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选取黄土高原地区公路路基黄土的物理力学参数为研究对象,采用统计分析的方法,分析了黄土物理力学参数在太原—潼关、靖边—铜川和兰州—西安公路一线的变化,得出了粒度组成自西北向东南逐渐变细,ω、ρd、Ipc、逐渐增大;e、a、sδ、φ逐渐减小的变化规律;对黄土的物理力学参数进行了统计,得出了各区路基土性参数的统计表,从而为黄土高原地区的公路建设提供了最基本的科学依据。  相似文献   

It is an effective way in realizing urban coordinated and sustainable development to establish a series of indicators and to evaluate urban environmental and socioeconomic development. According to the characteristics of Harbin City in Northeast China, an indicator system including five subsystems and 37 indicators was established for comprehensive evaluation on urban sustainable development. The development indexes of all urban subsystems and complex system were calculated quantitatively using the comprehensively integrated methods composed of Principle Component Analysis, Analytic Hierarchy Process and weighed index method, and then the comprehensive level of urban sustainable development and the degree of urban interior coordination were analyzed. The results indicated that 1) the overall urban development presented an uptrend, however, the interior development was not well balanced from 1996 to 2006; 2) the development in each subsystem presented a strong fluctuation; and 3) the development in resources subsystem showed a downtrend. Based on those results, the suggestions of urban sustainable development were put forward at the end.  相似文献   

黄土高原生态退耕的时空分异特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态退耕是调整陆地生态系统结构与功能以应对土地利用过度干扰的重要途径之一,因此科学掌握退耕格局与耕地格局演变对黄土高原生态环境治理与生态修复具有深远意义。本文以位于黄土高原的延安市为典型区,从生态退耕的整体特征、地形因素及区域差异等角度,探究生态退耕以来其耕地变化及退耕状况的空间分异特征。结果表明:生态退耕致使延安市耕地面积由2000年的11 752.80 km2减少为2013年的9149.93 km2,退耕面积为2756.85 km2,退耕指数为22.15%,且退耕耕地主要转化为林地、草地,占退耕面积的95.29%;耕地与退耕面积主要分布于6~15°、15~25°坡度及第II级(925~1115 m)、第III级(1115~1275 m),且2005-2013年的生态退耕速率均高于2000-2005年的生态退耕速率;县域退耕面积及退耕程度均呈现由北向南依次递减的分异特征,而退耕重心与耕地重心均在延安市几何中心以北的安塞县与宝塔区边界,且生态退耕的重心由东北向西南方向迁移,耕地重心则由北向南迁移。本文通过对延安市生态退耕的时空分异特征分析可为黄土高原更加科学合理地推进生态保育与生态文明建设提供参考。  相似文献   

 经济不均衡增长是区域发展的一种常态。分析区域经济增长时空差异及成因,对于认识和加快落后地区的经济发展具有重要的意义。本研究在GIS技术的支持下,对黄土高原地区近20年来以县市为单元的经济增长时空分异特征进行了系统的分析。主要结论有:改革开放以来,黄土高原地区的GDP水平呈现出持续的快速增长态势。近20年来,陕北和内蒙古鄂尔多斯地区增长最为迅速;人均GDP的空间分布整体上呈现出"两高一低"的带状分布格局,且这种格局明显地受到极化增长的扰动和重塑;经济增长表现出显著的极化增长特征,且经济增长极的极化作用与增长极之间地位的调整是同时进行的;与常态化的城市产业集聚推动型经济相比,机遇性的资源开发拉动型经济对人均GDP的拉动速度更快,但可持续性较差。未来,黄土高原地区应走以中心城市带动为主,以能矿产资源开发拉动为辅,两者相互促进,共同带动整个区域经济更快、更好、更可持续地发展的道路。  相似文献   

The influence of human activities on environment and climate change is the most conspicuous problem of the Loess Plateau, and it may be divided into two aspects: firstly, the excessive utilization of land by the human race causes the destruction of vegetation, and consequently large expanse of land is under desertification and the characteristics of the ground surface and the water and heat exchange on the ground surface have changed; secondly, the use of coal by industries produces a huge amount of carbon dioxide and trace elements, which enter into the atmosphere to cause air pollution.Data of 1951-1990 are collected from 69 meteorological stations on the Loess Plateau. After analysis, the decadal variations of temperature and rainfall in the last 40 years are obtained as follows: (1) In the arid zone of the north- west of the Loess Plateau, the increase in temperature is the largest. For the past 40 years, the annual mean temperature has increased 0.7-1.0 ℃ . In the semiarid zone of the middle part  相似文献   

运用层次分析和全局主成分分析结合的综合统计评价模型(AHP-GPCA模型),以县域和流域为评价单元,以气温、降水、归一化差异植被指数(NDVI)、冰川密度、湿地密度、湖泊率、人口密度、荒漠化率等数据为评价指标基础,基于GS/GIS对20世纪70年代末期至2000年青藏高原生态环境变迁进行综合评价,并探讨了研究区生态环境...  相似文献   

Based on the field investigations,this paper analyzes systematically the achievements and problems of constructing the demonstrating areas of the ecological rebuilding and economic sustainable development in Hexi,Gansu Province,and then the thoughts on constructing the demonstrating areas are brought forward.It is considered that all kinds of ecological demonstrating areas should be merged in order to construct large-scale characterized demonstrating areas which go beyoud the district.In other words,in Hexi Region,Zhangye District should be constructed as the largest ecoagriculture demonstrating area of high technology;Wuwei District should be constructed as the largest ecological demonstrating area of agricultural comprehensive exploitation;JinJia District,which is the shortened form of Jiuquan and Jiayuguan,should be constructed as the largest ecotourism demonstating area;and Jinchang City should be constructed as the largest ecoindustry demonstrated area.At the same time,the constructing pattern should be selected according to the actual circumstances;science and technology should be applied to construct the demonstrating areas and accelerate the industrialization in the big market.Additionally,is is important to smooth the constructing system and implement the flexible and efficacious running mechanism,and it is suggested that the committee should be organized on administer the ecological demonstrating areas in Hexi Region.  相似文献   

泾河下游黄土台塬区侵蚀诱发的黄土滑坡不仅威胁当地居民的生命财产安全,而且引发严重的水土流失及文物损毁等问题。以该类黄土滑坡为研究对象,在详细地质调查的基础上,取唐家村L2滑坡坡脚原状黄土进行减围压三轴剪切(RTC)试验,研究了饱和黄土的应力、孔压、围压特征以及剪切速率对土体力学行为的影响。结果表明,RTC应力路径下围压率达到0.55时,土体会因偏应力增大而引起塑性剪切破坏;同时,该应力路径下的饱和黄土内摩擦角很小,仅为10.7°;RTC应力路径下的破坏面,十分接近K 0状态面,说明天然斜坡坡脚饱和黄土在小幅水平应力降低条件下易于发生破坏,从而诱发滑坡失稳。  相似文献   

After 40 years of painstaking work, much improvement has been made in regional difference. The road of that development, however, is by no means a smooth one, full of setbacks and failure. The past forty years may be roughly divided into four stages: 1.a stage of rehabilitation and large scale transition towards the interior( 1949-1959), 2. the dispersion stage with an emphasis on the construction of the interior (1960-1977), 3. a stage of moving back to the coastland and relative concentration of constructions of large scale industries (1978-1980), and 4. a stage of taking the coastland as the focal point for regional development (since 1981). Since the late 1970s, China began to carry out what is known as the Open-door policy. Great changes have taken place in regional development policy.  相似文献   

Miyun Reservoir was designated as the water source of Beijing City in 1982.Since that time ,so-cio-economic development in Miyun Area has been slowing due to the restriction of severe environmental standards.More and more attention from the public and government has been paid to the regional sustainable development.And an effect-tive planning for the local society management system is urgently desired.In this study,a regional sustainable develop-ment system dynamics model,named MiyunSD, is developed for supporting this planning task.MiyunSDconsists of dynamo-ic simulation models that explicitly consider information feedback that governs interactions in the system.Such models are capable of simulating the systemˊs behavior and predicting its developing situation of the future.For the study case,interact-tions among a number of system components within a time frame of fifteen years are examined dynamically.Three plan-ning altermatives are carefully considered.The base run is based on an assumption that the existing pattern of human active-ties will prevail in the entire planning horizon,and the other altermatives are based on previous and present planning stud-ies.The different alternatives will get different systemˊs environmental and socio-economic results.Through analyzing these dynamic results,local authorities may find an optimal way to realize the objectives that the regional environment will be well protected and at the same time the economy will be rapidly developed.  相似文献   

基于改进Markov-CA模型的黄土高原土地利用多情景模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土地利用/覆被的时空变化研究能为区域生态环境恢复和生态系统集成管理提供科学支持.集成Logistic回归模型、改进的Markov与FLUS模型模拟黄土高原2020-2050年3种典型情景土地利用变化.发现各情景土地利用面积变化及空间置换转移主要集中在农用地、草地和城镇用地;历史趋势延续情景下农用地减少15 205 km...  相似文献   

De-farming slope farmland has been an effective measure in recent years to improve environment and prevent soil and water loss on the Loess Plateau.There are different views about the defarming method,and also various de-farming patterns have been put into practice.This paper takes the Yangou Watershed in Shaanxi Province of China as a case for studying the comprehensive benefits of transforming slope farmland to terraces.Based on the day-by-day meteorological data of the Yan'an station in 2005 and the data...  相似文献   

生态环境图谱类型的划分是自然资源合理开发利用和治理及地学信息图谱研究的基础。该文采用系统分析的思路,在总结对比分析前人对土地利用/土地覆被、植被、地貌、景观以及生态环境等的分类研究的基础上,依据地学信息图谱的方法论,借助遥感和地理信息系统等技术,构建生态环境综合信息图谱分类的系统,并以福建省为例,提出福建省生态环境图谱的分类系统。  相似文献   

黄土高原丘坡信息DEM提取算法的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选择代表黄土地貌类型(丘陵沟壑区、梁峁区、高原丘陵过渡区)的75个样区(每个样区约4km2),以1∶1万水平分辨率为5m的DEM为研究对象,研究不同算法对提取地面坡度精度的影响。采用6种不同算法分别提取坡度。运用方差分析,对比分析,排序分析等方法,通过比较不同算法所提取坡度矩阵的平均值、最大值、标准差,以及坡度中误差等指标,认为在黄土丘陵沟壑区3类地貌类型区域如果整体考虑坡度的以上指标时选用三阶反距离平方权差分算法较为合理。在黄土高原沟壑区与丘陵沟壑区交错过渡地带也可以选用算法4提取坡度。同时,根据水土保持工作实际生产部门需要,提出并实现了对坡度信息评价时须分级别进行的思路。研究认为,在黄土丘陵沟壑区域相同的地貌类型区,算法对所获得的相同的坡度级别面积影响是不同的,并且规律不相同。在前述三种地貌类型区域,如果需要获得坡度分级面积信息,使用三阶反距离平方权差分算法和三阶反距离权差分最为理想。由于简单差分算法小于其他算法提取坡度所涉及的区域单元大小,不适宜在本区域使用。  相似文献   

随着国家对黄河三角洲高效生态经济区发展规划的批复,如何加强黄河入海流路管理及其范围内土地开发,既要符合国家对河口治理的综合规划和土地规划,又能促进黄河三角洲高效生态经济快速发展,已成为突出问题。文章对黄河入海河口基本情况及如何管理和对其范围内土地进行合理利用开发提出了建议和意见。  相似文献   

随着工业化、城市化不断加快,临沂市人地关系矛盾不断加剧,可供开发利用的土地资源日益紧缺。基于临沂市低丘缓坡地资源禀赋特点,深刻剖析当前低丘缓坡综合开发利用的制约因素及原因,依此提出有关对策和建议。  相似文献   

近年来,深部找矿研究已成为矿产勘查学中备受关注的研究课题之一。受目前矿产勘查理论与技术水平的限制,深部找矿工作中有效找矿信息难获取、难识别,并且所获取信息可靠性低、多解性强;由于深部矿化特征与浅部矿化特征又往往存在较大的差异,致使浅部有效的找矿信息难以直接运用于深部矿的探测中。这些因素导致目前深部找矿工作的不确定性强,风险性大。通过对上庄金矿床的地质信息(包括:控矿断裂构造信息、控矿岩浆岩信息)、矿化信息(包括:矿物学信息、围岩蚀变信息、地球化学信息、地球物理信息)等方面的综合研究,并将有关成果应用于上庄金矿床的深部找矿工作中,发现了焦家带Ⅰ号矿体,取得了显著的找矿效果。  相似文献   


I.DEVELOPMENTDIFFERENCESAMONGTHEEASTERN,CENTRAL~~AN~orchIc~ntdifferencesamongtheeastern,centralandwesternPatsofChinahavealready~aquestionattractingworld-wideattention.FormTable1,itcanbeseenthatInanyaspeCtS,suchasgrOSSeconondcoutput,grOSSdomeSticproducts(GDP)Percapita,totalforeigninvestment,totalinvestmentscale,etc.presentagradualdescendingtrendfromtheeaSternparttothewesternpin.Thefurtheranalysesshowthatthereisasbocontrastasfollows:intheeasternpart,theproPOrtionofsecon…  相似文献   

关于广元生态经济可持续发展的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对广元市经济发展和生态环境保护所面临的问题进行反思,从可持续发展的角度,提出了广元市经济发展的新模式-生态经济,对广元市实现经济与环境的双赢和跨越式发展提供有益的建议。  相似文献   

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