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Sedimentologic and biostratigraphic evidence is used to develop a geochemical model for Great Salt Lake, Utah, extending back some 30,000 yrs. B.P. Hydrologie conditions as defined by the water budget equation are characterized by a lake initially at a low, saline stage, rising by about 17,000 yrs. B.P. to fresh water basin-full conditions (Bonneville level) and then, after about 15,000 yrs. B.P., dropping rapidly to a saline stage again, as exemplified by the present situation.Inflow composition has changed through time in response to the hydrologie history. During fresh-water periods high discharge inflow is dominated by calcium bicarbonate-type river waters; during saline stages, low discharge, NaCl-rich hydrothermal springs are significant solute sources. This evolution in lake composition to NaCl domination is illustrated by the massive mirabilite deposition, free of halite, following the rapid drawdown until about 8,000 years ago, while historic droughts have yielded principally halite.Hydrologic history can be combined with inferred inflow composition to derive concentration curves with time for each major solute in the lake. Calcium concentrations before the drawdown were controlled by calcite solubility, and afterwards by aragonite. Significant amounts of solutes are removed from the lake by diffusion into the sediments. Na+, Cl? and SO42? are also involved in salt precipitation. By including pore fluid data, a surprisingly good fit has been obtained between solute input over the time period considered and the amounts actually found in lake brines, pore fluids, salt beds and sediments. Excess amounts are present for calcium, carbonate and silica, indicating detrital input.  相似文献   

Geochemical Evolution of Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Great Salt Lake (GSL) of Utah, USA, is the largest saline lake in North America, and its brines are some of the most concentrated anywhere in the world. The lake occupies a closed basin system whose chemistry reflects solute inputs from the weathering of a diverse suite of rocks in its drainage basin. GSL is the remnant of a much larger lacustrine body, Lake Bonneville, and it has a long history of carbonate deposition. Inflow to the lake is from three major rivers that drain mountain ranges to the east and empty into the southern arm of the lake, from precipitation directly on the lake, and from minor groundwater inflow. Outflow is by evaporation. The greatest solute inputs are from calcium bicarbonate river waters mixed with sodium chloride-type springs and groundwaters. Prior to 1930 the lake concentration inversely tracked lake volume, which reflected climatic variation in the drainage, but since then salt precipitation and re-solution, primarily halite and mirabilite, have periodically modified lake-brine chemistry through density stratification and compositional differentiation. In addition, construction of a railway causeway has restricted circulation, nearly isolating the northern from the southern part of the lake, leading to halite precipitation in the north. These and other conditions have created brine differentiation, mixing, and fractional precipitation of salts as major factors in solute evolution. Pore fluids and diagenetic reactions have been identified as important sources and especially sinks for CaCO3, Mg, and K in the lake, depending on the concentration gradient and clays.  相似文献   

正Great Salt Lake(GSL),in northern Utah,is one of the largest lakes in the United States,with a total surface area of 4400 square kilometers.Arthropods constitute the most conspicuous and abundant animals inhabiting the waters  相似文献   

Sediment cores up to 6.5 m in length from the South Arm of Great Salt Lake, Utah, have been correlated. Radiocarbon ages and volcanic tephra layers indicate a record of greater than 30,000 years. A variety of approaches have been employed to collect data used in stratigraphic correlation and lake elevation interpretation; these include acoustic stratigraphy, sedimentologic analyses, mineralogy, geochemistry (major element, C, O and S isotopes, and organics), paleontology and pollen.The results indicate that prior to 32,000 year B.P. an ephemeral saline lake-playa system was present in the basin. The perennial lake, which has occupied the basin since this time, rose in a series of three major steps; the freshest water conditions and presumably highest altitude was reached at about 17,000 year B.P. The lake remained fresh for a brief period, followed by a rapid increase in salinity and sharp lowering in elevation to levels below that of the present Great Salt Lake. The lake remained at low elevations, and divided at times into a north and south Basin, until about 8,000 year B.P. Since that time, with the exception of two short rises to about 1290 m, the lake level has remained near the present elevation of 1280 m.  相似文献   

The mass of Se deposited annually to sediment in the Great Salt Lake (GSL) was estimated to determine the significance of sedimentation as a permanent Se removal mechanism. Lake sediment cores were used to qualitatively delineate sedimentation regions (very high to very low), estimate mass accumulation rates (MARs) and determine sediment Se concentrations. Sedimentation regions were defined by comparison of isopach contours of Holocene sediment thicknesses to linear sedimentation rates determined via analysis of 210Pb, 226Ra, 7Be and 137Cs activity in 20 short cores (<5 cm), yielding quantifiable results in 13 cores. MARs were developed via analysis of the same radioisotopes in eight long cores (>10 cm). These MARs in the upper 1–2 cm of each long core ranged from 0.019 to 0.105 gsed/cm2/a. Surface sediment Se concentrations in the upper 1 or 2 cm of each long core ranged from 0.79 to 2.47 mg/kg. Representative MARs and Se concentrations were used to develop mean annual Se removal by sedimentation in the corresponding sedimentation region. The spatially integrated Se sedimentation rate was estimated to be 624 kg/a within a range of uncertainty between 285 and 960 kg/a. Comparison to annual Se loading and other potential removal processes suggests burial by sedimentation is not the primary removal process for Se from the GSL.  相似文献   

Great Salt Lake (GSL) is one of the largest and most saline lakes in the world. In order to accurately model limnological processes in GSL, hydrodynamic calculations require the precise estimation of water density (ρ) under a variety of environmental conditions. An equation of state was developed with water samples collected from GSL to estimate density as a function of salinity and water temperature. The ρ of water samples from the south arm of GSL was measured as a function of temperature ranging from 278 to 323 degrees Kelvin (oK) and conductivity salinities ranging from 23 to 182 g L−1 using an Anton Paar density meter. These results have been used to develop the following equation of state for GSL (σ = ± 0.32 kg m−3):
r- r0 = 184.0 10 6 2 + 1.0 4 70 8*\textS - 1. 2 10 6 1*\textT + 3. 1 4 7 2 1 \textE - 4*\textS 2 +  0.00 1 9 9 \textT 2 - 0.00 1 1 2*\textS*\textT, \rho - \rho^{0} = { 184}.0 10 6 2 { } + { 1}.0 4 70 8*{\text{S}} - 1. 2 10 6 1*{\text{T }} + { 3}. 1 4 7 2 1 {\text{E}} - 4*{\text{S}}^{ 2} + \, 0.00 1 9 9 {\text{T}}^{ 2} - 0.00 1 1 2*{\text{S}}*{\text{T}},  相似文献   

The Bonneville Basin is a continental lacustrine system accommodating extensive microbial carbonate deposits corresponding to two distinct phases: the deep Lake Bonneville (30 000 to 11 500 14C bp ) and the shallow Great Salt Lake (since 11 500 14C bp ). A characterization of these microbial deposits and their associated sediments provides insights into their spatio‐temporal distribution patterns. The Bonneville phase preferentially displays vertical distribution of the microbial deposits resulting from high‐amplitude lake level variations. Due to the basin physiography, the microbial deposits were restricted to a narrow shoreline belt following Bonneville lake level variations. Carbonate production was more efficient during intervals of relative lake level stability as recorded by the formation of successive terraces. In contrast, the Great Salt Lake microbial deposits showed a great lateral distribution, linked to the modern flat bottom configuration. A low vertical distribution of the microbial deposits was the result of the shallow water depth combined with a low amplitude of lake level fluctuations. These younger microbial deposits display a higher diversity of fabrics and sizes. They are distributed along an extensive ‘shore to lake’ transect on a flat platform in relation to local and progressive accommodation space changes. Microbial deposits are temporally discontinuous throughout the lake history showing longer hiatuses during the Bonneville phase. The main parameters controlling the rate of carbonate production are related to the interaction between physical (kinetics of the mineral precipitation, lake water temperature and runoff), chemical (Ca2+, Mg2+ and HCO3? concentrations, Mg/Ca ratio, dilution and depletion) and/or biological (trophic) factors. The contrast in evolution of Lake Bonneville and Great Salt Lake microbial deposits during their lacustrine history leads to discussions on major chemical and climatic changes during this interval as well as the role of physiography. Furthermore, it provides novel insights into the composition, structure and formation of microbialite‐rich carbonate deposits under freshwater and hypersaline conditions.  相似文献   

Density stratification in saline and hypersaline water bodies from throughout the world can have large impacts on the internal cycling and loading of salinity, nutrients, and trace elements. High temporal resolution hydroacoustic and physical/chemical data were collected at two sites in Great Salt Lake (GSL), a saline lake in the western USA, to understand how density stratification may influence salinity and mercury (Hg) distributions. The first study site was in a causeway breach where saline water from GSL exchanges with less saline water from a flow restricted bay. Near-surface-specific conductance values measured in water at the breach displayed a good relationship with both flow and wind direction. No diurnal variations in the concentration of dissolved (<0.45 μm) methylmercury (MeHg) were observed during the 24-h sampling period; however, the highest proportion of particulate Hgtotal and MeHg loadings was observed during periods of elevated salinity. The second study site was located on the bottom of GSL where movement of a high-salinity water layer, referred to as the deep brine layer (DBL), is restricted to a naturally occurring 1.5-km-wide “spillway” structure. During selected time periods in April/May, 2012, wind-induced flow reversals in a railroad causeway breach, separating Gunnison and Gilbert Bays, were coupled with high-velocity flow pulses (up to 55 cm/s) in the DBL at the spillway site. These flow pulses were likely driven by a pressure response of highly saline water from Gunnison Bay flowing into the north basin of Gilbert Bay. Short-term flow reversal events measured at the railroad causeway breach have the ability to move measurable amounts of salt and Hg from Gunnison Bay into the DBL. Future disturbance to the steady state conditions currently imposed by the railroad causeway infrastructure could result in changes to the existing chemical balance between Gunnison and Gilbert Bays. Monitoring instruments were installed at six additional sites in the DBL during October 2012 to assess impacts from any future modifications to the railroad causeway.  相似文献   

Diel (24-h) changes in Se and As concentrations in a freshwater wetland pond bordering the Great Salt Lake (GSL) were examined. Selenium concentrations (filtered and unfiltered) changed on a diel basis, i.e., were depleted during early morning and enriched during daytime over August 17-18. During the May 24-25, 2006 and September 29-30 diel studies, no significant 24-h trends were observed in Se concentrations compared to August, which showed daily maximums up to 59% greater than the daily minimum. Both filtered and unfiltered As concentrations also varied on a diel cycle, with increased concentrations during early morning and decreased concentrations during daytime. Filtered As concentrations increased 110% during the May 24-25, 2006 diel study. Selenium varied in phase with pH, dissolved O2 (DO), and water temperature (Tw) whereas As varied opposite to Se, pH, DO and Tw. Changes in pH, DO and Tw showed a direct linear correlation (r = 0.74, 0.75, and 0.55, respectively) to filtered Se. Also pH, DO and Tw were inversely correlated to filtered As concentration (r = −0.88, −0.87, and −0.84, respectively). Equilibrium geochemical speciation and sorption models were used to examine the potential oxidation state changes in Se and As, and sorption and desorption reactions corresponding to the observed 24-h variations in pe and pH. In this wetland it was postulated that diel Se variation was driven by sorption and desorption due to photosynthesis-induced changes in pH and redox conditions. Diel variations of As were hypothesized to be linked to pH-driven sorption and desorption as well as co-precipitation and co-dissolution with mineral phases of Mn.  相似文献   

正The Qaidam Basin is a large intermontane depression in Qinghai Province,China,which located on the northern margin of the Tibet plateau,and surrounded by the Qilian,Kunlun and Aljun mountains which rise to more than 5000m.Some 27 salt lakes occur within the basin,occupying an area of approximately 1500 km2.Additionally,there are extensive areas of dry playas.Together,the playas and salt lakes cover about one quarter of the total basin area.Whereas the western  相似文献   

青海察尔汗盐湖碳酸盐的硼同位素地球化学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
盐湖蒸发岩的硼(B)同位素组成(δ~(11)B)对卤水古盐度变化具有一定的指示意义,但关于盐湖体系碳酸盐沉积的B同位素组成研究较少。本文对察尔汗盐湖百米钻(ISL1A)岩芯碳酸盐进行了B含量及B同位素组成的精确测定。结果表明,所测样品的B含量在10.88×10~(-6)~265.66×10~(-6)之间,δ~(11)B值的变化范围为-1.28‰~+9.94‰,B含量和δ~(11)B值呈现较明显的正相关关系。分析表明,随着盐湖卤水盐度的增大,卤水的B同位素组成也逐渐增大,这导致盐类沉积物的B同位素组成也相应增大。在天然盐湖中,不充分的沉积分异作用使得蒸发岩析出时依然可能存在碳酸盐沉积,碳酸盐的析出可能贯穿盐湖演化的各个阶段,因此可以尝试利用碳酸盐的B同位素组成分析盐湖在整个演化过程中卤水的盐度变化情况。ISL1A钻孔碳酸盐B同位素组成的变化较好地反映了察尔汗盐湖在41.8ka以来古卤水盐度的变化及其在析盐过程中经历的气候干湿波动。  相似文献   

The Gas Hure Salt Lake(GHSL) in the northwestern Qaidam Basin, western China, is rich in boron(B)resources, but its B-resource origin is hardly known. Hydrochemical compositions and B isotope characteristics of different waters were collected around the GHSL, including the river water, stream water, spring water, salt-lake brine,intercrystalline brine, well water, drilling brine, and solar pond brine. The hydrochemical signatures suggest that silicates,carbonates and evaporates are the main B-bearing rocks during the water dynamic. The reservoir estimation of B resources shows that the Kulamulekesay River(KLMR) and the Atekan River(ATKR) contribute annually 18.3 tons and 22.84 tons of B, respectively, with a total amount of 11.72 × 10~4 tons of B during the past 5.7 ka. In comparison with the known B reservoir(32.96 × 10~4 tons) in the GHSL, a significant amount of B in the GHSL was probably recharged from deep fluids and sediments around the GHSL. The B concentration and B-enrichment degree are shaped by the evaporation process,which are highly elevated at the carnallite and bischofite stages.  相似文献   

New and more complete compositional data are presented for a large number of water samples from the Lake Magadi area, Kenya. These water samples range from dilute inflow (<0.1 g/kg dissolved solids) to very concentrated brines (>300 g/kg dissolved solids). Five distinct hydrologic stages can be recognized in the evolution of the water compositions: dilute streamflow, dilute ground water, saline ground water (or hot spring reservoir), saturated brines, and residual brines. Based on the assumption that chloride is conserved in the waters during evaporative concentration, these stages are related to each other by the concentration factors of about 1:28:870:7600:16,800.Dilute streamflow is represented by perennial streams entering the Rift Valley from the west. All but one (Ewaso Ngiro) of these streams disappear in the alluvium and do not reach the valley floor. Dilute ground water was collected from shallow pits and wells dug into lake sediments and alluvial channels. Saline ground water is roughly equivalent to the hot springs reservoir postulated by Eugster (1970) and is represented by the hottest of the major springs. Saturated brines represent surficial lake brines just at the point of saturation with respect to trona (Na2CO3.NaHCO3.2H2O), while residual brines are essentially interstitial to the evaporite deposit and have been subjected to a complex history of precipitation and re-solution.The new data confirm the basic hydrologic model presented by Eugster (1970) which has now been refined, particularly with respect to the early stages of evaporative concentration. Budget calculations show that only bromide is conserved as completely as chloride. Sodium follows chloride closely until trona precipitation, whereas silica and sulfate are largely lost during the very first concentration' step (dilute streamflow-dilute ground water). A large fraction of potassium and all calcium plus magnesium are removed during the first two concentration steps (dilute streamflow-dilute ground water-saline ground water). Carbonate and bicarbonate are the dominant anions, and mechanisms by which they are extracted from the solution include precipitation of alkali and alkaline-earth carbonates, and degassing, as well as precipitation and re-solution of efflorescent crusts. Much sulfate is apparently lost from solution by sorption as well as subsurface reduction.Seasonal runoff, principally from the valley floor north of Lake Magadi, is considered to be the principal recharge to the Magadi ground water system. Evaporative concentration is the overall process responsible for the chemical evolution of the brines. This includes not only simple evaporation, but also mineral precipitation as films and cements in the unsaturated zone, re-solution, and reprecipitation of efflorescent crusts, with consequent recycling of salts. In fact, a large fraction of the solutes are acquired through dissolution of efflorescent crusts.Data were obtained for borehole brines from as deep as 297 m. They show the existence of two distinct brine bodies below the present lake, one shallow, coexistent with bedded salts, and highly concentrated (260 g/kg average dissolved solids), and the other deeper in lacustrine sediments or fractured lavas, and only half as concentrated.  相似文献   

Saline, 450-m-deep Lake Van (Eastern Anatolia, Turkey) is, with 576 km3, the third largest closed lake on Earth and its largest soda lake. In 1989 and 1990, we investigated the hydrochemistry of the lake’s water column and of the tributary rivers. We also cored the Postglacial sediment column at various water depths. The sediment is varved throughout, allowing precise dating back to ca. 15 ka BP. Furthermore, lake terrace sediments provided a 606-year-long floating chronology of the Glacial high-stand of the lake dating to 21 cal. ka BP. The sediments were investigated for their general mineralogical composition, important geochemical parameters, and pore water chemistry as well. These data allow reconstructing the history of the lake level that has seen several regressions and transgressions since the high-stand at the end of the Last Glacial Maximum. Today, the lake is very alkaline, highly supersaturated with Ca-carbonate and has a salt content of about 22 g kg?1. In summer, the warmer epilimnion is diluted with river water and forms a stable surface layer. Depth of winter mixing differs from year to year but during time of investigation the lake was oxygenated down to its bottom. In general, the lake is characterized by an Na–CO3–Cl–(SO4)-chemistry that evolved from the continuous loss of calcium as carbonate and magnesium in the form of Mg-silica-rich mineral phases. The Mg cycle is closely related to that of silica which in turn is governed by the production and dissolution of diatoms as the dominant phytoplankton species in Lake Van. In addition to Ca and Mg, a mass balance approach based on the recent lake chemistry and river influx suggests a fractional loss of potassium, sodium, sulfur, and carbon in comparison to chloride in the compositional history of Lake Van. Within the last 3 ka, minor lake level changes seem to control the frequency of deep water renewal, the depth of stratification, and the redox state of the hypolimnion. Former major regressions are marked by Mg-carbonate occurrences in the otherwise Ca-carbonate dominated sediment record. Pore water data suggest that, subsequent to the major regression culminating at 10.7 ka BP, a brine layer formed in the deep basin that existed for about 7 ka. Final overturn of the lake, triggered by the last major regression starting at about 3.5 ka BP, may partly account for the relative depletion in sulfur and carbon due to rapid loss of accumulated gases. An even stronger desiccation phase is proposed for the time span between about 20 and 15 ka BP following the LGM, during which major salts could have been lost by precipitation of Na-carbonates and Na-sulfates.  相似文献   

The authors have carried out scientific investigations of salt lakes on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau since 1956 and collected 550 hydrochemical data from various types of salt lakes. On that basis, combined with the tectonic characteristics of the plateau, the hydrochemical characteristics of the salt lakes of the plateau are discussed. The salinity of the lakes of the plateau is closely related to the natural environment of lake evolution, especially the climatic conditions. According to the available data and interpretation of satellite images, the salinity of the lakes of the plateau has a general trend of decreasing from north and northwest to south and southeast, broadly showing synchronous variations with the annual precipitation and aridity (annual evaporation/annual precipitation) of the modern plateau. The pH values of the plateau salt lakes are related to both hydrochemical types and salinities of the lake waters, i.e., the pH values tend to decrease from the carbonate type → sodium sulfate subtype → magnesium sulfate subtype → chloride type; on the other hand, a negative correlation is observed between the pH and salinities of the lakes. Geoscientists and biological limnologists generally use main ions in salt lakes as the basis for the hydrochemical classification of salt lakes. The common ions in salt lakes are Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl? SO4 2?, CO3 2?, and HCO3 ?. In this paper, the Kurnakov-Valyashko classification is used to divide the salt lakes into the chloride type, magnesium sulfate subtype, sodium sulfate subtype and carbonate type, and then according to different total alkalinities (K C = Na2CO3 + NaHCO3/total salt × 100%) and different saline mineral assemblages, the carbonate type is further divided into three subtypes, namely, strong carbonate subtype, moderate carbonate subtype and weak carbonate subtypes. According to the aforesaid hydrochemical classifications, a complete and meticulous hydrochemical classification of the salt lakes of the plateau has been made and then a clear understanding of the characteristics of N–S hydrochemical zoning and E-W hydrochemical differentiation has been obtained. The plateau is divided into four zones and one area. There is a genetic association between certain saline minerals and specific salt lake hydrochemical types: the representative mineral assemblages of the carbonate type of salt lake is borax (tincalconite) and borax-zabuyelite (L2CO3) and alkali carbonate-mirabilite; the representative mineral assemblages of the sodium sulfate subtype are mirabilite (thenardite)-halite and magnesium borate (kurnakovite, inderite etc.)-ulexite-mirabilite; the representative mineral assemblages of the magnesium sulfate subtype are magnesium sulfate (epsomite, bloedite)-halite, magnesium borate-mirabilite, and mirabilite-schoenite-halite, as well as large amount of gypsum; The representative mineral assemblages of the chloride type are carnallite-bischofite-halite and carnallite-halite, with antarcticite in a few individual salt lakes. The above-mentioned salt lake mineral assemblages of various types on the plateau have features of cold-phase assemblages. Mirabilite and its associated cold-phase saline minerals are important indicators for the study of paleoclimate changes of the plateau. A total of 59 elements have been detected in lake waters of the plateau now, of which the concentrations of Na, K, Mg, Ca, and Cl, and SO4 2?, CO3 2?, and HCO3 ? ions are highest, but, compared with the hydrochemical compositions of other salt lake regions, the plateau salt lakes, especially those in the southern Qiangtang carbonate type subzone (I2), contain high concentrations of Li, B, K, Cs, and Rb, and there are also As, U, Th, Br, Sr, and Nd positive anomalies in some lakes. In the plateau lake waters, B is intimately associated with Li, Cs, K and Rb and its concentration shows a general positive correlation with increasing salinity of the lake waters. The highest positive anomalies of B, Li, Cs, and K center on the Ngangla Ringco Lake area in the western segment of the southern Qiangtang carbonate type subzone (I2) and coincide with Miocene volcanic-sedimentary rocks and high-value areas of B, Li, and Cs of the plateau. This strongly demonstrates that special elements such as B, Li, and Cs on the plateau were related to deep sources. Based on recent voluminous geophysical study and geochemical study of volcanic rocks, their origin had close genetic relation to anatectic magmatism resulting from India–Eurasia continent–continent collision, and B–Li (-Ce) salt lakes in the Cordillera Plateau of South America just originated on active continental margins, both of which indicate that global specific tectonically active belts are the main cause for the high abundances of B, Li, and Cs (K and Rb) in natural water and mineralization of these elements.  相似文献   

西藏高原扎布耶盐湖128ka以来沉积特征与古环境记录   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
本文首次披露青藏高原腹地扎布耶盐湖约128ka以来高分辨率湖芯研究记录,据连续采取1346件样品,通过多种综合测试方法研究,取得了较为良好的14C年龄和铀系不平衡法与ESR数据,揭示SZK02孔0~83.63m湖芯年龄为约800a至128ka。文中对湖芯沉积特征(包括岩性、矿物组合)作了较详细分析,并与介形类Ⅰ~ⅩⅩ组合、孢粉A—I带作了对比;而在湖芯自生钙镁碳酸盐δ18O与矿物、孢粉、微体古生物环境标志综合分析基础上,与格陵兰、古里雅冰芯等氧同位素变化作了对比,将扎布耶盐湖128ka以来划分出:阶段5末次间冰期(包括e、d、c、b、a5个亚阶段)、阶段4末次冰期早冰阶、阶段3末次冰期间冰阶、阶段2末次冰期晚冰阶或称末次盛冰期、阶段1冰后期;还辨认出6个Heinrich(H6—H1)事件、新仙女木事件(YD)和8.2ka冷事件等。  相似文献   

This paper for the first time reveals high-resolution core records of Zabuye Salt Lake in the interior of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. According to 1346 samples taken continuously, relatively accurate 14^C, U-series disequilibrium and ESR ages have been obtained, thus revealing that the lake core ages from 0 to 83.63 m of hole SZK02 are -800 to over 128 ka. In the paper, the lake core sedimentary characteristics (including the lithologies and mineral assemblages) are analyzed in detail and correlated with ostracod assemblages I to XX and sporopollen zones A to I, and on the basis of an integrated analysis of the δ^18O values of authigenic calcium-magnesium carbonate and environmental proxies of minerals, sporopollen and microfossils in the lake core, a correlation has been made of oxygen isotope change between this lake core and the Greenland GISP2 and GRIP and Guliya ice cores, and the climate of Zabuye Salt Lake since 128 ka BP is divided into the last interglacial stage (including substages e, d, c, b and a) of oxygen isotope stage (OIS) 5, early glacial stadial of the last glacial stage of OIS 4, interglacial stadial of the last glacial stage of OIS 3, late glacial stadial of the last glacial stage or Last Glacial Maximum of OIS 2 and postglacial state of OIS 1; in addition, 6 Heinrich (H6-H1) events, Younger Dryas event and 8.2 ka BP cold event have been recognized.  相似文献   

Nyemo-Nagqu, Tibet, is rich in high-temperature geothermal resources. The geothermal fields in Yangbajain and Yangyi as well as 11 unexplored geothermal fields along the geothermal belt from Nyemo to Nagqu were systematically investigated and the hydrochemistry data were collected from the whole field. Meanwhile, H-O-C-S isotope data were obtained for the new fields, and H-O isotope data for the Yangbajain and Yangyi fields. A comparison of the Nyemo-Nagqu geothermal fields with those in the Yangbajain area shows that the types of high-temperature geothermal water are dominated by Cl-Na and Cl·HCO_3-Na, while the types of medium-high-temperature geothermal water are dominated by HCO_3-Na. The concentrations of Li, F, SiO_2, and HBO_2 in the geothermal water are positively correlated with Cl content, indicating possible mixing with magma water. The reservoir temperatures range from 90 to 270°C by geothermometers. Slight drifting of ~(18)O was recorded at the Dongweng and Nyingzhong high-temperature geothermal fields, while more significant drifting was recorded at Gulu. The geothermal water is mainly replenished by atmospheric precipitation. The low tritium contents(1 TU) of the geothermal water from Nyingzhong, Gulu, and Luoma indicate that it is mainly replenished by sub-modern(prior to 1952) water, while the high tritium content(8.4 TU) in Yuela implies modern water replenishment. Other geothermal fields are replenished by a mix of sub-modern fresher water. The isotopic data in this study show that the carbon and sulfur in the geothermal water originates mainly from sediment leaching, with some of the carbon and sulfur having a deep origin.  相似文献   

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