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The two textural varieties of olivine-rich Allende inclusions (rimmed and unrimmed olivine aggregates) consist primarily of a porous, fine-grained mafic constituent (inclusion matrix) that differs from the opaque meteorite matrix of CV3 chondrites by being relatively depleted in sulfides, metal grains, and (perhaps) carbonaceous material. Olivine is the most abundant mineral in Allende inclusion matrix; clinopyroxene, nepheline, sodalite, and Ti-Al-pyroxene occur in lesser amounts. Olivine in unrimmed olivine aggregates (Type 1A inclusions) is ferrous and has a narrow compositional range (Fo50–65). Olivine in rimmed olivine aggregates (Type 1B inclusions) is, on average, more magnesian, with a wider compositional range (Fo53–96). Olivine grains in the granular rims of Type 1B inclusions are zoned, with magnesian cores (Fo>80) and ferrous rinds (Fo<70). Ferrous olivines (Fo<65) in both varieties of inclusions commonly contain significant amounts of Al2O3 (as much as ~0.7 wt%), CaO (as much as ~0.4 wt%), and TiO2 (as much as ~0.2 wt%), refractory elements that probably occur in submicroscopic inclusions of Ca,Al,Ti-rich glass (rather than in the olivine crystal structure). Defocussed beam analyses of Allende matrix materials demonstrate that: (1) inclusion matrix in Type 1A inclusions is more enriched in olivine and FeO than inclusion matrix in the cores of Type 1B inclusions; (2) opaque matrix materials are depleted in feldspathoids and enriched in sulfides and metal grains relative to inclusion matrix; (3) the bulk compositions of Type 1A and Type 1B inclusions overlap; and (4) excluding sulfides and metal, the bulk compositions of Allende matrix materials cluster in a complementary pattern around the bulk composition of C1 chondrites.Inclusion matrix and meteorite matrix in Allende and other CV3 chondrites are probably relatively primitive nebular material, but a careful evaluation of the equilibrium condensation model suggests that these matrix materials do not consist of crystalline phases that formed under equilibrium conditions in a relatively cool gas of solar composition. Allende inclusion matrix is interpreted as an aggregate of condensates that formed under relatively oxidizing, non-equilibrium conditions from supercooled, supersaturated vapors produced during the vaporization of interstellar dust by aerodynamic drag heating in the solar nebula; CV3 meteorite matrix contains, in addition, a proportion of interstellar material that was heated (but not vaporized) in the nebula. Granular olivine in rimmed olivine aggregates may have formed during the recrystallization and incipient melting of aggregates of inclusion matrix in the nebula. The mineral chemistry of matrix olivine in Allende seems to have been established by three different processes: non-equilibrium vapor → solid condensation; recrystallization and partial melting in the nebula; and FeMg equilibration (without textural homogenization) in the meteorite parent body.  相似文献   

We report on a study of Al3509, a large Na- and Cl-rich, radially-zoned object from the oxidized CV carbonaceous chondrite Allende. Al3509 consists of fine-grained ferroan olivine, ferroan Al-diopside, nepheline, sodalite, and andradite, and is crosscut by numerous veins of nepheline, sodalite, and ferroan Al-diopside. Some poorly-characterized phases of fine-grained material are also present; these phases contain no significant H2O. The minerals listed above are commonly found in Allende CAIs and chondrules and are attributed to late-stage iron-alkali-halogen metasomatic alteration of primary high-temperature minerals. Textural observations indicate that Al3509 is an igneous object. However, no residual crystals that might be relicts of pre-existing CAI or chondrule minerals were identified. To establish the levels of 26Al and 36Cl originally present, 26Al-26Mg and 36Cl-36S isotopic systematics in sodalite were investigated. Al3509 shows no evidence of radiogenic 26Mg, establishing an upper limit of the initial 26Al/27Al ratio of 3 × 10−6. All sodalite grains measured show large but variable excesses of 36S, which, however, do not correlate with 35Cl/34S ratio. If these excesses are due to decay of 36Cl, local redistribution of radiogenic 36S after 36Cl had decayed is required. The oxygen-isotope pattern in Al3509 is the same as found in secondary minerals resulting from iron-alkali-halogen metasomatic alteration of Allende CAIs and chondrules and in melilite and anorthite of most CAIs in Allende. The oxygen-isotope data suggest that the secondary minerals precipitated from or equilibrated with a fluid of similar oxygen-isotope composition. These observations suggest that the formation of Al3509 and alteration products in CAIs and chondrules in Allende requires a very similar fluid phase, greatly enriched in volatiles (e.g., Na and Cl) and with Δ17O ∼ −3‰. We infer that internal heating of planetesimals by 26Al would efficiently transfer volatiles to their outer portions and enhance the formation of volatile-enriched minerals there. We conclude that the site for the production of Na- and Cl-rich fluids responsible for the formation of Al3509 and the alteration of the Allende CAIs and chondrules must have been on a protoplanetary body prior to incorporation into the Allende meteorite. Galactic cosmic rays cannot be the source of the inferred initial 36Cl in Allende. The problem of 36Cl production by solar energetic particle (SEP) bombardment and the possibility that 36Cl and 41Ca might be the product of neutron capture resulting from SEP bombardment of protoplanetary surfaces are discussed. This hypothesis can be tested comparing inferred “initial” 36Cl with neutron fluencies measured on the same samples and on phases showing 36S by Sm and Gd isotopic measurements.  相似文献   

All objects >100 μm in apparent diameter in five polished thin sections of the Mokoia CV3 chondrite were studied and classified. Number and volume percentages and mean apparent size of each type of chondrule and inclusion were determined. Three major types of olivine chondrules were observed: igneous chondrules, recrystallized chondrules, and chondrules that appear to be accretional aggregates. Coarse-grained CAI's have igneous textures and mineral parageneses, while fine-grained CAI's are aggregates containing varying proportions of Al-rich concentric objects, Ca-rich chaotic material, and inclusion matrix. Chondrules and refractory inclusions in Mokoia and Allende are broadly similar in texture and mineral chemistry, but Mokoia refractory inclusions contain phyllosilicates rather than feldspathoids, and melilite-rich CAI's are more abundant in Allende.We think that most CAI's formed during the metamorphism, partial melting, and incomplete distillation of primitive dust aggregates when they were heated in the solar nebula. In the process, Ca-rich melt appears to have been physically separated from Al-rich residues, producing the observed fractionation of Ca from Al into distinct constituents of CAI's. Some CAI's may be aggregates of devitrified, amorphous metastable condensates. Inclusion matrix may have condensed from silicate-rich vapors produced during distillation. Mokoia inclusion matrix contains phyllosilicates that are probably primitive nebular material.  相似文献   

The forsterite-bearing Type B (FoB) CAI SJ101 consists of three major structural units: (1) light patches of sector-zoned, poikilitic Al-rich clinopyroxene (Cpx) with numerous inclusions of small spinel grains and aggregates and subordinate amounts of Mg-rich melilite (Mel) and anorthite (An) (Sp-Cpx lithology), (2) dark sinuous bands of Al-rich clinopyroxene with large (up to ∼300 × 60 μm) poikilitically enclosed euhedral forsterite (Fo) crystals (Fo-Cpx lithology), and (3) the external Cpx-Sp-An rim overlying the entire inclusion. The two major lithologies are always separated by a transition zone of clinopyroxene poikilitically enclosing both forsterite and spinel. The patches of the Sp-Cpx lithology exhibit significant textural and mineralogical variability that is size-dependent. Small patches typically consist of Cpx and spinel with minor remnants of melilite and/or its alteration products. Large patches contain Mel-An-rich cores with either equigranular-ophitic-subophitic or ‘lacy’ textures reminiscent of those in Types B or C CAIs, respectively. All silicates poikilitically enclose numerous spinel grains of identical habit. Both melilite and anorthite gradually disappear toward the boundary with the Fo-Cpx lithology. Neither the evaporation mantle of Al-rich melilite typical of other FoBs nor the Wark-Lovering rim is present. Secondary minerals include grossular, monticellite, magnetite, and a few grains of wollastonite, andradite, and nepheline.Being a rather typical FoB mineralogically and chemically, texturally SJ101 differs from other FoBs in displaying the nearly complete segregation of forsterite from spinel which occur only in the Fo-Cpx and Sp-Cpx lithologies, respectively. The complex, convoluted internal structure of SJ101 suggests that the coarse-grained Sp-An-Mel-Cpx cores and Fo-Cpx lithology represent the precursor materials of FoBs, proto-CAIs and Fo-rich accretionary rims. While the inferred chemistry and mineralogy of the Fo-rich rims are fairly typical, the high Åk content in SJ101 melilite (78.7-82.3 mol.%) implies that the SJ101 proto-CAIs represent a new type of CAIs that has not been sampled before. This type of CAIs might have formed by remelting of spinel-rich condensates.The Group II REE pattern, slightly negative δ29Si and δ25Mg values, and nearly solar ratios of the major elements in the bulk SJ101 suggest that its precursors, proto-CAIs and Fo-rich rims, could have formed by a non-equilibrium condensation in a closed system of solar composition somewhat depleted in a super-refractory evaporation residue. The proposed formation scenario of SJ101 invokes a non-steady cooling and condensation of the nebular gas interrupted by at least two distinct melting episodes required to account for the igneous textures of the Mel-An-Cpx-rich cores (proto-CAIs) and the Fo-Cpx lithology.  相似文献   

The oxygen three-isotope systematics of 36 chondrules from the Allende CV3 chondrite are reported using high precision secondary ion mass spectrometer (CAMECA IMS-1280). Twenty-six chondrules have shown internally homogenous Δ17O values among olivine, pyroxene, and spinel within a single chondrule. The average Δ17O values of 19 FeO-poor chondrules (13 porphyritic chondrules, 2 barred olivine chondrules, and 4 chondrule fragments) show a peak at −5.3 ± 0.6‰ (2SD). Another 5 porphyritic chondrules including both FeO-poor and FeO-rich ones show average Δ17O values between −3‰ and −2‰, and 2 other FeO-poor barred olivine chondrules show average Δ17O values of −3.6‰ and 0‰. These results are similar to those for Acfer 094 chondrules, showing bimodal Δ17O values at −5‰ and −2‰. Nine porphyritic chondrules contain olivine grains with heterogeneous Δ17O values as low as −18‰, indicating that they are relict olivine grains and some of them were derived from precursors related to refractory inclusions. However, most relict olivine grains show oxygen isotope ratios that overlap with those in homogeneous chondrules. The Δ17O values of four barred olivine chondrules range from −5‰ to 0‰, indicating that not all BO chondrules plot near the terrestrial fractionation line as suggested by previous bulk chondrule analyses. Based on these data, we suggest the presence of multiple oxygen isotope reservoirs in local dust-rich protoplanetary disk, from which the CV3 parent asteroid formed.A compilation of 225 olivine and low-Ca pyroxene isotopic data from 36 chondrules analyzed in the present study lie between carbonaceous chondrite anhydrous mineral (CCAM) and Young and Russell lines. These data define a correlation line of δ17O = (0.982 ± 0.019) × δ18O − (2.91 ± 0.10), which is similar to those defined by chondrules in CV3 chondrites and Acfer 094 in previous studies. Plagioclase analyses in two chondrules plot slightly below the CCAM line with Δ17O values of −2.6‰, which might be the result of oxygen isotope exchange between chondrule mesostasis and aqueous fluid in the CV parent body.  相似文献   

There are two types of white, coarse-grained, Ca-Al-rich inclusions in Allende. Type A inclusions contain 80–85 per cent melilite, 15–20 per cent spinel, 1–2 per cent perovskite and rare plagioclase, hibonite, wollastonite and grossularite. Clinopyroxene, if present, is restricted to thin rims around inclusions or cavities in their interiors. Type B inclusions contain 35–60 per cent pyroxene, 15–30 per cent spinel, 5–25 per cent plagioclase and 5–20 per cent melilite. The coarse pyroxene crystals in Type B's contain >15 per cent Al2O3 and >1.8 per cent Ti, some of which is trivalent. Type A pyroxenes contain <9 per cent Al2O3 and <0.7 per cent Ti.Electron microprobe analyses of 600 melilite, 39 pyroxene, 35 plagioelase, 33 spinel and 20 perovskite grains were performed in 16 Type A, 1 intermediate and 9 Type B inclusions in Allende and 1 Type A in Grosnaja. Melilite composition histograms from individual Type A inclusions are usually peaked between Ak10 and Ak30 and are 15–20 mole % wide while those from Type B inclusions are broader, unpeaked and displaced to higher åkermanite contents. Most pyroxenes contain < 1 per cent FeO. All plagioclase is An 98 to An 100. Spinel is almost pure MgAl2O4. Perovskite contains small (< 1 per cent) but significant amounts of Mg, Al, Fe, Y, Zr and Nb.Inferred bulk chemical compositions of Type A inclusions are rather close to those expected for high-temperature condensates. Those of Type B inclusions suggest slightly lower temperatures but their Ca/Al ratio seems less than the Type A's, indicating that the Type B's may not be their direct descendants. Some textural features suggest that the inclusions are primordial solid condensetes while others indicate that they may have been melted after condensation. Fragmentation and metamorphism may have also occurred after condensation.  相似文献   

We have made a detailed examination of the mineralogy, textures and assemblages of six calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAI) in the Allende meteorite. They can be classified into four types—hibonite-bearing, fassaite- and olivine-bearing, feldspathoid-bearing and fassaite-bearing CAI that are hibonite and olivine free. Examples of each type appear to have crystallized from a liquid rather than by agglomeration of solid nebular condensates. Some lines of evidence for a liquid origin are (1) the presence of spherical and ovoid shapes, (2) rims containing minerals (e.g. hibonite, perovskite) that are more refractory than minerals inside the inclusion, (3) eutectic and poikilitic textures, (4) minerals that are completely enclosed by more refractory minerals and (5) glass and fine-grained grossular stringers.Thermodynamic calculations and comparisons with liquidus phase diagrams indicate that the CAI could have been produced by direct condensation to metastable subcooled liquids that subsequently crystallized (blander and Katz, 1967) or by remelting of an equilibrium high-temperature condensate by impact. The diopside rims in some hibonite-bearing CAI and the paucity of metal in fassaite-olivinebearing CAI are more consistent with direct condensation of a liquid. The sluggishness of solid-solid reactions at the relatively high temperatures at which the CAI formed argues against assuming equilibrium in calculations at lower temperatures.  相似文献   

Uranium and lead concentrations and the isotopic compositions of lead were determined on samples of total rock, matrix, white inclusion, pink inclusion, white aggregate and four chondrules from the Allende carbonaceous chondrite. Observed 206Pb/204Pb ratios varied from 10.004 to 107.29; 207Pb/204Pb ratios from 10.695 to 69.07; 206Pb/204Pb ratios from 30.062 to 207.96. In a 207Pb/204Pb-206Pb/204Pb diagram a regression line fitted to all of data has a slope of 0.6240 ± 0.0015, corresponding to a single stage model age of 4.565 ± 0.004 AE. The regression line also includes the ratios for primordial lead as determined in previous investigations from Canyon Diablo troilite and the Mezö-Madaras chondrite.Although the lead in the matrix is not very radiogenic, the 207Pb/206Pb ages of four samples average 4.505 AE, a value 0.06 AE younger than that of the chondrules and inclusions. The matrix age agrees closely with a total rock Pb/Pb model age previously reported for Allende by Tatsumoto, Knight and Allegre. The matrix Pb/Pb model age is also 0.06 AE younger than the Pb/Pb isochron ages determined by previous investigators on total samples of H and L chondrites. The H and L chondrite and Allende chondrule and inclusion Pb/Pb ages are indistinguishable. The lead isotope systematics require either that the matrix is ca. 0.06 younger than the silicate inclusions and chondrules (or that radiogenic lead was inherited from a younger external source) or that the initial lead in the matrix differed from primordial lead. The lead data cannot be reconciled to a model in which the bulk material of Allende first crystallized 4.57 AE ago, followed by transfer of radiogenic lead between phases since that time.In a concordia diagram four chondrules and three inclusions plot along a chord intersecting concordia at 4.57 and 0.28 ± 0.07 AE. This indicates disturbance of the U-Pb systems relatively recently, perhaps around 0.3 AE ago. The time of disturbance is not readily understood and needs further confirmation. It correlates most closely with a possible cut-off in K-Ar and U, Th-He ages of chondrites.Although the Th/U ratios of the bulk samples and matrix are around the normal value of 3.8, much higher values are observed in some of the inclusions, the highest being 9.0.  相似文献   

A petrographic, geochemical, and oxygen isotopic study of the Bali CV3 carbonaceous chondrite revealed that the meteorite has undergone extensive deformation and aqueous alteration on its parent body. Deformation textures are common and include flattened chondrules, a well-developed foliation, and the presence of distinctive (100) planar defects in olivine. The occurrence of alteration products associated with the planar defects indicates that the deformation features formed prior to the episode of aqueous alteration. The secondary minerals produced during the alteration event include well-crystallized Mg-rich saponite, framboidal magnetite, and Ca-phosphates. The alteration products are not homogeneously distributed throughout the meteorite, but occur in regions adjacent to relatively unaltered material, such as veins of altered material following the foliation. The alteration assemblage formed under oxidizing conditions at relatively low temperatures (<100 degrees C). Altered regions in Bali have higher Na, Ca, and P contents than unaltered regions which suggests that the fluid phase carried significant dissolved solids. Oxygen isotopic compositions for unaltered regions in Bali fall within the field for other CV3 whole-rocks, however, the oxygen isotopic compositions of the heavily altered material lie in the region for the CM and CR chondrites. The heavy-isotope enrichment of the altered regions in Bali suggest alteration conditions similar to those for the petrographic type-2 carbonaceous chondrites.  相似文献   

The first observations of molybdenite in a meteorite have been made in two CaAl-rich inclusions in the Allende chondrite. The mineral occurs as single individuals completely enclosed in high Ni metal (62–64.5 wt. % Ni). The association with refractories is consistent with thermodynamic calculations which predict that Mo is a high temperature condensate even when nucleation constraints are imposed on the formation of a metal phase. Kinetic factors (including nucleation constraints) appear to have played an important role in the formation of molybdenite and the associated sulfides, magnetite and high nickel metal.  相似文献   

Eclogite inclusions from kimberlitic diatremes on the Colorado Plateau contain intricately zoned garnet and pyroxene and unusual textures. Detailed electron microprobe traverses for a clinopyroxene-garnet-phengite-lawsonite-rutile assemblage show garnet zoning from Alm69Gr21Py10 (core) to Alm61Gr13Py26 (rim) and pyroxene zoning from Jd50 (core) through Jd77 to Jd55 (rim). Pyroxene cores are Cr-rich in another rock. Sharp compositional discontinuities and zoning reversals are preserved in garnet and pyroxene. Oscillatory zoning occurs in both phases on a 10–20 m scale, with variations of up to 6% Py in garnet and 15% Jd in pyroxene. Phengite is unzoned and contains 74% celadonite endmember.Skeletal, pyroxene-filled garnet crystals are common in some rocks, and garnets in other rocks clearly began growth as shell-like crystals. Some rocks contain domains of coarse, prismatic pyroxene with very fine-grained, interstitial magnesium silicates. The texture appears to have resulted from crystallization in the presence of a fluid phase, and water pressure is inferred to have equalled total pressure during crystallization. Eclogite formation at high water pressure may reflect subcrustal crystallization.An analysis of error propagation shows that ferrous iron calculations from electron probe data are not meaningful for these jadeitic pyroxenes, and temperature differences between core and rim crystallization cannot be documented. The garnet textures and oscillatory zoning are unusual for metamorphic rocks, and they suggest disequilibrium crystallization after overstepping of reaction boundaries. All data fit a model of eclogite formation during cooling and metasomatism of basaltic dikes intruded into a cool upper mantle, but the results here do not preclude other origins, such as subduction zone metamorphism.  相似文献   

We have discovered two FUN inclusions, CG-14 and TE, among a group of five forsterite-rich inclusions in Allende, two of which are described for the first time herein. All five consist of euhedral forsterite and spinel crystals poikilitically enclosed by fassaite. Forsterite and spinel are usually segregated from one another, sometimes into a spinel-rich mantle and a forsterite-rich core. Some inclusions contain vesicles, indicating that they were once molten. The crystallization sequence inferred from textures is: spinel, forsterite, fassaite and, finally, Mg-rich melilite. One concentrically-zoned inclusion contains melilite in its mantle whose composition lies on the opposite side of the liquidus minimum in the melilite binary from that in its core. This suggests that segregation of forsterite from spinel in all of these inclusions could be due to volatilization of MgO and SiO2 relative to Al2O3 and CaO from the outsides of droplets. CG-14 is relatively uniformly enriched in refractory elements relative to Cl chondrites by a factor similar to that for Ca-, Al-rich coarse-grained inclusions except for Ca, Al and Hf which are unusually low. No Ce anomaly such as found in FUN inclusions Cl and HAL is present in CG-14. Whole-rock samples of CG-14 and TE are more strongly mass-fractionated in oxygen relative to “normal” Allende inclusions than the FUN inclusion EK 1-4-1 and less so than Cl. Relative to bulk Allende, both inclusions have strongly massfractionated magnesium and silicon and 25Mg excesses or deficits of 24Mg or 26Mg. CG-14 has a 29Si excess or a deficit of 28Si or 30Si. Volatilization loss cannot be responsible for the magnesium and silicon isotope fractionations, as this would require prohibitively large mass loss from these magnesium-rich inclusions. The remarkable similarity in textures between FUN and non-FUN inclusions implies similar thermal histories, arguing against different rates of evaporative loss of major elements. Sputtering alone may be insufficient to account for the magnitude and direction of oxygen isotope fractionation in FUN inclusions.  相似文献   

Many inclusions in Allende, particularly those with irregular shapes, are surrounded by a sequence of thin layers which differ from one another in texture, mineralogy and mineral-chemistry. The layer underlying all others contains either: IA, pyroxene needles + olivine + clumps of hedenbergite and andradite; IB, olivine doughnuts; or IC, rectangular olivine crystals. The next layer outward, II, contains tiny (<5 μm) olivine plates and Layer III large (5–10 μm) olivine laths. The final layer, IV, occurs as clumps of andradite + hedenbergite surrounded by magnesium-rich pyroxene needles. It separates Layer III from the Allende matrix which is more poorly sorted and more sulfide-rich than Layer III. Nepheline and iron sulfide are common constituents of most layers, the latter being particularly fine-grained and abundant in Layer II. Although not every layer is present on every inclusion, the sequence of layers is constant. Evidence that the rims are accretionary aggregates includes the presence of highly disequilibrium mineral assemblages and the fact that they are highly porous masses consisting of many euhedral crystals with few intergrowths. In addition, the layers are thickest in topographic hollows on the surfaces of inclusions and the inner layers are absent or discontinuous beyond such irregularities, suggesting that the probability of accretion of crystals was low initially, except in pockets, and became greater later, after a soft cushion of accreted condensate crystals had already formed. Separation of assemblages of different mineralogy, mineral-chemistry and texture into different rim layers seems best explained by nebular models in which long, slow cooling histories allow differentiation during condensation by grain/gas separation processes.  相似文献   

Tl and Pb isotopic abundances have been measured in various phases from Allende and the distribution and siting of these elements in the matrix phase investigated. Matrix fractions, prepared by sieving, sedimentation, magnetic separation and acid etching, were further characterised by X-ray diffraction and SEM. Tl concentrations range from 1 ppb in coarse grained inclusions to 1560 ppb in the acid-etched carbon residues and from 32 ppb to 194 ppb in the 16 matrix fractions. Pb concentrations which range from 0.1 ppm to 3.1 ppm, are enhanced in magnetic phases and depleted in Allende pentlandite relative to the whole meteorite. The Tl-204Pb abundance diagram is described near the origin by the inclusions and chondrules and extends through sulphide to the non-magnetic and magnetic matrix fractions. Abundances in the finest grained matrix fractions form a linear trend which passes through the origin and the Orgueil and Murchison whole meteorite data. The deviation of magnetic matrix fractions from the above linear trend is probably related to the presence of an intimate association of an awaruite-sulphide-carbon species. 92% of the Tl in the carbon residues, which is released on hydrolysis with HCl, probably resides in an organic host molecule(s) on the macromolecular carbonaceous material, whereas the surface film of organics on the matrix grains shows no apparent enrichment of Tl.Tl and 204Pb abundances revealed an inverse correlation with grain size and a distribution within the grains rather than as a surface layer, is indicated. Constraints placed by the data on the formational environment of the matrix grains are considered. Interstellar shock heating and rapid radiative cooling is a possible mechanism for the establishment of the observed inverse correlation of volatile abundance with grain size. Matrix data do not lend support for a recent redistribution of lead as an explanation for the apparent excess Pb in Allende. The apparent initial Pb isotopic compositions of the matrix fractions are heterogeneous and not attributable to terrestrial contamination. The very magnetic fractions have high abundances of Pb and the least radiogenic apparent initial Pb compositions, whereas the non-magnetic fractions have lower Pb abundances but more radiogenic apparent initial Pb compositions. The data also indicate that use of the predicted Tl-204Pb cosmothermometer, to infer accretion temperatures, is apparently not valid for individual phases of Allende.  相似文献   

The Type B CaAl-rich inclusions in the Allende carbonaceous chondrite form a continuous range from the mineralogically concentrically zoned B1 subtype to the unzoned B2 subtype. These subtypes differ in (i) structure, texture, grain size and shape, (ii) mineralogical proportions and compositions, (iii) accessory mineralogy, (iv) relative abundance of spinel framboids, (v) rim layering, (vi) major element chemistry, and (vii) degree of secondary alteration.These differences, together with observations on the crystallization of synthetic melts, suggest that the B1 inclusions crystallised relatively rapidly from molten parental material while B2 types crystallised relatively slowly close to the solidus from material that had not been completely melted.The same data are used to construct an evaporative residue model for the origin of the parental Type B materials. In the model, dust in the protosolar nebula was heated with removal of more volatile elements, leaving completely melted (Type B1) residues at the highest temperatures and incompletely melted, less highly evaporated (Type B2) residues at lower temperatures.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional 18O/16O isotopic analysis of the Vigarano matrix was conducted by secondary ion-imaging using a novel two-dimensional ion-imager. Quantitative oxygen-isotope images (isotopographs) of the Vigarano matrix show that 16O-rich micrograins are scattered within 16O-poor matrix. This heterogeneous O-isotopic distribution indicates that matrix is composed of different O-isotopic components that formed in different locations and/or at different times. However, the O-isotopic composition of groundmass in the matrix is the same as the bulk isotopic composition of the matrix within ±5 uncertainty. The spatial resolution and isotopic precision of our technique should allow submicron-size objects (>0.2 μm) with extreme O-isotopic anomalous characteristics (δ18OSMOW ∼250) to be detectable in isotopographs. Because the mean grain size of the matrix is ∼0.2 μm, the inability to detect such O-isotopic anomalous objects indicates that isotopically anomalous micrograins (e.g., presolar grains) are extremely rare in the Vigarano matrix and that most objects in the matrix were formed in the solar nebula or in the parent body.  相似文献   

Complex I-Xe and mineralogical studies have been performed on four heavily-altered Allende fine-grained spinel-rich Ca, Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) and four Allende dark inclusions (DIs) showing various degrees of iron-alkali metasomatic alteration. The CAIs are largely composed of Fe-rich spinel, Al-diopside, and secondary nepheline and sodalite. The DIs consist of chondrules and Allende-like matrix composed of lath-shaped fayalitic olivine, nepheline, sodalite, and Ca, Fe-rich pyroxene ± andradite ± FeNi-sulfide nodules. Chondrule phenocrysts are extensively or completely replaced by fayalitic olivine, nepheline, and sodalite; metal nodules are replaced by FeNi-sulfides, andradite and Ca, Fe-rich pyroxenes. The chondrules and matrices are crosscut by Ca, Fe-rich pyroxene ± FeNi-sulfide ± fayalitic olivine veins. DIs are surrounded by continuous Ca-rich rims composed of andradite, wollastonite, kirschsteinite, and Ca, Fe-rich pyroxenes, whereas the outer portions of the inclusions are depleted in Ca.Three CAIs yield well-defined I-Xe isochrons with ages 3.1 ± 0.2, 3.0 ± 0.2 and 3.7 ± 0.2 Ma younger than the Shallowater internal standard (4566 ± 2 Ma). Similar release profiles suggest the same iodine carrier (most probably sodalite) for all four CAIs. The Allende DIs yield I-Xe ages from 0.8 ± 0.3 to 1.9 ± 0.2 Ma older than Shallowater. Based on the petrographic observations, we infer that the DIs experienced at least two-stage alteration. During an early stage of the alteration, which took place in an asteroidal setting, but not in the current location of the DIs, chondrule silicates were replaced by secondary fayalitic olivine, nepheline, and sodalite. Calcium lost from the chondrules was redeposited as Ca, Fe-rich pyroxene veins and Ca, Fe-rich pyroxene ± andradite nodules in the matrix. The second stage of alteration resulted in mobilization of Ca from the DIs and its re-deposition as Ca-rich rims composed of Ca, Fe-rich pyroxenes, andradite, and wollastonite, around the DIs. We interpret I-Xe ages of the DIs as time of their alteration prior incorporation into Allende. The younger I-Xe ages of the fine-grained spinel-rich CAIs may reflect hydrothermal alteration of the Allende host, which could have occurred contemporaneously with the second stage of alteration of the Allende DIs. The lack of evidence for the disturbance of I-Xe system in the Allende DIs may suggest that fluid responsible for the alteration of the Allende CAIs was in equilibrium with the I- and Xe-bearing phases of the DIs.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of a highly hydrated clast in the Mokoia CV3 carbonaceous chondrite that contains eight chondrules and one amoeboid olivine inclusion (AOI), embedded in a matrix dominated by hydrous phyllosilicates. Anhydrous silicates in the chondrules and AOI were extensively replaced by phyllosilicates. The matrix has a composition intermediate between saponite and serpentine and contains abundant framboidal magnetite, being similar to the matrices of the CI chondrites. The mineralogy and texture indicate that the clast resulted from intensive aqueous alteration of a precursor equivalent to the host Mokoia meteorite, and it can be regarded as the CV2-type lithology. The results indicate that there was in fact an extremely wet region within the Mokoia parent body and that this clast escaped subsequent thermal metamorphism.This clast reveals abundant evidence of progressive and dynamic aqueous alteration processes. The chondrules were replaced inward from their margins, and the alteration products were disaggregated and mixed into the matrix; as a result, the chondrules increasingly became smaller in size and irregular in shape. Some of the chondrules were separated into pieces. The results indicate that a major proportion of the matrix materials were produced by the alteration of chondrules and inclusions and that there was a stage in which the alteration products and the original matrix material were extensively and uniformly mixed together.The presence of the clast supports a previously proposed model, which suggests that hydrated chondrules, inclusions, and the rims surrounding them in the host Mokoia chondrite are clasts produced by brecciation within a wet region of the parent body and that they were subsequently transported and incorporated into the dry matrix.  相似文献   

Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) was used to measure distributions of the siderophile elements V, Fe, Co, Ni, Mo, Ru, Rh, Pd, W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, and Au in Fremdlinge with a spatial resolution of 15 to 25 μm. A sulfide vein in a refractory inclusion in Allende (CV3-oxidized) is enriched in Rh, Ru, and Os with no detectable Pd, Re, Ir, or Pt, indicating that Rh, Ru, and Os were redistributed by sulfidation of the inclusion, causing fractionation of Re/Os and other siderophile element ratios in Allende CAIs. Fremdlinge in compact Type-A inclusions from Efremovka (CV3-reduced) exhibit subsolidus exsolution into kamacite and taenite and minimal secondary formation of V-magnetite and schreibersite. Siderophile element partitioning between taenite and kamacite is similar to that observed previously in iron meteorites, while preferential incorporation of the light PGEs (Ru, Rh, Pd) relative to Re, Os, Ir, and Pt by schreibersite was observed. Fremdling EM2 (CAI Ef2) has an outer rim of P-free metal that preserves the PGE signature of schreibersite, indicating that EM2 originally had a phosphide rim and lost P to the surrounding inclusion during secondary processing. Most Fremdlinge have chondrite-normalized refractory PGE patterns that are unfractionated, with PGE abundances derived from a small range of condensation temperatures, ∼1480 to 1468 K at Ptot = 10−3 bar. Some Fremdlinge from the same CAI exhibit sloping PGE abundance patterns and Re/Os ratios up to 2 × CI that likely represent mixing of grains that condensed at various temperatures.  相似文献   

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