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To date 19 cases of reservoir-induced seismicity have been acknowledged in China and 15 of them are associated with karst. The Wujiangdu case is a typical one induced in the karst area. The dam with a height of 165 m is the highest built in a karst area in China. Seismic activity has been successively induced in five reservoir segments seven months after the impoundment in 1979. A temporary seismic network consisting of 8 stations was set up in one of the segments some 40 km upstream from the dam. The results indicate that epicenters were distributed along the immediate banks, composed of karstified carbonate, and focal depths were only several hundred meters. Most of the focal mechanisms were of thrust and normal faulting. It is suggested that karst may be an important factor in inducing seismicity. It can provide an hydraulic connection to change the saturation and pressure and also weak planes for dislocation to induce seismicity.  相似文献   

选取河套盆地及周边地区 (北纬 3 8.5°~ 42°,东经 1 0 6°~ 1 1 3°)为研究区 ,采用《中国地震目录》1 970~ 2 0 0 0 .8,ML≥ 2 .0级地震资料 ,应用“八五”、“九五”攻关研究成果 ,通过对河套盆地中强地震前地震活动图像和测震学指标的全时空扫描分析 ,提取具有预报效能的地震活动图像及参数 ,然后对河套盆地地震地质构造特征、历史中强地震时空分布特征和运用具有预报效能的地震图像、参数对河套盆地近期地震活动进行分析 ,认为河套盆地发生中强地震的危险性不容忽视  相似文献   

Source mechanism of intermediate and deep earthquakes in southern Spain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Focal mechanisms of 10 intermediate-depth earthquakes (30相似文献   

A macroscopic model of seismic sources provides a scaling relationship for the apparent stress, treated as a function of three independent parameters: seismic moment, rupture area size, and average slip acceleration. These parameters represent three different factors: kinematic, geometric and material. This relationship allows us to distinguish and explain the following statistical characteristics of the log apparent stress versus log seismic moment plot. The regional trends, represented by a series of 1/2 slope lines, are related to the averaged shape of slip velocity pulses, so they reflect kinematic characteristics of the rupture process. The global trend, represented by the 1/6 slope line, is expected to characterize sets of events of wide range of rupture area sizes and assumes dependence of rupture area size on total slip, so it is related to the rupture initiation, propagation and arrest conditions; therefore, it reflects earthquake rupture dynamics. Additional shiftings among the trend lines obtained for the smallest induced tremors, larger tectonic earthquakes, and slow tsunami earthquakes, reflect differences between the intact rock failure and the frictional slip failure, that is, between fracture energies of these different earthquake classes.  相似文献   

The source mechanism of 19 earthquakes that occurred in Peru (1990–1996) is studied using broad band data. Focal mechanisms are obtained using polarities of P wave and body wave form inversion. Shallow earthquakes show complex source time functions, intermediate and deep depth shocks have simpler ones. Stress distributions have been obtained from focal mechanisms estimated in this study and previous studies. Shallow earthquakes show reverse faulting with an ENE-WSW to E-W oriented pressure axes. Intermediate depth shocks indicate horizontal extension on E-W direction, normal to the Peru-Chilean trench. Earthquakes with foci at very deep depth show horizontal extension in the E-W direction in Peru-Brazil and N-S in Peru-Bolivia borders. This difference in stress orientation may indicate a different origin for deep activity at each region.  相似文献   

腾冲火山地区的地震活动特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对腾冲火山地区的地震活动时空分布及震情参数的研究结果表明,与火山活动区有关的地震活动具有以下特征:周围构造地震活动频繁而火山群地区则处于地震活动相对平静的背景,震级较低(最高为5.0~6.0级);地震活动以小的震群活动为主,微震主要发生在腾冲县城南部的热海热田地区。长期的地震频率b值高,达1.2左右;震源深度在0~20km范围,受周围构造大地震的影响,导致火山区地壳内部岩浆活动引起的岩浆冲击型地震发生;火山体地下低速层的存在与地下热物质有关。从腾冲火山活动区地震的时空分布特征和震情参数特征表现出与世界上其它火山地震的相似关系,表明腾冲火山不是死火山,火山体地壳内部存在的岩浆囊或岩浆移动通道内岩浆仍在活动。  相似文献   

We have relocated seismicity occurring in the Permian Basin of west Texas between 1975 and 1979 using three-dimensional velocity models constructed from well log information and compared the locations to detailed geological and geophysical models of specific oil fields. The seismicity appears to be related to a variety of causes including migration of naturally occurring overpressured fluids, tectonic activity, reservoir production, and enhanced recovery operations. Many earthquakes may represent a combination of these effects. Although the Permian Basin is the site of numerous oil and gas fields, only a limited number of fields appears to be associated with seismicity. We find that there are similarities in the structural setting in the fields associated with seismicity. Furthermore, fields within the Delaware Basin that are associated with seismicity are located in regions of high vertical and lateral fluid pressure gradients related to an overpressured zone within the Delaware Basin.  相似文献   

IntroductionYunnanProvinceislocatedinthesouthofNorth-SouthseismiczoneinChina.ItisoneofthehighseismicactiveregionsinChinesemainland.Morethanonehundredstrongearthquakeswithmagnitude6ormoreoccurredinthisregioninhistory.AsanimportantsoutheasternmarginofTibetanPlateau,YunnanregionisahotspotinstudyonthedynamicsofTibetanPlateau.Theactionsofcompressivestressinnorth-southorientationandgravitationalpotentialcausedlateralextrusionofmaterialintheplateauwiththeupliftingofTibetanPlateau.Severalblocksa…  相似文献   

Some historical earthquakes are distinct owing to the geographical distance of the places affected. It is less clear, however, when more than one earthquake is amalgamated into a single event and their combined effects are attributed to a major event. In order to avoid gross overestimation of the size of historical earthquakes the separation and identification of the constituent earthquakes is an important consideration. As an example we show how the tendency of early and modern writers to amalgamate or duplicate earthquakes in Syria and Palestine can lead to the creation of major earthquakes, with serious consequences for the assessment of the seismic hazard in the region.  相似文献   

Volcanic explosion earthquakes accompanying explosive eruptions are viewed as representing an abrupt release of pressurized magma beneath a volcano through a vent. I examine the source mechanisms of explosion earthquakes assuming two extreme cases of magma property. When magma is assumed to be a perfect gas which migrates upward isentropically through a vent acting as a nozzle, the seismic source is expressed as a single force. On the other hand, when magma flow is assumed to be incompressible, an implosive source is dominant. Both source models predict that the seismic magnitude is proportional to the cross-sectional area of the vent. I investigate observed seismic magnitudes for different volcanoes based on data in published papers and reports. The results show that the seismic magnitude of the largest event for each volcano is essentially proportional to the cross-sectional area of the vent for vent radii ranging from 10 to 600 m. The consistency found between the theoretical prediction and the observed relation suggests that the vent area plays a substantial role in the magnitude of explosion earthquakes. I further estimate that initial pressures in the reservoir are of the order of a few MPa, with a one order of magnitude uncertainty based on the single force model. I also apply the implosive source model to the observed seismic magnitudes and estimate the product of bulk modulus of magma and flow velocity to be 1010–1011 J/m2 s.  相似文献   

A physics‐based numerical approach is used to characterize earthquake ground motion due to induced seismicity in the Groningen gas field and to improve empirical ground motion models for seismic hazard and risk assessment. To this end, a large‐scale (20 km × 20 km) heterogeneous 3D seismic wave propagation model for the Groningen area is constructed, based on the significant bulk of available geological, geophysical, geotechnical, and seismological data. Results of physics‐based numerical simulations are validated against the ground motion recordings of the January 8, 2018, ML 3.4 Zeerijp earthquake. Taking advantage of suitable models of slip time functions at the seismic source and of the detailed geophysical model, the numerical simulations are found to reproduce accurately the observed features of ground motions at epicentral distances less than 10 km, in a broad frequency range, up to about 8 Hz. A sensitivity analysis is also addressed to discuss the impact of 3D underground geological features, the stochastic variability of seismic velocities and the frequency dependence of the quality factor. Amongst others, results point out some key features related to 3D seismic wave propagation, such as the magnitude and distance dependence of site amplification functions, that may be relevant to the improvement of the empirical models for earthquake ground motion prediction.  相似文献   

四川及邻区强震前地震活动性参数的变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对四川及邻区最近30多年来发生的18组6级以上强震前多种地震活动性参数的变化特征进行了分析研究。震例总结显示,衡量区域地震活动异常增强或平静的中等地震月频次异常可作为判断中期是否发生强震的指标;在区域中等地震活动出现异常的前提下,区域小震平静异常可作为判断短期是否发生强震的依据。而根据A值和GL值的空间异常分布范围,结合地震构造背景及其它方法,可缩小预报区域。  相似文献   

以累计频度定量计算方法,分区讨论了河南及邻区1970年以来地震活动非线性度ZL值的时间进程曲线,系统计算了M≥5.0级地震前的ZL值,结果表明:开始出现活跃(平静)异常的时间集中在地震前1—2年,结束异常的时间在地震前一年内,集中于0—4个月。同时提出了异常的定量指标以及发震类型。  相似文献   

The reservoir of Fierza on the Drini River, Northern Albania, is Albania's largest reservoir and it is one of the world's largest reservoirs of high dams (reservoir volume at maximum water level, 2.8 * 109 m3; dam height, 167 m and dam capacity 8 * 106 m3). We compare pre-and postimpounding seismicity of the area surrounding the Fierza reservoir. An increase of seismic microactivity was observed after the impounding of the reservoir. More than 300 microearthquakes, occurred in the immediate vicinity of the main body of the reservoir, with local magnitude ranging between 1.3 and 3.6. A significant change of theb value in the magnitude-frequency relationship was observed. One swarm of microtremors occurred in the northern part of the reservoir on April 4–5, 1981, where an alteration of the tensor of natural tectonic stresses is revealed. The theoretical additional stress and displacement induced by water-load in the bank of the reservoir were estimated for four cross-profiles of the reservoir area and the maximum values resulted near the location of the above swarm.  相似文献   

为了解水库蓄水过程中,水库诱发地震活动的动态响应机制,本文建立了针对水库诱发地震(Reservoir-induced seismicity,RIS)定量化研究的数理模型,并以紫坪铺水库为例,对库区地质构造及水文地质结构条件、水库蓄水后库区小震活动时空演化特征进行了详细的研究.在此基础上,利用有限元方法计算了水库蓄水过程中弹性附加应力场、有效附加应力场、孔隙压力和断层稳定性的动态变化,讨论了RIS时空演化与库水加卸载及渗透过程的动态响应关系.结果表明:(1) RIS诱发机制的定量化模型可分为2个层次:一是以孔隙介质为载体的流体渗流对岩体变形和稳定性的影响,由流-固耦合形式的岩体变形与孔隙渗流模型进行描述;二是对断层相关的RIS定量研究可将水库附加水头压力沿断层面(区)的扩散与断层库仑应力变化联系起来.两种形式模型方法的结合能为RIS定量研究提供一个相对宏观的力学框架;(2) 断裂渗透结构对孔隙压力变化下断裂的力学响应具有重要的影响,研究区主干断裂可能属于一种上盘破碎带导水、下盘地层及断层核阻水的"下阻上导型"的渗透结构类型,不同程度的具有使地表水体向深部渗流的通道性.库区深部岩体渗透稳定性的差异在很大程度上导致了诱发地震活动对岩性条件的依赖.(3) 紫坪铺水库蓄水后,小震活动在空间分布上呈现出条带状分布、丛集分布和地震迁移的特点,小震震源深度优势分布在地下4~10 km范围内,在通济场断裂与安县—灌县断裂的深部汇聚区域震源分布最为密集.同时,小震活动主要集中发生在脆性程度高、渗透稳定性低的碳酸盐岩地层中,而在岩性较软弱、渗透稳定性高的三叠系须家河组砂泥岩和煤系地层中很少有地震发生.在水库蓄水后地震活动的时间响应特征上,水库西南侧和东北侧两个丛集区的小震活动可能属于"快速响应型"RIS,而都江堰小震群活动可能属于"滞后响应型"诱发地震活动;(4) RIS的发生与库水加卸载及渗透过程中库底岩体有效应力的变化密切相关.在以挤压为主的构造应力环境中,库体荷载作用的结果一般会使库底断层更趋向稳定,而水库附加水头压力扩散的效应则是促使断层趋向失稳,正是这个矛盾双方相互制约与平衡的动态过程,控制了断层库仑应力变化的取向,从而决定了RIS时空演化的规律.  相似文献   

The focal mechanisms of some one hundred microseismic events induced by various water injections have been determined. Within the same depth interval, numerous stress measurements have been conducted with the HTPF method. When inverted simultaneously, the HTPF data and the focal plane solutions help determine the complete stress field in a fairly large volume of rock (about 15×106 m3). These results demonstrate that hydraulically conductive fault zones are associated with local stress heterogeneities. Some of these stress heterogeneities correspond to local stress concentrations with principal stress magnitudes much larger than those of the regional stress field. They preclude the determination of the regional stress field from the sole inversion of focal mechanisms. In addition to determining the regional stress field, the integrated inversion of focal mechanisms and HTPF data help identify the fault plane for each for each of the focal mechanisms. These slip motions have been demonstrated to be consistent with Terzaghi's effective stress principle and a Coulomb friction law with a friction coefficient ranging from 0.65 to 0.9. This has been used for mapping the pore pressure in the rock mass. This mapping shows that induced seismicity does not outline zones of high flow rate but only zones of high pore pressure. For one fault zone where no significant flow has been observed, the local pore pressure has been found to be larger than the regional minimum principal stress but no hydraulic fracturing has been detected there.  相似文献   

A method is presented for incorporating the uncertainties associated with hypocentral locations in the formulation of probabilistic models of the time and space distributions of the activity of potential seismic sources, as well as of the resulting seismic hazard functions at sites in their vicinity. For this purpose, a bayesian framework of analysis is adopted, where the probabilistic models considered are assumed to have known forms and uncertain parameters, the distribution of the latter being the result of an a priori assessment and its updating through the incorporation of the direct statistical information, including the uncertainty associated with the relations between the actual hypocentral locations and the reported data. This uncertainty is incorporated in the evaluation of the likelihood function of the parameters to be estimated for a given sample of recorded locations. For the purpose of illustration, the method proposed is applied to the modelling of the seismic sources near a site close to the southern coast of Mexico. The results of two alternate algorithms for the incorporation of location uncertainties are compared with those arising from neglecting those uncertainties. One of them makes use of Monte Carlo simulation, while the other is based on a closed-form analytical integration following the introduction of some simplifying assumptions. For the particular case studied, accounting for location uncertainties gives place to significant changes in the probabilistic models of the seismic sources. Deviations of the same order of magnitude can be ascribed to differences in the mathematical and/or numerical tools used in the uncertainty analysis. The resulting variability of the seismic hazard at the site of interest is less pronounced than that affecting the estimates of activity of individual seismic sources.  相似文献   

A seismicity and stress field analysis of a region in NE Bavaria reveals a complex picture of seismic dislocation. The magnitudes are generally low, the strongest event recorded had a magnitude of 2.3. In the southern part of the area investigated, earthquakes occur very rarely. During the observation period of approximately four years, only four events, two of them forming a doublet, were recorded. Hypocentral depths in the southern part are considerably great (15 to 17 km) and indicate a mafic lower crust. The seismicity of the Marktredwitz area, located in the western extension of the Eger rift, is dominated by earthquake swarms that are strongly clustered in space and time. The swarms occurred at depths between 10 and 14 km. Precise relative relocations show clear planar arrangements of the hypocentres and enable to identify the orientation of active fault planes. A comparison of the structural and geomorphological settings reveals major similarities in the occurrence of earthquake swarms compared to the situation in the bordering Vogtland/NW-Bohemia swarm area.Focal mechanisms cover a wide range of faulting styles. Normal fault, strike slip and reverse fault mechanisms as well as movements along sub-horizontal planes were found. The focal mechanisms were used to invert for the stress field. The inversion results reveal an ambiguity for the state of stress in the area of investigation and allow two different interpretations: A clockwise rotation of the stress field from North to South as well as a predominance of two slightly different stress regimes are possibilities.  相似文献   

对研究区内(31°~37°N,110°~117°E)1970年至今的37年中全部16次ML5.0左右地震前弱震活动图像进行了研究。结果表明,震前出现的异常图像有地震窗口效应、弱震空区、地震丛集、小震群活动、弱震条带和地震空段等六种。地震窗口效应和弱震空区重现率最高(均为0.75);小震群活动和地震丛集重现率居中(分别为0.56和0.53);地震空段和弱震条带重现率最低(分别为0.38和0.33)。另根据这些异常的时间进程分析,它们对研究区内未来ML5.0左右地震的预测可进行跟踪。弱震空区或地震丛集可作为年度异常指标使用;出现小震群活动,可作为进入短期预测阶段的标志;如地震窗口出现异常,则可进一步确认进入短期预测阶段。由此可见,弱震活动异常图像对预测研究区内ML5.0左右地震具有一定的指示意义。  相似文献   

Many observations and studies indicate that pore fluid pressure in the crustal rocks plays an important role in deformation, faulting, and earthquake processes. Conventional models of pore pressure effects often assume isotropic porous rocks and yield the nondeviatoric pressure effects which seem insufficient to explain diverse phenomena related to pore pressure variation, such as fluid-extraction induced seismicity and crustal weak faults. We derive the anisotropic effective stress law especially for transversely-isotropic and orthotropic rocks, and propose that the deviatoric effects of pore fluid pressure in anisotropic rocks not only affect rock effective strength but also cause variation of shear stresses. Such shear stress variations induced by either pore pressure buildup or pore pressure decline may lead to faulting instability and trigger earthquakes, and provide mechanisms for the failure of crustal weak faults with low level of shear stresses. We believe that the deviatoric effects of pore fluid pressure in anisotropic rocks are of wide application in studies of earthquake precursors and aftershocks, oil and gas reservoir characterization, enhanced oil recovery, and hydraulic fracturing.  相似文献   

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