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Sea-breeze dynamics in the Marseille area, in the south of France, is investigated in the framework of the ESCOMPTE experiment conducted during summer 2001 in order to evaluate the role of thermal circulations on pollutant transport and ventilation. Under particular attention in this paper is the sea-breeze channelling by the broad Rhône valley and the narrow Durance valley, both oriented nearly-north–south, i.e., perpendicular to the coastline, and its possible impact on the sea-breeze penetration, intensity and depth, which are key information for air pollution issues. One situation of slight synoptic pressure gradient leading to a northerly flow in the Rhône valley (25 June 2001) and one situation of a weak onshore prevailing synoptic wind (26 June 2001) are compared. The impact of the Rhône and Durance valleys on the sea-breeze dynamics on these two typical days is generalized to the whole ESCOMPTE observing period.The present study shows by combining simple scaling analysis with wind data from meteorological surface stations and Doppler lidars that (i) the Durance valley always affects the sea breeze by accelerating the flow. A consequence is that the Durance valley contributes to weaken the temperature gradient along the valley and thus the sea-breeze circulation. In some cases, the acceleration of the channelled flow in the Durance valley suppresses the sea-breeze flow by temperature gradient inhibition; (ii) the Rhône valley does not generally affect the sea breeze significantly. However, if the sea breeze is combined with an onshore flow, it leads to further penetration inland and intensification of the low-level southerly flow. In this situation, lateral constriction may accelerate the sea breeze. Simple scaling analysis suggests that Saint Paul (44.35°N, about 100 km from the coastline) is the lower limit where sea breeze can be affected by the Rhône valley. These conclusions have implications in air quality topics as channelled sea breeze may advect far inland pollutants which may be incorporated into long-range transport, particularly in the Durance valley.  相似文献   

Summary The boundary-layer structure of the Elqui Valley is investigated, which is situated in the arid north of Chile and extends from the Pacific Ocean in the west to the Andes in the east. The climate is dominated by the south-eastern Pacific subtropical anticyclone and the cold Humboldt Current. This combination leads to considerable temperature and moisture gradients between the coast and the valley and results in the evolution of sea and valley wind systems. The contribution of these mesoscale wind systems to the heat and moisture budget of the valley atmosphere is estimated, based on radiosoundings performed near the coast and in the valley. Near the coast, a well-mixed cloud-topped boundary layer exists. Both, the temperature and the specific humidity do not change considerably during the day. In the stratus layer the potential temperature increases, while the specific humidity decreases slightly with height. The top of the thin stratus layer, about 300 m in depth, is marked by an inversion. Moderate sea breeze winds of 3–4 m s−1 prevail in the sub-cloud and cloud layer during daytime, but no land breeze develops during the night. The nocturnal valley atmosphere is characterized by a strong and 900 m deep stably stratified boundary layer. During the day, no pronounced well-mixed layer with a capping inversion develops in the valley. Above a super-adiabatic surface layer of about 150 m depth, a stably stratified layer prevails throughout the day. However, heating can be observed within a layer above the surface 800 m deep. Heat and moisture budget estimations show that sensible heat flux convergence exceeds cold air advection in the morning, while both processes compensate each other around noon, such that the temperature evolution stagnates. In the afternoon, cold air advection predominates and leads to net cooling of the boundary layer. Furthermore, the advection of moist air results in the accumulation of moisture during the noon and afternoon period, while latent heat flux convergence is of minor relevance to the moisture budget of the boundary layer. Correspondence: Norbert Kalthoff, Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung, Universit?t Karlsruhe/Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Postfach 3640, 76021 Karlsruhe, Germany  相似文献   

The flow structure at the intersection between the Rhine and the Seez valleys nearthe Swiss city of Bad Ragaz has been documented by means of wind and pressuremeasurements collected from 9 September to 10 November 1999 during the MesoscaleAlpine Programme (MAP) experiment. To understand better the dynamics of theageostrophic winds that develop in this part of the Rhine valley, some key questionsare answered in this paper including the following: (i) How does air blow at theintersection of the Rhine and Seez valleys? and (ii) what are the dynamical processes(mechanical or thermal) driving the flow circulations in the valleys? Statistical analysis of the wind and pressure patterns at synoptic scale and at the scaleof the valley shows that five main flow patterns, SE/S, NW/W, NW/N, NW/S, SE/N(wind direction in the Seez valley/wind direction in the Rhine valley) prevail. The SE/S regime is the flow splitting situation. It is mainly driven by a strong pressure gradient across the Alps leading to foehn, even though some nocturnal cases are generated bylocal thermal gradients. The NW/W and NW/N regimes are mechanically forced bythe synoptic pressure gradient (as the flow splitting case). The difference between thetwo regimes is due to the synoptic flow direction [westerly (northerly) synoptic flowfor the NW/W (NW/N) regime], showing that the Rhine valley (particularly from BadRagaz to Lake Constance) is less efficient in channelling the flow than the Seez valley.The NW/S (occurring mainly during nighttime) and SE/N (occurring mainly duringdaytime) regimes are mainly katabatic flows. However, the SE/N regime is also partlyforced at the synoptic scale during the foehn case that occurred between 18 October and 20 October 1999, with a complex layered vertical structure. This analysis also shows that, contrary to what was observed in a broad section of theupper Rhine valley near Mannheim, very few countercurrents were observed near BadRagaz where the valley width is much smaller.  相似文献   

Using data from automatic surface weather stations,buoys,lidar and Doppler,the diurnal variation and the three-dimensional structure of the sea breezes near the sailing sites of the Good Luck Beijing— 2006 Qingdao International Regatta from 18 to 31 August 2006 are analyzed.Results show that excluding rainy days and days affected by typhoon,the sea breezes occur nearly every day during this period.When Qingdao is located at the edge of the subtropical high at 500 hPa,the sea breeze is usually stronger,aroun...  相似文献   

This paper presents results from a statistical validation of the hindcasts of surface wind by a high-reso-ution-mesoscale atmospheric numerical model Advanced Research WRF (ARW3.3), which is set up to force the operational coastal ocean forecast system at Indian Na- tional Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS). Evaluation is carried out based on comparisons of day-3 forecasts of surface wind with in situ and remote-sensing data. The results show that the model predicts the surface wind fields fairly accurately over the west coast of India, with high skill in predicting the surface wind during the pre-monsoon season. The model predicts the diurnal variability of the surface wind with reasonable accuracy. The model simulates the land-sea breeze cycle in the coastal region realistically, which is very clearly observed during the northeast monsoon and pre-monsoon season and is less prominent during the southwest monsoon season.  相似文献   

黄河流域旱涝年地面热量收支变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据北京、郑州3年热量平衡观测资料,建立波文(Bowen)比计算模式。并用此模式及辐射计算式等估计黄河流域8年5-8月地面月辐射收支、蒸发耗热、湍流热交换量和土壤热交换量,并比较分析旱涝年它们的差异以及随旱涝(用降水距平表示)的变化。  相似文献   

2008年4—10月在中国南海西沙永兴岛近海进行了第4次海-气通量观测试验,获得了整个夏季风期间近海面层湍流脉动量及辐射、表层水温、波浪及距水面3.5、7.0、10.5m高度温、湿、风梯度观测资料,根据涡动相关法和COARE3.0法计算结果研究了2008年南海西南季风爆发、发展、中断、衰退包括暴雨、台风、冷空气影响等天气过程中海-气通量交换和热量收支变化。结果表明:(1)季风爆发前的晴天太阳总辐射强,而海洋失热量较小,热量净收支为较大正值,海面温度迅速升高。季风爆发期太阳总辐射仍然较强,大气长波辐射也有所增强,而海面长波辐射变化很小,故海面净辐射收支仍为正值;(2)季风活跃期特别是降水阶段感热通量增大,季风中断阶段变小;季风活跃期虽然潜热通量增大,由于太阳短波辐射没有减少,海洋净热量收支稍有盈余;中断阶段潜热通量、感热通量减少,海洋吸热大于季风活跃期;降水阶段由于太阳短波辐射减小,感热通量增大,海洋热量收支出现较大负值,海面温度很快降低。季风衰退期风力减弱,湿度减小,潜热通量减小,海洋热量收入又出现较大正值,海面温度回升;(3)台风影响过程中潜热通量随着风速增强迅速增大;感热通量因降水情况不同而有差异,晴天时减小,大雨时剧烈增大;由于太阳短波辐射减少、潜热通量剧增,海洋热量净收支出现负值,促使海面温度迅速降低;(4)动量通量主要与海表面风速有关;动量通量τ与风速V的关系可以表示为τ=0.00171v~2-0.003809v+0.02213。  相似文献   

对珠峰北坡绒布河谷地区大气观测实验发现,绒布河谷中地面气流存在明显的日变化,但有别于其它地区的山谷风系统:在凌晨至正午前后基本为<2m·s-1的小风,而午后至午夜则盛行来自珠峰方向的偏南下山风.由于珠峰北坡地区地形复杂,绒布河谷中地面气流的日变化可能是山谷风、坡风与冰川风等环流系统共同作用的结果.为了分析绒布河谷中风场日变化的主要驱动因子,本文利用一个中尺度气象模式对绒布河谷中典型风场进行了模拟,并借助观测资料对模拟结果进行了检验,进而对风场的时空分布特征及其变化原因进行了探讨.  相似文献   

1991年江淮流域持续性特大暴雨的水汽输送   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
谢齐强 《气象》1993,19(10):16-20
讨论了1991年5月上旬到7月下旬逐旬水汽能量的变化,来自孟加拉湾和来自南海的水汽通量各旬之间变化很大并且有正相关关系。这种变化引起进入江淮流域南界的水汽发生变化,导致江淮流域的水汽收支各旬不同。5月下旬和7月上旬,水汽收入达到峰值,为暴雨提供了丰沛的水汽,说明江淮流域的水汽主要来自孟加拉湾和南海。  相似文献   

The Town Energy Budget (TEB) model, a detailed urban parameterisation using a generalised canyon geometry, coupled with the Regional Atmospheric Modelling System (RAMS) is used to simulate the wintertime local circulation in the megacity environment of the metropolitan area of Sao Paulo (MASP) in Brazil. Model simulations are performed using actual topography and land-use fields. Comparison with a simple urban parameterisation based on the LEAF-2 scheme is also shown. Validation is based on comparison between model simulations and observations. Sensitivity tests with TEB reveal an important interaction between the sea breeze and the MASP heat island circulation. Even though topography is known to play an important role in the MASP region’s weather, in these tests the simulations were performed without topography in order to unambiguously identify the interaction between the two local circulations. The urban heat island (UHI) forms a strong convergence zone in the centre of the city and thereby accelerates the sea-breeze front toward the centre of the city. The presence of the urban region increases the sea-breeze front propagation mean speed by about 0.32 m s−1 when compared with the situation of no city. After its arrival in the urban region, the sea-breeze front stalls over the centre of the city for about 2 h. Subsequently, the sea breeze progresses beyond the city when the heat island dissipates. Thereafter, the sea breeze propagates beyond the urban area at a decelerated rate compared to a simulation without an UHI.  相似文献   

We measured the surface energy budget of an Alpine grassland in highly complex terrain to explore possibilities and limitations for application of the eddy-covariance technique, also for CO2 flux measurements, at such non-ideal locations. This paper focuses on the influence of complex terrain on the turbulent energy measurements of a characteristic high Alpine grassland on Crap Alv (Alp Weissenstein) in the Swiss Alps during the growing season 2006. Measurements were carried out on a topographic terrace with a slope of 25 inclination. Flux data quality is assessed via the closure of the energy budget and the quality flag method used within the CarboEurope project. During 93% of the time the wind direction was along the main valley axis (43% upvalley and 50% downvalley directions). During the transition times of the typical twice daily wind direction changes in a mountain valley the fraction of high and good quality flux data reached a minimum of ≈50%, whereas during the early afternoon ≈70% of all records yielded good to highest quality (CarboEurope flags 0 and 1). The overall energy budget closure was 74 ± 2%. An angular correction for the shortwave energy input to the slope improved the energy budget closure slightly to 82 ± 2% for afternoon conditions. In the daily total, the measured turbulent energy fluxes are only underestimated by around 8% of net radiation. In summary, our results suggest that it is possible to yield realistic energy flux measurements under such conditions. We thus argue that the Crap Alv site and similar topographically complex locations with short-statured vegetation should be well suited also for CO2 flux measurements.  相似文献   

我国南方MCC的涡度、水汽和热量收支平衡   总被引:4,自引:8,他引:4  
康凤琴  肖稳安 《高原气象》2001,20(3):333-339
采用合成分析方法 ,将我国南方中尺度对流复合体的生命史划分为 7个子阶段 ,详细探讨MCC演变过程中的涡度、水汽和热量收支平衡演变特征 ,着重分析了中小尺度系统在MCC过程中的作用。结果表明 :( 1)在MCC过程中 ,中γ尺度和中 β尺度系统活动是引起涡度不平衡的重要原因。( 2 )在MCC初始阶段有中小尺度对流系统消耗MCC的水汽、热量而积极活动 ,造成MCC的视热汇、视水汽汇。成熟阶段的源区域表明有中小尺度系统的活动造成MCC的视热源、视水汽源 ,这是MCC具有长生命史的原因。MCC后期 ,中小尺度对流系统活动造成的视水汽汇和视热汇 ,与有利的大尺度天气条件的逐渐消亡 ,使MCC渐渐消失。 ( 3 )MCC的形成和启动受大尺度环境场的控制 ;一旦MCC开始活动 ,对流层低层、中层的中尺度对流系统活动对MCC的发展与持续过程有十分重要的作用 ;在MCC前期 ,中小尺度对流活动消耗MCC的总能量而启动 ;在成熟阶段中小尺度对流活动释放总能量造成了MCC的长生命史 ;MCC后期 ,大形势发生改变 (如位势不稳定度的变化等 ) ,积云对流活动和(或 )中尺度对流活动的作用与大尺度形势趋势一致 ,致使MCC消亡。 ( 4 )在MCC前期 ,潜热释放是主要加热因子 ;而后对流垂直输送水汽和热量的作用比对流凝结加热的作用大。  相似文献   

海南岛海风演变特征的观测分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
王静  苗峻峰  冯文 《气象科学》2016,36(2):244-255
本文利用2012年海南岛19个常规气象站、5个海岛站的逐时资料以及海口站的探空资料,对海南岛海风的时空演变特征及在不同天气条件下海风发展的特征进行了统计分析,结果表明:2012年全年海南岛的海风多发生于春、秋季,频率分别为40%和33%,冬季最少(约为19%),尤其是一月,大部分站点均不足10%。夏季海风出现时刻较早;南部沿海海风结束时间晚于北部沿海;冬季海风开始得较晚,南部海风结束时间早于北部沿海。海风平均持续时间约为10 h。沿海站的海风风速主要集中在3~6 m·s~(-1),且最大风速值出现在春季,除琼山、海口站外,最大海风强度多出现于春夏季。内陆站中部山区附近海风出现频率较高、开始时刻较早、持续时间较长、强度也较大。海风向内陆的传播距离至少为70 km;海风易发生在阴天,其次为多云天气,少云日的海风最少。  相似文献   

Wind-tunnel experiments in a thermally stratified wind tunnel and direct numerical simulations were performed to simulate the thermal internal boundary layer (TIBL) that developed over a coastal area in a sea-breeze flow. The results of the simulations were analyzed to investigate turbulence structure in the TIBL. To study the effects of the atmospheric stability over the sea on the TIBL, two vertical profiles of temperature were created in the upstream portion of the wind-tunnel experiment and the direct numerical simulation. Turbulence statistics of the TIBL changed significantly according to the temperature profile over the sea, indicating that the stability of the flow over the sea has a significant effect on the structure and turbulence characteristics of the TIBL. Furthermore, the TIBL heights were estimated from the vertical profiles of the local Richardson number. The estimated TIBL heights agreed with those predicted by a pre-existing relation, suggesting that both the wind-tunnel experiment and the direct numerical simulation accurately reproduced the growth of the TIBL.  相似文献   

黑河地区绿州和沙漠地面辐射收支的若干特征   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
利用HEIFE中在绿州和沙漠两个测站所取得的资料。分析了两种不同下垫面辐射收支及其季节变化特征。结果表明:绿州区地表反射率明显小于沙漠区,季节变化明显;地面向上长波辐射绿州小于沙漠,地面有效辐射绿州小于沙漠。且季节变化明显;地表净辐射绿州大于沙漠,其能量以潜热为主输入大气;干旱地区的绿州光合有效辐射年总量大于河北、山声等地。光合有效辐射资源极为丰富。  相似文献   

黄淮地区夏季降水的统计降尺度预测   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用1991-2011年黄淮地区夏季降水、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和国家气候中心第2代动力气候模式(BCC_CSM1.1m)夏季回报结果,研究黄淮地区夏季降水降尺度预测模型和可预报性来源。诊断发现,黄淮地区夏季降水与同期南亚高压、乌拉尔山附近阻塞高压、西风急流、西太平洋赤道上空200 hPa纬向风场呈明显正相关。分析BCC_CSM1.1m对夏季环流的回报结果发现,模式对200 hPa和500 hPa位势高度场、200 hPa纬向风场和850 hPa经向风场上影响黄淮地区夏季降水的部分关键区域有较好的模拟能力。利用模式预报技巧较高且对黄淮地区夏季降水的影响有物理含义的环流特征作为预测因子,对比预测因子进行独立性筛选前后分别建立的降尺度预测模型发现,黄淮地区夏季降水预测与实况的距平符号一致率由61%提高到72%。预测技巧来源分析发现,降尺度预测能力与BCC_CSM1.1m对影响黄淮地区夏季降水的3个关键因子乌拉尔山附近环流、南亚高压、西太平洋赤道上空西风强弱的预测技巧密切相关,尤其是模式对西太平洋赤道上空西风的模拟能力起到决定性作用。  相似文献   

This contribution investigates the nature of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) in a steep and narrow Alpine valley under fair-weather summertime conditions. The Riviera Valley in southern Switzerland was chosen for a detailed case study, in which the evaluation of aircraft data (obtained from the MAP-Riviera field campaign) is combined with the application of high-resolution (350-m horizontal grid spacing) large-eddy simulations using the numerical model ARPS. The simulations verify what has already been observed on the basis of measurements: TKE profiles scale surprisingly well if the convective velocity scale w * is obtained from the sun-exposed eastern slope rather than from the surface directly beneath the profiles considered. ARPS is then used to evaluate the TKE-budget equation, showing that, despite sunny conditions, wind shear is the dominant production mechanism. Therefore, the surface heat flux (and thus w *) on the eastern slope does not determine the TKE evolution directly but rather, as we believe, indirectly via the interaction of thermally-driven cross-valley and along-valley flows. Excellent correlation between w * and the up-valley wind speed solidifies this hypothesis.  相似文献   

简单介绍了引进美国地质勘查中心发展的降水径流模式系统(PRMS)。认为PRMS模式具有多种模拟功能,包含的物理过程也较全面,是当前世界上较好的水文学模式。将PRMS模式系统移植到滦河流域,并对其模拟能力进行了初步检验。结果表明,模式系统在我国滦河流域的移植比较成功,而且能够较真实地再现滦河流域河川径流量及水资源其它分量的年际及季节变化,也可以用于研究气候变化对滦河流域水资源的影响。  相似文献   

The South China Sea (SCS) interocean circulation and its associated heat and freshwater budgets are examined using the results of a variable-grid global ocean model. The ocean model has a 1/6° resolution in the SCS and its adjacent oceans. The model results from 1982 to 2003 show that the western Pacific waters enter the SCS through the Luzon Strait with an annual mean volume transport of 4.80 Sv, of which 1.71 Sv returns to the western Pacific through the Taiwan Strait and East China Sea and 3.09 Sv flows toward the Indian Ocean. The heat in the western Pacific is transported to the SCS with a rate of 0.373 PW (relative to a reference temperature 3.72 °C), while the total heat transport through the outflow straits is 0.432 PW. The net heat transport out of the SCS is thus 0.059 PW, which is balanced by a mean net downward heat flux of 17 W/m2 across the SCS air–sea interface. Therefore, the interocean circulation acts as an “air conditioner”, cooling the SCS and its overlaying atmosphere. The SCS contributes a heat transport of 0.279 PW to the Indian Ocean, of which 0.240 PW is from the Pacific Ocean through the Luzon Strait and 0.039 PW is from the SCS interior gained from the air–sea exchange. The Luzon Strait salt transport is greater than the total salt transport leaving the SCS by 3.97 Gg/s, implying a mean freshwater flux of 0.112 Sv (or 3.54 × 1012 m3/year) from the land discharge and P − E (precipitation minus evaporation). The total annual land discharge to the SCS is estimated to be 1.60 × 1012 m3/year, the total annual P − E over the SCS is thus 1.94 × 1012 m3/year, equivalent to a mean P − E of 0.55 m/year. The SCS freshwater contribution to the Indian Ocean is 0.096 Sv. The pattern of the SCS interocean circulation in winter differs greatly from that in summer. The SCS branch of the Pacific-to-Indian Ocean throughflow exists in winter, but not in summer. In winter this branching flow starts at the Luzon Strait and extends to the Karimata Strait. In summer the interocean circulation is featured by a north-northeastward current starting at the Karimata Strait and extending to the Taiwan and Luzon Straits, and a subsurface inflow from the Luzon Strait that upwells into the surface layer in the SCS interior to supply the outward transports.  相似文献   

山东半岛海风锋在一次飑线系统演变过程中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2016年6月30日生成于华北南部的一次长生命期的强飑线过程,造成了山东地区大范围风雹天气。文中利用常规观测资料、区域自动气象站观测数据及雷达监测产品,分析了山东半岛复杂的海风锋特征在这次飑线系统的断裂、再组织化以及极端大风、冰雹灾害形成过程中的重要作用。结果表明:(1)初始对流是在地面冷锋辐合线上触发的弱对流,在对流系统向更不稳定区域移动时与水平对流卷相交,对流迅速发展,并组织成东西走向的直线型飑线。(2)飑线系统在平原地区继续向前移动的过程中发生断裂,这一过程与渤海湾在黄河三角洲形成的两条移动方向不同的海风锋以及飑线系统的阵风锋有关:向内陆推进的两条海风锋与阵风锋在飑线系统中段的前部相交,诱发新生单体,造成该处对流系统更快地向前传播,最终导致飑线系统断裂;与此同时,断裂后的西段风暴因低层暖湿入流被切断而逐渐减弱。(3)断裂后西段残留风暴系统出流阵风产生的新生风暴向东北方向发展,与断裂后的东段风暴的后向传播(向西南方向发展)机制相互作用,完成了飑线的再次组织化,形成了具有典型弓状特征、水平尺度更大、近似于东北—西南走向的飑线系统。(4)长生命期飑线系统造成的极端雷暴大风和最大冰雹出现在飑线再组织化初期,位于飑线系统“弓部”位置,地面极端雷暴大风是冷池密度流、后侧入流急流和水成物对应的前侧下沉气流共同作用的结果,其中与后侧入流急流几乎完全分离的、与水成物对应的前侧下沉气流在这次极端地面大风发生时可能起到了重要作用。(5)山东半岛东侧的黄海海风锋向内陆推进(东南向西北)过程中与自西北向东南移动的飑线相遇,加强了风暴前侧的抬升、水汽供给和组织化程度,为飑线的长时间维持提供了有利条件。   相似文献   

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