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The meaning of the term Mathematical Geology was contentious at the founding meeting of IAMG in 1968 and has remained so ever since. In North American usage, it has primarily meant statistical applications in geology, and thus is an extension of inventory that has been traditional in geology. To the Leningrad school (originally led by A. B. Vistelius), it is the discipline of testing geological hypotheses mathematically. Although mathematical hypothesis testing has considerable potential for the earth sciences, unfortunately, by comparison with inventory-type studies, it has received very little attention. Reference is drawn to recent papers in which geological hypotheses have been tested mathematically.  相似文献   

Mathematical geology has developed into a very diverse system of mathematical models, algorithms and corresponding software. Experience shows that this diversification of approaches and methods was and is accompanied by an increasing gap between the availability of powerful tools and the continuation of many traditional working methods in the geosciences. Besides continuing to develop models, one of the basic functions of mathematical geology should be to introduce all new tools into practice and to aid non-specialized geoscientists to use them successfully and without bias. Some ways to do so will be briefly discussed here. Instructive and intelligible contributions towards attaining this goal were presented at the last (32nd) International Geological Congress held in Florence, Italy, in 2004. The intention of this present compilation is to suggest relevant discussions and conclusions. Mathematical geology should not be the domain of a few experts. It should be made accessible to all geologists and scientists in related fields.  相似文献   

Past and Future of Mathematical Geology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This is a brief review of alternative methods of problem-solving in geoscience with emphasis on the role of mathematical geology. It is desirable to maintain a clear-cut distinction between reliable facts which can be stored in data banks and concepts that can be incorporated in the speciflcations of sta-tistical models designed for specific purposes. If possible, subjective probabilities shclld be incorporated in hypotheses that are to be tested by statistical inference.  相似文献   

煤与瓦斯突出数学地质模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在焦作中马村矿应用研究结果表明:由于煤与瓦斯突出的分区分带主要受地质条件控制,运用数量化理论Ⅱ,可以借助已知瓦斯突出类型的若干地质变量,建立该矿井煤与瓦斯突出的数学地质模型,并预测未知区的瓦斯突出,这可提高瓦斯突出预测的准确性和可靠性。   相似文献   

Quantitative Geoscience and Geological Big Data Development: A Review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
After long-term development, mathematical geology has today become an independent discipline. Big Data science, which has become a new scientific paradigm in the 21 st century, gives rise to the geological Big Data, i.e. mathematical geology and quantitative geoscience. Thanks to a robust macro strategy for big data, China’s quantitative geoscience and geological big data’s rapid development meets present requirements and has kept up with international levels. This paper presents China’s decade-long achievements in quantitative prediction and assessment of mineral resources, geoscience information and software systems, geological information platform development, etc., with an emphasis on application of geological big data in informatics, quantitative mineral prediction, geological environment and disaster management, digital land survey, digital city, etc. Looking ahead, mathematical geology is moving towards "Digital Geology", "Digital Land" and "Geological Cloud", eventually realizing China’s grand "Digital China" blueprint, and these valuable results will be showcased on the international academic arena.  相似文献   

地质学的发展分为三个阶段,即启蒙阶段、分析阶段和综合阶段,三个阶段的地质学各具特色,总体显示地质学从分析到综合的发展轨迹。地质学的三个发展阶段,形成了人们不同的思维方式,思维方式的转换逐步与地球的客观实际相一致。当前,地质学正处于综合阶段,科学的思维方式促成了新学说和理论的产生和发展,但是,过去阶段的思维方式具有遗传性质,它对新的学说和理论具有阻碍作用。  相似文献   

“野外地质掌中宝”系统的及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田东风 《地学前缘》2000,7(2):605-607
“野外地质掌中宝”系统是以Windows CE为软件平台,以掌上电脑为硬件载体, 适用于野外地质勘探和国土资源调查的便携式工作平台。它包括前端工具软件包、后台伺服处理子外地质勘探和国土资源调查技术的一次重要实践,它的研制成功将为野外地质工作才提供面向21的高效、实用、方便的现代化工作平台。  相似文献   

“野外地质掌中宝”系统是以WindowsCE为软件平台 ,以掌上电脑为硬件载体 ,适用于野外地质勘探和国土资源调查的便携式工作平台。它包括前端工具软件包、后台伺服处理子系统、通讯子系统以及硬件接口软件等。该系统的开发研究将是以信息高新技术改造传统的野外地质勘探和国土资源调查技术的一次重要实践 ,它的研制成功将为野外地质工作者提供面向2 1世纪的高效、实用、方便的现代化工作平台  相似文献   

北京地区基础地质研究史   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京素有“中国地质工作摇篮”之称,是中国最早开展地质调查的地方,从1863年9月美国学者庞培莱调查京西地质开始,已有150多年的历史。中国学者编写了第一部基础地质专著《北京西山地质志》;民国时期“燕山运动”的提出和“北京猿人”的发现成为影响全国乃至世界的基础地质重大成果;解放后,地质工作者在北京率先实现1∶5万区域地质调查的全覆盖,出版了《北京市区域地质志》和《北京猿人遗址综合研究》;在唐山大地震后,开展北京平原基础地质的综合研究,提升北京区域地质研究程度。北京现在和将来的城市地质调查应立足于基础地质研究。  相似文献   

现代战争特点及军事地质调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为地质学研究对象的地形、地貌、工程地质和地质灾害在传统的接触式战争中发挥过重要的作用,创造了许多战争奇迹,但在以精确全球打击,前线与后方界线模糊、陆军作战作用弱化的现代战争,地质对战争是否还有影响?本文围绕这一问题,通过对战争阶段演化及地质应用历史分析,从现代战争特点和对军事地质需求分析人手,利用军事学思维,讨论了地质学的地质体力学性质、地球化学性质、地球物理性质和地质灾害等内容在现代战争中的作用,主要包括精确打击和重点防御目标的优选、打击地面工事的武器选配、目标侦测和靶区选择、海洋战争环境建设和战争评估、地面临时机动路线规划和工事选址等方面;探讨了军事地质调查的重点区域、方法手段、比例尺选择问题,以及在区域地质、工程地质、水文地质、灾害地质、地球物理调查基础上开展军事地质调查的工作流程及成果表达问题,分析了未来军事地质重点研究发展方向,为地质学在现代战争中的应用提供思路。  相似文献   

刘国昌先生是我国工程地质事业的奠基人之一、区域稳定工程地质学的创始人、我国工程地质教育事业的一代宗师、矿产资源开发的先行者、国家重大工程建设的践行者。1936年毕业于北京大学地质系,毕业后响应“找矿救国”的号召,从事野外矿产勘察10余年。1951年应俞德渊先生邀请,到东北地质学院任教,创办了水文地质工程地质系,任系主任、教授,从此开启了中国工程地质教育事业,培养了新中国第一批工程地质专业研究生,开办了首批工程地质进修班,奠定了我国工程地质事业的基础。1981年,调西安地质学院工作,建设了水文地质工程地质系。1984年,在刘国昌先生的主持下,西安地质学院获批我国首批水文地质工程地质博士点,1985年开始培养博士生,为该校水文地质工程地质专业和学科的发展奠定了基础。  相似文献   

成秋明 《地学前缘》2021,28(3):6-25
数学地质或者数学地球科学作为一门自然科学与地球科学的交叉学科,长期以来缺乏统一的学科定义,导致了学界对该门学科的理解常常出现偏差,甚至常常不把其作为一门独立学科,一定程度上影响了学科的发展.笔者曾任国际数学地球科学学会的执行主席、副主席、主席十余年,见证和领导了国际数学地球科学学会从数学地质向数学地球科学的转变,以及学...  相似文献   

On October 12, 1962, a joint session of the Presidium of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences and the Collegium of the U.S.S.R. Ministry of Geology and Mineral Reserves adopted a resolution “On the present state of the geological sciences in the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences and the U. S. S. R. Ministry of Geology and Mineral Reserves and their prospects for the future.” Important contributions of Russian geologists are acknowledged, but attention is drawn to many shortcomings. Future goals of geological study and work are given in detail. Twenty-one lines of research to be concentrated on are given, covering all phases of geology, geophysics, and geochemistry. In discussing the failings of the geological profession in Russia, it is of interest to note the following comment: “Geological research in other countries is still insufficiently studied and applied, and we are not making adequate use of geologic information from abroad.” The list of the Russian geologists' shortcomings sounds vaguely familiar. —J. R. Hayes  相似文献   

The outstanding contribution of Professor F.I. Wolfson to the origination and development of Russian science and practice in the field of geology of uranium deposits is emphasized. Under his guidance, a team of highly skilled specialists on uranium deposits was gathered at the Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, in Moscow. Owing to their efforts, all significant uranium deposits in the former Soviet Union and socialist bloc countries have been studied comprehensively. A theory of uranium ore formation was developed on this basis, and elaborated practical recommendations promoted the creation in the Soviet Union of the world’s largest uranium resource sources. Today, Wolfson’s ideas and works are widely used in planning and carrying out complex investigations at operating uranium deposits and in new promising uranium districts.  相似文献   

简要叙述了老地质学家、贵州省地质局原总工程师燕树檀在地质事业特别是在贵州地质事业发展中的主要贡献、工作业绩,缅怀了他爱岗敬业、学而不厌、诲而不倦、严谨求实、克己奉公、淡泊名利的人格风貌和做人为学的高尚精神品质,表达了贵州地矿系统职工对他的敬佩、景仰的感情。  相似文献   

万国江 《第四纪研究》2007,27(6):915-918
1972年刘东生先生发表了"环境地质学的出现".刘东生院士的环境地质观聚焦于:环境地质学发展的动力源于社会需要、地球环境系统的整体性及其与人类关系的相互依存性.35年来,地质环境的地球化学研究以区域环境质量和全球环境变化两大科学问题作为基本目标,经历了调查评价-区域综合-界面机理的3个发展阶段,在典型区域环境演化及环境-生态效应方面取得了重要进展.环境地质学以"地质学与人类"为宗旨,将在21世纪为人类谋求更多的福祉.  相似文献   

略论工程地质学思维   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
本文讨论了工程地质学的学术思维, 包括地质成因思维、地质结构思维、地质工程思维、地质环境思维、地质系统思维, 籍以庆贺孙广忠教授七十大寿和他对工程地质学的卓越贡献。  相似文献   

史洪岳 《地质论评》2000,46(4):393-399
地质作用、地质环境、医药矿产与人类生存、健康的关系极为密切,建立和发展医药地质学有利于科学、系统、深入地探究其内在关系,促进地质学在生命科学中发挥就有的作用。医药地质学建立的思想基础是人地同一理论,实践基础是药用矿产在人类防病,治病和保健中的广泛应用及科学研究,技术支撑是无机、有机成分的微区、微量等现代测试、分析技术的进步。本文论述了医药地质及其建立的基础,展示了医药地质学在地质学和生命科学发展中  相似文献   

The 10th Coal Geology Conference, jointly organized by the Faculty of Science of the Charles University in Prague, the Czech Geological Survey and the Institute of Geology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, took place in June 7-11, 2004, at the Faculty of Science. The coal geology conferences have been held at the faculty every three or four years since 1972. They were preceded by coal geology seminars which began even earlier, in January 1968.These seminars and conferences provided an excellent opportunity to exchange knowledge and new information on coal geology and related fields and, above all, to bring together people from various fields starting with science and ending up with a wide spectrum of interests.  相似文献   

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