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Star formation     
Various topics on star formation, centered on the observed properties of young stars and their environment, are reviewed. (a) In our Galaxy, young stellar objects are generally associated with giant molecular clouds. (b) Giant molecular clouds cannot be in free-fall collapse. They are probably stabilized by magnetic fields, which are then likely to dominate the dynamical evolution of the clouds themselves. (c) Star formation occurs mostly in spiral arms. The role of spiral density waves is however not yet clearly understood. (d) The formation of massive stars can perturb the evolution of the progenitor cloud, and possibly trigger the sequential formation of OB subgroups. (e) There is a large number of clouds in the Galaxy associated only with low and intermediate mass young stars. These clouds are not perturbed by the presence of massive stars, and are probably the best source of information on the primary triggering mechanism, active on a galactic scale, and on the initial conditions for star formation.Paper presented at the European Workshop on Planetary Sciences, organised by the Laboratorio di Astrofisica Spaziale di Frascati, and held between April 23–27, 1979, at the Accademia Nazionale del Lincei in Rome, Italy.  相似文献   

We analyse the data from narrow band H and [O III] CCD imaging of a sample of nearby spiral galaxies with active nuclei. The results show that the large scale star formation depends on the level of nuclear activity, with Seyfert 2 presenting the strongest disk and circum-nuclear star formation, while Seyfert 1 show very little. We present particular results for the galaxies NGC 3982, NGC 4579, NGC 5427 and NGC 7469.  相似文献   

The hypothesis advanced by V. A. Ambartsumyan according to which stars are formed from prestellar superdense objects-- protostars-- was an alternative to the hypothesis of the 1950's (and even now, not much changed) according to which stars are formed by accretion with subsequent collapse (in various modifications). Ambartsumyan's basic inferences were based on an analysis of the observational data available at that time. This paper presents both Ambartsumyan's pioneering ideas and some modern hypotheses of star formation. Some results from studies of molecular clouds and star formation regions are also discussed. One of the distinctive features of young stellar objects (YSO) is the outflow of matter from these objects (molecular, in the form of jets, etc.), a phenomenon whose importance for the evolution of stars was noted by Ambartsumyan as long ago as 1937. Radial systems of dark globules are examined, as well as H-H objects associated with star formation regions, cometary nebulae, and close Trapeziumtype systems (consisting of YSO). Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 185–202 (May 2009).  相似文献   

Data with the 2MASS prototype camera were obtained in a 2.3 sq. deg region in Taurus containing Heiles Cloud 2, a region known from IRAS observations to contain a number of very young solar type stars. Data at 1.25 (J), 1.65 (H), and 2.2 (K s )µm are presented. These data are representative of the type and quality of data expected from the planned near-IR surveys, 2MASS and DENIS. Near-IR surveys will be useful for determining the large scale variation of extinction with clouds, for determining the luminosity function in nearby clouds down to ranges of 0.1–1.0 L, and for finding highly extincted T Tauri stars missed by IRAS because the bulk of their luminosity is emitted shortward of 12µm.  相似文献   

We analyze the gravitational stability of a shocked interstellar gas layer and show how such a layer fragments into protostellar condensations whilst it is still confined mainly by ram pressure. As a consequence, the resulting protostars are massive and well separated. Our analysis is completely general and applies both to layers resulting from collisions between molecular cloud clumps, and to shells swept up by expanding nebulae. We present a numerical simulation of the former scenario, which produces a cluster of 35 massive stars resembling an OB subgroup, with most of the stars in binary systems.  相似文献   

A star formation region connected with SNO 41 is investigated. The observations of this region were carried out in the 12CO (1-0) line and in the 1.2-mm (with SIMBA) with the 15-m SEST mm telescope (Cerro La Silla, Chile). A blue shifted outflow is revealed from the 12CO(1-0) observations, while a bipolar outflow is apparent from the 1.2-mm SIMBA image. In CO it seems that a very faint dust envelope around SNO 41 probably exists, which is expanding with a velocity of ∼10.5 km/s. The distance to SNO 41 is estimated as ∼1500 pc. There are outflows also present in 2MASS images. A spiral jet has a condensation (resembling a HH object) at the end. Another jet has a discontinuity and a bow-shock-like structure on it. In 2MASS images there are also spots resembling HH objects. In this region there is also a rather luminous point source (IRAS 08546-4254), which has IR colors typical for an YSO connected with a water maser. The detection of a strong CS (2-1) line emission toward IRAS 08546-4254, with the same velocity as the CO line, shows the existence of a high density core of molecular gas associated to this source. A methanol maser is also associated with that IRAS source. The existence of CS line emission and a methanol maser (at 6.669 Ghz) is an indication of the presence of a very young massive star. It is not excluded that this IRAS source is the center of outflows mentioned above, because this source coincides with the center of the 1.2-mm SIMBA image and also with the place of origin of the jet with bow-shock-like structure. Published in Astrofizika, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 5–15 (February 2007).  相似文献   

Lynds 1199 is an extended dark cloud of moderate opacity in the upper Cepheus region. The B3V type star HD206135 illuminating the reflection nebula DG 175 is associated with this cloud. In this paper the nature of the cloud and its associated young stellar objects is studied on the basis of13CO data obtained with the 4 m millimeter wave telescope of Nagoya University, photographic observations taken with the 60/90 cm Schmidt telescope of Konkoly Observatory, as well as IRAS data.  相似文献   

We present a study of the star formation in the giant Hii region NGC5471 in the outskirts of M101. We have performed integrated photometry of the mean emission knots. Stellar population analysis with the code chorizos is compatible with the hypothesis that these regions have at least two different populations. The color–magnitude diagram of the region as derived from Hubble Space Telescope/WPFC2 stellar photometry shows that star formation has been going on for the last 70 Myr.  相似文献   

A previous theory of the authors regarding the planetary system is generalized in an attempt to include star formation. It is found that the theory predicts the correct mass and radius for stellar clusters and also the general shape of the galaxy.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations predict that metal-poor gas accretion from the cosmic web fuels the formation of disk galaxies. This paper discusses how cosmic gas accretion controls star formation, and summarizes the physical properties expected for the cosmic gas accreted by galaxies. The paper also collects observational evidence for gas accretion sustaining star formation. It reviews evidence inferred from neutral and ionized hydrogen, as well as from stars. A number of properties characterizing large samples of star-forming galaxies can be explained by metal-poor gas accretion, in particular, the relationship among stellar mass, metallicity, and star-formation rate (the so-called fundamental metallicity relationship). They are put forward and analyzed. Theory predicts gas accretion to be particularly important at high redshift, so indications based on distant objects are reviewed, including the global star-formation history of the universe, and the gas around galaxies as inferred from absorption features in the spectra of background sources.  相似文献   

We present a 3d code for the dynamical evolution of a multi-phase interstellar medium (ISM) coupled to stars via star formation (SF) and feedback processes. The multi-phase ISM consists of clouds (sticky particles) and diffuse gas (SPH): exchange of matter, energy and momentum is achieved by drag (due to ram pressure) and condensation or evaporation processes. The cycle of matter is completed by SF and feedback by SNe and PNe. A SF scheme based on a variable SF efficiency as proposed by Elmegreen and Efremov (1997) is presented. For a Milky Way type galaxy we get a SF rate of ∼1 M yr-1 with an average SF efficiency of ∼5%. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We describe two possibilities for the formation of a star by transition of molecular hydrogen from gaseous to the liquid phase in the gravitational field of a spherical mass.Model A.: Contraction through condensation of a polytropic respectively isothermal gas sphere.Model B: Condensation in the isothermal atmosphere which surrounds a core.Model B is sooner possible, because model A introduces certain restrictions of mass and radius of the protostar.  相似文献   

Using population fitting and galactic chemical evolution (GCE) models we unravel the information present in spectral line-strengths, for a sample of 32 galaxies including ellipticals, S0s and spiral bulges. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We have produced radio maps, using the Australia Telescope Compact Array, of the central regions of six southern type 2 Seyfert galaxies (NGC 1365, 4945, 6221, 6810, 7582 and Circinus) with circumnuclear star formation, to estimate the relative contribution of star formation activity compared to activity from the active galactic nucleus (AGN). The radio morphologies range from extended diffuse structures to compact nuclear emission, with no evidence, even in the relatively compact sources, for synchrotron self-absorption. In each case the radio to far-infrared (FIR) ratio has a value consistent with star formation, and in all but one case the radio to [Fe  II ] ratio is also consistent with star formation. We derive supernova rates and conclude that, despite the presence of a Seyfert nucleus in these galaxies, the radio, FIR and [Fe  II ] line emissions are dominated by processes associated with the circumnuclear star formation (i.e. supernova remnants and H  II regions) rather than with the AGN.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2000,44(4-6):283-285
The statistical investigation of integrated characteristics of the blue compact galaxies from the Second Byurakan survey has been carried out. The tight correlation between the luminosities in the far-infrared range and radio range (radio-continuum at 21 cm) has been revealed. It implies the common origin of this radiation in star forming regions. The current star formation rates have been derived both from the luminosity in the far-infrared range (SFRFIR) and from the luminosity in the radio range (SFR21 cm). The Salpeter shape of the initial mass function (IMF) and low-mass cut-off of 0.1 M in IMF has been assumed for the SFRFIR calculation. We derive the SFR21 cm assuming that radio free–free emission at λ=21 cm is thermal emission of gas ionised by massive stars. The SFR21 cm is shown to be about 3.5 times as large as SFRFIR for our sample of galaxies. These star formation rates are proposed to be considered as lower and upper limits of true galaxy star formation rates.  相似文献   

We use the FUV fluxes measured with the GALEX to study the star formation properties of galaxies collected in the “Local Orphan Galaxies” catalog (LOG). Among 517 LOG galaxies having radial velocities V LG < 3500 km/s and Galactic latitudes |b| > 15°, 428 objects have been detected in FUV. We briefly discuss some scaling relations between the specific star formation rate (SSFR) and stellar mass, HI-mass, morphology, and surface brightness of galaxies situated in extremely low density regions of the Local Supercluster. Our sample is populated with predominantly late-type, gas-rich objects with the median morphological type of Sdm. Only 5% of LOG galaxies are classified as early types: E, S0, S0/a, however, they systematically differ from normal E and S0 galaxies by lower luminosity and presence of gas and dust. We find that almost all galaxies in our sample have their SSFR below 0.4 [Gyr?1]. This limit is also true even for a sample of 270 active star-burst Markarian galaxies situated in the same volume. The existence of such a quasi-Eddington limit for galaxies seems to be a key factor which characterizes the transformation of gas into stars at the current epoch.  相似文献   

We examined the radial distribution of 1227 blue knots in the rectified planes of 32 galaxies and showed that the method is equivalent to mapping the distribution ofHIi regions from narrow-band imaging in H. The blue knots show less detail in their distribution, as compared with Hii regions or with a parameter measuring the local efficiency of star formation. This is interpreted as showing the diffusion of OB stars out of the regions where they formed.  相似文献   

The gas properties of barred and unbarredspiral galaxies are compared in two complete samples.It is found that two types of spiral galaxies do notdiffer to each other in atomic and molecular gascontents. On average there is 6 times more HI thanH2 in spiral galaxies and the ratio MHI/MH2decreases from early to late types. The barred andunbarred spirals in general show a similar behaviorsof the gas-to-luminosity relationships, but also thereare certain differences between them such ascorrelation of two gas phases (HI and H2) forunbarred galaxies. It is suggested that differentbehaviors of two types galaxies are due to the higherstar forming activity of barred with respect unbarredspirals. The expected values of HI and H2 gascontents have been estimated using blue and far-infrared emission.  相似文献   

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