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利用CRTM (Community Radiative Transfer Model) 快速辐射传输模式对NOAA-K系列卫星的AMSU-A通道亮温进行正演模拟,重点研究云粒子类型、云高、云厚度等云参数对微波亮温模拟的影响。结果表明:改变云粒子类型时,云水和雨水对模拟亮温影响较大,模拟亮温值比晴空高1 K;霰、雪、冰、雹等固态粒子对模拟亮温的影响较小,模拟亮温值略低于晴空无云情况;云层光学厚度较大时,各通道亮温受云层影响的情况取决于权重函数峰值高度和云顶高度的配置;多个高度存在云时,若最上层云较厚 (2 km),光学厚度大,相应通道亮温取决于最上层云,较低层云对亮温不产生影响;云层变薄,光学厚度减小,高度低于云层或略高于云顶的通道亮温随云层厚度的变化明显,若通道高度远高于云顶,云层厚度的变化对于其亮温模拟的影响很小。 相似文献
通过冰雹云模式模拟的一次冰雹云降水过程中降水粒子廓线和微波辐射传输模式结合,分析了冰雹云发展的不同阶段的微物理含量垂直结构变化及其对微波亮温的影响,得到以下几点结论:1)如果微波通道受到降水粒子散射和辐射的共同作用,如降水云早期的85 GHz亮温,成熟期的19 GHz亮温及消散期的37 GHz亮温,由于辐射和散射信息互相抵消,致使亮温随雨强的变化较复杂,这些通道亮温和雨强的相关性明显降低,不宜被用来反演地面雨强。2)根据19 GHz亮温随地面雨强或冰相粒子柱含量的改变,可以大致确定降雨云的不同阶段:在发展阶段,主要是降雨层以上的冰相粒子,尤其霰粒影响19 GHz亮温,致使其亮温与冰相粒子柱含量具有较好的负相关,而与地面雨强相关性较差;在成熟阶段,主要受雨水上层逐渐增加的辐射和冰相粒子散射共同作用,使得19GHz亮温与地面雨强和冰相粒子柱含量的相关性都不太好;在消散阶段,19 GHz亮温主要受较强的雨水辐射影响,与地面雨强和冰相粒子柱含量均有着较高的正相关。3)37 GHz是相对比较稳定的通道,其亮温与地面雨强有较好的线性关系,尤其与冰相粒子柱含量相关性更好,因此是反演地面雨强和冰相粒子柱含量的最佳通道。85 GHz亮温对降雨云体的中高层结构较为敏感,使得其亮温随地面雨强增加而降低的变化比较离散,不如37 GHz的集中。 相似文献
快速辐射传输模式中水成物辐射效应的考虑对卫星观测模拟具有重要的影响。利用区域中尺度数值模式WRF预报输出水成物含量和温湿廓线等参数,使用欧洲中期数值天气预报中心和美国卫星资料同化联合中心发展建立的快速辐射传输模式RTTOV和CRTM,结合雅可比模式计算得到的响应函数,分析了各种水成物辐射效应对AMSUA/B卫星微波观测各通道亮温模拟的影响,并比较了RTTOV和CRTM结果间的异同。结果表明,RTTOV和CRTM两个快速辐射传输模式计算得到的水成物响应函数和水成物辐射效应对模拟亮温影响特征基本一致,但量级上存在差异。雅可比表征的水成物响应函数和水成物本身的分布层次对应关系良好,云水和雨水的响应函数主要分布在中下层,冰水和雪则分布在中上层。相对于RTTOV,CRTM计算得到的水成物响应函数要大一些。对AMSUA,云水和雨水的辐射效应对通道模拟亮温主要以增温为主,尤其是在低频的窗区通道,冰晶和雪则体现散射效应为主的降温作用。对AMSUB,水成物辐射效应的考虑使得模拟亮温降低,尤其是通道2降温幅度最大。CRTM计算出的水成物辐射效应带来的模拟亮温变化幅度大于RTTOV。目前,CRTM除了考虑云、雨、冰和雪4种水成物外,还考虑霰和雹的辐射效应,对水成物辐射效应的考虑比RTTOV更完善一些。 相似文献
目前,国内外对于地基微波辐射计的探测能力多从温湿廓线等二级产品级进行考察,其误差包含反演算法和硬件系统两部分的贡献,不易区分。为直接考察硬件系统的观测性能,试验将评估对象前移,直接对一级亮温数据进行比对分析。利用2016年1月-2018年3月中国气象局大气探测试验基地4台地基微波辐射计和业务探空的同址观测数据,以探空数据输入MonoRTM辐射传输模型得到的正演亮温为参考,考察不同天气、不同季节微波辐射计的探测准确性。结果表明:国产与进口设备观测亮温的准确性相当。4台地基微波辐射计实测亮温与模拟亮温相关性较好,相关系数基本超过0.9,均达到0.001显著性水平。晴空条件下,实测亮温较模拟亮温均方根误差平均为2.08~3.75 K;德国辐射计亮温偏差最小,各通道平均偏差为1.08 K,均方根误差平均为2.08 K。亮温偏差在冬季最小,夏季达到最大。建议提高定标准确度并进行质量控制以确保亮温准确性,谨慎使用降水期间辐射计的观测数据。 相似文献
利用Eddington近似解析算法和一含有冰水相态混合层的降水云模型,改变滴谱,并/或使云中冰球带上水膜,可以改变云内一些高度上的辐射通量,而对降水云在云顶和地面两处的射出辐亮温的影响,则与雨强和微波频率以及水膜冰球谱和水膜厚度有关。云中相态混合层内水成物相态和滴谱对6.6、10.7和18GHz辐射传输和射出辐亮温有较大的影响,对更高的频率(37.0、85.6和183GHz)影响较小。 相似文献
FY 2F红外亮温资料模拟与偏差分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为了实现西太平洋及东亚区域FY-2F可见红外自旋扫描辐射计(VISSR)资料的直接同化,本文利用飓风天气预报模式(WRF For Hurricane,HWRF)和快速辐射传输模式(Community Radiative Transfer Model,CRTM)对FY-2F的亮温资料进行了模拟。在有云情况下,中高纬度锋面云系模拟的相对较好,而低纬热带云团模拟偏差较大。对于晴空条件下模拟的红外1、2、4通道(IR1、2、4)亮温,受陆地下垫面发射率不均匀的影响模拟偏差较大,且辐射传输模式平均而言低估了地表发射率。海洋下垫面的资料模拟情况要明显好于陆地。IR4通道在白天受太阳短波影响观测亮温偏高。去除受云污染的资料仅保留晴空观测资料,通过格点统计插值(Community Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation,GSI)质量控制和偏差订正,IR2通道平均偏差减小约50%,IR3通道平均偏差从3.7 K减小到0.34 K。而IR1通道质量较好,偏差订正前后几乎没有变化。 相似文献
卫星资料提供了大量关于云和雨的观测信息,在暴雨预报中可发挥巨大的作用,然而在数值模式资料同化中的应用水平仍然不高,特别是红外辐射资料的应用。由于有云环境下辐射传输过程的模拟难度很大,因此通常只同化晴空环境下的红外辐射资料。基于GRAPES-3DVAR(Global and Regional Assimilation and Prediction Enhanced System,全球/区域同化预报系统),根据RTTOV辐射传输模式(fast radiative transfer model for TOVS,快速辐射传输模式)的特点,增加云水含量、云冰水含量和云量作为同化系统控制变量,在改进辐射传输模式对红外资料模拟的同时,利用红外资料调整初始云参数和大气参数。针对2007年5月26日南海季风爆发后广东地区的一次暴雨过程,选取MODIS(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer,中分辨成像光谱仪)传感器水汽(第27)和云顶观测(第36)通道进行了同化试验,利用WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting Model,天气研究和预报模式)进行了数值模拟,结果表明同化MODIS资料,可以改进初始场水汽和温度分布,间接调整高空风场,调整趋势符合卫星观测,对短时降水预报有正面影响。 相似文献
MODIS brightness temperature data assimilation under cloudy conditions Ⅱ: Impacts on rainstorm forecasting 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Although satellite observations provide large amount of information of clouds and precipitation and play an important role in the forecast of heavy rainfall, they have not been fully taken advantage of in data assimilation of numerical weather predictions, especially those in infrared channels. Assimilating radiances is common under clear-sky conditions since it is extremely difficult to simulate infrared transmittance in cloudy sky. Based on the Global and Regional Assimilation and Prediction Enhanced System 3-dimensional variance (GRAPES-3DVar), cloud liquid water content, ice-water content and cloud cover are employed as governing variables in the assimilation system. This scheme can improve the simulation of infrared transmittance by a fast radiative transfer model for TOVS (RTTOV) and adjust the atmospheric and cloud parameters based on infrared radiance observations. In this paper, we investigate a heavy rainfall over Guangdong province on May 26, 2007, which is right after the onset of a South China Sea monsoon. In this case, channels of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) for observing water vapor (Channel 27) and cloud top altitude (Channel 36) are selected for the assimilation. The process of heavy rainfall is simulated by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Our results show that the assimilated MODIS data can improve the distribution of water vapor and temperature in the first guess field and indirectly adjust the upper-level wind field. The tendency of adjustment agrees well with the satellite observations. The assimilation scheme has positive impacts on the short-range forecasting of rainstorm. 相似文献
云对红外辐射传输过程有十分重要的影响,在资料同化过程中考虑云的作用,不仅可以改进大气参数的同化效果,还可以利用红外资料调整部分云参数,减小云参数的初始误差。在GRAPES-3DVAR(Global and Regional Assimilation and Prediction Enhanced System,全球/区域同化预报系统)基础上,增加云水含量、云冰水含量和云量作为同化系统控制变量,针对晴空、部分有云和完全有云等环境对MODIS(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer,即中分辨成像光谱仪)的16个气象通道亮温进行了同化理想试验,结果表明当背景场模拟的亮温低于观测亮温时,分析场通过增温、减湿、减少云水含量、云冰水含量、云量可以达到升高模拟亮温的目的;反之可以降低模拟亮温;晴空环境下对温度、比湿的调整符合MODIS仪器的设计特点;有云环境下对云层以下的影响减弱。理想试验证实了在红外辐射资料同化过程中将云参数和大气参数同时作为同化系统控制变量,可以利用红外资料调整云参数和常规气象要素场,提高资料的利用率。 相似文献
Clouds have important effects on the infrared radiances transmission in that the inclusion of
cloud effects in data assimilation can not only improve the quality of the assimilated atmospheric
parameters greatly, but also minimize the initial error of cloud parameters by adjusting part of the infrared
radiances data. On the basis of the Grapes-3D-var (Global and Regional Assimilation and Prediction
Enhanced System), cloud liquid water, cloud ice water and cloud cover are added as the governing
variables in the assimilation. Under the conditions of clear sky, partly cloudy cover and totally cloudy cover,
the brightness temperature of 16 MODIS channels are assimilated respectively in ideal tests. Results show
that when the simulated background brightness temperatures are lower than the observation, the analyzed
field will increase the simulated brightness temperature by increasing its temperature and reducing its
moisture, cloud liquid water, cloud ice water, and cloud cover. The simulated brightness temperature can
be reduced if adjustment is made in the contrary direction. The adjustment of the temperature and specific
humidity under the clear sky conditions conforms well to the design of MODIS channels, but it is
weakened for levels under cloud layers. The ideal tests demonstrate that by simultaneously adding both
cloud parameters and atmospheric parameters as governing variables during the assimilation of infrared
radiances, both the cloud parameters and atmospheric parameters can be adjusted using the observed
infrared radiances and conventional meteorological elements to make full use of the infrared observations. 相似文献
本文利用三维变分同化系统(WRFDA),设计了4个同化试验方案,将ATOVS卫星亮温资料直接同化到中尺度数值模式(WRF)中,研究同化ATOVS不同卫星亮温资料对2009年04号热带风暴“浪卡”数值模拟的影响。结果表明,直接同化卫星亮温资料能够改善初始场结构(大气流场、温度场),尤其是对西太平洋反气旋系统,进而提高对热带气旋路径的模拟精度。同化不同类型的ATOVS卫星亮温资料对于热带气旋的移动路径有着不同程度的改善,其中以HIRS3和HIRS4资料同化对热带气旋移动路径改善效果最好。 相似文献
Peng ZHANG Qifeng LU Xiuqing HU Songyan GU Lei YANG Min MIN Lin CHEN Na XU Ling Sun Wenguang BAI Gang MA Di XIAN 《大气科学进展》2019,36(9):1027-1045
In this paper,the latest progress,major achievements and future plans of Chinese meteorological satellites and the core data processing techniques are discussed.First,the latest three FengYun(FY)meteorological satellites(FY-2H,FY-3D,and FY-4A)and their primary objectives are introduced Second,the core image navigation techniques and accuracies of the FY meteorological satellites are elaborated,including the latest geostationary(FY-2/4)and polar-orbit(FY-3)satellites.Third,the radiometric calibration techniques and accuracies of reflective solar bands,thermal infrared bands,and passive microwave bands for FY meteorological satellites are discussed.It also illustrates the latest progress of real-time calibration with the onboard calibration system and validation with different methods,including the vicarious China radiance calibration site calibration,pseudo invariant calibration site calibration,deep convective clouds calibration,and lunar calibration.Fourth,recent progress of meteorological satellite data assimilation applications and quantitative science produce are summarized at length.The main progress is in meteorological satellite data assimilation by using microwave and hyper-spectral infrared sensors in global and regional numerical weather prediction models.Lastly,the latest progress in radiative transfer,absorption and scattering calculations for satellite remote sensing is summarized,and some important research using a new radiative transfer model are illustrated. 相似文献
The three-orbit constellation can comprehensively increase the spatial coverage of polar-orbiting satellites,but the polar-orbiting satellites currently in operation are only mid-morning-orbit and afternoon-orbit satellites.Fengyun-3E(FY-3E)was launched successfully on 5 July 2021 in China.As an early-morning-orbit satellite,FY-3E can help form a complete three-orbit observation system together with the mid-morning and afternoon satellites in the current mainstream operational system.In this study,we investigate the added benefit of FY-3E microwave sounding observations to the mid-morning-orbit Meteorological Operational satellite-B(MetOp-B)and afternoon-orbit Fengyun-3D(FY-3D)microwave observations in the Chinese Meteorological Administration global forecast system(CMA-GFS).The results show that the additional FY-3E microwave temperature sounder-3(MWTS-3)and microwave humidity sounder-2(MWHS-2)data can increase the global coverage of microwave temperature and humidity sounding data by 14.8%and 10.6%,respectively.It enables the CMA-GFS to achieve nearly 100%global coverage of microwave-sounding observations at each analysis time.Furthermore,after effective quality control and bias correction,the global biases and standard deviations of the differences between observations and model simulations are also reduced.Based on the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit A and the Microwave Humidity Sounder onboard MetOp-B,and the MWTS-2 and MWHS-2 onboard FY-3D,adding the microwave sounding data of FY-3E can further reduce the errors of analysis results and improve the global prediction skills of CMA-GFS,especially for the southern-hemisphere forecasts within 96 hours,all of which are significant at the 95%confidence level. 相似文献