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武夷山脉主峰黄岗山两种山地草甸土的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
选取武夷山脉主峰黄岗山典型山地草甸土和黄壤性山地草甸土的代表剖面,研究了土壤形成的条件和特点,推断在气候和植被条件相近的情况下,地形因素的差异引起的水环境的不同,是造成两种土壤理化性质差异的主要原因。 相似文献
137Cs示踪法研究青藏高原草甸土的土壤侵蚀 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
运用137Cs示踪法对青藏高原高寒草甸典型的两个小流域的土壤侵蚀进行了研究,结果表明:高寒草甸植被区的土壤137Cs在土壤剖面中呈指数型分布,分布深度一般在20cm左右;坡顶部由于风蚀、冻融侵蚀和水蚀较强,致使侵蚀强于下部,除坡顶部外其他坡位侵蚀强度都符合坡上部<坡中部<坡下部的规律;高寒草甸植被覆盖度与土壤侵蚀强度呈显著的负相关关系(p<0.01),土壤平均侵蚀模数随植被覆盖度的增加呈线性降低的趋势,相关系数R2达到0.997以上。高寒草甸退化程度越高,土壤侵蚀越强。退化较强的草甸区的平均侵蚀模数是退化较弱区的2.23倍,最大侵蚀模数可达2960.22t/(km2.a)。 相似文献
山地占中国国土面积比重高,是我国破解区域发展不平衡矛盾的焦点区域,也是生态系统服务重要供给区,长期面临着经济发展和生态保护的双重压力与挑战。研究选取我国石漠化山地、新构造运动活跃区山地和北方土石山区的典型区域黔桂岩溶山地、横断山地和太行山地为案例,以支持服务中NPP(Net Primary Productivity)、调节类服务水源涵养和供给类服务农产品供给三类生态系统服务为代表,采用线性回归、相关分析等方法探讨了1990–2015年三大山地生态系统服务权衡与协同关系的时空特征。主要结论如下:(1)三大山地农产品供给服务相对下降,NPP和水文调节等支持和调节服务提升更为显著;(2)三大山地NPP与水文调节服务存在彼此增益的协同关系,黔桂岩溶山地协同关系增强,而横断山地和太行山地变弱,且前者变弱的程度更大;三大山地NPP、水文调节服务与农产品供给服务存在此消彼长的权衡关系,其中黔桂岩溶山地NPP与农产品供给服务权衡关系变弱,而横断山地和太行山地权衡关系增强,且后者变强的程度更大;(3)三大山地生态系统服务权衡与协同关系存在显著的空间分异。 相似文献
适宜的山地旅游模式对山地健康可持续发展具有重要意义。本研究从理论理性层面,在基于旅游者物理和心理时间角度划分旅游模式以及分析慢旅游与山地旅游融合发展逻辑基础上,创新地界定了慢山内涵与核心构念,并对慢山实现的相关问题进行了探讨。研究表明:(1)基于旅游物理和心理时间角度可划分出快游观光、快游享乐、慢游猎奇、慢游旅居四种旅游模式。其中慢游旅居的"慢山"是山地旅游的适宜性选择;(2)慢山是"快游"向"慢游"文化转向的一种方向。其本质是为满足旅游者综合性体验需求和期望,充分利用山地高梯度效应和大空间以延长旅游者停留时间和综合体验时间,实现旅游者对生命本性的超越,多产业融合、多群体参与而打造的自由、个性、闲适、精致的山地优质旅游地和健康生活目的地;(3)全漫空间、慢度时间、距离与在场、陌生化与地方感是慢山的核心构念;(4)慢山的实现是在快节奏生活方式和山地真善美文化理想的社会历史背景下进行的,在旅游体验的功能性补偿中,一改"快山"体验缺憾状况,实现旅游者人体、人格、人性的平衡,实现人与山地之间心与物的统一。研究不仅有助于山地旅游新模式的建立并助力"两山"的塑造,而且对优质、高质量旅游发展要求的理解提供了进一步的帮助。 相似文献
模拟酸雨对福建四种山地土壤的淋溶与风化作用 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
在不同pH值 (2 .0、3.5、5 .0、6 .0及蒸馏水 )的模拟酸雨作用下 ,对福建四种类型山地土壤进行了为期 12 0d的淋溶试验。结果表明 ,盐基离子的淋溶量随模拟酸雨pH值的降低而增加 ,尤其当pH≤ 3.5时 ,增加最明显。 4种类型土壤中各离子淋失量大小均为 :Ca2 >Mg2 >K >Na ,这与原土壤中交换性盐基含量一致。在pH≥ 3.5的酸雨作用下 ,土壤中铝的淋失较少 ,而当酸雨pH =2 .0时 ,铝的淋失骤然升高。pH2 .0的模拟酸雨不仅增加了土壤铝离子的释放 ,而且加速了矿物的风化。在pH2 .0的模拟酸雨淋溶下 ,红壤、黄壤、山地草甸土和紫色土中由矿物风化输入的 5种阳离子总量分别为 2 .94、4 .33、4 .35和 6 .0 4 (cmol kg)土 ,显著大于其它酸雨处理。土壤对酸沉降的缓冲作用由阳离子交换、氢氧化铝水解以及原生矿物风化缓冲作用三部分组成 ,其相对重要性不仅决定于土壤酸度、盐基饱和度和矿物组成 ,而且与酸雨的pH值密切相关 相似文献
武夷山黄山松林主要种群生态位特征 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
根据样地调查所获得的基本数据,运用生态位宽度、生态位中心、生态位偏离、生态位扩散系数和生态位重叠测度公式,在反映热量、水分、光照变化情况的海拔、坡度和坡向梯度轴上,以种群重要值作为资源位上的表现特征,分别计测了武夷山黄山松林主要种群的生态位特征.结果表明:武夷山黄山松林主要种群在海拔轴、坡度轴及坡向轴上的生态位总宽度的大小顺序大致为:黄山松、吊钟花、鹿角杜鹃、南方铁杉、豆梨、木荷、云锦杜鹃、粗柄杜鹃、多脉青冈、野樱、弯蒴杜鹃、米饭花.多数主要种群具有较宽的生态位幅度,而少数物种对资源利用还不完全.黄山松生态位宽度占据明显优势,其他种群的生态位宽度都基本上客观地反映了它们在群落中各自不同的地位和作用.在海拔、坡度、坡向轴上,不同种群的实现生态位中心点及生态位偏离差异较大,其最佳适应存在明显的差异,而群落内不同种群间的生态位扩散系数差异不十分明显,其对环境因子的选择强度差异不大.武夷山黄山松林多数主要种群在3个资源轴上的资源利用能力或环境的生态适应能力方面有较大程度的相似性,生态位普遍重叠,资源共享趋势明显. 相似文献
藏北高原安多地区高山草甸土的母质成因及其成土模式 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
基于对藏北高原安多地区高山草甸士的粒度组成及理化性质的研究,探讨了该地区高山草甸土的母质成因及成土模式.分析结果表明,安多地区高山草甸土的粒度分布以20μm为界线呈双峰态分布.主峰峰值粒径在90 μm左右,较细峰呈宽阔细尾分布,峰值粒径在3~6 μm之间.高山草甸土的各粒级组成(<2μm、2~20 μm、20 ~ 300 μm、300 ~2 000 μm)沿剖面变化很小.高山草甸土主要由极细砂组成(50~ 125 μm),平均粒径集中在60~90 μm,明显比黄土高原黄土、川西黄土、成都粘土的粗.高山草甸土粒度分布特征与土壤底部的薄层粗骨性残留古风化层相比存在显著差别,而与该区域河谷沉积、风尘沉积具有相似的特征.总之,各实验数据指示,安多地区高山草甸土具有土层厚、质地均匀、无砾石和层理不发育的特点,与基岩原地风化形成的高山草甸土存在明显差别,其成土母质来源于风尘沉积.该区高山草甸土成土过程符合风尘“加积型”土壤发育模式,而风尘沉积在高山草甸土的形成和发育过程中发挥了重要的作用. 相似文献
ZHU Cheng CUI Zhijiu LI Zhongxuan GAO Jie WANG Lixin WU Xianglin ZHENG Chaogui SHEN Qingfan ZHENG Xianzhang 《地理学报》2009,19(2):239-248
On top of Shigujian Peak (1477 m a.s.l.) of the Dayangshan Mountain in Jinyun County, Zhejiang Province, large amounts of granite pits with diameters ranging from several dozens of centimeters to around one meter and depth from 10 cm to 45 cm are found on rock surface. These pits mainly appear on the NE and SE sides, and their drainage mouths are in the same direction. The identification results through micropolariscope and X-ray fluorescence spectrometer reveal that bedrock of pits is from middle to fine-grained moyite being apt to be weathered and modified. In Dayangshan region the annual mean temperature is 9.2℃ and annual precipitation is over 1700 mm. On the one hand, there always experiences a period of periglacial action with temperature oscillating near 0℃ for 4 months, i.e., from December to March next year. As a consequence, the freezing-thawing cycles may be remarkable to disintegrate the bedrock. On the other hand, the windward slope of Shigujian Peak meets typhoon of over force 10 on the Beaufort scale in summer, therefore, the blowing makes suspending sands or pebbles grind in swirling form. Based on field investigation and periglacial geomorphic theory, the pits on top of Shigujian Peak are attributed to freezing- thawing of periglacial action. Meanwhile, storm and strong wind accelerate the process. Observation shows that both the actions are still undergoing and variant directions of wind are the main cause for making different shapes of the pits. Because the top of Shigujian is 1500 m lower than the present snow line, some scholars considered that “glacial pothole” formed in the Quaternary is hard to work, even though in the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). 相似文献
On top of Shigujian Peak (1477 m a.s.l.) of the Dayangshan Mountain in Jinyun County, Zhejiang Province, large amounts of
granite pits with diameters ranging from several dozens of centimeters to around one meter and depth from 10 cm to 45 cm are
found on rock surface. These pits mainly appear on the NE and SE sides, and their drainage mouths are in the same direction.
The identification results through micropolariscope and X-ray fluorescence spectrometer reveal that bedrock of pits is from
middle to fine-grained moyite being apt to be weathered and modified. In Dayangshan region the annual mean temperature is
9.2°C and annual precipitation is over 1700 mm. On the one hand, there always experiences a period of periglacial action with
temperature oscillating near 0°C for 4 months, i.e., from December to March next year. As a consequence, the freezing-thawing
cycles may be remarkable to disintegrate the bedrock. On the other hand, the windward slope of Shigujian Peak meets typhoon
of over force 10 on the Beaufort scale in summer, therefore, the blowing makes suspending sands or pebbles grind in swirling
form. Based on field investigation and periglacial geomorphic theory, the pits on top of Shigujian Peak are attributed to
freezing-thawing of periglacial action. Meanwhile, storm and strong wind accelerate the process. Observation shows that both
the actions are still undergoing and variant directions of wind are the main cause for making different shapes of the pits.
Because the top of Shigujian is 1500 m lower than the present snow line, some scholars considered that “glacial pothole” formed
in the Quaternary is hard to work, even though in the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM).
Foundation: Regional landform and landscape survey programme of the Zhejiang Institute of Geological Survey
Author: Zhu Cheng (1954–), Professor, specialized in geomorphology and the Quaternary geology. 相似文献
海南省五指山土壤中的重金属元素含量 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
海南省地处热带地区,山地面积占25.4%,五指山是海南山地的核心,也是海南最高峰,从下而上依次分布着砖红壤、赤红壤、黄壤、灌丛草甸土。五指山土壤普遍遍缺,而Zn、Ni、Pb、Cd、Cr、Co含量属正常值。在成土过程中,Cd有一定积累,其他元素有明显淋溶。在自下而上的垂直带谱中,Zn、Co含量呈现递减,Cd则相反,Ni、Pb、Cu、Cr含量呈现波浪式变化。气候因素是影响五指山土壤重金属元素含量及分布的主导因素。 相似文献
Jan T. Heine 《Journal of Paleolimnology》1998,19(4):465-472
Alpine lakes near Mount Rainier are dammed by late-glacial moraines. Multiple cores show that sedimentation started less than 350 years after deglaciation. Numerous tephra layers provide excellent marker horizons that allow comparison of the stratigraphy without the errors associated with radiocarbon dating. Cores from different locations within a lake display the same stratigraphy and basal sediments. Core location therefore is not crucial to obtaining the oldest sediments. Continuous sedimentation in all cores is interpreted as evidence for stable lake levels throughout the Holocene. The cores are valuable tools for reconstruction and dating of glacier advances and volcanic activity. 相似文献