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Andrew T. Young 《Icarus》1983,56(3):568-577
Because sulfuric acid does not wet sulfur, composite drops in the atmosphere of Venus cannot have sulfur “cores,” but must instead have sulfur coats. Both components then communicate with the vapor phase. Drops that are fully coated with sulfur are immune to coalescence; this sets a limit to growth that may explain “Mode 3” particles. The sulfur coating is probably responsible for the anomalously low refractive indices derived from entry-probe nephelometer data. There appears to be about an order of magnitude less elemental sulfur than sulfuric acid in the clouds.  相似文献   

Possible interrelationships of different observations have been studied to clear up some obvious inconsistencies and develop a coherent picture of the kinematics of the Venus atmosphere. There is a wind shear in the vicinity of 60 km with vertical dimensions on the order of a scale height. The kinematical model has negligible surface winds, speeds increasing with altitude to approximately 45 km, a layer of high-speed retrograde zonal winds extending from approximately 45 to 60 km, a wind shear between 60 and 65 km, and slow atmospheric motions above this. Spacecraft data show that the region of high-speed winds is thicker on the day side of the planet than on the night side.  相似文献   

Andrew T. Young 《Icarus》1977,32(1):1-26
A simple radiative-transfer theory that allows for the change in the absorptions of sulfur and carbon dioxide with depth in the atmosphere of Venus can account simultaneously for (1) the spectral reflectance of Venus; (2) the wavelength dependence of contrast in uv cloud features; (3) the CO2 line profile; (4) the change in slope of the curve of growth from the 7820- to the 10488-Å CO2 bands; and (5) the rotational temperature near 246°K found for all CO2 bands. The model cloud consists of 1-μm sulfuric-acid particles, which are well mixed between about 64 km and the 49-km cloud base found by Veneras 9 and 10, plus an overlapping cloud of much larger sulfur particles that extends down to the 35-km cloud base found by Venera 8. The mixing ratios (by number of molecules) below about 64 km are: H2O, 2 × 10?4; H2SO4, 10?5; and sulfur, 10?4. Although the cloud contains an order of magnitude more sulfur than sulfuric acid, the sulfur particles are an order of magnitude larger, and so have only about 1% of the number density of the acid droplets. The “black-white” radiative-transfer model assumes perfectly conservative scattering above the level (which depends on wavelength) where an absorber becomes “black” due to the local temperature and pressure. So-called homogeneous scattering models are inherently self-contradictory, and are inapplicable to planetary atmospheres; the vertical inhomogeneity is an essential feature that must be modeled correctly. The pressure of CO2 line formation is about half the pressure in the region where uv markings occur.  相似文献   

V. Ramanathan  R.D. Cess 《Icarus》1975,25(1):89-103
A dynamical model is presented for the observed strong zonal circulation within the stratosphere of Venus. The model neglects rotational effects and considers a compressible and radiating atmosphere. It is shown that diurnal radiative heating is negligible within the lower stratosphere, a region below 85km, while observational evidence for the strong zonal circulation pertains to the lower stratosphere within which a direct thermal driving for the circulation is absent. The analysis, however, suggests that propagating internal gravity waves generated by diurnal solar heating of the upper stratosphere induce mean zonal velocities within the upper and lower stratosphere.Considering the linearized equations of motion and energy, and following Stern's (1971) analysis for an analogous problem, it is shown that the zonal velocity induced by internal gravity waves is retrograde in direction, a result which is in agreement with observation. The nonlinear equations of motion and energy are then solved by an approximate analytical method to determine the magnitude of the zonal velocity. This velocity increases from zero at the tropopause to about 200 msec?1 at the 85 km level. The velocity near the uv-cloud level compares favorably with the observed value of 100 msec?1.  相似文献   

In the height range between 105 and 115 km sporadic E formation is due exclusively to the zonal (E-W) neutral winds and both theory and experiment indicate sporadic E will occur very close to a reversal point of this zonal wind. By studying the observed heights of sporadic E-layers from a global distribution of stations we can deduce some of the regular properties of the zonal winds at 110 km. The semidiurnal zonal wind pattern is shown to be well defined, is principally the 2,2 mode, and agrees well with theoretical predictions. The diurnal zonal wind pattern is less clearly defined and does not closely resemble any theoretical mode. Steady components agree with those found by other methods.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2006,54(13-14):1482-1495
Venus has no internal magnetic dynamo and thus its ionosphere and hot oxygen exosphere dominate the interaction with the solar wind. The solar wind at 0.72 AU has a dynamic pressure that ranges from 4.5 nPa (at solar max) to 6.6 nPa (at solar min), and its flow past the planet produces a shock of typical magnetosonic Mach number 5 at the subsolar point. At solar maximum the pressure in the ionospheric plasma is sufficient to hold off the solar wind at an altitude of 400 km above the surface at the subsolar point, and 1000 km above the terminators. The deflection of the solar wind occurs through the formation of a magnetic barrier on the inner edge of the magnetosheath, or shocked solar wind. Under typical solar wind conditions the time scale for diffusion of the magnetic field into the ionosphere is so long that the ionosphere remains field free and the barrier deflects almost all the incoming solar wind. Any neutral atoms of the hot oxygen exosphere that reach the altitude of the magnetosheath are accelerated by the electric field of the flowing magnetized plasma and swept along cycloidal paths in the antisolar direction. This pickup process, while important for the loss of the Venus atmosphere, plays a minor role in the deceleration and deflection of the solar wind. Like at magnetized planets, the Venus shock and magnetosheath generate hot electrons and ions that flow back along magnetic field lines into the solar wind to form a foreshock. A magnetic tail is created by the magnetic flux that is slowed in the interaction and becomes mass-loaded with thermal ions.The structure of the ionosphere is very much dependent on solar activity and the dynamic pressure of the solar wind. At solar maximum under typical solar wind conditions, the ionosphere is unmagnetized except for the presence of thin magnetic flux ropes. The ionospheric plasma flows freely to the nightside forming a well-developed night ionosphere. When the solar wind pressure dominates over the ionospheric pressure the ionosphere becomes completely magnetized, the flow to the nightside diminishes, and the night ionosphere weakens. Even at solar maximum the night ionosphere has a very irregular density structure. The electromagnetic environment of Venus has not been well surveyed. At ELF and VLF frequencies there is noise generated in the foreshock and shock. At low altitude in the night ionosphere noise, presumably generated by lightning, can be detected. This paper reviews the plasma environment at Venus and the physics of the solar wind interaction on the threshold of a new series of Venus exploration missions.  相似文献   

We present a map of the global mean lower cloud coverage of Venus. This map is the average of 35 nights of 2.26 μm night side observations taken at NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility on Mauna Kea, over the years spanning 2001-2007. The atmosphere of Venus is a very dynamic system, and the lower clouds are constantly changing [Crisp, D., Allen, D.A., Grinspoon, D.H., Pollack, J.B., 1991a. The dark side of Venus: near-infrared images and spectra from the Anglo-Australian Observatory. Science, 253, 1263-1266]. By studying average cloud coverage, the daily variations are suppressed in order to see the underlying persistent cloud pattern. We find a relatively thick but highly variable equatorial band of clouds (±20° in latitude) and more quiescent mid-latitude clouds that are less opaque on average, with persistent cloudiness near the poles. We show that there is enough variation between our daily observations or between observations taken in different months that they cannot be considered individually representative of the global mean. We also compare the cloud coverage map to the topography of Venus and find no definitive correlations with high altitude features.  相似文献   

Early Pioneer Venus orbiter measurements by the Electron Temperature Probe (OETP) have revealed wavelike structures at the ionopause and clouds of plasma above the ionopause, features which may represent ionospheric plasma at different stages in its removal by solar wind-ionosphere interaction processes. Continuing operation of the orbiter through three Venus years has now provided enough additional examples of these features to permit their morphologies to be examined in some detail. The global distribution of the clouds suggests that they originate at the dayside ionopause as wavelike structures which may become detached and swept downstream in the ionosheath flow. Alternatively the clouds may actually be attached streamers analogous to cometary structure. Estimates of the total ion escape rate from Venus by this process yields values up to 7 × 1026 ions s?1, based on their measured transit times, their probability of occurrence, their statistical distribution and their average electron density. Preliminary analysis shows that such an excape flux could be supplied by the upward diffusion limited flow of 0+ from the entire dayside ionosphere. Observed distortions of dayside ionosphere height profiles suggest that such flows may be present much of the time. If such an escape flux were to continue over the entire lifetime of Venus, the effects upon the evolution of its primitive atmosphere may have been significant.  相似文献   

Observations of the dayside of Venus performed by the high spectral resolution channel (–H) of the Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) on board the ESA Venus Express mission have been used to measure the altitude of the cloud tops and the water vapor abundance around this level with a spatial resolution ranging from 100 to 10 km. CO2 and H2O bands between 2.48 and 2.60 μm are analyzed to determine the cloud top altitude and water vapor abundance near this level. At low latitudes (±40°) mean water vapor abundance is equal to 3 ± 1 ppm and the corresponding cloud top altitude at 2.5 μm is equal to 69.5 ± 2 km. Poleward from middle latitudes the cloud top altitude gradually decreases down to 64 km, while the average H2O abundance reaches its maximum of 5 ppm at 80° of latitude with a large scatter from 1 to 15 ppm. The calculated mass percentage of the sulfuric acid solution in cloud droplets of mode 2 (~1 μm) particles is in the range 75–83%, being in even more narrow interval of 80–83% in low latitudes. No systematic correlation of the dark UV markings with the cloud top altitude or water vapor has been observed.  相似文献   

We investigate the Venus cloud top structure by joint analysis of the data from Visual and Thermal Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) and the atmospheric temperature sounding by the Radio Science experiment (VeRa) onboard Venus Express. The cloud top altitude and aerosol scale height are derived by fitting VIRTIS spectra at 4–5 μm with temperature profiles taken from the VeRa radio occultation. Our study shows gradual descent of the cloud top from 67.2 ± 1.9 km in low latitudes to 62.8 ± 4.1 km at the pole and decrease of the aerosol scale height from 3.8 ± 1.6 km to 1.7 ± 2.4 km. These changes correlate with the mesospheric temperature field. In the cold collar and high latitudes the cloud top position remarkably coincides with the sharp minima in temperature inversions suggesting importance of radiative cooling in their maintenance. This behaviour is consistent with the earlier observations. Spectral trend of the cloud top altitude derived from a comparison with the earlier observations in 1.6–27 μm wavelength range is qualitatively consistent with sulphuric acid composition of the upper cloud and suggests that particle size increases from equator to pole.  相似文献   

A Sánchez-Lavega  R Hueso  J.F Rojas 《Icarus》2004,170(2):519-523
Analyses of Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images of Saturn obtained from August 2003 to March 2004, with extensive support from ground-based telescopes, have been used to characterize the cloud morphology and motions in its atmosphere few months before the Cassini encounter. We present data on the major meteorological features as potential targets for Cassini observations. We extend our previous measurements of the zonal winds during the 1996-2002 period (A. Sánchez-Lavega et al., 2003, Nature, 423, 623-625), confirming the strong change in the equatorial jet, and the high hemispheric symmetry of the zonal wind pattern.  相似文献   

Statistics on the temporal variability of uv cloud features on Venus during 66 days of nominal mission imaging by the Pioneer Venus Orbiter Cloud Photopolarimeter reveal at least five types of systematic variability on large scales: (1) a low-latitude global-scale wave of period 3.94 ± 0.1 days corresponding to longitudinal motion of the dark equatorial band and propagating westward relative to the mean flow; (2) a midlatitude wave of period 5.20 ± 0.2 days corresponding to wavenumber 1 oscillations of the latitude of the bright polar bands and propagating eastward relative to the mean flow; (3) ~2- to 3-week fluctuations in the slope of longitudinal cloud brightness power spectra at intermediate wavenumbers manifested by variations in the intensity of large bow-shaped features; (4) ~2-month variations in polar region brightness consistent with polar brightening episodes observed from Earth; and (5) a monotonic decrease in the disk-integrated brightness of Venus during the nominal mission which may be either a true time variation or a solar-locked longitudinal dependence of brightness. Small-scale features appear to correlate with large-scale albedo patterns. Specifically, cellular features exist primarily where large-scale dark material is present, while the orientation of streak features with respect to latitude circles oscillates with the same ~4-day period as the large-scale features at low latitudes. The wide range of time scales present in the data suggests the complexity of Venus stratospheric dynamics. Extended observations over many years may be becessary to define the general circulation.  相似文献   

Japanese Venus Climate Orbiter, Akatsuki, is cruising to approach to Venus again although its first Venus orbital insertion (VOI) has been failed. At present, we focus on the next opportunity of VOI and the following scientific observations.We have constructed an automated cloud tracking system for processing data obtained by Akatsuki in the present study. In this system, correction of the pointing of the satellite is essentially important for improving accuracy of the cloud motion vectors derived using the cloud tracking. Attitude errors of the satellite are reduced by fitting an ellipse to limb of an imaged Venus disk. Next, longitude–latitude distributions of brightness (cloud patterns) are calculated to make it easy to derive the cloud motion vectors. The grid points are distributed at regular intervals in the longitude–latitude coordinate. After applying the solar zenith correction and a highpass filter to the derived longitude–latitude distributions of brightness, the cloud features are tracked using pairs of images. As a result, we obtain cloud motion vectors on longitude–latitude grid points equally spaced. These entire processes are pipelined and automated, and are applied to all data obtained by combinations of cameras and filters onboard Akatsuki. It is shown by several tests that the cloud motion vectors are determined with a sufficient accuracy. We expect that longitude–latitude data sets created by the automated cloud tracking system will contribute to the Venus meteorology.  相似文献   

Solar light gets scattered at cloud top level in Venus’ atmosphere, in the visible range, which corresponds to the altitude of 67 km. We present Doppler velocity measurements performed with the high resolution spectrometer MTR of the Solar telescope THEMIS (Teide Observatory, Canary Island) on the sodium D2 solar line . Observations lasted only 49 min because of cloudy weather. However, we could assess the instrumental velocity sensitivity, per pixel of 1 arcsec, and give a value of the amplitude of zonal wind at equator at .  相似文献   

By using the Mariner 5 temperature profile and a homogeneous cloud model, and assuming that CO2 and cloud particles are the only opacity sources, the wavelength dependence of the Venus cloud opacity is infrared from the infrared spectrum of the planet between 450 and 1250 cm?1. Justification for applying the homogeneous cloud model is found in the fact that numerous polarization and infrared data are mutually consistent within the framework of such a model; on the other hand, dense cloud models are not satisfactory.Volume extinction coefficients varying from 0.5 × 10?5 to 1.5 × 10?5 cm?1, depending on the wavelength, are determined at the tropopause level of 6110 km. By using all available data, a cloud mass mixing ratio of approximately 5 × 10?6 and a particle concentration of about 900 particles cm?3 at this level are also inferred. The derived cloud opacity compares favorably with that expected for a haze of droplets of a 75% aqueous solution of sulfuric acid.  相似文献   

Jobea Cimino 《Icarus》1982,51(2):334-357
The opportunity to determine the planetwide temperature and cloud structure of Venus using radio occultation techniques arose with Pioneer Venus. Amplitude and Doppler data provided by the radio occultation experiment offered a unique and powerful means of examining the atmospheric properties in the lower cloud region.Absorption due to gaseous components of the atmosphere was subtracted from the measured absorption coefficient profiles before they were used to compute cloud mass contents. This absorption was found to represent a small part of the total absorption, depending on the latitude. In the main cloud deck, gaseous absorption contributes 10 to 20%, however, at the bottom of the detected absorption layer the sulfuric acid vapor contributes up to 100% due to increased vapor pressures. The clouds are the primary contributing absorbers in the 1- to 3-bar level of the Venus atmosphere. Below about 3 bars, depending on the latitude, absorption due to sulfuric acid vapor dominates.If a cloud particle model consisting of a solid nonabsorbing dielectric sphere with a concentric liquid sulfuric acid coating is invoked, the absorptivity of the particles increases from that of a pure sulfuric acid liquid sphere, and the mass content derived from the absorption coefficient profiles decreases. As the ratio of the core radius to the total radius (q) increases, absorption increases by more than a factor of 10 for high values of q. In the case of pure sulfuric acid droplets, the conductivity is sufficiently high that some of the field is excluded from the interior of the droplet thereby reducing the absorption. When a dielectric core of nonabsorbing material is introduced, the surface charge density is reduced and the absorption increases.The mass contents for all orbits in the equatorial region of Venus were calculated using values of q from 0 to 1. The resulting profiles match the probe mass content profiles at similar locations when a q of 0.97 is chosen.The wavelength dependence of the absorption for the spherical shell model varies with q from 1/λ2 for pure liquid to λ0.2 for a large core. A q of from 0.96 to 0.98 results in a wavelength dependence of 1/λ1.0 to 1/λ1.4 which matches the radio occultation absorption wavelength dependence and the microwave opacity wavelength dependence.Mass content profiles using a q of 0.97 were determined for occultations in the polar, collar, midlatitudinal, and equatorial regions assuming q remains constant over the planet. The results show considerable variability in both the level and the magnitude of the lower cloud deck. The cloud layer is lowest in altitude in the polar region. This might be expected as the temperature profile is cooler in the polar region than over the rest of the planet. The mass content is greatest in the polar and collar regions; however, many of the collar profiles were cut off due to fluctuations resulting from increased turbulence in the collar region. The mass contents are least dense in the midlatitude regions. There is a sharp lower boundary at about 1.5 bars in the equatorial and midlatitude regions and at about 2.5 bars in the polar region. Measurements made by the Particle Size Spectrometer and nephelometers also showed sharp lower cloud boundaries at this level.  相似文献   

A model has been developed for the currents induced in the ionospheres of Venus and Mars by the flowing magnetized solar wind in a previous paper (Cloutier and Daniell, 1973). The altitudes of the ionopauses on both planets, determined from the electrodynamical models of the previous paper, are used here to calculate the total rates of atmospheric mass loss to the solar wind for Venus and Mars. These loss rates are compared to the rates calculated by Michel (1971) based upon the limit of mass loading of the solar wind flow determined from hydrodynamic constraints. The distributions of planetary ions in the downstream wakes of Venus and Mars are calculated, and the interpretation of ion spectrometer measurements from close planetary encounters is discussed.  相似文献   

A condensing cloud parameterization is included in a super-rotating Venus General Circulation Model. A parameterization including condensation, evaporation and sedimentation of mono-modal sulfuric acid cloud particles is described. Saturation vapor pressure of sulfuric acid vapor is used to determine cloud formation through instantaneous condensation and destruction through evaporation, while pressure dependent viscosity of a carbon dioxide atmosphere is used to determine sedimentation rates assuming particles fall at their terminal Stokes velocity. Modifications are described to account for the large range of the Reynolds number seen in the Venus atmosphere.Two GCM experiments initialized with 10 ppm-equivalent of sulfuric acid are integrated for 30 Earth years and the results are discussed with reference to “Y” shaped cloud structures observed on Venus. The GCM is able to produce an analog of the “Y” shaped cloud structure through dynamical processes alone, with contributions from the mean westward wind, the equatorial Kelvin wave, and the mid-latitude/polar Mixed Rossby/Gravity waves. The cloud top height in the GCM decreases from equator to pole and latitudinal gradients of cloud top height are comparable to those observed by Pioneer Venus and Venus Express, and those produced in more complex microphysical models of the sulfur cycle on Venus. Differences between the modeled cloud structures and observations are described and dynamical explanations are suggested for the most prominent differences.  相似文献   

Plasma and field relationships observed across the nightside of Venus evidence a chaotic variety of interactions between the ionosphere and the combined effect of the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field draped about the planet. Close examination of these data reveal within the chaos a number of repeatable signatures key to understanding fundamental field-plasma interactions. Observed from the Pioneer Venus Orbiter, (PVO), nightside conditions range from extensive, full-up ionospheres with little evidence of dynamic or energetic perturbations, to an almost full depletion, sometimes described as disappearing ionospheres. Between these extremes, the ionospheric structure is often irregular, sometimes exhibiting well-defined density troughs, at other times complex intervals of either abundant or minimal plasma concentration. Consistently, large B-fields (typically exceeding 5–10 nanoteslas) coincide with plasma decreases, whereas stable, abundant plasma distributions are associated with very low-level field. We examine hundreds of nightside orbits, identifying close correlations between regions of elevated magnetic fields featuring polarity reversals, and (a) exclusive low-frequency or distinctive broadband noise, or both, in the electric field data, (b) turbulent, superthermal behavior of the the ions and electrons. We review extensive studies of nightside fields to show that the correlations observed are consistent with theoretical arguments that the presence of strong magnetic fields within normal ionospheric heights indicates the intrusion of magnetosheath fields and plasma within such regions. We find abundant evidence that the ionosphere is frequently disrupted by such events, exhibiting a chaotic, auroral-like complexity appearing over a wide range of altitude and local time. We show that field-plasma disturbances, widely suggested to be similar to conditions in the Earth's auroral regions, are tightly linked to the electric field noise otherwise attributed to lightning. Owing to the coincidence inherent in this relationship, we suggest that natural, predictable plasma instabilities associated with the plasma gradients and current sheets evident within these events produce the E-field noise. The data relationships argue for a more detailed investigation of solar wind induced E-field noise mechanisms as the appropriate scientific procedure for invoking sources for the noise previously attributed to lightning. Consistent with these views, we note that independent analyses have offered alternative explanations of the noise as arising from ionospheric disturbances, that repeated searches for optical evidence of lightning have found no such evidence, and that no accepted theoretical work has yet surfaced to support the inference of lightning at Venus.  相似文献   

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