of volcan Popocatepetl can be divided into two main periods: the formation of a large primitive volcano — approximatively 30 km wide — on which is superimposed a modern cone (6–8 km in diameter and 1700m high). A major event of Bezymianny type marks the transition between these two dissimilar periods.The activity of the primitive volcano was essentially effusive and lasted several hundred thousands of years. The total volume of products ejected by the volcano is of the order of 500–600 km3. Its last differentiated magmas are dacitic.A gigantic debris flow (D.F.) spread on the southern side is related to the Bezymianny-type event which destroyed the summit area of the ancient edifice. An elliptical caldera ( 6.5 × 11 km wide) was formed by the landslide. Its deposits, with a typical hummocky surface, cover 300 km2 for a volume of 28–30 km3. Numerous outcrops belonging to this debris flow show “slabs” of more or less fractured and dislocated rocks that come from the primitive volcano. These deposits are compared to two studied debris flows of similar extent and volume: the Mount Shasta and Colima's D.F.This eruption takes a major place in the volcanologic and magmatic history of Popocatepetl: pyroclastic products of surge-type with “laminites” and crude layers, ashflows, and pumiceous airfall layers are directly related to this event and begin the history of the modern volcano probably less than 50,000 years ago. In addition, a second andesitic and dacitic phase rose both from the central vent — forming the basis of modern Popo — and from lateral vents.The terminal cone is characterized by long periods of construction by lava flows alternating with phases of destruction, the duration of these episodes being 1000 to 2000 years. The cone is composed of two edifices: the first, volcan El Fraile, began with effusive activity and was partly destroyed by three periods of intense explosive activity. The first period occurred prior to 10.000 years B.P., the second from 10.000 to 8000 years B.P. and the third from 5000 to 3800 years B.P. Each period of destruction shows cycles producing collapsing pyroclastic flows or nuées of the St Vincent-type related to the opening of large craters, plinian air-fall deposits and minor lava flows. The second edifice, the summit Popo, produced lava flows until 1200 years B.P. and since that time, entered into an explosive period. Two cataclysmic episodes, each including major pyroclastic eruptions, occurred 1200 and 900–1000 years ago. During the Pre-Hispanic and historic times effusive activity was restricted entirely to the summit area alternating with plinian eruptions. Nevertheless, despite the quiet appearance of the volcano, the last period of pyroclastic activity which started 1200 years ago may not have ended and can be very dangerous for the nearby populations.  相似文献   

This study aims at quantifying the effect of rheology on plan-view shapes of lava flows using fractal geometry. Plan-view shapes of lava flows are important because they reflect the processes governing flow emplacement and may provide insight into lava-flow rheology and dynamics. In our earlier investigation (Bruno et al. 1992), we reported that flow margins of basalts are fractal, having a characteristic shape regardless of scale. We also found we could use fractal dimension (D, a parameter which quantifies flow-margin convolution) to distinguish between the two endmember types of basalts: a a (D: 1.05–1.09) and pahoehoe (D: 1.13–1.23). In this work, we confirm those earlier results for basalts based on a larger database and over a wider range of scale (0.125 m–2.4 km). Additionally, we analyze ten silicic flows (SiO2: 52–74%) over a similar scale range (10 m–4.5 km). We note that silicic flows tend to exhibit scale-dependent, or non-fractal, behavior. We attribute this breakdown of fractal behavior at increased silica contents to the suppression of small-scale features in the flow margin, due to the higher viscosities and yield strengths of silicic flows. These results suggest we can use the fractal properties of flow margins as a remote-sensing tool to distinguish flow types. Our evaluation of the nonlinear aspects of flow dynamics indicates a tendency toward fractal behavior for basaltic lavas whose flow is controlled by internal fluid dynamic processes. For silicic flows, or basaltic flows whose flow is controlled by steep slopes, our evaluation indicates non-fractal behavior, consistent with our observations.  相似文献   

Martynova  M. V. 《Water Resources》2004,31(3):290-296
The seasonal dynamics of the layer-by-layer distribution of P compounds in water (within 70 cm from the bottom) and its relationship with the characteristics of the upper silt layer (0–2 cm) is studied. The regularities of this distribution and the relationships between the properties of water layers and bottom deposits are established.  相似文献   

Self-potential (SP) surveys were made on Mount Pelée volcano (Martinique Island, French West Indies) in 1991 and 1992 in order to recognize its hydrothermal system, the associated groundwater channeling and the main superficial structures of the massif. Almost 70 km of profiles were carried out with an average sample spacing of 50 m. Measurements essentially reveal negative SP anomalies, down to −1700 mV, with high gradients (−1.83 mV/m) due to the infiltration of meteoric water into the massif. Rims of summit calderas Morne Macouba and Etang-Sec present sharp negative SP anomalies on the western, northern, and eastern flanks. Negative SP anomalies indicate no upward water flow beneath Mount Pelée summit. On the southwestern volcano flank, a 3.5×6 km horseshoe-shaped structure corresponding to a southwest flank collapse event, older than 25,000 years BP, is clearly identified by the SP mapping. High gradients border the inner southern rim from Morne Calebasse to St Pierre town and the Caribbean Sea. Along the northern rim of the horseshoe-shaped structure the negative SP anomalies give place to a positive SP anomaly, up to 200 mV, of SW–NE trend. This zone covers the area of two active hot springs (Sources Chaudes and Puits Chaud: 40–65°C). Marine magnetic surveys and bathymetry show that the horseshoe-shaped structure spreads into the Caribbean Sea up to about 10 km from the coast. Buried structural discontinuities are evidenced inside the flank collapse structure. The upper one deviates the groundwater flow coming from the summit toward the south flank where the flow finds an indentation to expand again downwards. This discontinuity is either an old hypothetical caldera rim partly destroyed by the collapse of the south–southwestern flank and covered by recent pyroclastic deposits, or more probably the trace of a bulge landslide. A circulation model of the hydrothermal waters is proposed. Rainfall (5–6 m/year) is partly drained inside the summital calderas and the flank collapse zone through pyroclastic flows down to an impermeable basement. There the groundwater constitutes perched aquifers at the contact of the bulge landslide, or of the hypothetical old caldera rim. Along the inner northern border of the flank collapse structure the phreatic water is reheated. Warm groundwater flows along the northern avalanche structure rim and discharges near the coast in ground and marine outcrops, of medium temperature. Finally, the main part of the meteoric water is channeled along the old caldera rim, or along the bulge landslide towards the south flank of Mount Pelée, where some gaps in the rim exist. There the groundwater finds again a subhorizontal gravitational circulation along Mount Pelée slopes into the Caribbean Sea.  相似文献   

Water pollution by industrial and agricultural waste is an increasingly major public health issue. It is therefore important for water engineers and managers to be able to predict accurately the local behaviour of water-borne pollutants. This paper describes the novel and efficient coupling of dynamically adaptive hierarchical grids with standard solvers of the advection–diffusion equation. Adaptive quadtree grids are able to focus on regions of interest such as pollutant fronts, while retaining economy in the total number of grid elements through selective grid refinement. Advection is treated using Lagrangian particle tracking. Diffusion is solved separately using two grid-based methods; one is by explicit finite differences, the other a diffusion-velocity approach. Results are given in two dimensions for pure diffusion of an initially Gaussian plume, advection–diffusion of the Gaussian plume in the rotating flow field of a forced vortex, and the transport of species in a rectangular channel with side wall boundary layers. Close agreement is achieved with analytical solutions of the advection–diffusion equation and simulations from a Lagrangian random walk model. An application to Sepetiba Bay, Brazil is included to demonstrate the method with complex flows and topography.  相似文献   

A combination of photogeologic mapping, analysis of Viking Orbiter thermal inertia data, and numerical modelling of eruption conditions has permitted us to construct a new model for the evolution of the martian volcano Alba Patera. Numerous digitate channel networks on the flanks of the volcano are interpreted to be carved by sapping due to the release of non-juvenile water from unconsolidated flank deposits. Using the thermal inertia measurements, we estimate the particle size of these deposits to be 3–10 µm, which, together with theoretical modelling of the disperison of explosively derived volcanic materials, leads us to conclude that the flank deposits on Alba Patera are low-relief pyroclastic flows. The recognition of numerous late-stage summit and sub-terminal lava flows thus makes Alba Patera a unique martian volcano that is transitional between the older pyroclastic-dominated highland paterae and the more recent effusive central-vent volcanoes such as the Tharsis Montes.  相似文献   

Sinker Butte is the erosional remnant of a very large basaltic tuff cone of middle Pleistocene age located at the southern edge of the western Snake River Plain. Phreatomagmatic tephras are exposed in complete sections up to 100 m thick in the walls of the Snake River Canyon, creating an unusual opportunity to study the deposits produced by this volcano through its entire sequence of explosive eruptions. The main objectives of the study were to determine the overall evolution of the Sinker Butte volcano while focusing particularly on the tephras produced by its phreatomagmatic eruptions. Toward this end, twenty-three detailed stratigraphic sections ranging from 20 to 100 m thick were examined and measured in canyon walls exposing tephras deposited around 180° of the circumference of the volcano.Three main rock units are recognized in canyon walls at Sinker Butte: a lower sequence composed of numerous thin basaltic lava flows, an intermediate sequence of phreatomagmatic tephras, and a capping sequence of welded basaltic spatter and more lava flows. We subdivide the phreatomagmatic deposits into two main parts, a series of reworked, mostly subaqueously deposited tephras and a more voluminous sequence of overlying subaerial surge and fall deposits. Most of the reworked deposits are gray in color and exhibit features such as channel scour and fill, planar-stratification, high and low angle cross-stratification, trough cross-stratification, and Bouma-turbidite sequences consistent with their being deposited in shallow standing water or in braided streams. The overlying subaerial deposits are commonly brown or orange in color due to palagonitization. They display a wide variety of bedding types and sedimentary structures consistent with deposition by base surges, wet to dry pyroclastic fall events, and water saturated debris flows.Proximal sections through the subaerial tephras exhibit large regressive cross-strata, planar bedding, and bomb sags suggesting deposition by wet base surges and tephra fallout. Medial and distal deposits consist of a thick sequence of well-bedded tephras; however, the cross-stratified base-surge deposits are thinner and interbedded within the fallout deposits. The average wavelength and amplitude of the cross strata continue to decrease with distance from the vent. These bedded surge and fall deposits grade upward into dominantly fall deposits containing 75–95% juvenile vesiculated clasts and localized layers of welded spatter, indicating a greatly reduced water-melt ratio. Overlying these “dryer” deposits are massive tuff breccias that were probably deposited as water saturated debris flows (lahars). The first appearance of rounded river gravels in these massive tuff breccias indicates downward coring of the diatreme and entrainment of country rock from lower in the stratigraphic section. The “wetter” nature of these deposits suggests a renewed source of external water. The massive deposits grade upward into wet fallout tephras and the phreatomagmatic sequence ends with a dry scoria fall deposit overlain by welded spatter and lava flows.Field observations and two new 40Ar–39Ar incremental heating dates suggest the succession of lavas and tephra deposits exposed in this part of the Snake River canyon may all have been erupted from a closely related complex of vents at Sinker Butte. We propose that initial eruptions of lava flows built a small shield edifice that dammed or disrupted the flow of the ancestral Snake River. The shift from effusive to explosive eruptions occurred when the surface water or rising ground water gained access to the vent. As the river cut a new channel around the lava dam, water levels dropped and the volcano returned to an effusive style of eruption.  相似文献   

Data from Equator-S and Geotail are used to study the dynamics of the plasma sheet observed during a substorm with multiple intensifications on 25 April 1998, when both spacecraft were located in the early morning sector (03–04 MLT) at a radial distance of 10–11 RE. In association with the onset of a poleward expansion of the aurora and the westward electrojet in the premidnight and midnight sector, both satellites in the morning sector observed plasma sheet thinning and changes toward a more tail-like field configuration. During the subsequent poleward expansion in a wider local time sector (20−04 MLT), on the other hand, the magnetic field configuration at both satellites changed into a more dipolar configuration and both satellites encountered again the hot plasma sheet. High-speed plasma flows with velocities of up to 600 km/s and lasting 2–5 min were observed in the plasma sheet and near its boundary during this plasma sheet expansion. These high-speed flows included significant dawn-dusk flows and had a shear structure. They may have been produced by an induced electric field at the local dipolarization region and/or by an enhanced pressure gradient associated with the injection in the midnight plasma sheet.  相似文献   

Poa´s Volcano is an active stratovolcano in Costa Rica that has a lake in its active crater. The crater lake has high temperatures (50–90 °C), high acidity (pH ≈ 0.0), and a high dissolved-solids content (100 g/kg). The volcano has numerous freshwater springs on its flanks, but a few on the northwestern flank are highly acidic (pH = 1.6–2.5) and have high dissolved-solids concentrations (2–22 g/kg). This study analyzes the regional groundwater system at Poa´s and demonstrates the likelihood that the water discharging from the acidic springs in the Rio Agrio watershed originates at the acidic crater lake. Both heat and solute transport are analyzed on a regional scale through numerical simulations using the HST3D finite-difference model, which solves the coupled equations for fluid flow, heat transport, and solute transport. The code allows fluid viscosity and density to be functions of both temperature and solute concentration. The simulations use estimates for recharge to the mountain and a range of values and various distributions of permeability and porosity. Several sensitivity analyses are performed to test how the uncertainty in many of the model parameters affects the simulation results. These uncertainties yield an estimated range of travel times from the crater lake to the Rio Agrio springs of 1–30 years, which is in close agreement with the results of tritium analyses of the springs. Calculated groundwater fluxes into and out of the crater lake are both about several hundred kg/s. These fluxes must be accounted for in water budgets of the crater lake.  相似文献   

Multibeam bathymetry and bottom imaging (Simrad EM12D) studies on an area of about 9500 km2 were conducted over the Pitcairn hotspot near 25°10′S, 129° 20′W. In addition, 15 dives with the Nautile submersible enabled us to obtain ground-true observations and to sample volcanic structures on the ancient ocean crust of the Farallon Plate at 3500–4300 m depths. More than 100 submarine volcanoes overprint the ancient crust and are divided according to their size into large (>2000 m in height), intermediate (500–2000 m high) and small (<500 m high) edifices. The interpretation of seafloor backscatter imagery accompanied by submersible observations and sampling enabled us to infer that the total volume of submarine lava erupted during hotspot activity is about 5900 km3 within a radius of about 110 km. The most recent volcanic activities occur on both small and large edifices composed of a great variety of lava flows. These flows vary in composition, following a succession from picritic basalt to alkali basalt, trachybasalt, trachy-andesite and to trachyte. Their large range of SiO2 (48–62%), Na2O+K2O (2–11%), Ba (300–1300 ppm), MgO (1–11%), Nb (19–130 ppm), Ni (4–400 ppm) and rare earth elements suggests that crystal–liquid fractionation from basanite and/or picritic melt sources was a major process. The variation in composition between the least evolved basaltic rocks and the other more evolved silicic lava is marked by a difference in their flow morphology (pillow, giant tubes, tabular to blocky flows). The lava composition and field observation indicate that several magmatic pulses giving rise to cyclic eruptions are responsible for the construction of the edifices. The two larger edifices (>2000 m high) show more extensive eruptive events and a wider range in compositional variability than the smaller (<500 m high) ones. Several (five) submersible transects made along the slope of one of the largest edifices (Bounty) enabled us to observe at least nine successive eruptive cycles progressing from pillow and giant tubular basalt to tabular/blocky trachy-andesite and trachyte flows. Pyroclasts and hyaloclastites are often found with these eruptive sequences. The smaller edifices, forming individualized cones, are built mainly of evolved silicic (SiO2>53%) flows consisting essentially of alternating sequences of trachy-andesite and trachyte. The distribution and composition of the small edifices suggest that they are the result of sub-crustal forceful magma injection and channeling supplied from reservoirs associated with the large volcanoes.  相似文献   

We distinguish three eruptive units of pyroclastic flows (T1, T2, and T3; T for trass) within the late Quaternary Laacher See tephra sequence. These units differ in the chemical/mineralogical composition of the essential pyroclasts ranging from highly differentiated phonolite in T1 to mafic phonolite in T3. T1 and T2 flows were generated during Plinian phases, and T3 flows during a late Vulcanian phase. The volume of the pyroclastic flow deposits is about 0.6 km3. The lateral extent of the flows from the source vent decreases from > 10 km (T1) to < 4.5 km (T3). In the narrow valleys north of Laacher See, the total thickness of the deposits exceeds 60 m.At least 19 flow units in T1, 6 in T2, and 4 in T3 can be recognized at individual localities. Depositional cycles of 2 to 5 flow units are distinguished in the eruptive units. Thickness and internal structure of the flow units are strongly controlled by topography. Subfacies within flow units such as strongly enriched pumice and lithic concentration zones, dust layers, lapilli pipes, ground layers, and lithic breccias are all compositionally related to each other by enrichment or depletion of clasts depending on their size and density in a fluidized flow. While critical diameters of coarse-tail grading were found to mark the boundary between the coarse nonfluidized and the finer fluidized grain-size subpopulations, we document the second boundary between the fluidized and the very fine entrained subpopulations by histograms and Rosin-Rammler graphs. Grain-size distribution and composition of the fluidized middle-size subpopulations remained largely unchanged during transport.Rheological properties of the pyroclastic flows are deduced from the variations in flow-unit structure within the valleys. T1 flows are thought to have decelerated from 25 m/s at 4 km to < 15 m/s at 7 km from the vent; flow density was probably 600–900 kg/m3, and viscosity 5–50 P. The estimated yield strength of the flows of 200– > 1000 N/m2 is consistent with the divergence of lithic size/distance curves from purely Newtonian models; the transport of lithics must be treated as in a Bingham fluid. The flow temperature probably decreased from T1 (300°–500°C) to T3 (<200°C).A large-scale longitudinal variation in the flow units from proximal through medial to distal facies dominantly reflects temporal changes during the progressive collapse of an eruption column. Only a small amount of fallout tephra was generated in the T1 phase of eruption. The pyroclastic flows probably formed from relatively low ash fountains rather than from high Plinian eruption columns.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional (in the vertical plane) wind-induced flows in no-flow-through reservoirs are considered. A numerical algorithm in the flow function–vortex variables is proposed based on the equations of slow stratified flows in the Boussinesq and boundary layer approximations with variable coefficient of vertical turbulent exchange. An analytical solution is given for a simplified problem.  相似文献   

Lithic-rich breccias are described from within a sequence of young (2000–3000 yrs B.P.) scoria and ash flow deposits erupted from Mount Misery and an older pumice and ash flow deposit (ignimbrite) on St. Kitts. Cross sections constructed through pyroclastic flow fans in well-exposed sea cliffs 4–6 km from the vent show that the lithic breccias are lensoid deposits which seem to occur as channel-shaped accumulations (up to > 20 m thick and > 150 m wide) within flow units. The best-developed example infills a deeply incised channel cut into older flow units. The coarsest lithic breccias are clast supported and fines depleted and grade laterally and vertically through finer-grained, matrix-supported breccias into scoria and ash flow deposits. Coarse scoria-concentration zones mainly occur at the tops of scoria and ash flow units but also at the bases, and gas-segregation pipes are common. The lithic breccias are a type of body-concentration deposit as they pass laterally into normal scoria and ash flow deposits and, where best developed, clearly occur above a reversely graded basal shear zone or layer. Grain-size studies indicate the lithic breccias and parent flows are strongly fines depleted and were highly fluidized. We suggest this may be a feature of many Lesser Antillean pyroclastic flows because of increased turbulence-induced fluidization resulting from a high degree of surface roughness caused by the steep (up to 40 °) irregular slopes, densely vegetated sinuous gullies of the tropical volcanoes, and ingestion and ignition of large amounts of lush vegetation. Accumulation of batches of lithics concentrated in the highly fluidized flows began at the break in slope where flows moved from gullies across hydraulic jumps onto the outer coastal flanks. The accumulations of breccias continued to move and be channelled down the central parts of the flows. Initially, on crossing onto the lower slopes, some of these flows seem to have had very powerfully erosive, nondepositional heads, and in the extreme example a deep channel as long as 1–2 km may have cut through underlying flow units at least as far as the present coastline. Much of the overriding remainder of the flow then drained away laterally. Thin, fine-grained ash flow deposits may form a marginal overbank facies to the pyroclastic flow fans.  相似文献   

Data of hydrological and hydrochemical observations conducted in August 2000 at Lake Seliger and its major tributaries are presented. The analyzed characteristics included: O2, H2S, CH4, microelements; mineral and organic compounds of P and N, ionic composition components (HCO3 , Cl, Na+, K+, dry residue, pH; color index, electrical conductivity. Bottom sediment samples were analyzed for microelement concentrations, CH4, oil hydrocarbons. The influence of the basin on the ecological state of the lake was assessed, and tendencies in the evolution of its ecosystem are analyzed. It is shown that the ecological conditions of the lake has not changed significantly since 1960–1991, however, nutrient concentrations in the lake water was found to increase.  相似文献   

Details are given of the development and application of a numerical model for predicting free-surface flows in estuarine and coastal basins using the finite volume method. Both second- and third-order accurate and oscillation free explicit numerical schemes have been used to solve the shallow water equations. The model deploys an unstructured triangular mesh and incorporates two types of mesh layouts, namely the ‘cell centred’ and ‘mesh vertex’ layouts, and provides a powerful mesh generator in which a user can adjust the mesh-size distribution interactively to create a desirable mesh. The quality of mesh has been shown to have a major impact on the overall performance of the numerical model.The model has been applied to simulate two-dimensional dam break flows for which transient water level distributions measured within a laboratory flume were available. In total 12 model runs were undertaken to test the model for various flow conditions. These conditions include: (1) different bed slopes (ranging from zero to 0.8%), (2) different upstream and downstream water level conditions, and (3) initially wet and dry bed conditions, downstream of the dam. Detailed comparisons have been made between model predicted and measured water levels and good agreement achieved between both sets of results. The model was then used to predict water level and velocity distributions in a real estuary, i.e. the Ribble Estuary, where the bed level varies rapidly at certain locations. In order to model the whole estuary, a 1-D numerical model has also been used to model the upper part of the estuary and this model was linked dynamically to the 2-D model. Findings from this application are given in detail.  相似文献   

Coupled modelling of surface and subsurface systems is a valuable tool for quantifying surface water–groundwater interactions. In the present paper, the 3-D non-steady state Navier–Stokes equations, after Reynolds averaging and with the assumption of a hydrostatic pressure distribution, are for the first time coupled to the 3-D saturated groundwater flow equations in an Integrated suRface watEr–grouNdwater modEl (IRENE). A finite-difference method is used for the solution of the governing equations of IRENE. A semi-implicit scheme is used for the discretisation of the surface water flow equations and a fully implicit scheme for the discretisation of the groundwater flow equations. The two sets of equations are coupled at the common interface of the surface water and groundwater bodies, where water exchange takes place, using Darcy’s law. A new approach is proposed for the solution of the coupled surface water and groundwater equations in a simultaneous manner, in such a fashion that gives computational efficiency at low computational cost. IRENE is verified against three analytical solutions of surface water–groundwater interaction, which are chosen so that different components of the model can be tested. The model closely reproduces the results of the analytical solutions and can therefore be used for analysing and predicting surface water–groundwater interactions in real-world cases.  相似文献   

Depressurisation of the Tauhara field due to massive withdrawal of deep chloride water from the adjacent Wairakei field for geothermal power has caused considerably hydrological and chemical changes at Tauhara. In the undisturbed state (1962), deep chloride water discharged as hot and boiling dilute chloride springs on the east and west flanks of the field (the Terrace and Spa areas, respectively), while steam from the two-phase zone of the deep system produced by absorption into near-surface groundwater, steam-heated sulphatebicarbonate waters and by mixing with chloride water, chloride-sulphate waters. By 1978–1981 the chloride waters had stopped discharging on the western flank, the steam flow towards the surface had greatly increased (by 5–10 fold) increasing the volume and temperature of the steam-heated waters, but the dilute chloride waters of the Terrace area had changed very little. Silica concentrations in the near-surface waters appear to be controlled by the solubility of amorphous silica, which is present in the surface zone rocks (e.g., Taupo pumice breccias). The increased steam flow led to enrichment in the 13O and D contents of the steam-heated waters by loss of secondary steam and enlargement of the area and intensity of steaming ground, the latter accompanied by hydrothermal eruptions in 1974 and 1981. Generation of the steam-heated waters has been modelled using mass, heat and isotope balances. The model is consistent with observed heat and cold groundwater flows and requires that a large proportion of the heat from adsorbed primary steam is released as secondary steam. Tritium contents show that the steam-heated waters have a mean residence time of 50–100 years. In the future, invasion of the deep system by cooler surface waters may reduce steam flow and lower surface aquifer temperatures.  相似文献   

The historical records of Kilauea and Mauna Loa volcanoes reveal that the rough-surfaced variety of basalt lava called aa forms when lava flows at a high volumetric rate (>5–10 m3/s), and the smooth-surfaced variety called pahoehoe forms at a low volumetric rate (<5–10 m3/s). This relationship is well illustrated by the 1983–1990 and 1969–1974 eruptions of Kilauea and the recent eruptions of Mauna Loa. It is also illustrated by the eruptions that produced the remarkable paired flows of Mauna Loa, in which aa formed during an initial short period of high discharge rate (associated with high fountaining) and was followed by the eruption of pahoehoe over a sustained period at a low discharge rate (with little or no fountaining). The finest examples of paired lava flows are those of 1859 and 1880–1881. We attribute aa formation to rapid and concentrated flow in open channels. There, rapid heat loss causes an increase in viscosity to a threshold value (that varies depending on the actual flow velocity) at which, when surface crust is torn by differential flow, the underlying lava is unable to move sufficiently fast to heal the tear. We attribute pahoehoe formation to the flowage of lava at a low volumetric rate, commonly in tubes that minimize heat loss. Flow units of pahoehoe are small (usually <1 m thick), move slowly, develop a chilled skin, and become virtually static before the viscosity has risen, to the threshold value. We infer that the high-discharge-rate eruptions that generate aa flows result from the rapid emptying of major or subsidiary magma chambers. Rapid near-surface vesiculation of gas-rich magma leads to eruptions with high discharge rates, high lava fountains, and fast-moving channelized flows. We also infer that long periods of sustained flow at a low discharge rate, which favor pahoehoe, result from the development of a free and unimpeded pathway from the deep plumbing system of the volcano and the separation of gases from the magma before eruption. Achievement of this condition requires one or more episodes of rapid magma excursion through the rift zone to establish a stable magma pathway.  相似文献   

The Etendeka Igneous Province in NW Namibia forms the eastern most extent of the Paraná–Etendeka Flood Basalt Province and, despite only covering about 5% of the Paraná–Etendeka, has been the focus of much interest, due to its extremely well exposed nature. The Huab Basin in NW Namibia forms the focus of this study, and formed a connected basin with the Paraná throughout Karoo times (late Palaeozoic) into the Lower Cretaceous. It contains a condensed section of the Karoo deposits, which indicate early periods of extension, and Lower Cretaceous aeolian and volcanic Etendeka deposits, which have their correlatives in the Paraná. In the Huab Basin, the volcanic rocks of the Etendeka Group consists of the Awahab and Tafelberg Formations, which are separated by a disconformity. Detailed examination of the Awahab Formation reveals an additional disconformity, which separates olivine-phyric basalts (Tafelkop-type) from basalt/basaltic andesites (Tafelberg-type) marking out a shield volcanic feature which is concentrated in an area to the SE of the Huab River near to the Doros igneous centre. Early volcanism consisted of pahoehoe style flows of limited lateral extent, which spilled out onto aeolian sands of an active aeolian sand sea 133 million years ago. This sand sea is equivalent to the sands making up the Botucatu Formation in the Paraná basin. The early expression of flood volcanism was that of laterally discontinuous, limited volume, pahoehoe flows of Tafelkop-type geochemistry, which interleaved with the aeolian sands forming the Tafelkop–Interdune Member basalts. These basalts are on-lapped by more voluminous, laterally extensive, basalt/basaltic andesite flows indicating a step-up in the volume and rate of flood volcanism, leading to the preservation of the shield volcanic feature. These geochemically distinct basalts/basaltic andesites form the Tsuhasis Member, which are interbeded with the Goboboseb and Sprinkbok quartz latite flows higher in the section. The Tsuhasis Member basalts, which form the upper parts of the Awahab Formation, are of Tafelberg-type geochemistry, but are stratigraphically distinct from the Tafelberg lavas, which are found in the Tafelberg Formation above. Thus, the internal stratigraphy of the flood basalt province contains palaeo-volcanic features, such as shield volcanoes, and other disconformities and is not that of a simple layer-cake model. This complex internal architecture indicates that flood volcanism started sporadically, with low volume pahoehoe flows of limited lateral extent, before establishing the more common large volume flows typical of the main lava pile.  相似文献   

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