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Fresh mid-ocean ridge basalts of varying crystallinity and an andesite were reacted with seawater and with a Na-K-Ca-Cl solution at 200–500°C and 500–1000 bar in sealed gold capsules. Waterrock mass ratios of one to three were used and durations ranged from two to twenty months. The concentrations of Fe, Mn, and reduced and oxidized sulfur species in solution reached steady state in most of the experiments at 400–500°C, but not in those at 200–300°. The concentrations of Fe and Mn were a few ppm at 200–300° and increased greatly with temperature between 300 and 500°. The low values at 200–300° are probably related to the uptake of Fe and Mn by smectite at the in situ pH, which was slightly acid at 200° and slightly alkaline at 300°. The quench pH values decreased with increasing temperature above 300°. The only reliable data for the concentration of Zn in solution were obtained at 400°, where values 1–2 ppm were found. Copper was extensively leached from basalt and andesite and was deposited as part of a Cu-Au alloy in the capsule walls or, in some experiments, as chalcopyrite.Reduced sulfur was readily leached from basalt into solution, and was also produced by the reduction of seawater sulfate by ferrous iron derived from the basalts. The proportion of seawater sulfate which was reduced in the experiments with a waterrock ratio of one varied from 5–10% at 300°C to > 95% at 500°. The rate of sulfate reduction depended on the run temperature, on the crystallinity and initial sulfur content of the rocks used as starting materials, and on the waterrock ratio. The final concentration of reduced sulfur in solution increased greatly with temperature, and generally exceeded that of Fe on a molal basis.The oxide-sulfide assemblages produced in the experiments resemble those in the basalt-seawater geothermal system at Reykjanes, Iceland, and in hydrothermally altered basalts and gabbros from the oceanic crust; they include pyrite, pyrrhotite. chalcopyrite, hematite, and probably magnetite. The particular assemblage varied systematically with the temperature, rock type, and crystallinity of each run. Anhydrite precipitated in all experiments with seawater, at all temperatures from 200–500°C. However, its persistence to the end of the runs was apparently metastable, as it should have reacted with the final solutions to produce pyrite or pyrrhotite.  相似文献   

Primary and pseudosecondary fluid inclusions occur in oscillatory-and sector-zoned omphacite in eclogitic veins from the Monviso ophiolitic complex in the Western Alps. The inclusions contain aqueous brines and daughter crystals of halite, sylvite, calcite, dolomite, albite, anhydrite and/or gypsum, barite, baddeleyite, rutile, sphene, Fe oxides, pyrite and monazite. This daughter mineral suite indicates high solubilites of Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zr, Ti, P, Ba, Ce, La, Th, and S species and provides direct evidence for transport of high-fieldstrenght, large-ion-lithophile, and light-rare-earth elements as dissolved species during subduction. Fluid-inclusion heterogeneities preserved within and between adjacent grains in the veins, however, suggest that the scale of fluid equilibration was small. A crack-seal geometry in some of the veins implies that fluid release in pulses rather than steady flow controlled mineral deposition and growth in the veins. From these observations, we develop a model of fluid release and entrapment in which pulses of fluid are associated in time with increments of shear and tensile failure; the rate of fluid release and the reduction in porosity both depend on the rate of plastic flow. Vein fluids may initially be derived from decreptitation of early fluid inclusions in the host eclogites, Small-scale fluid heterogeneities implied by the fluid inclusions in the veins are best interpreted in terms of limited fluid flow, and hence limited metasomatism. We conclude that element recycling into the mantle wedge during subduction will depend at least as strongly on fluid transport mechanisms as on element solubilities in the fluid phase. At Monviso, despite evidence for high trace element solubilities in saline brines, the elements were not removed from the downgoing slab prior to teaching depths of 40 km.  相似文献   

显微镜下矿石薄片鉴定和铀矿物电子探针分析显示,白兴吐铀矿床发育高岭石化、碳酸盐化、黄铁矿化、水云母-绢云母化和赤铁矿化等中低温热液蚀变;矿石的铀矿物主要为铀石,少量沥青铀矿,以及部分含钛铀矿物,矿石普遍富含磷和钛。铀矿物与热液成因的胶状、团块状和莓状黄铁矿、铁白云石、赤铁矿等共生。这些特征表明,该矿床的工业铀矿化与热液作用关系密切。  相似文献   

The Chadormalu is one of the largest known iron deposits in the Bafq metallogenic province in the Kashmar-Kerman belt, Central Iran. The deposit is hosted in Precambrian-Cambrian igneous rocks, represented by rhyolite, rhyodacite, granite, diorite, and diabasic dikes, as well as metamorphic rocks consisting of various schists. The host rocks experienced Na (albite), calcic (actinolite), and potassic (K-feldspar and biotite) hydrothermal alteration associated with the formation of magnetite–(apatite) bodies, which are characteristic of iron oxide copper-gold (IOCG) and iron oxide-apatite (IOA) systems. Iron ores, occurring as massive-type and vein-type bodies, consist of three main generations of magnetite, including primary, secondary, and recrystallized, which are chemically different. Apatite occurs as scattered irregular veinlets in various parts of the main massive ore-body, as well as apatite-magnetite veins and disseminated apatite grains in marginal parts of the deposit and in the immediate wall rocks. Minor pyrite occurs as a late phase in the iron ores. Chemical composition of magnetite is representative of an IOA or Kiruna-type deposit, which is consistent with other evidence.Whole rock geochemical data from various host rocks confirm the occurrence of Na, Ca, and K alteration consistent with the formation of albite, actinolite, and K-feldspar, respectively. The geochemical investigation also includes the nature of calc-alkaline igneous rocks, and helps elaborating on the spatial and temporal association, and possible contribution of mafic to felsic magmas to the evolution of ore-bearing hydrothermal fluids.Fluid inclusion studies on apatites from massive- and vein-type ores show a range of homogenization temperatures from 266 to 580 °C and 208–406 °C, and salinities from 0.5 to 10.7 wt.% and 0.3–24.4 wt.% NaCl equiv., respectively. The fluid inclusion data suggest the involvement of evolving fluids, from low salinity-high temperature, to high salinity-low temperature, in the formation of the massive- and vein-type ores, respectively. The δ34S values obtained for pyrite from various parts of the deposit range between +8.9 and +14.4‰ for massive ore and +18.7 to +21.5‰ for vein-type ore. A possible source of sulfur for the 34S-enriched pyrite would be originated from late Precambrian-early Cambrian marine sulfate, or fluids equilibrated with evaporitic sulfates.Field observations, ore mineral and alteration assemblages, coupled with lithogeochemical, fluid inclusion, and sulfur isotopic data suggest that an evolving fluid from magmatic dominated to surficial brine-rich fluid has contributed to the formation of the Chadormalu deposit. In the first stages of mineralization, magmatic derived fluids had a dominant role in the formation of the massive-type ores, whereas a later brine with higher δ34S contributed to the formation of the vein-type ores.  相似文献   

Basalt in the Furutobe District of the Kuroko mine area in Japan is characterized by abundant chlorite and epidote. Fluid inclusion studies indicate that chlorite is formed at lower temperatures (230–250°C) than epidote (250–280°C). The seawater/basalt mass ratio for the early chlorite-rich alteration was high (max. 40), but that for the later alteration was low (0.1–1.8). The CaO, Na2O and SiO2 of the bulk rock correlate negatively with MgO, while FeO and Σ Fe correlate positively with MgO. These changes in the characteristic features of hydrothermal alteration from early to late are generally similar to those for a mid-ocean ridge geothermal system accompanying basalt alteration.The MgO/FeO ratios of chlorite and actinolite and the Fe2O3 concentration of epidote from the basalt are greater than those of mid-ocean ridge basalt probably owing to the differences in the Fe2O3/FeO and MgO/FeO ratios of the parent rocks. The lower CaO concentration and the higher Na2O concentration of the bulk rock compared with altered mid-ocean ridge basalt can be interpreted in terms of the difference in original bulk rock compositions.The Furutobe basalt, as well as other submarine back arc basalts, contains more vesicles filled with hydrothermal minerals (epidote, calcite, quartz, chlorite, pyrite) than do the mid-ocean ridge basalts. The abundance of vesicles plays an important role in controlling the secondary mineralogy and geochemistry of hydrothermally altered submarine back arc basin basalts.  相似文献   

The Milin Kamak gold-silver deposit is located in Western Srednogorie zone, 50 km west of Sofia, Bulgaria. This zone belongs to the Late Cretaceous Apuseni-Banat-Timok-Srednogorie magmatic and metallogenic belt. The deposit is hosted by altered trachybasalt to andesitic trachybasalt volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks with Upper Cretaceous age, which are considered to be products of the Breznik paleovolcano. Milin Kamak is the first gold-silver intermediate sulfidation type epithermal deposit recognized in Srednogorie zone in Bulgaria. It consists of eight ore zones with lengths ranging from 400 to 1000 m, widths from several cm to 3–4 m, rarely to 10–15 m, an average of 80–90 m depth (a maximum of 200 m) and dip steeply to the south. The average content of gold is 5.04 g/t and silver – 13.01 g/t. The styles of alteration are propylitic, sericite, argillic, and advanced argillic. Ore mineralization consists of three stages. Quartz-pyrite stage I is dominated by quartz, euhedral to subhedral pyrite, trace pyrrhotite and hematite in the upper levels of the deposit. Quartz-polymetallic stage II is represented by major anhedral pyrite, galena, Fe-poor sphalerite; minor chalcopyrite, tennantite, bournonite, tellurides and electrum; and trace pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, marcasite. Gangue minerals are quartz and carbonates. The carbonate-gold stage III is defined by deposition of carbonate minerals and barite with native gold and stibnite.Fluid inclusions in quartz are liquid H2O-rich with homogenization temperature (Th) ranging from 238 to 345 °C as the majority of the measurements are in the range 238–273 °C. Ice-melting temperatures (Tm) range from −2.2 to −4.1 °C, salinity – from 3.7 to 6.6 wt.% NaCl equiv. These measurements imply an epithermal environment and low- to moderate salinity of the ore-forming fluids.δ34S values of pyrite range from −0.49 to +2.44‰. The average calculated δ34S values are 1.35‰. The total range of δ34S values for pyrite are close to zero suggesting a magmatic source for the sulfur.  相似文献   

The Rubiales Pb-Zn ore deposit, northwestern Spain, is situated in the Westasturian-Leonese zone, according to the division of the Hercynian Chain in the Iberian Peninsula (Julivert et al. 1972). The orebody is placed in a subvertical shear zone developed at the eastern limb of the Baralla syncline, within the middle and upper members of the lower Cambrian Transition Series. The deposit is a vertical lenticular mass with a N30°W direction. Its length is about 1200 m in a N-S direction by 600 m wide and has an average thickness of 30 m.Its mineralogy is simple: 99% of the sulphides consist of sphalerite and galena with a ratio of 7 to 1. The remaining 1% is mainly formed by pyrite and chalcopyrite with pyrrhotite traces. The deposit shows a large aureole of hydrothermal alteration which is the result of three consecutive processes: (1) sericitization of slates and ankeritization of limestones; (2) silicification of ankeritic rocks; and (3) chloritization of the lower part of the deposit.Since the deposit was discovered in 1967 there has been controversy concerning its origin. Two hypotheses have been considered so far: (1) a sedex model formation (Gilissen 1977; Vazquez 1987); and (2) a hydrothermal origin in a shear zone during the Hercynian Orogeny (Merayo et al. 1984; Arias 1988). The data herein presented support the second hypothesis.  相似文献   

Two stages of illite mineralization are recognized in the hydrothermal alteration zone of the Hoam granite. These illites are formed as a result of pervasive alteration by re-equilibration with high water/rock in a brittle environment below <2 km; the mineralization timing is middle Oligocene (26–27 Ma), coinciding with the timing of crustal deformation related to the opening of the East Sea (Sea of Japan). The mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the clearly distinguished illites at each site indicate that they were mineralized from different fluid injections in distinct geological environments. Illites at the site-1 alteration zone are characterized by high-K content [K0.84 per O10(OH)2], 2M1 polytype of 99 %, hexagonal plate shape, and coexistence with pyrite. These observations indicate that the illites were formed in a slow cooling system (>250 °C), high fS2, and a relatively acidic environment. The pseudomorphic replacement combined with matrix-filling texture indicates that the illites at the site-1 alteration zone recorded the changes in fluid conditions from low to high water-rock ratio. In contrast, the illites at the site-2 alteration zone show the coexistence of polytypes (2M1, 1M, and 1Md), high-K illites [(K0.83 per O10(OH)2]/low-K illites [K0.63 per O10(OH)2], platy/hairy shapes, and presence of magnetite. Furthermore, this alteration zone no longer exhibits primary textures because of pervasive alteration induced by the dissolution-precipitation process. These results indicate that they were formed in a rapid cooling system and were continuously under conditions of high water-rock ratio, as well as in a less acidic and fS2 environment than that observed at the site-1 alteration zone. The behavior of trace elements for each illite primarily depends on the constituents of the hydrothermal fluid, which reflect different degrees of fluid evolution. The enrichment of high field strength elements (Nb and Ta), large ion lithophile elements (B, Be, and Cs), rare earth elements, and actinide elements (U and Th) in illite at the site-2 alteration zone shows that these elements formed by a more evolved fluid than that of the illite at the site-1 alteration zone. In addition, negative Ce anomalies at the site-2 alteration zone indicate that these crystallized in a reducing environment. Considering the mineralogical and geochemical properties of illites at the site-1 and site-2 alteration zones, the illite mineralization in the Hoam granite was likely generated by at least two episodes of hydrothermal illite mineralization, which originated from episodic injections of fluids, rather than continuously evolved fluids.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal zircon can be used to date fluid-infiltration events and water/rock interaction. At the Boggy Plain zoned pluton (BPZP), eastern Australia, hydrothermal zircon occurs with hydrothermal scheelite, molybdenite, thorite and rutile in incipiently altered aplite and monzogranite. The hydrothermal zircon is texturally distinct from magmatic zircon in the same rocks, occurring as murky-brown translucent 20–50 μm-thick mantles on magmatic cores and less commonly as individual crystals. The hydrothermal mantles are internally textureless in back-scatter electron and cathodoluminescence images whereas magmatic zircon is oscillatory zoned. The age of the hydrothermal zircon is indistinguishable from magmatic zircon, indicating precipitation from a fluid evolved from the magma during the final stages of crystallization. Despite indistinguishable U-Pb isotopic compositions, the trace-element compositions of the hydrothermal and magmatic zircon are distinct. Hydrothermal zircon is enriched in all measured trace-elements relative to magmatic zircon in the same rock, including V, Ti, Nb, Hf, Sc, Mn, U, Y, Th and the rare-earth elements (REE). Chondrite-normalized REE abundances form two distinct pattern groupings: type-1 (magmatic) patterns increase steeply from La to Lu and have Ce and Eu anomalies—these are patterns typical for unaltered magmatic zircon in continental crust rock types; type-2 (hydrothermal) patterns generally have higher abundances of the REE, flatter light-REE patterns [(Sm/La)N = 1.5–4.4 vs. 22–110 for magmatic zircon] and smaller Ce anomalies (Ce/Ce* = 1.8–3.5 vs. 32–49 for magmatic zircon). Type-2 patterns have also been described for hydrothermally-altered zircon from the Gabel Hamradom granite, Egypt, and a granitic dyke from the Acasta Gneiss Complex, Canada.Hadean (∼4.5–4.0 Ga) zircon from the Jack Hills, Western Australia, have variable normalized REE patterns. In particular, the oldest piece of Earth—zircon crystal W74/2-36 (dated at 4.4 Ga)—contains both type-1 and type-2 patterns on a 50 μm scale, a phenomenon not yet reported for unaltered magmatic zircon. In the context of documented magmatic and hydrothermal zircon compositions from constrained samples from the BPZP and the literature, the type-2 patterns in crystal W74/2-36 and other Jack Hills Hadean (JHH) zircon are interpreted as hydrothermally-altered magmatic compositions. An alteration scenario, constrained by isotope and trace-element data, as well as α-decay event calculations, involving fluid/zircon cation and oxygen isotope exchange within partially metamict zones and minor dissolution/reprecipitation, may have occurred episodically for some JHH zircon and at ∼4.27 Ga for zircon W74/2-36. Type-2 compositions in JHH zircon are interpreted to represent localized exchange with a light-REE-bearing, high δ18O (∼6–10‰ or higher) fluid. Thus, a complex explanation involving “permanent” liquid water oceans, large-scale water/rock interaction and plate tectonics in the very early Archean is not necessary as the zircon textures and compositions are simply explained by exchange between partially metamict zircon and a low volume ephemeral fluid.  相似文献   

The Costelloe Murvey Granite is a chemically evolved, high heat production, leucocratic component of the 400 Ma old Galway Granite batholith and is host to hydrothermal fluorite-quartz-calcite veins. A previously reported clinopyroxene 40Ar-39Ar age of 231±4 Ma obtained from a pre-mineralization dolerite dyke is reinterpreted as dating this mineralization. The hydrothermal fluid extensively altered its granite wallrocks, leading to lower Sm and Nd and higher Rb concentrations in altered granite, disturbing both its Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic systems. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the hydrothermal fluid from which fluorite and calcite precipitated ranged from 0.7101 to 0.7139. These ratios are very much lower than in the Costelloe Murvey Granite at the time of mineralization, precluding the granite as a source for more than 2% of the hydrothermal Sr. The initial 143Nd/144Nd ratio varies between fluorite in different veins due to Nd derivation from local wallrocks, and between fluorite of petrographically distinct growth phases within a single hand specimen, highlighting the difficulty of Sm-Nd isochron dating of fluorite in cases where there are multiple sources of hydrothermal Nd. It is proposed that fluorite and calcite precipitated where hot, dilute fluids rising through the granite mixed with cooler, more saline fluids of basinal origin migrating through Lower Carboniferous limestone which then overlay the granite. Received: 3 August 1995 / Accepted: 11 April 1996  相似文献   

The pressure dependence of the refractive index of tholeiite basalt glass was studied in the range 0–5.0 GPa with an interference-polarization microscope and a diamond anvil cell. The non-linear change of the refractive index of basalt glass, with a kink around 2.0–2.5 GPa, is similar to the behaviour of the refractive index, density and elastic properties of silica glass under pressure. The comparison of data for glasses with continuous silicon-oxygen frameworks shows that the strain-polarizability potential Λ (photoelasticity theory), describing the change of refraction R with increasing density ρ: (Λ=–ΔR ρ/R0Δρ) is nearly constant. Using the value Λ=0.21 and the refractive index data, the compressibility of the investigated basalt glass under pressure up to 5.0 GPa was calculated by the equation: Δρ/ρ=6nΔn/(n2–1)(n2+2)(1–Λ). The results of the calculation agree with the compressibility of tholeiite basalt glass determined by measurement of the sizes of glass samples under pressure using photographic equipment. The compressibility of basalt glass is higher than that for plagioclases, resulting in the possibility of relative density inversion of deep-seated basalt melts and plagioclase crystals. These data reinforce the model of anorthositec crust generation on the Earth and on the Moon by inverse plagioclase crystal fractionation at high degrees of melting of basic rocks.  相似文献   

勐满金矿床是西南三江特提斯造山带迄今为止报导的为数不多的热泉型金矿床之一,也是南澜沧江带唯一发现的该成因类型的金矿床。然而目前对勐满金矿床热液蚀变特征的分析不足和地球化学数据的缺乏,一直制约着对其成矿过程的深入理解。勐满金矿床原生矿体产于早古生代澜沧群曼来组片岩和侏罗纪花开左组碎屑岩不整合面附近,断裂构造导流、控矿作用显著。矿区两类围岩均发生强烈蚀变,但蚀变类型简单,仅为硅化和高岭土化,与金成矿密切相关。热液高岭土化的大量发育,反映围岩中的长石等含铝矿物与呈酸性的流体发生作用。全岩微量元素组成对比研究表明,近矿围岩蚀变过程中未发生明显的微量元素迁移。镜下观察到Au与黄铜矿等金属硫化物共生,元素相关性分析显示Au与Ag、Cu、Pb、As、S、Sb等元素有正相关趋势,表明它们由统一热液系统携带并发生卸载。在弱酸性成矿流体中,Au主要以金硫络合物的形式进行迁移。当含Au流体运移至地层不整合面附近时,与围岩反应并发生强烈高岭土化,导致流体中的SiO_2和高岭石含量急剧增加,逐渐在矿区导流断裂中沉淀下来。断裂变窄甚至封闭,流体内压持续升高,最终发生爆破,成矿流体强烈减压沸腾,引发金硫络合物失稳,Au发生卸载并沉淀。该过程反复多次发生,形成了矿区含金硅质角砾岩及蚀变岩型矿石。  相似文献   

钾长石在碱性流体蚀变过程中会形成层状铝硅酸盐等矿物,前人对其反应机制和反应产物进行了研究,但缺乏微观尺度尤其是纳米尺度的探讨。因此,作者对钾长石在极端碱性条件下(190℃,24h,初始p H=12.4)的蚀变机制及其蚀变产物层状硅酸盐托贝莫来石的显微结构开展了纳米尺度的研究。X射线粉末衍射、扫描电子显微镜、能量色散光谱等观测结果显示,钾长石在碱性条件下水热蚀变所得到的产物主要为托贝莫来石、水钙铝榴石和方解石。高分辨率的透射电镜结果表明,在钾长石与次生矿物相的界面形成了纳米级的多孔非晶质层,且在空间上表现出结构的不连续性。界面溶解-再沉淀(CIDR)机制很好地解释了钾长石与次生矿物相界面的空间不连续性和非晶质层的形成。对蚀变产物中纤维状的托贝莫来石晶体进行显微结构表征,结果表明托贝莫来石的孔隙直径为0~160nm,平均孔径约为40nm;其构成的纳米孔隙和通道有利于增加周围流体中离子和气体的溶解度,并可能会影响局部化学平衡。这为层状铝硅酸盐作为自然界以及工业吸附材料和催化剂的更广泛应用提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

A low-salinity, mixed aqueous-carbonic fluid is common to all Archæan lode-gold deposits throughout the range of mineralising conditions from sub-greenschist to lower-granulite facies temperatures. Alteration assemblages and fluid-inclusion data give constraints on the fluid composition. Fluid XCO 2 is 0.1–0.3 in typical greenschist-facies (mesothermal) deposits. At higher temperatures, the assemblages are consistent with formation from a fluid of similar composition, but slightly higher or lower XCO 2 cannot be ruled out, and fluid-inclusion data indicate that CH4 may be an important component in ore fluids at these temperatures. Fluid pH is neutral or weakly alkaline at all conditions. A range of relative oxidation states of four orders of magnitude fO 2 is indicated at any temperature, with deposits more oxidising relative to QFM at lower temperature. Sulphur contents of the fluids vary from ≈ 10 to 10?3.5m∑S, with a trend towards lower sulphur contents at lower temperatures. The relative concentrations of major cations in solution are similar at all conditions with Na ? K ≥ Ca, although Ca may be less abundant at low temperatures. The broad similarities in ore-fluid composition at all temperatures give support to ‘crustal-continuum’ models, in which Archæan lode-gold mineralisation involved either a single fluid moving through the middle and upper crust, or derivation of ore fluids by similar processes at different crustal levels. Many of the compositional differences between high- and lowtemperature ore-fluids may be attributed to evolution of deep-sourced hydrothermal solutions as they rise along structurally-controlled conduits. The constancy of major ore-fluid component concentration (e.g. CO2, Cl, ± K) suggests fluid-buffering and high fluid-rock ratios along fluid pathways. Fluid-buffered conditions can also explain the ore-fluid fO 2-temperature relations; with equilibria between oxidised and reduced aqueous carbon or sulphur species controlling the oxidation state. In contrast, the concentrations of components present in lesser abundance in Archæan gold ore-fluids (e.g. S, Ca, H+) were probably controlled either by saturation of one or more mineral phases brought on by decreasing temperature, or were rock-buffered through fluid-rock reactions. Extrapolation to high temperatures of the K, Na and Ca contents of the gold-bearing fluids indicates that their composition is consistent with derivation from, or final equilibration with, rocks of intermediate-granitic composition, thus giving support to isotopic and geological arguments for ore-fluid source regions external to the greenstone belts. The fluid oxidation states are characteristic of a wide range of potential source rocks, including mantle-derived igneous rocks, calc-alkaline granitoids and magmas, and seaflooraltered metabasalts. Strongly oxidised magmatic sources or unusually oxidising source processes (e.g. CO2-streaming during granulitisation of the lower crust) are therefore not required in the genesis of Arch?an lode-gold deposits.  相似文献   

MORB suites display variations in their chemical differentiation trends which are closely related to the incompatible element enrichment of the basalts. We examine suites of primitive to evolved basalts from the Pacific-Nazca Ridge at 28° S (mostly depleted); from the Juan Fernandez microplate region (depleted) and from the Explorer Ridge, northeast Pacific (mostly enriched). Trends for incompatible element enriched MORBs consistently show less depletion of Al2O3 and less enrichment of FeO when plotted on MgO variation diagrams.Least squares modeling indicates that enriched basalts have undergone less plagioclase crystallization than depleted basalts especially in the early stages of differentiation. Using thermodynamic modelling, we show that variations between MORB differentiation trends result largely from differences in the major element chemistry and H2O content of primary magmas. Our chosen enriched and depleted near-primary magmas are similar in major element chemistry but the enriched near-primary magma has higher H2O and lower Al2O3 than the depleted near-primary magma. The MORB crystallization sequence is: olivineolivine+plagioclase olivine+plagioclase+high-Ca pyroxene; and the separate and combined effects of lower Al2O3 and higher H2O are to cause plagioclase to crystallize later (lower temperature), and to make the interval of olivine+plagioclase crystallization shorter. As a result, enriched differentiates have higher Al2O3 and lower FeO than depleted MORBs at a given MgO content, even though their parents' Al2O3 is lower. Crystallization of enriched basalts at higher pressure than depleted basalts is not able to account for differences between the differentiation trends because the proportion of plagioclase is higher during three-phase crystallization at high pressure.The variations in trends do not depend on geographic location and thus are superimposed on any regional variations in MORB chemistry or mantle source. Nor are they related to spreading rate. Depleted basalts from the fast-spreading 28° S and Juan Fernandez ridges have differentiation trends similar to depleted basalts from the medium-spreading Galapagos Spreading Center, whereas differentiation trends for enriched basalts from the medium-spreading Explorer Ridge are quite different. Fe3+/Fetotal is similar (and quite low) for enriched and depleted basalts, indicating that neither oxidation state nor early magnetite crystallization are important.  相似文献   

A multinuclear solid-state NMR investigation of the structure of the amorphous alteration products (so called gels) that form during the aqueous alteration of silicate glasses is reported. The studied glass compositions are of increasing complexity, with addition of aluminum, calcium, and zirconium to a sodium borosilicate glass. Two series of gels were obtained, in acidic and in basic solutions, and were analyzed using 1H, 29Si, and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy. Advanced NMR techniques have been employed such as 1H-29Si and 1H-27Al cross-polarization (CP) MAS NMR, 1H double quantum (DQ) MAS NMR and 27Al multiple quantum (MQ) MAS NMR. Under acidic conditions, 29Si CP MAS NMR data show that the repolymerized silicate networks have similar configuration. Zirconium as a second nearest neighbor increases the 29Si isotropic chemical shift. The gel porosity is influenced by the pristine glass composition, modifying the silicon-proton interactions. From 1H DQ and 1H-29Si CP MAS NMR experiments, it was possible to discriminate between silanol groups (isolated or not) and physisorbed molecular water near Si (Q2), Si (Q3), and Si (Q4) sites, as well as to gain insight into the hydrogen-bonding interaction and the mobility of the proton species. These experiments were also carried out on heated samples (180 °C) to evidence hydrogen bonds between hydroxyl groups on molecular water. Alteration in basic media resulted in a gel structure that is more dependent on the initial glass composition. 27Al MQMAS NMR data revealed an exchange of charge compensating cations of the [AlO4] groups during glass alteration. 1H-27Al CP MAS NMR data provide information about the proximities of these two nuclei and two aluminum environments have been distinguished. The availability of these new structural data should provide a better understanding of the impact of glass composition on the gel structure depending on the nature of the alteration solution.  相似文献   

We first report the trace and rare earth element compositions of native sulfur ball with sulfur contents varying from 97.08 wt.% to 99.85 wt.% from the Kueishantao hydrothermal field, off NE Taiwan. We then discuss the sources of trace and rare earth elements incorporated into the native sulfur ball during formation. Comparison of our results with native sulfur from crater lakes and other volcanic areas shows the sulfur content of native sulfur ball from the Kueishantao hydrothermal field is very high, and that the rare earth element (REE) and trace element constituents of the native sulfur balls are very low (∑REE < 35 ppb). In the native sulfur ball, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Nb, Rb, Cs, Ba, Pb, Th, U, Al, Ti and REE are mostly derived from andesite; Mg, K and Mn are mostly derived from seawater; and Fe, Cu, Zn and Ni are partly derived from magma. Based on the sulfur contents, trace and rare earth element compositions, and local environment, we suggest that the growth of the native sulfur ball is significantly slower than that of native sulfur chimneys, which results in the relatively higher contents of trace and rare earth element contents in the native sulfur ball than in the native sulfur chimneys from the Kueishantao hydrothermal field. Finally, we suggest a “glue pudding” growth model for understanding the origin of the native sulfur ball in the Kueishantao hydrothermal field, whereby the native sulfur ball forms from a mixture of oxygenated seawater and acidic, low-temperature hydrothermal fluid with H2S and SO2 gases, and is subsequently shaped by tidal and/or bottom currents.  相似文献   

REE mobility during hydrothermal ore-forming processes has been extensively investigated in recent years and the potential of REE to provide information about ore forming processes has commonly been recognized.The Dongping gold deposit,which is located in northwestern Hebei Province,China,occurring in the inner contact zone of the Shuiquangou syenite complex,is spatially,and probably genetically,related to the syenite,the deposit was formed under the moderate to high temperature(220℃ to 320℃),weakly acidic to weakly alkaline,rather high fo2(lgfo2=-30~-34)environment.The REE study of the host rocks,altered wall rocks,ores and gangue minerals from the deposit suggests that the REEs have been mobilized and differentiated during K-feldspathization and silicification.The extremely altered syenite enveloping auriferous quartz vein shows positive Ce anomaly and larger LREE/HREE ratio than that of the unaltered syenite.The REE concentrations and patterns of the ores are determined by the ore types and mineral assemblages,LREE/HREE ratios in the gangue quartz and hydrothermal Kfeldspars are relatively low.The most significant observation is that the gangue quartz shows significant positive Eu anomaly,whereas the hydrothermal K-feldspars show less significant or no positive Eu anomaly at all relative to the primary feldspar in the unaltered syenite. It is evident that the REEs are mobile during K-feldspathization and silicification in the ore forming process.Weak to moderate K-feldspathization caused REE mobility without apparent differentiation with the exception of extreme K-feldspathization and silicification which resulted in significant depletion of HREE and Eu and relative enrichment of Ce.The REE,Y,U,Th and Au contents of the syenite decrease as the degrees of K-feldspathization and silicification of the rocks increase towards the auriferous quartz veins.As the ores were deposited under a rather oxidized environment,Ce^4 predominated over Ce^3 .The precipitation of the former in the form of CeO2 or absorpted onto the secondary mineral assemblage resulted in the inconsistent removal of the REE and the relative Ce enrichment in the strongly altered rocks.in contrast,Eu was present mainly in a low valence state (Eu^2 ).The geochemical differences from the other REE^3 and much less sites in the secondary minerals to accommodate the Eu released form the original minerals resulted in the enrichment of Eu in the fluids.The mobility and differentiation of REE and the coherent mobilities of Y,U,Th and Au also support the argument that the syenite is one of the source rocks for gold mineralization.The REE contents and patterns of the altered rocks enveloping the auriferous quartz vein could be used as a guide for locating ore veins in mineral exploration.  相似文献   

Summary Hydrothermal alteration of alkali-rich pegmatites gives rise to secondary minerals: for example spodumene + quartz replace petalite, cesian analcime crystallizes at the expense of pollucite and albite. Earlier experiments were performed at 450° and 600°C to determine the composition of the hydrothermal solution in equilibrium with Na-Li-Cs bearing minerals during their primary crystallization. New experiments performed at 330°C extend the previous results At 1.5 kbar, the Na/(Li + Na) ratio of the solution coexisting with petalite + albite remains constant and equal to 0.54 from 600° to 330°C. At 4 kbar the ratio of the solution coexisting with spodumene + albite varies from 0.49 to 0.68 over the same temperature range. During the lowering of the temperature these variations induce the dissolution of albite and the crystallization of a Li mineral. In the case of Cs, Na aluminosilicates, at 330°C we observe a continuous solid solution from pollucite to analcite. This result explains the wide variety of compositions of secondary cesian analcite in contrast to the relatively constant composition of primary pollucite.
Résumé L'altération hydrothermale des pegmatites riches en alcalins donne naissance à des minéraux secondaires: par exemple l'association spodumène-quartz remplace la pétalite, et l'analcime substituée en césium remplace l'association pollucite-albite Des expériences précédentes, à 450° et 600°C, ont déterminé la composition des solutions hydrothermales chlorurées en équilibre avec des associations minérales contenant Li, Na et Cs. Nous présentons ici de nouvelles expériences à 330°C.Entre 600° et 330°C, à 1,5 kbar, dans la solution en équilibre avec l'association pétalite-albite, le rapport Na/(Li + Na) reste égal à 0,54. Entre les mêmes températures, à 4 kbar, ce rapport varie de 0,49 à 0,68 pour la solution en équilibre avec spodumène-albite. En système fermé, cette variation entraîne qu'une baisse de température, à pression constante de 4 kbar, provoque la dissolution de l'albite et la cristallisation d'un minéral contenant du Li.A 330°C nous constatons que la pollucite forme une solution solide continue avec l'analcime. Ceci explique pourquoi, dans la nature, les analcimes césiques de deuxième génération ont une composition très variable, alors que les pollucites primaires ont une composition relativement constante.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   

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