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RegCM4中陆面过程参数化方案对东亚区域气候模拟的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
邹靖  谢正辉 《气象学报》2012,70(6):1312-1326
利用区域气候模式RegCM4.0分别选取其陆面参数化方案CLM3.5与BATS1e,针对东亚地区进行约44 a(1957-2001年)的模拟试验(分别取名为R-CLM与R-BATS),以研究陆面过程参数化方案对区域气候模拟的影响.结果表明,R-CLM地表气温比R-BATS平均高3.6℃,均方根误差比R-BATS约减少44%,其中,以中国华南、西北等地区的偏高改进最为明显;降水平均减少0.17 mm/d,均方根误差约减少6.9%,其中,在中国华南、东北等东部地区误差减少最多;表层10 cm土壤湿度平均增加0.008 m3/m3,并在中国东北等中高纬度地区偏大最为明显.分析表明,R-CLM模拟的土壤湿度在中高纬度地区比R-BATS偏高是由于其蒸散与地表径流较少使得陆地水储量相对较高所致,因而该地区的产流机制仍需改进以改善其土壤湿度模拟;R-CLM的地表气温模拟普遍较高主要是由于其陆表吸收辐射量模拟较高潜热通量模拟较弱所致;另外,R-CLM中较弱的蒸散与较高的地表气温引起了大气环流场的改变,导致R-CLM在模拟区尤其是中国东部地区模拟的垂向及水平水汽输送较弱,大气可降水量较少,因而在中国华南、东北等大部分地区降水相对偏少,并在一定程度上增加了到达地表的辐射量,进而影响其地表气温模拟.  相似文献   

文章使用改进了的OSU全球气候模式,动态地使用厄尔尼诺年(1972年)实际下垫面温度月距平资料,对太平洋海面温度异常以及太平洋中不同关键区海面温度异常进行了敏感性试验。数值试验结果表明:El Nino实际海温时空异常,特别是关键区海面温度异常,引起了东亚季风环流的异常变化,出现了干旱的环流形势。无论赤道中太平洋或是赤道东太平洋的海面温度异常都是敏感的影响因子,对预报有一定的指示意义。  相似文献   

区域气候模式RegCM2对标量粗糙敏感性试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
和渊  苏炳凯等 《气象科学》2001,21(2):136-146
在地气通量的计算中,一般没有考虑温度、水汽、动量的相应粗糙度之间的不同。本文将标量粗糙度Z0T和Z0q引入区域气候模式RegCM2的陆面过程BATS中,用1991年6月与7月的观测资料作了三组敏感性试验,并同实况进行了比较。结果表明:在区域气候模式RegCM2中引入标量粗糙度后,提高了地气间感热通量与潜热通量的计算精度,改善了地表温度和地表比湿的模拟,进而改变了降水的模拟,表明区域气候模式对标量粗糙是敏感的,并且在晴天状况下更为敏感。  相似文献   

陈海山  周晶 《大气科学》2013,37(1):1-13
利用NCARCAM3.1大气环流模式,设计了有、无土壤湿度年际异常的两组数值试验,探讨了土壤湿度年际异常对极端气候事件模拟的可能影响。结果表明,模式模拟的极端气候事件对土壤湿度异常十分敏感,土壤湿度异常对极端气候指标的多年平均空间分布、年际变率以及年际变化均具有重要影响。当不考虑土壤湿度的年际异常时:(1)模拟的暖夜日数、暖昼日数和热浪持续指数的发生频次在全国范围内均明显减少,而霜冻日数则明显增加。极端降水指标的响应表现出明显的空间差异,极端降水频次在江淮流域明显减小,而极端降水强度则表现为东北减弱、长江流域增强;中雨日数和持续湿期在我国大部分地区减少。(2)极端气温指标的年际变率在我国大部分地区呈减小趋势;而极端降水事件的变化则较为复杂,极端降水频次和极端降水强度的年际变率在长江以南有所增强,而北方地区则有所减弱。中雨日数和持续湿期的年际变率在我国呈现出较为一致的减少趋势。(3)模式对暖夜日数、霜冻日数的年际变化的模拟能力明显下降,并对4个极端降水指标的年际变化的模拟能力在全国多数区域均有不同程度的下降。  相似文献   

土壤湿度异常对区域短期气候影响的数值模拟试验   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
用区域气候模式 (RegCM_NCC) 对江淮流域地区春季初始土壤湿度异常导致的区域气候效应进行了数值模拟分析, 结果表明:土壤湿度异常变化对区域降水的影响非常显著, 土壤湿度的正异常使得异常区域内降水增大, 地面空气增湿、蒸发加大, 与此相应, 地表气温迅速降低, 土壤湿度的负异常有与之相反的结果, 这种区域气候响应是通过改变地表辐射平衡及地-气系统能通量而实现的; 区域土壤湿度异常对短期气候的影响在一个月之内较明显, 它的影响可持续至以后的几个月, 但强度逐渐减弱; 区域土壤湿度异常的气候响应不仅仅局限于异常区域内部, 而且可以通过次级环流影响到其他区域的降水、温度等变化。  相似文献   

应用NCAR的非静力平衡中尺度数值模式MM5V3.6,设计了三种不同土壤湿度对金塔绿洲边界层的特征影响的敏感性试验。结果表明:土壤灌溉后地表温度和气温升温率较灌溉前有所减小。土壤湿度越大,绿洲温度越低,绿洲的“冷岛效应”越显著。绿洲灌溉后地面感热通量较灌溉前偏低,潜热通量比灌溉前高;土壤湿度越大,这种差异越显著。土壤湿度为0.35时,绿洲能够很好地表现绿洲特性,维持其自身的发展。绿洲边界层高度在灌溉前后有很大的变化。随着土壤湿度的增加,绿洲的边界层高度逐渐降低。这种较低的边界层对绿洲起到了保护作用,它将绿洲的能量与水分保存任较低的边界层中,促进了绿洲的进一步维持和发展。  相似文献   

NCAR RegCM2对东亚区域气候的模拟试验   总被引:39,自引:3,他引:39  
利用垂直、水平高分辨率的区域气候模式NCARRegCM2(1996年5月最新版本)进行了1991年夏季(5~8月)东亚洪涝个例的区域气候数值模拟.与观测事实的比较表明,该模式能够较好地再现出该个例我国江淮流域—日本季风降水的主要时空特征和环流形势异常等.也指出了模拟结果的一些不足之处和今后的改进方向  相似文献   

王革丽  陈万隆 《高原气象》1997,16(3):243-249
利用含Deardorff植被参数化方案的颜宏等有限区域细网格模式,研究西南低涡降水对青藏高原及其邻近区域植被覆盖和土壤湿度变化的敏感性,着重分析在“82.7”和“81.7”两次西南低涡降水过程中的降水、上升运动和地面感热与水汽通量对植被覆盖和土壤湿度的敏感性问题。试验表明,西南低涡降水对青藏高原及其邻近地区的植被覆盖和土壤湿度是非常敏感的,对大气低层上升运动和地面感热、潜热通量也较为敏感。  相似文献   

土壤湿度对东亚夏季气候潜在可预报性影响的数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用全球大气环流模式NCARCAM3进行了在给定的观测海温条件下的22a(1979—2000年)5—8月的2组集合试验。运用方差分析方法,分析了在气候态和年际变化的表层土壤湿度情况下,CAM3模式模拟的东亚夏季气候潜在可预报性及其差异。结果表明:在给定的观测海温条件下,采用气候态的土壤湿度时,CAM3模式模拟的东亚夏季气候的潜在可预报性偏低;而采用年际变化的土壤湿度时,模拟的夏季气候潜在可预报性有所提高,尤其是在中国西北地区;后者模拟的中国西北地区夏季降水和气温的潜在可预报性比前者的模拟结果提高0.1以上。其原因可能是:采用年际变化的土壤湿度时,模式可以更好地模拟出中国西北地区的地表蒸发量和湍流热通量的年际变化,进而使得模式对该地区夏季气候的预报技巧得到提高。  相似文献   

为了研究青藏高原(简称高原)春末(5月)土壤湿度与初夏(6月)降水的关系,利用1979-2019年ERA-Interim土壤湿度月平均资料和同时段高原109站观测降水资料,分析了高原春季土壤湿度与汛期(5-9月)降水之间的关系.结果 表明:春末表层(0~28 cm)土壤湿度与高原初夏降水呈显著的正相关,在空间上土壤湿度...  相似文献   

The state-of-the-art WRF model is used to investigate the impact of the antecedent soil moisture on subsequent summer precipitation during the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) period. The control experiment with realistic soil moisture condition can well reproduce the seasonal pattern from low- to high- atmosphere, as well as the spatial distribution of precipitation belt in East China. Compared with the control experiment, the sensitivity experiment in which the initial soil moisture is reduced generates more precipitation along the East China Sea, and less rainfall over both Central and South China. This suggests that the effect of initial soil moisture on monsoonal precipitation in East China is regionally dependent. The influence on precipitation is mostly attributed to the change in precipitation from mid July to late August. The initial soil moisture condition plays a role in changing the seasonal pattern and atmospheric circulation due to the weak heating and geopotential gradient, leading to a reduction in southeasterly flow and moisture flux from South China Sea. The changes between DRY and CTL runs result in reduced southerly wind over the ocean (south of ˜25 °N) and enhanced northerly wind over the land (north of ∼25 °N). The temperature and associated circulation changes due to drier initial soil moisture anomaly result in reduced southerly winds over East China, and therefore a weakened EASM system. The averaged moisture flux decreases significantly over Central China but increases along the East China Sea. In addition, the drier soil moisture perturbation exerts an effect on suppressing (enhancing) vertical velocity over Central China (along the East China Sea), thus leading to more (less) cloud water and rain water. Therefore, the influence of soil moisture exerts an opposite impact on surface precipitation between these two regions, with more and less accumulation rainfall in Central China and along the East China Sea, respectively.  相似文献   

基于NCAR大气模式CAM3.1模式,设计了有、无土壤湿度年际异常两组试验对中国区域近40a(1961-2000年)气候进行了模拟。从气候态和年际变率的角度,通过分析两组试验的差值场来探讨土壤湿度年际异常对气候模拟的影响,并初步探讨了影响的可能机制。结果表明:模式模拟的温度和降水对土壤湿度的年际异常非常敏感,土壤湿度的年际变化对中国春夏季气候及其年际变率均有显著影响。当不考虑土壤湿度年际异常时,模式模拟的春夏季平均温度、最高温度、最低温度在我国大范围内降低,春夏季降水在东部大部分地区明显减少,西部增加。而模式模拟的春夏季温度、降水年际变率在中国大部分地区减弱。但当考虑土壤湿度的年际变化,则能在一定程度上提高模式对气候年际变率的模拟能力。在进一步分析表明土壤湿度年际异常时,主要通过改变地表能量通量和环流场,对温度、降水产生影响。当不考虑土壤湿度年际异常时,地表净辐射通量减少,地表温度降低,感热通量减少。感热通量差值场的空间变化和温度差值场的空间变化一致,感热通量对温度有一定影响。而潜热通量差值场的空间变化和降水的差值场的空间变化一致,可见降水受地表潜热通量的影响。土壤湿度年际异常引起的环流场的变化也是导致气候变化的原因之一,地表能量和环流场年际变率的改变对春夏季气候年际变率存在一定影响。  相似文献   

中国夏季气温对东亚土壤湿度异常响应的统计评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋晓君  陈海山  刘鹏 《气象科学》2016,36(5):581-592
基于欧亚夏季土壤湿度变化特征及其与中国夏季气温的相关分析,选取东亚地区作为土壤湿度异常影响中国夏季气温的陆面关键区,采用广义平衡反馈分析方法(GEFA)探讨了我国夏季气温对东亚地区土壤湿度异常的可能响应,并初步讨论了相关的物理过程。结果表明:中国夏季气温与东亚地区初夏和同期的土壤湿度异常具有密切的联系;进一步分析表明,夏季气温距平场对土壤湿度第一模态的响应最显著:当东亚中纬度及我国东部地区土壤湿度异常偏干时,夏季气温表现为一致增暖;而土壤湿度第二模态对长江流域至我国西部地区的气温有较弱的强迫作用;气温对第三模态的响应主要表现为华南地区的显著降温。并以对气温影响最为显著的土壤湿度异常第一模态为例,初步探讨了气温对土壤湿度异常响应的可能物理过程。当贝加尔湖以南以及我国东部的土壤偏干时,地表异常加热容易引起我国北方高层大气出现明显正异常和低层的反气旋性异常环流,上述环流异常容易导致温度偏高,同时不利于该区域降水的发生,进而导致土壤湿度偏低,上述正反馈机制可能是该区域土壤湿度与大气之间联系的一种可能途径。  相似文献   

The sensitivity of the East Asian summer monsoon to soil moisture anomalies over China was investigated based on ensembles of seasonal simulations(March–September) using the NCEP GCM coupled with the Simplified Simple Biosphere Model(NCEP GCM/SSi B). After a control experiment with free-running soil moisture, two ensembles were performed in which the soil moisture over the vast region from the lower and middle reaches of the Yangtze River valley to North China(YRNC) was double and half that in the control, with the maximum less than the field capacity. The simulation results showed significant sensitivity of the East Asian summer monsoon to wet soil in YRNC. The wetter soil was associated with increased surface latent heat flux and reduced surface sensible heat flux. In turn, these changes resulted in a wetter and colder local land surface and reduced land–sea temperature gradients, corresponding to a weakened East Asian monsoon circulation in an anomalous anticyclone over southeastern China, and a strengthened East Asian trough southward over Northeast China. Consequently, less precipitation appeared over southeastern China and North China and more rainfall over Northeast China. The weakened monsoon circulation and strengthened East Asian trough was accompanied by the convergence of abnormal northerly and southerly flow over the Yangtze River valley, resulting in more rainfall in this region.In the drier soil experiments, less precipitation appeared over YRNC. The East Asian monsoon circulation seems to show little sensitivity to dry soil anomalies in NCEP GCM/SSi B.  相似文献   

By using the ECMWF reanalysis daily data and daily precipitation data of 80 stations in Northeast China from 1961 to 2002, the impacts of moisture transport of East Asian summer monsoon on the summer precipitation anomaly in Northeast China, and the relationship between the variation of moisture budget and the establishment of East Asian summer monsoon in this region are studied. The results demonstrate that the moisture of summer precipitation in Northeast China mainly originates from subtropical, South China Sea, and South Asia monsoon areas. East China and its near coastal area are the convergent region of the monsoonal moisture currents and the transfer station for the currents continually moving northward. The monsoonal moisture transport, as an important link or bridge, connects the interaction between middle and low latitude systems. In summer half year, there is a moisture sink in Northeast China where the moisture influx is greater than outflux. The advance transport and accumulation of moisture are of special importance to pentad time scale summer precipitation. The onset, retreat, and intensity change of the monsoonal rainy season over Northeast China are mainly signified by the moisture input condition along the southern border of this area. The establishment of East Asian summer monsoon in this area ranges from about 10 July to 20 August and the onset in the west is earlier than that in the east. The latitude that the monsoon can reach is gradually northward from west to east, reaching 50°N within longitude 120°-135°E. In summer, the difference of air mass transport between summers with high and low rainfall mainly lies in whether more air masses originating from lower latitudes move northward through East China and its coastal areas, consequently transporting large amounts of hot and humid air into Northeast China.  相似文献   

土壤湿度影响中国夏季气候的数值试验   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用"全球土壤湿度计划第2阶段"提供的土壤湿度资料强迫区域气候模式RegCM3,通过数值试验讨论了土壤湿度对东亚夏季气候模拟效果的影响。结果表明,合理考虑土壤湿度的作用,能够提高区域气候模式对中国夏季降水和2 m气温的空间分布型及逐日变化的模拟效果;模拟结果与观测的相关分析显示,降水和2 m气温的年际变化都得到了有效改进,这种改进在气温上尤为明显。不过上述改进具有区域依赖性。数值试验结果表明,气温对土壤湿度的敏感性强于降水,这也从一个侧面说明提高降水模拟效果的难度。总体而言,合理的土壤湿度能够提高区域气候模式对中国夏季气候的模拟能力。因此,合理描述土壤湿度的变化,是提高中国夏季气候预报技巧的潜在途径之一。  相似文献   

利用NCAR大气环流模式CAM4.0,针对潜在植被和当代植被的分布情形进行了两组25 a的积分试验,探讨了土地利用变化对东亚地区地表能量平衡、水分循环和气候的可能影响.结果表明:以森林退化、农田迅速增加为主的当代土地利用变化,显著改变地表属性,使得东亚地区不同季节的地表反照率均明显增加,并显著改变东亚地区的冬、春季节的地表能量和水分循环.此外,当代大尺度土地利用变化对东亚地区大气环流也有一定影响,可引起东亚冬季风环流显著加强和东亚夏季较弱的偏南风异常.当代土地利用变化未能引起东亚地区近地面气温的显著变化,但可引起东亚北(南)部地区春季降水的显著增加(减小).  相似文献   

With the high-speed development of numerical weather prediction, since the later 1980’s, the prediction of short-range climate anomalies has attracted worldwide meteorologists’ attention. What the so called short-range re-fers to the time scale from one month to one season or more. In dealing with the problem of short-range climate pre-diction, two points are needed noticing: one is the basic research to explore or investigate the mechanism of variability of the slow varying components which mainly include internal dynamics of extratropics, external forcings and tropical dynamics, and the other is the modeling efforts to simulate the process of the long-term evolution of the signal which include the improvement of model quality, stochastic prediction and the air-sea-coupled model (Miyakoda et al.,1986). Previous researches on the numerical prediction of short-term climate anomalies are mostly concentrated in the analysis of variables with global spatial scale, especially the global general atmospheric circulation analysis.As to the simulation or prediction of regional short-term climate anomalies, there exist many difficulties and problems. Though some meteorologists are devoting themself to this field, up to now, they have not reached satisfac-tory results. As a primary effort, by using the 2-level general atmospheric circulation model developed in the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IAP-AGCM) (Zeng et al., 1989), and taking the year of 1985 as a case, a numerical simulation of regional short-term climate change is completed. We pay high attention to the predictand of anomalous summer rainfall in the Yangtze River and Yellow River valleys, especially its month-to-month variation.  相似文献   

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