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This paper highlights progress with the development of a petascale implementation of general-purpose high-resolution (nonoscillatory) hydrodynamical simulation code EULAG [Prusa et al. 2008, Comput. Fluids 37, 1193]. The applications addressed are anelastic atmospheric flows in the range of scales from micro to planetary. The new modeldomain decomposition into a three dimensional processor array has been implemented to increase model performance and scalability. The performance of the new code is demonstrated on the IBM BlueGene/L and Cray XT4/XT5 supercomputers. The results show significant improvement of the model efficacy compared to the original decomposition into a two-dimensional processor array in the horizontal — a standard in meteorological models.  相似文献   

Here we present the results from the composite analyses of the atmospheric circulations and physical quantity fields associated with rainy-season for the selected floods cases over the Yangtze and Huaihe River basins for the 21 years(1990–2010),using the daily rain gauge measurements taken in the 756 stations throughout China and the NCEP/reanalysis data for the rainyseasons(June–July)from 1990 to 2010.The major differences in the atmospheric circulations and physical quantity fields between the Yangtze and Huaihe River basins are as follows:for flooding years of the Yangtze River Basin,the South Asia high center is located further east than normal,the blocking high over the Urals and the Sea of Okhotsk maintains,and the Meiyu front is situated near 30°N whereas for flooding years of the Huaihe River Basin,the South Asia high center is further west than normal,the atmospheric circulations over the mid and high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere are of meridional distribution,and the Meiyu front is situated near 33°N.In addition,there are distinct differences in water vapor sources and associated transports between the Yangtze and Huaihe River basins.The water vapor is transported by southwesterly flows from the Bay of Bengal and monsoon flows over the South China Sea for flooding years of the Yangtze River Basin whereas by southeast monsoons from the eastern and southern seas off China and monsoon flows over the South China Sea for flooding years of the Huaihe River Basin.  相似文献   


基于1961-2014年中国台站观测资料和NECP/NCAR再分析资料,对影响中国北方强降雪事件(日降雪量5 mm及以上,包括大到暴雪)年际变化的典型大尺度环流特征和水汽条件进行了综合分析.结果表明:中国北方强降雪事件主要集中在新疆北部和东北两个地区,而且强降雪日数和降雪量具有高度一致的年际变化特征.中国北方强降雪事件偏多时,对应北大西洋涛动(NAO)和北极涛动(AO)负位相;贝加尔湖上空维持异常低槽区,有利于冷空气的爆发南下;热带印度洋至热带西太平洋上空维持一条异常反气旋带,有利于暖湿气流向北输送;中国北方及以北区域高空为异常西风气流,提供有利的动力抬升条件,使得强降雪易于在中国北方发生;反之亦然.水汽收支分析显示,中国北方西边界和南边界水汽入流增强在强降雪偏多中起着主要贡献.异常西风水汽输送利于新疆北部大到暴雪偏多,异常西南风水汽输送则利于东北地区大到暴雪的发生.进一步研究揭示:与小雪相比,影响中国北方大到暴雪年际偏多的中高纬环流特征相类似,但环流经向度更大;而且大到暴雪与NAO和AO的关系更密切,并更多的受到来自中低纬地区的水汽输送影响.


Using the model system MM5.V3 and multi-layer grid nesting technique, we have done a multi-scale numerical simulation over the area of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province to analyze the temperature and wind field there and study its local circulations. The results show a coupling effect of Urban Heat Island Circulation (UHIC), Mountain Valley Breeze (MVB) and Sea Land Breeze (SLB) occurs in this area when the synoptic system is weak. The SLB can penetrate deep into the mainland for about 200 km when it is blooming. MVB can extend to south and cover almost the whole plain area in Beijing. Both MVB and SLB are diurnal periodical; meanwhile the phase of MVB drops behind that of SLB for about six hours. As a local circulation, the UHIC weakens the two circulations above, and it also has a diurnal period. As a result, the coupling effect of circulations reveals not only different features in spring-summer period and autumn-winter period in a year but also the difference between early morning to noonday and afternoon to night in a day. We noted the diffusion of contamination over the area around Beijing, and found the steady presence of a transport routine of contamination over North-China throughout the year caused by the Coupling Effect mentioned above. This find is important for studying the environment pollution in this area. Supported by Central Public Welfare Special Fund Program for the Institute and Higher Education (Grant No. IUMKY200701), Public Welfare Special Fund Program (Meteorology) of China Scientific and Technological Ministry (Grant Nos. CYHY20080620, CYHY200706004), Spread New Technology Program of China Meteorological Administration (Grant No. CMATG2007M15) and Urban Meteorology Scientific Research Fund Program of the Institute of Beijing Urban Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration (Grant No. UMRF200702)  相似文献   

Summary The dynamical equations of the velocity correlation and spectrum functions for three-dimensional anisotropic turbulence in a stratified, rotating atmosphere are derived and discussed. The characteristics of the horizontal two-dimensional isotropic turbulence are analyzed.National Center for Atmospheric Research, sponsored by the National Science Foundation. On leave from the University of Utah, Salt LakeCity, Utah.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the long-time dynamics for the primitive equations of large-scale dry at- mosphere. First, by energy methods, we obtain the existence and uniqueness of global strong solu- tions of the problem. Second, by studying the long-time behavior of strong solutions, we construct a global attractor which captures all the trajectories.  相似文献   

利用美国NCEP再分析月平均资料及我国华北地区26个测站月降水资料,采用奇异值分解(SVD)方法,研究了华北降水的年代际和年际变化特征与北半球大气环流的联系.结果表明,首先对降水和大气变量资料作相应时间尺度的分离是非常必要的,否则所得到的SVD结果不能反映年代际变化特征而只能反映年际变化特征;华北降水年代际和年际变化对应的大气环流异常有明显的差异;对应发生在20世纪70年代后期华北降水的一次年代际跃变,环流场均存在明显的跃变,而且有一个从地面向对流层上层传播的过程.  相似文献   

The analytical solutions of the atmospheric internal ship waves induced by three-dimensional terrain are obtained by solving the atmospheric wave equation. The solutions show that the waves consist of the untrapped and trapped parts. The patterns of the diverging wave and transverse wave in the untrapped parts are mainly determined by the shape and orientation of the terrain. This kind of wave may transport the wave energy to the upper atmosphere. The patterns of trapped lee waves are decided by the atmospheric conditions such as stratification, mean wind speeds and wind shear.  相似文献   

a au au a ¶rt;am m ¶rt;uauu n¶rt;nu mau nua am u nu uu, m n amu n nua n uau mua mu.  相似文献   


The south-easterly surface flow down the slopes of Antarctica induces a transfer of westerly angular momentum to the atmosphere, which must be removed from the Antarctic domain by atmospheric transports. It is suggested that synoptic eddies protruding from the northern baroclinic zone into the polar regions are modified by the topography such that they are able to perform these meridional transports. A simple linear two-layer model of the axisymmetric circulation of Antarctica is presented where the eddy effects are incorporated via a K-ansatz. It is shown that qualitatively realistic mean flow patterns can be obtained with this model. The limitations of this approach are exposed.  相似文献   

Summary The air-earth current density in the stratosphere, the columnar resistance derived from the measurements of conductivity, and the ionospheric potential were investigated. The data were obtained by radiosonde ascents during the period of 1957–1967.It was found that the local horizontal visibility at the surface is related to the air-earth current density in the stratosphere, and it is expected that the air-earth current density has a seasonal variation. Statistical results show that indeed the air-earth current has a pronounced seasonal variation, high in winter and low in summer. The columnar resistance has also a seasonal variation, reverse to the variation of the air-earth current.The percentage time variation of the air-earth current (1/i) (di/dt) was found to be twice as much as the percentage time variation of the columnar resistance (1/R) (dR/dt) at the Tateno Observatory.The ionospheric potential, deduced from the measurements of the potential gradient by radiosonde ascents, shows no clear seasonal variation at Syowa-Base (Antarctica). Following Ohm's law, however, the above-mentioned results suggest that the seasonal variation of the ionospheric potential would exist on land.
Zusammenfassung Die Vertikalstromdichte in der Stratosphäre, der Säulenwiderstand, berechnet aus Leitfähigkeitsmessungen, und das Ionosphärenpotential wurden untersucht. Die Messergebnisse wurden mittels Radiosonden im Jahrzehnt 1957–1967 erlangt.Es wurde festgestellt, dass die örtliche waagrechte Sichtweite am Erdboden mit der Vertikalstromdichte in der Stratosphäre korreliert ist, und dass erwartet werden muss, dass die Vertikalstromdichte einen jahreszeitlichen Gang aufweist. Tatsächlich lässt sich statistisch zeigen, dass ein solcher jahreszeitlicher Gang der Vertikalstromdichte besteht, mit einem Höchstwert im Winter und einem Mindestwert im Sommer. Auch der Säulenwiderstand zeigt einen jahreszeitlichen Gang, umgekehrt zu dem der Vertikalstromdichte.Die prozentuale zeitliche Änderung der Vertikalstromdichte (1/i) (di/dt) stellte sich als zweimal so gross heraus als die des Säulenwiderstandes (1/R) (dR/dt) gemessen am Observatorium zu Tateno.Wird das Ionosphärenpotential aus den Messungen des Potentialgefälles mit Radiosonden hergeleitet, so stellt sich bei den an der Syowa-Station in der Antarktik angestellten Messungen kein klarer Jahresgang heraus. Die hier zuvor erwähnten Ergebnisse, jedoch, führen zu der Annahme eines Jahresgangs des Ionosphärenpotentials über der genannten Station, wenn man das Ohm'sche Gesetz auf sie anwendet.

Observations from the Nimbus 6 pressure modulator radiometer (PMR) have been used to estimate monthly mean planetary wave fluxes of heat and momentum in the stratosphere and mesosphere. While the eddy heat fluxes play an important role in the mean meridional circulation of the winter stratosphere they are shown to be less important in the upper mesosphere. Incorporation of the observed momentum fluxes into the Oxford two-dimensional circulation model has shown that they are incapable of providing the momentum transport necessary to balance the zonal flow accelerations induced by the mean meridional motion. Other unspecified transfer processes represented by Rayleigh frictional damping of the zonal fow are shown to dominate. In contrast the observed fluxes in the stratosphere achieve the necessary redistribution of momentum. Moreover their interannual variability profoundly influences the stratospheric circulation, as demonstrated in the model by the use of two different annual sets of observed momentum fluxes. The desirability of calculating the planetary wave behaviour within the model is indicated.  相似文献   

Nonlinear analysis of two-dimensional steady flows with density stratification in the presence of gravity is considered. Inadequacies of Long's model for steady stratified flow over topography are explored. These include occurrence of closed streamline regions and waves propagating upstream. The usual requirements in Long's model of constant dynamic pressure and constant vertical density gradient in the upstream condition are believed to be the cause of these inadequacies. In this article, we consider a relaxation of these requirements, and also provide a systematic framework to accomplish this. As illustrations of this generalized formulation, exact solutions are given for the following two special flow configurations: the stratified flow over a barrier in an infinite channel; the stratified flow due to a line sink in an infinite channel. These solutions exhibit again closed-streamline regions as well as waves propagating upstream. The persistence of these inadequacies in the generalized Long's model appears to indicate that they are not quite consequences of the assumptions of constant dynamic pressure and constant vertical density gradient in Long's model, contrary to previous belief.

On the other hand, solutions admitted by the generalized Long's model show that departures from Long's model become small as the flow becomes more and more supercritical. They provide a nonlinear mechanism for the generation of columnar disturbances upstream of the obstacle and lead in subcritical flows to qualitatively different streamline topological patterns involving saddle points, which may describe the lee-wave-breaking process in subcritical flows and could serve as seats of turbulence in real flows. The occurrences of upstream disturbances in the presence of lee-wave-breaking activity described by the present solution are in accord with the experiments of Long (Long, R.R., “Some aspects of the flow of stratified fluids, Part 3. Continuous density gradients”, Tellus 7, 341--357 (1955)) and Davis (Davis, R.E., “The two-dimensional flow of a stratified fluid over an obstacle”, J. Fluid Mech. 36, 127–143 ()).  相似文献   

Investigating all the Great Ice Age events throughout the Earth's history, each was found to follow a strong mountain-making process. Therefore, a hypothesis was put forward with its causality chain as: strong mountain-making process→great disparity in topography on the Earth surface→introducing efficient atmospheric circulation system (plateau monsoon)→increase in global atmospheric heat engine efficiency→generating more atmospheric kinetic energy→enhancing the planetary westerly (under the condition that the huge relief is longitudinal on the whole )→widening the temperature difference between the equator and the polar regions (restrained by the thermal wind law)→sharp cooling in high latitudes and the polars (supposing the solar radiation was approximately constant)→forming a Great Ice Age event.  相似文献   

Water flow in partially saturated heterogeneous porous formations is modelled by regarding the hydraulic parameters as stationary random space functions (RSFs). As a consequence, the flow variables are also RSFs, and we aim to develop a procedure to derive the effective hydraulic conductivity (EHC). The methodology relies on a perturbation approach which regards the variances of the hydraulic parameters as small quantities. By using the Gardner’s [Gardner WR. Some steady state solutions of unsaturated moisture flow equations with application to evaporation from a water table. Soil Sci 1958;85:228–32] two-parameters (Ks, α) model for the local unsaturated conductivity, we obtain the EHC for any dimensionality d of the flow domain, and arbitrary correlation functions of the input RSFs. Unlike previous studies [e.g. Yeh T-CJ, Gelhar J, Gutjahr A. Stochastic analysis of unsaturated flow in heterogenous soils. 1. Statistically isotropic media. Water Resour Res 1985;21;447–56, Yeh T-CJ, Gelhar J, Gutjahr A. Stochastic analysis of unsaturated flow in heterogenous soils. 2. Statistically anisotropic media with variable α. Water Resour Res 1985:21:457–64], the EHC is represented here as product between the local scale conductivity valid for a domain of mean parameters, and a correction function κ1 which depends on the medium heterogeneity structure and the mean pressure head.Generally, the correction function κ1 is expressed by d-fold quadrature. These quadratures are further reduced after adopting specific (i.e. exponential and Gaussian) structure for the (cross) correlation functions involved in the computation of κ1. We have also focused on some particular formation structures which are relevant for the applications, and permit simplification of the computational aspect, as well.We investigate effects of the heterogeneity formation properties as well as the mean head on the structure of κ1. Overall, results suggest that, given the formation statistics, the impact of the heterogeneity upon κ1 is enhanced as the medium becomes drier. This is particularly so when the variability of the fluctuation of Y = ln Ks is small compared with that of ζ = ln α. Conversely, when the heterogeneity of Y is prevalent upon that of ζ, κ1 is influenced solely by the anisotropic structure of the formation unless the horizontal correlation scales are much greater than the vertical ones.  相似文献   

Summary The mean zonal and meridional wind components of the northern hemisphere at different pressure levels for the summer season June–August have been determined and the mean meridional mass circulation has been computed as a function of latitude. From the mass circulation the meridional flux of moisture is computed for the latitudinal belt 0°–45° N. Using the horizontal divergence of this flux the average difference between precipitation and evapotranspiration from the earth's surface is evaluated.  相似文献   

Chenaf D  Chapuis RP 《Ground water》2007,45(2):168-177
When a fully penetrating well pumps an ideal unconfined aquifer at steady state, the water table usually does not join the water level in the well. There is a seepage face inside the well, which is a key element in evaluating the well performance. This problem is analyzed using the finite-element method, solving the complete equations for saturated and unsaturated flow. The seepage face position is found to be almost independent of the unsaturated zone properties. The numerical results are used to test the validity of several analytic approximations. Equations are proposed to predict the seepage face position at the pumping well for any well drawdown, and the water table position at any distance from the pumping well for any in-well drawdown. Practical hints are provided for installing monitoring wells and evaluating well efficiency.  相似文献   

Summary Characteristic features of long-periodic oscillations in the general atmospheric circulation may be deduced from the correlation existing between the monthly, the three-monthly, the six-monthly and the twelve-monthly figures of the barometric pressure at two distant stations and from the autocorrelation of the same figures at each station.It is shown that the monthly figures of the barometric pressure at Easter Island and those at Djakarta during the six years 1950–1955 have, when plotted as a function of time, one oscillation in common, whereas further these figures have both their own rhythms and their own noise. The period of the common oscillation is 28.6 months, while the phase difference between both stations amounts to 180°. The r.m.s. value of the noise is 0.76 times the value of the amplitude of the oscillation. The rhythms differ in wave length, amplitude and phase.It is also shown that the monthly figures of the barometric pressure at Ponta Delgada and those at Stykkisholm have, when plotted as a function of time, a whole spectrum of oscillations jointly, while all oscillations have the same phase difference (238°) between both stations. These features are deduced from observations during 40 years (1896–1915 and 1921–1940). If yearly figures are used instead of monthly ones, then the greater part of the spectrum of oscillations is smoothed away and only a few common oscillations are left. The first common oscillation has a wave length of 26.5 months and the second one has a wave length of 38.7 months.  相似文献   

This paper deals with how atmospheric gravity waves produce the traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) that are observed by ionosondes. It is shown that, rather than directly producing variations of ionospheric height, a likely mechanism involves changes in ionization density by gradients in the horizontal atmospheric gravity wave air motion. These density changes can be observed as variations of the height of an ionospheric isodensity surface (the usual way of measuring TIDs). This mechanism involving enhancement/depletion of ionospheric density requires quite moderate atmospheric gravity wave air motion speeds, and works well at almost all latitudes.  相似文献   

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